Transcripts For CSPAN March For Civility Rally Part 2 201709

CSPAN March For Civility Rally Part 2 September 23, 2017

Space and elsewhere. Communicators around 1 00 p. M. Eastern, the Prime Minister of north korea is speaking at the general assembly. We will bring that like you. We are resuming our live coverage of the march for civility rally from the Lincoln Memorial, with the second portion of their events. Organizers say it is to bring people together from different backgrounds is for love, equality, and justice for all. We are heading right back into our next set of speakers. We are going to roll a video, then we will get this around started up. Im omar glasper, founder and ceo social event. We are honored to be part of this, just a reminder to everybody, we are kinder when we Work Together. We are back on pace with our program. The next gentleman thats about to speak it is such an honor that he is here. I grew up reading about this guy in history books, im blown away by the work that our organization was able to accomplish. I think a lot of times when the party,k about they see these tough guys with military buries and ledger jackets leather jackets. What people dont understand is they were putting together programs to feed young people, give them breakfast before school, there are paramedic systems set up. They were out there to help the community and protect the community. Bobbyn honor that mr. Seal, one of the cofounders of the black Panther Party is here today. I was blown away talking to him on the phone, knowing hes up there in age, knowing that i read about him in history books, he is still so sharp with the stories he told me. Today was my first time at meeting to him just speaking to him in person. He is with us from oakland, california, where the party was founded. Mr. Bobby seal. Thank you. Civility. I think of civil rights, civil human rights. I think of the paragraph in the declaration of the United States of america. A lot of people look at that and dont Pay Attention to it and see what it means. Organization in for thele i was working City Government of oakland, california, the department of human resources. , a book preceding that came out black power. My stogie carmichael. It was hollering black power saying we want black power. Cornertanding on the listening to them, i walked up to them and said you are not going to get any power until you take over some of these political seats. Council, city super rhetorical seats, stuff like that. If thats the white mans seat. I said you better try to make it a black folksy. A black folks seat. These people make laws, these people use the money, they exploit you, you need political power. At that time, i did a demographic search across the United States of america to see wereany black americans elected into Political Office, to see how many people of color and how many women were duly elected to Political Office throughout the whole United States of america. All the political seats, every parttime city council seat, every fulltime city council seat, every count to super tutorial see, etc. I found out there were 500,000 could be seats, one elected to in the United States of america. 500,000 seats. I also found out that there were 52 black politicians duly elected at the time. Included as, that guy named adam clayton ballot of new york. Was looking at in 1966 as a young man. I had a great job, i worked in the arid engineering department. Jobs, i worried about had skills, i had abilities, i was raised by the time i was 15 years of age, i have perfected the skills. Thist that job to work at grassroots community. Jobs programs, beginning in and northridge, california 1964. I didnt create the black Panther Party until 1966. I worked another program with the city of oakland. Then i decided to create this organization the black Panther Party. Did with the city i was ant of oakland, Community Liaison for the Community Center where i lived. Placements when we got i did Community Service in the community in terms of family counseling. We did legal aid information, etc. Out the parts that i dealt with, and the parts i was concerned with. One point,ment was decent housing was another point. Decent education that taught us about history as human beings, preventative medical health care, i wrote these parts out. At the time, the vietnam war was going on. Want to have not to be fighting in any more wars. African american and many others have fought in every war this country has had from the very founding. The program went on to say that we wanted an immediate and to police brutality, and unfair treatment in the courts. All black people being tried to all white jews had the right to be child from people of their community. Then after three or four days of our lives, i began to summarize three or four days, i began to summer dies summer. Session summarize summarizing its a couple of days later working for the City Government twooakland, i ran across paragraphs related to the declaration of independence of the United States of america. The declaration of independence, you have a lot of guys who didnt want to hear it. Itead it and reread it, looked like it made a lot of sense to me. I paraphrased it, and a lot of people talk about militancy and what it supposedly. , it said when a course of human events becomes necessary for any one people to dissolve the political budget and to assume among the powers of separate and equal stations that the laws of nations made discard entitle them entitlement and the prospective opinion of humankind dictate causes. It tells them to dissolve the political bondage, the political bondage of oppression, the political bondage of exploitation, the political bondage of every issue and every problem that you can talk about today as they walk around trying to kill the Health Care Program etc. It is a form of political humanity, whether you are black