Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 06022020 20240712 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 20, 0603

Discusses his book. And the federal response to the coronavirus with democratic congressman jamie raskin. Video from yesterday of President Trump announcing further federal and military intervention in the aftermath of the killing of george floyd. After those comments, the president strode through ofayette park cleared protesters to briefly visit a historic church, st. Johns church, which had been partially burned the night before. Welcome to washington journal. Getting your thoughts on what you heard it from the president to end the continued unrest in cities. For those of you in the eastern and central time zones, 202 7488000. 202 in and pacific, 7488001. You can send us a text at 202 7488003. We welcome your comments on twitter as well. That is http twitter. Com cspanwj. About 12dent speaking hours ago in the rose garden before he made the trip to st. Johns church. Here is the reporting of the washington times. Forces onilizes anarchists. After he that soon spoke National Guard troops were moved onto white house grounds, tribes ferry to soldiers trucks ferried soldiers. Forces clashed with protesters within earshot of the white house with flashbangs in teargas clearing the way for mr. Trump to make a dramatic visit across lafayette park. Johns Episcopal Church. Said, greatest country in the world in we are going to keep it safe. That is the front page this morning from the washington times. The post with some of that protesting. Hear some of what the president had to say in those comments just before his visit. Sen. Crapo cooperation, not contempt. Security, not anarchy. Justice, not chaos. This is our mission and we will succeed 100 . E will succeed our country always wins. That is why i am taking immediate action to stop the violence and restores security and safety in america. All availableg federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the writing and gluten the rioting and gluten and looting, and to protect your second and emirates. Second amendment rights. The following measures are going into effect immediately. We are ending the riots and lawlessness spreading throughout our country. Stronglyave recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets. Governors must establish an overwhelming Law Enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled. Refuses tor state take connections take the actions necessary, that i will deploy the United States military and solve the problem for them. The federal authority of the president when he comes when it comes to using troops. This is from the 1807 insurrection act. Armede of militia and forces to enforce federal authority when the president considers unlawful obstructions itrebellions to make impractical to enforce the law of the United States and a dish in any state by the regular course of judicial proceedings. A tweet from last night from a member ruben gallego. Thetweets this question military exists to protect americans, not to harm them. I have one question for chairman millie. Do you intend to obey the legal orders from the president . Lets go to your calls. We will hear from paulette in texas. I want to show the whole picture of how the president pushed, beat to get his photo op. Shameful end very he needs to be out of the office. Host pennsylvania, we go to larry. That rightcomment is now we have been the white house the worst, most dangerous and ept president since james buchanan. They need to go and impeach him again. Our country is in great peril with him in the white house. Host ok. Donna. Would like to say it is nothing to do with george floyd. Getting involved in these demonstrations and they are out to destroy this country. People need to look at what they are doing. They are destroying their own neighborhoods, jobs. Step back and just look. Look what you are doing. It is not about him. That is just their agenda to get something started. There have been other policemen that have done bad things to blacks. It is just now they have got something to pull up and flashed before the nation. And say, look, look with the blacks are doing to the weights. Look what the cops are doing to the blacks. It is just in agenda an agenda. They are desecrating that man. You think it is not just a handful of people causing problems, but broadly, most of the people involved are seeking trouble . Caller most of the people in think they are doing George Floyds memory. These radicals are stirring people up. Have you seen western movies where the guy would go in the saloon . That is exactly what this is. It is a radical being paid to get in there to stir the people up. Host some of these photos taken yesterday. The city of washington one of several experiencing curfew, the second night of curfew in the Nations Capital. On george floyd, that this is this is thes report on the autopsies. They differ on what caused his death, but they agree on this much the africanamerican was the victim of homicide. Of cardiopulmonary arrest, or report says. It says floyd also suffered from heart disease. Contrast withts an independent autopsy commissioned by floyds family released earlier monday. That conducted by the university of michigan. They found that he died of his pressurefrom sustained died of asphyxiation from sustained pressure. Condolences to the floyd family. I am sorry that they are suffering even further with what is going on. I think that the point has been made. Can we just get back and take a look and let the system try and work it out. I know it has let people down have, but it is all we and as americans i love black people. I love all people. Hue of ais a different multinational rainbow. We love each other. We do not have to be separate, but we are comfortable within our own group or pride or whatever