Transcripts For CSPAN Pierre South Dakota 20171027 : vimarsa

CSPAN Pierre South Dakota October 27, 2017

Town. E is a pretty small it is 12 to 13,000 people. People, is another 2500 so between the two probably 15,000. Not only is it small, but it is pretty remote. It was selected as the state capital because it is in the middle of the state, but it is really two or two and half hour part of town. Ther problem for people who have to drive to come to meetings. Peopleenge for getting. O come to work the state is the largest employer and dominates the economy. Was dakota territory created in 1816 to come of the farinal capital was in the southeast corner of the territory. Settled, ittory was emerged three geographic areas. He had settlements in the southeast corner, yang bin up to up to sioux falls and then after the gold rush there was settlement in the black hills. Deadwood in rapid city is famous deadwood and rapid city are famous. 1880s, aly territorial governor who was considered corrupt engineered the move of the capital from yankton to bismarck, which is now north dakota because he had a lot of business interests in bismarck. That caused a rift and solidify when statehood came, we were two states and by that point the capital was bismarck and that became the capital of north dakota. The choice of a capital was pretty wideopen when south dakota became a state and there were probably eight or 10 different cities that contended for the capital. Pr one that vote on the strength of its position almost perfectly in the center of south dakota. At that time, the western part of the state, other than the black hills was almost completely unsettled by european settlers. There were native americans and so prs claim to be centrally located rang a Little Hollow because it was really pretty far to the west of where most of the people were. It long that initial vote. There was another vote next year. Pier 1 that vote also in both elections. Inn, a final vote was held mitchell. Eer defeated building, planning began shortly after that and that is why our Capitol Building was not built until 1908 to 1910. Capital isry state built to give a sense of importance and permanent and have an imposing structure like this bill in a town like. It is not of a town but at that time would have stood out. Construction was set back by about a year because of a dispute over the use of outofstate stone. It is kind of an interesting story, but when they left the bids for the stone come below bids were from the other states. Its interesting because that is kind of an analogy from where a lot of the early settling came from. Most of the early government came from those states. That is where a lot of the settlement came from so this was built almost entirely from stone. The only south dakota stone are the foundation. There was a lawsuit that attempted to force the building to be built entirely of south dakota stone. That case was not successful and a decision was made to go with the lowpaid and that is why it is built was outofstate stone. Right now, we are sending in the rotunda of the capital. Looking around, there are four statues here. Emptywells actually stood until 1989 and in 1989, the state commissions four statues integrity, wisdom, courage, and vision are represented by these statues of goddesses who embody those traits. If you look up, there are also four corner areas with flags. Obviously, the south dakota flag am a theres dakota territory that reflects the United States. Spainare also flags for and france because they control this territory at different times and each corner one corner has a white flag, red, black, and yellow. Those are native american colors that represent the four directions of a compass. Goddessespaintings of that represent agriculture, livestock, industry, and family. And again, those are original to the building. This is the governors reception room. It was the Regional Governors office. They, and adjoins Governors Office and is the room the governor uses to greet andts, small receptions bill signing ceremonies. Resortthe first room after the state capital restoration in 1976. It began with the u. S. Bicentennial in 1976 and then really ended about the south dakota centennial, 1989. It is really pretty incredible to see how bad it looked. Whys hard to understand people felt like that was an improvement over what this looks like. One controversy is a mural that was crated on the wall behind me called progress of south dakota. Angel leading in the european settlers into the trampling overly the native americans, who seem to be lying on the ground in being trampled by the settlers. Symbolic in some ways, the obviously pretty controversial as our views of history have changed and it was a controversy for 20 or 30 years. Back in the 1970s, the governor at the time attempted to resolve zero retitling the girl mural with the name only with our mistakes can we learn. That did not really satisfy anyone. Curtain had been placed over it, but people always wanted to look under it. So finally about 20 years ago, the governor decided that although the girl the mural should be preserved, it was painted on the wall so the wall behind me is a false wall, so the mural was behind is behind there. That was how the issue was dealt with. Maybe not the perfect answer, but sometimes there is no perfect answer. Journal tatute of general William Harrison beetle. Prep ppointed by present grant to be be surveyor in south dakota. General beetle felt strongly we needed to endow the operation of our School System and so push for program that set aside one section in each township throughout the state that only owned by the state and trust for the benefit of the schools in that township. Landtime, those parcels of have been swapped into larger areas and they are not all necessarily the same. Today, we have a trust that operates money for the School Systems. This was an innovative idea, but one that caught on. North dakota, montana, copiedton, wyoming all the provision. So general beetle