Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20240622 : v

CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings June 22, 2024

Former sanctions. Think about that. Thats something we ought to talk about. A similar scenario could be observed at the u. N. Security council. A unanimous vote by all 15 u. N. Security councilmembers would be need for sanctions to be put back in place. How many of us in this room believe that will actually happen . Do you believe that would . I dont. China and russia, both permanent members of the u. N. Security council have the most to gain from having unfettered access to iranian markets. Its been widely reported that russia is selling weapons to iran that makes the potential for israeli or american air strike just that much more difficult to carry out. Russia whorks own economy is hurting as a result of the sangs is looking to diversify its investments in other economies that show strong potential for growth. China is always looking for new sources of energy and with the elimination of internangs international sanctions, theyll have the ability to sell more oils on the international market. Then theres the issue of possible military intervention. It is imperative to know how close they got to developing or have got ton develop agnew clear weapon. It is only after we can determine if iran ever developed a Nuclear Warhead or triggering mechanism can the International Community actually know irans breakout time, irans p. M. D. Must be made known to the International Community prior, prior to any permanent sanction relief is instituted. This pending bad deal makes the region and the Greater National and the greater International Community worse off. What ive heard in this Chamber Tonight is very disturbing. What i have heard from leaders in this administration is even more disturbing. They have willingly determined in my mind to throw israel under the bus. And i believe maybe for a peace prize. Mr. Kerry, maybe you didnt make a mark in the senatoring make you didnt make a mark as secretary of state you may be looking for a peace prize. If you want to be recognized in the world for doing what is right walk away from a bad deal. No one wants iran to have a nuclear weapon. Theyre not capable of handling one. Theyre the biggest suppliers of terrorism around the world. Yet were talking about talking to a country that says just recently just in the last two days, their leader has said its now time for us to spout hatred at the zionists and were negotiating with them . They dont want to say israel has a right to exist and were sitting at the table with them. We want to let 5,000 centrifuges kept spinning and keep spinning and keep spinning and were going to negotiate with them . You do not negotiate with unstable people, mr. Speaker. You negotiate with people who want to live in the bonds of a Civil Society in a civil world and irans leadership is not that person. Were fooling ourselves. This administration has become just completely tunnel vision toward legacy. When you have a demest exagenda that has been as terrible as this administration, i dont blame you for looking overseas. Your domestic agenda is no comparison to the failure of Foreign Policy when World Leaders ask, what is americas role . Because they dont even know. Tonight i hope the cre zen crescendo of voices reach aross to vienna. The last words id like to hear sec id like secretary kerry to hear before the sits down with the iranians are a bad deal is worse than no deal. Not shouted on the streets here in washington, it was shouted in the parliament of iran just recently. When they said were not going to allow inspections. And were sitting down to negotiate with them . Death to america and were sitting down negotiating with them as if theyre reasonable people . Have we lost our focus. Have we lost our vision . Of being the shining light to the world for free come and freedom and hope and decided that its much better off maybe for our political world or maybe our personal achievements to sit down with a government that says israel should not even have the right to exist and if we could we would annihilate them tomorrow. Were going to continue funding those who would lob bombs on innocent men and women in israel and well sit down at a negotiating table and say were not going to allow you to inspect wherever you want. Were going to keep what we want to keep. By the way, even the administrations own belief is were going to keep 5,000 centrifuges spinning. You know what some of said, time is irans friend. I agree. As long as they can keep our secretary of state at the table those centrifuges spin. As long as they keep us tied up debating this, the centrifuges spin. Its time to put sanctions back in place because theyre spinning. Its time to tighten the screws on iran because the centrifuges are spinning. Its time for us not to let up again because the sent are i fuges are intinningism do not want to see a world in which my children grow up and people in israel grow up knowing iran has the bomb when theyre ready to take out them. Tonight is important. Tonight is important. Mr. President , i play that you listen. I dont think you will. Mr. Secretary, maybe youre looking for a peace prize. How about winning a prize in the hearts of the freedom las vegas loving people across the world and walking away from a bad deal. With that i yield back. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you very much, mr. Collins. I think you laid it out in a thoughtful manner. No deal is better than a bad deal. With that, id like to yield such time as he may consume to mr. Zeldin of new york who has been calling out for rigorous inspections the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady will suspend. Members are reminded to address their remarks to the chair. