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And we know well that President Biden, his team would like to see this get to a deal. Yeah, its always significant when you see bill burns ahead to the region for these talks that does give you a sense that at least on The American Sayyed, they do think that this is reaching a critical juncture and we did see the hamas delegation as well arrived this morning with what they said was a positive the spirit about this Framework Agreement that they have yet to sign off on. And that is the topic of discussion in cairo at this hour now its past 1 00 a. M. There. So you can expect these talks will continue over the weekend. And i think that the real Sticking Point at this moment is whether this deal will eventually result in the end of the war that this is something that hamas has said is a bottom line for them, but israel has said that they need to continue going after hamas in gaza. So that seems to be the not that theyre trying to untie right now. Now, we did hear from american and israeli officials today that said, even if hamas agrees to this framework that isnt necessarily the end of if the road there will still be some details that need to be ironed out before the hostages can start coming out. I think The Real Thing to watch over the next several hours is whether israel sends its own delegation to cairo. They are not there at the moment, but that will be an indication that at least some progress is being made. Certainly President Biden is very eager to get this deal secured. And i think the real fear that you hear among american officials is that if this all falls apart if this collapses, that will mean that israel will go into rafah. Thats the city in southern gaza, where more than 1 million Palestinian Civilians have been sheltering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he will go into rafah with the deal or without a deal, The American Sayyed has said that they need to see a plan to protect those civilians. They havent seen it yet if this deal was to collapse, i think that would be an impetus for that invasion to begin. And thats something that american officials very, very much want to avoid. That is definitely on their minds. All right. Kevin lymph tack with the latest reporting on that. Thank you very much. And back here in the former President Donald Trump trading a New York City courtroom hes been sitting in for the last week for the Banquet Halls of ammar of maralago, the republican frontrunner is looking to close the Fundraising Gap with his opponent President Joe Biden by holding a fundraiser with wealthy gop donors. Sources telling cnn one presenter privately admitted the Hush Money Trial is quote, bleeding money from the campaign. Cnns Alayna Treene is live in palm beach with more details on all of this. So alina, what are you hearing about this event . Well, i think that common you just noted jessica is very notable and this is something that donald trump himself has said on occasion that he wishes at the money being spent, millions of dollars being paid to cover his legal costs. Were going to his camp would be going to his campaign and not to his several legal battles. Now was acknowledged by today and that includes a Presentation Given by Chris Lacivita and susie wiles, both of Donald Trumps campaign managers, as well as his poster, tony fabrizio. And they said that donald trump and his team raised 70 he six million last month. That includes money raised by some protrump groups. Now, we wont be able to independently verify those numbers until the fec reports come out later this month, but that was something according to multiple attendees in the room that they said was brought up. Now another thing they also discussed was a pathway that they di, for the former president to compete in states like minnesota and virginia, both states that have traditionally been more democratic leaning. So thats very notable as well. And look, i think just to take a step back and talk about fundraising overall, this is important weekend for donald trump and his campaign. There were a lot of wealthy donors and high profile republican public in leaders here in palm beach this weekend and he hosted a fundraiser at maralago today to help with his Fundraising Efforts and this all comes of course, as the campaign is trying to catch up to joe biden and his evergrowing war chest. And thats something theyve been very focused on later this month as well. Donald trump is slated to use his one week day out of trial on a wednesday on several wednesdays this month to host Fundraiser Fundraisers as well. That includes in ohio, kentucky, and texas, all things. They also brought up during the retreat all right. Elena, thanks so much. We appreciate that reporting and joining us now is republican congressman max miller of ohio. Hes also a member of the congressional jewish caucus. Congressman. Thanks so much for making time to be with us today. We are going to get to alinas reporting and the rnc retreat in a moment, but i want to go back to the top of our program. We were talking about these ceasefire talks fox and the hostage deal that theyre trying to work out in cairo, you supported that aid package to israel. How do you hope these talks unfold . What do you hope to see happen . Yeah, jessica and thank you very much. Navy brad and beyond, i probably supported the supplemental not only for israel, taiwan, but also ukraine. I look, i hope these talks are fruitful and i hope that this war can be brought to an end, but make no mistake people can give israel every piece of advice. The United States of america can, other nations can. But at the end end of the day, this is a decision for the israeli people and Prime Minister netanyahu to make this decision. And so if theyre not there at the negotiations, it doesnt give me a lot of hope that theyre going to agree to something when theyre not there to go ahead and have oversight of it. I hope its fruitful, but its israels decision to make and i want to ask you to about raffa because kind of looming over these discussions is this potential