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With yellow roses and 2500 from the state of california. The colors of the evening are green and gold. This is how the evening will unfold. Guests are being to arrive. The president and first lady will welcome the australian Prime Minister and his wife. After that, the floor will return inside the white house for a brief visit before descending the Grand Staircase. We will bring you all of this pomp and circumstance while we await the guests of honor. We will watch the guests arivene. Arrive. Dobband mrs. Lou mr. Lou dobbs and katie dobbs. Mr. Stephen miller. The honorable kellyanne conway. Arts and dry and steve gordon gray. The honorable mayor of acksonville. The honorable gavin buckley, and his wife. Olis chickfila. Mr. And mrs. Stillwell. Indiscernible] the honorable james rich, United States senator from idaho nd mrs. Vickie rich. The honorable Kevin Mccarthy, United States representative from california, and ms. Megan ccarthy. American orable ambassador to australia and ms. Melanie aiken. , the honorable william barr attorney general, and mrs. Christine barr. Dr. Michelle simmons and dr. Thomas barlow. Caren honorable sean cross and emily score. Mr. James corbin. Giuliani rable rudy mr. Michael worth and mrs. Dubey worth. Mr. Jeffrey young, mayor of charlotte, North Carolina. Indiscernible] the honorable roy blunt, United States senator from issouri. , the honorable betsy devos secretary of education and mr. Richard devos. Indiscernible] the honorable matthew pott tinger. D dr. Nan po tmp the honorable keith crock and crock. Ta indiscernible] mr. Phillip roughin and mrs. Ughin, the honorable pat sip loaney cippoloni. Ecca mr. Sall fox and ms. Hanna stroble. Mr. David solomon and ms. Jan wilkins. Kudlowhonorable lawrence kudlow. Judith malbec onorable david malbec. Adelle he honorable indiscernible] ryan ms. Aliz egget horning. Mr. Andrew forest and mrs. Nicholas forest. Indiscernible] the honorable marc short and rs. Kristen short. Mr. Curtis stone and mrs. Lindsay stone. Indiscernible] michael orable jon ulvaney. Hello everybody. Wilbur ross, secretary of ommerce and mrs. Hillary ross. Indiscernible] the honorable emma doyle and mr. Brett doyle. Vice president mike pence and rs. Pence. Snow [inaudible conversations] arriveguests continue to at the white house. Now at the morris portico the north portico where we expect the president to greet their guests of honor at any moment. There they are coming to the door. Lets watch. Present arms. The australian Prime Minister greeted by the president and the first lady for the second state dinner of the trump presidency. President barack obama held three state dinners in that time, george w. Bush held two and president bill clinton held one. We are covering tonights festivities live on cspan. We will show you the two leaders along with their spouses ascending the staircase on way to meet the guests. ,efore we get to those events we have with us a former white house social secretary and former chief of protocol for the United States in the obama administration. President ere for trumps first state dinner. Thank youguest for being here. Guest it is it guest it is a joy to be with you on this historic evening. What is the significance of a state dinner . Guest the invitation extended to the chief of state or head of government is the highest invitation. It thes with significance of how we want to strengthen this relationship. The message is we are friends and i want to grow this bilateral relationship. Im looking forward to working with you more. Ofoughout several days engagement, many issues will be raised. They will work through those issues delegation to delegation, president to Prime Minister discussing how they can come to resolutions, what hurdles they might be able to overcome, all wrapped within the diplomatic presentation. As chief of protocol, it was the greatest honor to put these events together. Framework for diplomacy issues to take place. As secretary i got to plan all of the fund inside of the white house. Worked very closely with the first lady on the elegant details you will see this evening. Set a are trying to special tone, send a message. How have previous president s done that and what do you think the message is tonight . What do you think the tribes are sending tonight . You can see from the themes that are highlighted. Nuanced andey are sometimes quite over. You could see the theme of friendship. From the flower selection of the golden wattle and the yellow california rose to the reflection of the menu. S from bothts wine regions. You could see the theme of blending of cultures that comes together. The caller, the decor of the table cloths and the china that is on display. The gold again a symbol of bringing together. To tip a hat to the australians. Their colors of green and gold. It is wonderfully put together her fantasticand social secretary. She implemented every detail that has been designed by the first lady with extreme care. Host what is happening and why is what we just saw significant . Why that location at the white house . Arrival is very special. It is a welcoming. The whiteyou to house. Very symbolic around the world. Shot of the press facade of american totem is very symbolic around the world and certainly to Prime Minister mrs. Morrison. That will be the shot sent around australia. Having their Prime Minister stand in the significant space the president of the United States and first lady. Host who do we see at north portico before we see the president of the United States and first lady . Capricia first you will have people running around scampering to make sure things are clear and clean and in place. Tom the white house butlers the ushers office. There are so many people that make sure every detail of this visit has been taken care of. Spec of dustere a on the red carpet . Then you have the entrance of our military. It makes me so proud to watch that entry. And take theirgh position in the flanked semi circle fashion that you sigh a moment ago. Then they stand behind the commanderinchief. Is sending a message. Here we are, not just the president of the United States but the military is here to greet you upon your arrival. See, who might we might not we see for the north portico arrival . When i was chief of protocol, the position i took and many of my predecessors have taken would leave the president and first lady out of the north portico and take position to the left and greet our visiting dignitaries. Bring them up and make the introductions. Wentcasion, sometimes that well. On other occasions it didnt go so well. At the time it was not funny. It was an extraordinary moment. Display, the delegation staff of the Prime Minister. As soon as they entered the staffportico door, his was running just behind to make sure if there is anything they need attending to and following to make sure that all of the details are carried out. Host who is in charge of coordination . Honordo the guests of come from to the white house . The detail is really emerging. There is a lot of logistics. The movements of the prime morrison aremrs. Handled by the office of protocol. They communicate the wishes of the president and the first lady to the foreign delegation. They will communicate the wishes of the foreign delegation to our president at the state department. They really put in place all the logistics. The movement you have seen from the arrival at the airport. The wonderful welcoming ceremony they had on display. One of the wonderful benefits that the president and first the exquisite guesthouse. Just across pennsylvania avenue. It was acquired during the roosevelt administration. Privileged to serve under one of my predecessors and mentors. Who works for president reagan is the chief of protocol. Thediligently made sure guesthouse was put in order seamlessly. Redecorating it, making sure these houses were brought together and now consist of one seamless home. The Square Footage is immense, it has 110 rooms. It can sleep 14 members of the delegation. WhoPrime Minister selects comes in and who wont. He can hold meetings, press conferences, receptions. It is a wonderful opportunity for the president to extend to visiting dignitaries. Poignant welcome to our country by staying in the blair house. Host we saw this arrival happen pretty much when the white house said it would happen. Whos keeping everybody on time . Experience, any delays . What were they for . Prime minister morrison, themrs. Minute the motorcade makes the way up the driveway, every plan, every moment is in the hands of the social secretary. She has planned this with her the secretilitary, service, coordinating with the office of protocol. All of the details have been set forth. Ticktock schedule. It will detail when they are to leave blair