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354, h. R. 6395, a bill to authorize appropriations for 2021 for military activities of the department of military d for construction to prescribe military personnel strength for for other year and purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 053, in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the services printed in bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of rules committee is adopted and the bill, as amended, is considered as read. Debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and the ng minority member of committee on Armed Services. The gentleman from washington, smith, and the gentleman from texas, mr. Thornberry, each minutes. Rol 30 the chair recognizes the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and to heir remarks include extraneous material on h. R. 6395. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Smith mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you. The ve before us today National Defense authorizing act 2021. Scal year its an important piece of legislation that we have done every year for 59 consecutive years. This year. For 60 it is incredibly important that the United States congress, the and the senate exercise our oversight over the and our t of Defense National Security Budget and priorities, and this bill reflects that. Start by thanking a lot of people who have done an enormous amount of work to make this possible. Started in committee a couple of weeks ago. E had over 650 amendments submitted to the original mark of the chairman and the subcommittee marks. Processed those amendments and actually adopted 475 committee. In i want to thank our staff more than i possibly can for the amount of work they did to go through all of those amendments, to work with various to work with interested parties to get us to that product. I am very pleased we were able that done and pass the bill out of the Armed Services unanimously. 560. With broad support. I want at this point thank the Ranking Member of the committee, mr. Thornberry, for his incredible leadership during this process. Hes been a terrific partner, when he was chairman of the committee and now that hes the Ranking Member of the committee. Of you know, this will be is last ndaa since hes retiring from congress, and i ust want to command his commend his great work and great leadership. I want to emphasize the point i made in many, many times. The committee should be an example of congress. Happen by accident. It happens by leadership. Hen mr. Thornberry became chairman of the committee and i mac anking member, understood the priority of getting the bill done and working in a bipartisan way to do that. Because of that leadership, that been set for the committee and weve been able to continue to accomplish that. Thank the rules committee. That is not an easy job in the best of times. Know, these are not the best of times. To amendments were submitted be added to this bill this year. The rules committee had to sift through and process all of those amendments to produce before you the rule that we all just approved today. Doing their staff for that incredible work and do want to pause just one moment to the staff they did in light of covid19. We all know that things cannot they normally are. We had to make adjustments. The staff in particular had to adjustments. Just getting our Committee Hearing room set up so we could socially e a distancing markup took an normous amount of time and technological knowhow. The staff did a fabulous job to get to this point. Accident were here. A lot of work went to get us to the moment to have what i think product. Ellent again, we cant forget the central premise behind this roduct and that is to support our National Security policy and to make sure that the men and military,serve in our who we assign with the task of implementing that policy have and training and equipment that they need to perform whatever tasks we ask do. To we can and should have a robust those jobs what should be, what our National Security priorities are, what we do, d fund, what we should but something we should never disagree on is the idea whatever we decide, the troops, the men and women who are charged with implementing it are well kwimd well equipped, protected, supported in carrying mission. Thats what we attempt to do. This years bill had agreement from last years budget on our top line budget of 741 billion. And i think that was a good that we reached on the defense and nondefense discretionary budget. I ill say going forward, think this is one of the greatest challenges that we are going to face. E had a difficult budget environment before covid19. Its even more difficult now. Going to have to make some very difficult choices in to decade ahead about what fund. Not just to meet our National Security priorities but to meet all of our priorities within budget context. I do want to thank the secretary his fense, mark esper, for leadership in this regard. The pentagon has gone to great bottomup do a review, to really take a hard look where theyre spending find savings sometimes in the tens of billions of dollars. That type of effort is going to forwardbe ongoing going if we are going to have a rational National Security policy. A number t to commend of members in our committee who have worked to focus on this years bill. I believe in addition to the covid19 challenge that we face, a reckoning that we have as country for the historic racism, discrimination, and bigotry that with is restled enormously important we address that. Societiwide. Within the department of defense, there are issues to work on there as well. Tune of 17 e million aggressive efforts to increase the relationship between the department of historical black colleges and universities to create and grow the pipeline of department of the defense. Jobs both civilian and active duty. Now created a chair of diversity within d. O. D. Whose to look and make sure that we are in fact hiring and way that people in a is equitable. And we have also set aside a to ial Inspector General examine that question and also, thanks to the leadership of and essman Anthony Brown jackie speier, amongst others, we are looking how the ucmj is implemented. Being implemented in a way thats fair and unbiased . These are all efforts to create we need sity that within our armed forces and the iversity we need within our society. Overall, i am very, very pleased with this product, and more than pleased with the people who worked together to put it together. Bipartisan way. Diversed opinions. Not just republican and democrat, but within each party, as mr. Thornberry will attest, we are not the same within our own parties. Even with that diversity, we and able to Work Together produce what i think is an excellent product, that we should all be proud to support. Preb. Hat i with that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington reserves. He gentleman from texas, mr. Thornberry, is recognized. Mr. Thornberry thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself three minutes. The peaker pro tempore gentleman is recognized. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, first, i want to say, like all y colleagues, i mourn the passing of john lewis, and as someone said this weekend, he a consequential life and i would add one that we all admire. On the bill before us im grateful for the kind words of chairman smith as well as the generous amendment he offered in committee related to the name of this bill. And also the very generous response of all members on both sides of the aisle. Ill confess, mr. Speaker, that all of this naming business makes me a little uncomfortable because this bill is not about any of us, its about the men and women who serve our nation and their families and american National Security. As the chairman points out thats the focus of this bill for 59 straight years. And with his leadership, the leadership of senator reed and senator inhofe im sure it will be number 60. Obviously i do not agree with everything in the bill but on balance its a good bill and in some particulars its a very good bill. I want to highlight the family resiliency and readiness provisions. Thanks to good work from mr. Kelly and ms. Speier i want to highlight a number of cyber and Artificial Intelligence provisions thanks to the good work of mr. Langevin, ms. Stefanik, mr. Gallagher who chaired one of the committees we set up. A number of provisions in this bill strengthen relationships with partners and allies. And among others who have worked on this, mr. Gallego, mr. Crow, ms. Cheney, mr. Turner, there is a lot of very good substance in this bill. Bringing it all together i want to credit the leadership of the chairman. Not only for assembling a bill of good substance, for passing it by a vote of 560, and doing so in a very, very challenging time. I join him in applauding the staff not just the substance but the logistics, all that was required to bring this bill to us. Finally, mr. Speaker, i cant help but note whenever there is a crisis in this country we turn to the military. And we have seen that several times just within the past few months. And so the thrust of this bill is to say, ok, if we are going to turn to the military in times of crisis, then we need to support them with the best training, best equipment, the best support of all kinds that we can provide because they are there for us. We need to be there for them. That is the thrust of this bill this year as it has been in the past and i believe it certainly deserves members support as we move forward. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith im pleased to yield 3. 5 minutes to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Langevin. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island is recognized. Mr. Langevin i thank the gentleman for yielding. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I rise today in strong support of h. R. 6395, the National Defense authorization act for fiscal year 2021. I want to begin by congratulating chairman smith and Ranking Member thornberry for the strong bipartisan bill which was unanimously passed by the committee 560. Im particularly pleased with the provisions in our intelligence and emerging threats and capabilities portion of the bill. My subcommittees provisions reflect key National Security interests and critical defense oversight areas including intelligence, cyber, science, and technology, and special Operations Forces. I want to thank Ranking Member stefanik for her bipartisan cooperation. And i want to thank the other members of the subcommittee for the extraordinary input that made this mark so strong. Sound collaboration is what sets this committee apart as we maintain the now 60year tradition of passing an annual Defense Authorization bill to support members of the military and provide for our National Security. The Ranking Member, the vice chair, mr. Crow, and my ietc colleagues exemplify this spirit. Id also like to thank the staff who without their input and work this would not be possible. Committee staff shannon, josh, jessica, best, eric, jason, and caroline and my military legislative assistant, caroline and fellows matt and allison were instrumental in its development. And my legislative director at n. I. C. Our subcommittee mark aligns intelligence and security cape inters to the National Defense strategy. Im proud it incorporates recommendations from two commissions comprising some of our nations most forward thinking defend experts. The National Security commission on Artificial Intelligence has worked to lay the foundation for the countrys work force ethics and security requirements as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tools become more prevalent. The cyber spares commission which i had the pleasure to serve on with my colleague, congressman gallagher, has provided strategy vision of cyber deterrence and it includes 20 recommendations to implement it. This bill enriches the department of defense science and technology ecocies tefment we had over we added over 600 million in science and Technology Funding to confront rising science powers. We restore 135 million to the reduction account fixing a devastateling cut in the devastating cut in the president s budget and 1 billion in the pandemic preparedness. Great competition is also a race for talent. This bill diversifies the departments work force and emphasizes collaboration with historically black colleges and universities and minority institutions. It will also protect foreign students at our Great University from being deported. It also ensures special Operations Forces remain the most talented, professional, agile and ready for posture at the high end commissions. The bill funds the navys number one procurement priority, the columbia class submarine and restores funding for two virginia class coats one of which was cut by the president. I know what amazing capabilities these submarines provide because they are built in my district in rhode island by the hardworking men and women of electric boat. On proud to work jim these provisions. This bill demonstrates our commitment to National Security while increasing oversight and reducing redundancy to ensure taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently and effectively. I urge my colleagues to support it. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas. Million thornberry im pleased to yield three minutes to the Ranking Member of the subcommittee on strategy forces, mr. Turner. Strategic forces, mr. Turner. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Turner i want to join Ranking Member thornberry in noting the passing of john lewis. His heroism and eloquence challenged us and he will be sorely missed. I also want to begin by thank our chairman, adam smith. Our chairman reached out to the other side and said he wanted to do a bipartisan bill. But that sounds easy but in this environment it is not. It is highly substantive. It takes negotiation. It takes a lot more work than a partisan bill does. He achieved that with a unanimous vote coming out of committee. That takes compromise, but this bill does not compromise ought all for National Security. Id like to recognize our Ranking Member who will be retiring, i served with him for 18 years. I appreciated his mentorship. And im glad this bill bears his name in honor of his time here. This bill also authorizes the administrations full request for the National Nuclear security administration. These funds are crid cat critical our Nuclear Weapons enterprise remains safe, secure, and effective. We put off this investment too long. We do not have any additional time. Our Nuclear Forces are at work every day. They stand as a silent testament to deter our adversaries and support our allies. Without our nuclear deforces, the world would be less safe. This bill fully funds the ground base deterrence of the minuteman 3. The bill also provides progress for space force and provides stability for the National Security space launch program. And makes investments in Missile Defense by funding two of the Missile Defense agents highest priorities, including the 10 sm 3 block 2a. The ndaa will provide support to the people that defend our country. Our troops are receiving a 3 pay raise for the second year in a row. This bill expands the rights of men and women in uniform and their families residing in military housing, it provides more oversight over the private companies responsible for maintaining the health and safety of these homes. This bill also provides remarkable strides in military justice over the justice. This bill also provides protection for Sexual Assault victims. They are getting more rights on appeal, greater access to court records, and adigal protection for retaliatory punishment. I want to thank congressman brown for his work on advancing diversity and equality in our Service Member ranks. I was proud to work with congressman brown to advance concrete steps to promote diversity. This years ndaa creates the position of chief diversity officer for d. O. D. And establishes a diversity and inclusion advisory council, and creates more Scholarship Opportunities in historically black colleges. The ndaa enhances our National Security and improves the lives of our Service Members. I urge all my colleagues to support it. Any cuts in funding to this bill would severely weaken our nation at a time when we are facing some of our clearest threats. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from tennessee, chairman of the Strategic Forces subcommittee, mr. Keerp. The speaker pro tempore gentleman from tennessee is recognized. Mr. Cooper thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud today to speak on behalf of the Strategic Forces portion of the Mac Thornberry National Defense authorization act for fiscal year 2021. I would like to thank Ranking Member thornberry for his outstanding 25 years of service in this congress. Id also like to extend my thanks to Ranking Member turn earn all our subcommittee members for their contributions to the bill. Our subcommittee has particularly heavy, often technical responsibilities. This bill does make america stronger and safer by improving the odds for peace and stability with regard to our Nuclear Forces. Hyper sonic weapons, and space and Missile Defense. Preventing a Nuclear Attack is the first responsibility of u. S. Government. Its absolutely imperative to ensure our Nuclear Forces are safe, security, and reliable. Secure and reliable. And we strengthen our nonproliferation efforts. This mark ensures the departments of defense and energy with wisely spending their budgets in a responsible and efficient man. Regarding space we continue our focus on protecting our space assets. The bill also focuses on near term priorities for hyper sonic weapons in a way that avoids increasing the risks of ambiguity and miscalculation. We continue oversight in Missile Defense including supporting u. S. Israeli cooperation. In addition after the failure of the redesigned program the bill strengthens oversight of the next generation intercept program. Before i close i would like to thank our outstanding staff, leo nora, jason, maria, grant, and zach. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield three minutes to the distinguished Ranking Member of the subcommittee on readiness, mr. Lamborn. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado is recognized. Mr. Lamborn i thank the Ranking Member for yielding. Today i rise in strong support h. R. 6395, the william m. Mac thornberry National Defense authorization act for fiscal year 2021. It was said the art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemys not coming but our own readiness to receive him. Not on his chance of not attacking but the fact that we have made or position unassailable. As reported out of committee this ndaa funds essential military readiness to support the National Defense strategy. The legislation does a number of things t makes significant investments in operations and maintenance and military construction. Invests in essential capabilities to retain military overmatch. Including cyber, space, hyper sonics, groundbased strategy deterrent, and Artificial Intelligence. Begins to recapitalize our surge sealift fleet. Addresses shortfalls in Aerial Refueling exate. Development a longterm sustainment strategy, codifies the d. O. D. Office of economic adjustment, improves energy and Critical Infrastructure resilient, requires responsible water use by installation, including transparency regarding pfos releases. Authorizes National Guard access to d. O. D. Funds for pfos remediation. And continues military housing so as to protect the families. I want to thank my friend and colleague, john garamendi, for his leadership on the readiness subcommittee and chairman smith and Ranking Member thornberry for their leadership to get this to the floor. Representative thornberry has left a strong mark on this nations National Defense and we appreciate his dedication. This legislation reflects the hard work of members on both sides as well as the bipartisan staff. This morning i voted against the rule. I did so because the democratic leadership appears to be playing political games that could undermine all of this good work. One amendment would have reduced the defense topline if accepted by 10 . By requiring the department to fully fund all of the personnel and medical accounts, all other accounts would have to decrease by 16 . More than twice the cuts can imposed under see questions tion see questions tation sec wes tration. These have nothing to do with National Defense. And they are opposed by many citizens of those states. Using Service Members and their families as pawns to support a partisan agenda is just wrong. I truly hope this remains a bill that can i vote for after this debate and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from washington. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from connecticut is recognized. Mr. Courtney mr. Speaker, article 1, section 8 of the constitution States Congress shall have the power to provide and maintain a navy. The sea power and Projection Subcommittee mark rises to that constitutional duty with a coherent ship building plan and a mark that ensures forces are capable of fulfilling their mission. When the administration sent over its budget we were facing daunting challengeses. Air and see left were underresourced and the neap ship building budget was cut. And the lowest since 2009 and the statutory requirement for the department of defense to submit a 30year ship building plan was and continuing to be ignored. Among those hits is the line for the navys actual requested priorities that were not included in februarys budget. Includes nine ships and columbia, two destroyers and two virginia class submarines. I want to say that the mark reverses one of the most confounding elements, the elimination of a virginia class submarine that would subtract the twoyear build rate. We have heard from navy first confirm there is industrialbased capacity to support a second suband the platform is the number one unfunded priority. It represents the most Cost Effective way to mitigate our declining submarine fleet. We heard from the commanders in the pacific and atlantic about the need to stop that decline and we need a deterrent. We fixed that flaw in our work. Mr. Speaker, all of this was accomplished with team work and i want to thank my friend and colleague rob whitman and all of the subcommittee members and amazing, rob, kelly and sean and i want to thank lieutenant commander, our navy fellow in our office who was instrumental in getting this fine product. I urge passage of the thornberry ndaa. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry i yield three. Inutes to the Ranking Member the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Whitfield i thank the Ranking Member for yielding. In committee we went over 600 amendments and 12 hours of debate and we had share of differences to arrive at a very good bipartisan bill. The majority has legitimated to add several nongermane bills that have nothing to do with defense. Prabs more problematic, these bills are partisan and recommended to be vetoed by the president. So the majority has decided to task it on to a mustpass piece of legislation. We should not use our Service Members as a tool to achieve a partisan agenda. I hope i can vote for final passage. I do want to highlight three areas of note that accelerate our National Security in the sea powers subcommittee. We made the biggest move in the bill by authorizing a second virginia class submarine and imperative we move to accelerate the entirety of the exathes and today is not your day. Dissuading agressor nations is the cornerstone which our economy rests. Another area that i take great pride in supporting is support of sea lift. For additional vehicles are essential elements to geting 9 army and marine corps to distant shores. We continue strong oversight in limiting funds for a deficient tanker and promising but unproven unmanned surface vessel fleet. I want to thank chairman courtney and his team who led a strong bipartisan mark. Chairman courtney has been tremendous and is a fantastic sea power chairman and i look forward working with him to deliver the sea power Projection Forces that our nation needs. He is the example of a servant leader and one that works in a bipartisan manner. This is a good bill that in its current form is worthy of support. I look forward to saying that i was part of passing the william m. Mac thornberry National Defense authorization act for fiscal year 2021. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith im pleased to yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from of california, ms. Speier. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Speier i thank the chair for his outstanding leadership and to Ranking Member thornberry for an outstanding job over his 25 years. I support this bipartisan bill that was passed unanimously out of committee. The subcommittee accepted 111 total amendments, 37 from the republicans. I would like to thank Ranking Member kelly and the other members of the committee and the work from our staff, craig, dave, hanna, glen, danielle and personal staff, josh, shawna, brian and luke. This bill continues the committees tradition of improving lives for our Service Members and their families. And requiring improvements to the Exceptional Family Member Program and 24hour killed care availability. Improving Sexual Assault violence prevention and the departments plans to cut the military health system. Americans are timely confronting the injustice of systemic racism and this bill establishes changes by creating a diverse officer and establishing a council, requiring the services to establish goals to increasing representation of women and persons of color, stripping information at promotion boards to create fairness, to review discrepancies in the military and justice personnel and investigate white supremacist activities. T also better protects our Service Members by creating a Sexual Assault Pilot Program at the academies, and military civilian task force on domestic violence. As i have visited bases throughout the country, i have told our Service Members and families what our creed is. When a Service Member serves, so does his or her family. We owe it to our brave Service Members to pass the ndaa. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. The gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i yield three minutes to the distinguished Ranking Member on the subcommittee of tactical land and air forces, mrs. Hartzler. Mrs. Hartzler i rise in support of the National Defense authorization act for 2021. It passed unanimously out of committee. And im grateful it bears the name of a Public Servant who fought for our men and women in uniform and steady wise leadership has made such a difference. This legislation is a fitting tribute to his enduring legacy. As the Ranking Member of the tactical land and air forces subcommittee, i thank Donald Norcross for his strong bipartisan and thank the , and my ee staff personal military legislative director for their hard work on this legislation. Within the subcommittees jurisdiction, this bill recommends authorization of over 118 billion in needed modernization funding required for our competitive advantage against strategic adversaries such as china and russia. It has fourth and fifth jepration Strike Fighters and 75 Strike Fighters. And 24 f18 superhornets and additional funding for advanced procurement to mitigate current navy strike falls. The bill authorizes the necessary funding to have the big six modernization priorities to include long range precision fighters which are critical in the National Defense strategy. Im pleased the bill requires more detailed certificate physicals and justification for decisions relating to retiring critical i. S. R. Platforms without a suitable placement to better manage operational risk. Outside the subcommittees jurisdiction, this bill includes language to develop a strategy for the us of chaplains and nonprofit posttraumatic growth organizations as a Behavioral Health care option andles report and analyzing the risk to Service Members due to dependence on china for our pharmaceutical needs. The ndaa should be a byproduct of consensus. Putting our troops first should always be our top priority as members of congress. Thats why i have concerns and would oppose any amendment that would cut the Defense Budget by 10 . A cut this size equates to 73 billion, twice that in fiscal year 2019 sequester. We have worked hard to repair the damage. Now is not the time to go backwards. I thank you and i urge support. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith i yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, the chair of the tactical air and land subcommittee, mr. Norcross. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Norcross i thank the chairman for yielding and his leadership bringing this bill to the floor and to the Ranking Member Mac Thornberry for his years of service. This bill continues tactical air and land forces tradition to make the land and air force the best in the world. Despite challengeses imposed upon us during this covid price crisis this is a result of under demanding circumstances. I thank the members of the committees and staffs. We also would like to thank the Ranking Member, mrs. Hartzler, for her leadership and certainly working as a bipartisan committee. We were focused on what truly is important. We delivered a bill that meets the needs of our nation. This bill carefully manageses our military resources while increasing oversight on d. O. D. Programs. The bill includes oversight of the Strike Fighter programs including the f35, the most expensive program ever attempted by the department. Departments development, sustainment of manned and unmanned intelligence, surveillance and recon naysance aircraft and the armys new modernization strategy, the chinook helicopter, combat and tactical vehicles, air and Missile Defense and network and soldier leeth atlanta. The bill includes what i think is one of the most providings, buy american provisions and we are serious about building things here in the u. S. I worked to ensure that the executive branch cannot strip the collective bargaining rights of our vital citizens defense work force. Im proud of the hard work to serve america in the National Security interests in this great bill. It deserves our support and i urge my colleagues to vote yes and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i yield three minutes to the distinguished Ranking Member of the subcommittee on intelligence, emerging threats and capabilities, ms. Stefanik. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Ms stefanik i want to thank my subcommittee chair mr. Langevin who is a wonderful colleague to work with. And as the Ranking Member of the subcommittee, i would like to highlight the key themes that will ensure the u. S. Maintains its Competitive Edge. First, this bill places special emphasis on basic research and the important chiropractics that our science and Technology Ecosystem including our universities, the d. O. D. Labs and darpa provide to our collective National Defense including our pandemic preparedness and response. This bill restores a critical social science Resource Program that has provided insights into violent extremism and foreign operations campaign. In sum, this bill provides 600 million for science and Technology Investments in critical emerging fields including e. I. Two years ago i introduced legislation that created the National Security commission on a. I. With the purpose of accelerating the advance nt of a. I. I applaud the commission on their important work and this bill includes 18 of those recommendations. The adoption of these recommendations demonstrates how important a. I. Is and how it must be integrated not only in our Weapons Systems and health care and humanitarian missions and our cybersecurity. Our ability to apply a. I. Faster than our adversaries will allow us to maintain our Competitive Edge over russia and china prepare our citizens for an a. I. Enabled future. Furthermore, this bill also increases our investment in the programs that provide care and support for the families of our special operators that have been so critical to our Counterterrorism Operations over the last 19 years. Most importantly, as the proud representative of the soldiers and families of fort drum and 10th Mountain Division, this bill will invest in the technology and training necessary to ensure the safety and security of the men and women sent into harms way. This bill supports our force protection and military intelligence capabilities to ensure our Service Members have the tools they need to mitigate hostile actions while they continue their Important Missions abroad. As a representative of the most deployed division in the United States army currently serving in afghanistan, my number one priority is force protection and the safety of the brave men and women called into action to protect our national interest. That said im very concerned with any amendments that would slash the Defense Budget, impact our force protection, or degrade our investment in new technologies. A 73 billion cut to the Defense Budget would cause irreparable harm to our military and readiness and decimate the very programs that keep our Service Members safe. I want to close by thanking Ranking Member thornberry for his leadership and guidance not only this year but many years of his truly exemplary leadership. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, mr. Speaker. I am pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from maine, a member of the committee, mr. Golden. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maine is recognized. Mr. Golden thank you, mr. Chair. Thank you, chairman smith. I want to take a moment to talk about an amendment coming forward today having to do with the Service Member civil relief act. I think its particularly important having deployed to afghanistan and iraq, i want to paint a picture for you. Imagine running a nighttime patrol in the mountains of afghanistan or on the streets of an iraqi town. Im sure you can appreciate the intense pressure, stress, focus required to do the job right, and avoid any mistake that could get you or your bowedies killed. Now imagine the patrol is finished, you have three hours to sleep before you need to get up and stand guard for an hour. After that youll go on a convoy back to headquarters to get supplies to bring back to the company. Instead of getting rest you hop on a Satellite Phone and make a business call to the United States where its 4 00 p. M. To explain to a company why they cant repossess the family car or foreclose on your house even though congress has passed protections for Service Members, the company insists you signed a waiver of your protections. Congress shouldnt allow this to. Mr. Chair, this amendment would end the use of arbitration clauses that trick Service Members into signing away their rights. How ridiculous this amendment is even necessary, but sadly it is, i have seen it myself on deployments, it does happen. Its happened to men and women i served with. Congress should do something about this. These people are being put into stressful financial situations and their families are, too, while they are serving our country and fighting for us. I urge my colleagues to support the amendment and fight for it in conference in the senate. In closing i want to congratulate the Ranking Member on his many years of service to our Service Members on the committee. Thank both the chair and Ranking Member for their leadership of the committee these past two ndaas. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield three minutes to the distinguished Ranking Member of the subcommittee on personnel, mr. Kelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Kelly thank you, mr. Speaker. I first want to thank chairwoman speier for the hard work that we did together on the military subcommittee. Ranking member thornberry whos provided leadership my entire time. And chairman smith for the great job they have done in passing a bipartisan bill out of committee. I stand before you today in proud support of the bipartisan defense bill we unanimously voted out of committee during extraordinary circumstances of covid19. This bill does more for families and Service Members than any that come to my mind. It is a huge step forward, but there is still work to do. However, im concerned with the many amendments that would impose a acrosstheboard budget cuts that may affect programs that support our military families. Im also concerned with the potential size of this cut which, by my understanding, would be about 73 billion, more than twice the impact of the f. Y. 2013 see quester. Sequester. The bill voted out of committee continues to support the lives for those who sacrifice for our country on a daily basis by authorizing a military basic pay raise of 3 . This bill reinforces the committees longstanding commitment to the family by requiring the department of defense to redefine military readiness and family resillen sane provide for significant reforms to the Exceptional Family Members Program this. Bill addresses the covid19 pandemic by requiring the military to assess the diagnostic equipment, testing capabilities, personal protective equipment, and treatment capabilities of the armed forces. It also requires the National Security strategy to include the drugs, vaccines, and other critical medical equipment that will ensure combat readiness and lethality by safeguarding the health of our Armed Services. I want to thank chairwoman speier because this bill will continue to support our Service Members and retain their families. Mr. Chairman, this is an outstanding bipartisan bill dedicated to our Service Members, military families, and retirees, and gives them the care and support they need and deserve. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith i reserve at this time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished Ranking Member of the committee on Homeland Security, mr. Rogers. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is recognized. Mr. Rogers thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank Ranking Member thornberry and chairman smith for their leadership in bringing this bill to the floor in such a bipartisan manner. Im pleased the bill includes several provisions to support the space force and prioritizes the hyper sonic and Ballistic Missile spacking space sensor. This bill takes important steps forward to confront china with the indo pacific deterrence nishtifment it includes almost 600 million above the president s budget for science and technology and investments in critical emerging technologies areas. These critical investment are what will enable us to confront the sophisticated threats we face from china and russia. Importantly, this bill adheres to the budget agreement and fully funds the president s budget request. Now more than ever we must reject calls for blunt defense cuts from partisans who are using the Current Crisis as an opportunity to push through agenda. I want to thank my friend and colleague, Mac Thornberry, for his years of service to the Armed Services committee. No one cares more about our men and women in uniform and has dedicated more time and effort to making sure they have what they need. Our committee was lucky to have you as chairman for four years and Ranking Member for two years. And we wish you nothing but the best in the future. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman reserves. Gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith continue to reserve, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield two minutes to the distinguished member of our committee from wisconsin, mr. Gallagher. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. Mr. Gallagher thank you. I thank the Ranking Member not only for yielding but for his leadership and setting an example of being one of the most thoughtful legislators that i have ever witnessed. So thank you for your mentorship and leadership. Im very proud to support this bill which includes many of the critical religiouses of the cyber space Solarium Commission which hi the privilege of cochairing over the past year with my good friend, senator angus king, and serving alongside my distinguished colleague and ietc subCommittee Chairman jim langevin who has for gotten more about Cyber Security than most of us, certainly mecy of, i will ever know. We recognize one of our greatest challenges would be inform gating through the many committees of jurisdiction, and it is precisely because of that challenge that im especially proud we were able to work across party and jurisdictional lines to get many of our key recommendations either in the underlying text or on a bipartisan amendment. So i know over the course of the day congress advancing even more of the commissions recommendations such as strengthening the Cyber Security and infrastructure security agency, establishing a National Cyber director, establishing a joint Planning Office to coordinate cyber planning, but i just want to thank the Committee Chairman as well for working with us and the rest of the cyber space commission, a great deal of effort went into our work. We have more than 50 legislative proposals and im thankful for his help and everyones help, especially representative langevin in getting the work across the finish line. There is no better work to secure us in cyber space. Thank you, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith continues to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the distinguished gentleman from indiana, member of our committee, mr. Banks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from indiana is recognized. Mr. Banks i thank the Ranking Member for yielding. I want to congratulate him on a tremendous record of service to our nation and to our men and women in uniform. It seems fitting this piece of legislation would be named after him. It should be no secret to anyone in this congress about the threat that the Chinese Communist party poses to the United States National Security interests. And the freedoms and values americans enjoy. President trump demonstrated tremendous leadership by preparing the nation for a new era of Great Power Competition with the 2017 National Security strategy. This years ndaa upholds the ideals of the National Security strategy more than ever and asserts u. S. Leadership in the face of c. C. P. Aggression, domestically and parnt the world. It is well documented that the Chinese Governments mismanagement of the government Coronavirus Spread the virus worldwide. And that the Chinese Government is engaging in human rights abuses authorize ethnic populations in china and politically suppressing voices in hong dong kong and the Chinese Government has a strategy to consolidate manufacturing supply chains that hit all aspects of the u. S. Economy. And that the Chinese Government is seeking to dominate next generation communication hardware, steal United States technology and research, and sensor the real truth about the Chinese Communist parties intentions and action that is run counter to American Values of freedom and democratcy. This defense bill takes several positive steps on china that both republicans and democrats support. The base bill includes funding for an nationalive for the indo pacific to deter china similar to the European Initiative to deter russia. It increases funding in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to maintain a technical edge against china and starts taking financial actions to reduce chinas role at the world bank. However there is a lot more that needs to be done. There were a number of amendments that were offered that were ultimately not ruled in order for consideration that would have helped american competitiveness and save guard u. S. Interests against the threat of china. I wont name all those amendments, but there were. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, i am pleased to yield two minutes to the distinguished chair of the republican conference, also a member our committee, ms. Cheney. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming, is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you m particular Ranking Member thornberry and chairman smith. I rise in strong support, mr. Speaker, of this bipartisan william m. Mac thornberry National Defense authorization act. A strong bipartisan act such as this one is more important today than perhaps ever before. As we are facing competition with our adversaries and meerging contested domains, we have to develop cuttingedge capabilities in space, cyber space, air, land, and sea. And we must do this at a time, mr. Speaker, when a Global Pandemic continues to take lives and devastate economies around the world. This ndaa, mr. Speaker, recognizes the role that america has played in ensuring peace, prosperity, and freedom around the world for 75 years. It recognizes that our Forward Deployed forces are fundamental to deterring aggression and forestalling conflict. It recognizes that retrenchment and withdrawal are destabilizing and aid americas adversaries. Through its provisions, mr. Speaker, this ndaa underscores that america faces a fundamental choice. We either continue to lead, including through Forward Deployed forces in places like germany, eastern europe, and south korea, or we retreat. Thus ensuring the global rules of the road will be set not by us and other free nations but by our adversaries, including china and russia. This bill enhances cooperation with critical allies in the indo pacific, authorizes funding to counter china, and fully punds the European Deterrence Initiative to enhance deterrence against russia. It fully funds Nuclear Modernization to ensure the safety and reliability of our Nuclear Stockpile and the credibility of our nuclear deter rent. I urge my deterrent. I urge my colleagues today to ensure this legislation passes the floor in the same bipartisan fashion in which it passed committee. Staying true to the spirit of the member after which it is named. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished majority leader of the house, mr. Hoyer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland, the majority leader, mr. Hoyer, is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the chairman for yielding. Mr. Smith. I thank mr. Thornberry, the Ranking Member, for his efforts and partnership in bringing this bill to the floor in a bipartisan fashion. I join the previous speaker that this is a forwardleaning, ready of the free leaders world to our globe. I want to thank chairman smith and Armed Services committee and the Armed Services committee for ensuring a fair and bipartisan process as the house worked to craft a Defense Authorization bill that strengthens our National Security and reflects our nations highest principles. I want to thank, as i said, mac thorn beer question and chairman smith, who have worked together through this process. Democrats and republicans on the committee and indeed in this house share a strong determination to do right by our troops and those they serve. Let me thank chairman mcgovern and the rules committee for working to ensure that this bill comes to the floor under a process that allows for members to offer amendments they feel will make our National Defense stronger while making certain that our defense policies reflect the best of america. And helps address our longterm challenges. We consider this bill in a challenging environment. Covid 19 has attacked our people, our economy and our country in a way unknown to any member who serves in this body today. None of us are old enough to remember of course the spanish flu, but we know that it did not consequences on in america that covid19 has had. It is a reminder by those who would cause us harm by armed might but illness, Climate Change and other natural disasters. I regret we were not able to include all the amendments that the democrats submitted, but that is what a compromise is. It is unfortunate we couldnt take up an amendment taking up the trump ban on transgender serving in our military. Ohn mccain said i dont care whether they can shoot but shoot straight. And characterduct to respond and to serve. That will be a priority. While not all amendments that were proposed will end up becoming part of the final bill we vote on, in their offering, mr. Speaker, they played an Important Role in shaping their houses lemmings and will continue to add to important policy discussions that we need to have in our country. One observation i would make, mr. Speaker, is that one of the aspects of covid19s assault on our country has been to have a somewhat attenuate the debate and discussion. I discussed with mr. Smith and mr. Thornberry on numerous occasions to have the deep dive into the fiscal viability of our Defense Budget as well as our domestic budget so that we can ensure in the future that operations and training and acquisitions do not suffer because of the lack of resources. Im hopeful that the final bill we vote on tomorrow and send to the senate will reflect a positive vision for our nations National Defense and can pass with bipartisan support. Our National Security challenges are many. And they are serious. Thats why the democraticled house will do its job responsibly and to work bipartisanly to ensure our nation is kept safe and those who serve on the front lines of its defense have all the resources they need to carry out their missions safely and effectively. I thank chairman smith and the Ranking Member and all those who worked hardin clueding the Committee Staff who worked long hours under very stressful and unprecedented circumstances. I urge in closing, mr. Speaker, all members to support this legislation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry i presume the chair has no further speakers and i yield myself the balance of the time on our side. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i just want to again thank each and every one of the members of the house Armed Services committee. Every one of them, republican and democrat, those who have been there a while or new, have contributed to this product. As the chairman and i were talking, the dedicated professionals who work on the Committee Staff have done an outstanding job especially, i think, under these conditions this year. And finally, i want to thank my personal office who have contributed in many ways to this whole effort. This has been an all handson deck sort of work and i appreciate their work as well. Timely, mr. Speaker, i want to mphasize the importance of maintaining the bipartisan approach by which this bill came out of committee. 560 is not easy and the chairmans leadership that enabled it to be so. We have some work to do and we have some amendments to go through. And if some of those amendments pass, it will be very hard to maintain that approach going through. But assuming we can maintain this bipartisan approach where nobody gets everything they want but there is enough there and higher purpose that holds us together so it can come out of this house on final passage tomorrow with a similar, roughly similar vote, i think that will be very important. It will be very important for the men and women who are serving our nation all around the world to see that republicans and democrats can fight about taxes and health care and other things but they can come together when it comes to support them. For all those military families that have been disrupted with their moves during covid and going through all sorts of inconveniences and hardships, its very important to see that republicans and dem cats can come together in congress to support them and to advance their interests. For allies and adversaries around the world, they need to see, we will argue with each other and we will have a variety of differences, but when it comes to americas National Security, we come together. If we can do that, that message is more important than any of the particulars of this bill standing together for americas National Security and the men and women who serve, thats the most important thing we can do. And i hope and trust that will be the result come tomorrow. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you. I yield myself the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Midst smith i urge members to support this bill and i want to emphasize the number of points made about the process which sounds blapped and little bit dry, but thats how we produce such an excellent product and good model for how congress should function. We debate issues and take amendments from a wide and Diverse Group of people and in so doing, the product gets better. We benefit from the talent and experience from people in congress. We debate where we cant and move the process forward. It is important that the institution continues to function that way. A number of institutions in our country, many we have taken for granted are under an enormous amount of pressure. It is very important to have cowherpt stability in the institutions of government. And that is something that i know mr. Thornberry prioritized during his service on the committee, to show people as mac pointed out, the system works. And its a good thing when we get together and have these debates. And i urge members to support this product. In closing, i want to emphasize the importance of alliances and partnerships to our National Security and to what the department of defense does. This bill has a number of provisions to strengthen that, support the nato, support for our relationship with south korea, support for the creation of an independentopacific initiative which is what we did on the European Initiative. The goal is to build the partnerships necessary to maintain our National Security interests globally and hopefully without having to rely on the military. A number of my colleagues on this side of the aisle are concerned about how the u. S. Has used its military over the years. I dont disagree. The military should not be the first or primary tool of u. S. Foreign policy in National Security. But if that is to be the case, we need to build the partner capacity of allies throughout europe and asia. Thats what this bill, i believe reflects. That desire to give us peace by detering our adversaries through a series of interlocking alliances. I want to address the issues, concern has been raised about one of the amendments. There are some amendments that arent necessarily within our jurisdiction. As the one bill that passes every year, this is not an unusual occurance. Even when the republicans were in the majority we had amendments outside the jurisdiction including in the lands area. Who could forget the prarie chicken. That, too, is part of this process. However that comes out, it will not in any way undermine the incredible bipartisan work that has been done on the bill and the 1,500 provisions that will be reflected in that bill once we get done here. Whatever disagreements there may be on amendments coming forward, the best thing we can do for this institution and committee and the way the legislative process has to work and most importantly for the men and women serving in our military to show them we support the defense bill. We support them. We support what they do and we have worked together to produce an excellent product that is worthy of every member of this body. I urge everyone to vote yes and i thank everyone involved in the process. I join my colleagues in recognizing the life of john lewis. He brought honor to this country and lived the life ta made us feel better about where we live, john, he lived a tough life and took on tough fights, but he did it with joy. You never saw john lewis getting down. He always had a joy about him even in the face of unbelievable injustice. He did not hate his enemies and didnt attack them but stood up for what is right. We could build upon it and bringing this country together and deal with the challenges we face now as the challengeses he faced in his life. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore all time for debate has expired. Each further amendment printed in the house report 116457 not earlier considered is part of amendments en bloc pursuant to section 3 pursuant to House Resolution 1053 shall be considered only in the order printed in the report may be offered by a member designated in the report, shall can be considered as read and debateable equally divided and controlled by the proponent and opponent, may be withdrawn by the pro opponent at any time before the question is put thereon, shall not be subject to amendment and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question. Shall be in order at any time for the chair of the committee of Armed Services or his designee to offer amendments en 116457. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read and debatable for 0 minutes equally divided by the chair and Ranking Member of Armed Services and shall not be subject to amendment and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question. The chair understands that amendments 1 and 2 will not be offered. It is now in order to consider amendment number 3 printed in house report 116457. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . I have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 3 printed in house report 116457 offered by ms. Escobar of texas. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1053 the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Escobar and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the entlewoman from texas. Ms. Escobar president s have had the authority to send. Hasinsurrecollection act it historically rarely invoked and has been used by president s at the request of state governors but during our nations Civil Rights Era it was an authority used by president s eisenhower, contendy and johnson. Their use of the military in American Communities helped protect the civil rights of africanamericans at a time of deep national unrest. In fact, the act was used to protect selma to montgomery marchers. Protection needed by the marchers where our beloved late colleague was beaten and bloodied. This is an important president ial power intended to restore peace and protect americans. My amendment does not seek to undermipe or eliminate this authority. Instead, it is intended to bring about transparency and close a loophole. Congress has a duty to evaluate for any president ial power where consultation may be necessary and provide oversight. Today if the president of the United States chooses to use military force abroad, the president would have to consult with congress. Yet that same consultation is not required for use of military force on american soil. My amendment closes that loophole providing for consultation and oversight similar to what is currently required when the military is called on to engage overseas. The ndaa is our annual opportunity and responsibility to evaluate and authorize defensive ack difficulties. With that amendment a centuries old law, congress and future president s can ensure that insurrection act authority when used is consistent with our history of preserving peace and civil rights in america. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . Mr. Lamborn i rise in opposition. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Lamborn mr. Chairman, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Lamborn this amendment would be a major change to the insurrection act first injoked by thomas everyson more than 2 invoked by Thomas Jefferson more than 200 years ago. Under 24 amendment the president would not be able to act quickly in the event of riots not being controlled at the state or municipal level. Would he have to along with the secretary of defense certify certain findings to congress and then consult with congress. This would hinder and delay needed action to preserve domestic peace. Any military personnel then deployed would have burdensome restrictions placed upon them that would make them less effective in controlling violence and riots. It is ironic that we are considering this amendment on a day when we are honoring the life of representative john lewis, an icon in the civil rights movement, whose passing i, too, mourn. Had this amendment been law during the 1950s and 1960s, the progress of civil rights would have been stifled. By being forced to consult with congress, president s eisenhower, ken dirks and johnson could have been blocked by a Senate Majority that at the time was preventing all progress on civil rights. Its a matter of history. My uncle jim lamborn was a federal employee at leavenworth penitentiary in 1957 when he was deputized as a marshal and sent to little rock, arkansas, with many others so black children could go to integrated Public Schools. President eisenhower had to oppose the arkansas governor and act unilaterally to make this happen. If eisenhower had had to oppose an obstructist house or senate also, it may have never happened. Looking at todays headlines, i would like to ask the sponsor of this amendment in light of the violence and rioting in seattle and portland, which for whatever reasons are not being controlled by the mayors of those cities, would President Trump be justified to invoke the insurrection act as amended by this amendment . I yield to the member if she could answer this question. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Ms. Escobar this is not about when or whether a president utilizes the insurrection act. This is simply about consulting with congress in the same way that we expect a president to consult with congress the speaker pro tempore the gentleman reclaims his time. Pla lamborn apparently the gentlelady not willing to answer this question. If she cant answer this question i dont think we have to take it seriously. I think its a political gimmick. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Escobar i now recognize my colleague, the gentlelady from new jersey, representative cheryl. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new jersey is recognized. Miss cheryl ms. Sherrill thank you, miss he could he can bar. Federal forces should only be deployed in the United States with the utmost transparency. Only when its absolutely necessary to protect our country and citizens. What we are seeing in portland, what we saw in washington is deeply disturbing and contrary to the values of a democratic society. As a veteran im particularly concerned when it implicates our military. Congress has the responsibility to exercise oversight over the use of military force. Unfortunately, in recent months we have seen threats of force against u. S. Citizens without consulting congress. And without delineating the Legal Authority under which the forces are operating. The insurrection act has been used with great and important effect to integrate Elementary Schools and universities, suppress the ku klux klan, and protect the American People. This amendment does not prevent any president from employing the insurrection act should it become necessary. Nor would it prevent the insurrection act to be used to protect American Civil Rights in the future. It simply ensures the insurrection act is used in keeping with centuries of precedent. As a last resort and with strong oversight by congress, i urge my colleagues to support this amendment. Thank you. I yield back to my colleague, ms. Escobar. Ms. Escobar i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Lamborn i yield a minute and a half to my colleague, the gentleman from mississippi, representative kelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Kelly thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you for yielding. This is dangerous. This same amendment but in a lesser form not nearly as dangerous and not nearly as restrictive was defeated in a bipartisan manner in committee. And the reason it was is because we are having a kneejerk reaction to what we think the president might do. Not what he did. But what we think he might do. This is dangerous. I can tell you i come from a state where had the insurrection act not been in effect when eisenhower and kennedy were president s, we would be in a different looking chamber today. He allowed the schools of mississippi, arkansas, and alabama to be integrated. Those president s allowed through the insurrection act the freedom riders to go through the state of mississippi with the National Guard. Here we are with more restrictions and not only do we want to put troops out there when we say its ok, and i dont know who we is, but it doesnt need to be a we, we are going to further restrict the president and we are going to tight hands of those Service Members that we send in harms way. It is dangerous. They cant search. They cant participate. Mr. Speaker, we need to defeat this amendment. There needs to be a long discussion if we want to change that, but it doesnt need to be in this bill. This is a poison pill. Defeat this amendment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Escobar i now recognize my colleague from minnesota, representative omar, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized for one minute. Omar thank you, congresswoman escobar. Mr. Speaker, if a president decides to deploy troops domestically, the very least we can do as congress is nand the same level of transparency demand the same level of transparency that we expect when our troops are sent abroad. It is true the insurrection act was used to integrate Little Rock Central High School and the university of mississippi. It is also true that it was used to crush slave revolt and labor organizing. This amendment will go a long way towards helping inform congress and the American People on how a president intends to use the authority. This is not an abstract conversation. When the president threatens to invoke the insurrection act recently, he was threatening my constitution, my constituents, and our constituents. Unmistakenly he was threatening people exercising their First Amendment rights. There can be genuine emergencies when these powers are needed. We must protect against all possible abuses in the situation where emergencies do not exist. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Lamborn mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, retireder policeman, representative bergman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from the great state of michigan. Mr. Bergman i oppose this amendment t would require the president and secretary of defense to certify to congress with demonstrable evidence that a state is unwilling or unable to suppress civil unrest prior to invoking the insurrection act. What is demonstrable evidence . How do we define that . At that point who knows how much time would go by before help is given to the city or state that needs it. Also the limitation placed on military personnel in this amendment is concerning. We are telling our military that if you go in you either do nothing or use extreme force. There is no in between. Unfortunately too many elected officials dont understand between emergency response, peacekeeping, and peacemaking. We are setting the military up for failure. This amendment is dangerous and unnecessary. Not to mention the entire debate on the insurrection act is just another attack on the president. Because we dont like something, the current president stayed, not even what he did, but something he said we are going to punish not just this president , but every president after this and all the states that may need help in the future. I urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Escobar mr. Speaker, how much time do i have left . The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady has 3 4 of a minute remaining. The gentleman from colorados time has expired. Ms. Escobar mr. Speaker, thank you. I just want to frame this very simply. We are asking for the same transparency and consultation when a president decides to use troops on american soil as when he decides to send troops abroad. With that i urge my colleagues to support and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from texas. The question is on the amendment. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. Mr. Lamborn request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore does the gentleman request aed roed vote . Mr. Lamborn recorded vote, yes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 , further proceedings on this question are postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 4 printed in ouse report 116457. For what purpose does the gentleman from utah seek recognition . Mr. Mcadams i have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 4 printed in house report number 116457, offered by mr. Mcadams of utah. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the gentleman from utah, mr. Mcadams, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from utah. Mr. Mcadams thank you, mr. Speaker. When utahans learned about recent high level meetings on resuming Nuclear Weapons testing, it rang alarm bells. Thousands of utahans are still dealing with trauma inflicted by bombs exploded from decades past leaving a legacy of illness, suffering, and death. Why would we ever go down that pathogen . For 24 straight years the department of energy and d. O. D. Continued continue to certify the safety, security, and effectiveness of our Nuclear Weapons, of our Nuclear Weapons stockpile, without the use of Nuclear Explosive testing. And that was confirmed to still be the case at the end of june. My amendment prohibits the use of funds to prepare for or conduct any explosive Nuclear Weapons test that produces any yield. My amendment does nothing to interfere with our stockpile program. It allows for National Security preparedness consistent with zero yield standards. Nuclear clouds must never again threaten the health and the safety of those living downwind. I urge adoption of this amendment. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition . Im sorry. The gentleman from washington. ll get it straight. Mr. Thornberry i claim the time in opposition. At this point would yield two minutes to the distinguished gentleman from ohio. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Since hes retiring hes welcomed to come to gods country and come to ohio. Mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to this amendment because this is another one of these unilateral Disarmament Movement provision that is come before this body every year. I would love to take a vote in this body to restrain china, to restrain russia, to restrain north korea to actually restrain our adversaries. But instead of restraining our adversaries or entering into negotiations where we come to an agreement, we give things up. And in this we are giving something up. There is a president ial directive, this isnt even trying to undo law, there is a president ial directive that president clinton signed and every president since him said well do limited testing because we do do testing stockpiles and Experimental Work to ensure the reliability and the fact that our Nuclear Weapons system is reliable and safe. And we do so because our adversaries see that deterrent as a way means to restrain them from their add vertureness across the globe. But again back to i want to restrain our adversaries, china and russia are developing brand new Nuclear Weapons. Theyre deploying hypersonic weapons. Russia has a new Nuclear Weapon that can circumstance they will globe and then come. In were more focused on how can we restrain ourselves instead of our adversaries and that makes us less safe. The way this amendment is drafted doesnt allow us to continue to do what were doing. It says zero yield, we have critical testing that would exceed what weve got and is essential to what we do. This is an amendment trying to solve a problem that doesnt exist. Were not going to do this, not the way youre worried about doing it. Were not headed toward testing. But if we pass your amendment youll stop us from doing what were currently doing, youll restrain nuss a way our aderer sayres arent and well be less safe. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from utah. Mr. Mcadams i yield one minute to mr. Smith. Mr. Smith my staff and i looked at this very, very carefully. This does not restrict us from what we are currently doing. It is the position of the sponsor and myself that we need to make sure our stockpile is safe, usable and we have an adequate deterrent. We do not need to do live Nuclear Testing. And the reason we are concerned about this is because the nat has actually put 10 million into their defense their version of this defense bill to do precisely that so there are some who apparently think this would be a good idea. We want to make it clear we dont think its a good idea to do live Nuclear Testing. Keep doing what youre doing, thats fine. We dont need to be setting off Nuclear Weapons again in this regard, what russia and china are doing is beside the point. Its not in our best interests to do this if they think its in their best interests, i would disagree with that. This doesnt help protect us, it endangers people unnecessarily. I know well get into a debate over this actual language. Be clear on what this amendment does. Can i have an additional 20 seconds . Mr. Mcadams i yield 20 seconds. Mr. Smith this amendment allows to continue doing what were already doing to preserve and protect our Nuclear Weapon. It simply says you cant go setting off Nuclear Weapons again, it doesnt work, doesnt help and is extraordinarily dangerous. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from utah. Mr. Mcadams i yield one minute though jerusalem from hawaii, ms. Gabard. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Gabbard were living in dangerous times. We are living in a global pan democrat chick should be inspiring leaders to deescalate with other countries and Work Together to defeat this disease that threatens us all. Instead were seeing increased tensions and a new cold war being waged on two front tweens the u. S. , china, and russia. With thousands of Nuclear Armed missiles at the ready. Instead of deesa late he deescalating teng, the Trump Administration tearing up treaty, make nothing effort to renew the new start treaty and violating the Test Ban Treaty which if allowed would only encourage other countries like north korea, saudi arabia, iran and others to develop or increase Nuclear Weapons capability rapidly increasing the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and a Nuclear Arms Race around the world. This puts us all at risk because there is only one outcome for this escalation of tensions and a Nuclear Arms Race and that is total destruction of our world. I urge my colleagues to support this critical amendment. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from wyoming mrs. Chay mi. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney i rise in strong on stoigs this amendment. There is a consistency on the other side of the aisle which is very concerning. It finds a moral equivalence two between the United States and our adversaries. Also an affinity for treaties that bind only the United States and no one else. If this amendment becomes law, mr. Speaker, the United States loses the ability to ensure that we can test if necessary, to ensure that our deterrent is reliable and therefore credible. That prohibition emboldens our adversaries and underminus our allies faith in the nuclear umbrella. We provide a nuclear umbrella. We provide security to allies so they dont have to develop their own neurocloo Nuclear Weapons. So an amendment that ensthires United States will no longer be able to guarantee a credible Nuclear Stockpile will make proliferation more likely, not less likely. This is a dangerous amendment, an amendment which ties the hands of the United States when we know the chinese are in fact undergoing a huge Nuclear Buildup and likely testing. We know this russians are doing the same. Mr. Speaker, this is dangerous. Theres absolutely no reason we need to do it. It contradicts the clinton era president ial direction under which they must remain readytons resume underground Nuclear Testing if necessary. This could be the case, for example, our stockpile experiences a knew neek failure. This is a mistaken amendment. It is a misguided amendment that finds moral equivalence between the United States and our adversaries and ties the hands of the United States. Imagine, mr. Speaker, the message it sends when members of this body stand up and act ily urge that we tie the hnds of the United States while we allow the russians and chinese to move forward with their developments and testing. I urge my colleagues to oppose this dangerous amendment and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from utah. Mr. Mcadams i yield one minute the congresswoman who has written the book on Nuclear Testing, representative titus. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Titus i rise in support of mr. Mcadams amendment which prevents conducting dangerous and explosive nuclear tests. If you want to see something dangerous look at his foreign opolicy. For over two decades our nations top scientists have conducted sophisticated tests to assure the safety and reliability of our Nuclear Stockpile. E nnsa said they identify no reason to resume underground Nuclear Testing. We should heed their words, theyre the experts. Moreover, conducting an explosive nuclear test encourage ours adversaries to do the same theres no good reason to risk the restart of a global arms race especially at a time when we have the technological advantage. An entire generation of cold war patriots and families who worked at and lived downwind of the Nevada Test Site have suffered illnesses linked to radiation ex exposure. They know whats at risk if we allow this administration to conduct such a harmful experiment. We shouldnt do it. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. He gentleman from texas. Mr. Thrnberry i reserve the balance of the time, i have only myself to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from utah. Mr. Mcadams thank you, mr. Speaker. Explosive Nuclear Testing is not necessary. Necessary to ensure ow stockpile remains safe and nothing in this amendment would change that. Explosive Nuclear Testing causes irreparable harm to human health and to our environment. And jeopardizes the u. S. Leadership role on nuclear nonproliferation. I urge the adoption of my amendment and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry i yield myself the balance of the time. Near as i can tell this is an amendment in response to mistaken press story. We depend on Nuclear Deterrent as the cornerstone of our defense efforts. Those the Nuclear Weapons are aging machines. We dont understand everything that happens as they age. We have fewer of them and fewer kinds of them so if theres a problem its a bigger deal. And so what weve decided to do is be ready to test in case we need to. Thats what the 10 million in the senate is. Its test readiness. Like the diagnostic machines. Machines that dig holes in the grown to do underground tests. We need to be ready. The harder we make it to test, the more obstacles we put in the way of a test if needed, only if needed, put the harder we make it, the less credible our Nuclear Deterrent is, and theless credible our Nuclear Deterrent is, the more our adversaries will try to take advantage of it and decide to the more ourall lies will decide to develop their own Nuclear Weapons because they cant depend on us. We should not make decisions like this based on a mistaken press story. I urge that the amendment be rejected. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentleman from utah. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Mr. Speaker. On that i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 96 a 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 further proceedings on this question are postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 5 printed in house report 116457. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from minnesota seek recognition . Ms. Omar i have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 5 printed in house report number 116457, offered by ms. Omar of minnesota. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the gentlewoman from minnesota, ms. Omar, and a member opposed will each control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from minnesota. Ms. Omar mr. Speaker. October of next year will mark 20 years since the war in afghanistan started. Thats the generation of devastation in afghanistan, a generation of our men and women in uniform being sent to fight and die for a war with no exit strategy. And still to this day, there are people saying that we shouldnt be too hasty in leaving. Too hasty . Its been two decades. There will never be a perfect time to withdraw our troops. There will never be a time when making the right decision does not include our risk. Some risk. Our obligation to afghanistan will not end when our troops leave. My amendment sets a clear timeline and clear congressional intent that we must end our countrys longest war. We put this debate in context. I want to say this amendment was offered by my friend, chairman mcgovern, seven years ago. It passed the house in 2013 with the majority of both parties voting in favor. Doing that dedid during that debate, mr. Mcgovern stood on the floor and said, i quote, the future and fate of tens of thousands of uniformed men and Women Deserve a vote. The house took that vote and 305 members of this body voted to end the war in afghanistan. Yet since then, we have had seven years of fighting and sustained violence. Seven years of civilian casualties. Seven years of Service Members being forced to say goodbye to their families and subject them to a terrible trauma. In many years, its baffling to me that i have to do this. But i echo mr. Mcgoverns words from 2013. The future and fate of thousands of uniformed men and Women Deserve a vote. As a survivor of war, i can tell you that even one more minute of conflict comes with a cost thats too great for most to imagine. Finally i want to say that i do not believe that the end of military engagement should be the end of our obligation to the afghanistan people. My amendment called for a comprehensive peace plan that includes all sectors of civil society. It calls for renewed engagement on diplomacy and development. It calls us to fulfill our moral and strategic obligation but not to risk one more life of american Service Members in a war with no clear objection. Mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to vote yes on this amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Thornberry claim the time opposition and yield two minute to the disting distinguished gentlelady from wyoming ms. Chaney. Ms. Cheney i rise in strong opposition to this amendment. Our forces remain in afghanistan to prevent terrorists from establishing safe havens from which they can launch united against the states. My colleague, ms. Omar, has said war. A survivor of and i honor the fact that she has been able to find safety and refuge and citizenship and opportunity and freedom and that me today on the floor of this body, this peoples house. Think that tells you what an incredible nation the United States is. But i also think that as someone as a s described herself survivor