when the u. S. Capitol invited each state sashes from each state, a statue of general beedle is one that was submitted first. We have many School Groups who growth of the capital every year and one of the things kids most remember is the story of these blue tiles in the floor. When the capital was being built, the floor was being put in and traditionally the signmason is allowed to somewhere. There are so many, they were not allowed to do that. Supposedly there are 66 of them throughout the building, but only 55 of them have ever been found. Always a tension to find as many blue tiles as you can. I hope when people visit the state capital they said we have a love of pride in our state and history and also see we are open about our capital and government. The security is very light. Does no metal detectors to get in. We have very expensive hours were people can visit. We get a lot of visitors here from out of state, often people who are trying to visit all the state capitals and they are youys impressed by how open can come in and look around. The lewis and Clark Expedition is key in u. S. History. The idea of the expedition was to encourage more American Travel up the Missouri River and more american trade with the American Indians. The story is in south dakota, there when you come to south dakota, you have certain floyd who just died. Employed Sergeant Floyd had just died. The first election held in south , further up the river they had to go see these devils, but once they got to spirit on what did they see . Acres and acres of bison and flatland. These are men coming from eastern United States who are used to trees and forests and hills and rocks, so this open plain was like a farmers delight as well as a hunters delight. Further, the youngest lost. , age 17 got the most important thing was an encounter with the lakota. It couldorians believe have been the end of the becausen expedition of our misunderstanding. Lewis and clark were walking into a very difficult political situation among American Indians. Boatswain clark assumed these clark assume and these were simple people. These were very sophisticated people. They were having a rivalry for leadership between buffalo madison. They were competing on who would in front ofe tribe the explorers coming up. They also wanted to control the trade up and down the river. They got paid more goods and than the indians of the river. Of course, the american explorers one of two say we want you to trade with us. It was not in the best interest to do that so there was a competition between back Buffalo Black buffalo and buffalo madison. They just did not understand. The other thing lewis and clark did was then left there interpreter behind. Preparingare, lewis to give his speech and they did not have a proper translator so the speeches were not effective. They lay out all these wonderful gifts and they give more gifts to Black Buffalo because they see him has as the head chief. That did not do anything. That did not go so well so clark says we will take them on the boat so that will impress them and so when theyre coming back, the partisans men grabbed hold of the rope and symbolically say you cannot leave until you give us more things, more goods. Immediately got mad and guns got raised. On the shore, you have to imagine, the boats are filled and weaponsndians get drawn on that side. The good thing is at this moment in time, Black Buffalo steps forward, tells the warriors to let go of the rope and they do it. And like a pause, the tension goes away and the moment of potential confrontation disappears. Thomas jefferson sent lewis and clark out on their expedition, they knew they will would encounter American Indians and they wanted to provide a friendly appearance because those could be key in the development of the country to work with the American Indians that were living here. When they came up the Missouri River, lois and clark have peace medals with them. We refer to them as jefferson peace medals. On the front is an image of jefferson and on the back is to in friendship. Very important in terms of the gifting. These were people that they saw the leader of the tribe. This man, whose image is on the. Etal and now your leader i was really important in the diplomatic acting of the expedition. The diplomatic side i think was important and they took great pains to be good at doing. The military part it was a military expedition. In militaryessed uniforms, they showed their guns. They love the aspect of discovering new things, but the diplomatic part was the most important from the standpoint that they were letting people owner ofe is a new this land and it happens to be the United States of america, not only for the native americans, but the trappers and traders encouraging trade. Pr, south dakota heartsouth dakota is the of the story of south dakota about what is important to the lewis and Clark Expedition. That is one of the intriguing stories because it was not found until 1959 by a bunch of schoolchildren. They are headed off to the local print shop to sell this led maka unufe down for type in the happen to run into a couple of legislators in town and they were showing off what they had found and they realized this is probably something important. It was probably stamped in paris before it came to the United States. On the backside, it was carved with a knife of the two brothers who are here in the date they were at fort pierce. To be able to hold that in no these explorers pasted placed it at fort pierce. Early 1700sd in the was people were living along the Missouri River in south dakota and about the time of the signing of the declaration of independence in 1776, we see enough that the black hills. At that point in time, they started to dominate the Missouri River valley, pushing people farther north and eventually ended up in north dakota. 