house. There is a phone line put in place. We would call him say are they ready . They will say yes, we have eyes on them. They are going to the car. We know in real time when it is supposed to happen. Oldfashioned phone line. The rest of the evening will fall seamlessly into place. Host chief usher, what is their job . Capricia the chief usher is the person who has historically inhabited the ushers office. They maintained throughout every administration this is a nonpolitical position. It is career placement. Maintained that decor, the functioning within the white house. Personal side of the first family. Aching sure if there is a particular food they would like that the kitchen is stocked. To make sure the chef understands what are the likes and dislikes of the first family. ,f they wanted to change working with a White House Historical association that works in tandem with the ushers office and first lady on the inside historical to core of the white house. Dresslets talk about the this evening. E sama lamia saw but melania in the gown. First lady of the Prime Minister what goes into gown . G the capricia a great deal. They think about what would be the color or the appropriate season. Mrs. Clinton always chose american designers. Some time reflecting the state visit itself. I recall that during state that she chose a gown. Wang dow obama enjoyed celebrating the colors of that country. Red gownthis striking that was symbolic to the chinese. This was a color in favor and greatbatch. Eat luck. Trump is starting why she made this choice. Wearing a greenish color as a nod to the australian colors. Earlier today she had on a blue theodore. Canlan an australian designer. Welcoming the australian Prime Minister and his wife, the blue dress features a v neck and waist belt. Capricia wonderful. An elegant choice. I saw the photographs and watched the video of she and misses morrison. She was really striking. To hit that note of friendship, the blend of culture. Sometimese symbolized in nuanced ways. It could be a bit more boldly. In and ofatement itself . Absolutely, 100 . Action is diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy is sometimes a bit underrated. If you say to someone i really appreciate the food of your country, or i am very fond of the designers in your country, the craftsman, that is making a strong statement. Feel a wonderful friendship when someone extends that to you . Build the relationship. That is what we are trying to do in diplomacy. Sure they are strengthened because often times we will come to points that are quite difficult. We need to depend upon those friendships. The president and first lady along with guests of honor, the Prime Minister of australia and his wife have gone inside the white house. They have gone up the stairs into the living quarters for a brief visit. They will descend the Grand Staircase. We will bring you that when it happens and continue here this evening on cspan with all of the pomp and circumstance of the evening. That start from the beginning of the Prime Ministers arrival. You touched on that. Bring us through everything that happened up until where we are. Maybe we can reshow our viewers where we are when we get to the north portico arrival. Capricia absolutely. Fewght be one of the rare who might enjoy a visit to Andrews Air Force base. Beis a wonderful place to because of the significance that it holds. This is the place the president of the United States extends to dignitaries. It was the greatest honor of to extend my hand on behalf of the president of the United States and say welcome to our country. It gave me shivers when i had to do that. Whether it is the president or my handnister to shake and say thank you. An extraordinary moment. The flight line along the side of the red carpet and you wait for the plane to land. Once it lands, we wait for it to land and go up the red carpet. Once the plane lands we roll out the red carpet. Are so pleased to see the bringing Young Children with flowers. You want them to see the magical majestic moments in our country. These historic moments in our country. , the current chief of protocol, this is her first state visit as the chief of protocol. Is a Prime Minister, head of government. He served in the office of protocol and deputy for the first part of the administration. She represented everyone very well. Greeting the Prime Minister and misses morrison. Walking down after making introductions. Tosent hi dignitaries there make sure they well represent our government from various agencies and backgrounds. Their ambassador was on hand i thought. A great personality, everyone loves him in washington, d. C. , you enjoyed going to the Australian Embassy for a grand time. He is quite a character. He was there on the flightline as well. They actually go to their cars. Prime minister morrison chose to make a few remarks. Bittepped to a podium for a and addressed the press corps on take in the arrival ceremonies. It is wonderful. I neglected to note there is a 19 gun salute that takes place. Landshe moment the plane and pulls up, there is a military 19 gun salute. Only theeally difference in the ceremonies between a chief of state. That is a 21 gun salute. Only altering moment that takes place between a state dinner and an official visit. Host then you have the arrival on the south lawn. The welcome to the white house. What goes into that and why do we do that . Capricia that holds the most significance of anything throughout the entire day. Our first state visit dates back to 1874. These traditions have built over time. That ise is a format followed by every president through the military and greeting foreign dignitaries on the south lawn. It is very precise. The visiting dignitary arrives. The Prime Minister and mrs. Morrison arrive in the motorcade. I recall getting up at 4 00 in the morning with our entire team and making our way to the state department. When i was social secretary i made my way to the white house. A. M. Phone call. Those anybody anticipate any lastminute issues . Sometimes it can be the weather. Sometimes you have to bring this inside. It is unfortunate because the public has gathered and can no longer wants to ceremony take place. As grand as it is on the south ground. Delegation steps, the arrival of the public. Flags, making sure they are all in place. Triple checking if there are any outstanding issues. Briefing the president and first lady on every element they will go through. You want to make sure they , as chief of protocol they have to remember exactly what they are doing. I havent seen any president forget. After the briefings we get the word that the visiting dignitary is on the way. With the delegations they arrived in the motorcade following close behind. Cars put only certain out for the highest members of delegations. And mrs. Trump stepped out of the south grounds. They walked the red carpet and then greeted them. A greeting that takes place with the delegation. The president will introduce the Prime Minister. Stagescort him onto the wherey will have they will wait and are greeted who has thendant president and Prime Minister reviewed the troops. This is a tradition around the world. Your visiting theitary, i would like grandeur of my military. You are safe and we are friends. There is no dagger up my sleeves. I am doing this out of friendship. They have the review of the troops. The commandant leads them back. Hen there is the drum court this is my favorite. It is a wonderful celebration in the United States. That takes place on the south grounds. The president gives remarks and the Prime Minister gives remarks. Descend thend tage, sign the guest books and have more time getting to know one another and move on to the duty at hand where they walk into conversations that will have public commentary. All of the doors close. All of the press goes away. They discuss heart issues that the president and Prime Minister need to discuss. That brings us to this evening where they arrived for the state dinner. We are waiting for the president and first lady. Visit withhave had a each other and some selective guests inside the white house. Before we get to that, i want to give you some information about who the Prime Minister is. Earlier this week we spoke with an australian reporter. Heres what he had to say. Tell us about the Prime Minister. Is aott morrison conservative politician. He is far more well known being economic conservative. He is a christian. He has gone out of his way to make sure that his faith is not part of his politics. He is really trying to find a path that is not about his faith in making sure the rules of the ofd are civil, regardless what view he has in public. Host a little bit about the australian Prime Minister. Who decides and what goes into picking the guest of honor . Capricia