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Schedule your free inspection, colleague. Three three leaf filter today, more physically filtered this is a travel show visit my band around the world hi, that kind of propaganda thats what i do is my gif conan obrien must go now streaming exclusively on macs good morning. You were alive in the scene, a newsroom, im jim acosta in washington. Wed be again the hour with donald trump fuming over the testimony from porn star Stormy Daniels as Hush Money Trial Trump has the day off in that trial, but hes lashing out on social media on a social media account calling di alvin bragg. All kinds of names and complaining that hes being persecuted tomorrow hill once again come facetoface width. Daniels who scheduled to be crossexamined, offer after offering up lurid details of their alleged sexual encounter yesterday, the judge in the case rejected trumps requests for a mistrial after some of the Tawdry Testimony clearly got under the former President Scan Judge Merchan Chastise trump for cursing and shaking his head throughout daniels. Turn on the stand saying he wont tolerate that conduct because it could intimidate the witness. And trump is already on thin ice or previously warned trunk could face jail time if he continues to attack jurors and witnesses donald trump did catch a break though, in the classified documents case, a federal judge, he appointed indefinitely postpone that trial all that means crumbs, hush money. Trial could be the only one that heel faced before the november election, joining me now is from Trump White House deputy press secretary, Sarah Matthews and sara i mean, lots go through this morning after what we all witnessed yesterday, you worked for the former president how much do you think his attorneys are just sort of waiting to see if the volcano explodes today. I mean, hes as we were just saying, hes on thin ice if he tweets the wrong thing or post the wrong thing. I mean, it can land them in jail they have to be worried and what do you think is going through trumps mind right now after all that testimony yesterday, yeah, i certainly wouldnt want to be he working on his Campaign Team or be one of his attorneys right now, just given i think that hes more than certainly lashing out at them, hes upset after that testimony. Look, Stormy Daniels disclosed a lot of salacious details, personal things about their interactions, whether he wore a condom details about him and his wife not sleeping being in the same bedroom. So he was definitely upset and we saw that hes the judge had to warn his lawyers to tell the defendant to stop shaking his head and swearing under his breath and things like that. So i think he definitely is on thin ice with the judge, but i dont know if well see donald trump break the gag order again, i think that he is worried about going to jail. Look, hes a german job. I dont think he wants to go to jail. Honestly and so what he says, ill make that sacrifice. He said that the other day first youre not buying it. Im not buying it. I think its a show of force he wants to appear tough and strong to his supporters. I think that his campaign is im going to play into the idea that if he were to do any sort of jail time that would only help him in the polls. But i dont think that it will ultimately come to that. I mean, i think hell push it up until the edge hell continue to for sure go after the prosecutor as weve seen, the judge. But under his gag order, he is allowed to attack them but i dont think that well, necessarily see him go and attack the witnesses and everything because i have to imagine he is worried about doing jail time. Youve been around donald trump, me. In the oval office. What must be going through right now knowing that he is in this kind of box where there are parameters, there are, there are rules that he cant violate right now hes not in control of the courtroom. So when hes Muttering Obscenities and curse words and so on of the judges admonishing his lawyers. I mean, that has to be getting under the skin. Certainly, he is someone whos used to being in control and look when he walks into a room at mara logo, hes used two people standing up and applauding for him. Hes not to being in a courtroom, being treated like every other american. And i think its demonstrated that donald trump thinks that hes above the law. He thinks that this whole process is beneath him and that he shouldnt have to go through it. And so its certainly bothering him and hes frustrated yeah. And you have to wonder if hes saying, well, ill make that sacrifice and go to jail. Why not take the witness . Stand . I mean, hes been a little squishy on that subject over the last several days, do you think he does it . What do you think i have to imagine that his lawyers are telling him not to yeah. I look, he would have to be questioned about things in relation to this and could potentially perjured himself. He claims that this a never happened. I do believe that Stormy Daniels testimony when he made her very credible in the sense that i think the jury believes that this affair did happen, but this incident happened. And so i dont think youll end up taking the stand. I wouldnt imagine that would be wise because i think that he would certainly the prosecution would certainly get a reaction out of him and that wouldnt probably make them