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Days after christmas oh, my gosh. Did you all have a good holiday . Appreciate your coming here today. So i want to how many of you today live in d. C. . Raise your hands. Okay. I want to acknowledge for those who live in d. C. The unfairness of your lack of voting representation in congress. And to thank the Environmental Community that supports ending your Voter Suppression by supporting d. C. Becoming the 51st state. We know why they dont want you to become a state. We dont even need to say it, right . Thank you, clean water Action League of conservation voters, sierra club, friends fortunate earth, greenpeace, and food and water watch for supporting d. C. Statehood. Together, we can fix these things by golly. Today, were talking about forests. We saved forests for christmas. You know, Christmas Trees. Forests are a key ally, maybe even the key ally, in the fight against the Climate Crisis. But forests need us to be their allies. We cannot solve the Climate Crisis without protecting forests. Forests are climate stabilizing systems. They regulate ecosystems, provide habitat, and protect biodiversity. They play an integral part in carbon cycles. In fact, leading scientists have affirmed that protecting forests and restoring forests are just as important as ending fossil fuel use. [applause] you see when forests are healthy, they absorb the carbon from the atmosphere, but when theyre burned it releases co2 back into the atmosphere. And the forests are being burned and cleared to make way for destructive agricultural practices and to grow biofuels, and that also releases co2 and Climate Change is accelerated, and our experts are going to explain this in more detail, but its this simple, to maximize the climate benefit of forests, we have to keep more forest landscapes intact, manage forests sustainably, and restore those that weve lost. And we must protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local traditional communities who live in and depend on forests. [applause] there are many, many studies that show that forests are the healthiest when the rights of Indigenous People and local communities are honored and respected. And instead, those communities are too often threatened. In brazil between november and december of this year, seven Indigenous Leaders have been murdered as they seek to protect forests that we all need to survive. Not only the amazon is at risk, but the entire where there is also persecution of the indians. So to start us off today, were going to have hannah heineken. [applause] hannah works at rainnorthwest Action Network to hold banks and investors accountable for their impacts on rain forests, the climate, and human rights. Hannah has years of experience working on forest risk supply chains. And the Financial Sector and her particular expertise is in the japanese market. Please welcome hannah heineken. [applause] hi, everyone, how are you doing today . So i just wanted to start with a quote from greta, some of you saw the teach in yesterday, but i think its important to remind ourselves that our house is on fire, right . My home state of california this year, 250,000 acres burned. Fortunately, my house didnt burn, but a lot of people suffered and thats just a small segment of what happened this year. Right . In the amazon, indonesia, congo, australia. The arctic, right . Millions of acres have burned. Billions of tons of co2 have been released. This is unprecedented. Why is this happening . Why is our planet being destroyed like this . It all comes down to corporate greed. So the earth is sending us an important message. Its sending us a message that we need to change the way we exist on this planet. Too Many Companies right now are unwilling to change their business as usual. Banks and investors continue to pour money, billions of dollars, into fossil fuels and tropical deforestation, even when they know it is destroying the planet and its harming people. Companies are buying products, not knowing the actual or neglecting the actual impact it is having on forests, on biodiversity, and people. The brands and banks are willing to be complicit because its profitable and theyre willing to violate indigenous rights, even when its clear, as jane said, that it is one of the most effective ways to stop deforestation because they are amazing stewards of the forest and the land. So this is unacceptable. This is immoral. This is unsustainable. It is ruining the only home we have. And we need to stand up and reject the status quo. So i grew up in japan. Thats why one of my specialties is the japanese market and theres actually a practice there called forest bathing. And it comes from the recognition that forests are amazing healers right . They heal the human body, but then we all know theyre also the habitat for especially the habitatsare of the majority of land based biodiversity. Theyre the homes of all these Indigenous People. Not only that they absorb immense amounts of carbon, they regulate rainfall, they produce oxygen. I also want to point out petelands. Theyre incredibly important to the planet and to the carbon storage, but paper and palm oil that comes from indonesia, its most likely linked to peatland destruction. Companies are destroying these forests, releasing a lot of carbon into the atmosphere and meanwhile destroying one of the most effective ways we have to store the carbon, right . This is nonsensical. So we need to stand up against these corporations. We need to support our indigenous friends and the local communities that are on the front lines defense these companies. We