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Thank you for making this happen. Thank you sen. Booker thank you for the opportunity. We have a bunch of eager members. I will introduce you real quick. We will open up questions. Sen. Booker that sounds great. Is that ok . Thats great. [applause] sen. Booker i want to get to your questions. I want to orient you to who the heck am i. I am a kid that was raised by two incredible parents. Who have seen the worst of america. They were civil rights activists. They saw violence and discrimination, but they also saw the best of america and they know we are who we are as a country because we Work Together and stood together. My dad is one of these guys that the older i got, the more difficult the stories of his childhood were. Hes like, son, the hail, when i was young, hale was the size of golf balls. By the time he was older, the hail was like beach balls falling from the sky. Son, let me tell you when this tsunami hit my town. I said, dad, you grew up in the mountains of North Carolina. He said, dont you disrespect me. It happened a long time ago before the internet, you cant look it up but it happened. My dad was born to a single mom in a segregated world. I know my Family History back to slavery was just poverty, poverty, poverty. He would tell me, boy, dont tell people i was poor. Tell them the truth. Tell them i was po. I could not afford the other two. But he was born in america. My father would tell me that he is who he is because of a conspiracy of love. Because people not related to him and did not look like him were willing to fight for him. My fathers mom could not take care of him. It was the community who took him in. No college in my familys history. But they told him you are going to go to college. He could not afford it. It was a church put a collection plate around and gave him money to go down the hill to North Carolina central university. A historically black college in North Carolina. He landed there in the early 1960s when the Student Movement started in North Carolina. This guy grew up in a very segregated town. Suddenly, he sees white people showing up to sitin for his rights. When he got to washington, i dont care who you are, irish, jewish, there was a time that Corporate America did not want you. He landed when black people were not hired by corporations, but again, it was a coalition of blacks and whites that stood up and fought for him to be the first black person hired as a salesman by a Small Company called ibm in the entire virginia area. When he got a promotion, because he led people to the table fairly, you did well. Inclusion, diversity, strength, he gets promoted to manhattan, looks for places to live, and finds out that white families in new jersey did not want black families. They were literally doing housing segregation. What does my father find . He found a bunch of people who said, we will fight for you. They did this sting operation where white couples followed my parents around. The house i grew up in, we were told it was sold. A white couple found out it was on sale. On the day of the closing for the house, the white couple did not show up on the day. My father had a volunteer lawyer show up. When they walked into the Real Estate Agent office, he stands up and punches my dads lawyer in the face and sticks a dog on my dad. As i was growing up in this beautiful home in this great community, every time my dad would tell the story, the dog would get bigger. [laughter] sen. Booker i am literally here, we are all here, because of people who did not just say the words of our nation, liberty and justice for all they were willing to sacrifice and fight for it. My dad watched me growing up and said, boy, dont you ever walk around this house like you hit a triple. You were born on third base. I got a scholarship to play football at stanford. Went to oxford on a rhodes scholar. I came back to yale law school. My dad was not impressed. He said, boy, you have more degrees in the month of july, but you aint hot. [laughter] sen. Booker life isnt about the degrees. It is about the service you give. My faith and my family, the values i was raised with what did i do after i got my yale law degree . I moved into one the poorest neighborhoods in my state to be a tenants rights lawyer, because people fought for my housing rights. I will fight for other people. I still live in that neighborhood today. The only person running for president , the only person who lives there from the senate, the only person who lives in a neighborhood below the poverty line. We do not mistake wealth for worth. We are an incredible community. I want to get to your questions. I want you to know my values. I fight every day. Life is about purpose, not position. I may be running for president , but i am fighting for the same reasons i ran for city council back in the 90s. It is a fight for people that are too often left out of the equation. For families like mine who were looked down upon, or discriminated against, to make this nations promise real for everyone. That is why i fight. But how we fight, that is what i know, we stand up for each other. Our strength comes from each other. We are each others hope. We are each others promise. When we stand up and organize and mobilize, that is how we win. People want to make this election all about donald trump. It is not about one guy and one office. It is not a referendum on him. It is a referendum on us. When we come out and stand up and we bring out the swarm, we win elections. This past election, in some states like wisconsin, he got less votes than mitt romney got. The Africanamerican Community alone in michigan, and wisconsin. If blacks came out in the same rate as they did in 2012, 2016, we would have president clinton