Transcripts For CNN The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper 202

Transcripts For CNN The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper 20240903

Welcome back to the whole story. I'm anderson cooper. We just heard from vice president kamala harris on some of the key policy issues in this race. In this next hour, we're going to show you the other side with former president donald trump and where he stands on the economy, reproductive rights, immigration, foreign policy policy, and the state of democracy. Cnn's abby phillip takes us through what the trump white house enacted during his four years in office and looks at what he and his allies have promised to continue or to change if elected to another term nafta has been a disaster for the united states. A complete and total disaster it was april 2017 173 months into donald trump's presidency. And he wanted to withdraw the united states from nafta, the north american free trade agreement he would say repeatedly in n the oval offici to e everyone whwho would wawas listen, the ripping us off. They take advantage of america's were suckers and losers. It's been very, very bad for our companies and for our workers heard lots of concerns when he was out campaigning from bluluecollar s support becacause of his food fight. And nafta had taken jobs from america trump wanted to announce t their withdhdrawal o his 100th h day y in office e a freak out, occurred whwhen this became known inside the white house and various advisers rushshed over to stop thisis alt all l economiststs think of trt to varying d degrees as a a popotential waway to make bobot sides s winnerers. That if, ifi in your r country arare really great and d makingng cars. And in my y coununtry, i'm reallylyt atat making aiairplanes then it would make sense for me to make all the airplanes and you to make all the cars trump views nafta as a deal in which the united states is getting ripped off by mexico and ripped off by canada what would have been n te consnsequences i if trump hohol uniteded states ouout of naftats isn't, you know, one of the largest, if not the largest trade pact in the world? one of the things that i think people misread about donanald trump s often n is a lot o of the timem these big ststatements l like t are e negogotiating tatactics. E prime miminister of f cananada ththe presidenent of mexicico f that america will unilaterally pull out of nafta it makes them much more willing to come to the negotiating table his supporteters will sasay he is lookoking for leleverage but, , know it't's a foform of playing russian roulette with the world'd's econonomic secururityt was ththe reactionon t to that e inside of mexico i i think theh mexicans were concerned about that. Itit's bebeen an agreemen that was in place for about 25, 30 years trade between the u. S. Canada and mexico was more than 1 trillion a year here and nafta had lifted tariffs between the three countries for more than two decades a sudden withdrawal would upend global and domestic politics. And rattle financial markets trump actually had one of his top aides rob porter, draft a letter to o geget out of nafta t hehe would sigign presumptively paperwork was preparing inside the white house gary cohn, who was his natitional economimic councicil directctor or tookok of dififferent steteps, inclclu famously h hiding some papers, some documents from trump that if he had signed them would have pulled the united states out of nafta right away. Well, i was going to terminate nafta as of two or three days from now? on his 98th day in office. And after nearly two years of assailing nafta a lastminute late night phone call with mexico's president and canada's prime minister convinced trump to stand down. Take called me and they said, rather than terminating nafta, could you please renegotiate that same week, desperate to announce a big wind during his first 100 days trump shifted focus and rushed to releasese an outlinine of a bill thehey need a w when and i there'e's one e thing thatat ev republican, even under this administration can agree on. It's we need to cut taxes the tax cuts and jobs act passed that december, giving trump his first major legislative victory. I consider this very much a bill for the middleclass. Had a bill for jobs the bill reduced the corporate tax rate from 35 to 21%, lowered income taxes for individuals for the next eight years and doubled the child tax credit they y made huge e chang to the t tax code they h had a l unifying theory, which was if we cut taxes for corporations, we are going to unleash an investment. Boom in the united states that makes america competitive again. So we can bring back that simple but beautiful phrase you've heard it before, made in the usa, they were shore, there was going to be more job growth specifically in areas like manufacturing and they were sure that that was going to lead to big wage increases for americans the most important thing that the tax cuts did for trump in his time in office was the game. People with money to spend right away. And there was s this shohortte stimulative effect to the economy that's the big win for trump trump would score another economic win two years later. I promise to renegotiate nafta and today we h have kept thahat promise what p president t trum was concerned d about was s to e sure that ththe agreemenent wast unfair and was not basically penalizing american workers he does cut a new trade deal, but it's not a compmplete fundndamental overhaul. It's mostly the same thing with new branding and some new components branding has always been central to trump's strategy. If given another four years, i will