Transcripts For CSPAN California Gov. Newsom Holds Coronavir

Transcripts For CSPAN California Gov. Newsom Holds Coronavirus Briefing 20240713

Governors. Track the spread throughout the u. S. And the world with interactive maps. Watch on demand any time unfiltered at cspan. Org slash coronavirus. Now California Governor Gavin Newsom talks about the states response to the coronavirus pandemic from yesterday. This is just under 50 minutes. Governor newsom what a remarkable week this has been not only for the state of california for one hundreds of people throughout the United States now. Estimated 80 million americans now living under some form of home isolation. Stay away orders, essential versus nonessential settings throughout the United States. This has been a very challenging time. Its time like this where we are filled with anxiety and filled with tremendous amount of uncertainty. And its understandable, people have a mindset of scarcity. You see that man fested in. So purchasing decisions people are manifested in some of the purchasing decisions people are making. A little more bread or toilet paper than they may need. At the same time it is remarkable moment to be can dit and i cannot express more gratitude at the same time we are struggling through this moment and that is the incredible mind set that also persists not just here in california but across this country. Its a mindset of abundance, abundance of our belief that we cannot only get through this, but in our capacity to meet this moment together. Let me tell you what i mean, i have had in the past 48 hours an ability to speak to scientists, researchers, engineers, nobel laureates, more c. E. O. s of Companies Large and small an i have quite literally in years had the opportunity to have conversation, tim kirk who stepped up and said in addition to the two Million Masks that the Vice President said he would donate to the american people, this year and this week, hes going to additionally provide one million for the state of california. Elon musk working overtime at tesla see if he can work with Companies Large and small, phillips and others, to see if he can start working up components on ventilators. He announced to me today hes going to provide 250,000 masks today for Health Care Professionals in the state of california. Also committing to over 1,000 ventilators in a few days, the state of california working through his supply chains and partnerships. Companies large and small stocking Small Company that does a little manufacturing up in santa rosa said they want to convert their facility to help sell masks. Seamstress down in los angeles, down in the Garment District said theyll do the same. Not only that, the largest companies, some of the largest manufacturers that happen to be based in the state of california like the gap saying we are ready to convert, meet this moment. Tell us what you need. Hospitals, credible, philanthropy. People that are literally sending planes to china on their own dime and bringing back resources and support from all around the world. Its quite literally not an exaggeration. I imagine governors across this country are experiencing the same thing. It it makes you feel we can meet this moment. Accordingly we have had a remarkable response in terms of the work our teen own teams are doing. We have 21 Million Masks in our reserves. Well be able to expand 10 Million Masks last week. We put out an additional mill and a half of those masks in the last few days. We have got millions more. Trying to get them out into our system as quickly as possible. We were able to bring on seton hospital as part of our portfolio of surge. We were able to announce just today Saint Vincent hospital in los angeles now part of our portfolio. 490 rooms that will be operationalized. 750 in the next few weeks capacity. Community hospital, great work that was done down in long beach with mayor garcia, was able to get 130 rooms up on line. People being transferred today and over this weekend. Working with our affiliates, pcmc in san francisco. We have a term sheet to bring into oiler portfolio 750 beds. We have folks in pacific gardens committing with term sheets to increase our capacity in our Hospital System. That by wait all told is about 1,000 beds that we have been able to procure in just the last umber of days. We were pleased to get a call from the white house, i want to thank President Trump and Vice President pence, we were able to get eight field medical units into the state of california. That will provide 2,000bed capacity for the state of california. These are those field medical stations that have been discussed across the last few weeks all across this country. They are finally being delivered. They are on the way. We have our First Tranche last night in riverside, the Strategy National stock pile. We are quite literally opening those boxes and distributing the assets throughout the state of california. Thats gowns, gloves, and masks. Its the first of four that will be arriving. We are told that they are already beginning to send the second order. As i speak to you tonight. I saw that from pint of optimism but point of deep realism in terms of the magnitude of meeting this moment. We have made it clear that we are prioritizing the most vulnerable californians and we have made clear that our mouse vulnerable californians including the homeless. 108,000 unsheltered homeless in the state of california. Im pleased to announce we have over 2,400 hotel rooms that we have already secured. 