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Zelidni mr. Zeldin i appreciate that. I know my constituents up in new york are more sequre and free due to your work through the years here in the halls of congress so i thank you for your leadership this past weekend we celebrated the fourth of july. 239 years since america delair declared its independence. What makes America Great is what we stand for. Freedom and liberty. Then theres iran. The Worlds Largest state sponsor of terror. A nation overthrowing foreign governments unjustly imprisoning United States citizens including a United States marine. Iran blows up mock u. S. Warships. Develop icbms, they pledge to wipe israel off the map. And in their streets and their halls, they are chanting death to america. And none of and none of what i just described is even part of the negotiations. Think about that. The president says the only alternative to whatever deal he presents us with is war. I reject that. The deal the president is finalizing may actually pave the path to more instability in the northeast and a in the middle east and a Nuclear Arms Race triggered in the region. Will the agreement be accurately translated between both languages . If the president presents americans with a version in english, and the iranians are interpreting any different terms, refuting our interpretation of this agreement in english, then theres no agreement. Theres no meeting of the minds. Will iran continue spinning centrifuges enriching uranium and maintaining any of their Nuclear Infrastructure . Will weapons inspectors have unfettered access to irans Nuclear Infrastructure . Honestly, i doubt it. I believe that were propping up the wrong regime in iran. Six years ago, the green revolution, millions of iranians took to the streets protesting after an undemocratic election. The economy in iran was doing better at that time than it is today. Oil, twice the value as today. The president said that what was going on in iran was none of our business and look where we are today. I unapologetically love my country and i am proud to be an american. As elected officials who took an oath to protect and defend our constitution, we have a responsibility to protect our country. We must fight on behalf of our great nation which generations before us have fought and sacrificed so much to protect. That is how we celebrate another 239 years of american exceptionalism. The president when sitting down at the negotiating table inherits the good will of generations centuries of of of men and women who have come before them that sacrificed so much to make america the greatest nation in the world. When someone says they want to run to be president of the United States with that you inherit all that good will, all that american exceptionalism, and when sitting at the table, you have no business trying to equalize yourself with the person you are negotiating with. That isnt your good will to expend. Its important for american greatness to grow. Im concerned that we are on pace to enter into a bad deal with iran here with the leadership of colleagues like the gentlewoman from florida, who im very grateful for putting together this special order tonight and other colleagues like the gentleman from florida who will be speaking right after me, there is so much passion amongst my colleagues for wanting to do the right thing to protect our nation. Understanding that its a fundamental basic that the United States strengthens our relationships with our allies and treats our enemies for exactly who they are. I used the analogy a couple of weeks ago of playing Texas Hold Em and the president inherits pocket aces every time he sits down at the table. The iranians, they inherit the 72 offsuit, the worst hand you could have in poker. The president , for whatever reason as a negotiating style will offer to switch hands. We saw in it cuba. Where dozens of good faith concessions were made asking for nothing in return. Why is that . One, the president isnt a very good negotiator. He still has a year and a half left on his second term in office and i want him to strengthen his hand. He has it. He inherits it. Thats what comes with being president of the United States. Thats what he signed up for. And what did we sign up for here in the halls of congress . To hold this president s feet to the fire. If he chooses to sign a bad deal with iran. I thank again the gentlewoman from florida for her leadership looking forward to hearing mr. Yoho and his passionate words to follow and i would encourage the president and secretary kerry, the leaders of the Obama Administration, do the right thing. Take a walk. Strengthen your hand. And dont sell out americas good will. I yield back. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you so much to the gentleman from new york. Id like to yield such time as he may consume to my colleague from florida, dr. Yoho. Mr. Yoho thank you, mr. Chairman. I appreciate this opportunity and i appreciate you mitigating circumstance Dear Colleague from florida, for bringing this important topic to light. This is something the American People need to weigh in on. This is something you heard the passion tonight, people talking about how this is not a good deal. This is not a good deal for anybody but iran. And you know, id like to do, if you want an exchange back and forth, but id like to do a chronological anthology of Irans Nuclear weapons program. If you go back 30 years ago, theyre working on gaining the technology and the material to develop Nuclear Weapons. John bolden in his book surrender is not an option, talked about the cat and mouse game iran has played over the last 30 years of saying no, we are not developing Nuclear Weapons, and they wouldnt allow the inspectors in, the u. N. Had resolutions and sanctions and eventually the iaea inspector, the International Atomic Energy Agency was allowed to come in. They caught iran redhanded with nuclear developing Nuclear Weapons so they apologized. They said, im sorry, youre