Transcripts For CSPAN White House Hosts State Dinner For Aus

CSPAN White House Hosts State Dinner For Australian Prime Minister July 14, 2024

With yellow roses and 2500 from the state of california. The colors of the evening are green and gold. This is how the evening will unfold. Guests are being to arrive. The president and first lady will welcome the australian Prime Minister and his wife. After that, the floor will return inside the white house for a brief visit before descending the Grand Staircase. We will bring you all of this pomp and circumstance while we await the guests of honor. We will watch the guests arivene. Arrive. Dobband mrs. Lou mr. Lou dobbs and katie dobbs. Mr. Stephen miller. The honorable kellyanne conway. Arts and dry and steve gordon gray. The honorable mayor of acksonville. The honorable gavin buckley, and his wife. Olis chickfila. Mr. And mrs. Stillwell. Indiscernible] the honorable james rich, United States senator from idaho nd mrs. Vickie rich. The honorable Kevin Mccarthy, United States representative from california, and ms. Megan ccarthy. American orable ambassador to australia and ms. Melanie aiken. , the honorable william barr attorney general, and mrs. Christine barr. Dr. Michelle simmons and dr. Thomas barlow. Caren honorable sean cross and emily score. Mr. James corbin. Giuliani rable rudy mr. Michael worth and mrs. Dubey worth. Mr. Jeffrey young, mayor of charlotte, North Carolina. Indiscernible] the honorable roy blunt, United States senator from issouri. , the honorable betsy devos secretary of education and mr. Richard devos. Indiscernible] the honorable matthew pott tinger. D dr. Nan po tmp the honorable keith crock and crock. Ta indiscernible] mr. Phillip roughin and mrs. Ughin, the honorable pat sip loaney cippoloni. Ecca mr. Sall fox and ms. Hanna stroble. Mr. David solomon and ms. Jan wilkins. Kudlowhonorable lawrence kudlow. Judith malbec onorable david malbec. Adelle he honorable indiscernible] ryan ms. Aliz egget horning. Mr. Andrew forest and mrs. Nicholas forest. Indiscernible] the honorable marc short and rs. Kristen short. Mr. Curtis stone and mrs. Lindsay stone. Indiscernible] michael orable jon ulvaney. Hello everybody. Wilbur ross, secretary of ommerce and mrs. Hillary ross. Indiscernible] the honorable emma doyle and mr. Brett doyle. Vice president mike pence and rs. Pence. Snow [inaudible conversations] arriveguests continue to at the white house. Now at the morris portico the north portico where we expect the president to greet their guests of honor at any moment. There they are coming to the door. Lets watch. Present arms. The australian Prime Minister greeted by the president and the first lady for the second state dinner of the trump presidency. President barack obama held three state dinners in that time, george w. Bush held two and president bill clinton held one. We are covering tonights festivities live on cspan. We will show you the two leaders along with their spouses ascending the staircase on way to meet the guests. ,efore we get to those events we have with us a former white house social secretary and former chief of protocol for the United States in the obama administration. President ere for trumps first state dinner. Thank youguest for being here. Guest it is it guest it is a joy to be with you on this historic evening. What is the significance of a state dinner . Guest the invitation extended to the chief of state or head of government is the highest invitation. It thes with significance of how we want to strengthen this relationship. The message is we are friends and i want to grow this bilateral relationship. Im looking forward to working with you more. Ofoughout several days engagement, many issues will be raised. They will work through those issues delegation to delegation, president to Prime Minister discussing how they can come to resolutions, what hurdles they might be able to overcome, all wrapped within the diplomatic presentation. As chief of protocol, it was the greatest honor to put these events together. Framework for diplomacy issues to take place. As secretary i got to plan all of the fund inside of the white house. Worked very closely with the first lady on the elegant details you will see this evening. Set a are trying to special tone, send a message. How have previous president s done that and what do you think the message is tonight . What do you think the tribes are sending tonight . You can see from the themes that are highlighted. Nuanced andey are sometimes quite over. You could see the theme of friendship. From the flower selection of the golden wattle and the yellow california rose to the reflection of the menu. S from bothts wine regions. You could see the theme of blending of cultures that comes together. The caller, the decor of the table cloths and the china that is on display. The gold again a symbol of bringing together. To tip a hat to the australians. Their colors of green and gold. It is wonderfully put together her fantasticand social secretary. She implemented every detail that has been designed by the first lady with extreme care. Host what is happening and why is what we just saw significant . Why that location at the white house . Arrival is very special. It is a welcoming. The whiteyou to house. Very symbolic around the world. Shot of the press facade of american totem is very symbolic around the world and certainly to Prime Minister mrs. Morrison. That will be the shot sent around australia. Having their Prime Minister stand in the significant space the president of the United States and first lady. Host who do we see at north portico before we see the president of the United States and first lady . Capricia first you will have people running around scampering to make sure things are clear and clean and in place. Tom the white house butlers the ushers office. There are so many people that make sure every detail of this visit has been taken care of. Spec of dustere