look good in the eyes of the jury. Yeah. I did want to ask you about this or what do you think about the classified documents k is being postponed. We saw that news come out late yesterday. He complains about this too systems of justice. Theres a system of justice for everybody else, he says, and theres one thats unfair towards him. But it seems like hes catching a break after break, and these federal cases, what do you think about the fact that these federal cases may not happen before the election. And the only one were going to see is this hush money trial. Yeah. As you said, he seems to be catching every break at every turn. This is the bestcase scenario for him right now. Look, i have always said that i believe out of all of the cases so Hush Money Payment case is the least consequential. And so the fact that voters are probably not going to see these trials on classified documents in january 6 happened before they had to the ballot box on in november. Its quite disappointing because i do think that those are the more substantive cases. They the charges and hes facing are much more severe in those cases. And so i do wish that voters would be able to have that Knowledge Heading into election day. But i think that right now this is bestcase scenario for them. And he seems to be the luckiest man on earth. Yeah. So far far for being someone whos been moment times indicted as lucky as you can, using the voters out. I mean, female voters. How women out there responding to these details coming out just last night 22 in indiana went for nikki haley in that primary lot of people werent paying attention to that, but 22 yeah, i think theres a lot of voters out there like me, a lot of republicans who really wish we had nominated someone like nikki haley. We wouldnt have to be dealing with all this ickiness of this trial. I mean, the details that came out yesterday where were quite gross. I mean, i think most pretty generic stuff most americans are familiar with the case, but just being reminded of it, again its probably certainly isnt helping him with independent suburban women who hes going to need an a general election. All right, sarah mathews, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Were a lot of Breaking News this morning, falling, Breaking News out of georgia. The Appeals Court in that state says it will consider trumps effort to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney funny willis from that Election Subversion in case in georgia, cnns sara marie joins me now, sarah, what are you learning . Well, jen, theres no doubt that this is a blow to the Fulton County District Attorneys office. Obviously, funny, willis or staff had hoped to put this whole disqualification issue behind them, but now the Georgia Court of appeals says they will hear efforts by donald trump and some of his Co Defendants in the case. To try to have the lower courts opinion overturned, to try to disqualify it. Funny, willis, from this prosecution, remember the argument from trump and his Co Defendants is that willis should have been removed in part because she had a romantic relationship with another prosecutor on the case, nathan wade, who has sends reside from this team, but also because of Public Comments she has made related to the case. Now, the District Attorneys office is not commenting on this matter today, but we did hear from trumps attorney in georgia, steve stayed out who called this an unjustified, unwarranted political persecution and said he looks forward to presenting arguments in the Appeals Court about why funny willis should be disqualified from the case and why the case should be dismissed entirely. Luck. This is a pretty good day for donald trump. We obviously dont know how the Georgia Court of appeals is going to handle this. But the fact that they can keep this disqualification issue alive in this case is a win for trumps team all right. Sara maria, thanks for staying on top of it for us. Very interesting development. Appreciate it. Joining me now for more on all of this former federal prosecutor, defense attorney, can woof and cnn legal commentator and former Trump White House counsel jim shelton shan. What do you make this situation down in georgia . Whats going on . Its a little bit surprising. Its ironic listening to is the attorneys comment there theyre not taking it up because its a political persecution, possibly theyre thinking up because of the question of the Conflict Of Interest and its a take for them to actually exercise discretion and take it so that keeps hope alive for the trump team. I dont think they should have taken it because it seems clear to me that theyre just by definition cant be a financial Conflict Of Interest when its two people on the same side of the table might have potentially delay that. Elections are very incase, down in georgia just have just having this hearing. Sure. It yeah, absolutely. Lets go back to the Stormy Daniels testimony, jim, i wanted to get your takeaway on all of this. Which sayyed did Stormy Daniels help . Do you think well, lets look on the prosecution. Sayyed, they were trying to get out. That through this salacious testimony that donald trump had every incentive prior to the election to kill this story, right . And i think on the other side, theyre shut, they effectively showed that Stormy Daniels is bias that they elicit a testimony