need to keep the forests standing. We need to keep the fossil fuels in the ground and we need to uphold human rights. Especially the rights of the local and indigenous communities that are fighting this fight to save the forests. And just one thing on the bank, youll hear more about this later. Theyre bad on forests too, right . So a lot of these banks like j. P. Morgan chase and i dont know how many of you are from california, union banks, union bank is owned by a japanese company. Theyre one of the worst financeers of palm oil and paper. Look at what your bank is doing and you can move your money and we can change the status quo. Lets do this together. [applause] the Divestment Movement has been unbelievably successful. Already weve taken 11 trillion out of banks that are underwriting fossil fuel expansion. So if we keep doing that, it can really we effective. Our next speaker is a senior forest and land comparison at and land campaigner at friends of the earth United States. He advocates for investors and Financial Institutions to stop financing Climate Chaos through deforestation, land grabbing and human rights abuses. He works towards the recognition of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and land rights. Lease welcome thank you so much. I want to talk a little bit about why we are here today. We are here today because we are facing a crisis. Deforestation after fossil fuel emissions is the second largest contributor to the Greenhouse Gases responsible for the Climate Crisis. We know what we must do. We must phase out oil, gas and coal and make fossil fuels industries of the past, but we also must protect the worlds forests. They go handinhand. If we do not do one, we will not succeed. If we do not do both we will not succeed in mitigating the worst effects of the Climate Crisis and so when we look at protecting the worlds forests, weve just heard how they sequester billions of tons of carbon for the planet. But they are also home to indigenous and local communities and also countless species of wildlife. The reality is the Climate Crisis is actually one of intersecting and overlapping crises that were facing today. Deforestation is not only fueling Climate Crisis; it is actually fueling unprecedented species extinction and gross human rights abuses around the world. The worlds forests are at the epicenter of these intersecting and overlamming crises. When we look at what are the main drivers of deforestation in the world . It is the development of industrial agricultural commodities. That is commodities like palm oil, pulp and paper, soy, and cattle. These four commodities alone are responsible for 80 of deforestation around the world. For the tens of thousands of consumer goods you and i and all of us buy and at the front lines of industrial Agricultural Commodity expansion to grow these commodities to produce them requires hundreds of thousands of hectares of land, of forests that are clear and cut down and that are home to millions of people and countless species. At the front lines of this industrial Agricultural Production are local, often indigenous communities that are right now facing a global epidemic of violence and murder. Just last year in 2018, three land and environmental defenders were murdered every single week for defending their traditional lands. Imagine that. Three People Killed every single week for defending what is theirs, for defending their way of life, their livelihood, their family, and their future. And agri business was one of the most deadliest sectors for communities around the world. I think we can best picture this and we have seen this with the crisis that has been going on in the amazon. This past year we have seen the amazon rainforest burn at the hands of Brazils Bolsonaro regime. We have seen the amazon known as the lungs of the earth set fire for these very commodities, for the soy sector and cattle sector. Hundreds of thousands of hectacres burned to the ground to produce these products. Stop eating beef and this problem is not limited to south america. We see the destruction of the worlds forest just as we heard from indonesia to liberia to brazil. So who is funding this . Who is enabling this to hip . These are the very banks and investors we heard about. They are not only financing rain forest destruction. It is the same banks and investors that are also financing the oil, coal, and gas industries. We were just out here a couple of weeks ago, many of us here, we were with auntie jane, and shut down d. C. And we took this message to black rock and matter and many of the banks and investors right here in washington, d. C. And i want to talk about black rock for a second. Black rock is the largest wall street investor, the largest investor on the planet. Now, we know wall street has already wrecked our economy. We see day in and day out how wall street is corrupting our democracy by funneling dirty money into our elections and now, we are seeing clearly, crystal clearly, how wall street is fueling climate disaster. Now, black rock, like i said, is the largest financier on the planet, the largest investor. They are the largest investor in oil pipelines, the largest investor in gas power plants, and the largest investor in coal mines, but if that wasnt bad enough of theyre not only the largest investor in fossil fuels, they are the largest investor in rain forest destruction on the planet. They are literally fueling and financing Climate Crisis and i want to point out a little thing about black rocks hypocrisy because they say theyre a socially responsible investor, they have been called the contents of wall