a on the red carpet . Then you have the entrance of our military. It makes me so proud to watch that entry. And take theirgh position in the flanked semi circle fashion that you sigh a moment ago. Then they stand behind the commanderinchief. Is sending a message. Here we are, not just the president of the United States but the military is here to greet you upon your arrival. See, who might we might not we see for the north portico arrival . When i was chief of protocol, the position i took and many of my predecessors have taken would leave the president and first lady out of the north portico and take position to the left and greet our visiting dignitaries. Bring them up and make the introductions. Wentcasion, sometimes that well. On other occasions it didnt go so well. At the time it was not funny. It was an extraordinary moment. Display, the delegation staff of the Prime Minister. As soon as they entered the staffportico door, his was running just behind to make sure if there is anything they need attending to and following to make sure that all of the details are carried out. Host who is in charge of coordination . Honordo the guests of come from to the white house . The detail is really emerging. There is a lot of logistics. The movements of the prime morrison aremrs. Handled by the office of protocol. They communicate the wishes of the president and the first lady to the foreign delegation. They will communicate the wishes of the foreign delegation to our president at the state department. They really put in place all the logistics. The movement you have seen from the arrival at the airport. The wonderful welcoming ceremony they had on display. One of the wonderful benefits that the president and first the exquisite guesthouse. Just across pennsylvania avenue. It was acquired during the roosevelt administration. Privileged to serve under one of my predecessors and mentors. Who works for president reagan is the chief of protocol. Thediligently made sure guesthouse was put in order seamlessly. Redecorating it, making sure these houses were brought together and now consist of one seamless home. The Square Footage is immense, it has 110 rooms. It can sleep 14 members of the delegation. WhoPrime Minister selects comes in and who wont. He can hold meetings, press conferences, receptions. It is a wonderful opportunity for the president to extend to visiting dignitaries. Poignant welcome to our country by staying in the blair house. Host we saw this arrival happen pretty much when the white house said it would happen. Whos keeping everybody on time . Experience, any delays . What were they for . Prime minister morrison, themrs. Minute the motorcade makes the way up the driveway, every plan, every moment is in the hands of the social secretary. She has planned this with her the secretilitary, service, coordinating with the office of protocol. All of the details have been set forth. Ticktock schedule. It will detail when they are to leave blair house. There is a phone line put in place. We would call him say are they ready . They will say yes, we have eyes on them. They are going to the car. We know in real time when it is supposed to happen. Oldfashioned phone line. The rest of the evening will fall seamlessly into place. Host chief usher, what is their job . Capricia the chief usher is the person who has historically inhabited the ushers office. They maintained throughout every administration this is a nonpolitical position. It is career placement. Maintained that decor, the functioning within the white house. Personal side of the first family. Aching sure if there is a particular food they would like that the kitchen is stocked. To make sure the chef understands what are the likes and dislikes of the first family. ,f they wanted to change working with a White House Historical association that works in tandem with the ushers office and first lady on the inside historical to core of the white house. Dresslets talk about the this evening. E sama lamia saw but melania in the gown. First lady of the Prime Minister what goes into gown . G the capricia a great deal. They think about what would be the color or the appropriate season. Mrs. Clinton always chose american designers. Some time reflecting the state visit itself. I recall that during state that she chose a gown. Wang dow obama enjoyed celebrating the colors of that country. Red gownthis striking that was symbolic to the chinese. This was a color in favor and greatbatch. Eat luck. Trump is starting why she made this choice. Wearing a greenish color as a nod to the australian colors. Earlier today she had on a blue theodore. Canlan an australian designer. Welcoming the australian Prime Minister and his wife, the blue dress features a v neck and waist belt. Capricia wonderful. An elegant choice. I saw the photographs and watched the video of she and misses morrison. She was really striking. To hit that note of friendship, the blend of culture. Sometimese symbolized in nuanced ways. It could be a bit more boldly. In and ofatement itself . Absolutely, 100 . Action is diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy is sometimes a bit underrated. If you say to someone i really appreciate the food of your country, or i am very fond of the designers in your country, the craftsman, that is making a strong statement. Feel a wonderful friendship when someone extends that to you . Build the relationship. That is what we are trying to do in diplomacy. Sure they are strengthened because often times we will come to points that are quite difficult. We need to depend upon those friendships. The president and first lady along with guests of honor, the Prime Minister of australia and his wife have gone inside the white house. They have gone up the stairs into the living quarters for a brief visit. They will descend the Grand Staircase. We will bring you that when it happens and continue here this evening on cspan with all of the pomp and