Proposals and congress and recounts the Police Response after he was shot three years ago at a congressional baseball practice. Good evening, everyone. Welcome to team trump online. I am mercedes, Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications to President Trumps reelection campaign. Be sure to like and share this broadcast with your friends. Joining me tonight is a top member of the House Republican leadership team, republican web whip Steve Scalise from the great state of louisiana. Congressman how are you doing , tonight . Rep. Scalise i am doing great. It is great to be with you and all of team trump out there. Mercedes we were just talking about our homeschooling experiences. The kids just finished school. That was quite a test through this coronavirus pandemic. Rep. Scalise families have had to pull together and have had to do challenging things. With the economy shut down, you have got a lot of turmoil out there. In the midst of all this, parents are having to homeschool their kids as well. We had some real Interesting Times as well. I relearned all those math formula like the area of a circle equals pi r squared. It still works. We had a good time with the kids and the kids were good about it. Mercedes i think these kids are ready to go back to school. I dont know about you. Rep. Scalise we need to open schools again in the fall. Mercedes no kidding. I think the parents definitely want the schools back open, thats for sure. Lets get started. I know it has been such a busy week that we are seeing. This past week we have seen a split screen unfolding across america. On the one hand, we are seeing thousands of Peaceful Protesters on the streets. On the other hand, violent protesters, rioters, and antifa hijack the noble cause of justice for george floyd. We have even seen joe biden, who has not condemned these violent rioters, some of whom have attacked even our own Police Officers. President trump will not allow the cries of Peaceful Protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob. I was with him last week. He said, congressman, that he is the president of law and order. Im sure he shared that with you as well. Rep. Scalise he has. He has made it clear to the country we all mourn the loss of george floyd. What happened in minneapolis Justice Needs to be served. , nobody in Law Enforcement has the right to abuse their position of power, and there needs to be accountability. But at the same time, you also cant have violent outbursts where people are literally just going out and looting and rioting and burning down cities. It cant happen and i am glad President Trump has been clear he is going to stand up for law and order. And when you look at, for example the death of that , retired Police Captain, david dorn, that should not have happened. That murder was coldblooded, and i think all of us were outraged when we saw that as well. Its a shame you dont see more people on the left, from joe biden and nancy pelosi, standing up against the violence and the rioting and looting. Thats not what we should be about. We should be about protesting and demanding justice. Mercedes that is absolutely right. I think we can all say we stand with the Peaceful Protesters as they exercise their First Amendment rights. But going down this path of violent rioting and destruction of our cities. I mean, we also saw the attempt to burn down the historic st. Johns church by the white house. Lets watch this clip. Unfortunately i can add just a moment ago it does appear st. Johns church is on fire. We saw graffiti. Once the door was open. We saw something similar earlier. There is definitely a fire here. Mercedes and kevin, so people know, that is an Historic Church just across Lafayette Park from the white house. Numerous president s, dozens of president s have sat in those pews. They have gone there in times of National Trouble and for regular sunday services. For generations and generations, president s and their families have walked across Lafayette Park and gone and sat in the pews of st. Johns. Mercedes President Trump went to go see st. John and what had happened, stand there for a moment. Of course it is very the media mocked him. The democrats went after him. Nancy pelosi then decided to read a passage from the bible. Let me get your reaction to the clip and the destruction we are seeing in our communities. Rep. Scalise mercedes my heart , dropped when i heard the reports st. Johns church was burning. Initially they didnt know how bad it was. You just think about the history of the church and what it represents to our country. To think that that was burning down. In this country, they are threatening some people to be arrested if you go to church, and yet they are allowing a church to be burned down in washington, dc. It was heartbreaking. You know, thank god, and im sure there were miracles that happened to save the church. It just went and opened peoples eyes to the fact that we are all in unison that george floyd should not have been murdered that day, and the Minneapolis Police have real issues they have got to deal with. But at the same time, to burn a church down and to burn cities down is not the answer. Mercedes i think we want to find constructive solutions. And what we are seeing instead from the left is that there ir solution is defunding our police. This includes some members from the house of representatives. They are all calling for defunding the police. Congresswoman ilhan omar and