1,900 down in San Diego County. Tip my hat to the leaders in San Diego County in particular for securing those beds. Well make sure we secure the resources to get folks off the streets quickly and into those units. Seven counties now have already secured beds for homeless. We have those first trailers out and we are distributing them throughout the state of california. We have the purchase orders for those additional 1,200 that i referenced a day or so ago. All of that happening in real time. We have increased our goals in terms of the number of units we want for our homeless to 51,000 hotel rooms. That we are committed to identifying, procuring, bringing into our portfolio to begin to get folks off the streets and sidewalks, focusing our seniors out in the sidewalks. Focusing on those thats happening in real time. People need to know that. We also are focusing disproportionately and understandably on our senior populations. We have worked to identify roughly 1,000 additional Skilled Nursing facility beds that we will begin to negotiate and to bring on line. Again to broaden our portfolio of opportunities to meet the coming needs in the next weeks and next months. Let me put this in perspective. The state of california has about 416 hospitals in the system. We have a bed capacity staffed currently about 78,000. Some of the projections that we put out make it clear that well need an additional 19,500 beds in order to meet our midway projections as it relates to covid19. We have Surge Capacity within the Hospital System of a little over 10,000. So we are out there trying to procure 10,000 units. I mentioned the 10,000 beds. I mentioned the work with seton and the other hospitals, hotels we are bringing online not just for homeless but the hotels that will also be part after broader portfolio of needs to help us with our Hospital System. That includes, by the way, support from the army corps of engineers who were out here yesterday talking about how quickly they can convert those hotel rooms into quasi hospital. Getting the electrical and ventilation equipment and turning those around in real time. Working with the dormitories at the u. C. System c. S. U. System to do the same. The exace knit our fair grounds, convention centers. I cant tell you how many sporting leagues not just owners, teams in this state said, you know what, you want our arena, can you have our arena. We put together a matrix, its just rather remarkable. Its almost worth just taking a look. Quite literally thousands and thousands of specific requests and examples that have been given to us in real time of people wanting to help and providing resources. When we say that this has been a moment, its been quite a moment of people reaching deep, going to the distance to really help support the cause of the state of california. Again i imagine this is being replicated across the United States of america. Again framework of being sober about this moment. To see these freeways in this state, not congested, not the way we hope to reduce congestion in this state, and to recognize the number of people that have been laid off and the impacts, restaurants, and hotels, unemployment claims in this state. Six days ago there were 40,000 unemployment claims. The next day was 70,000. Kay after that 80,000. Went day after that 80,000. 135,000 two days ago. 114,000 yesterday. We are waiting for the new numbers as relates to the claims today. Gives you a sense of the magnitude of those that are struggling at this moment. I hope the magnitude that we all recognize to meet this moment in terms of the federal support that has to come not only our way but to states large and small across the United States. There is a spirit of collaboration as relates to this moment that needs to be identified. That is our governors sharing ideas and best practice was other governors. I just want to applaud incredible leadership, stress thats been placed on jay i. N. S. Lee in washington state, Governor Brown in oregon just on west coast. I was une medicating with governor bulllock in montana. We are not just in we are all in this together. Governor cuomos outstanding leadership and what governor murphy did today. I want to applaud all of them for all of their work. The governor of ohio, down the list. I just want to say we are all inspired by one anothers work and i think inspired to recognize that we all have insight. We have capacity and our ability to start sharing these as governors across the state have inspired all of us. I think raised the expectation that we can each do more and better in our states. We have takeen ideas from other states. I hope they have taken ideas from our state as well. We are working harder on anxieties of testing. Let me say this, we have been forthright about the testing issues. Extraction kits not part of the original test kits. Some of the issues around reagents. Words people may not understand or appreciate. Familiar to Health Care Professionals. Now the bigger issue is swabs themselves. Specimen samples and having the media to associate with the specimen samples. Its incumbent upon all of us to meet the moment and draw down support for those specimen collections. We needsequence of that to i think have a different conversation in this country around testing. That is smart testing. Targeted testing. Really doing it, whats the purpose of testing . My team is no longer providing me just the number of people that are tested positive. They are equally waiting the number of people tested neglect tifment we are now looking at it from a Community Surveillance perspective. We are much broader in many respects but more targeted in other respects in terms of the way we are approaching the entire testing protocols. I think this is something that needs to be replicated and i think is in other parts of the country. The bottom line for us is we want to know what the spread is. We want to know if we are bending the curve. We want to know if our stay at home orders are effective. Thats fundamentally the point of testing in terms of the broader sample. The more specific need for testing is selfevident to change medical protocols. To address the deep anxieties our seniors have. People with immune estimates all should be prioritize. People in the hospital with symptoms and most significantly our caregivers to make sure they remain healthy throughout this process. But the broader public, if you are young, you dont have symptoms, i know you may