Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives 11012017

CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives August 17, 1102

Information and after i cleared passport check host and keith, im sorry, hate house of t there, the representatives just coming in for their work today. Well take you to the house right now. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers room, washington, d. C. , november 1, 2017. I hereby appoint the honorable roger w. Marshall to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2017, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. All time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, r. Thompson, for five minutes. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. I congratulated Michelle Bauer for winning first place from the Pennsylvania Municipal League Essay High School contest. Participants were reflected to write about opportunities in their community that allow for their Civic Engagement, encourage volunteers to help with local challenges. Today id like to share with a portion of michelles essay. When i hear the word civic i think of governmental duties. I understand my duty as an american citizen to vote, obey laws, pay taxes and serve on juries. Ese activities all involve one person, yourself. It expands beyond a single individual and encompasses entire communities. The definition of a Civic Engagement is an activity that includes both paid and unpaid forms of political activisms, environmentalism and service. As i look at my community, we have a lot of Civic Engagements. With most towns, my mine has a city council. These elections are open to every member of the city and are an Excellent Way for citizens to have a say in the politics of the town. Just as elections are open to all citizens, so are the weekly meetings. Unique feature about my Towns Council meetings is that they are televised on a local channel for individuals who are unable to physically be present at the meeting or have commitments that require attention. These televised versions provide a perfect solution to keep people abreast of the issues. Also is saveg individual of individuals to vote and participate at the School District level. Anyone is able to run for the school board. Its a great way for civic involvement because the board is looking for new opportunities that can be incorporated into the education of our youth. I attended a Board Meeting where the topics of robots were discussed. As a member of a small Competition Group we were able to present our success and the benefits of curriculum that includes new technology. One month later it was announced that a robotics class will be provided in the Upcoming School year. Can perhaps encourage new career opportunities. One of the most prominent forms of engagement in my community is not related to the politics is the placing of wreaths on the gravestones of Fallen Soldiers on memorial day. Citizens come together the weekend before memorial day and walk through the entire cemetery, adorning and honoring the heros of our country. This event is not for publicity or money but instead is for respecting our veterans. Additionally, it is for the betterment of our community by presenting a beautiful scene to those passing by. Chelle goes on to write, onlookers can be mesmerized by the beauty of the mountainous rural area. Unfortunately, garbage and litter on the sides of the roads and highwayways are commonplace highways are commonplace. The highway through my town is an individual where individuals think it is acceptable to throw garbage out of their vehicles or litter the side of the road for cigarette butts and wrappers. I have been part of the National Honor society highway cleanup. Every spring and fall they walk the sides of the road picking up trash making our town look beautiful. Mr. Speaker, this is a pofferings michelles essay. I portion of michelles essay. I will ask unanimous consent to submit the full essay into the congressional record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Thompson and i will close with her final paragraph. Civic engagements are abundant in our community. The local firemans pancake breakfast to the city council meetings, civic activities are occurring all around us. Its the obligation of the citizen to engage in these activities, to assist with local challenges and to create a Better Community for all its members. Mr. Speaker, i couldnt agree more. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california, ms. Roybalallard, for five minutes. Ms. Roybalallard mr. Speaker, last week the laborhhs appropriations subcommittee had a most remarkable hearing on down syndrome which moved us to a new understanding of this disability. D. S. Is a genetic disorder that effects over 300,000 men, women and children in america. T is the most common chromosomal disorder and the frequent cause of learning disability in children. Approximately 6,000 babies in the United States are born with down syndrome, a condition resulting from an extra 21st chromosome. 