street, but they have been called the conscience of wall street, but the reality is this is straight hypocrisy. They are pumping all of our money into destroying our planet. And so when we think about black rock, i mean, you can see this hypocrisy there, the biggest name in this country that youve never heard of thats fueling climate as far as. If you look at their voting record when it comes to share holder resolutions, on climate they vote with management 90 of the time. They only support 10 of shareholder resolutions when it comes to human rights its even worse. They voted last year for 0 of human rights resolutions. And so we know we are here today, we have to hold our elected officials automobile. Elected officials accountable. We also have to hold the Financial Sector accountable for protecting our planet and doing the right thing. [applause] so i want to close on a personal note. We are all here first in solidarity on the front lines of this Global Expansion of Agricultural Commodity who are resisting day in and day out the takeover of their land. We are in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the midwest who are fighting the expansion of pipelines and we stand here with one another, but when i think about the future, you know, this spring i will be welcoming my first child into this world and i think that makes that a little more urgent. When i think about the future i want her to grow up in, the future for her to have. It should be one where everyone is treated with dignity and we have a safe and livable planet. Thank you so much. [applause] were really lucky to have the next speaker, rolando navarro, who is a renewable Natural Resources engineer with a specialty in forestry. Navarro has extensive experience in the peruvian amazon promoting the legal trade of forest products. He has more than 15 Years Experience working with the government, the private sector, and environmental organizations managing Natural Resources, Public Policies and Indigenous Community participation through the responsible management of forests. Before joining the center for International Environmental law, navarro served as the executive president of the agency for the supervision of Forest Resources and wildlife in peru. For his audacity in challenging the network of illegal timber mafia, navarro and his family have been the target of threats and retaliation. In 2016, rolando was dismissed from his position and has had to seek exile in the United States. Now, rolando is continuing his work, protecting perus amazonian forest from his new base in washington, d. C. As a fellow at ciel. Please welcome rolando navarro. [applause] hi. Good morning. [speaking spanish] translator thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to express my voice today. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] translator rolando wants to remind you about the starting point to fulfill our needs is the forest. It began here and exists here to this day. Forests are the largest reserve of food, the active elements to cure diseases worldwide and the best ail filter on the planet, which also serves to produce the highest quality drinking water. [speaking spanish] translator for all of this time and energy and money has been spent for decades on international and corporate commitments to achieve the Sustainable Development of forests throughout the world. Nevertheless, in practice we see how millions of hectares of forest are lost every minute on the planet due to unsustainable practices that allow the fires, illegal logging, trafficking and selling of illegal timber from the essential forests as we have witnessed in the amazon. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] translator we know scientists have given the alert that if we stay on this path we will be at a point of no return and the destruction of the planet and the disappearance of forests as a result of human activity and the impacts of Climate Change. [speaking spanish] translator this same alert has been given by environmental defenders in south america from peru, colombia, chile, brazil, in central america, from guatemala and nicaragua, but also from africa, asia and europe. There are women and men human rights defenders who will have died fighting for this cause who die every day because they have raised their voices in defense of our forests. [speaking spanish] for this reason, rolando wants to call on everyone who is an agent of change to achieve the transformation which a great part of the worlds population is crying for, to face Climate Change head on. [speaking spanish] translator rolando calls on you to join this great movement, primarily in defense of those who live in regions that are most affected as a consequence of illogical and illegal activities in our forests. [applause] [speaking spanish] translator let us join voice, let us join forest defenders all over the world, in this fight in defense of our planet. [applause] ne thank you, rolando. We all wish you much safety and health and may you be reunited with your family. Thank you. [applause] and next i want to introduce a Senior Campaign strategist for greenpeace usa, supporting the organizations priority campaigns to stop Climate Change, save our oceans, protect democracy, and end deforestation. As the organizations former forest director, he has more than 20 Years Experience working on campaigns to save our forests. From tree sitins, old growth forests of the pacific northwest, to the halls of the United Nations rolf has contributed to awardwinning campaigns to build solutions to deforestation in indonesia, brazilian amazon, the congo