Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal Rep. Raul Ruiz 2024

CSPAN Washington Journal Rep. Raul Ruiz July 14, 2024

You have children being treated inhumanely, women, pregnant women, the elderly, vulnerable populations being treated like they are subhuman. You have an overfilled concrete where theyold floors are piled on top of each other. Children soil themselves without diapers. Mucus and vomit on their shirts. Inadequate amount of food. They are given burritos that are still frozen. Seeing one bathroom for 400 people. You are seeing open toilets where the women have to stand and guard their body around another young woman to use the toilet. It is so subhuman, these conditions. I am aground is that boardcertified emergency physician. , have done flight medicine medical command in the city of pittsburgh during my training. I am also an expert in public humanitarianained at harvard with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative as well andraining with the icrc responded after the Haiti Earthquake became medical director of the largest internally internal camp right after the Haiti Earthquake. What i saw at the border was an overcapacity system with multiple failures, understaffed, underequipped, under resourced and under skilled to reach the men humanitarian needs of these women and children under their custody and under their responsibility. The humanitarian standards for individuals in cvb cpbody act based on in based on work act i have done for many years as well as basic standards for humanitarian treatment regarding the Public Health necessities with water, sanitation, hygiene, food, shelter and that is what i did. Host when it comes to those things, are there standards now that just arent being met . Guest thats the problem. We studied the standards that cbp and ice are following and this bill mind you is specifically only for cbp, the ones at the front lines and they are following these standards but they are not real. They are not real standards in the sense that they are very vague. They are not specific, and for example, a Health Screening is defined by an observation and a question, are you ok and look at them. It does not say they need an interview, that they are required to do it in a language they can understand, it does not say they have to have vital signs and a physical examination , it is not a screening triage to determine whose life is in danger and who is at high risk of dying. Under their standards which they have met, six children have died. The sevenyearold from guatemala, if she had vital signs initially when she presented, she would be alive. Host your bill, does it provide new funding to allow cbp to have the resources to do those . Guest this bill would be the blueprint that the 4. 5 billion that was just given in the supplemental would be applied towards, one. Is an authorizing bill so it creates laws and the appropriators will look to fund this blueprint so that we can humanely,ants more with more professionalism at the border. Host we are talking with congressman raul ruiz, democrat from california. The phone lines are open for you to call in. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. His standards for those in cbp custody passing the house committees process sunday. When will that seafloor time for an actual vote . Guest next week, i am very hopeful it will be up for a vote next week and before everyone leaves to their districts in august and of course, i dont know if senator Mitch Mcconnell will bring it up for a vote in the senate. However, there are a lot of bills that must Pass Congress and there are a lot of things the president once and i believe Speaker Pelosi is very wise in her ability to make sure that we do the right thing for children. Host in terms of must pass bills, we heard news of a possible deal between Speaker Pelosi, democratic leadership and the white house on raising the debt ceiling and lifting those budget caps. What is your understanding of where we are on that deal . Guest it is your understanding of what we are reading in the news and other sources, that they are getting close to a deal. It is important that the government pays its bills. Host what should the deal include in your mind . Guest i cant go into specifics because i am not privy to that back and forth but definitely we should be paying our bills so we dont default and put in ruin our American Economy and create a global crisis. Host a tweet from one of the congressional reporters on capitol hill, quoting Steve Mnuchin on cnbc this morning saying the white house thinking things congressional leaders have agreed on top line budget cap numbers and are working on offsets. Can you explain what that legislative speak means . Guest offsets is where youre going to take away in order to put money into other positions. That is what that means. Host that we we will find out today more information on that deal and we will keep you updated. You can stay on cspan and watch action on the house floor starting in about 50 minutes. The next 20 minutes we are talking with congressman raul ruiz of california. Glenn is up first out of illinois, a democrat. Good morning. Caller hello and good morning. Trump and putof our Vice President in there, hes got no nose for that border bill. He will throw those cages out of there so quick it would make your head spin. Pence, that is the one we need. Thank you. Host your thoughts on the Vice President . Guest his recent visit to the hit to swaynother and distract from the very Gross Facebook posts that they found from certain Border Patrol agents, to sway the Public Opinion from what lawyers and the independent observers had seen, which is the complete inadequacy of the system to care for children and women, oftentimes intentional, sometimes not intentional but simply because they dont know how and