that she she thought he should be in Prison Tweets that were consistent with that, that he should be punished, that she hates him. All of those things add up as as trouble for the prosecution on that side of it. But i think the prosecution got out what they wanted to have her testimony, which was this was stuff that donald trump didnt want to see public now, on the other side of that nobody i think its kind of a given that donald trump didnt want it to be public, it wasnt a fair with a porn star thats something he wouldnt want to get out in the public eye. And the judge recognized that the method by which they did it went a little too far. I mean it jimmy, if you were working on this case with trump, would you be worried about a volcanic eruption today no, i wouldnt be at all. I think hes going to behave himself i think i think theyre going to keep him sitting on his hands. I think if they if he got through the end of that trial, the end of the end of the testimony yesterday, did his public did his public speech. Hes been on on on on his truths, social today, kind of commenting, i dont think hes going to comment on this one. Theres no incentive for him to do it. He doesnt want to hear about at time and time again, probably wants it to go away and move on to the next one. Witness quite frankly yes. Shan i mean, what about what jim was saying a few moments ago Sarah Matthews was calling get achy and grows. Did it get to icky and grows or do you think it was . I, mean, did the prosecution accomplish what they wanted to get out there . They did. And im a former sex crimes prosecutor, wasnt ecke gross to me you see far more graphic details and actual Sexual Assault cases. This was putting out the facts of what happened and the extent that trumps teams complaining about it now and they could have as the judge pointed out objected much more vigorously, they kinda wanted it to go out there so they get then claim, oh, this is too far over the bounds, but i dont think that it was gratuitous. I dont think it was deliberately salacious. I mean, people characterize it that way because its a sexual in but it was effective and putting her story out there. And i think the cross has been his Team Continues to i think to be rather ineffectual on cross the way that she approached Susan Necheles to across extremely confrontational. And thats really not the way you would want to approach a witness like Stormy Daniels . Yeah. We dont know how the jury is. Rhie me. People are kind of surmise what they think the jury reactions. I mean, jim, i didnt want to press you a little bit. I mean, this is a case about a Hush Money Pay off to a porn star. Its not exactly going to be masterpiece theater doesnt know that. Look, yeah, i think thats part of it, but i think the even the judge recognized right. Of course, the process of course, the defense was objecting and they objected. They dont want to reject too much because then that just brings more attention to the whole thing. But they did object. The judge pointed out they could have objected more, but he was making objections for them, which drew attention to the fact to the jury that they might have gone a little too far, and im sure you have objected more. Theres gonna be an instruction on that. I dont think i would have i think in that particular matter in that particular case, you want to make your objections. Let the testimony go on. Make your objections. Preserve them for appeal, and then if the judges making them for you, let him make him for you, thats a little more effective. All right. Shanon, jim, thank you, guys very much. Appreciate it. Still ahead. Rfk jr. 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Since when can we just scale up mid cycle since as we brought in vdo people who know no vdo with fast sides signage that gets you noticed. It turns hot, lots into homes thats signs. Make your statement were here to get your sayyed of the store. A fares bribery, prostitution. Why do we keep ending up here you cant write this stuff United States of scandal with jake tapper. Now streaming on macs right now, teams from both hamas and israel are in cairo attempting to broker a deal that could put an end to the fighting and gaza and bring home is rarely hostages. Hamas says its put a deal on the table, but israel says there are still major gaps between what hamas is offering and what it needs. All of this is happening as us officials reveal, theyve hit pause as the pause button on a shipment of bombs to israel over concerns, they could be used in raffa were following the story with cnn is Jeremie Diamond and jerusalem kylie atwood is over at the State Department of four is jeremy. Let me start with you. We know Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has met with cia bill burns to discuss the negotiations. Whats the latest yeah, thats right. Both of those men meeting today in israel for a high level meeting about the state of these negotiations and these negotiations are continuing on multiple fronts. And that multiple levels, not only that meeting today between the israeli Prime Minister and the cia director of the maasai our director also attending that meeting. Im told. But also in cairo, a working level israeli delegation that has been there since yesterday continues to try and close the gaps between what hamas has agreed to the proposal that