Transcripts For CSPAN California Governor Newsom Holds Coron

CSPAN California Governor Newsom Holds Coronavirus Briefing July 13, 2024

Number of i. C. U. Patients has trimmed. Other topics included helping the Homeless Population and efforts to bring in more Health Care Workers. Good afternoon, everybody. We are now in our nicks phase to begin the process. Actualizing those plans in real time. Let me give you an update of where we are in the state of california. Particularly in the last four days we have seen a doubling of the number of hospitalizations related to covid19. In the last four days, double the population that has been hospitalized. We have always seen a tripling of the number of i. C. U. Patients in our system in the last four days. These have long been projected based upon our modeling and consequence. We have for weeks now been organizing ourselves around a surge that will recryer roughly a 2 3 increase in capacity within our Hospital System. That requires three fundamental things. It requires finding new places to put people. Number two, it requires having adequate supplies from p. P. E. s to the ventilators. And importantly, number three, requires people. And today we are announcing a corps rt, health dcadgov, that will provide a platform to match individuals that may have retired in the last five years, may be in the process of getting licensed or relpsed. People that are in Nursing Schools or medical schools that are nearing the completion of those efforts to incorporate and encourage them to get on this platform to provide for the kind of Human Capital surge that we will need to meet the moment over the course of the next number of weeks as these numbers continue to rise. We couldnt be more pleased by the incredible professionalism of our nurses and doctors, our professional representatives at came together across many differences and organized around a framework of providing more flexibility, more Surge Capacity within the system by providing scope of practice reforms, by allowing us to utilize our existing resources in a more resourceful way. I want to thank all of the representatives for putting aside again those differences and meeting this moment headon to provide the flexibility that is required to meet this moment. We have an executive order that went out that will provide flexibility through june 30th. This is temporary flexibility on staffing ratios, on scope of practice for Nurse Practitioners, e. M. T. s and others. We are going out now to keeply find the kind of talent that is necessary beyond the scope of practice changes and beyond the regulatory changes to make sure we have the adequate work force, looking for Mental Health experts, looking for s, more t. Pharmacists, looking for fleb mists, looking for more experts in ress torii care and the like, technicians, a administrators, doctors, nurses, we are calling on you to step up, step in and meet this moment. We have more licensed Health Care Professionals in the state of california than any state in the nation, in 766,000 professionals in the state of california. But we estimate we have the capacity to increase our ranks by an additional 37,000plus professionals that are in that time of life where they again may have just recently retired or they are in the process of getting their license and their degrees. We are hopeful with this effort that we will see a surge of individuals to be paid and compensated to participate in the work force and zrirbletted throughout our care Delivery System allaround the state of california. I will have an individual representative here in a moment to talk more specifically about what that means, and also to remind everybody it is National Doctors day in the United States of america. And again, just deep respect and admiration for all of our front line employees for meeting this moment. I also want to express deep respect and admiration to Mark Zuckerberg and facebook. I am well aware of the need to surge with our health care capacity. They are providing stipends for he individuals that need transportation funding, that need child care support if they are going to participate in this work force that can get the kind of support on things that otherwise they wouldnt be paid for. Not just things like child care and trance and transportation, but things like hospital. They put up, and we thank facebook for providing 0 those stipends in those areas where we need extra support. That is the spirit of california. That is the spirit of this moment. That is the spirit that is driving our resolve. Driving our resolve as well is the aggregation of all of these physical assets that have taken place and shape over the course of the last few weeks. From the u. S. S. Mercy that took their first patients just yesterday in los angeles, to the 2,000 rooms that will be surging from the support of the federal government, the field medical stations. We already have our santa clara operation up and running. We have riverside up and running. We have work being done in los angeles and san mateo. We will share in of that and part of the f. M. S. Process, already operationalized. Seaton hospital that we brought into the portfolio of assets here in the state. We have been talking over the weekend to get st. Vincent, 366 beds in los angeles fully staffed up as well. We will have some specific announcements on that in the next few days. A Community Hospital down in long beach, we are starting to see that all take shape in real time. We have other hospitals we have identified in addition to the. M. S. Sites and the u. S. N. S. Mercy. We are looking to get some 1,000 nursing skilled facility units up and running. And we have made progress in areas and others are looking a lot 15 high priority sites. They have four more they will be looking at from the sleep train center here in sacramento, to oakland coliseum, to the l. A. Coliseum and other sites throughout the state of california, looking at those sites as potential surge sites, all part of a plan to increase by 50,000 beds our available capacity within our health care Delivery System. We have distributed now some 32. 