Ground Incursion in rafah, which is that city in southern gaza, where more than 1 million civilians have gathered and been kind of sent toward and two and the white house has asked for a plan to see plan from israel and how theyre going to protect those civilians should they go into rafah, we have reporting that says that the white house has gotten some information, but they dont so far think they have what they see as an executable plan that would protect civilians. There so going off of what you just told me, do you think that the Prime Minister and the Israeli Government will hear and accept the white house concerns around this issue. I think they can hear the concerns and i think they can accept the concerns, but ultimately the decision for their country to act on their own accord is up to them. And if they believe that they need to go into rafah to take out the four hamas battalions that are left in order to protect their own country. That is their decision to make and to be clear hamas has stated that there will be in october 7 every single day if they are still in existence if we faced a threat like that within our country, i can promise you that we would react swiftly in eliminate the threat as we have. And so many of these wars that weve been in, i would like to see this n, but ultimately is israel needs to do whats best for israel and did not see another 1,300 israelis slaughtered, raped, and babies put in ovens like it was the 1930s and 40s yeah, i hear what youre saying. What, what about the civilians . There in gaza . Who are just civilians are the children that are there that are, that are there in rafah. What do you think should or could be done to protect them while they, while israel tries to clear their objective here every consideration should be taken into a place when it comes to civilian and casualty life. And i believe that israel has done that to the best extent possible in a war that no military has ever fought in, no military has ever conducted a war, were their enemies are hiding not only their own civilians, but israeli hostages american hostages in moss, in schools and over a dozen hospitals. How do you fight a war effectively . And go ahead and conduct that. And when it comes to the Gaza Ministry of defense releasing their number i believe that it is exaggerated to some extent. I dont trust anything that really comes out of that region. Because look at the hate that they espouse and the indoctrination that they pushed to their children to go ahead and to say Slaughtering Israelis and jews is a good thing. This is something that israel can work out. But at the end of the day, i believe that this has to end. And the only way to do that is to eliminate hamas and i also want to talk about the Antisemitism Awareness Act that you helped draft. It was just passed in the house and a bipartisan vote. It was in response, in part to these Campus Protests that weve been seeing and that weve been talking about on our show as well. It would require the Department Of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism tell us more about this bill and why you thought it needed to pass right now absolutely. So this bill was actually signed by President Trump in his administration by an executive order. And maintained under President Biden. So a lot of bipartisan support, there and well over 300 members first of congress in a bipartisan fashion, supported this bill. And heres why jessica if College President s and University Leaders are going to take action on their universities to address the hate and when we see signs that say free palestine and Final Solution right below it, that is why that bill the floor and that is why we passed it in such an effective way with the vast majority of congress pushing it into make no mistake. University president s arent going to take control of their campuses. We will, and we will push back against all forms of hate and not just antisemitism and we have heard from jewish students who do feel very unsafe on some of these College Campus campuses. Weve also heard from other students who say they do have a right to their first minute. They have their First Amendment right to protest. What do you say to critics who about this led toward this legislation that say that it curves from the right to free speech, that it infringes on their First Amendment rights i didnt hear these critics go ahead and come out when President Trump signed this executive order, everyone was silent then i think that right now were dealing with a very emotional climate when it comes to people and the jewish people in israel and people are not acting based off of logic anymore. The reacting off of emotion. And i believe that anyone who didnt support this bill in my opinion, not just because im jewish it this is the right thing to do to be clear and i believe that members of congress, when im there, my first term, they do this as political votes. I mean, i am so upset in disappointed by so many people that i know on my sayyed that didnt support this piece of legislation because they thought it would be a good fundraising opportunity for them. And i hate to tell you that, but that is just the unadulterated truth about some members of congress. At the end of the day. This does not limit free speech. What this is going to do is hold accountable individually those who are espousing genocide and saying Final Solution, you can disagree with israel. You can disagree with their policies. But if you say from the river to the sea and youd like to exterminate every jew jessica. What does Final Solution mean . Because i can tell you that half of my family are two thirds were wiped out in the holocaust at auschwitz. I understand what it means. And so do all of my people. And so does every american. And this is why we went ahead and did it. And i hearing your voice, the frustration at some of your colleagues for not supporting this. And im thinking about a two, how so many people are retiring from congress at this moment in time. Kind of saying kind of a similar thing of what youre saying. Its become too political. Its