basin, and the canadian boreal forest. Please welcome rolf. [applause] rolf thanks to all of you for coming out on a dreary day just a few days after the holidays here. I think i know why youre here because youve heard the alarm, right . Truth be told the alarm has been going off for a very long time but we as a human species have hit the snooze butten a few times. We didnt want to hear it. We wanted to pretend it wasnt there, and i think in this moment thanks to you, thanks to all of us together were going to address it, but i dont know if youre like me sometimes, i feel like why does it have to be us right now . Wasnt this a problem that someone else created . And how can we even fix this thing . Well, we cant fix it alone and thats why im glad were together because together it doesnt feel so big. Together, it feels like we can do this. We must do this and we will make historic change for people and the planet. [applause] so in the spirit of being together, lets talk together. Im going to need your help. When i say this is, you say not a drill. This is. Not a drill. Rolf its pretty good. The world watched in horror this year as the amazon rainforest burned from human caused fires set by land grabbers emboldened by brazils new president. Bolsonaro. Burning a hole through the heart of biodiversity of life on our flan, trampling on the basic human rights of Indigenous Peoples, and calling into fundamental question the future of our biggest rain forest. This is not a drill. Rolf in indonesia in recent years the slashing and burning of peat forests have created plumes of toxic smoke burning for weeks or even months. Crossing across international boundaries, visible from space and sickening the air that people breathe, sometimes emitting more Carbon Emissions , more carbon pollution, per day than the entire United States. And in the process poisoning many thousands of people. A recent study suggested that maybe 100,000 people, mostly children and elderly and people with respiratory illnesses may have died prematurely in one year alone as a result of that deforestation. This is not a drill rolf when people, Indigenous People, when people in affected communities dare to stand up for their lands and push back, dare to stand up for their fundamental human rights, to fight for their very way of life, and existence, theyre being targeted, persecuted, murdered. Assassinations of land defenders are are hitting epidemic levels. Theyve doubled in the last 15 years worldwide. Theyre reaching levels similar to a war zone. Since 2001, half as many land defenders have been killed as u. S. Troops in iraq and afghanistan combined. This is not a drill. This is not a drill. Rolf this is not a drill. Rolf getting so excited up here. Climate change is extending fire season the world over including where i live in california. That means fires are are not just burning where they used to burn in the natural wildlands but through entire cities and communities. And australia, let us not forget, theyre still dealing with it right now. The people are left behind, wondering how theyre going to keep their children safe. And how theyre going to rebuild their lives. This is not a drill. Rolf and yet instead of addressing Climate Change, instead of investing in community safety, the current u. S. Administration [crowd booing] rolf let them hear you. [booing] rolf talks about the need for more taxpayer subsidized logging on our public forests as if thats a solution. Talks about the need to gut the enforcement of the endangered species act, the very law that of thisback the symbol country, the bald eagle, from the brink of extinction. But beholden to big polluting industries they seem more interested in sending wildlife to the dustbin of history and driving us all over a climate Tipping Point than addressing Community Needs and building a safe and livable planet. This is not a drill corporations, many that have profited for years from forest destruction now under intense pressure from people like you have said they would do something, said they would help achieve an end to deforestation and help stabilize the climate. Some have tried harder than others. Some have just tried to make it look like they were trying. And some had hoped that the pledges they put on paper were good enough. Pledges on paper arent good enough. Business as usual is something convecting afford because this aint usual. This aint usual and this is not a drill. Audience exclaiming] some people say that ending deforestation is impossible and theyre wrong. Its inevitable. Its going to end one way or another. The question is are we going to wake up one day when its too late and realize that its all gone . Let this happen pie accident and ruin the future . Or are we going to Work Together to build Just Solutions to deforestation and the Climate Crisis for the people and the lanet . Say we do it now, lets do it together, lets say it one more time. This is not a drill. And this is our time. Thanks, everybody. [applause] franky did. This is a woman who watches grayson franky. In the second season, grace very innocently was putting palm oil in vaginal lubrication that she and franky were going to sell, you know, older women, challenges. Well, when franky found out that grace was putting palm oil in the vaginal lubricant, she went ballistic. Grace had never seen franky get that upset because she loved orangutans and Palm Oil Trees were destroying the habitat of orangutans and she went on a rant that grace had never seen. It was so dramatic that me who lays grace started to research t. And thats how i found out about the evils of palm oil. You