Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Tim Ryan At Iowa State F

CSPAN Campaign 2020 Tim Ryan At Iowa State Fair July 14, 2024

I have this whole riff about health food and i dont know if this is the place to give that speech. Its a pleasure to speed date here with you today. Really appreciate it. If you want a second date, go to timryanforamerica. Com. Im here with my wife and fiveyearold son, brady. Give them a welcome. Wave everybody. All right. He is like when every going to the bumper cars . I told him about the deepfried oreos. Hes ready to go. I really appreciate the opportunity to have 15 or 20 minutes to speak with you about how i feel this country needs to be. The direction i think we need to go. I believe we need to move from a conversation about reforming our systems that are all broken in the United States to transforming them into new systems. I think we have to move from the conversation about left or right. We have to have a conversation in the United States about new and better. The whole conversation i dont know how it goes with you. Where are you at . Left, center, centerleft, right . Where are you on the political spectrum . When the entire world, the economy, education, research, health care has blown through the traditional leftright divide, and i believe the next democratic nominee has got to be somebody who talks about new and better. You look at the broken Economic System we have where 75 of the American People are still living paychecktopaycheck. We have huge concentrations of wealth. We have the bottom 60 that is not seen a raise since 1980. When the cost of every thing else has gone up. You look at the Health Care System, its broken. We spent 2. 5 times on health care as every other industrialized country and get the worst results. You look at the environment and the fact that we kill 220,000 metric tons of fish at the mouth of the gulf of mexico every single year in the United States, plus the climate issues, plus the algae blooms in the great lakes, algae blooms in lake okeechobee in florida, and lakes all over. Our Water Quality is down. We have lead pipes that are poisoning our kids. We have an agriculture system thats a monopoly. And clearly is destroying our soil and our environment. You look at the criminal Justice System that is broken, racist at its core, and it needs reform. Immigration system, broken, clearly needs reforms. Only undocumented employees get busted but the employer gets off cott free. I want to have a conversation with you that will be slightly longer than the conversation i was able to have with you during the debates. [laughter] rep. Ryan talk about speed dating. What is your Health Care Policy . 15 seconds. I want to have a more indepth conversation with you. I am releasing proposals and sharing ideas. I want to talk about my proposal around the economy. I believe we need to have an industrial policy in the United States of america where our government, our research and our private sector all push in the same direction. Like germany does, like china does. One of the first positions im going to create is a chief manufacturing officer that will report directly to me. We will put together strategies on how to dominate industries. Let me give you a few examples. The electric vehicle industry, somewhere in the world we are going to make 10 million electric vehicles in the next 10 years. I want half of those built by American Workers in the United States of america. [applause] rep. Ryan my chief manufacturing officer will sit down with the department of energy, the department of transportation, venture capital, private sector, investors, we will sit down with maybe the big three, maybe emerging automakers and sit down and figure out how to be dominate the electric vehicle market. How do we make 5 million vehicles . How do we drive that investment into the communities like the ones i represent in ohio . Old steel, pulled auto, old coal, coal textile. Rural areas they used to have a Manufacturing Base to fund local schools. How do we drive this industry that is growing into these communities of color . Or example, the ones that have been left behind. We will Start Building things in the United States again. I can promise you that. [applause] rep. Ryan right now who dominates that industry . China does. They dominate 50 to 60 of the electric vehicle market. We will do the same thing with solar and Wind Turbines and all the component parts. We will do the same thing around 5g. We will do the same thing around artificial intelligence. We will do the same thing around Additive Manufacturing and 3d printing. These industries are growing at 25 or 30 a year. We need a strategy in United States on how we will dominate these industries. It needs to come from the president of the United States. Im telling you we will get this one. We are going to build things again in the United States. [applause] rep. Ryan Climate Change is obviously a huge issue. Now a democratic nominee, tim ryan, will go to places in iowa, and wisconsin and michigan and ohio and pennsylvania and mississippi and South Carolina and these all textile communities and say you know how we reverse Climate Change . You get a really good paying job that pays 30, 40, 50 an our uilding electric vehicles. Now you begin to bring in the entire country and around an agenda that both reverses Climate Change and lifts up the middle class. That is how we move forward with the climate agenda. We Start Building our way to a renewable economy. I want to talk about health care. Im for a public option. We bring medicare down to 50. We will cover 60 Million People in the u. S. , and Kaiser Permanente says those 60 Million People who were 50 to 64 will see a 40 reduction in their Health Care Costs. 