dont have the resources. Host the caller talking about getting rid of president trump. Al green sought to do that yesterday through his impeachment resolution. It was eventually tabled. The House Democratic leadership leading that effort to try and table that resolution. Guest i voted to table it because we have mueller who is going to come and testify. We still have a lot of different information that needs to be uncovered. Impeachment does not remove the president. It is the senate vote that has to remove the president. We have to make sure that there is not only enough but that the best set of circumstances and context in which a president under the constitution can be impeached. Host the impeachment resolution dealt in large part with the president ticket comments about the four democratic freshman congresswomen and his thoughts on them. You have you have to ask yourself, does that mean high crimes and misdemeanors, bribery or treason . Electorately, the voted for a man who disparaged women, a man who disparaged immigrants and is continuing to do that, using divisiveness and hate and fear to augment his Political Base in order for him to win elections and gain power. That is not the ideal form of leadership our country needs but his campaign used the electoral system to his advantage. Host our next caller is out of ashburn, virginia, republican. Caller good talking to you guys and thank you for having me on. My comment is about the border. Can we agree that five years ago, the majority of migrants that were migrating to the United States were men and not family units . Theythey had the when had the Detention Centers down there, they were better equipped because we did not have that many people coming in. , thee have this influx crisis we are talking about and i think we can agree, we are not equipped to have family units. When you have thousands coming in by the day, what do you expect for them to do . When they dont have money, they are just not equipped. We could put up a tent city overnight but to build , just for them to be in the condition that it is a Good Condition to bring children and mothers and pregnant women, we just dont have the facilities to do that. There are too many people coming across. Host thank you for the call. Guest i have been the medical director for tens of thousands of haitians after the most devastating earthquake and in the most impoverished country in the western hemisphere and these standards can be applied. The amount of the amount of latrines per individual, the amount of calories you want to provide to families, providing space and private secure space for them to bathe and shower. Providing soap and toothbrushes. Creating a location where there is enough space. Many of these provisions do not require a complete infrastructure makeover. There is a lot of capacity within our government to a tente i work in hospital in haiti alongside the 82nd airborne in the army. See the enormous capacity of logistics to meet these names but to meet these needs but i do agree that right now the system does not have the capacity. Therefore we will have to do a of of memorandums understanding and contracts with other emergency federal agencies as well as nonprofits and local hospitals to make sure that children do not die. What we do have the capacity for is to ensure that children do not shut up do not suffer needlessly. Host the energy and Commerce Committee on capitol hill, the House Oversight and government reform committee, acting Homeland Security secretary will be testifying. If you had a chance to ask him a question, what would it be . Guest i did have multiple chances and i had multiple conversations with him and other Border Patrol agent about the standards and i know that the Border Patrol agents want these standards because improving the standards and the conditions in which they work will also improve their workplace and make sure they have the capacity to have a licensed Health Care Professional to do Health Screenings, Emergency Care providers oncall to triage and help them make decisions whether a child needs to be transported to the Emergency Department or can remain in their facility. A lot of these provisions in the humanitarian standards bill addresses a Public Health addresses Public Health. Illnesses,vent deterioration of an individuals health. You will prevent them from getting sick and prevent other agents from getting sick as well. Host reviewers who want to check out that hearing, we are airing it on cspan3 at 10 00 this morning. You can see the acting Homeland Security secretary. You can also watch it at cspan. Org or listen to it on the free cspan radio app. Alan is next out of north carolina, independent. Caller good morning america. I just wanted to say that you have people talk about athletes but athletes are great. When there are natural disasters, people go and help other people. We recognized out of the border, these people need help. How come these congressmen and others are not putting their genes on and getting donations and helping out until the money does come and build the tents themselves to do some the other than talking . I am tired of people talking about especially congresspeople talking and not rolling up their sleeves. Why arent you asking people to your written law comes through . Guest i hear your frustration publici grew up in the health and Community Organizing communities where we actually do things rather than talk and in this case, personally, i have worked with different nonprofits to assist them in coordinating a response to help these children and women and families. The issue is there are very strict rules where cbp cannot accept certain donations or certain assistance. They dont allow anybody to come into the facilities where the children are at. My bill will allow members of congress to go in and do