of war, she would recognize more fully the damage devastation that was done to the United States of america on september 11 when we terrorists who trained and plotted and launched from bases in afghanistan. About troop levels in afghanistan must be based on ground. Ns on the wars dont end because the United States retreats. Is we have ceded the ground to our adversaries. Because some end number of years have passed. Isis, fight al qaeda, afghanistan or whether we want to fight them here. N the wake, mr. Speaker, reports that russia is paying the taliban to kill united indefensible. Is whether you are a democrat or a republican. To ge my colleagues recognize the decisions about troop levels must be made based is necessary to prevent terrorists from establishing safe havens they can use to ttack all of us and the freedoms and the values we hold dear. This is a dangerous amendment. To oppose olleagues it, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. Minnesota. Oman from ms. Omar last time this 2013, nt was voted on in again, it got 305 members of for it. Y to vote nothing has changed since then. Minute and a e half to ms. Lee of california, to only member of the house vote against the 2001 war. Rization for the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Lee thank you very much, speaker. First, let me thank congresswoman omar for ntroducing this amendment and for your tremendous leadership. Also, to chairman mcgovern, who this amendment several years ago when it passed the house with support, as said, more n omar than 300 members, over 300 members. Our war in afghanistan began two decades ago. At that time we drafted, debated and passed an authorization for of military force in three days. Three days. No time limit. D it Gave Authority for a mission defined and vaguely that it has essentially created blank check for 20 years of war. Es, i was opposed then to that resolution. But quite frankly, i gain no satisfaction my fears have been justified. But i do think there is a lesson here and that is that Congress Role to play a more active in defining the scope and timing of how america makes war. Will argue riends against this amendment by saying we cannot tie the hands of the military. Them to look at where we are. When Congress Fails to insist on our s and guidelines for military, the mission gets confused and lost. Negotiated an agreement to bring our role in afghanistan to an end. Has said ent himself that he intends to bring our troops home. His amendment will provide the accountability for doing so. Its far past time to bring you, two decades, mind two decades of nonstop war to an end. Wars have spanned wider and wider across the globe. 30 seconds . Nother the speaker pro tempore how much time . Very much. Ank you the speaker pro tempore is the gentlelady yielding . Ok . Lee 30 seconds, is that the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Cost us these wars have 5 trillion and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. The war in afghanistan is the war in American History with troops now fighting a war before they ched were even born. Enough is enough. This is a thoughtful and to berative way for us untangle our military from afghanistan and bring this long war to an end. So i want to thank the minnesota for her tremendous leadership and bringing this important and i nt to the floor support it. The speaker pro tempore all time has expired. Texas. Tleman from mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to a combat veteran, the gentleman from colorado, mr. Crow. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado is recognized. Crow thank you very much. After almost 20 years and thousands of lives, the war in must come to an end. I know because i served two the t tours there and saw horrors of that war. Thats why since coming to the ess ive been on forefront of efforts to end the war and reassert congress war some of the d authorizations of use of military force. But in doing so, we must not be by artificial deadlines dictated by Election Year politics. With our ordinate allies who still serve shouldertoshoulder with us. Protect our troops during very highrisk withdrawal operations. We must prevent a resurgence of saw in in iraq. Important we saw in iraq. We must have safeguards for the women and afghanistan. We must get our troops home and dedicate our resources here. The coming sh it by election day. Many of my colleagues and i hare the same goals, but theres a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. Thats why i urge my colleagues this amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Texas. Tleman from mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, im leased to yield one minute to another distinguished combat veteran, the gentleman from multon. Setts, mr. The speaker pro tempore moulton. Berry mr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mou moulton thank you, mr. Speaker. Share the same goals as my colleagues. And i have tremendous respect for ms. Omar who has brought this amendment for debate. Think theres anyone who wants to bring the troops home ore than someone like mr. Crow who has served on the ground in afghanistan in combat. Is an objective for this war. Went is a reason why he and put his life on the line for this country. Prevent another terrorist attack here at home. Solemn duty to protect the people of the United States nd maintain our National Security. We didnt end world war ii by germans, were oing to withdraw by a certain deadline. E came home when the job was done. We can have a very wise and important debate of whether doing the job well in afghanistan and as quickly as possible. Gone. t forget why weve the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Moulton we cant forget to come home. Thanks, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. R. Thornberry mr. Speaker, am i correct that the gentleladys time has expired . The peaker pro tempore gentleladys time has expired. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, i yield myself the remaining minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Thornberry somewhere, to comecommon sense has in. Ultimate withdraw of u. S. Troops. In return, the taliban has more ed to play a constructive role in the country. This amendment says were leaving anyway no matter what does. Liban it wraps up their fondest wish, hands bow on it, and just it to them, betraying the brave afghanistan who have worked and sacrificed to uild a better country and work sidebyside with us to prevent another terrorist attack against us. That seems to make no sense. Thing . Ld we do such a s all the speakers have said, we all want to ultimately leave afghanistan. We should do so in a way that is fair to our allies, fair to the people of afghanistan, and american National Security. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. To House Resolution 1053, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered from gentlewoman minnesota. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Agreed to. Nt is mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, on that i ask for the yeas and nays. Tempore r pro pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. In order to consider mendment number 6 printed in house report 116457. For what purpose does the washington seek recognition . I jayapal mr. Chairman, have an amendment at the desk the speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 6 house report 116457 offered by ms. Jayapal of washington. The speaker pro tempore to House Resolution 1053, the gentlewoman from a hington, ms. Jayapal, and member opposed, will each control five minutes. The chair recognizes the washington. From ms. Jayapal my amendment would repeal the law to repeal the ilitary to provide an unfunded priorities list to congress along with the budget request each year. This year the pentagon requested from ping 470 billion congress, even more than last year, like other agencies like e. P. A. , department, department of housing and urban development were cut by over 15 . Budget eats up over half of our nations annual discretionary budget and yet pentagon officials Gave Congress a wish list of 18 billion in unfunded priorities top of its request for 740 spending. Why . Because in 2016, congress ctually passed a law requiring the military services and combat and commands to provide annual systems s of weapon that the pentagon couldnt fit into its already massive budget. Other federal agency is required by law to provide such reason. Ts and with good the practice is irresponsible and it undermines the very goals budgeting. So why does it exist . Because it gives special nterests and the defense Contractor Industry an opportunity to argue for ongress to fund additional, extremely expensive weapon systems, not important enough to ake it into the pentagons budget. Now, this is a bipartisan concern. You might hear this is something that just greats want democrats want. No. Late senator john mccain, chairman of the senate Armed Services committee, said in actually, im not really big on unfunded priority lists. A back theyre sort of door way of getting things done. Formal defense secretary robert step further to ban the practice of submitting these lists to congress during his tenure. Senator mccain and secretary gates were actually right. Need to see better spending and efficiency better in the pentagon. The department of defense has failed two consecutive audits in two years. Track of 800 st million in Construction Projects and 2. 1 billion in spare parts for the f35 program. Buried an internal study egarding 125 billion in bureaucratic waste amid fears of a finding the Congress Might of nsider the massive sum taxpayer money that goes to the pentagon each year. F a private corporation lost track of hundreds of mills of dollars in shielded evidence could save wasteful spending, the shareholders would find it unacceptable. The Defense Department has not undertaken the kind of real reform that it needs. Senior officer of the pentagon appointed just three years ago to reform the pentagon poised to be eliminated because she identified too much waste that could be saved. Be the other side might claimed these wish lists might e necessary for our National Security. O that i say put it in the budget. The pentagon put in the budget 470 billion. F these programs are so necessary, put them in the budget. No budget on top of budgets. Amendment y, this doesnt preclude our military services and combats and ommands from sending over wish lists or testifying to congress, but this ends a terrible budgeting practice that lines pocket of a bunch of defense contractor lobbyists at the expense of working people. Unsustainable and we must rein that in. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. For what purpose does the rise . Man from texas mr. Thornberry i claim time in opposition and yield myself 1 minutes. Mr. Speaker, i think this amendment reflects a basic understanding of why that provision of law is there. The pentagon loves this amendment. Tried before ave anyrevent us from receiving information from anything thats not in their budget request. They want us to rubber stamp over and not send exercise our independent judgment. But the constitution says its our responsibility to raise and support, provide and maintain the military forces of the United States. We take the pentagons proposal seriously but it doesnt mean we rubber stamp them. We solicit wider amounts of information and sometimes we have different judgment calls. And looking back over history, our judgment calls look pretty good, i would say. So sometimes within the pentagon there are cultural issue, parochial issues, Service Rivalries that shape the budget that comes to us. We in Congress Need that broader look. We need to hear if the Combatant Commanders what did not make it into the budget because then we may have a different judgment call about what should be in the budget. Those reports help us do our job. Thats why its a matter of law that they be sent to us and thats the reason it makes to it makes no sense to deny us the information we immediate to fulfill our responsibilities under the constitution. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from washington. Ms. Jayapal i yield one minute to the distinguished chairman of the committee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Let me associate myself with ms. Jayapals remarks. I have an enormous respect for mr. Thornberry but i disagree with the premise of what he said. We should exercise our independent judgment and not simply rubber stamp what the pentagon asks for but i dont see having them give us more of what they want better enables us to exercise independent judgment. Mr. Smith it is the pentagon sending us what their priorities are. We should be skeptical of whatever we send them. But to say you get to ask for 70 billion and then ask for more that tow smow that makes it easier for us to exercise independent judgment, independent of what the pentagon want, stands logic on its head. There is one and only one reason for this law. It is because some believe that no matter what you spend on the pentagon and defense spending, you could always spend more. And theyre trying to push us down that road toward more. Which is wrong because its a waste. But its also wrong because its bad for National Security. We need to make choices not imagine that the budget is unlimited. Thats what this does and it should go away. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from mississippi, mr. Kelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Kelly thank you, Ranking Member thornberry, thank you, mr. Speaker. The list does not add additional spending authorizations to the ndaa. Congress has a constitutional responsibility to fund the military. These lists provide us with insight into Senior Leader requirements. It allows us to allow the Combatant Commanders, the people down there who are closest to the troops, to tell us what they need. Im surprised that she is with the Current Administration and d. O. D. To tell us how we need to spend money in congress. Im not for that with any president. We need to do our job as congress. We need to listen to the people closest to the ground. It does not add any money to the current ndaa process. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from mississippi yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentlewoman from washington is recognized. Ms. Jayapal mr. Chairman, how much time to i have left . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington has 30 seconds. Ms. Jayapal perfect. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I want to say that we are getting the priorities from the pentagon. Thats called the budget. Thats what theyre supposed to do. Theyre supposed to put together their priorities and send it to us. Were looking at exactly what the pentagon wants. Were responding to that by in this case putting 740 billion into a Defense Budget. Now youre going to tell me you need a budget on top of the budget . Thats bad budgeting by every stretch of the imagination. I dont care which president asks for it, its bad. Thats what this has always been a bipartisan amendment or bipartisan idea to get rid of this unfunded priorities list. It does not do the job. It bloats the military budget. And it is unnecessary and inefficient and bad spending. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from anufacture, general bergman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bergman i ooppose this amendment. The unfunded priorities list is important for service it is convey their needs they feel budget submit through the an annual budgeting process are constructed over the course of a year. Combat is a daily evolution. Adversaries are not concerned about our budgeting process. As someone who has bren responsible for creating a significantly broad military budget i know the challenges in planning for future fights while recognize recognizing the fluidity and uncertainty around future operations. It allows them to show which budget sacrifices are made. The Armed Services committee right rightfully added the chief of the National Guard community. This amendment would strike that language and impede the guard in adjusting for the unexpected. Undercutting the National Guard in a year in which theyve been asked to do so much for our country is not a wise course of action. This amendment should not be supported. I urge my colleagues to vote no. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized for a minute and a half. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield the remain timing to the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. Hartzler. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for a minute and a half. Mrs. Hartzler i rise in opposition to this misguided amendment. Im amazed there are members of congress who want to limit the amount of information we receive to make important funding decisions or our National Security. Congress has the power of the purse. Congress has the responsibility to make the tough funding decisions. In order to do that we need the information available. We should not be a rubber stamp for the pentagon. Contrary to what the amendment sponsor said, unfunded requirements lists do not increase the size of the militarys budget. We as members of Congress Must find offsets if we want to fund a requirement on the list. For example, in the budget request the air force made significant cuts to Intelligence Surveillance and reconnaissance programs. Almost every unfunded list has i. S. R. Capabilities as a critical requirement an operational need. This committee after conducting careful oversight made the decision to restore funding for those programs based on the identified needs of our Combatant Commanders. We did not pull the money out of thin air. We found places in the budget equest to cut to support these programs and minimize risk. All this does is limit the information received if the Armed Services. I strongly encourage members to oppose this amendment and i ield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. Pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the previous question is ordered on the amendment buffered amendment offered by the gentlewoman from washington. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Mr. Thornberry on that, i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. The speaker pro tempore it is now in order to consider amendment number 7 printed in house report 116457. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from colorado seek recognition . Ms. Degette i have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 7 printed in house report 116457, offered by ms. Degette of colorado. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the gentlewoman from colorado, ms. Dejet ms. Degette, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from colorado. Ms. Degette thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself 90 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Degette i rise in support of my amendment which would add the text of the protecting americas wilderness act to this years ndaa. The purpose is to protect more of americas public land and ensure our nations most elite military pilots have the opportunity to train train for some of the harshest environment on the planet. This legislation which passed in the house earlier this year would permanently protect more than 1. Million acres of land across colorado, california and washington. It includes representative huffmans language to protect lands in northwest california. Representative carbajals to protect lands in central california. And represent chus to expand the san gabriel Mountain National park. It includes language by representative schiff to protect the santa monta mountains Recreational Area and language by representative kilmer to protect lands in washingtons penslasm finally it includes registration i have worked on for over 20 years to protect more than 600,000 achers in colorado. And to ensure that key military areas like the High Altitude training site, hats, is able to continue its Training Mission unencumbered. This missionons in vagarnered widespread support. They are to protect the lands from future development and provide a boost to our states economies an ensure the military has space to train. I urge members to vote yes on the amendment and reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . Mr. Lamborn i rise in opposition to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Lamborn i yeeled myself such time as i may consume. I rise in opposition to thement to add unrelated land bills to the ndaa. This amendment has nothing do with National Defense. Its a travesty the majority jammed these issues together. Collectively, this package of ideologically driven bills impacts land in colorado, california and washington by creating 1. 3 million acres of new wilderness but this will greatly reduce opportunities for multiple uses on these public lands, limb access to them and significantly reduce the available productive acreage in working forests rendering them more prone to catastrophic wildfires. In colorado alone this would designate about 5 0,000 of new wilderness areas, 23,000 of expanded wilderness and 14,000 achers of potential wilderness, whatever potential wilderness is. This is in a state where we have 3. 5 million acres of wilderness right now. While i commend my colleague to work with local stake holders to address concerns, none of the bills in this package come close to the type of balance ancon census necessary for a bill of this magnitude. Many local communities impacted by this package raised significant concerns. Now, you know, look. I love public lands. As does the sponsor of this legislation. My wife and i hiked a National Park in moab last week. And while wilderness sounds good to the uninform it really means that most people will forever lose access to those lands. Local communities have many concerns with this bill. At the july subCommittee Hearing on this bill we heard testimony from Montezuma County commissioner keenanneredle who shared the countys concern that this bill will negatively impact individual land owners, agricultural entity, water providers, First Responders and especially the recreation tourism industry. Garrfield county has also weighed in against this bill because of increased wildfire risk. In addition to the local grievances the affected federal Land Management agencies stated that this bill is inconsistent with previous designations and existing land uses because it arbitrarily adds wilderness areas and wild Scenic Rivers designations where those designations are not supported. Now actually there is one connection to National Defense and thats a negative one. By designating the High Altitude ave yage training site or hats as being within a wilderness area it wont be able to expand. If and when future vertical lift platforms come online. And future platforms that will have that will fly highering farther, an faster. And theyll need more space. This amendment prevents them. Because of all these concerns the Trump Administration rightly issued a veto threat against this bill when it first came up to the house in february. I ask my colleagues to oppose this amendment and i reserve the alance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from colorado is recognized. Ms. Degette i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from colorado, mr. Huffman, a key sponsor. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Huffman my colleague concern in prior years when bad environmental policy was made against protections for chicken and saj in the ndaa. These bills are familiar to us because they passed with broad support. Theyre well vetted. My northwest california wilderness and working forest act which will acres of new 0 wilderness, designate 480 miles scenic river and includes an ambitious restoration plan to improve health and promote fire resiliency and expand Outdoor Recreation. These are good bills. They deserve our support and i yield the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from colorado reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Ms. Lamborn id like to say to california, at least the amendments had something to do with National Defense. Next to military ready that impact readiness. Has nothing to do with National Defense. Mr. Speaker, how much time do we have left . The speaker pro tempore the minute and 45 seconds. R. Lamborn i yield to the gentleman from the western slope of colorado, mr. Tipton. The speaker pro tempore the recognized. Mr. Tipton i thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. Chairman, the amendment exactly the opposite what were trying to accomplish. This bill is not going to be national rengthen the defense. My colleagues amendment would altitude hreaten high viation training site thats critical to the Armed Services defense. Ational we will rely on china for strategic minute malls. Minerals. We need to support readiness and the sustainable and secure upply chain for Critical Minerals. This amendment is a direct conflict to those goals. Y district is home to the National Level asset, the High Altitude army National Guard training guard site or hats. Military tal to the success and readiness of our nation. Colorados end from amendment establishes five wilderness areas either future ely or in the through a new land designation mechanism that sponsors the is calling for potential wilderness. When this bill was debated no one he committee, from the d. O. D. , the colorado National Guard was given a hance to testify on the legislations potential effects on readiness. Therefore, it would be completely unacceptable to this legislation in the 2021 National Defense authorization. This amendment further deepens our nations concerning dependence on critical china for minerals. The u. S. Is 100 import reliant critical rals on the Minerals List and 75 import reliant on an additional 10. Prepared by u. S. Geological survey shows the Mineral Deposits and occurrences in colorado. They are identified as colorado spans from which boulder down through Gunnison County and all the way into the area, contains minerals on which the u. S. Is import reliant. To this billsition and inclusion into the ndaa, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the expired. s time has the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Defelt the gentlewoman from colorado is recognized. To the tte i yield gentleman from california, another key sponsor of this amendment, mr. Schiff. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Schiff i rise in support of amendment amendment 659. This includes legislation i have nearly rking on for been working on for nearly 20 years. Bill when he study george w. Bush was president. We got it signed into law. During the course of the obama the studytion, we got funded and conducted. Of sands and thousands people commented during the Public Service period. Overwhelmingly in favor of the aggressive option of ripling the size of the park, ultimately the park Service Recommended doubling the acreage Santa Monica Mountains recreation area. This bill would make that law. Enough time long to be pursuing this to finally bring it to completion. Us preserve p wildlife corridors, rare hiking trails and recreational opportunities as os angeles expands this proximity to nature is what so many people love about it. Have lions we roaming our hills. Bears coming ful nto peoples garages to eat ikea meatballs, all possible because we preserved this open space. Urge passage. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from colorado is recognized. Ms. Degette im now pleased to je to the distinguished gentlelady from california, another key sponsor of this chu. Ment, ms. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for one minute, ms. Chu. Rise in strong support of this amendment which us includes the text of my legislation, the san gabriel ountains and foothills protection act. Of l. A. Countys open space and are easily accessible to more than 15 americans. But still, the l. A. County most is amongst the parkpoor in the country with too many communities lacking the access to Outdoor Recreation opportunities in their own neighborhoods. The San Gabriel Mountains National Recreational building on the progress made by the establishment of the san gabriel ountains national monument, by designating new wilderness and wild rivers, this amendment will Outdoor Recreation opportunities to millions, mproving their health and wellbeing. I urge my colleagues to join me support of this amendment, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. The gentlewoman from colorado is recognized for 30 seconds. The egette i thank gentleman. Let me just set the record straight. Hese types of bills have been included in the ndaa for enerations by republicans and democrats, and in this case, its particularly urgent because heard my, and you even colleagues on the other side clarifies hats laws and makes clear that they can be used. Know, theres one group of people thats the most important to decide about wilderness and public. He 2 3 of the people on the estern slope of colorado want more wilderness. Wilderness are studies now. Lets keep them for generations. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. Pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the previous question is offeredon the amendment by the gentlewoman from colorado. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the it. Have the gentleman from colorado asks for a recorded vote. 3 of house section the 9675 resolution 965, yeas and nays are ordered. Further proceedings on this question are postponed. To consider rder amendment number 8 printed in 116457. Port for what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . Rise guse mr. Speaker, i today in support of the amendment which would amend approximate 95 h. R. 6395. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. Amendment number 8 printed in house report 116457 mr. Neguse of colorado. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution the gentleman from colorado, mr. Neguse, and a member opposed, will each minutes. Ive the chair recognizes the gentleman from colorado. Mr. Neguse thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of this offered by myself and the distinguished chair of the ouse Natural Resources committee, chair grijalva, to add the text of two bills that already passed this chamber with support. N h. R. 823, the colorado Outdoor Economy act, core the grand canyon centennial protection act. Hese bills are important and this would preserve our access to clean air and water across the state of colorado and arizona. Bill in particular, the core act, will protect over 400,000 land, including establishing the firstever ational historic landscape at camp hale. This impressive designation speaks of the storied legacy of armys 10th Mountain Division in colorado and around the world. It was in the mountains of that do, in my district, american soldiers received the training that allowed them to the northern in italian alps, leading our nation ii. Ictory during world war today its got huts connected by trails. S of hut visitors share the special spirit in their pursuit of selfreliance and love of the outdoors. The National Historic landscape that future nsures generations will be able to learn about the history of the 10th Mountain Division, appreciate these sacrifices of Service Members, and enjoy utdoor recreation opportunities. I hope my colleagues will join me in honoring those sacrifices by supporting this amendment today. Like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from grijalva. Hairman the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Grijalva thank you, mr. Chairman. The time, the consideration of amendment of er 8, a combination the grand canyon centennial protection act and my friend, neguse, the colorado Outdoor Recreation and economy act. These bills passed the house ith bipartisan votes and they deserve a place in this years National Defense authorization act. A committee. D as as you know from the bills that to presented today to try prioritize conservation, climate resiliency, and protect some special landscapes. N addition to supporting multibilliondollar recreation economy, conservation of public land is our first line of climatein responding to change and in the question of the colorado of the grand the water tecting supply for 40 million americans, businesses, and industry. Case of the grand canyon, toxic legacy of uranium mining is truly a matter of life and death. Mines pollute our water, endanger our communities and our health and despite constant and assurances and promises, hundreds of these sites are up. L waiting to be cleaned and particularly those mines that impact tribal communities. Is opponents of this provision of this amendment claim that the permit protections in the grand canyon our National Security. This is patent falsehood and distraction. Region holds on less than 1 of known u. S. Uranium reserves. And hardly undance an amount we cannot find elsewhere. The department of energy they ed to congress that have enough uranium stockpiled needs. All uranium critical uranium needs including propulsionintenance, and defense obligations through 2060. There nately, despite being no reason to mine a national treasure, the temporary rotection put in place by the Previous Administration are under attack by this dministration