they have agreed to versus the one that israel had helped craft. So the egyptian framework that we had been talking about for the better part of the last two weeks, its clear that one of the major sticking points in all of this is hamas is demand that israel commit to a permanent cease fire as part of this agreement. And that is something that the Israeli Government has refused to do. So far. And while all of these negotiations are playing out jim, what were seeing is the Israeli Military continuing this latest Ground Operation in raffa. Thats southernmost city where nearly oneandahalf million palestinians are currently living. The Military Operation is fairly limited to the eastern part of raffa, the area around the raffa Border Crossing, but the impact is certainly being felt. Dozens of people have been killed over the course of the last couple of days hes really military has been pounding the area with artillery and airstrikes and they say that they have killed dozens of palestinian militants. But this is having an impact on the humanitarian situation on the ground. The largest hospital in raffa, use of ulna jar has been forced to close its doors as results of this israeli Evacuation Order that was issued on monday, reducing the opacity of hospitals in rafat multiple humanitarian aid groups that provide desperately needed food and shelter to palestinians and raffa are having to suspend their operations and these impacts could be felt even more in the coming days, the rafat Border Crossing remains closed at this hour. Nothing getting in or out for the second day in a row, the kerem shalom crossing, however, nearby, which has been closed since sunday, it did reopen today, the Israeli Government saying that trucks are being Security Screens and allowed into gaza as of this afternoon . Are jeremie, thank you for that. And kylie, over the State Department the us says it will not be sending a previously agreed upon shipment of bombs. These, these very large munitions to israel. What can you tell us about that is the administration trying to send a message . Yeah. Clearly, this demonstrates the tension between israel and the United States right now with a us official saying, as you said, jim, that they are pausing. What was a planned shipment of about 3,500 bombs, 2000 pound bombs, 500 pound bombs set to go to israel, not saying when those would go forward, but citing concerns about the damage at those bombs would have if they were used in densely Populated Areas as and of course we know rafah is one of those densely Populated Areas where israel is beginning to carry out some strikes and limited sense and the eastern part of raffa and us officials have obviously been concerned about in an all out incursion into rafah saying that they vehemently oppose it because theyre just cant be a plan to project protect excuse me, the civilians there. We should also note that the us official said that they are continuing to review future transfers of additional us weapons to israel. So thats something for us to watch. And in the backdrop here then theres also a report thats due to Congress Today congressional sources tell us its going to be slightly delayed, but its the administration making a determination as to whether israel is using us weaponry in accordance with International Humanitarian law. Theyre also going to be making a determination as to whether israel has impeded the delivery of humanitarian assistance into gaza. Of course, us officials have said israel has made strides on that front, but theyve also said that israel needs to do more its important to note that we have reported on the fact that here at the State Department and there is not a unanimous view as to whether through the assurances from israel that they are using those weapons in accordance with International Law are legitimate. So the Secretary Of State is going to have to make that determination this could very well put pressure on the Biden Administration for future arms sales to israel. Is something well continue to watch jim all right, kylie outward at the State Department. Thank you so much for for some analysis and all of this. Lets bring in Brigadier General mark came at. Hes a former assistant Secretary Of State for Political Military Affairs under president george w bush. General can make great to have you. What do you think the impact is . Kylie, i was just saying a few moments ago that the administration is frankly sending a message to the israelis about hitting the pause button on these very large bombs that have been used as part of this is really operation in gaza. What do you think . Well, im quite surprised that this is the Weapons System that they decided to hold up because these are very precise. Yes, theyre very large, but they can hit target with relatively little imprecision so what this does, in fact, if you take away these 3,500 Precision Weapons, then these israelis are probably going to use far less accurate, far more dangerous, far less precise artillery rounds to make up for that. So i dont really understand this decision i mean, isnt it isnt it honestly general, isnt this really a message about the president himself has described some of the bombing as indiscriminate that the level of devastation and gaza has permeated things politically here in the United States to a point where the administration feels like it has