white, blue, red, green. Thats what the bondage is about. How do we dissolve it . The declaration of disability said when a long train of proposeand usurpation the design to reduce a people love their absolute, it is the right of the people to alter or change the government and provide new guards for their security and oven is. Young brothers and sisters, people out here, you are all part of the new guard who are evolving. Music, oru playing you are an engineer like i was, you have to forgive me. Ome up here when i went out there to try to capture the imagination of the people so i could organize them, i was going to organize a political electoral unity in the who were miserably on register to vote at the time. Later on, we registered 24,000 people in a twoyear. In our community. My point is thats what i was about. We went out to observe the lawce, by law we knew every all of the bill of rights, you name it. We knew the interconnected relationship. When the police jumped up and , we saidhave no rights california Supreme State Court Ruling Said all citizens have a stand and observe police as long as they are a reasonable distance away. We will observe you whether you like it or not. We recited the law back to the. Op it was not some macho crop, it was well designed. We knew howy law, legal we were. It took them seven months to the state out of legislature to stop us from. Arrying our legal weapons we stopped caring them because we do not break the law. In effect, in fact, my organization became wellknown, when inly had 22 members lead unarmed delegation to the California State Legislature to make a statement against the law that they were trying to make at the time. I only had 22 active members in this organization, suddenly my organization was on front pages of newspapers all around the world in different languages. Was not what at lot of the newspeople reported. I had toened is. Eorganize first, they put me in jail for six months for going up there, not because of the guns, but because they say i disturb the peace of the california state register state legislature. Organization,at the next year it flourished. Ifore dr. King was murdered, only had 400 members up and down the west indies coast. Killed and murdered dr. Martin luther king, Young Brothers and sisters all of my people in the organization, they rallied behind us. The next thing i know, in a seven month. I got 5000 members in the black Panther Party. I had collisions with 39 different organizations spanning all racial and ethnic lines. That happened as a part of american history. Im standing here, this struggle continues to this very day. Every issue we talked about it in the 1960s, other organizations had the same issues. Im telling you all civil rights human organizations in one way shape or form another, it continues today. Herethe fact that they are dust topressing the vote because of peoples color, just so they can hang onto power and perpetuate this explication of our humanity. It is you, all of you young folks, you have to understand this. You have to take this legacy. Ive been trying to make a film or movie, but the rightwing people, the corporate frameworks, the money rich people, they have been telling to stop it. They wanted to take away my screenplay and then they want to put up some crap that leans to the right wing view of what we were about. This struggle is a human liberation struggle around the world, we are talking about liberating through laws, amendments, to new politicians, new guards, young folks who can take time to Work Together and unify these laws and rules made that protect the civil human rights of every human being on the face of this earth. This is what this struggle is about. We are not disconnected, we are into collected interconnected and interrelated. This meaning of a future world and corporation is about. Thats what we are trying to do. We are trying to, in every aspect of civility, we have to evolve a greater amount of peoples cooperation for humanism. Ive published books, power to the people, whenever you see at the time. This is what we have to do. E need to reach reclaiming recycling and reuse evolving. Economic environment empowerment. All peoples c, creative cooperation. H, humanism. Reach for the future. Reach for the present in the future. We have to organize people. We have to get out here and you and many others have to encourage as many people as you can to get out there and be part and parcel in your elections. Wholeve to get this congressional body shifted over to the progressive side, over to the progressive side. This is what we have to do. We have to get more of these people so we can make some new , deal with the climate change, deal with the infrastructure necessary to create the jobs. Civics all about your stability and civic participation. It is about evolving greater power of the people. Thank you very much. [cheers] [applause] give it up for mr. Bobby seal. Our next speaker i met when i traveled last year. So many of us are watching the news and the things going on out at Standing Rock. To seely hurt my heart there were people that were being brutalized out there at that camp. As i got there i was very welcomed by so many of the natives and Indigenous People that were there. One in particular, aaron, i was so surprised by how calm she was in the midst of all the chaos going on around her. She really helped me navigate through some of the things that were happening at the camp. She runs an Organization Called honor the earth. I have seen her spend a lot of times with the Indigenous Youth council. Erin,. Come up. Give her a round of applause. I guess i should start by saying that i work for a woman. By her grace i am here. I like to begin by acknowledging the great humility that the land i he together today like to honor the leader and 20 century Civil Rights Act to this allied with in the mid to lead the charge to allow indigenous