right now. The next nominee better be that one that can excite and engage and ignite a movement. I am not in this just to beat donald trump. I want to beat Mitch Mcconnell. [applause] sen. Booker and that means we have to win senate seats in North Carolina. In my daddys state. We have to win seats in georgia. We have to win seats in arizona. We have to bring out a wave of election. People tell me about the polls right now and i laugh. We have never had somebody from our party, never, someone leading in the polls right now, has ever gone on to be president. Gloria has volunteered to be our microphone runner today. Thank you, gloria. Sen. Booker this is when we should all break into a chant. Calling Gloria Gloria gloria sorry. [laughter] sen. Booker didnt know you would get a musical discussion tonight. I will kick it off with a right to work governor for less like we have, as president , how will you ensure labor has a seat at the table . Senator booker you say kick it off, he is trying to appeal to me as a football player. What is happening in this state is shameful. It is happening in states all around the country. These attacks on our unions, emboldened and empowered by a rightwing Extremist Supreme Court that continues to undermine the values and the they are rolling back civilion. Rights. Rolling back Voting Rights. Womens rolling back rights and the ability of people to control their own body. Thats to stop this, and by passing legislation to stop it. This is why i want the new Voting Rights act. The decisions, we have to pass two pieces of legislation that we want through congress. How we will do that is again not by just focusing on the white house, but making sure we have the kind of president who can win the presidency but create a wave election where we win up and down each state, so one thing i am trying to do in my leadership is to wake up this country and understand this is like the Civil Rights Movement again. We need a nationwide movement. Dont ask people to just tell you what they will do for you. If you want to talk leaders, ask what they do already. One of the reasons i have such tremendous labor support in new jersey, when i was mayor, everything i did, if you wanted to build something in my city, Union Workers had to be at the center. When airport workers were fighting for mmm wage, i was with a minimum wage, i was on the picket line with them. Aret of these issues because you have governors like you have right now. So what were president ial candidates doing in the last Midterm Election . No one in this race helped raise more money to help local elected officials here to push back on this governor than i did. If i am your president , i will be not just the president , but the leader of the Democratic Party. And we need to make sure it is not just federal victories. We need victories across the country so that union leaders, union labor, jobs with dignity, that we win the victories we need to win in the next four years, not just overturning Supreme Court cases and legislation but helping to wage, raising the minimum to 15 per hour, saving Pension Plans that right now are in danger, making sure people can retire with security and dignity. A much bigger agenda that one person and one office will not solve. We need to fight for the larger country by fighting up and down the ballot and making sure the Democratic Party and our values, american values, begin to rise again. Thank you for coming to New Hampshire. I live in loudon. I have a question about agriculture and the price of food. I have worked 20 years for the state and then retired. Pension, Social Security and a 10 per hour job. The cost of green beans last year was . 99 and now they are 1. 99. The cost of a hamburger i cant even tell you, and the cost of chicken has gone out of sight. I went to six months without a hamburger waiting very for a sale. You want to do Carbon Neutral big agribusiness, which i agree with, but how is that going with the price of food . God bless you. I rarely get a question like that and it is an area i think a lot about. I will come to the white house with a much different set of experiences than anyone else in the race. One of them is just living for the last 20 plus years in a lowincome community. My folks, i see people on my block who work longer hours than my parents did, and at my corner bodega they still need food stamps to feed their family. We have a real crisis and not just for us. We have a crisis for independent family farmers being driven out of business right now because of things like the farm bill that favors big agribusiness, where you see massive consolidation. When you spend one dollar now on food, the percentage of that that goes now to the people who produce the food has gone down 50 . I met with republican farmers in the midwest, and they were telling me that world has changed, because they are getting squeezed. Theanto has been raising price of seeds and chemicals they use, and the five or six people he used to buy from them, now only one person dictates the price, so the reason food prices are going up is not because of the farmer. Corporatese of big consolidation in the agricultural sector. Past is prologue. Ask all the candidates what they have done about this. Tester bill in with jon to put a moratorium on all corporate consolidation in the andector so we pause that begin fighting back on these trends jacking up the price of your food, and putting farmers out of business. It also creates perverse reality. We have Serious Health crises in this country and theres a problem my kids and you kids can walk into a Grocery Store and the twinkies are cheaper than an apple, because of what subsidies are going towards. This is a perverse food system, thats directly related to our childrens health, our