Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Polk County Democrats St

CSPAN Campaign 2020 Polk County Democrats Steak Fry July 14, 2024

President ial candidates spoke at the polk county steak fry in des moines, iowa. We are going to show you some of the candidates remarks now, beginning with 800 work and beto orourke and kamala harris. Orourke is a fourthgeneration texan, born and raised in el paso, where he served on the El Paso City Council and in congress. He launched a historic 19 Month Campaign to represent all 28 million texans in the u. S. Senate, running the largest Grassroots Campaign the state had ever seen. [cheers and applause] are you guys here with somebody or what . Beto ultimately received more votes than any other democrat in Texas History as he excited thousands of firsttime voters to go to the polls. Polk county, please join me in welcoming congressman beto orourke. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] orourke hows everybody doing . Huge honor to be with you here today. So grateful for everyone who has come out regardless of what campaign you are with. We are all on the same team, focused on defeating donald trump in november 2020. [cheers and applause] r. Orourke and for the there, theters out folks who camped out last night made these homemade signs, built a boat. I was wondering why they built a boat, but i thought maybe that is the boat in which we arrived in this campaign. Now that we are here, to the very end, we are going to burn that boat down, because there is no going back. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] mr. Orourke one of the things ive learned over the course of this campaign all across iowa and all across the United States of america is we are all in this together. We are all connected for better and for worse. In el paso, texas, on august 3, we are one of the safest cities in the United States of america, not despite the fact that we are a city of immigrants at asylumseekers and refugees but because we are a city of emigrants and asylumseekers and refugees. [cheers and applause] safe, so nothing so special about us that could disconnect us from a country that is violent and founded in a racism that is still with us today in 2019, a violence and a racism welcomed out into the open by President Trump and directed by our community. 22 killed in a walmart on the saturday before School Started ak47,ntleman who had an a weapon designed for war to kill people as effectively, as inefficiently in as great a number as possible. That is exactly what he did, fueled by that hatred and that racism directed by this president. Weeks later, we found ourselves in forest, mississippi, the side of the largest single state ice rate in the history of this country. Those communities of immigrants working in chicken processing plants, one of the toughest, shittiest Jobs Available in the United States of america rounded up like animals, separated from their kids. All this done and all of our names. And in Pacific Junction in this state, meeting with those in community that had never meaningfully flooded before this year, to learn that every single one of their homes was underwater. To visit with farmers to the store soybeans in their visions unable to find markets that had been closed to them by this president. For better or worse, we are connected to Climate Change. We are connected to these disastrous policies. We are connected to the violence and racism in this country. But for better, we are all connected to one another and to the solution. The people of el paso, texas, are the ones who gave me voice to say hell, yes, we are going to buy back every ar15 an ak47 in this country, to get those off the streets and out of our homes so that no one ever has to fear that again. [cheers and applause] mr. Orourke and people will ask us they will say, hey, beto, are you afraid you have gone too far . Fhat you have really pissed of the nra this time . Im not afraid of that. No, im not afraid of that. I would be afraid if i were a schoolteacher in a kindergarten classroom and those kids for whom i had already sacrificed so much were up against a gunman with an ar15 because we did not have the courage to stop them while we still had time. I would be afraid if i were the son of an immigrant who went to work early this morning and never came back, detained and deported back to a country he had not seen for 20 years. I would be afraid if i were one of those farmers here in iowa who had seen those markets closed to me, unable to get out of debt. I would be afraid if i was a trans woman of color who could be killed with complete impunity in this country right now with no one to follow up or investigate. I would be afraid if i had to drive 300 miles to make my own decisions about my own body to ord a safe, legal abortion for Cancer Screening or Family Clinic health because we closed on the Cancer Centers in my state. I would be afraid of my son were black and were stopped by the police in a country that has accountabilityre for the abuse of power in the deaths of young, black men who are not armed and posed no threat to this country. Then i would be afraid. But for all of those who live in fear in this country, we as democrats must decide we will not be afraid. We as americans must decide we will not be afraid. We must decide that we will free america from fear. [cheers and applause] and that means no fear as rewrite this countrys immigration laws to reflect what this country looks like, to legalize our fellow americans, starting with more than one million dreamers, and make them u. S. Citizens in this, their true home country. [cheers and applause. Mr. Orourke no fear as we pursue universal guaranteed highQuality Health care, and that means primary health care, and that means in iowa, 51st in Mental Health care, no copays to see a psychologist or psychiatrist or be treated so you are well enough to live to your full potential. Universal health care that means every woman makes her own decisions about her own body and has access to the care that makes it happen. No fear about confronting Climate Change before it is too late, putting farmers and Rural Communities here in iowa in the driver seat, getting behind regenerative agricultural practices that they are already pioneering, paying them for the Environmental Services that they want to provide. Every single one of us doing all notan, meeting this threat with half measures or half steps but with the entire country to ensure this planet is one that we can pass on to our kids and every generation that follows. [cheers and applause] orourke no fear about ending a war on drugs that has become a war on people and some people specifically in a country that has 2. 