become all about fundraising. Well, no one wants to Work Together does that do you think about that a lot. I can hear it in your voice on this issue, but more broadly, does that frustrate you . So as well in the house overall, i you know, im a freshman member. I go there every single day. I put my head down and i looked at every piece of legislation that i believe can do the very best from my district. And what really disheartened me. And by the way, its not only on our side, its on the Democrats Sayyed as well. We genuinely have people now who have gone Beyond The Pale in terms of their rhetoric, just to seek attention, i mean, we talked about the motion to vacate with Marjorie Taylor greene. That is nothing but a danger to this country and the continuity of government while republicans only have a one seat majority, she would effectively give it away to the democrats youre working with, people who are ripping our party apart. And we are now making incremental progress. And i believe and i wasnt critic of speaker johnson. I believe that speaker johnson has been doing a tremendous job by leading and not giving in to 20 people who act like petulant children and lead from the front. And im proud to support them and im proud that hes its putting these pieces of legislation on the floor and leading. All right congressman maxilla, weve got to leave it there, but thanks so much for your time. We appreciate it thank you, jessica. Appreciate it weve seen two weeks of testimony in Donald Trumps criminal Hush Money Trial. But fridays testimony was the most dramatic, yet with a longtime trump aide taking the stand also, hundreds of people and pets or rescue from flooded homes and neighborhoods in texas as strong storms pound that state every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. Martin tomorrow at nine on cnn. Were looking for adults 45 and honored to be in our Hpv Vaccination at sound like you not made the interrelationship. 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She described what it was like to try and keep a lid on reporting involving the problem president sex life, just as the access Hollywood Tape became public in october 2016 youll remember just right before the election joining me now cnn contributor and former white House Counsel for president nixon, john dean, john great to have you here. I want to ask you about fridays testimony as we saw hope hicks, who for so long with so close to president and trump and his orbit, how difficult do you think it was for her to take the stand in front of her former boss. She kept saying she was there under subpoena and shes also one of the few aides that hasnt tried to get a cable deal or a book deal or anything like that . I suspect it was very difficult for she appears to be a lovely young lady. I have three granddaughters. Im very sensitive too. Young ladies, her age and i watched her. I got secondhand report, obviously but im not surprised it was a very emotional experience. The trump family was very close to her. She was given wonderful opportunity at a very early age. And did well in the post. Its not surprising she was nervous because she was going to tell the truth and the truth wasnt always what mr. Trump wanted to hear, and he was just a few two feet away from her, and she gave a lot of background on how the Trump Campaign was feeling after the access Hollywood Tape came out that obviously showed his car has lewd comments about women. Do you think that the prosecution did a good job of using that testimony to paint a picture of trump being politically motivated. In silencing Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal i think they did. I think it was very vivid. She was deepen the campaign right at the top. And it could see it all unfold. And her descriptions of the events were very compelling and certainly did show the tremendous focus. The campaign had on these issues. While some of her testimony somewhat softened, it its clear that everything was in the context of the campaign. And these events are very related to the campaign. And what about Michael Cohen in all . This . Because he potentially could he plays a key role in this whole, in this whole case. And theyve said theyve tried the prosecution has tried to kind of soften the road for him a little bit by my telling the jury that not everybody has a perfectly clean record that theyre going to be hearing from. But what about the testimony from hope hicks and her characterization of Michael Cohen . What kind of impact do you think that had on the jury in terms of how theyre going to view him i dont think her characterizations will be as important as her cooperation where she provided as other witnesses already have a structure into which he can fill a lot of the firsthand information from from pecker who was the initial witness, the head of the National Enquirer organization right down to hope hicks the prosecution has done a really solid job of cooperating what is going to be Michael Cohens testimony. He can take it then a little bit further and fill in a few more gaps. But ive been following the transcript. Its not always its cut takes couple of days for it to come out. Its not immediate. The exhibits, however, coming out and its striking how many exhibits there are that just tell us stories. So the jury really has solid paper to look at unfold this whole tail right . And then see it in front of them john dean, always great to have you. Thank you so much. We appreciate it thanks jessica people in the houston area dealing with some of the worst flooding that area has seen since Hurricane Harvey and forecasters are saying things will likely get worse before they get better were here to get your sayyed of the store a fares bribery prostitution. Why do we keep ending up here . You cant write this stuff. United states of scandal with jake tapper now streaming on macs i was scared when i was told agerelated Macular Degeneration could jeopardize my vision. It was hard, but taking preservation was easy. Preservation as the exact clinically proven, a red two formula recommended by the neo hi, im taking control like millions of others and credible isnt it . Yeah. 