Health Care System and performance in school, all interrelated. So i say that enough is enough. The cost of food is going to high because of this monopolization of the oligarchies, and i will stop that. The ag sector is where its going to stop. I will have policies, so that healthy, independent family farmers who are often making organic food, healthier food and can do it at lower prices. Last thing i want to say about this. You said you were a retiree, and i want to directly say that. Theres something about a society. Three places you want to look to see what a society is really about. How they treat their children. We are a nation that is planets we lead the industrialized nations in infant tr mortality. Childcare is more expensive than state college, and we pay childcare workers poverty wages. Look at what we do with children. No paid family leave. Treats itsnation children. Next, helen nation treats how a nation treats its elderly. Millions of american retirees live at or below the poverty line because we have a Social Security system that is criminal, a regressive tax. Think about this for a second. We have people whose Social Security checks arent keeping up with inflation, so people are still living on fixed incomes seeing every thing going up from prescription drugs to the cost of a hamburger, and yet the Social Security checks remain. I will go for making that regressive to far more progressive by lifting the cap on Social Security payments. [applause] and we will increase the payments, so no Senior Citizen is at or below the poverty line in america. The last thing, to look at how a society treats people, look at prisons and who they incarcerate. Media. Incarcerates the the new person from york times here who i might want to incarcerate. [laughter] but russia, they incarcerate clinical prisoners. Who do we incarcerate in this country . Thwe poor. There are thousands and thousands of people in jail, who are there because they cant pay bail. We have a criminal Justice System that treats you better if you are and guilty than poor and innocent. The Biggest Mental Health institutions in america are our prisons and jails, and there is no treatment being given. The next group we incarcerate is women. We over incarcerate women. One out of every three incarcerated women on the planet is in america. Overwhelmingly for nonViolent Crimes. And almost 90 are survivors of sexual crime and Sexual Assault. And Human Rights Violations from others, we still shackle women to beds when they are giving birth. The other group we over incarcerate his minorities. I respect and love joe biden, not being disrespectful to him, but i tell you what. There were more marijuana arrests and convictions in 2017 than all Violent Crime arrests combined. And who are we incarcerating . You think kids at stanford that are smoking weed . [laughter] nobody worries at dartmouth. We incarcerate the poor and minorities. If youre black or white in america, there is no difference in marijuana usage or sale but africanamericans are four times more likely to be incarcerated. Our prisons are shameful institutions that show we dont we putch other, because addiction over incarceration, women over incarcerated, veterans over incarcerated. That is the testament to a lack of empathy in our society. All these things, i will stand up and change because after over two decades living in my community and seeing my community overincarcerated and seeing seniors living in poverty, people going to bodegas and having to make unhealthy food choices. All this i will change as your president. [applause] sign by a mana ith far too much hair, that have to wrap up. So, a closing remark. Bob, you are great man. [laughter] this is a crowded democratic field, but i want to ask for your support because this is not just about the policies we have been discussing. This is a moment where we will make decisions that we should make with our head and also our heart and our gut. Who will represent the spirit of this country . S am telling you now, i wa going to a stage in iowa and me, bog big dude sees and i am a big dude, former tight end for stanford, allamerican, the older i was. [laughter] he stops me and says, i want you to punch donald trump in the face i look at him and say, dude, that is a felony. We dont beat him by being like him. We match his darkness with our light, his hate with our love. What we have to repent for in this day and age is not the bad actions of the bad people but the appalling silence and inaction of the good people. If we have record voter turnout, we will ween up and down the ticket in 2020. Im running because i know im the best person in this field to energize and ignite this country so we have a movement election. Look at legislation. Not just the legislative design, which is important, but getting big movements to push that legislation. We have suffered legislation, not because a bunch of guys on the senate floor got together and said, lets give women the right to vote. No, we got it because of activism. It wasnt Strom Thurmond who came to the senate floor and said ive seen the light, give the negro people the right to vote. [laughter] no, we got it because of activism. If you elect me president , im warning you, im going to ask more from you than any president has ever asked of you in your lifetime. I wont ask you to pay more for your groceries. I want to ask you to pay more taxes. Everyone in this room will get a tax break. No, i will ask you to volunteer more, to serve more. Ill ask unions to help organize even more. Because we make changes in america not from washington but for american standing up for americans. By telling you part of that story i told on the debate stage that i didnt tell here, that i went back to find those americans from my family