oversight and inspections. There was a lot of organizations and nonprofits that are much better at coordinating humanitarian aid than the 435 individual members of congress right now, but i definitely hear your frustration and i think there is a point. There are a lot of people who want to bicker but there is the opportunity to donate money is to nonprofits, opportunities to work with your physicians. I had the president of the American Academy of pediatrics say they had a whole team of pediatricians who are waiting and are insisting to be let in to take care of these children, they are not allowed. Host why arent they . Guest the claim is for security reasons. Havingeaucracy of not gone through the background checks and all the other necessities to come into a facility and i think a lot of it the less amount of outsiders, thirdparty individuals coming in and seeing the horrendous conditions, the less stink they are going to make. Cbp would rather shut their the publicot allow to see what is happening inside. Host about 10 minutes left with congressman raul ruiz of california. Betty is waiting in louisiana, republican. Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. I have been listening to the discussions and the one thing that has not been spoken about or brought up is stop it. Stop the influx. The analogy would be if you have a tub that is overflowing, the faucet is running full force and you keep yelling for buckets. Bring more buckets. But the buckets arent the problem. How about turning the faucet off . Not,e out here, we are where listening to all of this. You are not handling it like you are supposed to. Congress, do something. You are not taking any steps at all to shut the faucet off. Guest that is a great analogy betty. That is a very good analogy. Do tos what we need to shut the faucet, as you say. We have to understand why people e from theiren mass countries to come to the United States. That is because either their life has been threatened, there is a lot of lawlessness, a lot of threat from cartels and other areas going to very rural urban populations, communities in villages. People whosend wives or husbands or children have been killed. They either stay with this horrible life or they take the risk and migrate north and go to a location where there is that not where there is not that lawlessness. That lawlessness continues in mexico with the cartels able to kidnap, rape, Human Trafficking in mexico. That is why they dont want to stay in mexico. What we need to do is join in partnership with those countries to ensure that we have mutual economic interest to develop that area with our private businesses as well as help them secure their countries. What we should not do is what the president has done which is completely withdrawn all that assistance, left a void so that the cartels, the poverty rate increases which is another driving force. The second thing we need to do and understand, is understand that our laws including International Laws allows asylumseekers, those with legitimate cases to seek asylum in our country to take their time in court. We have to respect those laws as well. Host should those asylumseekers have to seek asylum in the first country they transit to before they come to the United States . Guest if you are being persecuted by your own government or by people who are corrupt or individuals that are telling you that you need to start selling your daughter to the Cartel Services or you are all going to die, then you go to the government, you think they will feel safe seeking asylum within their own government . It is a matter of common sense. Human behavior is going to do everything they can to protect her life and their childrens life. I know i would. Host steve is next out of illinois, independent. Sad what iss very happening on the southern congressmanour u. S. And we have so many homeless vets and so many Homeless People , i think we should help them first. ,f we can help the other people we should put our funds in there. Day are committing suicide. Cant taked that we more funds and help them out. Let is all i have to say. That is all i have to say. Peoplewe would help more here then thinking about immigrants. All, i also of share an enormous amount of compassion and outrage in the way that veterans are treated in this country. Choice that the oftentimes gets poised in terms otherosing one versus the is not a choice necessarily of necessity but because we can do both and we should treat our veterans better. I have served on the v. A. Committee and currently i am helping lead the fight to protect our Service Members and veterans from the toxic exposures of burn pits and we are working on expanding the Mental Health services for our erans to prevent suicidal prevents prevent veterans from committing suicide. You are absolutely right. We are confronted with a situation and the reality where we have asylumseekers in the thousands coming to protect her life and there are a lot of there is a lot of moral outrage with the fact that these children are dying in the custer reit in the custody of the federal government. We must continue to serve our veterans and our Service Members to make sure they are safe and that they have the resources and benefits they need. I share in that outrage with the way our government is so ready to send our young men and women to war but abandoned them when they come home and want to not give them the resources the benefits that they need. Host less than five minutes left. Christopher in chicago is a democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning. Twould like to give you examples, of the effect of immigration on the job market in chicago. I work in the trades. Problemsat i know have and i have problems myself because i am currently unemployed looki

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