be the best. I think i'll be the best nobody's ever created a economy like us and he's hoping it'll win him a second term in the white house when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips not always a great slogan, but it just makes sense to be able to protect those people who make the bulk of their income comes from tips do you expect t him t pursue tax cuts? as popolicy if he is reelected? that is one thing that he says that i think people should take him at his word on what does he e really wanant to acaccomplish p policywisese, m other than tax cuts? it's talked about sweeping increases in tariffs. I will impose that across the board tariff on foreign n made g goods. There h have been w warnings from e economists s that if you that and you pursue these tax cuts, new york creating these settings for price spikes, which could then become inflationary he, his folks have insisted that that is not true. But what's true hasn't always been important to trump. And his economic legacy as president is up for debate his description of how successful the tax cuts were they were not as good for the economy as he claims at some p point, does he understatand that? h he understs that he doesesn't carere? he lis the way what he e says sounds better trump has always been a very good salesman he was able to convince americans that he just had special powers when it came to economic growth. That t we'rere not reflelectn the e ececonomic pererformance is not the besest americanan prpresident ofof our lifetetime he had a a good econonomy the fullll scopepe of trump'p's economic management when you include the pandemic he's, he''s nowhwhere close. E. You got to lolook at the e t cutsts and say w weeks, i'll positive o outcomes of them. M. Gets criritics wouldld say t th werere not good d policy foror coununtry most, americans got a tax cut, but most of the trumpm tax cutsts wenent to the highes earning americans he said he did the biggest tax cut of all time. He didn't he was going to bring back millions of american manufacturing jobs that had been sent overseas he did not trump campaigned on n a prpromise, notot just thatat hed balanced the federal b budget, but that a also he would pay of the entire national that when she came nowhere close to doing i don't think there's any evidence to support the idea of the trumump economy y was the greaeatest econonomy in history and it's probably not the greatest economy in most americans living memory coming up donald trumump said, when he wawas president, that he would sign a national abortion ban. What he's done is try for political reasons not to emphasize that in this 2024 campaign t that's s how you may like i it never eveven h happen happened serve p pro dune e by knee, , just flew. W. I i'm ququite harmleless rea when p people ask, butut aren'tu did d dangerous s flu complicacs like pneneumonia? all l right. Atattack in ththe hospitalaliza and d just say but i i'm jujust flu u it's him who unjustst the flu. U. Demand momore from yoyour shotot, santa bebe higher dodos vaccinines are proroven to pror bebetter flew w protectition th standadard dose flu shotots and older r adults, ththey'veve even shown to better r protect agagat flu u related complilications, don'n't get t flu zone high h d if you''ve hadad a severe e alallergic reactioion to its compononents, includining egg producucts or after r previous e of f flu vaccicine, don't get f blocock if you''ve hadad a seve allelergic reactction to itsts compononents tell l yoyour heale professiononal if he''s had d sevevere muscle e weakness a af flu u shot, faininting has ococcurred. People witith weake immune systetems may havave a lr vaccine reresponse. All flulu shots arere not th same as s for a sasanta be higi dose flu v vaccine. Tatalk to y phpharmacist o or doctor a abou zone higighdose or r flu block your gut i is like a g garden growing boboth good bacteriaia bad ththat balancece is key sos healalthy gugut environmnment, bennett fibebers plantbbased prebioiotic fiber r gently nonourishes ththe good bacacter workining with youour body to o yourur gut and you flourisish effofortlessly, , everyday g grt feels gogood with bebenefactor moves s you in more waways thane the firsteverer 4 409 horsepop genesis at ququt the supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg has died at the age of 87 september 2020 we love you, minnesota. When news broke of justice ginsburg's passing donald trump was rallying crowds and northern minnesota it w was t the surrealal momenee the president of the united states is on stage and has no idea that this seismic event has just occurred she just died almost two hours later. Trump would find out only been having the first time he led an amazing life blblue jean baby i is playing g in the background. Any kind of takes on this solemn tone about her passing the man actually said hear that, but clearly, an almost instantaneously, his aides inside the west wing and republicans on capitol hill work gearing up for what they knew would be a fight to get a new supreme court justice nominated and confirmed a fight because ginsburg's passing was so consequential it seemed clear that chief justice john roberts had openly expressed his belief that precedent bound to the court to move slowly and that made e it seem unlikely tht roberts would vote to overturn roe, at least in the near term unlikely with the slim conservative majority on the court of five to four. But replacing ginsburg would give trump an insurance policy if one ofof the conseservative justices g got cold feet about overturned in a row, you wouldn't need that pers

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