who helped me move into the town i grew up in, and found the lawyer who represented my family. I asked him, why would you in the 1960s when theres fears of white flight and real estate prices going down and you are just starting your business, why would you help black families move into your neighborhood . This white man said to me, i was sitting at home watching tv. The movie, 1965, some of you can finish this who are little older, the movie was called judgment at nuremberg. Three channels back then, most of america was watching the movie, and they broke away in the middle of the movie to show a bridge in alabama called the Edmund Pettis bridge. Here is a white man on the couch 1000 miles away, watching marchers from selma it stopped at a bridge at alabama by Alabama State troopers who then tear gas to them and charged in with billy clubs to start viciously beating them. And what did this guy on a couch in new jersey do . He did not allow his inability to do everything to undermine his determination to do something. He stood up from that couch and said, i cant go to alabama, cant afford a plane ticket, but i will do what is a powerful american tradition. I will do the best i can with what i have, where i am. He was a patriot. He showed his love. He didnt talk about it. He called around to see who might need one hour of pro bono work he could spare, and found a group of activists, mostly white people, trying to do something about real estate segregation in new jersey. They started working, got other volunteers demanding from their neighbors to join us in the fight for america. By 1969 they had a whole system, and he said i will never forget the day i got a case file from this family trying to move up from the south, frustrated and discouraged that American Dream was being stolen away from them by racism. The names on that case file were terry and carolyn booker, my parents. Im a United States senator, the fourth black person ever highest running for the office in the land because an american sitting on a couch in new jersey didnt just sit there, but stood up for our country. This election is about, will we stand, as my father taught me to do . Bill we join together . The power of the people is greater than the people in power. This election is about organizing us, igniting us, reigniting civic grace and bringing mobility back to civic spaces. It is about courageous empathy, radical love. If we can ignite that spirit, every policy becomes possible. We will make the low places high, the crooked places straight. We will bring down justice in this country that will roll down like water into a mighty stream. Stand with me in this fight. This man may be trying to tear us down , but i promise you together we will rise. [applause] how about a big thank you for senator booker who came here today . Sen. Booker thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. Before we leave, wed like a group photo. Stand where you are. [laughter] conversation]e all right, everybody. Here we go. 2, 3. Sen. Booker it is cory booker, sending lots of love and gratitude. Thank you. You made me cry. [laughter] you. Sen. Booker thank you. Brought an extra one. By the way, we will look for you. We will knock on doors, make phone calls. Sen. Booker thank you so much. Thank you. Sen. Booker thank you for having me. We will see you soon. We will be donald trump not with our hate, but our love, not with darkness but with light. We wont just have an election but we will continue a greater campaign that will energize polls. Numbers at the i will ask more from you than other president s ever asked, to volunteer more, to stand more, to reignite the best of our civic virtue. Because thats not is how we pass important legislation, but how is a nation we rise. Thank you, everyone. [applause] its good to be here in your community. What you just said, my mother sent me out the door this morning with this quote by john kennedy on his inauguration day, which she memorized as a senior at Nashua High School in New Hampshire. It is not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom. She said, this time it is going we be a victory of party, and will have the freedom o to celebrate. And the lady in front has a question. Hi, cory. My name is barbara. That quote has so much to do with my question. Inquiry, how the to digcans continenue nd russianport lies a talking points, and realizing it goes from trump to the senate to the attorney general, to the Supreme Court. Between that and their gerrymandering, throwing voters off voter rolls, i feel extraordinarily nervous about where our country is going. Our votes going to count . Mitch mcconnell doesnt seem to do anything. Nobody seems to be putting his feet to the fire. How do you as a senator and president ial candidate, how do you assure the American People that we need to get involved, and we need to vote, not that it wont matter after all . Sen. Booker i was raised with my parents cautioning me. Necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. More than that, what we have to not the violent words and actions of the bad people, but the appalling silence and inaction of the good people. In the projects where i lived, the tenant president taught me simply what hope is. A woman who had her son killed in the lobby of the building i moved into. The convictionis that despair wont have the last word, so we need to be confident in the face of despair and wretchedness and hatred. Partyhe modern republican is doing is betraying the values they proclaim in their own party. And the oath of office. Sen. Booker so what do you do in the face of that . I will tell you, this is why i keep telling people its not about me. Theme tell you one of darkest moments i had as a United States senator, because his win, like