this is quite a process. It begins with the National Security council. There. M that is over every region around the world is scrambling to get that coveted invitation. Showed from the regions absolutely deep should be invited for a state visit. It is up to the president to determine who he will honor with that invitation. There are many in the state and particularly the secretary of state as well. They have various objectives as to who they think should be honored. Lists ofhaving seen various leaders that would come from the state department to be submitted for a whole variety of reasons. I think the Prime Minister should feel quite happy with the many countriese and many leaders that were submitted that his was the one selected by the president. When it is decided and when it is made, what happens next . Capricia that is like the gunshot. Everyone starts and begins planning. Designsocial office, the , the theme, who will they invite . You have a wellrounded guest list. Names from all offices. Well from agencies as the state department. Special interests that take effect and can be important to the various policies between our countries and the australians. The color, schematics, flowers, menu. Of thisollecting all information, you have to do deep research. Meeting between the u. S. Delegation and the australian delegation. Im sure there was one where they discussed many of the issues. Are there any allergies or colors we should avoid . You want to go through every detail with the visitors. She is so incredibly organized. Protocol, they are jumping to it as well. There will be a top protocol officer who is assigned this. An intern who works for me is heading the efforts. Career protocol officer. Immediately starts having meetings and contacts with the Australian Embassy. It will reach over to our embassy in australia to get as much information and do as Much Research so you could present the best plan. Put forth the best of the United States to our visitor. How many months of preparation . Capricia in some instances you get several months. Two, maybe three in advance. Timedent clinton one called upon me to do a state minister in prime five days. It was quite an endeavor. It started off as a very large lunch and moved to a 500 person dinner. Host did you sleep . Capricia no. I kind of love that rush. Maybe there is something bizarre about me. I enjoyed presenting our country. Showcasing the magic we have from the people, food, our culture. We have an extraordinary culture. We welcome everyone to our shores. Dinner can beate so symbolic of that. We bring together people we so much inh common with. Host is there a budget you can spend . Yes. Cia there is a budget and it is set forth. A budget for overall entertaining. It is incumbent upon how the white house determines the funds should be used for one particular visit versus many visits. During the Reagan Administration , they had a visit every month. One a month they planned. Iesident reagan this was tend to agree with him. A wonderful way of exercising diplomacy. They felt we could make so many countries happy. They kept it in a standard package. It didnt deviate. Always took place in the east room. I disagree because i like all parts of the white house. They are using the rose garden. Obama planned a state dinner for councilor Angela Merkel in the rose garden. It was magical. Knock on wood, the weather was going to be good and it is this evening. Lucky. E very i dont see a bit of rain in the air. I dont see any rain in the forecast. Host the president promised he wasnt going to rain. Job to said very good his wife this evening as well. Talk about when does the first lady get involved and how involved is she . Capricia every first lady i the great honor of working for, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were both very involved in the details. They want to make sure they are in step with the issues that are at hand between these countries. Is it about strengthening the elation ship relationship or that we have issues need to overcome this . We need to have this grand celebration so we can get beyond the sum our issues. In step with what the objective is for the evening. Detailsn out all of the from the theme, colors, flowers, entertainment. That Melania Trump is very involved in the details. Fact, the former social secretaries gathered at the home recently of lieberman, who served under president bush. We have become a really strong group of friends. Didnt share much, just a little bit about her nervousness, particularly the weather. We knew she is quite the pro. Host she texted you . What did she say . Capricia she says im so excited about tonight, im so nervous, do you think it is going to rain . Is it too cold . Going to beou are perfectly fine. Everything will go off wonderful. We all have lastminute jitters. Will it actually come to fruition . Will everything go as planned . Organized like she is. Host they are running right on time with the north portico arrival. Again that you arrival of the australian Prime Minister and his wife to the white house. Host earlier this evening the Prime Minister of australia, the guest of honor and his wife arriving at the white house. President trump and first lady Melania Trumps second state dinner of the presidency. Lets talk about what is happening right now. What happens after the north portico arrival . Capricia they enter the north portico door and the delegations follow just behind. They ascended the Grand Staircase, which is just to the left. Elegant staircase, exquisite. The sociald up by secretary. They are escorted into the yellow oval room. This is a beautiful Reception Room that is on the family level. The white house. Enter the personal home of the president and first lady. The kitchen, dining room, their son baron lives and sleeps right across the hall from where they are meeting right now. This room has been quite historic throughout the years. In addition to the Prime Minister and mrs. Morrison, they will invite the delegation. They will follow a little bit behind to allow them to have a moment alone. They will have some appetizers. It is a bringing together of the delegations privately. Then, when the time comes it should be short. They are greeted by the military again. Arrive touard will retrieve what they call the colors from the military. There is a wonderful ceremony that takes place. The delegations are escorted out of the room by the social secretary. The president and the a veryinister, it is private ceremony. They are escorted by the colorguard back down the Grand Staircase. There will be photographs of the four of them again. Basically saying we have arrived to the state dinner. Lets go back upstairs. You talk about the delegations, who might be part of that . Capricia the foreign minister and the counterpart. Various cabinet secretaries we saw arriving earlier. Those who have been chosen by the president and first lady to attend this evening. Often they are chosen because there are issues at hand that need to be discussed between our delegation and the australian delegation. These are social occasions. A lot of work does get done. Sometimes when you have a cocktail in the hand and you are more relaxed, you have conversations that put each other a bit more at ease. There is quite a bit of work that takes place. The president and first lady want to select the right people to be a part of these delegations. Entail the chief of staff from both delegations. Very highranking. It is the toptier of both governments. Host the colorguard and the to start this process of the evening. We have also seen the marine presence as you talked about it. The marines out there. How many are there at the white house . What is their role on this evening . Capricia the number i dont think i could get quite straight. There are so many. It does call upon all branches of the military. Upon all does call branches of the government to participate. That is why you see the various uniforms that are represented on the south grounds as they are received at the north portico and the colorguard is represented by the five branches of the military. Againe president to say we are welcoming you, escorting you by the finest of my country has to offer. They are led down the Grand Staircase. I have one funny story. Nervous young man leading the colorguard. I will get this wrong and im sure someone will make commentary about it. Spear, it very pointed where the bags are. Here is exquisite chandeliers got mangled in the chandelier. We are watching. Im looking at the first lady, the president , everyone is slightly holding their breath as it releases and we continue and make our way down. To drop aare we going chandelier on our visiting dignitaries . It did not happen. They are the best of the best. Whoopsie doodles every now and then. Host