circumstance of the evening. That start from the beginning of the Prime Ministers arrival. You touched on that. Bring us through everything that happened up until where we are. Maybe we can reshow our viewers where we are when we get to the north portico arrival. Capricia absolutely. Fewght be one of the rare who might enjoy a visit to Andrews Air Force base. Beis a wonderful place to because of the significance that it holds. This is the place the president of the United States extends to dignitaries. It was the greatest honor of to extend my hand on behalf of the president of the United States and say welcome to our country. It gave me shivers when i had to do that. Whether it is the president or my handnister to shake and say thank you. An extraordinary moment. The flight line along the side of the red carpet and you wait for the plane to land. Once it lands, we wait for it to land and go up the red carpet. Once the plane lands we roll out the red carpet. Are so pleased to see the bringing Young Children with flowers. You want them to see the magical majestic moments in our country. These historic moments in our country. , the current chief of protocol, this is her first state visit as the chief of protocol. Is a Prime Minister, head of government. He served in the office of protocol and deputy for the first part of the administration. She represented everyone very well. Greeting the Prime Minister and misses morrison. Walking down after making introductions. Tosent hi dignitaries there make sure they well represent our government from various agencies and backgrounds. Their ambassador was on hand i thought. A great personality, everyone loves him in washington, d. C. , you enjoyed going to the Australian Embassy for a grand time. He is quite a character. He was there on the flightline as well. They actually go to their cars. Prime minister morrison chose to make a few remarks. Bittepped to a podium for a and addressed the press corps on take in the arrival ceremonies. It is wonderful. I neglected to note there is a 19 gun salute that takes place. Landshe moment the plane and pulls up, there is a military 19 gun salute. Only theeally difference in the ceremonies between a chief of state. That is a 21 gun salute. Only altering moment that takes place between a state dinner and an official visit. Host then you have the arrival on the south lawn. The welcome to the white house. What goes into that and why do we do that . Capricia that holds the most significance of anything throughout the entire day. Our first state visit dates back to 1874. These traditions have built over time. That ise is a format followed by every president through the military and greeting foreign dignitaries on the south lawn. It is very precise. The visiting dignitary arrives. The Prime Minister and mrs. Morrison arrive in the motorcade. I recall getting up at 4 00 in the morning with our entire team and making our way to the state department. When i was social secretary i made my way to the white house. A. M. Phone call. Those anybody anticipate any lastminute issues . Sometimes it can be the weather. Sometimes you have to bring this inside. It is unfortunate because the public has gathered and can no longer wants to ceremony take place. As grand as it is on the south ground. Delegation steps, the arrival of the public. Flags, making sure they are all in place. Triple checking if there are any outstanding issues. Briefing the president and first lady on every element they will go through. You want to make sure they , as chief of protocol they have to remember exactly what they are doing. I havent seen any president forget. After the briefings we get the word that the visiting dignitary is on the way. With the delegations they arrived in the motorcade following close behind. Cars put only certain out for the highest members of delegations. And mrs. Trump stepped out of the south grounds. They walked the red carpet and then greeted them. A greeting that takes place with the delegation. The president will introduce the Prime Minister. Stagescort him onto the wherey will have they will wait and are greeted who has thendant president and Prime Minister reviewed the troops. This is a tradition around the world. Your visiting theitary, i would like grandeur of my military. You are safe and we are friends. There is no dagger up my sleeves. I am doing this out of friendship. They have the review of the troops. The commandant leads them back. Hen there is the drum court this is my favorite. It is a wonderful celebration in the United States. That takes place on the south grounds. The president gives remarks and the Prime Minister gives remarks. Descend thend tage, sign the guest books and have more time getting to know one another and move on to the duty at hand where they walk into conversations that will have public commentary. All of the doors close. All of the press goes away. They discuss heart issues that the president and Prime Minister need to discuss. That brings us to this evening where they arrived for the state dinner. We are waiting for the president and first lady. Visit withhave had a each other and some selective guests inside the white house. Before we get to that, i want to give you some information about who the Prime Minister is. Earlier this week we spoke with an australian reporter. Heres what he had to say. Tell us about the Prime Minister. Is aott morrison conservative politician. He is far more well known being economic conservative. He is a christian. He has gone out of his way to make sure that his faith is not part of his politics. He is really trying to find a path that is not about his faith in making sure the rules of the ofd are civil, regardless what view he has in public. Host a little bit about the australian Prime Minister. Who decides and what goes into picking the guest of honor . Capricia this is quite a process. It begins w

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