all of us, was stunning. A person who began his campaign with racism, talking about muslims and mexicans, and was exposed about his Sexual Assault after Sexual Assault, we heard it coming right out of his mouth, how could our country like that person . Maybe to malice towards none and Charity Towards all, but there was none in his address, a lot of malice and very little charity. I saw them walking out, bill clinton next to george bush, and whispering. It was reported george bushs ands so shocked, leaned into bill clinton, and said, forgive my language it is a president ial quote, that was some strange shit. [laughter] i went to bed that night on a low of lows. I curled up in my bed, and all i was thinking then was how many votes they have now, paul ryan, Mitch Mcconnell and donald trump, to take away health care for millions of americans, going through all the things he could do. But the next day the womens march sen. Booker thank you. Like millions of women in america who did not want to let despair have the last word. Like they were saying to me, this is not a time to give up, to shut up. It is a time to get up, to rise up and speak out because despair will not have the last word and people started changing this country. This has been the most hopeful three years of my life. Why . What hehe muslim ban, tried to do first. He didnt try infrastructure. He banned muslims based on religion. I tried a court order to make sure that families had legal representation but i got stopped in my tracks because they were hundreds and hundreds of people turning out and singing songs and chanting, patriotic slogans and cheering muslim families and citizens. They were orthodox jews, hanging out, dancing and cheering muslim families going into our country. That is what america looks like. Ie donnelly from indiana, told him, i went to the indianapolis airport and they were cheering coming out of the gates, but there were no international flights. [laughter] we were just hugging people from detroit. [laughter] we respond and what did we do in 2018 . Paul ryan had them lockstep, and we now not only won back the house, but the most diverse house in the history of america more women than ever before. Legislation passing that the American People want. This next election is round two, because one election doesnt win it. So this election is round two. ,enate seats up for arizona colorado, North Carolina, and thats why i tell people right now i am not voting for one office, im running to awaken this country to have the highest voter turnout ever before, in every community, and i know i can deliver that. When we win back the senate, i dont care what the backbencher Mitch Mcconnell has to say then, because we can start passing legislation. Order, wey executive can join the Paris Climate Accord and reestablish environmental legislation he rolled back. We can do this the way we have always done it. Nothing that has been in democracy cannot be cured by more democracy. This is a movement election, about the campaign for our country. I want to be a movi movement leader, not a party leader. There the nation, declaration of independence ends with the declaration of interdependence, the powerful words, if we will make this happen, we must mutually pledge, pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. There are republicans right now who have sacrificed their sacred honor, and say it is ok for the president of the United States to betray their oath, compromise the security of our allies and National Security of our country for their own political position. This is not ok. But we have faced bigots before, demagogues before. Every generation has had them. The Knownothing Party used the same antiimmigration language, and we beat them. Mccarthy injecting fear into our society, we beat him. The number one radio show, ke fox news,lin, li the number one show in america with these antisemitic screeds, we beat him. But how . By abandoning our values . Someone came to me at a stage in iowa and said, i want you to punch donald trump in the face. I said, dude, thats a felony. We arent going to win that election by being more like him. We will win this election with honor. We dont have bigger dogs and bigger fire hoses. We have artists and activists who awaken the imagination of our nation and got more people off the couch and into the game. Thats what we are going to do. Let me make it the last question by ending with this. This is a test, a test of how much, and i dont mean to make this sound trite or cliche, but i mean it, how much do we love each other . Because thats the test of america. Will we leave our homes and defendour nation . Will we get up when its not convenient, to stand up for someone elses rights . Will we see children in this country with the highest poverty rate of the developed world, will be stand up for those kids . Will we stand up for a person struggling with addiction, with mental health, struggling in their classroom, reaching into their own pocket to pay for things, when they cannot pay their Student Loans . Will we be the nation that says ve and reallyrac means that instead of having our veterans, the bravest, be disproportionately homeless . Will we be the nation that says liberty and justice for all, and not have a criminal Justice System like we have now that treats you better if you are rich and guilty than if you are poor and innocent . Sit comfortably back as these injustices and more are going on . Our children afraid of going to school. Or will be get up and join with fellow americans, arm in arm . I. Want to end with this. , and it is a sad note but it is a beautiful note. My first newark, and big tenant meeting was packed like this in the basement of a project, and i was going the quotes i needed to file a legal action