what happens when they descended the staircase . Capricia they have to retrieve the colors that are posted in the yellow oval room and they descended the colors. They post them on either side of the president. Then there is the official photograph that is taken of the president , the Prime Minister, and the first ladies. Host we will show our viewers that they will pose and be escorted off. Where did they go to next . They will be brought into place by the social secretary. Will lead the president and Prime Minister to the receiving line, to the place of designation. Guests havet, the been having their own reception. In the state dining room and in the east room, drinks will have been passed. Hors doeuvres will have been passed. People will know who else got invited this wonderful evening. The guest list is kept secret until it is put out watching the guests arrive. Even the guests themselves dont know who to expect in the room. Friends ssing visiting friends and having a wonderful time. They are ushered in the receiving line and it begins with the announcing of the social secretary assisting in moving the receiving line along. L the president and Prime Minister greet every guest . Capricia they will greet every single guest. Dont stand and stop but it is a handshake photograph where you will slightly turn and the white house photographer is very adept at making sure that every guest looks spectacular. Yes, they will get a photograph. Host they will go through the receiving line and it will be off to dinner . Capricia yes, they will be escorted down again. This is taking place on the main floor of the white house. The dinner is taking place in the rose garden. They need to descendent other set of staircases. It is another set of stairs that will take them to the lower level of the white house. Through thelk out adjoining overhang. Host you were the chief of protocol, was this your only job . Big dinner and big night. What else is the responsibility . Protocol is af of wonderful position. It is timehonored and one that i am honored and privileged to have been given. Toould not be more grateful president clinton and obama. President obama nominated me and put me before the senate so i could receive this position. For the few years that i was granted, the position itself it oversees the framework of diplomacy. , notnage all the visits only in the United States but abroad. Week is thext diplomatic gauntlet that takes place. The u. N. General assembly. There are so many protocol officers there currently. In tommediately go right manage the bilaterals that will take place between the president and secretary of state. Officerwonderful career leading the efforts over there as well. The United States and the visits when the president travels. Travel with the president to every location when he travels abroad. Worked with my counterparts in every country of planning every detail of the visit. There is a ceremonial division. They manage everything that is taking place within the state department. If the president travels abroad, all of those social engagements the president has abroad as well will take place on u. S. Soil. She formally was also social secretary to president bush, incredibly well prepared for this position and doing an extraordinary job. That, the office of protocol oversees the blair house. All of the upkeep. We work very closely with the white house restoration fund. Making sure everything needs to be cared for is cared for. The board does an extraordinary job of making sure this exquisite guesthouse of the president is kept in proper order. Beyond that we have management office. Diplomatic affairs oversees the entire diplomatic corps. We are ready to show our viewers the Grand Staircase arrival of the president , the first lady and his guest of honor, lets watch. Host what stood out to you as you have watched that many times . I am always taken with the grandeur of the tradition and ceremony that have lasted so many years from president to president , administration to administration. It just makes me so proud to see that moment as an american. Our president and first lady are leading another foreign dignitary. The specialasing welcome that we have extended to them. It makes me very proud. Host we were talking before, we showed our viewers, the moment and the role of the chief protocol officer. Is that person in charge of relationship between two leaders, if so, how . Work,ia every bit of our the goal is to do just that. To reinforce this relationship. To attempt to make sure that we implementing the goals that have been set forth by the administration. In this visit, it is clear again that this is about implementing friendship. How do we do that . Interact with our counterparts. In the office of protocol, we are the first who begin those conversations. Begin the discussions with our counterpart delegations. It is very important that we have a friendly tone, welcoming, that we are open to ideas. Also that we are representing our country. Do and everyat we bit of our work really is to the Foreign Policy goals set forth by the president. Littleant to show you a bit of our interview before the Prime Minister arrived in america with an australian reporter. What is the dynamic like between the men . Incredibly strong. The personal relationship seems paramount to President Trump. Both have bonded over improbable victories, according to the socalled experts. Viewsond about their dealing with illegal immigration. Understanding what legal and illegal immigration is. The language is a little bit mixed in United States politics. Clarity of that language is something that gets along very well with. Suburban andfor people dare i say. In a place where there is a lot that had things bo donald trump as au candidate. Treating him with respectt and is an interpersonal something a lot of World Leaders probably failed to do. The interpersonal relationship matters. Anyone around washington this week will see a lot of australian flags it would suggest the personal relationship is working pretty well. One of the entire presidency is for australia. For the Prime Minister. Scott morrison, the Prime Minister of australia became the leader in august of 2018. He previously served as a leaderre and is the of the ruling liberal party. His wife met the Prime Minister when they were 16. They married at 21. She previously worked as a nurse. They have two daughters. Also, a little bit about state dinners for the country of australia. The first one was in 1969. In 1976 hosted Prime Minister malcolm fraser. In 1977, president carter hosting malcolm fraser. Hosted, president Carter Malcolm fraser. Stayast Prime Minister dinner for an australian Prime Minister was under the george w. Bush administration in 2006. Hosting Prime Minister john howard. Part of the calculation . The last time our country held a state dinner for xcountry . Visitsa there are many that take place that are not official or state visits. There are working visits and official working visits. There are other visits that take place at various levels. I was honored to acCompany President clinton to australia on a visit he had. Capricia as people protocol i Company President obama on an official working visit that he had with Prime Minister julia gillard. There was a lot of ceremony. You wouldve thought it was really a state visit. There was quite a bit of pomp and circumstance that we enjoyed. And you could tell also they had a really wonderful friendship. Country. In our we have really welcomed them. It just did not rise to the level of an official visit. That is we saw was last extended by president bush. We are this evening, the australian Prime Minister being honored tonight with his wife at the second state dinner for wasnt from and first lady Melania Trump. Went to the invitations go out for tonights guests . When did they receive them . How much time do they get to decide, oh yes or no, we have to rearrange this, what will i wear . [laughter] capricia the usual time in six weeks in advance. Theyre all hand calligraphy. There is no evite for this invitation. Although there are emails that i understand now currently are sent as reminders, and assisting with details and things of that sort. We use technology to support the protocols of a state visit. Of detailgreat deal that goes into making sure that you have the proper guest list. In advance their extended. And then theres a flurry of calls that come into the social office, what should i would be wearing . Are there colors to wear . Are the colors not to wear. And then theyre asking for dietary restrictions, are you vegan, are you vegetarian, what might you eat or not eat . All of this information goes on for the next few weeks, back and forth, back and forth by the many guest that have been extended invitations for this evening. Rsvp,when