congresswoman ocasiocortez. Congressman, you have seen multiple examples of cities saying they are going to defund our police. Why is this such a dangerous move . Is. Scalise mercedes, this incredibly dangerous because you are seeing the socialist left really take over the Democratic Party and coming up with things like this. I wouldnt be alive today if it wasnt for the heroic actions of Police Officers. The Capitol Police not only saved my life, but so many others that day three years ago on the baseball field. And you know, they dont talk about those stories. If a cop does the wrong thing, and in the case of george floyd, clearly Justice Needs to be served. And everybody is in agreement on that. But the idea that if you are in a community, depending on where you live, if you call 911, there is going to be nobody to answer that call. I think that would be a chilling thought to most people in the country. Mercedes no question. You are talking about unsafe streets, unsafe community, and i would say chaos. And i think joe biden is promoting this chaos. He has even barely mentioned you had police in new york city who have been violently attacked by these rioters, ending up in the hospital. Yet you see mayors like bill de blasio saying, we are going to move away from funding the police, putting that money shifting that money for social , services. You also see the vetoproof majority in minnesota, minneapolis, their City Council Also saying we need to dismantle the police. It is dangerous. Dangerous moves by these democratic farleft representatives we are seeing across the board. But congressman, what does this say about joe biden and the democrats who are embracing the defund the police movement, which will lead to unsafe communities . Rep. Scalise mercedes this is , one of those telling times. When you are in the midst of a campaign, obviously you are going to have issues going back and forth. The president takes positions. But the democrat nominee, joe biden, has to be clear about where he is on this. He is trying to play both sides of it, mercedes, and you cant. Donald trump has been clear he supports the ability of Law Enforcement to protect communities and hold people accountable if they cross that line. Joe biden is mysteriously silent. I guess he is stuck in his basement right now because they are afraid to let him out and answer this tough question. Frankly it is not a tough question. It is a very straightforward question. Are you for or against Defunding Police . Joe biden and nancy pelosi are literally dodging this question. When you want to run for president of the United States you cant hide from tough , issues. Joe biden has to be vocal and it has to happen soon. He cant let this go on for days and days. Rep. Scalise you mentioned mercedes you mentioned about that fateful day in june 2017 when you nearly lost your life at the republican baseball practice. I have to tell you, we were all just so sad to hear you had been shot. We were all praying for your quick recovery. It was really the u. S. Capitol police, including your special agents, crystal and corey, that saved your life. It just shows how important american Law Enforcement is in keeping our country safe. Show our viewers it was a dreadful day just what you went through, how those special agents, those Police Officers saved your life, and why it is so critical to give our Police Officers the backing they need to do their job. Rep. Scalise mercedes, this was one of those things you never hope or think would happen. A crazed gunman shows up on a ballfield. We are getting ready to play for a Charity Baseball game. And he starts shooting at republicans because he wanted to kill all of us. And if it was not for the heroic action, as you mentioned, david and crystal were there that day. If they were not there all of us , would have been killed. He went there with the element of surprise and a lot of ammunition and capability. They were welltrained. Asy did their job exactly they were trained. Both of them were shot in the shootout and kept going at it to protect all of us and took the shooter down. You know Law Enforcement does , not every day unheralded. They dont do it for notoriety. They do it because it is a calling to protect and serve. And again if anybody abuses their position of power, they need to be held accountable. Nobody is disputing that. But you have also got to recognize the heroic action that is taken every day that often goes unnoticed. Clearly on that day, i saw it firsthand. I would not be here and a lot of other members of congress would not be here on this planet if not for the heroic actions of those Police Officers, david and crystal. Mercedes and to your point, i think the key is we do have those officers area they do have infractions. They should not be on the front line and should not be out in the communities. Those people the bad cops, no , room for them, no tolerance for that. But we cant, just because you have this one bad person, try to destroy our Law Enforcement. I mean, that is just a horrible direction to go in. Because there is the Police Officers who are there to save peoples lives, to keep communities safe, to ensure we are decreasing violent crimes. They play a Critical Role in our communities. How does it work in louisiana with the Police Department . Rep. Scalise if you look for example at the new orleans Police Department we have got mardi gras every year, so you have got about a Million People that are