right, were bad, were not going to do it again. Then it start over again and over again and over again. For 30 years weve been playing the cat and mouse game it hasnt gone away. When i look at george bush, when he put sanctions in the 2000s on iran to say, you know, enoughs enough, the sanctions were in place and they started, and to president obamas credit, he tightened them up. And it put more pressure on iran. And then it brought them to the negotiation table. But when you negotiate on a deal, any deal, there should be mutual benefits to both sides. And at the end of this, youll see there is no benefit to america, to the middle east, and to world peace. Because when those negotiations started as my colleague from new york, mr. Zeldin, brought out there was no negotiation to release our four american hostages. And if you think that the sanctions were bad enough to put iran in this great economic tragedy or pressure, that was just crippling iran and they couldnt do anything and they came to the table to release the sanctions so that they could move on but during that time period this is what the American People need to know, during that time period iran was extending their arm and their reach into the western hemisphere. Through bolivia, through venezuela. And they were funding terrorists, their terrorist arm, hezbollah, that caused two terrorist attacks in argentina in the 1990s, that was responsible for over 100 deaths and over 300 injured people. Iran was doing this at the time when the sanctions were on them and they were supposed to be under this great economic stress. But they were doing that because they were funneling money through venezuela and getting money for fuel, plus armaments that they were selling. And so during this time, when we think our sanctions are working, iran is working against us. And ive been here in the house for 2 1 2 years and i sit on foreign affairs. And during those 2 1 2 years, weve had experts come in over and over again telling us about the threat of iran, creating Nuclear Weapons iran creating Nuclear Weapons. Over and over again they said that iran would have enough nuclear enriched material to have within six months to a year to have five to six atomic bombs. That was over two years ago. So one could only reasonable expect that reasonably expect that iran has enough material for five to six nuclear bombs. This was backed up by Henry Kissinger and bob shuments. They claim that iran was about 2 1 2 months to three months from having Nuclear Material. Then we moved down to the negotiation. , the negotiation was started the negotiation was started fromed administration from john kerry, and he said, negotiations are started and they are started and that the whole purpose was iran cannot and will not be permitted to have a nuclear weapon. Now its a delay, were just going to delay for 10 years. As my colleague, mr. Collins from georgia, brought out, the snapback, if they break if they break any part of this deal, theres going to be snapback. I mean, youve got to be from another planet to think that that is going to happen. Because were going to rely on china and russia to say, yep, were with you. And russias already sold 800 million worth of antimissile defense systems. In addition, during this period, when iran had all these tough sanctions blocking their economy, iran has been developing an icbm program. An icbm Program Stands for an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile system. Thats not for their neighbors. Thats for europe, thats for the United States, its for people way outside of iran. And theyve done this with the economic sanctions. In addition theres evidence that they have detonated a trigger device for a nuclear weapon. They have gone through extensive remediation, covering up the site covering up the soil paving it, and not allowing our inspectors to go in there and inspect that. The iaea inspectors that were supposed to depend on to prove that what theyre doing is for peaceful purposes. And then i look at what iran has done over the years, when weve been in the middle east, with our brave young men and women in the middle east, fighting for security for this country and for the neighbors in the middle east 70 of our soldiers damaged by i. D. s or 70 of the wound i. E. D. s owes or 70 of the wounds have come from i. E. D. s. 90 of those i. E. D. s were created by iran. As we talked about in this nuclear negotiation, iran has got to be limited to the amount of centrifuges for their Peaceful Nuclear program. Get this, for Peaceful Nuclear program, you need tens of thousands of centrifuges to produce Nuclear Material to run nuclear reactors. But yet in this deal, were limiting them to 5,000 nuclear reactors. Or i mean, 5,000 centrifuges. You only need a few thousand centrifuges to create Nuclear Weapons. And so it just doesnt match up. And as we we talked about in a negotiation there should be a winner, there should be a mutual benefit. I see no benefit for america. And again, talking to the experts in foreign affairs, i asked them this question. With our negotiation with iran, where weve given in to everything, and we got nogs, keep inman nothing, keep in mind were supposedly the lone superpower of the world. When you go into negotiations like this and youre operating from a level of weakness and not strength, how does that affect us arm the World Community . The experts told me that it has weakened americas standing in the world it has weakened our negotiation power in the world, it has weakened and threatened our security in the western hemisphere. And i agree with mr. Collins, i hope the president s listening, but im sure hes not. I hope mr. Kerrys listening, but im sure hes not. But i hope this message gets to them. That if theyre going to negotiate for america, they should negotiate from a point of strength a point of for

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