i expected to and do have to have a good excuse to say no . Rarecia well, it is very that you receive a regret for this type of invitation. Very rare, indeed. Most people reply the moment they opened the envelope. The moment they receive an invitation they are immediately calling and rsvping that they will attend. I cannot recall when we had to go to a list be ever for eight state visit. For state visit. The primary reasons might be illness or death would be the only think covered wiseman would not attend. Host have you ever had a noshow . Capricia no we have never had a noshow. Host we saw earlier this idaho, a senator from senator blunt came along with their spouses. Capricia he is a neighbor of mine. Host the House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy he was very close to the present. Mark meadows, smit from North Carolina and leader of the Freedom Caucus in the house. We saw newscasters like lou. Obbs and maria barta rama you had australians, greg norman was there. We saw him arrive. Capricia i am very fond of greg norman. My husband, my wonderful husband got me hooked on golf when we first started dating. , avidto watch greg norman fans. And president clinton knew i was an avid fan. He used to golf with greg norman quite a bit. On one of the occasions, he surprised me returning back to the white house with a signed greg norman golf ball, which i now have encased in a wonderful glass case that nobody contact, not even my son. Ball. Is is my greg norman host did you ever, in the dinners you attended, have one of those moments you really wanted to meet one of the guests. And is not allowed . Capricia it is. We are so privileged to have worked in these extort nearly postings when we are in government. The most extort neri people in their field the most people and their field. Academics, scholars, people in. Ports, athletes, entertainment really the top people. You are always a bit gaga over who is walking to the door, they are amazing individuals. But i held true when i was a social secretary, and as chief of protocol. As well as everyone who worked with me, that we never had a celebrity moment. We held back because it is not about us. It is really about the president and his guests and you want to honor that. Thinkingyou are just inside i cannot believe im standing next to nelson mandela. It is a pinch me moment. But you carry on the duty at hand, absolutely. Host we saw some of his cabinet members, the education secretary betsy devos. Wilbur ross the commerce secretary was there. The attorney general, william barr also some of the staff that he is surrounded by on a daytoday basis, steve miller, kellyanne conway, is acting chief of staff mick mulvaney, larry kudlow, all making their way as guests. Is all the staff invited to a not like this . And who decides . Capricia no, not all the staff is invited. Certainly not. Again, this is the soaker session the social secretary will take a primary swipe at who should be on the guest list and who should not, looking at the issues at hand, try to figure out exactly what are the goals of this visit, working with people from the state department and within the administration. They will present this. The final determiner is the president and the first lady. They will look through and determine who should be there representing our delegation, rep sending our government. And who they want to make sure actually is doing a little bit of work at evening. Haverime minister, will he had a say in who gets invited as well . Capricia absolutely pay we solicit any recommendations, any request that they might have. And then, hopefully, we can actually make sure that we do invites them. [laughter] capricia often times are visiting dignitaries will ask for not very many, but a few people that are very special to them, who live in our country and have an attachment back to australia. Host what goes into the security of having guests arrive at the white house . Capricia quite a bit, quite a bit these days in particular. Which is a little sad when i look back in history and i notice how they used to just come straight up the north portico in a carriage without any worry whatsoever. They can open up the front door. The north portico of the white house. And visitors went to go visit the president. But that was a long time ago. Those days are far behind us. Now visitors arrive on the east side of the white house. They are dropped off quite a ways away. He used to be able to go all the way up the avenue. That has been stopped. Secret service has to have processes and procedures in place that they can really make sure the president and his visiting dignitaries and their delegation remain safe. Theres a special Security Processing Center on the east side of the white house that guests needed to go through and make sure there are no issues presented. Then they are greeted elegantly at the east side of the white house, and escorted through the east wing. And making their way through the bookseller which we saw just a few moments ago. The social office is actually situated just above the book sellers. And upould scamper down throughout this entire day and evening. It was strategically located, i should say. Host wire they introduced and who is introducing them. Capricia it is a military aide who receives their calling card. When guests arrive they will check in. They have a coat that will be taken. Theres a wonderful coat check that takes place in the family movie theater. Then they will be given their name card. Then when they hand their name card to the military aide, they waste their turn. Then their name they waited their turn. And then their name is announced the book sellers to the press corps. This is a formal way of saying to the press corps, look at the wonderful guest we have invited this evening. This guest is extraordinary we want you to take note of it. Then there is also an opportunity for those who of opera who have arrived by the east portico entrance, that they may have a statement to make. We have seen a few people pause and have an opportunity to make a few remarks. We saw about their hockey to take advantage of that moment with the press corps and a few others. Receiving oformal the invited guests to the white house. And as he said earlier those guests went on to have their own reception, while the president and his guests of honor one upstairs and have a brief visit. We saw them to send the Grand Staircase. They are now in reception line reading each and every one of tonights guests before they go out into the rose garden to dine under the stars. Lets talk about the theme of this evening. They chose the colors of green and gold, the australian colors. What goes into that decisionmaking . Capricia it is incumbent upon the first ladys office and the social office to think through a variety of ways in which they can showcase the special relationship. As the three color scheme . Is it through a color scheme . Is it through a design element . You begin to put together and the social office, almost presentation boards. Here is theme one, heres theme too. Here are various ideas on how we can showcase the special relationship. Than the first lady will take bits of this and sometimes bits of that, or say no, im scrubbing all of this, and design from scratch. It was clear there was a collaborative effort here with all of her input, ms. Trumps input, working closely with the floor shop. Theres a white house florist and a lovely shop on the ground floor of the white house. And with the social secretary taking the lead in this, and bringing in everyone. Bringing in the white house florist, bringing in the white house chef, who is an extraordinary and visual. Individual. Chris comerford i got to know very well and she was an assistant chef when i first worked at the white house. She was promoted during the president bush years. It was wonderful to see her in this lead position as the white house chef. Once she hasther an understanding of what the goal is for the evening, then the presentation of the menu, and how she brings together the first course, the second course, and of course the wonderful dessert. Themeit right within that and plan of the first lady. Host we are showing our viewers what the table looks like. You see the gold and the china. A mix i believe of. Capricia this axle he was china selected for 200th anniversary this actually was selected for the 200 anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the white house it was selected by mrs. Clinton and the White House Historical association. It is similar to the eisenhower baseplate and also very different in that it is the only base plate that has the white house itself in the center, as opposed to the eagle from ving from plea best from previous base plates. It alternates with the bush base plate as well. That