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Governor abbott has already declared more than a third of the counties in texas Disaster Areas and more are expected to be added sealing correspondent rosa flores joins us now, and rosa, you interviewed someone who explained why people feel like they cant necessarily follow the orders that are being put in place and just last hour, we saw people behind you trying to walk to get medications through the water. What are people telling you . You know, just go its just a very emotional for the people who are impacted by this flood. Theres just so much water in this area and theyre taking unnecessary risks because they either want their medication and some individuals are moving barricades. This is according to authorities and trying to drive through water where really the water has been swallowing roads. I want you to take a look behind me because youll well see a blue truck. Its difficult to see, but i talked to the owner of that truck and he says that late late overnight he was in that truck. He was trying to drive out, but then it was absolutely too late for him. He says that he could feel the push and pull of the water underneath. And he eventually was rescued by authorities and that is what has been happening. As you mentioned, more, about 178 people have been rescued so far because theyre either in their homes in vehicles, and there they have to be rescued. Now i can hear an air boat in the background. Im not sure if were going to see it at some point behind me, but theyre still rescues happening right now. Now, this street, if you keep on going on the street you were to be able to go, there is an area back there where theres eight to 15 people who are still in their homes who have refused to wear evacuated now, the last time that i talked to you, jessica, there was a couple and we have video of this that was trying to walk through this flooded water the name of these two individuals . Donna sinclair and Manuel Alvarado boyfriend and girlfriend. She was trying to go get her medication, but if you look at that video, you can see he that the water just gets deeper and deeper and deeper. And the water starts pulling her and pulling them and they are trying their best to continue walking. But then they turn back and we talked to them. Take a listen earlier you had mentioned that you were trying to get your medication. Is that why you were trying to take the risks . Yes and i get scaled too scared emotional so sorry im sorry but youre, okay. Youre medication is not with you, but youre okay. Youre safe. Youre alive. You didnt youre okay and were taking another live look here is literally the hairball for listening, who just moments about its moving in and theyre asking us to move back. So were going to move our camera back. So that and is literally what we were talking about. Authorities are still conducting rescues and were seeing one right now live on the air. These are individuals from the sheriffs office. We can see and theyre pulling a woman to safety again, jessica, just emotional moments and just difficult moments for these individuals who are just trying to get to safety back to you. Yeah. And they have to make the decision to leave their homes, which is really scary decision as well, even if you know that youre in danger with the water and that that could be dangerous as well. Rosa flores four is there in harris county, texas rosa. Thank you very much the University Of Virginias is the area around a propalestinian encampment at the school is now stable after police moved into clear what they declared an Unlawful Assembly, cnns Polo Sandoval joins us now pull up what more have you learned about this . So just go, we know that todays clash at uva, this came after propalestinian protesters had been demonstrating on that campus and the protesters had been actively engaged in talks with University Officials amid those calls for divestment from israeli companies. But once the tents came up recently that is when the university then turned to police to move in. And this was the result earlier today. See officers advancing and riot gear on a group are moving umbrellas removing tents as some onlookers chanted, i one point you do see some sort of smoke are missed in the air. It is unclear if that was any sort of Chemical Agent that was deployed. Now va engaged in cabinet for gaza, participating in this, in this protests claims that it was tear gas a campus police, however, not responding to cnns request to verify that claim that Uva Department of safety and security did declare this an Unlawful Assembly earlier today. And then as you point out, a few hours ago, a few moments ago that it was deemed as stable. The university itself is speaking to cnn saying that participants of this encampment had been warned repeatedly about the universitys ten policy, and that those tents were against it. Nonetheless, so they remained in place. And that is essentially what cause officers to then move in at the request of the university. So really though if youd look at the broader picture here, jessica uba, just the latest universities were tensions between protesters and police have resulted in a confrontation. We have not received an a report, of any injuries during this incident at the University Of Virginia jessica all right. Pull that happening right now. All right. Thank you so much for that reporting will grow back chasing life. Dr. Sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcasts water would help with this dry spots. Thats long disease. But Scott Healthy Plus will cure It Lung Disease going around. So like other people have it and its not pick up a bag of the Newscaster Field Are Healthy Plus Lawn through today there are a giant so mug they are the minute woman building next generation submarines they are giant and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow, where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the we built two because it takes one to build one camping was fine, but it looks like we brought the width back with us hip. Youre a mom, then you really need whether jack for mothers day, its the so my way to kid proof your vehicle from laser measured floor liners for the front and rear. Its a Cargo Liner Seat protector and seat back protectors. 