60 years ago people with d. S. Had a Life Expectancy with less than 20 years and most lived their lives in institutions. Today, due to early medical care and being raised in loving homes, these children can expect to live well into their 60s. Last weeks hearing was one of the most emotionally charged and inspirational hearings i can recall as a member of this subcommittee. The room was filled with children and adults with d. S. And their families, including my young constituent, jose cisnarrows. Amidst the tears, laugh jose cisneros. Amidst the tears, laughsters, e heard about d. S. We learned they are graduating from high school, attending colleges and working at jobs in their communities. And most importantly we saw how these Young Americans are teaching our country about the value of diversity and inclusion while at the same ime increasing the happiness of those lucky enough to be in their very wide circle of friends. We also learned some very surprising and amazing facts about down syndrome. Researchers told us that individuals with d. S. Are medically very special. On the one hand they are highly predisposed to autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Children with d. S. Are 50 times more likely to develop childhood leukemia and virtually all adults with d. S. Will develop the brain pathology of alzheimers by the age of 40. But they also said that due to a small difference in their genetic makeup, persons with down syndrome are naturally protected from heart disease, high Blood Pressure and most solid tissue cancers. Researchers said studying these unique genetics could help discover ways to prevent or cure diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders and alzheimers disease. With such promising potential, one would think the federal government would invest hefley in down syndrome heavily in down syndrome research. Unfortunately, what we learned is over the last two decades, d. S. Has been one of the least funded genetic conditions at the n. I. H. This hearing left no doubt about the need for a significant and sustained investment in down syndrome research. An initiative could help not only find answers and cures for d. S. But discover its mysteries which can answer questions about other serious and lifethreatening diseases. While the benefits of d. S. Research are unquestionable, it will take time to realize its full potential. In the meantime, we must ensure those living with d. S. Can access and afford highquality, coordinated health care and the Longterm Services and support they need to live Productive Lives in their communities. Medicaid, longterm supports and medicaid communitybased services give them that opportunity by enabling them to maintain gainful employment and stay in their homes and in their communities. Sadly, across our country thousands of people with down syndrome are on very long waiting lists for those services. As lawmakers, we have an obligation to find a bipartisan way to protect and expand Medicaid Services so all individuals with d. S. And other debilitating diseases have access to the lifelong intervention and support they need. The time has come for this country to embrace the gift and potential that down syndrome brings to our society. The 300,000plus americans living with d. S. Today want and deserve the same opportunities available to all of us, to live a full life and to reach their true potential. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Poe, for five minutes. Mr. Poe thank you, mr. Speaker. Ever since she was a little girl, sylvania loved to play hockey. In massachusetts, hockey was more than a way of life than just a sport. Her parents knew she was talented and supported her dream to play even in college. When she was offered a scholarship in 2011 to be a goalie for the university of connecticut, she felt like all of her dreams had come true so she eagerly accepted. She pulled out of her driveway with her packed clothes and hockey gear, but she would have never known that in a few days her life would change forever. She could not have foreseen how a lifetime of hard work and ambition would suddenly disappear tragically. Like all new students, she was eager to immerse herself in her new college life so on the third day at the university, sylvania went to a house party with some new friends she met. But after two drinks she became began to feel dizzy, numb and lethargic. She quickly lost the ability to. Lk and she became very ill s she as she drifted out of consciousness, a male hockey player at the party instructed others to carry her to his bedroom. When she woke up she found him on top of her sexually assaulting her. She immediately turned to the university for help and reported the assault at the womens center, but the counselor did not tell her to call the police or advise her to press charges or help her in any way. Sylvania then went to the oncampus doctor but instead of treating her like a victim and offer her the care and support she needed, the doctor told her that he didnt want to know even who assaulted her. Get this, mr. Speaker. The doctor told her the remedy was for her to transfer to another university. This is awful. One in five women on our University Campuses are sexually assaulted. Of those less than 25 even report the rape. It took an extraordinary amount of courage for sylvania to report that Sexual Assault, even to multiple people she didnt know, but she was offered no help, no support by anyone. She was alone and she felt it. The doctor wasnt trained to deal with the rape deal with rape victims and made it clear he wanted nothing more to do with sylvania. The university cleerled viewed her as a burden, just another statistic they didnt want to deal with. Mr. Speaker, universities in the United States should be required to have a Victim Advocate on staff, a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate. Also, to ensure this doesnt happen to more victims at hospitals, ive introduced legislation that would require a hospital to provide access to a staffer its called a safe, Sexual Assault forensic examiner, who is trained to provide care and be sensitive to trauma rape victims and have a plan quickly to or a plan to get that victim to a nearby hospital that does. Universities