you want to call it. I just him at odds. I just am at odds. I watched that tape yesterday. I am considered a white woman. I am 64 years of age. But i have multiheritage that runs through my veins. While i am not black, i do not feel way. So where do i fit into the all of this . Read you an opinion by filmmaker cassie lemmons. Writes, it is no secret that you like our music, style, swagger. Is. Meyer our author lettuce you admire our athleticism, beauty. She writes that if ucs only when diversion orce of victims who satisfy your taste for violence or death, then you do not cs as fully human see us as fully human. Beaten, raped, separated from our children, and the prison industrial complex, then you will never understand the true measure of what we have accomplished. I think there is a big issue with all of the dialogue. This is not a blackandwhite issue. Many of the people protesting floyd arejustice for caucasian, latino, as well as black. A protest oft, Common People all over the world. This is the key. They are Common People. The other big factor they have missed is it is not a question of white supremacy. It is a question of blue supremacy. The police have more rights than the rest of us. Impunity andwith they should immediately be charged when there is probable cause like you and me. Authorities who have failed to charge them. Arrest them. Only there will be peaceful mass protests. I was at a demonstration yesterday and i am going again. We need a change in the social order. The police are designed to protect the interests of the billionaire class. We saw that represented at the white house. Host what was your experience . You went to the protest at the white house. I showed up when confrontation began to develop. From everyre coming direction and i did not want to get trapped or arrested. Earlieri went down much , marched and rallied near the white house. Completely peaceful. There were no provocateurs in operation. This situation had become worrisome as the day progressed. Host we appreciate your experience. The video we are seeing is from yesterday outside the white house. It is Associated Press footage of protesters being moved out of the area of lafayette park. Going on,le this was speaking to the nation from the rose garden and addressing those protests across the country. Americans were sickened and revolted by the brutal death of george floyd. My administration is fully committed that for george and his family justice will be served. He will not have died in vain, but we cannot allow the righteous cries of Peaceful Protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob, the biggest being f the writing of the rioting being the peaceloving citizens of our poorer communities. I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. Law andr president of order and in ally of all Peaceful Protesters. But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, antifa and others. State and local governments have taken failed to take action to protect their residents. People have been savagely beaten, like the young man in texas or the woman in upstate new york. Theirbusinesses have seen businesses utterly destroyed. Nurses, who have battled the virus, are afraid to leave their homes. A Police Precinct has been overrun. And, the Lincoln Memorial the world war ii memorial have been vandalized. One of our most Historic Churches was set ablaze. A federal officer in california, an africanamerican hero, was shot and killed. These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror. Speechll of that available on our website cspan. Org. From yahoo news biden blasts trump photo op. Biden, Presumptive Democratic nominee in the election, slamming the president for using the American Military against the american people. He tear guest Peaceful Protesters and fired rubber bullets for a photo biden tweeted monday. For the children, for the soul of our country, we must defeat him. Biden announced he would speak today on the civil arrest unrest. In front of st. Johns church, a tweet from the hill. Trumpys she found out by seeing ithurch thev, the bishop of Episcopal Church of washington dc. She says she was not given a Courtesy Call that they would be clearing the area with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop. We need moral leadership and she has done everything to divide us. That is from the episcopal leader of the diocese in washington. Margaret. Margaret, turn down your audio. Caller thank you. Host mute that. Go ahead. Margaret. Caller good morning. Trump did not walk through that little park with the protection of the National Guard and the army, what if those protesters one of those protesters would have killed him. And yet i hear people on the news blaming mr. Trump for everything. Said ago months ago, he he would take care of all of this. All of the governors complained. They said we are going to take care of our own states. And look at what is happening. Those governors are blaming mr. Trump for everything. You have ruined our country. You have ruined our beautiful country. I dont know whether it will ever come back. It is not the people that are doing what they are doing. The troops and the National Guard should have been called up the first night. The statesrs in all told mr. Trump, no. We want to take care of our own. What is the matter with you people in our country . My father died from this country for this country, my brother, my husband. They are turning over in their graves if they saw what was going on now. To sam ins go louisville, kentucky. Good morning my man. Firsthand experience. My name is sam. I am in louisville kentucky. May,ars ago last month in i was involved in a disturbance that became a national trial. Six ifcalled the black you ever want to look at. We were in the same situation where Police Brutality happened. They were decided going to aggravate two