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Learn how abby could help you save a florida man is hospitalized infected with anthrax to borrow this became the bureaus number one crying to solve how wed really happened with jesse l. Martin. Two more would nine on cnn College Campuses across the country have seen growing unrest this week with protesters calling for an end to the war in gaza and for schools to cut ties with companies linked to israel. And the crisis is becoming a political headache for President Biden cnns senior data reporter, harry enten is joining us to run the numbers. So what do the numbers say, harry . Yeah, so you know, this is one of those interesting things where i see something in the news and obviously im in new york. I actually live near fordham university. I saw those protests. And youre going to myself, okay. This has to be a massive political crisis for joe biden. But take a look at the poll numbers against donald trump before the israelgaza war began. Then now, and what do we see . We see theres no movement there theres no movement. Donald trump was slightly ahead beforehand. Hes slightly ahead now, you look at swing states like michigan, right . Where obviously there was that big effort during the democratic primary to vote uncommitted over joe biden stance on the israelhamas war. And what do you see there . You see basically the exact same thing. Donald trumps slightly ahead before the war started, slightly ahead now so when i look at the numbers, at least overall, jessica i just dont see that theres been a major impact on the president ial race. And i dont see a major impact on joe biden its numbers. He was unpopular before, and hes unpopular now and a lot of people including senator Bernie Sanders, have been comparing the recent protests to those during the vietnam war. But what, how voters see it . Yeah, theyre not anywhere near on the same planet. You know, i went back through the numbers and we can simply see it here. How many people said that this was the nations top problem back in 1968 the vietnam war made lbj quit the president ial race his handling of it, a lot of people disagreed with it. It was the top problem. 44 of americans said that the vietnam war was the nations top problem. That rank numero uno. You look now at how many people say that the Israel Hamas War is the top problem. Its 2 , 2 sen. You dont have to be a mathematical genius to know that 2 is way less than 44 and you dont have to be a mathematical genius to know that an issue thats ranked 17th is not going to be one thats going to have a major impact on the president ial race as we saw on the last slide. So, yes, i know Bernie Sanders has said that hes not the only one. But when you look at the numbers, jessica i just dont see that that comparison at least when it comes to the broader american public, holds, really any water. And what about young voters . Because i do feel like we sometimes go into the subset of young voters on that issue. Yeah. Right. I mean, look, thats what these campuses tend to be full of young voters, voters under the age of 35 or under the age of 30. And yes, it is true that joe biden is struggling with Younger Voters compared to where he was four years ago, right . You look at those final 2020 polls, job biden lead among young voters by 29 points. Those under the age of 35 and now he leads just by five points. That is a massive, massive decline. The question is, what is causing that . There is a way that we can get at that. Look at the polls that were taken for the 2024 race. But before the israelhamas war started why do we see there . We see that joe biden was already suffering a tremendous decline among young voters. His lead before the war started was 11 points. Now, its five points now. So you do in fact see that the client continuing. So im not here to tell you that its not having any impact among Younger Voters. But the fact is its significantly less than i think a lot ofple think it is speaking of being unpopular, we do need to quickly talk about south dakota governor kristi noem, who appears to have sunk her chances of becoming trumps vp pick after she, among other things, revealed in her new book that she shot one of her dogs, a puppy, because it was untrainable i mean, look at your face, but what are the numbers say what the hell is she doing what the hell is she doing . I feel i feel like George Constanza is father in seinfeld. I feel like Jerry Stiller because i mean, theres nothing more popular than dogs in this country. I went back. I found the poll favorable rating of dogs at just waist down favored, right . Who gets 88 , but a dog. Nobody dies. And theyre even get a picture of Me And My Childhood Dog Cody on the screen right there. I love dogs. Hes still my twitter avatar. There is nothing that infuriates americans more. You see, look at his face, hes so adorable. So it though i like to think i was adorable two, its nothing more than fourier. Its americans than going after dogs at you cant beat it. I dont know a kristi noem was thinking, i know a boy and his dog. There you are harry enten. Thanks so much. Good to see you. Thank you. Right back tomorrow story. This animal is a symbol of this country. Is it in trouble . Its very much in trouble in one of the worlds most diverse ecosystems. Ivan watson whats the stark reality of Climate Change humanity is being threatened at a right, and im not sure we really understand. Again australia and fast enough. To save itself. Were fighting a losing the fight for us. The whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn in tony hawk. And like many of you, i take a statin to reduce cholesterol, but statins can also deplete cookie ten levels. Thats when my doctor recommended qn all coke. 