folks to self identify in this area. In spite of his arduous 16 Year Campaign for recognition from the United States government, the tribes i mentioned are still not federally recognized. We are currently occupying their homeland, and a we may not see them here today, know that their presence is imbued in this land, rivers, islands and coastal plains. Capital may make a mockery of who we are other national mascot, we are still here and we have not forgotten this country was founded on stolen land, on the heels of calculated genocide, and on the backs of people rinsed from their homeland. Wrenched from their homeland. In 1862, president abraham lincoln, committee know is a great emancipator, sentenced 38 in themen to death largest mass execution in United States history. Ta men wereo lakok caught, returned and executed in the same merciless and as their brothers. Here before the Lincoln Memorial i like to honor those that died in resistance. As you can tell by all i have mentioned thus far, when it comes to Indigenous Peoples relationship to being treated with a modicum of civility in this country we have little good to recount. We have watched the threat of humanity stretch, white and tear catastrophically since our lancer first taken from us. This past year in Standing Rock sioux and north dakota, i was among thousand two letter resistance against the Dakota Access pipeline in peace, prayer and nondirect action. Because we exercise our constitutional treaty rights we were met with brute force, militarized police, dog attacks, and nonlethal weaponry that caused irrevocable damage to all our relations in attendance. More than 800 people were arrested during our time on the planes. To this day are sisters are being held as a political prisoner currently on base day 331 for a crime she did not commit. Is this not reminiscent of leonard peltier. The remarkable thing about the application of the cancer north dakota many people may not know is we began every single day in unity. Whether it was the prayer, ceremony, song or silence, we reminded each other every single day, remember what you are here. You are here for future generations. One of my favorite women in the world, a woman once said, everything wants to be loved. We sing and dance and holler just wanted to be loved. Look at the trees. They do everything people do except walk to get attention. While we began our days at Standing Rock sioux we venerated everything around us. It was not just those that we could see that we fought for in the people we came for every roaster protect on the front lines, it was everything around us just wanting to be loved in the here and now, and also the glimmer of future generations we can see in the midst of our musings that needed is to ensure their existence. In camps they called me our mother. I took care of the international Indigenous Youth council for almost five months. Every day i would hug and pray until i was blue in the face of it come home and hug me again. On the front lines it was these use them are the first to receive the government sanctioned violence. It was from the mouse of these young people we often heard the words, we forgive you and will pray for you. Even in our darkest moments will be cried out to our mothers and ancestors for protection, the youth horse that passed were steadfast and persevered. Many have written up me and my peers as narcissists. Millennials may cry will be social media to document oppression. Later the bones of institutional racism that deters us from success. When weals they jeer form barricades around her relatives efface unjust treatment. [no audio] if you are careful from generations to come, you should be. We have grown up seeing practices of our global communities. We are ensuring their education, exercising of Constitutional Rights and civil disobedience that there be world for those to come to inherit. We are doing this through simple acts of kindness, inclusivity, and organizing as well as bad assery of all kinds. We are unpacking historical traumas and we are learning how to forgive in a way are poor mothers and ancestors were denied the right to do. We are here to take back our languages, lands end cultures. We are doing so with unprecedented decorum. If you look around this nation and wonder at this point in time in 2017 where your leaders are, do need only look to your youth. We are more than ready to take up the mantle. We do not need to fear monger, verbally, sexually, racially or physically harass others in order to be validated. We recognize our very existence thehe direct result of resistance of thousands of came before us and we are here to honor those and esters. We come honor those ancestors. We come only as human beings, by the works we do. And the compassion we carry. Should you ever lose hope in the world around you, look to the young people and remember that you may not see us we are out there fighting for you, even as many of us remain oppressed by a system that may benefit many of you. Adopted. Or of the adopted daughter of the nations, raise on reservation created as an act of war against my people, can stand before you today unapologetically alive and decry the institution that seems to destroy me, imagine what my peers and those that succeed us will be capable of. It is the technology of my generation that i want to pose. My mom is it recently, your generation does not care about sexuality, gender, grace, religion or monetary status, so what do you care about . I have many answers, but i decided to respond by asking a question of my own. What kind of ancestor do you want to be . I wake each morning with a desire to do good, empower others and this is what i think about when i walked into the world. Today i encourage you to ask the same of yourself and continued to rise alongside fellow human beings and remember why you are

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