3 million americans behind bars, the largest prison population on the face of the planet, disproportionately comprised of people of color. We will end the prohibition on marijuana. We will expunge the arrest record for everyone caught in possession of marijuana, and we will make sure that we close forprofit prisons, and cash bail in america, do the right thing while we still can, and because a young man named henry came up to me while i was approaching the stage and said, i sure hope you are going to talk about puerto rico. I want to make sure that we follow the people of puerto rico, whatever they want to do, if it is independence or statehood, we are going to get behind them and make sure they are treated with respect and dignity and have the power they deserve as our fellow human beings and our fellow americans. [cheers and applause] orourke this is how we free ourselves from fear. We decided what we believe in and we fight like hell to achieve it and we dont let anyone, if its the nra, the corporations, or the Political Action committees, or even our fellow democrats tell us what is and is not possible. We, the people, decide what is possible in this country. [cheers and applause] ladies ande gentlemen, that is how we defeat donald trump in november 2020. [cheers and applause] mr. Orourke that is how we bring a deeply divided country back together again. Are you with me on this . [cheers and applause] mr. Orourke let me hear you say hell yes hell, yes you,rourke im with america. Im with you, iowa. Lets go out and do this. [speaking spanish] iowa. Go, thank you very much. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting] quick take, everybody, we are still look hey, everybody, we are still looking for deshawn , and i misspoke. He is actually 12 years old. Else, deshawn is still we are still looking for deshawn. If you have seen him, he is an africanamerican boy, light gray tshirt with blue stars, a blue bucket hat. He is 12 years old, five foot tall. Found him . All right, we found him, everybody. [cheers and applause] look at our democratic family helping each other. Thats wonderful. Our next speaker is senator kamala harris. [cheers and applause] safetya lifelong public and civil rights leader, elected in 2016. She is the second africanamerican woman in history to be elected to the u. S. Senate. The first africanamerican and first woman to serve as attorney general of california. [cheers and applause] voice in thea key fight to hold the Trump Administration accountable, asking tough questions on behalf of the American People. Throughout her career, she has been a fearless advocate for the voiceless and vulnerable and a vocal and determined fighter on behalf of all people. Im going to tell a story real quick. We actually did a rally with her last november, and it was a really big crowd and i went backstage and saw a bunch of guys in suits. I dont know if you have seen her husband, but he looks kind of like a secret service guy. I thought it was security, so i walked back and go, wow, thats crowd out there and everyone went completely silent because i had just cursed in front of the candidates spouse. Of course the atlantic was there so my words were in the magazine. My mother has seen it and my grandmother has seen it, and im always embarrassed about it, and they always read me about it, but since they are here again, i will say, senator harris, this crowd. G, effing join me in welcoming senator kamala harris. [cheers and applause] Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala [cheers and applause] oh, i at the steak fry i am at the steak fry. I dont know if you guys heard, im planning on moving to iowa. Its great to see you guys. Its great to be back. I know weve got to get right to business. Im on a clock, apparently. I dont know where it is, but it is somewhere around here. There it is. Its great to be back and i want to thank you all for all the leadership, all that you do. The thing i love about iowa is that you have the ability to see what other people sometimes can see but what many cannot. Your state has always had the ability to know what can be unburdened by what has been, and thank you for that leadership. I want to thank you for the inspiration and support you have been giving me, and for those who are the new friends, i will tell you i was raised by a mother who was all of five feet tall, but if you ever met her, you would have thought she was 10 feet tall, and my mother had a lot of advice over the years. One of the things she would tell me is dont ever let anyone tell you who you are. You tell them who you are. [cheers and applause] senator harris so im here to share with you a little bit about who i am. In my career, i have been a fighter and ive taken on some tough fights. I have taken on the Oil Companies. Ive taken on pharmaceutical companies. On the big interest, the special interests who have always been keeping working families down, have always been motivated by profit to the