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Ai, ai or download the app im Sunlen Serfaty in washington, and this is cnn donald trump is once again refusing to unconditionally accept the results of this years president ial election during an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this week, he said, quote, if everythings honest, ill gladly accept the results. If its not, you have to fight for the right of the country meanwhile, trumps allies are already modeling a pin. Second term in the white house after hungarys authoritarian leader viktor orban cnns kohn yacc, chung law is in budapest enter width me into the rightwings utopia where the slogans are american and unapologetic this is americas conservative Political Action conference, cpac, but exported to budapest, hungary, a country let, by Authoritarian Breon Prime Minister viktor orban. Since 2010, or ban has crushed descent politically and socially consolidating power around his office severely restricting immigration. Hes taken control of the judiciary and major media and limited rights, especially for gay people this is the leader held up by cpac as a conservative hero in a war against the left and praise by another charismatic leader who shared a greeting via video. Im honored to address so many patriots and hungry who are proudly fighting on the frontlines of the battle to rescue western civilization familiar trump, allies joined in. You guys are an inspiration to the world from video messages. Thank you for standing strong. To appearing in person, saying hungry should be a roadmap for a trump. Second term, hungarys Immigration Policies just serve as a model to the United States. And that confirms that i am in good company here in hungary hungary has become one of the most successful models as a leader for conservative principles and governance in europe. Not that they want outsiders to see any of this firsthand everything has a mesh around it, mesh fencing we got an email back from cpac when we applied for credentials and it said that were getting denied access because cpac is a no woke zone. That was a standard response and to most independent media, we got tossed out local. Oh, no oh, heres back inside. Four ban is clear about who he supports and the us election. Me, America Great again make europe great again. I dont are trump why did the Prime Minister, your Prime Minister, invoke the name of donald trump and use the words, make America Great again because we would like to see great america. We are, we are good friends of america. And do we want us hunger relationship to be improved . Yes, obviously we do do we have a better chance for that with President Trump in office or democrats nefise, of course, we have a better chance with President Trump in office, hungarys Foreign Minister agreed to assure we interview with cnn telling us or ban and trumps share much of the same vision, including like governments should be run by strong men. How is that a democracy its really annoying to me that there is no common understanding in the world now about what democracy means, we are a truly rightwing party. Its truly rightwing political movement. The approach that the Prime Minister represents and the approach represented by President Trump are very similar to each other hosting cpac isnt the beginning of the relationship between hungry and the us, right wing. We reviewed disclosures with the Department Of Justice and found that since 2000 house and ten when or ban came into power, his government has paid us lobbyists, at least 4. 5 million. The goal to build ties what the American Conservative Movement when american conservatives look to hungry, they see a Prime Minister and a government that actually delivered on the slogans that they, that they promised an open door by hungry for american conservatives lead glad and papen here, he leads a think tank attached to orbans office, a trumps supporter who would like to us to be more like hungry when trump came into office in 2017, it was a very rude awakening. He realized the importance of having a strong team of people who are aligned and willing to carry out the same mission. Prime minister orban has built that in hungary. And so i think thats the mentality that trump is bringing into the this 2024 campaign. The relationship between the two men is close the former president heaping praised on or bond during a recent visit to maralago a great job noncontroversial they give me does he said this is the way its going to be in this. He had done Martin Ghoul Yass is a leftleaning political commentator. Hes a host of partisan, a popular Youtube Channel and hungry, he could have said that and says critics of or ban had been taken mostly off the air. Most of the channels are financially, economically tied to the government so would you say that the Media Landscape is then controlled by or ban a large part of the Media Landscape is controlled by orban or a impacted by orban. If you want to do independent, free, and trustworthy journalism, you have to go to the online sphere because that kind of a freedom doesnt exist on cable. This is an took ready state by definition, janas the linear was once or bonds political ally, but witness or bonds rightwing shift. She has warning about whats happened to her country being glorified by trump world. Basically all this taste institutions, including the president , everyone is orbans nominee so he has a very big institutional control or money selling his model as a sample for radical rights all around in the Western World at cpac hungary, the Conservative Movement claims victory in an election year, us republicans attending are hoping to find the same success back home. But your capital in your government or more conservative than mine in america. But were looking to change that this rightwing gathering here in hungary is happening at a critical time for democracy around the world elections in india are happening right now in june, european parliamentary elections will be taking place. And in november, the us elections were conservatives around the world are cheering on a dominant hold, trump victory. 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