40 . I know it may not be a revolution, but i think thats a pretty significant step in the right direction. I would also allow Small Businesses to be able to buy into the medicare program. These Small Businesses are getting killed with Health Care Costs. They should be able to get into that program and have some stability so they can reinvest back into wages and health care and Capital Investments for their small business. We should have anybody who wants to buy in be able to buy into the program if they cant afford good Quality Health insurance. I dont believe we should go about the business of taking peoples private Health Insurance away. I think that is a dangerous proposal for us to have. Here is the difference. 75 of our Health Care Costs in United States come from chronic diseases that are largely preventable. The next transformation of the Health Care System has got to be about how do we build the system that reverses chronic diseases that are costing us 3. 5 trillion a year. Think about that. 3. 5 trillion dollars a year of our Health Care Costs direct and indirect come from chronic diseases that are preventable. Type 2 diabetes. Half the Adult Population has either diabetes or prediabetes. A diabetic costs about 14,000 a year. With interventions like food as medicine and other support we are literally reversing type 2 diabetes across the board in the United States. Why wouldnt we want our Health Care System to have a strategy where we have doctors benefit and had patients give rebates and refunds for getting and staying healthy . Where you get paid for getting and staying healthy, and bring that cost down. We have trillion dollar a year deficits coming. 22 trillion debt, and 1 trillion a year annual deficit as far as the eye can see. When you look at your health care expenditures, and three quarters or 3. 5 trillion, thats where the money is, lets go after that. Microform will have a Huge Public Health initiative where we drive those costs down so we have money to invest in college and k12 and all the rest. We can take care of people who cant reverse the chronic iseases they may have. That is a transformational Health Care System. That is the one i will push. I released an education proposal the other day. We have got to transform our Education System k12. The conversation has got the shift from how do we get test scores up, to how do we take care of our kids . How do we take care of our kids . My proposal, one takes care of the teachers. We help them with tax credits and loan forgiveness and all the rest, which is a complete suck up to my wife who is a firstgrade schoolteacher. I am not stupid. I go all around the country. My wife says, how did it go . I was talking about you today, baby. My proposal is to put a Mental Health counselor in every Single School in the United States that needs one. I want a traumainformed curriculum for every school. I want them to have social and Emotional Learning. We have so many kids that come to our schools that are traumatized. We have learned more about the brain in the last 20 years than we have in the previous 200. I want this initiative to help these kids get their brains out a fight or flight mode so they can access the prefrontal cortex in the front of their head, their executive functions where theyre working memory is, the decisionmaking. It is up here. Hen the brain is in fight or flight you literally cannot access your working memory. No wonder you cant learn. Lets build an Education System hat gets these kids out of trauma and gets them into a healthy environment so they can begin to learn again. What you have seen with robust social and Emotional Learning programs is an 11 percentile point increase in test cores. Closes the achievement gap. 10 increase in good behavior, 10 decrease in antisocial behavior. 20 swing in the mood of schools. This is not left or right. This is supported by both the brookings institution, leftleaning think tank, and American Enterprise institute, rightleaning think tank. E can move forward with this agenda. Manufacturing. Lets move forward with manufacturing. Supported by 80 of the American People. Get out of this left or right polarization. Lets move forward. America, new and better. I want to lead this charge around these issues. I want to have a conversation around agriculture. I want to transform the agricultural system. You know better than anybody in the United States, and we know in ohio, what is happening to Rural America. Losing hospitals, losing manufacturing, the downtowns have fallen apart. I have an agenda where we reinvest in small and midsized towns, renovate the theater, build a riverwalk, build the bike trail. I have done this in small little