Transcripts For CSPAN President Trumps Remarks At Mt. Rushmo

CSPAN President Trumps Remarks At Mt. Rushmore Salute America Event July 12, 2024

Announcer we take you live now where the fourth of July Celebration at my Rushmore National memorial. This is live coverage on cspan. [chanting] four more years [applause] [cheers and applause] [applause] [cheerful marching band music] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, donald j. Trump, and first lady, melania trump. [applause] rise further playing fornational anthem about the laying of the national anthem. Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming; whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh, say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . [applause] good evening, everyone. I am a uh 60 pilot with the south Dakota Army National guard. My wife kayla and i would like to welcome you to the great dakota. South the south Dakota National guard along with our nations military proudly serves our state and our nation. Whether at home or overseas, we start ready to support the citizens of south dakota and the United States. Thank you for your continued support of the armed forces. We hope you enjoy the festivities tonight. I am the aircraft production superintendent at the 114 square drawn. I grew up in south dakota and i joined the south Dakota National guard in 1992. As the production superintendent, i direct the maintenance for our aircraft. Our mission is to generate combat air power with our f16 aircraft. It means a lot to me to follow in my parents footsteps. It is very rewarding. I like serving with my children, that is also a rewarding opportunity. Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy your south Dakota National guard. Good evening, everyone. I am captain justin pershing nichols from south dakota, and proud member of the worldfamous 34th bomb squadron thunderbirds. , proud captain max member of the 37th bomb squadron tigers. Coming up, you will witness the awesome power of the lancer, a Strategic Bomber capable of longrange missions with a top speed of 900 miles per hour. We hope you enjoy the show. Happy birthday, america. Good evening. Your United States Navy Squadron takes pleasure in performing for you here at Mount Rushmore, south dakota. Since 1946, the blue angels have had the unique village of demonstrating to the american public, the precision technics of naval aviation, hoping to inspire a culture of excellence and service to the country. We will perform a flyby in traditional blue angel for mission so that you may see and take pride in the precise fashion in which you navy pilots are trained to fly. Representing your United States navy and marine corps, the blue angels ladies and gentlemen, please ofcome former host entertainment tonight, and your master of ceremonies, mary hart. Mary thank you, and good south dakota evening to one and all [applause] we welcome you come up President Trump, our first lady, millennia, and your whole family. There are so many people i want to introduce very quickly, but i want to say, thank you, governor noem, for making this possible. [applause] and thank you to you, incredible audience. You have been here for hours today, and it was only 125 degrees out here in the sun. You are not only seated here, youre up there, and you are beyond. The are just spectacular for being here to celebrate an front of july, the birthday of our great nation. I also want to introduce you know these gentlemen well, former governor and current senator, mike rounds and john thune, longtime friends. Wonderful to have you here. [applause] i see our National Security adviser, robert obrien. Welcome to south dakota. [applause] and senator paul, rand paul. I believe, im my seeing you . Ok. [applause] then we have congressman dusty johnson seated over here. [applause] congressman jason smith. Congressman markwayne mullin. As well as congressman adrian smith. [applause] welcome to you all. Great to beredibly back in my home state of south dakota, and it started this simply a few weeks ago. It was a text. Isnt about the way all of our important events occur in our lives these days . Did you get my voicemail, mary . Kristi, i texted back. No, when did you leave it . Next second, the phone rings, it is governor noem saying, mary, i have a favor to ask of you. Would you consider . When she explained this glorious night and the plans, i said, are you kidding . I would be so honored, so happy. Let me just tell you that i am incredibly proud to have all of you who are firsttimers here. I know there are people from all over the country visiting, because i have talked to a few of you today, and we are so happy, whether it is New Hampshire or delaware or wherever you came from, you had a trek, but i know you are happy to be in this great state. I have a Long Association with Mount Rushmore. It is making me mad that those guys are there in granite are not aging. [laughter] as a young kid, i was here with my family, then as miss south dakota. [applause] thank you. You know what, i woke up at 3 a. M. About a week and a half ago and i went, do idea mentioned that . Yes, because it is important to me. I am so proud of this state and the values i was raised with here in south dakota. I was here as miss south dakota in 1970. 