is a lovely green lattice selected by ms. Bush during the end of the administration. As i understand, she chose the itna because it reflected or had the same image, a semler image to china that was once used by president and Dolley Madison in their personal china in their personal dining room. She really wanted that to draw that out, and to use that image for their selection of white house china. Not every administration has has china. House notte every administration has white house china. It has to be replenished because china breaks over the years. Theres very Little Lincoln china or truman heine truman china. The last hole service is the ragan china which is an exquisite red. Over the heirsed and quantity. Administrations it has diminished over the years in quantity. Administrations have to replenish that. Host we are learning we are waiting for the president and Prime Minister to make their way into the colonnade here. Describe what we are looking at. Where is this in the white house. Capricia this is the west colonnade. Theres a west colonnade and the east colonnade. The west colonnade is open to the rose garden. West colonnade where i believe the camera standing is i believe in front of the doorway that goes to the White House Press corps. And you go down a small hallway and your right at the oval office. Actually if you took a left during the rest of the colonnade and it stayed outside, you could enter the oval from the outside. Host and it looks like the mic fronts for their speeches are set up right there. Capricia it does. It looks so theyre going to make their toasts and remarks possibly from there. It will be interesting to see how the evening has been diagrammed and laid out. It looks spectacular from here. The lighting im sure will be quite wonderful. Dry special evening. [laughter] host you can see to the right of the screen a little bit of the table. There are the tables, and the guests mingling as they wait. Those who of already said their greetings to the president and guest of honor. There going about how did they find where they are supposed to set. To sit. Capricia once they receive their place cards when they have left the receiving line the calligraphers will hand out lace cards to each and every guest. Once they arrive to the west there will be a team of people from the social office and social aides who will then assist guests in showing them where their seats are. And people go to their seat. And they will immediately then look for someone they know and move away from their seat. And mix and mingle. Until it becomes the appropriate time when the president and Prime Minister have arrived. Host we see their Kevin Mccarthy, also guest tonight, mailing about. Mingling about. Who decides where each person is going to set. I understand the tables are all the same size this evening, around 10 people at each table. Who decides that, and what goes into deciding where going to put this person next to that person. Capricia it will be the social secretary. She will have designed and work with her team in designing actually the placement of the tables themselves. Team. Ll work with her i also had a wonderful relationship with the former chief usher, gary walters. We worked onbecause he had a great eye for measurement. How can we fit this many tables into a room . We will always were given a bit of a challenge because president s love to have lots of people around. He would come to me sometimes in the afternoon of a state dinner saying i just heard that soandso was not coming to our dinner. They have got to come. Can you fit them in. And i would say sir, i fit at the i server the pleasure of the president , absolutely. We would try to figure that out. Thei work closely with first lady on who precisely sits where. Where would we have most engaging conversations. Who would feel more comfortable. This is a pretty heady evening. Many people come, and they are bit nervous. You want to have someone at the head of that table, who is the house at the tablethe host at that table, who can help with conversation and assist those guests who may feel less comfortable. I see lights on. I daresay something is about to happen. Host we see the wind starting to be served. [laughter] capricia ok, that is a good moment. I think they are bringing the wind to be served for the toast. The wine to be served in the for the toast. Withis made in coronation the menu and the meal has been selected theres an extraordinary person of the ushers office, daniel shanks, who will make a wide selection. At least during the Clinton Administration this is what daniel would do. And also parts of the obama administration, was making those wonderful selections. Because he was a sommelier and knew exactly what would work with each aspect of the meal. Host lets talk about the meal. The first course is son chuck ravioli and reggiano cream long with a 2017 sodium fromnon blanc california. The second course sober sole with zucchini squash blossoms and fennel whistling paired with mousseline,e 16 noir. With a 2016 pinot i find the selection of the son chuck ravioli quite interesting. It is an interesting the sun choke ravioli interesting. It taste a bit like an artichoke mixed with a delicious potato. The consistency is really lovely. I am a bit mouthwatering over this selection. I understand there will also be shaved vegetables on top of that as well. Then the dover sole is a not i think again to the waters that lie between us. To the waters that lie between us. And the fishes representative of that. Thats an interesting main course selection they have. The winds themselves are really representative, not one in particular, but the wine in wineries mean so much to us as your wineries do to you. Hence, you see the do corps on the table of the golden grapes on the table of the golden grapes. To remind every one pray and the desert, apple pie andert, ice cream. The dessert. Host the Washington Post it is one scoop of ice cream or perhaps two for the president. Capricia if he so wishes. A massive floral arrangement of roses, california yellow roses on the tables. How do you decide, do we want centerpiece, not centerpiece, what else is going on the table . Capricia again, thisll be one of the first decisions made by the first lady. What do we want this evening to look like . What we wanted to represent . And i thought they did a bit of a job of selecting these australian comedies exquisite delicate australian yellow wattle flower. And should paired up with a very strong california rose. Both yellow in color, a nod to the colors of australia. Wattle has a green foliage that surrounds it. And the outer space what i understand are white roses that. Ome from california that really is quite beautiful. Host is there a rehearsal . [laughter] capricia oh yes there are many. Motto is failed to plan, plan to fail. There are many rehearsals that going to place prior to even the tables going down. What pathway will they walk . There are so many decisions that are taken that it come into play , why was the room selected, why was that the rose garden . What is the manner in which we want to degrade them . What is the best way to ring them into the room . So they feel most welcomed, or to avoid certain perhaps certain instances. Oh. My goodness. Host it looks like the military performance, the entertainment rehearsing. Capricia will have rehearsing before anything is in place. And then dress rehearsal. Everything now has been laid in place. Everyone is called from protocol to the social office to the military to the music. Everyone is come together to make sure that what we have laid out, what we have all designed, and if there is a hiccup you can fix it at that moment. Host you literally rehearsed moment to moment echo capricia yes you do. Host and you time it out, how long it takes to walk on the portico to inside . Capricia we accept people who play that president , the first lady, the Prime Minister and the visiting dignitary first lady. Host two people know how slow or fast capricia we also try to selected vigils about their size, so if there is by chance there is that sweet to select individuals about their size. If by chance there is a visiting dignitary he was short, we do not want them to be overshadowed by a large bush or speaker. We are looking at every element when they are seated at the table. Are the arrangements too high so they cannot gauge engaging conversation across the table . Is it too overwhelming, so people cannot enjoy their place setting . There are so many thoughts that go into making sure that this evening sends the messaging, has the balance, the environment that we had hoped it would. The ambiance. Yes everything is step we plan, we walk up to the podium. How high is it, how low is it. Our president s tend to be rather tall. And rather robust. As opposed