congregating, coming to new orleans to celebrate mardi gras. It is always so very peaceful. I have been a lawenforcement officer with that many people. Some people are imbibing and enjoying the moment, but they calm andto keep the the peace and keep people safe. This is families that come from all around the world, they want to have a good time and be safe. That is able to happen. If you have got a lawenforcement officer that crosses the line, they ought to be held accountable. When you watch how they are able to keep that many people safe in a peaceful environment, it shows you how it can be done the right way. Mercedes yes, we definitely dont want to go down the route of demoralizing Law Enforcement during this time. Lets take a quick break, but we will be back with more team trump online. Welcome back. I am mercedes schlapp, joined by congressman Steve Scalise, one of our Great American patriots. Thank you, steve for being with , us. Rep. Scalise great to be with you, mercedes. Mercedes obviously there was a really big story last week, but the media didnt cover too much of it. The Great American comeback story. It is well underway after the economy was artificially interrupted by the global pandemic. To the surprise of many, including the media, the economy added back 2. 5 million jobs in may, the largest one month job gain in u. S. History. I want to play this clip about the historic jobs report. [video clip] this is a stunner. This is a stunner. It is optimistic. The jobs numbers remain 2. 5 , million jobs added. I had to double check because that was absolutely not what we were expecting. It appears to be a stunner. Much better than expected. We can say it all pretty much in three words. Jobs, jobs, jobs. The may job report is far better than analysts had predicted. I am so stunned. I have never seen anything like this. It shows the u. S. Economy is perhaps a lot more resilient than we anticipated. It is such great news for the American People. The fact is is we are back. Pres. Trump today is probably the greatest comeback in american history, but it is not going to stop here. Mercedes it is going to keep going. Jobs, jobs, jobs. It is a stunner. How would you describe the latest jobs report . Rep. Scalise President Trump brought this economy back after it was on its heels for eight years. He did it once, he is doing it again. People want to get back to work, back to things they enjoy. We know covid is out there. We have seen medical research being done at a tremendous pace. President trump moved agencies like the fda to expedite the test we are seeing come online, as well as the search for a cure and a vaccine. This is because President Trump has put the focus on government on doing this. He also knows we have to get our economy going again. The states that have moved aggressively are not seeing an uptick in hospitalizations. People are going to restaurants, getting their hair cut, seeing each other at a social distance. Jobs are coming back. It is what this president did once. He is doing it again and we are going to continue to see a great economic recovery faster than any other country in the world. Every country has dealt with this in different ways, but america can lead the comeback, led by President Trump. Mercedes the media was shocked by the jobs numbers. We also saw joe biden. I think he pretty much had to change his speech on friday. I think they were thinking the numbers would be pretty bad. Tell me how President Trumps and the republicans bold leadership began to bring our economy roaring back. Rep. Scalise when democrats were talking about mailin ballots to illegally registered people, the president was talking about keeping families and businesses going. We passed a relief package focused on families and businesses. The paycheck protection program, one of the most successful programs congress has put together in a crisis, that has been successful saving millions of Small Businesses. Last week President Trump signed into law another revision to make that program work even better for Small Businesses. Thats why they are able to stay afloat and bring people back to work. Thats why you are seeing job numbers increase. Businesses were able to Stay Together because of President Trumps leadership at a time when a lot of people were on their heels, wondering if they would be able to make it back. President trumps focus was on protecting the health and safety of families, Holding Small businesses together. All that pelosi and aoc and the farleft and biden were able to do was bailout the failing states that were failing before and give ballots and health care to illegals. It is a stark contrast. Mercedes and adding Energy Credits and Green New Deal stuff we know doesnt work. Rep. Scalise solar panels on airplanes when the Airline Industry is about to go under. They are talking about carbon in emissions on airplanes. What planet are they coming from and who are they trying to fool with this radical left agenda . Frankly, i think the president s leadership has put us in the position where we are starting a great comeback. There is more to come. As the president said, the best is yet to come. Mercedes the planet the democrats are coming from is planet clueless. That would be my take. Joe bidens 40 plus years in office have shown his policies would be a disaster for the economy. Now he is embracing extreme socialist policies, like we were talking about, the Green New Deal. How would a joe biden presidency devas