50 years ago. Holy cow so i am proud of that. Of1991, i had the great joy cohosting, with fellow south rokaw, them b rededication and the golden anniversary of Mount Rushmore, and we were on our 41st president , George Herbert walker bush and first lady barbara bush. I bring this up because, president bush, we went fishing that day. Sugarmans. And the on ald put a live worm hook in case you and millennia would like to try to catch a few before you leave, or when you come back you and melania would like to try to catch a few before you leave or when you come back. I am so honored to be master of ceremonies tonight, and we are so proud of our men and women in uniform. Wonderful to have you here. Support you, we love you, and we thank you. We are all proud to be americans. We do live truly in the greatest country in the world. , ice i brought it up remember well the tumultuous the tragedy and ultimately the triumph of the 60s. I was growing up then and those were not easy times for those of be old enough to like i am to remember. That was a terrible decade, that we turned out to be a better nation. And with everything going on now, i know we can come together, sharing and listening to one anothers ideas, and we can, yet again, become a better nation. [applause] it has been 11 years since fireworks were last here in Mount Rushmore. We are so excited to bring them back. I would like to thanks secretary bernhardt, our interior secretary, for helping governor noem. Fork you, President Trump, making this wonderful evening happened. [applause] and i want to thank all of the incredible people who did those flyovers. I couldnt help thinking, when we saw air force one flying over, President Trump, that birdseye view of the monument must have in maybe even more spectacular for you than it was for us. We are so proud you did with of those flyovers, and we are so proud that you are here. [cheers and applause] now, i would like to introduce our first speaker, a very special woman come someone who i have gotten to know through the years, you have gotten to know her, you fellow south dakota and , in leader consistently challenging the status quo and wanting to make her straight stronger from the next generation. She is a lifelong from when she and could walk, she worked with her father on the ranch. In college, she married brian, another farm kid. She first got involved in politics, serving as a Citizen Legislature in the state 20072010. From before serving in the u. S. House of representatives from 20112018. She recently gained National Attention for her response to national events, including covid19, protests, and efforts to rewrite american history. [applause] and maybe even more importantly, she often says that her greatest accomplishment is raising three children who love the lord, love their family, and know how to work hard. Would you please give it up for the wonderful governor of south dakota, kristi noem [applause] noam good gov. Noem good evening. You all look so good. Wow, thank you for coming. Mary, you are just absolutely wonderful. Arent we proud of merr mary hart . [applause] so i understand there is a lot s here. H dakotan who here is from south dakota . [applause] how many of you here tonight, it is your first visit to south dakota . [applause] thank you for coming. Means the world to me. Tonight we have a very special guest. We have the one 74th Cyber Protection unit with us here 174th cyberthe protection unit. Could they please stand . [applause] folks, these soldiers were deployed for 13 months as a part of Operation Enduring freedom, and he never got a welcome home, so we decided to throw a big Party Tonight and officially welcome them home and thank them for their service. Would you give them a round of applause . [cheers and applause] thank you for your service. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic evening planned for you. Let me start by introducing someone that has been absolutely instrumental to making tonight happen. It is my honor to introduce david bernhardt, who is the United States secretary of the interior. He was raised in a rural town in colorado. Rifles. C elk and secretary bernhardt grew up hunting and fishing on public land. He also has legal policy and administrative experience. He served nearly a decade in seniorlevel positions at the department, including as secretary. Nd deputy and or his leadership come at the department of the interior has expanded access to public land, advanced American Energy independence, strengthened the departmental ethics program, and also delivered billions of dollars in regulatory relief since the very beginning of the trump administration. We are also honored to have his wife, jenna, here this evening with us, as well as his daughter, katie. Ladies and gentlemen, would you please join me in welcoming the United States secretary of the interior, david bernhardt. [applause] secretary bernhardt good evening. Thank you, governor. It is great to be in south dakota. Over a decade ago, fireworks illuminated the sky over this memorial, a place that honors our former president s. Tonight they return. [applause] s celebration would not have been possible without the leadership of President Trump and governor noem. They called for a patriotic celebration and an incredible firework display here at month rushmore. Lady,esident, first governor, members of congress, and other guests, welcome to Mount Rushmore. Monument,ficent surrounded by the duty of the black hills of south dakota tells the story of the birth, the development, and the preservation of our incredible nation. Few places are more central to the collective american identity than Mount Rushmore. Overlooking us are George Washington, thomas jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and teddy roosevelt. These great leaders forged our great nation and preserved it. The department of the interiors National Park service is entrusted as a stored in a guardian of our national as a steward and a guardian of our National Parks, monuments, and