to sometimes visiting dignitaries, who might be a bit smaller. On one occasion we actually had chair offts under the the visiting dignitary, because tojust looked so diminutive president obama. President obama was really tall. We actually left that leader up a little bit. Because he looked as though he was a young student or something. Leader up. T we look at every detail. Does the pen work echo we will sit and look at the pen, the place setting, there is the cutlery in the right position . Is it comfortable for them to be using, every bit of those details will go into play. Host is there taste testing . Capricia oh, and it is delicious. Host who gets to do that . Capricia i was quite privileged as a social secretary to join the first lady for all the tastings that took place at the white house. And when i was chief of protocol , i also had the wonderful privilege of working with the phenomenal chefs who also come at the state department, because there is also a luncheon that is hosted at the state department by Vice President pence and secretary pompeo. They jointly hold a very high ofel luncheon, in honor and ms. Nister morrison marson. After they left the white house for the bilaterals, they get into their cars and go to the state department where we greet them. I had a wonderful opportunity to taste all of the food that these fantastic chefs would make over there as well. Tastewill secret service the president s food or will somebody look at the president s food before it is sent out . Capricia because it is crated in the white house, it is deemed ok. Theres no need to have a taste. But when we travel abroad, there is. Created theit is white house. But when we travel abroad, there is. Host secret service need to be on hand for this evening . Capricia and they are. Host today stays close to the present as they do when you see it the president when he seem out about another circumstances . Capricia no. Within the white house walls, on the acres as they say, they give a bit more space between the president and themselves. They know their processes, they know their procedures. There are things that are in place that none of us see. Not one of us will know if an incident should arise, i would hope never would, they have processes and procedures would react within a millisecond. Host to the guest that evening have their cell phones with them and are they allowed to tweet . Capricia that is a good question. I do not know the answer to that. I do not know if people have been requested to leave their telephones at home or not. They are, but ive not heard of that practice. Host when you are serving, social media was not as big of a deal as it is now. Capricia no, certain he was not. No it certainly wasnt. At state department we were still using blackberries. I think happy snaps were still in fashion. There are few, the beginning smartphones. How in this day and age does the white house keep everything so secret up until moments before, the dress, who is invited, what it looks like, with the invitation looks like, all of that is so tightlipped. How did they keep that in place. Capricia you do not tell many people. [laughter] really a very small core of people, of individuals. With whom the first lady has the greatest trust. And that is the social secretary, the chief of protocol to be given some information as well. Because they have to liaison. They have to have information flow so they can advise well to the foreign delegations. Small group of individuals who know the finer details of the evening. Host what is the role of . Resident trump tonight echo capricia hes the leader of the country and in that position he takes upon to welcome the visiting dignitary to our country, and really to stand in all of the wonders that we can present, and who are the american people, really introducing this leader to the traditions, the culture, the food. And most importantly, the people of the United States. And again, cementing that relationship with his foreign dignitary, with the Prime Minister. That we are certainly friends. And it has been wonderful to hear them say to one another, to hear the pie minister call our i really mate. Enjoyed hearing the australian accent throughout this visit. It is been fantastic. Host what is the job of the guest and the guest of honor, the pie minister, what is his role tonight echo the Prime Minister, what is his role . Capricia i believe the role of the visiting dignitary is a bit heavier. You are here in this highlighted capacity. You have been selected, invited, to participate this evening. The president knows certainly everything that is about to happen because he has planted all. But to the visiting dignitary, he has planned it all. But to the visiting dignitary, even though he has been told about a few things, there could be some surprises. Want to always put forth your best foot. Want to make sure you are representing the australian people as well as you possibly can. Toastwhat goes into the this evening, and who is involved in writing that,. Ooking at it, changing it and it does the president practice the test the toast . Capricia throughout all elements of the visit, their teams of people from the speechwriters office come the , who gather and work diligently on the verys remarks, from the moment the president delivers them early in the marking that early the marking early in the morning, to the remarks at the bilateral, to the toast hes making this evening. The details are really, really important. And very collaborative. The president has the prerogative of changing those details. If you such uses. Changing a line if he so chooses. Changing a line here are there, or adding a line or two. It is quite the collaboration that takes place. This evening, the toast they need to be welcoming and inviting. But sometimes it is welcoming just to have a hint of casual and funny. As well. Host what about the prime do you getemarks . To, does the staff of the president get to see what the Prime Ministers going to say . Capricia no. They will not. It will not. They will not see the no one will share back and forth. That is not some thing that will happen. They are remarks that have been vetted fully by your own delegation. And then delivered by the president himself. Host your own delegation includes . Incumbentit is administration to an administration who the president draws and from president obama that would be ben rhodes. He would work closely with susan rice or, tom donlon, whoever held that position paired also with the secretary. Host the speechwriter. Capricia the speechwriter would be in charge of all foreign delegations. Host your delegation is looking at the speech, reviewing the toast at the president is to give here, what is the reaction like or what is the protocol of what of those toasts . Are they supposed to do, before they give the toast, while they get the toast, after the toast. What is the protocol . Capricia the president goes up to the eagle lectern, usually on five by eight cards, rather large. Has the toast in his outline. Not meant to be a lengthy, only a few minutes. Theyre not meant to be speeches. A toast is very brief. You should have an objective. First, welcoming your visiting dignitary. A hint about what this visit is about. The punk choice and points. What are the punch wyche and points. And hit themthe punctuation points. And hit them as the focus of the toast and then the wrap, lets move onto this wonderful dinner and the wonderful visit. The toast has to have those objectives in mind. And then the raising of the glass. Like the fact that in the United States we clinked our glasses. We touch and we clinked. We make a noise. Whereas in some countries they do not. For instance in the u. K. , her majesty when she is having her state visit, they raise the glass as they approach the guest, they do not clink the glass. They approached the guest. Methods are different in various cultures of how you actually complete the toast. Host again, we are taking a life picture of the colonnade, the west colonnade i think he said. We are expecting that the president and the Prime Minister will be coming out to just before, to outside the rose garden where their guests are gathering paired and the speech will follow that. So we have been told we are a couple minutes away from seeing the president and the Prime Minister. Where are their wives at this point . Capricia there with them. Theyre always together. From the moment the Prime Minister arrives, the four will stay together. They do not separate. Host what staff is with them at all times . Capricia personal aides really are there that time. They had their security. There australian security as well. We saw them walking through the northport code art. Because there delegations now are mixing and mingling. There the north portico door. Mingling