see i have a big problem. I kind of like to think that lily tomlin never did anything before grace and franky. Or 9 00 to 5 00. I kind of like to think she never did anything without me in it, with her. But im forced to admit that, in fact, shes done quite a lot without me and kind of like done things that nobody else has ever done. Like shes one of the greatest comedians that ever lived. And i get to go work with her every day. Its the biggest joy of my life and shes not only an actor, shes a writer and a producer and she can sing and she can dance. H she killed it on laugh in as arnestine. Shes won ump teen awards for hows and films like the she was nominated for an oscar for nashville. And theres big business in the late show and 9 00 to 5 00 and grandma and so many others. And then how many of you saw the earch for signs of intelligent life in the universe . One of the greatest performances. She played how many characters . She became so many different people. They inhabited her and the reason they could do that is because lily tomlin has the biggest heart and the most empathy of anybody that i know. Anyway i love her so much. Please welcome lily tomlin [applause] well, im not going to be ble to sing or dance or do any f the things that jane mentioned and i definitely wont e funny. I mean, i look around and i know in my heart that i am not the only tree hugger here. Some of the young people dont even know what that term means, its just amazing, but sadly, hugging trees is not enough today. The trees that have supported the ecosystem and literally life on this planet uhoh, no good . I dont want to talk like that, isnt that reverbed . Is that better . Lets get a different sound system. F you want the word to get out. And we have got weve got to stop hugging and start saving the trees absolutely because trees i dont like the way this sounds. Trees trees are burning in california and in the amazon. Theyre burning in indonesia. Thats the home of the orangutans and franky would be really devastated. Theyre burning in indonesia. Many of these fibers are deliberately set and driven by companies that make palm oil, soy, and raise cattle. Hey flatten the field to raise and they burn down all the trees so they can plant soy to feed to the cattle that theyve already burned down the trees so they could grow grass for the cows to eat. Its a strange logic to grow soil to feed the cattle that we shouldnt even be eating. The largest Investment Company in the world, black rock, invests in the companies that do the deforestation. The drilling and the racking. They also invest in the Company Building detention camps and cages that hold climate refugees. Yes, there are climate refugees and there will be many, many more if we dont do something. These corporations are are making oodles of money on the front, oodles of money on the ack end. Its beyond reprehensible. And the heads of these companies, these supply chains, these traders are ceos. I think we should reinstitute a new name, ceogres. They try to pass themselves off as good guys, as many people here today have told you. Leading the way for their corporations to start working more for the public good than chasing the bottom line. Unbelievable. Ut you can believe it. So what can be done . Divest from black rock and any investment firm, bank or Insurance Company that funds and ensures the fossil fuel industry. Thats a good start and the companies burning and cutting down forests or building migrant camps or cages. Divest from fossil fuel industry. No new fuels, no new fossil fuels. The message is trying to be clarified and over the last few years, 11 trillion investment dollars have been pulled from the fossil fuels companies as jane told you and the banks that fund them and a few of them have had to declare bankruptcy. Support the Indigenous Leaders around the world and in the u. S. Who are fighting to save their forests, lands and waters. The ojibwe leader in minnesota who spoke at our teachin last hursday and the fire drill friday rally. She was powerful and talked about how they are stalling the new tar sands pipeline from being built on their reservation. They may force them to go broke. Who knows . Indigenous people and their supporters chained themselves to their trees to block bulldozers. They have saved many fragile forests in canada from new pipelines. Together with the oceans, the trees are our lungs. We must save them if were going to save ourselves. [audience member yelling] no more cutting down Christmas Trees, either. If youve got a Real Christmas tree, save it. It stands there as a symbol of consciousness. Dont cut any more down. You would love to be able to go and pull out that fake tree and pull it right up wouldnt you with ornaments on it and everything . Thats what we do at our house. [audience member yelling] fake White Christmas trees, although white is questionable. Only elect politicians who will fight for the climate in bold, rave ways its too late for moderation. I dont know what you said, but it sounded good de. I know we can do it. We can do it, we can do it. Who can do it . We can do it si, se puede hey, listen guys, did you hear her say it . She said our fire drill fridays she joined the army o let me just say a few things about meat and Christmas Trees. First of all, rolf and i had a discussion last night at the teachin about the issue of Christmas Trees. Its okay because tree farms for the most part are are put in kind of degraded land. What happened . Youre wrong i love it when franky is wrong. So its okay, the Christmas Tree part of it and the meat part of it. Okay its good i mean, its hard, though, put