battlefields, all of which tell our story. The story includes moments of great triumph, as well as setbacks and challenges. Reflecting upon these moments in solace,ory provides rejuvenation and inspiration to all of us. Please join the in giving a hand of thanks to the wonderful employees of our National Parks service, particularly those here at Mount Rushmore who have worked tirelessly to put this event on. Thank you. [applause] now, they are awesome. Now, as we are under the gaze of teddy roosevelt, i cannot help but note that it was through president roosevelts leadership and resolve that we were able to enjoy the public lands and experience our National Parks. And it is in roosevelts conservation spirit that earlier this year, President Trump called on congress to pass a n historic agreement investing in our public lands. Last month, the Senate Passed for. Lation that he called later this month, we expect congress will approve legislation to provide our National Parks and public lands with the most significant investment in generations so that our children and grandchildren can fully enjoy wonderful sites like Mount Rushmore. Thank you, mr. President. [applause] thank you. On this day in 1776, john adams described his vision of how we should celebrate our nations independence. He said it should be marked with pomp and praise, with shows, ands, sports, bonfires, illuminations. From one end of a continent to the other. 244 years later, President Trump fosters adams vision even in times of challenge. Pretty awesome. [applause] adams recognized that our Independence Day would bring together. By doing so, we can reflect on and appreciate the principles and freedoms that bind us together to make america the greatest nation on the planet. Thank you and god bless america. [applause] noam thank you, secretary bernhardt, and thanks to your entire team. It was no small feat pulling off this event. You guys are absolute rock stars in helping us get it accomplished. Having agood here tonight. We have been working since before i was even sworn in as governor to get to this night tonight. Ticket, when we had the system set up, we had over 125,000 people sign up in a threeday period to get to be one of the 7500 people that are sitting here tonight in these seats for the celebration. Congratulations to all of you here in place. [cheers and applause] whether you are visiting one of our largest cities, or smaller towns, south dakota is a state that prides itself on the closeknit nature of our communities. Tonight if you look to your left, if you look to your right, you are going to see that this crowd isnt just from south dakota, but its from everywhere across this nation. We just appreciate you coming, and we know that this is a celebration. Across america these last several weeks, we have been witnessing a very troubling situation unfold. In realtime, we are watching an organized, coordinated campaign to remove under limited all references to our nations founding, and many other points in our history. [crowd booing] rather than look into the past to improve our future, some are trying to wipe away the lessons of history, lessons we should be teaching to our children and to our grandchildren. This approach focuses exclusively on our forefathers flaws but it fails to capitalize on the opportunity to learn from their virtues. Make no mistake, this is being done deliberately to discredit principles,unding by discrediting the individuals who formed them so that america can be remade into a different political image. Tonight i want to invite you all, and those around the the founding generation has important things to tell us all about americas past, its president , and its future. Independence was a result of many stars aligning, including a unique assembly of powerful writers, gifted thinkers, and generals, and dont forget, supported by a powerful citizen army that defeated the worlds most powerful empire. [cheers and applause] against all odds and incredible struggle, we can find examples of perseverance, dedication, and commitment to certain fundamental truths. These men did not stage a revolt against Great Britain for personal gain or personal power, they did it because they knew they had to in order to defend their rights to live, work and worship as they saw fit. Following the british defeat, we could have had a king. But instead, we had a man who walked away from his position as commanderinchief. Then he also walked away from the presidency. These examples, like so many others, rarely make the cut when looking back on their lives, but they undoubtedly serve as a demonstration of all that americans should emulate. Towards this effort, the signers of the declaration of independence pledged their life and their sacred honor. The declaration is arguably one of the most important statements written, noter just because it serves as justification of independence to world, but also because it has led to our prosperity and inspired many other nations and peoples to seek freedom. These words are not remembered nearly enough today. We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with rights, andienable among those are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from their consent of the governed. Let us never forget especially y, that our government [applause] [chanting u. S. A. ] let us never forget that today that our government has the power it does it the people have consented to it. We have consented specifically to our government that will serve all of us equally, and that will protect and uphold fundamental rights enumerated by our constituti

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