no choice when it comes comes to that level of destruction that youre seeing in gaza i mean, i suppose you have to think that this is guided by some domestic politics at this point oh the shoved out and im not saying that there shouldnt be a hold placed on these weapons and just think of placing a hole on the wrong weapons. You dont do it with Precision Weapons you do it with imprecise weapons like artillery shells. Yes, about 75 of the infrastructure to homes inside of gaza have already been destroyed all right but i think youre going to see a lot more if youre using dumb bombs imprecise Weapons Systems like artillery, rather than concision weapons like the gay dam and small diameter bottom its now holding up general. Israel is now taking control of the gaza. Side or the raffa crossing. The israelis have said its their stated goal to root out hamas, but what about these concerns that have been expressed by a range of people across the world stage that the Palestinian Civilians in that area basically we have nowhere to go or if they do have somewhere to go, it is going to be very difficult journey. What do you make of the humanise, the potential humanitarian price that might be paid here if theres a large scale operation in that raffa area well, there are two different blockages that were talking about. The first is what is called a philadelphia corridor roth, which provides the borger between gaza in egypt. And that is being blocked primarily to ensure that there are no troubles inside of egypt. Theyve specifically requested in terms of trying to herd a civilians because thats the only way you can describe it. Theyre trying to hurt the civilians into the promised humanitarian zones that Prime Minister netanyahu committed to before a rafah attack around kerem shalom is excuse me, around the cotton and around biren, a law. The problem with that, of course, its too little to the handle, the number of refugees that we should be getting out of raffa before large kaitlan vision happens so there could be big problems or potentially well, there will be some people that get out probably about onetenth of the civilians that do need to get out. There is food, water, shelter, medicine there but theyve only got about one tenth of the people on the move, the civilians on the move that need to be moving into those humanitas during areas are general, kenneth. Thank you very much for your time this morning. Appreciate it sure. Well continue this conversation just to have a democratic congressman, row khana of california. He is standing by what we talking within a few moments, well is to play offs what do you see . My first step is to houston salehi, not winning a championship. This tries stay positive. All positive. He didnt win a ring. Oh, my gosh the only thing on the road faster than a racecar are rising Car Repair Costs. Theyre almost 20 . In the past year alone lottery unless you have endurance with endurance, youll never pay for covered car repairs again. 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Your reaction to the Israeli Military moving into rafah what do you think the president s response to all of this should be . And your reaction to hitting the pause button, the administration hitting the pause button on some of these larger munitions going to israel. Jim, i think the president has taken exactly the correct action, something that many of us have been calling for, for weeks. He has paused offensive its a weapons going in to israel hes made it clear that netanyahu cannot continue to blatantly defy the United States president , secretary of defense, and Secretary Of State allies dont do that. They dont treat friends that way. And this is why 37 of us voted no on the Offensive Weapons and the president basically as now embraced our position and ceasefire negotiations are set to continue hamas says it accepted the terms of a ceasefire proposed by egypt and qatar. Prime minister netanyahu says its very far from israel girls core demands. Are you optimistic somethings gonna get done here im hopeful, but weve got to make sure that something gets done. And its been seven months. I dont understand where the greatest superpower weve got to figure out how to get this done at a stop the war, stop the killing, stop people from dying. Thats when young people across the country are saying look, i have respect for burns, but if he cant get the job done, send someone else. I mean, seven months, they havent been able to get this done. Its time to figure out whos going to get this done and get a season as far and release of the hostages. Are you losing a little confidence in the cia director here . Well, im not saying, look, ive heard great things about him, but my point is i look at the results and we met seven months lack of results and so my view is weve got to get this war to end and release said release the hostages. And i do think burns needs to come Congress Solomson into the progressive caucus and he needs to explain what hes doing and why its not working. Why do we keep hearing week after week . Were close, were close. Were close, and then nothing happens. Is the problem just tomas or is netanyahu being inflexible . But the American People want to know why this war continues, why people are continuing to die, and how to we ended and i dont want to tell you this, but the latest cnn poll shows just 19 