expense of the american family. I have taken them on and i have won, and it has not been about a pretty speech. It has been about the work i have actually done. When i stand before you as a candidate for president of the United States, i say to you, look at my track record to know what i mean. I will fight for you every day of the week and we will win. [cheers and applause] senator harris when i think that this fight, i know this is why we are all here together, the fight we currently have is to get the current occupant out of the white house. [cheers and applause] successfullys to do that, i would suggest we are going to have to successfully prosecute the case against four more years of donald trump and it will take a prosecutor to do it. Working withe are a pretty good come along rap sheet. About it dudes got to go. Go. s got ago gotta lets look at what we are talking about. Heres a fellow that came into office talking about make America Great again, which to ask, lot of us andin exactly for whom . Because a lot of us to realize he was talking about going back to something, so back to what exactly . Back before the Voting Rights act . Back before the Civil Rights Act . Back before the Fair Housing Act . Back before the ada . Back before title ix . Back before roe v. Wade . Because we are not going back. We are not going back. And he came in making a lot of promises. To a lot of folks. He made promises to farmers. He made promises to working families, and he betrayed people. Lets just look at what happened. He betrayed our families when he said i see you. Ive got you. I will take care of you. I will honor your hard work, and then he passes a tax bill benefiting the top 1 and the big corporations in america. Betrayed families. Betrayed our farmers. Said, im going to hang out with you. Im going to respect you, and then what did he do . He engages in trade policy by tweet, born out of unilateral action essentially born out of a fragile ego, that has resulted in farmers here in iowa looking at bankruptcy because, of course, over decades, they did the hard work of building up a market to sell soybeans to china, and now they are looking at soybeans rotting in bins and looking at bankruptcy. Betrayed people. Betrayed us in terms of national be they, and what should responsibility of the commanderinchief of the United States of america because what have we seen . In donald trump, a socalled commanderinchief who on the subject of the fact of russias interference in the election of the United States prefers to take the word of the russian president over the word of the American Intelligence Community. On the subject of an american student who was tortured and later died, prefers to take the word of a north korean dictator over the word of the American Intelligence Community. A journalistt of who was assassinated, a journalist who had american credentials, prefers to take the word of a saudi prince over the word of the American Intelligence Community and just ,n the last 48 hours, yet again we find that he is in cahoots Foreign Government to manipulate the outcome of this election for president of the United States. S]rowd boo senator harris iowa, we need a new commanderinchief. And we need to absolutely, right away, begin impeachment proceedings. Go. Got to. E need to hold him accountable thats an obvious point, dude got to go. But we also have to recognize that we have had to endure years with his campaign and now with his presidency of a powerful force that has been trying to sow hate and division among us as americans, who has been trying to get us to point fingers at each other, and i would suggest to you that what we need both in terms of a Winning Strategy, but also in terms of leadership that is about truly strengthening our country based on our values and longstanding commitments is we need leadership that is prepared to unify our country around our common values, our common goals, our common aspirations and experiences. Because the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. In this election, we cannot campaign and aa strategy that is about dividing people around ideology because im going to tell you, i have not attended one town hall or rally where anyone has raised their hand and said, you know the thing that keeps me up at night is this debate between socialism and capitalism. We need to have strategy that is a Winning Strategy about saying that we have got to recognize the challenges before us as a nation and a world. Our big challenges about who we are, our definition, standing, and strength as a nation, and to meet those challenges, it will not be about going back to the good old days. It will be about looking forward and taking on the challenges that meet us today and in the future. [cheers and applause] senator harris in the Winning Strategy that is the right thing to do is to say that we will big challenges of our nation the issues that wake people up in the middle of the night. Issues like health care, issues like so many of the Young Students i have met, elementary, middle, and High School Students who are in trauma about the drills they have to endure when they are being taught about how they should hide in a closet or crouch in a corner in case there is a gunman roaming the hallways of their school. We must address the common issue that we know affects farmers in terms of flooding, affects people in terms of hurricanes, wildfires in california, and the issue of our Climate Crisis, and what we must do to take that on with a sense of urgency and commonality in terms of outcome and experience. [cheers and applause] senator harris the commonalities we face in knowing one of the issues that keeps people up at night, whoever you are, whatever your race, wherever you live, whoever you pray to is can you get to the end of

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