6 million n95 masks in the state of california. We have our sites on getting that 101 million that we have locked up into the state. Every couple of days more of that p. P. E. Comes in, not just n95 masks, but coveralls, shields, gowns, glove sets and the like. As soon as we get them in, we get them out. Yesterday we were getting in a umber of he ventilators into bloom energy for refurbishing and reconfigure ration. I am very pleased. The 150 that came from l. A. As part of the national stockpile, all of those have been completed, and are done and are being sent back out into l. A. County. Folks, ant to encourage if you have a line on ventilators, it doesnt matter if they are brand new, maybe you have a few pieces lying around your house i dont mean to be flippant we will take them. We have folks in Silicon Valley that can do miracles and refurbish equipment. Our Community College system he they found 192 ventilators, note all of them in perfect shape, some of them used for training and the like, but we will take whatever we can get. We currently have 4,252 ventilators that we have locked down. Our goal is to get to 10,000 ventilators. We are looking to procure new ones from around the globe. We are hopeful that the federal government can assist us beyond the 170 that came into l. A. County, but if they dont, we will be as resourceful as we possibly comment on the physical asset side, that surge of 50,000 beds we are making real progress. On p. P. E. And lining up and identifying those needs, wore making progress, but more still needs to be done. As it relates to personnel and people, nothing more strauble and nothing more potent to meet this moment. So if you are a Nursing School student, or medical school student, we need you. If you have just retired in the last few years, we need you. If you are looking to expand your scope of practice and have particular expertise in any particular capacity. We need you, and we encourage u to take a look at that healthcore website. Five simple steps. We will ask you basic questions, and we will help you with your relicenses and the protocols and processes to get you up and running and out the door so can you support the needs of the people of statham i have california all throughout our state. We have seen an increase, a modest 8. 3 in terms of total number of posstiffles last night. 5,763 total covid19 positives in the state of california. But it is those hospitalization numbers, the i. C. U. Numbers that we are most focused on. Again, those numbers are starting to go back up, again along the leipsic of our model. The next few weeks are going to be critical in the state of california. In the next few weeks we are going to need more to flex and to surge and do more together to meet this moment. Before i turn it over to the doctor, i want to just remind people of how they can meet this moment. All of you that have the capacity to contribute can contribute most significantly by practicing physical distancing, by continuing the good work that we have done in the state, including over this weekend. We had to shut down all 280 parking lots in our state parks system. We saw a reduction in the kind of surge in our activity in our parks and beaches compared to the previous weekend, but we want you to continue to dough that there. Is nothing more potent and powerful in terms of meeting this moment than practicing that physical distancing. Socially connected, lets be resourceful in addressing the needs of others. I couldnt be more proud of our partnership with next door and the volunteers, some eight Million People we are connected with to check in on seniors and check in on people that are struggling with social isolation. They need not just food and medicine, but may just need a person to call and check in and see how they are doing. Nothing more important for individuals if they want to contribute in this moment than to continue to dot incredible work you have done in the nations largest state to practice physical distancing. And number two, i just want to remind people that if you know anybody in the medical profession, if you know people that you think are willing to contribute their time and energy in a compensated way, to go to this new website so we can meet the Health Care Surge as well. Partners across the spectrum, private sector, facebook, the public sectors with the incredible contributions of nonprofits and civicminded individuals, we will continue to row in the same direction and continue to meet this moment as we have in the state of california. In addition, and happy to answer questions, we are significantly increasing our efforts on homelessness. I am happy to go into details around that. I want to now turn it over to the doctor, who has been part of our partnership with the California Medical Association, working across the spectrum of Health Care Professionals that helped us with guidance and was willing to again work with us to create the flexibility and to create the kind of licensing reforms that temporarily are needed to meet this moment. Thank dr. To constant for that he effort and her energy. I want her to come to the podium and talk more about what we are looking for on the medical side. Thank you. First i wanted to take this moment to thank governor newsome and californias Public Health leaders for the swift action that they have had in terms of our physical distancing and sheltering in place, because it is really helping the Health Care Team. It is hoping us. The time has really been crucial to help us learn about this new virus as health care providers, how best to treat it and how to create the systems of care so that we are there and ready for the sickest when they need us. Today is National Doctors day. I want to first extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my physician colleagues as well as everyone in the Health Care World taking care of our patients, for your Vital Service at this time for both our patients and our communities. This crisis is already impacting thousands of physicians across california. Not just those who are directly taking care of covid19 patients, but also the thousands of others whose practices have been forced to close over the past several weeks. But even amidst this uncertainty and personal hardship, over 500 physicians have reached out to the California Medical Association to ask how can they help during this time. Either directly treating the sickest patients or stepping in to help fill in the gaps for the people that are taking care of our sickest patients. All members of our Health Care Team are showing tremendous courage and bravery, continuing to treat patients even though they worry about the personal Protection Equipment that they need to keep them safe. I am very grateful to governor newsome for his intense focus on delivering the personal protective equipment to our workers who are on the front lines of this pandemic to ensure that california is doing everything that they can to protect our physicians, our nurses and all members of the Health Care Team. Many of us were drawn to careers in medicine balls of the opportunity to truly help others. This is the work that we have been called to do. Now is our time. We are asking all medical professionals, physicians, nurses, physician assistants and all members of the Health Care Team to join us to take care of californians through this surge. For many of us that means tepping outside of our comfort zone and leaning into our inner strength. We are calling in on the sport of all Health Care Workers across california to step up and help serve the patients of our state. I have been humbled and deeply moved by the many stories of physicians and others whose true selflessness has really led with compassion and heartwarming caring solidarity through this. I know we are going to hear many, many, many more stories of this true humanity in the weeks to come. So thank you to all of you who have already worked long hours and who will continue to work tirelessly to help our patients. We truly appreciate you, and thank you in advance for your continued courage and your service, and please reach out to the health care or sorry, pcapgov to help patients in our communities. Thank you. Thank you, doctor. We are struggling with that site. We just got it up and operationalized. I just want to make this point. I am very proud. California has some of the in fact the highest standards personal protection, long championed by the medical association, long championed bite California Nurses Association in terms of ratios, in terms of protective gear. Those are things that we are very, very proud of. Recognize at this moment of excitement in order to meet this moment, we have to temporarily suspend in position of licensing and practices as it comes to meeting the care needs of those. It took a lot for those organizations to participate and step up, and i just want to thank them personally on behalf of millions of californians. We are grateful for your willingness to do so at this moment. Again, i will remind you this is temporary. This is not permanent. No games are being played, and our deep admiration roots back for all of you, and deep gratitude that you are willing to work with us to meet this moment. With that, broad strokes, that is the call to action today to all california Health Care Professionals to help participate and go on this site. We look forward to any questions that anyone may have as well. Governor, we understand that the California Department of health wont release the total number of hospitalizations county by county. Is that a number that you have . Do you have the statewide number of hospitalizations . And if so, will you make that more publicly available given how you can track the disease . It is 1,432. That number substantially higher than the first number we gave awe couple of days ago of 764. It has doubled in four days. We will provide more information on that as needed. The number of i. C. U. Beds today is at 597. You may recall four days ago it was at 200. We cant be more precise than that. We have a 19. 9 increase overnight in the i. C. U. Bed capacity and a 14. 3 overnight increase in the hospitalization capacity. As it relates to your very specific question, the county level, we will provide that information. I will make sure you get it. Hi, governor. Thanks for doing this. I have a twopart question. I hope thats ok. On the first one, we are two weeks into the bay area sheltonner in place orders. California has a whole is faring better than a couple of states, new york, new jersey, louisiana. Just your thoughts. Do you think that those orders have flattened the curve in the bay area as some doctors suggested over the weekend . And my second question is on school closures. We are three weeks into those and some of the schools are providing instruction in different ways. Some are giving video classroom lessons. Others are pointing families to websites with work sheets. Does the state need to do more than just provide guidelines. What do you think about districts and teachers are engaged in disputes . At 2 00 today all 58 county superintendents are getting on the phone, and we will have more detailed information to provide you after that Conference Call that goes deep into the issue not only of Distance Learning but special education and the issue related to food distribution. That is the agenda today. And then a very sober conversation we are going to have about the expectations for the remainder of the school year. By the answer to your question is yes, we need to do more. Let me fill in the blank space on the details that com

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