against a slumlord. The elderly man who was a tenant leader of our city, one of the most renowned people, went on and on. I had what i needed after the first hour, but he went on for hours. When we were leaving, young and snideuous i made some remark about how long the meeting was. We man stopped, he said, need to repair these buildings, but the first thing we need to do is repair communities. Those folks who came up and got their moment at the microphone, they deserved to be heard, deserved to be seen. If we repair this community and bring people together, no slumlord can stand against us. And he was right. The guy got convicted in federal court, and that community didnt win because of a lawyer or tenant leader. They won because they won it together. This elderly man changed my life by telling me, you will run for city council. Job, live on up my my credit card, but they believed on me, fought for me. Eventually his eyesight goes, but i would still go to him. Id knock on his door and he would say, who is it . Frank, it is corey. And he would say, i see you. [laughter] that became our greeting. He eventually was in hospice, 10 years ago this month, his last day. Confessing my weaknesses, but i confess i was upset his hospital room was full of people. He helped thousands of people keep their homes. I thought i would be the only one, but in the last days and hours he seemed to glow. He was happy. Life wasnt about popularity. It was about purpose. Life wasnt about celebrity. It was about significance. It isnt about how many people show up for you when you are dead, but how many people you show up for when you are alive. I walked to his room, stopped by these Amazing Health care professionals, these angels we dont recognize until we need them, and they are mostly underpaid. They said to me, it will not be long, this will probably be the last time you see him. I was already choking up before i went in. They said he cannot talk but he will hear you. I walked into the door and closed it, and walked to his bed and announced, frank, its cor ey, and to my surprise he struggles and forces out the words very faintly i see you. I walked to his bedside. This man changed my life. I wouldnt even be in politics without him. I sat by his bed and i told him what he meant to me, kissed him on the cheek. But i had to go. I was mayor of the city, had things to do, i knew this would be my last time. I said, frank, i love you. And as i was getting up he struggled and got out the words, i love you. So i tell you all right now, dont make the choice for who you will support just based on your head. It is something deeper than that. Remember the words of my mentor, i last words, i see you love you. Do we see each other in america . The struggles and the pain and the hurt and the fear all around our country right now, do we honor and value the voice of people who are rendered the face of shiny media, billionaires spending money . I see you, i love you. What is the quality of our mercy . What is the depth of our empathy . What is the power of our love . Theres nothing we cant do together. Ar history has shown, its testimony to the achievement of the impossible. Other countries look to us for light and for hope for our values, i see you, i love you. And this election is not just about politics, and not just about the policy platform. If it becomes about that, grace and decency and love and healing, if its about that, we will win back the white house, but a lot more than that. The people who betrayed our values, just like the republicans who are retiring right now because they know they cannot win. This is a time for the best of the american movement, a movement about how much we care about each other. If i am your president , i promise you we will put more back. Unumhallmark e pluribus will not just be a slogan, but our spirit again. This president will try to beat us down. But like i said, the words of angelou,dible maiy a he may try to break us down with his bitter, twisted lies, may try to trod us down in the dirt. We will ride. Thank you. [applause] sen. Booker what a great crowd of folks. Only expecting about 50 people and there were over 100. I think someone said it was one of the first president ial events in their town. It is a republican area, too, so to get this crowd is really good. And they are so generous to open up their home like that. Thats New Hampshire. It feels like what we were doing in february. 100,000ker so just as we were walking in. Thats amazing, really amazing. I see my phone . I know we are about to do a story. Just want to respond to thank you. Theres a text on this. Ok. The person who said they gave questions about food policy, hoping we could respond in writing to her questions. I have it. Sen. Booker is that something we give to the policy team . Yes. Sen. Booker i cant believe, its richard, im doing a slideshow on you at the school, doing research on it every week. My dad would rather i do it on something not political, but i said, nope, cory booker. Its titled cory booker, americas finest senator. Dont forget a hat. [laughter] i wonder what we can do for him, his presentation. Maybe you could send him a video or something that he could incorporate. Sen. Booker let me go back i dont think its for this one. Iss is a 2 00 start and it 1 58 . I am living my absolute best life. [laughter] do we want to call or wait for later . We are here, we might as well be on time. Want to do it, chris . I will pull up his number, do it quickly right now. Rep, whony is a state just got engaged today. Hes a young democrat state wasesentative in nashua, working for Julian Castro but is hisonger, when he paused operation here in New Hampshire. Really great guy, representative out of nashua. Just congratulate him . Sen. Booker give me the number. [phone rings] sen. Booker manny, it is cory booker. How are you . Im doing good. Im in the car with my team. You are on speakerphone here. It is chris. How are you doing . Hey, chris. [laughter] sen. Booker i am being followed by cspan cameras and they are filming me talking to you right now. I want you to know that my girlfriend is trying to break into this conversation and im not giving her the phone because im so happy to talk to you. Im a big fan of her work. [laughter] i thank you. It looks like you guys are having a really good trip. Sen. Booker amazing. 