towns. You need that community and get Affordable Housing down there in the downtowns. I want us to move from this monopolistic, industrial agriculture system that we have today. I want us to slowly move to sustainable and regenerative agriculture here in the United States of america. [applause] rep. Ryan the only farmers in America Today really making money are the ones who were doing regenerative agriculture. This is when you do no till farming. You do cover crops. You dramatically reduce your input of pesticides and fertilizers. The soil begins to hold become more porous. For every 1 of organic matter you increase the soil, the acre of land can hold 27,000 more gallons of water. We have destroyed the soil in the United States of america. When the rains come they take the fertilizer into the rivers and they go down the river to the mouth of the mississippi and killed 220,000 metric tons of fish every year. We get algae blooms. The farmers are not making any money. It has been five years. I want the Democratic Party to be able to go into Rural America and say we have an agenda to move to regenerative agriculture so you can start making money again. I will tell the farmers and United States you will make a hell of a lot more money off of a president ryan you ever made under president trump. [applause] [applause] rep. Ryan we are going to have an active world program. The democrats did not do well in rural iowa in the last rep. Ryan we are going to have an active world program. The democrats did not do well in rural iowa in the last gubernatorial race. Go to the small and midsize towns. They matter. Thats america. They call us flyover states, right . We are not flyover states. We are american states. We went investment and strategies and not a bunch of platitudes. I want the government to be on our side again. This is the big deal i want to stress with all of you. Im 46 years old. We have three kids. Him 16, 15, and five. Him him my entire adult life we 16, 15, and five. My entire adult life we have been having culture wars. It was jack kennedy and then Martin Luther king and then bobby and then vietnam. It has taken off since then. Now it has gotten so bad where we literally have the president of the United States saying send them back. Right . America, love it or leave it. That was the same signs that were up during the vietnam war. You may not know who i am. Im tim ryan. Im from northeast ohio. Im an old football player, an old quarterback. Real old. See me walk in the morning. Shoulder, knee, back. Its a bad site. My wife watches me walk to go get coffee and she said, did anybody block for you as a quarterback . I play offense. I want the Democratic Party to play offense with new ideas, and stop sitting back and letting us be defined by the rightwing echo chambers. I want us to define the future of this country. I want to do it with these new ideas. I want to do it with these new ideas because when i talk about social and Emotional Learning, about regenerative agriculture, when i talk about reforming our economy around new ways of manufacturing, not Everybody Knows what im talking about. They pause. And they listen. I tell them i dont want this leftright divide. I am fed up to hear. I dont want anymore culture wars. Im worried about school shootings. Im worried this has gotten so bad that our kids in Public Schools are afraid to go to school in the next week or two. That is unacceptable. To me that should be unacceptable to every goodhearted american. That means we have got to get these weapons of war off the streets of the United States of america. We have got to have a background check. We have got to have an immigration system in United States that where we can both common sense. Its not left or right. You have Border Security or comprehensive Immigration Reform. Wait a minute. No i dont. I am for Border Security. I want to know whos coming into the country. I want to know, and i want us to stop them if theyre trying to. But i also am the descendent of immigrants. This has been the secret sauce in the United States for a long time. We want comprehensive Immigration Reform in the United States. Bring people out of the shadows here in this country. Build our economy. I would just say this. Im in a fighting mood. I am irish. You know the old irish saying, dont you . Is this a private fight or can anybody get into it . [laughter] rep. Ryan im ready to fight. I have a transformational agenda. It is not going to be easy for us. Im not saying i have a magic wand. There is no superstar, no savior. It is you and its me. It is your family and its my family. Lets not reform these broken systems. Lets transform these systems. I will leave you with this that Bobby Kennedy used to say at the end of his brief campaign. I do not promise you ease. I do not promise you comfort. But i will promise you these, i promise you weariness, you i promise you hardship, and i will promise you sacrifice. I will promise you weariness, hardship, sacrifice. With these i will promise you victory. Thank you so much. God bless you, iowa. [applause] [crowd talking] go get some sunscreen and some water and come back at 12 45 for the next candidate.

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