of people between the ages of 18 and 34 approver how President Biden has handled four were than 80 disapprove i hate to throw your own words back at your congress. Weve adjusted you, but once you go, you were saying that the president is handling this, right . Thats not what a lot of Young Americans are saying, right . Right now. And you absolutely need them to turn out in the fall id said hes been right on this recent decision to suspend Offensive Weapons. I mean, i have its time of knowledge disagreed with him and over the last seven months, i mean, i think he should have called for a permanent cease fire and release the hostages earlier. I dont think we should have had the same Carte Blanche to netanyahu that weve had im glad the administration is coming around to the position. Many of us in congress have articulated. And im hope its a change in in direction but we need to see leadership where america comes and says, hostages released and the war. None of this netanyahu stuff, if i want to still go into rafah, knock it off many people are dying. You have cindy mccain saying that theres a famine there. This is the time for america to lead and bring an end to this war i did want to ask you about tiktok. I know youve been working on that issue to talk has announced its suing to block this do law that would force the owner to sell the app or face are basically aband here in the saying it violates the First Amendment. Youre on this house. Chinas selectivity whats your reaction . All of this, hows this going to play out i have serious First Amendment concerns. I mean, he had senator mitt romney had a recent conference saying them one of the reasons that they blocked tiktok or that people voted to block tiktok, is that there were too many concerns about palestinian human rights on the app. That by definition is the viewpoint discrimination in this country, we cant just take away the Free Speech Rights of 170 million americans. We should have narrow legislation to prevent our data from going to china to prevent Chinese Communist Party Interference and algorithms but i think the courts are going to look at this very carefully on First Amendment grounds are you worried that i mean, a lot of young people use tiktok . I mean this might not be the time you want to aly it further alienate younger voters. Well, jim, i use tictactoe. I mean, i think its a place where you can have speech and you can have conversation and 170 million americans use it and so thats why i voted no against the band. I think its hurting speech. And if you look at some of my tiktoks that have gone viral, its speaking out for free speech, so i agree with you that theres a disconnect here between the Beltway Establishment and what a lot of young voters and frankly a lot of americans around the country believes all right, we know you go viral all the time, or congress, congressman rhoad. Thanks for your time this morning. Repression thank you. All right. Still had congresswoman margiela green, so she has, quote, simple demands as she threatens to force a vote to House Speaker mike johnson. What those demands are and what they the cost johnson, thats going five good things. Listen wherever you get your podcasts when youre the leader is ask the cleanup and restoration. How do you make like it never even happened . 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The Top Senate Republicans are urging the speaker not to give into green and see if cnn chief Congressional Correspondent manu raju joins us now from capitol hill motto, how those talks going well luck there actually, now no more talk scheduled at the moment. In fact, the speaker of the house says that hes actually not negotiating width. Margiela green, even as she has laid out several demands, ive ever all of them. She said must be met in order for her to not move forward on calling for the ouster of the sitting speaker. Several of those, including no more aid to ukraine, able to create, of course, was just approved with johnson support, 61 of that just want anymore aid to ukraine. She has also calling for an across the board spending. And the next round of Appropriations Legislation that will play out until the fall. She also wants commitments that anymore legislation moving forward has a majority of republicans in the house or support before moving ahead on the for several, a couple of recent bills, including on that ukraine aid package, did not have a majority of House Republicans support, but johnson says, hes not negotiating. He said hes listening to her concerns and hes ready to move on. Had with his own agenda. This comes as ive asked, put the question to monitor joe green. She said last week she would move this week to call for a vote for johnsons ouster ishi, ready to do it . This course. So well see what happens in todays only tuesday. Do you think it could happen before we leave town . I think mike drop im saying has an opportunity right now to be our republican speaker of the house. Ive been patient im not being reckless thats not being very careful well see what happens. Your phrasing he or she wants. Your answers or Something Like that. Shoreline. Look when it im going to were going to process these ideas just like we do all ideas and all input three numbers and this is not negotiated. Doing my job and one of the parts what are the job is taking suggestions and