2x crowds have been amazing, often what we are expecting, and really fired up since the debate. You did an excellent job. Sen. Booker thank you so much. That closing speech was really heartfelt. I felt that. Thatw was amazing. Sen. Booker we are burying the leded h here. Congratulations so exciting. Person than iter am so exciting. Been holding this ring in my pocket for a week now and thought, ok, it has to happen now. Sen. Booker thats awesome. Just love that youre marrying up. I really am. [laughter] sen. Booker so, hold on a second. [phone rings] sen. Booker real quick, you called when i was talking to a state rep named manny who just got engaged to an amazing lat ina as well. Want to congratulate him . Wait, what . Sen. Booker manny, a young state rep in New Hampshire just proposed to his girlfriend and is on the other line, can i merge the call and have you congratulate him . Hes a big fan. Not facetime. Sen. Booker definitely not facetime. Manny, are you there . Merge, right . Phone. D the there . You still there . Second, ill call you right back. Manny, dont go anywhere. [laughter] no worries. Sen. Booker hold on. There we go. Manny. Hello. Sen. Booker meet rosario. Is this Rosario Dawson . How are you . I am a huge fan. My fiancee is also a huge fan. [laughter] it right, man,t shes no longer your girlfriend. [laughter] got to change the terminology. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Quick, i to say real appreciate the work you have done to inspire so many latinx folks around the country. We dont get enough portrayal in media. Its funny, i always say hollywood is in california, in l. A. , and yet you have to try hard to include latinas. So a big shout out to you and all the work you are doing, and thank you so much. Thank you. Really appreciate that. And like senator booker said, alleel like im dating up the time. Sen. Booker i hope and pray rosario comes out on the campaign trail with me from time to time, and if we are in New Hampshire we have to get together. Thank you for the call. Really appreciate it. Just keep doing what youre doing, senator. I appreciate your message, appreciate every thing you are doing, appreciate you shouting out, the signal boost. Was tough to watch the debate not having julian there. And when he brought up housing. [laughter] i had a little conniption. Chris, when you shouted out the war on drugs is really a war on black and brown folks, that was real. Exactly. Job appreciate what your was on the debate stage. Sen. Booker listen, just congratulations to the two of you. We will find more time to watch. Honey, i have to go to this event now. Love you so much. I love you, too. Congratulations thank you. Take care. Sen. Booker bye, everybody. Sen. Booker this election is the nominee who represents the best of american values. And who can help spread and ignite it as a nation. Ieve we match his hate without love, his darkness light. R l i believe we will win back the senate, win this election. Together, i believe we will rise. Thank you. [applause] who am ready for anybody qeustions questions. Pointing to her. Ok. I have a question, too, but she has been raising her hand since the start. Sen. Booker go ahead. Dover, a teacher at the local high school. Sen. Booker thank you. You are welcome. I love working with kids. Im not in the job for money. [laughter] what really concerns me is that, at our high school, we have to have, we have had created a School Food Pantry that is always, always in need. This year, we together 82 thanksgiving baskets for families in the community who are in need. It utterly breaks my heart that we have homeless students, and students who go home to no food. Wondering, what would you do as president to help solve that problem, help these families so that they can have food independence . Do you have a 501 c 3 or something . We have an amazing secretary of the school. You oneker ill give hundred dollars for the food bank and i would challenge people to match, so we can raise another hundred dollars. If everyone can join me. [applause] this is what i talk about. I just want to do this and then i will get to the policy issues, which are really important. Tell thissay, i story a lot, told at upenn commencement speech. I grew up in the projects, served in the military, came back god bless cspan. Thank you. Is really beautiful, incredible. Thank you so much. So i am driving home with a guy straight from the newer projects, he has been with me since i was mayor, and we have such a connection, talking in the car. Dontg by this place, i know if you have it in New Hampshire, called mcdonalds. [laughter] he looked at me in the rearview mirror, and i bow my head in shame, and he knows he has to go to the drivethrough. [laughter] this was when i didnt know that mcdonalds french fries were not vegan. Burger king hail to the king. [laughter] so we go to the drivethrough and i order the fries, they hand them to me. You all know i believe in regulation and legalization, but these fries are so addictive i want to schedule them. [laughter] i am holding them like lord of the rings, my precious, and all i want to do is go home, unbuckled my pants and watch the british baking show. [laughter] so we