1700s,a in the early middle 70 hundreds was really trying to be controlled by the french, english and spanish. There was a lot of that turmoil going on. As soon as the french explorers came in settling trying to maintain control of the area, and became the louisiana territory. Here was the father and he and explorers of were note in u. S. And canadian history, largely investigating and exploring now minnesota and north dakota. They were considered failures in the time because everybody knew there was a Northwest Passage to the pacific ocean. There was a waterway to get across this country and because they fail to find that, they were considered failures. Later on in 1742, two of peers sons traveled further south and west than they had previously been on the return trip, they stop at the confluence of the theouri river and overlook present city of fort pierce. That really does more than anything set the french control of this particular area. It could have been melted away and we would have never found it. Here, people can look at the place and understand this is the first time that we know there were nonindians in the area. Governor daugaard, thank you for meeting with us. Describe the state of south dakota. Governor daugaard self dakota is an agricultural state. It is the number one industry here. I grew up in south dakota and i think most people are one or two generations or immediately off a farm or ranch, so that is our sourceh we are also a state. We have not rushmore, the palace, crazy horse. We are also a Financial Services locale. People would not think that, but in the early 1980s when Interest Rates were skyrocketing in citibank was losing money in new york, they moved their credit card operations to south dakota where it is where it continues to be based in so other issuers have followed here. We are a Financial Services locale, but people dont think of us that way. Dakota . Ives in south governor daugaard the lives we have about 850,000 people. Population might be a little bit older than the nation as a whole, but we are increasingly urbanized in the sense that rural the role areas are moving to more populated areas, chiefly because farming and ranching is more efficient and larger scale. Leading needing a farm every section, you have one every two or three sections. Describe the political makeup of the state. Governor daugaard pretty conservative, predominantly republican. Sizableblicans have a registration advantage over democrats and of course the frequent registration is independent. So it is republicans about 250,000, democrats 160,000, independence 100,000 Something Like that and so politically, you will see more republicans. Both houses of legislature are over two thirds republican. Im the 32nd governor of south they have only nonrepublicans. You mention agriculture is the biggest economic driver or it how does that affect legislation . The biggest economic driver. How does it affect legislation . Governor daugaard we are a handsoff state. Attitude laissezfaire which means we dont regulate a lot. The u. S. Chamber of commerce sees our regulatory climate as the best in the nation for business. One fork us number reasonable regulation. So whether you are in the egg business or some other business, it is not that we dont regulate, but we dont over regulate. In 2011, you establish the first office of tribal relations with any state. How does the state of south native tribes . H governor daugaard we have nine tribes, all our sioux tribes. Those tribes are all separate, sovereign government so one been i have always delivered about is not treating all tribes the same. Might be of interest in one tribe might not be in interest to another tribe. Every year, i go to visit at least three of the tribes on their turf and so in fact, last week i was at one and we met all morning with the tribal president and council members. I visited their housing and Transportation Office and try to focus on what they are interested in and what their challenges and opportunities are and in each tribe may be different. You are the firstround of deaf parents to be elected governor of any state. How has that influence you you . Enced governor daugaard governor daugaard i think being in a house where both parents had a disability has made them more emphatic to people with disabilities. I think also that people sometimes see a person with a beinglity as having that their defining characteristic and i know for my personal experience, everyone is different and everyone has to be treated as individuals. There are some people with disabilities that use as a crutch and let their disability be an advantage that they leverage and there are others who try to let their disability completely be ignored and want to achieve and work hard and do well in spite of those disabilities. In anything, i think people with disabilities have to work harder , so they often become more determined and achieve because of that determination. According to polls, you are the most popular governor of the u. S. State among your constituents with a 74 approval rating. Why do you what do you credit this to . Governor daugaard poor polling. [laughter] governor daugaard there will be sometimes when im a popular governor and sometimes when im not as popular. I think it is nice, but at the same time i think in some ways you can see it as a black mark because if you are popular, that thatan things that might mean you are doing things are proper, not necessarily appropriate. Like a grandmother who always gives candy to a child. Of course they will be popular, but is giving candy to the kids all the time. Is that a good thing . Probably not. Ried to, i believe that andtics is complicated legislative matters and policy decisions are difficult enough that we need a representative government. So in theory, a here democracy would allow all citizens to vote on everything, but that would also demand a spin the time, gain the knowledge and informedd to make an judgment. We have a Representative Democracy where we give people whoo the represent us. If i find someone like that, i will vote for them because i believe it will make a judgment

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