weve got to eat less meat. Ot everybody can go vegan, but once a week meat, not every day. But weve got to understand that our individual life choices cannot be scaled up in time to get us to where we need to e. Theyre important, but its not enough. Its a place to start but not a place to stop. I urge you all to go on, what is it called . Oogle . When youre 82, you know, it doesnt come naturally all this social media stuff. Google and youll find greenpeace, rainforest Action Network, friends of the earth, and go to their forest section and they will tell you very specific things you can do because we need systemic change. You know, rain forest Action Network and greenpeace have had an effect on mcdonalds, for example. Burger king is worse than mcdonalds. We can boycott. And shaming companies, thats very good. So if youre going to be in town on january 3rd or january 10th were going to be doing that. Were going to be shaming the companies that are underwriting the fossil fuel industry. I love to name names. Unilever. Estle. Procter gamble. Burger king. Cargill. Trump hotels and you know they tell us that one of the solutions to fossil fuels is biofuels with but a lot of the reason forests re being cut down is to grow biofuel, to feed animals so lets not kid ourselves. Biofuel is not the answer. Stopping fossil fuel expansion and phasing out existing fossil fuel is the answer. Everything else has been said a lot. What . Franky wants me to tell that story about Christmas Trees again. To make up for her mistakes. And here i go. This is always very weird for me at my age. Please remember to follow the fire drill fridays on facebook, twitter, instagram, and to visit firedrillfridays. Com for details on our upcoming teachins. Okay and you can also text jane to 877877 if youre interested in starting a local fire drill friday. Already more than 300 people have signed up. Were building an army were building an army. You all are part of it. Nd make sure to join us next week when we talk about whos to blame and whos to pay, duh the fossil fuel industry. And now, were going to march to the Capitol Steps and raise a little ruckus [background conversations] [singing] [applause] [chanting] Climate Change has got to o [chanting] Climate Change has got to go [chanting] Climate Change has got to o [chanting] [chanting] [chanting] Climate Change has got to o [chanting] Climate Change has got to o [chanting] Climate Change has got to o [chanting] Climate Change has got to go [chanting] no new fossil fuels [chanting] no new fossil fuels [cheering] [chanting] [chanting] [cheering] [chanting] [cheering] [chanting] [cheering] [chanting] [cheering] [chanting] [chanting] [chanting] the house will be in order. Beenr 40 years cspan has providing america unfiltered coverage of congress, white house, and supreme court, and Public Policy events from around the country. Created by cable in 1970 nine, cspan is brought to you by the local cable or satellite provider. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. Congress returns for work the first week of january. Here is what is ahead, the house needs to decide on impeachment managers and send articles to the senate. Eventually, the senate will set to hear the cases against President Trump. We expect the senate to take up the u. S. Mexico, and canada keep trade agreement which the house approved before leaving for the holidays. Congress will hear President Trump deliver the state of the union on february 4. Watch the house life on cspan and the senate on cspan2. Input continue to follow the process on cspan leading to a senate trial. Live, unfiltered coverage on cspan, on demand at cspan. Org impeachment, or on the radio app. Tonight, on American History eastern,pan3, at 8 00 Clemson University professor Bradley Thompson examines the preamble to the declaration of independence. Does not say that the purpose menovernment is to make all equal, or the same. It says that the purpose is to protect rights. What rights does it mean . The rights contained in this second selfevident truth, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 10 00 p. M. , the 1993 documentary the panama deception. Panama is another example of destroying a country to save it and another case of how the United States has exercised a ht makes right doctrine among smaller countries of the third world. Invadebeen practice to these countries, get what we want, and leave the people to rock. Artifactsican living history enthusiasts enact the crossing of the delaware river. Talk aboutofessors impeachment including the current proceedings against President Trump. One of the things that strengthens the case against nixon and legitimized it was the fact that it was bipartisan and that there were many republicans who studied the evidence and looked at the reports. They listened to the tapes when they finally were released and looked at the transcripts that were released in advance, and, they came to the conclusion that nixon had done something wrong. This weekend explore our nations past on American History tv on cspan3. A look at life on the u. S. Mexico border with journalists from the new york times, albuquerque journal, and dallas morning news. At 7 00 a. M. , washington journal is live. Later, neil gorsuch talks about the separation of powers under the constitution in a republic, if you can keep it. It is my go introduce our moderator. Simone romero as a correspondent the new york times. He covered brazil and other parts of south america and is written on a broad range of issues including river pirates in the amazon,

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