have deep anxiety, just assume that you potentially are contagious and act accordingly. Socially distance yourself from others. Just use common sense. Be a good neighbor. Be a good citizen. Those young people that are still out there on the beaches, thinking this is a party, time to grow up. Time to wake up. Time to recognize its not just about the old folks, its about your impact on their lives. Dont be selfish. Recognize you have a responsibility to meet this moment as well. I was talking to my kids the other day, my son said why arent you letting me outside . I said no, stay at home. As a framework of common sense. I said, you can go outside and play basket. Just dont invite the neighbors and your friends to come over. Use your common sense. I want to encourage people to think accordingly. What is essential and nonessential is essentially what you think it is. We are going to make sure food and all our Distribution Networks are secure. That clearly is essential. Woor going to make sure you can get access to medical supply, pharmacy, go to the laundry mat. Make sure Transportation Systems and entire apparatus of security and infrastructure is well secured. And if you need to go outside to get some exercise, do that. Dont do that in a group setting. If you see a busy street, dont run down that street. Again use common sense. You want to take a walk with your dog . Take a walk with your dog. Just dont do it with five or six neighbors. If there are people around, just mind your space. Socially distance yourself. At least six feet. If that becomes problematic, well start to enforce that. Not with a hammer. With a little bit of verbal communication. Think about what you are doing here. On the enforcement side, people are worried police. Social pressure is really moved remarkably quickly. You just seen that in whats happening in all of these states where we put out a directive and people are doing by and large the right thing. If they are not, we have licensing capacity to enforce. We can shut down businesses that are just abusive of this moment. And clearly, we have other enforcement capacity. But i dont think we are at a point experiences we have in california, not all equally spread, we recognize there are areas where we still have work to do to socialize these new protocols, i think its going remarkably well under the circumstances. We put out very detailed guidelines yesterday and we are making sure those are distributed across the state of california i want to thank the California Chamber of commerce for their incredible support of the guidelines to talk about whats essential and nonessential business. I want to thank the teamsters. There is not just a politician pointing out a very proud and powerful labor union. Ill tell you why im proud of the power and potency of the teamsters, is these guys are focusing on you more than their families. I was talking to some of the representative teamsters, these are the truckers these are the guys out there doing logistics in the warehouse. Folks in the central valley, state of california from farm to fork. Making sure you are fed. Making sure you feel good and confident that the stocking of our shelves will be abundant. Even though there are some items a little scarce now, we are in a transition. They give me all the confidence in the world. 72plus hours a week working hard, getting home late. Not even having time to pick up their own groceries. I tip my hat to them to the Grocery Store workers. 300 or 400 people they are coming in contact during the course of a shift. Their own Health Concerns at play. We have to be sensitive. And just tip their hat. Have a smilele when you are in line. I know we are stressed, but thank them for being there. They can go on unemployment. They are not. They ever stepping up. Stepping in. Not only that, 10,000 open jobs today. You have lost your job state of california, if you got skills, call your local grocer. I assure you thousands and thousands, 10,000 as of yesterday open jobs just in that space. It just redefines when we talk about heroes, men and women in uniform, absolutely. But its also folks that, frankly, sometimes we take for combranted. Granted that are also heroes meeting this moment. Essential workers doing essentially extraordinary things. Again putting their families second and you first. I want to just make this point as well. We are looking forward to addressing i think additional anxieties headon. That has to do with our correction system, prison system. We are working very aggressively to make sure that the folks in that system are getting appropriate support. Those that may have flulike symptoms are getting isolated. I bring this up because i have gotten calls on this. People expressing concern for the staff not just for the inmates themselves. We have shut down the visitation process, but folks coming in and out, that kind of mixing is a point of consideration and concern. Know that we are leaning into that and putting protocols and procedures in place as well. Thats Broad Strokes where we are. I want to just close by making one final point and well happily answer all the questions we can get. We need more support from the federal government. And im very, very encouraged by the conversations we are having on the u. S. S. Mercy, conversations we have had directly with the president and Vice President on the strategy stockpile and the work strategic stockpile and the work we are doing not just with h. H. S. But d. O. D. On getting these mobile field hospitals in the state of california as well. Preportioned. Make sure we are anticipating where well be in a week or two. And making sure what we need in that moment. In that spirit of collaboration and cooperation, i want to open up questions from the press and thank everybody for their remarksable patience and understanding during these very, ery challenging times. First question from the los angeles times. Reporter we are anticip

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