people. Folks are not going to be to policeeir sheet brutality because there is a mentality in this nation to police. We can go back and see something happening in the last 15 years. These policemen come out of afghanistan, out of iraq, and the problem is that they were involved in an enemy overseas. They see black people on the street as an enemy. They have this thing called mass targeting. When they shoot black people, they try to shoot them in the not only toreas, bring them down but to actually kill them. I will not linger on this. The black youth, when we were demonstrating with Martin Luther , werend bobby seal demonstrating for peace. We were demonstrating for justice. What is going on out there on that street right now is not happening that way. You have wolves in the sheep. Steal. Hing is they they use innocent people to get out and steal and dilute. I will just say this and leave it alone. If you are religious, if you christ, youesus need to look at matthew 25. You read those and tell me if you are a christian or not. Host sam . Let me ask you about your experience with Martin Luther king and bobby seal. Martin luther king a practitioner of nonviolent protest. Refrainicult was it to from responding with violence or looting in some cases when you are faced up against a line of police or National Guard . Caller at the time, we had open housing. We tried to get people to move. Some houses were destroyed by bombs was how i got involved. What happened was we were and it wasth mlk peaceful. Rocks, bottles thrown at us, but we overcame that because we knew what the outcome would be. It was going to be justice. The Police Action was happening kentucky. Uisville, the police come in with this attitude that they are going to become the owner of the community and they are going to take over the community and they tape eight and they tell people get off the street, do this, do that. Trying to disrespect me, i will not let you. And you are saying that i am wrong because im not going to go with your rules. I appreciate that. You sam, appreciate calling in. Calling from global. Calling from louisville. Here is the governor of kentucky. Peaceful, and aggressively make your point. There is a difference between aggressively make your point and violence. What we have seen is professional vandals. These are not the protesters. You see them in the full black cat Tactical Gear walking down the street not trying to make a point, but trying to create or incite violence. I truly believe that there are people out there, and we have some of that intelligence, that they want to create violence where everybody is heard. Hurt. That is why i called in the National Guard. I was concerned things were boiling to a point where peaceful folks, demonstrating but pushed into a direction by those who want to cause violence, could be harmed. Not want anybody hurt and all of this. That is why we have to look carefully at what happened last night. Obviously there was a shooting and we have to know all the facts about it. People deserve to see it for themselves. Host don in henderson, nevada. Caller good morning. I think the governors and the mayors that are socialists in these states and cities should be charged with malfeasance. Look at what is happening. A war memorial is desecrated. A church is burned. Enterprise, another pillar of our democracy and our is robbed,c system, pilfered it, and diluted. And looted. Dunshave these governors what have these governors done . Nothing. The law will take its course with the Police Officer that killed the poor guy laying on the ground. Giveer, that does not antifa and all these criminals that looted. I found out that this morning the District Attorney of new york released one hundred 25 people arrested. Host don in nevada. More calls. We are joined by maryland senator ben cardin. Of alld to ask you first what you thought about the president s announcements hisday, is increasing increasing use of the military. Think he added to the frustration. Peacefuldent cleared a protest to do a photo often in front of a church. Using the federal military against our states is an abuse of power by the president. Inre is pentup frustration this country in regard to our criminal Justice System. An overwhelming number of protests are protesting that injustice. There are those that commit violent acts. They need to be held accountable. There are those that will try to provoke. They need to be held accountable. But do not blame it the unrest but do not blame the unrest. Sun the baltimore thousands take to baltimore streets to protest the death of george floyd and Police Brutality. A seemingly peaceful protest they are in baltimore. Overall, how do you think the city of baltimore, the state has fared under its leadership . Very little incidents as far as vandalism is concerned. Are protesting is that we have a discriminatory Justice System. Law would be enacted by the congress of the United States that would prohibit discriminatory Law Enforcement. That is what they are crying out for. They want nondiscriminatory policing in this country, Law Enforcement, criminal justice in this country. Int is why think people baltimore took to the streets in a peaceful way. An effort of your schatz. E brian therstanding you are in democratic minority in the senate, what do you think will come out of these protests that the senate could take up . Caller it is counterproductive. It does not keep communities safe. It is not a partisan issue. I hope that democrats and republicans would say it is time for this to end. Enforcement law agencies have done the right thing by saying we will not allow discriminatory activity. That is a build trust between communities and Law Enforcement. You need to have that as the standard in this country at all levels of Law Enforcement. Host back

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