with the u. S. Delegation and the rose garden. The air standing by at the ready , their personal aides. We will always allow personal aides for the first lady and a personal aide for the president. For the prime minster. And sometimes the Prime Minister would come with, i did not quite catch this when they walked to the north portico door, but they might have a military aid as well. The president of the United States always travels with the military aid because they hold what we call the football. It is a very important case that carries a very, very Important Information in case we have a very serious situation. Host so you can expect tonight, the Prime Minister has his equivalent of a military aide with him. Who are the personal aides, what is their job . Capricia their jobs to be on standby. If theres a crisis of some sort that might be occurring back at home they will medially go and get the host im going to interrupt you paired we are hearing the music. Capricia helps the chief. President and ms. Trump, accompanied by the Prime Minister of australia and ms. Marson. Mrs. Morrison. Playing]the chief [applause] President Trump and first lady Melania Trump along with the Prime Minister of australian and his wife now entering the rose garden to see all of their guests and their grander at the at the grandeur, tables that a been set up by the first lady. Theyre coming into the rose garden and we see the podium right there. What do you expect will happen here now . We see the first lady there. Capricia the president as you see is moving toward the eagle lectern. This is a lectern th inspireour heroes ever us, may our heritage always guide us, me our values always unite us and make our nations always remain the home of the proud and the brave, and the free. To veryo raise a glass special people and a very person to the podium. Mr. Prime minister . Me. Ell, he got mr. President , first lady misses trump, thank you so much, misses trump for the amazing night youve created for us here. Friends,d gentlemen, jenny and i are truly grateful for this wonderful honor and hospitality you have extended a in your as we join you home and that of the american presidency. This, of course, was once the home of teddy roosevelt, who who i have always greatly admired, who was also a new yorker. He was also one conventional. He was above the establishment. He was also accomplished and indeed, some might say in maverick, his own man. He was a doer and above all, he was inspired by the great character of the american people. There was nothing he believed his nation could not do. This is the heart of american greatness. Mr. President , your voice in america and its people at goes the spirit of that great president and is backed up by your lifes experience and the passion and work of your presidency. Kindness,mp, your warmth, and quiet grace and the in the welcome to jenny and i and especially tonight has been very special and as james has said. Sweet. General washington once said it is infinitely better to have a few good men than many in different ones but the same is true of the friendship of nations. Australia will never be accused of indifference in our friendship to the United States and tonight, mr. President , we are reminded that the united ,tates feels the same way especially under your leadership. Ive noticed the marines who are on duty tonight and i thank you for your service but not just to the United States, but to our alliance, as well. 1943 him of the u. S. Marine First Division was engaged in the first ever largescale u. S. Offensive against the japanese at guadalcanal. At the same time, Australian Forces were in new guinea locked in battle against the japanese. We both prevailed, each doing our bit, each carrying our own weight. When the u. S. Marine First Division arrived in melbourne after six months of heavy fighting, they were welcomed rendition of waltzing the tilde. The First Division still plays waltzing matilda whenever they ship out. It is true, mr. President , weve been in a lot of battles, but weve also stood together to realize the dividend of peace. Prosperity that comes from our embrace of enterprise and free markets and the rule of law, our great immigration societies, education, level democracy and commitment to the fulfillment of human potential. This has been importantly included in our Work Together to expand the frontiers of science, technologies, and exploration, to reach into space as we first did together 50 years ago when you launched and we kept apollo 11 in contact through the honeysuckle project and have been the most famous images of all time to an enthralled and inspired humanity. Events that no doubt inspired a young andy thomas who is with us tonight to launch into space on the endeavor almost 30 years later. This again to do under the vision of your presidency. A generation and our times call this Great Republic and tomonwealth to free nations point way to freedom. Ofaustralia, we are reminded this freedom by the great spire with the eagle on top. Statue of theonze australian carrying a wounded marine off the battlefield on steep slopes in new guinea in 1943. For his gallantry, he was awarded the u. S. Over star and military metal fighting long u. S. Troops. Mr. President , we would be honored if you permit australia a lifesizeto erect memorial of this image in washington at a place of your choosing, as a constant reminder of our dedication to our american friends and the bonds we have formed. For now, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a coast. Toast. Years and 100 more, to the people of these United States. To the president and his magnificent first lady, and may god bless america. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Thats so beautiful. Thank you, scott. I would like to invite a very special person up to the podium to see a blessing. Reverend franklin grow aham. Thank you. Graham let us pray. We thanknly father, you for the long and historic relationship between our two nations and we pray that these cords of friendship will be strengthened even greater here this evening. We ask that you would give the leaders that are gathered here tonight your wisdom from on high and that you would continue to bless our countries. We thank you for the food that will be before us this evening and for the generation generosity of your hand. And father, we pray this tonight in the name of your son am the lord jesus christ, amen. Enjoy. Thank you very much, everybody. Cspans washington journal, live with news and policy issues that impact you. Ian williams of the center of strategic and International Studies will join us to talk about irans military capability and the u. S. Response. The an author on his book only plane in the sky an oral history of the 9 11 attacks. Live washington journal on saturday. Continues its campaign 2020 battleground states tour across the country. On monday, the battleground state of wisconsin. The late abc and npr journalist cokie roberts, who died this past week, will be remembered at a funeral mass at the seed role of Saint Matthews the apostle in washington. We will have live coverage at 10 00 eastern on cspan, online at cspan. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Cspan is back in des moines, iowa this saturday for Live Campaign 2020 coverage of the polk county democrats annual steak fry beginning at 2 00 p. M. Eastern where 17 president ial candidates will take the stage for speeches. Fox the polk county iowa state fry. Steak fry. The experience is really valuable to me. It had a huge effect on our life and has helped us grow and reach people going into our college year. Studentcam videos competition, the videos spark their interest in documentary production. I am from Drake University in iowa and i get to be right in the middle of the caucus is and i got to meet so many candidates and because of cspan, i had the experience i and knowledge to hp some of them. This year, we are asking students to create a short video documentary ask answering the question what issue do you want president ial candidates to addressed in the campaign . We are awarding 100,000 in total cash prizes, including a 5,000 grand prize. Be passionate about what you are discussing to express your view no matter how large or ll youth and the audience you think the audience will be to receive it. In the greatest country of the history of the earth your view matters. For more information, go to our website. Studentcam. Org. Youth activists held a rally in washington and elsewhere around the country calling on elected representatives in the Nations Capital and around the world to take action to address Climate Change and to advocate for a shared human right to clean air and clean water. This is about two hours and 20 minutes

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