and nearby hospitals need to Work Together to make sure that rape victims are treated appropriately when they are assaulted. The bill that i just mentioned is named the Megan Rondini act, its in honor of a college Sexual Assault victim at the university of texas excuse me university of alabama campus that was a texas student that was denied access to postrape treatment at a hospital. The university didnt help her and the local Law Enforcement didnt help her. In megans case, because she was alone and abandoned by all three of those entities she later when she returned to texas committed suicide. Anyway, after the rape of sylvania, the university let her to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. She was traumatized and depressed, claiming she wasnt stable enough, the hockey coach removed her from the team. She never played a single game of hockey in college. She withdrew from the university of connecticut shortly thereafter, but her rapist stayed on his hockey team and played for the university. Sylvaina had to sue the university to get justice that. Unfortunate she had to take the matter to court where society and our Justice System should have helpeder. Mr. Speaker, rape is never the fault of the victim. Yet sylvana felt she was the one being blamed for what happened to her. E as a society must demand our universities and hospitals protect and care for Sexual Assault victims. No longer should they be allowed to suffer alone and be abandoned. No more excuses. And thats just the way it is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from wisconsin, ms. Moore, for five minutes. Ms. Moore mr. Speaker, i rise under the E Pluribus Unum to give voice to the elderly, to he children, the disabled, thee most vulnerable, mr. Speaker, who are once again facing your roposal, mr. Speaker, most vulnerable Rip Health Care and the safety net from them. Is this the best you can do, mr. Speaker, to once again over to over and over again propose this legislation to cut trillions of dollars from medicaid and medicare to fund tax cuts for corporations and for billionaires . And to do this, to slam this through the house without transparency. Mr. Speaker, republicans like to me a tax and spend me a tax an, but today we see this g. O. P. Fiscal plan as another borrow and spend to pay for billionaire tax cuts. Now, the Wharton School and the studies studies both show that at best this flan would produce a paltry now, this is a great plan if youre rich. Its dollars for fools gold but the American People are not fools, mr. Speaker, and that is why the republicans want to rush this through with minimum transparency. This is madness. Trickled down has not work, it does not work and will never work. We got deficits under reagan, under george w. Bush to prove it. The tax cuts will not pay for themselves, mr. Speaker. The tax cuts wont magically produce increased salaries for workers. The tax plan will not lead to these claims in economic growth. Congress should congress should not consider tax cuts for the rich and opening up more tax loopholes. Mr. Speaker, we cannot spend gold spin gold out of straw. 245 that is what we have here. This plan will make most americans more poorer and more sicker if not dead. I urge all my colleagues to reject this bill. Instead, mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to fortify our election system from russians further interference. Build new infrastructure. Hats what creates jobs. The Health Program that republicans let expire ensure that all 3. 5 million american citizens in puerto rico and Virgin Islands can have access to water, power, health care this holiday season. Thats what we should be doing. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota, mr. Emmer, for five minutes. Mr. Emmer mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize a leader in our community who has received a great honor. Skip dolan, the head Boys Basketball coach for the annandale cardinals was inducted into the minnesota basketball coaches hall of fame in october. Im not going to go through all his statistics, although they are quite impressive. I think its important that we note that a good coach can have a major impact on a kids life. Coaches dont just teach a game to our kids, they ingrain ingrain important life skills in their minds. They teach our kids how to work with others and how to act as a team. They teach our children the value of practice and perseverance, and they teach our kids how to compete with honor, dignity, and how to win with grace. A good coach guides our kids along the road to success which is why im so happy that we have a coach like skip dolan in our community. We can never thank him enough for working with and teaching our kids. And we congratulate him on this incredible honor. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to thank monticello Public Schools superintendent jim johnson for his work and dedication to minnesotas children. After 18 years serving monticello, 12 spent as superintendent, jim is heading into a well deserved retirement. Under jims close supervision, schools within his district have produced outstanding test scores, increased graduation rates, and higher enrollment in a. P. Classes. He also played an Important Role in proving improving his districts athletic facilities. Not only did he help better academics at the schools under his careful watch, he also helped ensure his district students had everything they needed to succeed in life. We cant thank you enough for the work you have done to educate our kids. Our kids are our future and because o

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