pull out and i see a guy his hands in the dumpster rooting around. I look at kevin, he stops the car and i rolled on the window, sir, need some help . He tries to brush me off. I say, sir, anything you need, man . He says, look, i am just hungry. And i knew what i had to do. Im a man of faith. If you have two mcdonalds french fries [laughter] so, i open my bag, say men, how about some fries . He grabs the fries, i feel good about myself, but then he switches and asks, do you have any socks . I work with homeless shelters, and i realize this is often a crisis, but i dont carry extra socks. Sorry, i dont have any. I thought kevin would drive away, but he doesnt, rolls down his window, kicks off the shoes hes wearing and takes off his socks, hands them to the guy through the window. Now, im three blocks from my home. But thell my mom, socks she gave me last christmas i havent opened yet. [laughter] this is what im talking about. The love, kindness and grace, but all of us can do more. All of us. Every day god delivers opportunities to make a difference in peoples lives. Sometimes it is just a word. Went to one of my events, and months later they said, we just bought a home in alabama. Why are they telling me this . After hearing me talk, they rehabbed a home in alabama and now they are renting at below market rent just to help a family in alabama. There are things we can do to get our country back. Is what we have to have in america. Ill go quickly because my staff will get upset for spending so much time on a question. The tax cuts,ck which i can do if i have a majority in the senate. Thats why i want a movement election. Do something called the rise credit, doubling the income tax credit and changing the definition of work in america so that anybody here taking care of a child with special needs at home, you arent working, but you are working. Or like my mom, who took care of my dad who died of parkinsons dementia. So blowing through her life savings. They should qualify for the earned income tax credit, too, and expand the conception of work. Young people, you dont qualify if you are working in college. Thats one thing. Lifts the salaries of 150 million americans and cuts poverty by a third. Doing something called the renters tax credit. We use our tax code to help have money get more money. I believe in the mortgage interest adoption, but it is overwhelmingly used by people who earn 150,000 dollars or more. What about renters . If you are a family paying more than a third of your income on rent, you qualify for a refundable tax credit up to median rent. And guess what that does to poverty in america . 10 Million People out of poverty. So i have a lot of very basic things, rolling back the trump tax cuts, we can pay for them by like carreidoles interes carried interest. Moren pay for it, i have than enough money by going back 2009 andtate tax of closing the estate tax loopholes. By some the last one, changing Capital Gains tax to taxed as ordinary income after an exception for the first few million dollars. [laughter] what does that mean . Rolling inhes itgh, buys a picasso, sells the next year, that will be taxed for same way a schoolteachers income is. That will give us the money to do the kinds of things im talking about. Ty, as a man of faith that is a sin. Being poor is not a sin. But it is wasteful because poor children cost so much more, especially with the opportunity lost. And as a teacher, no more of this racking up debt for student lunches and things like that. [applause] thank you. [indiscernible conversation] yes. We got about 300. All right. So technologically challenged. All right. [laughter] you. Ank all right. Thank you. Thank you some. So much. Sen. Booker all right. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming. Thank you for being here. Sen. Booker thank you very much. Thank you. I believe. Thank you very much. We came in for coffee and thought, we have to hear this. Very inspiring. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. [indiscernible] [indistinct conversations] im going to see you and cheer you on. We are going to stop at the gas station for the water. I am good. How do i pronounce his last name . Would you like some . Where is kevin . I wanted to tell you, i hang my head in shame at the industry and in particularly at cronkite. What i would say, the very unfair reporting of these fellows. Opiniont to know that because you want to be disappointed in me down the road if i did not tell you that. I was just telling you frankly that i think the industry is wrecking all of us. That is pretty heavyhanded. You can imagine what it was like the like for the journalist next day. Very disturbing. We are hearing that today. Enemy of thethe American People according to president trump. The press is not the enemy of the American People. The press is doing work for the American People. Q a, the museums Vice President of content talks about the tension between american president s and the press. Tonight ats q a 8 00 p. M. Eastern. The impeachment inquiry hearings continue when Jerrold Nadler holds the committees first impeachment inquiry hearing into president trump, focusing on the constitution and the history of impeachment. Watch the live coverage wednesday on Ash Wednesday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Chairman nadler extended an invitation. Read the letter to the president on our website, cspan. Org impeachment. Follow the impeachment inquiry liveon cspan3 or listen on the free cspan radio app. Ahead of this weeks the rankinghearing, member, doug collins, and Hakeem Jeffries feet up your on fox news sunday. They talked about the impeachment timeline and who should be called to testify. We owe republicans

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