thoughtful ideas from members. And thats what were doing now, margin rhie has indicated that she has a short window. Shes had johnson has an order for him to fulfill those very demands. But even if she does call for that vote gym, she doesnt have the votes to oust my johnson. Unlike in the fall when democrats voted with eight republicans who led that effort to house Kevin Mccarthy this time, Democratic Leaders are saying they will come to johnsons defense because of his actions, including on aids ukraine, meaning that if she moves ahead, theyre gonna move to kill this pretty quickly. And this whole episode could be over for now. And one other key person who is not really he doesnt have much of an appetite for a fight. Donald trump, he has indicated privately he supports my johnson does not want them to be facing this kind of threat. Margiela green is indicated she continued to talk them, donald trump, but thats not necessarily influencing how she decides to move ahead. Johnson does not want to have this vote, though, jim, because he could lose some republican votes on the floor you could show some weakness as a hold on this very narrowly divided in bitterly divided House Republican conference. All right, very interesting. Manu raju, Up On Capitol Hill for us. Thank you. Monitor. Appreciate it still ahead story that got our attention this morning. Strange health news about president ial candidate Robert Kennedy in junior. What we know about a worm that he says got into his brain and eight part of his brain. And then died are dr. Sanjay gupta, who is an expert on all of this, comes up just a few moments. They well a cnn exclusive President Biden, erin burnett, oneonone. 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Com Closed Captioning brought to you by mesto book if you were a loved one, have Mesothelial Mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and well come to you 808 to one 4,000 it is a store you cannot make up the New York Times is reporting that independent president ial candidate arike juniors said in a deposition in 2012, that a doctor told him a warm got into his brain eight a portion of it and then died as cnns chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay gupta joins me now, dr. Gupta sandra, great to see you as always more than we thought youd be perfect for this. You are a neurosurgeon i have to the question i had instantly when i saw this as well besides of the question, do i have one . But how common might this be . Does this happen . Yeah, this does happen. I mean, obviously were just hearing about it from rfk himself, but i can tell you as a neurosurgeon, this is a rare condition, but its typically something that has caused by Eating Undercooked pork and again, we dont know this for sure, but just based on the description that were here hearing sounds very much like this, where you eat undercooked pork and the larvae get into your bloodstream. And then basically can spread throughout the body in the bloodstream, they can go to all sorts of different organs including the brain, gym. So again, its unusual, but let me show you an image here. This is what it might look like in someones brain. When you do an mri scan, you might see these areas and you can see them in purple there, jim, where they basically looked like little the cyst essentially in the brynn. And that is the Pork Worm Larvae that gets in there sometimes it just as sort of sitting there doesnt cause any kind of problems. Sometimes it can cause other symptoms like headaches or even seizures. And again, we dont know specifically what happened with them or if this is actually it. But this this does happen a few thousand times a year. And sometimes even require surgery. Jim that was going to say and youve actually operated on these kinds of worms. What is, whats that . Yeah, its really interesting. Ill show you if i can on this brain model, if you can see this. But basically you imagine that image that i just showed you and you can have these tiny little spots on, typically on top of the brain or closer to the surface of the brain and you basically go in and similar to a tumor in a way, you would go in and basically just remove that cyst now, that is not typically necessary are often necessary. Sometimes it doesnt require any treatment at all sometimes it requires medications, antiparasitic medications. And in some cases of my require surgery i will say this, that because of the location of these these types of cysts, theyre not usually associated with memory loss because i think thats what took rfk to the doctors in the first place, memory lives in generalized Brain Fogginess typically its more associated with if any symptoms headaches and seizures and things like that well, yeah, that was one thing i was wondering sanjay, and that is how might this affect somebodys Cognitive Function the way their Brain Functions . Not typically, jim, i think there was a couple of things in the article they said that could this be causing the Brain Fogginess . Not typically, you might find it because someone is getting scanned for these symptoms and then they see this so that would be considered more of an incidental finding. And if its calcified, not causing any inflammation really, you dont necessarily need to do anything about it. Another thing that was

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