and his industry cronies. This is not about the bottom line of some poor mining company. Is about american lives and we should not sacrifice the expendable or price of doing business and i urge adoption of the amendment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the back. Man yields the gentleman reserves from colorado. For what purpose does the seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to the amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I thank the speaker and i yield myself such time as i may consume. Feel like im in the movie groundhog day. Other side s on the are repeating their mantra, not this mine, not their place. Standard refrain because they dont support any mining anywhere. Is nothing short of a fullscale attack on the livelihoods of many of my constituents. T sets back our nations National Security and strengthens putins russia. Imposes one acre grab, not mining in an area the size of delaware. Nothing of owever, this is in the area of my colleague, mr. Speaker. Effort to s an protect the grand canyon which s of course completely disingenuous. No one wants to mine within the grand canyon. This entire area is miles away boundaries of the buffer around the grand canyon park. Al bipartisan negotiations led to the arizona wilderness act in this area set aside for multiple use activities ncluded mining that placed 337,000 acres of land into the National Wilderness preder preservation system. The passage of would cost nt districts between 2,000 and in 0 jobs and 29 billion economic activity. This would completely and utterly devastate these rural communities. Area in question is home to the highest grade and largest deposits in the country o this amendment does not just negatively effect arizona, it harms the National Security of the country. Will play right into the hands of russia and azakhstan and uzbekistan is trying to get the uranium market. China is also joining in the up uranium buying up Uranium Mines in africa. Reclaimed so e well you cant tell where they once existed and there was no grand canyon the watershed. In fact, it may have improved it. Mr. Speaker, i think this house is slowly becoming aware of the problem we face as nation when comes to our reliance on Critical Minerals. Many democrats are starting to come to the table to work with us to rectify this problem. However, there are still many hurdles to cross. Like the fact that my colleagues continue to try to block mining in northern arizona, much like they do in northern minnesota andreslusion copper mine in the southern part of my district. Theres no question this amendment will hurt local revenue, kill jobs and undermine American Energy security. It is opposed by the people of my district and i urge my colleagues to join me in opposition. Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to submit two letters to the record. One being a veto threat to the Administration Related to the bill and this amendment, and other being a letter from a number of Industry Groups opposing this amendment. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Gosar mr. Speaker, i now would like to extend a minute and a half to the gentleman from colorado, mr. Tipton. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado is recognized for a minute and a half. Mr. Tipton thank you, mr. Speaker. And thank my colleague for yielding. Mr. Speakerers i strongly oppose the amendment mr. Speaker, i strongly oppose the amendment. Like eams that have come before this, this amendment will do the exact opposite what have were trying to be able to accomplish here today, which is develop a bill to support and strengthen our National Defense. My colleagues amendment has the potential to threaten the High Altitude military Aviation Training that is critical to the readiness of our Armed Services and of National Security interests of the u. S. Additionally, it would make the United States even more reliant on china for critical and strategic minerals. Our goal is to be able to enact policies that support readiness and sustainable, secure supply chains for Critical Minerals. This amendment is in direct conflict with those goals. Altitude military Aviation Training is critical to the readiness of our Armed Services security of tional the United States. My colleagues have stated that they want to be title of the bill safeguard and my conversations would look forward to d. O. D. Flight guidance with regards to how to operate under the language. While i appreciate d. O. D. s guidance, we all know too well that regulatory changes do not provide certainty. That is why ive submitted an amendment to codify the safe transit exception for military aircraft flying over the wilderness areas in mountain regions. Unfortunately my friends in the majority did not rule that amendment in order and we will not have the opportunity to be able to vote on safe transit. We need to be foe focusing on the security of the United States not only in terms of Critical Minerals but also making sure that our military has the appropriate tools to be able to carry out their missions safely in terms of guidance that we are providing. This amendment does not achieve that goal and will not help support the ndaa and with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time to my colleague, mr. Gosar. Mr. Gosar i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from colorado is recognized. Mr. Neguse mr. Speaker, may i inquire as to how much time remains . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado has 1 1 2 minutes. Mr. Neguse thank you, mr. Speaker. While i disagree with my colleague, mr. Tipton, on this particular issue, i do appreciate his friendship and his service to the house for many years. I would just offer three closing arguments. First, for those who argue that these public land measures should not be attached to the ndaa, theres certainly precedent for these provisions to be included in the ndaa. In fact, the Hermosa Creek watershed protection act was signed into law as a provision of the 2015 ndaa in the 113th congress under a republicancontrolled house. So there is ample precedent. With respect to the hats issue, i would simply note that in december of last year, the department of defense sent a letter to my Senate Campaign onsponsor informing him that the department had determined, quote, that Land Management designation in h. R. 823, the core act, should not affect current or future military overflight in colorado. Period. Mr. Speaker, these bills have nothing to do with china or kazakhstan and everything to do with protecting crown jewels here in the United States of america. The grand canyon and hundreds of thousands of acres of wilderness in my home state of colorado. I would urge my colleagues to support these important public land designations and support the amendment being considered by the house. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from arizona has 30 seconds. Mr. Gosar i thank the speaker. Once again, this is about the management of the land. As we stated earlier, the buffer around the grand canyon, this is miles away from this. And this is about National Security. Critical minerals, uranium, they are very important to the makeup of this country and its energy sector. We cannot be reliant and we saw that all too easily displayed in this covid crisis. We have to be the per visaers of our future. And purveyors of our future. With that, i yield back and ask everybody to vote against this amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentleman from colorado. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Gosar i ask for the yeas and nays. Recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 9 printed in house report 116457. For what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition . Mr. Pocan mr. Chairman, i have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 9 printed in house report 116457 offered by mr. Pocan of wisconsin. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Pocan, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Pocan. Mr. Pocan thank you very much, mr. Chair. If you ask just about anyone what is americas greatest threat, the answer isnt going to be another country or a political ideology. Its going to be a disease. Covid19. Wand that answer people will mention the need for help for the jobless, the threat to mall sp small businesses, problems paying their rent or mortgage and the need for health care. But you what wont hear will be the need for a space force. Or more nukes or an overseas slush fund for the pentagon. You certainly wont hear about the need for more cost overruns or fraud and abuse from defense contractors. But thats exactly what we have. Weve increased our military spending almost 20 in the last four years, at a time of relative peace. But we have not kept up with our needs like health care, education and, of course, fighting the coronavirus. And yet we spend 90 times more on defense than we do the centers for disease control. 740 billion for the pentagon is a lot of money. And too much of it gets wasted on fraud, cost overruns, and outside contractors. We are literally flushing money down a drain and i mean literally. Due to the design flaw in the new 13 billion ford class aircraft carrier, we are spending 400,000 on specialized acids every time we have to flush and unclog the toilets. Im not making this up. Almost every major defense contractor has had to pay fines or set amments for fraud or settlements for fraud and misconduct, all while getting trillions of dollars in defense contracts. We spent billions on an am fib louis vehicle that sinks due to its own ways and dont even mention the 10,000 seat toilet covers. If we cut the Defense Budget just 10 and not our troops, we free up 74 billion to fight Global Pandemics like covid19 and much more. We need to treat the pentagon like every other department and that means with fiscal responsibility. We do that today by trimming 10 , 74 billion, to be used instead on behalf of the American People, not bloated defense contracts. I urge support. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas, for what purpose do you seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i claim the time in opposition to the amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. At this point i would yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from wyoming, ms. Cheney. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized for one minute. Ms. Cheney thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this amendment is a deeply irresponsible stunt that would have great implications for our National Security. It would return us to the days even worse than the days of sequester, a time in which secretary of defense jim mattis said no foe in the field has done more damage to the u. S. Armed forces than the United States congress has. Because of arbitrary, acrosstheboard cuts. We would with this amendment undermine the readiness of our troops on air, on land and at sea. We are asking our men and women to go into harms way to defend all of us. And we must always do that ensuring that they have the absolute best equipment and resources necessary. This amendment is a stunt, mr. Speaker, it will be dangerous. We have to ensure that the United States of america maintains a military force that is second to none. I urge my colleagues to defeat this irresponsible and reckless amendment and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. Mr. Pocan id like to yield one mind and 45 seconds to my distinguished colleague and colead on this amendment and strong voice for peace and justice, congresswoman barbara lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for one minute. Ms. Lee thank you very much. Let me thank congressman pocan for yielding and thank you for your tremendous, bold and visionary leadership. As we stand here today, 142,000 people in america are dead from covid. And millions have suffered from the disease or the economic dislocation which it has caused. The federal response has been weak. Its been late and its been confused. Meanwhile, meanwhile, this house stands poised to pour 3 4 of 1 trillion into a defense establishment that is unauditable, unaccountable and does little to answer the basic threats to the safety and welfare of our people. The pentagon is the only federal department that has never passed an audit. Despite this requirement being on the books for 30 years. Its not hard to find places to cut this budget. The pentagon could save almost 58 billion just by eliminating obsolete weapons. Weapons like cold warera bombers and missiles designed and built in the last century that are totally, mind you, totally unsuited for the challenges of this century. We could find another 18 billion simply by preventing the end of Year Spending sprees that lead to contract money being shoveled out the door in september. Congressional Research Service has documented these spending spikes occurring each september as offices at the pentagon go on a lastminute spending spree to justify their nextyear budget increases. We see the tremendous cost of this runaway spending not only in missing priorities Like Public Health that are left underfunded, but in a way of thinking that militarizes every problem in our society. And turns Peaceful Protesters into targets for weapons of war. Enough. Its time for us to stand up against this madness. The modest cuts that mr. Pocan and i are proposing may i have 10 seconds . Mr. Pocan i yield an additional 10 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 10 seconds. Ms. Lee thank you very much. Let me just close by saying that these are modest cuts. They wont compromise our National Security and wont take dollars from our troops. But it will allow us to reinvest in health care, schools and infrastructure. This amendment will be a first step in rebalancing our priorities to build a safe, peaceful, prosperous world at home and abroad. I urge a yes vote. Thank you again. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from wisconsin reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield one 911 the distinguished gentleman from ohio, mr. Turner. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Turner thank you, mr. Speaker. Lets just be honest. This bill does not do this amendment does not do anything for funding for covid or funding for health care. This is straight and simple defund d. O. D. And thats it. We have just come off of sequestration where we saw our planes falling out of the sky during training, where we saw our men and women in uniform working in buildings that we couldnt even rewear. My own base repair. At my own base they didnt even have enough money to turn the lights on in buildings where people were working in. And this is not just sequestration. This is like sequestration on steroids. This would be the biggest cut, much more than sequestration ever had, and it actually works out to about a 16 cut. Not 10 . Because of the things that are exempted. So the money doesnt go where the author says its going to go to. It does hurt our National Security and it does hurt our men and women in uniform. It cuts military houses and education and military family programs. It cuts reserve and development. But most importantly, it cuts research and development. But most importantly it cuts training it. Goes right to the heart of making it unsafe once again for our men and women in uniform just to keep our country safe. This isnt money down the drain. This is money every day that keeps us at peace. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. Mr. Pocan thank you, mr. Chair. I yield one minute to the cochair of the c. P. C. And my good friend, congresswoman jayapal. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington is recognized for one minute. Jay allen thank you, mr. Chairman ms. Jayapal thank you, mr. Chairman. I stands in strong support manufacture amendment by i stand in strong support of this amendment by mr. Pocan and ms. Lee. This is critical for to us cut 10 of our pentagon budget. Enough is enough. This years Defense Budget is 90 times bigger than the budget for the centers for disease control. And yet we are nearing four million covid cases and over 141,000 deaths and this president wants to add money for defense spending while cutting money for testing. That is just wrong. That 74 billion could mean child care for every family. It could mean housing vouchers for every eligible family and 23,000 raise for every Public School teacher. So many things we could do with this money. What we cannot do is give it away to corrupt defense contractors. Pass this amendment and reset our priorities. Its time. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i yield one minute to the gentleman from virginia, mr. Whitman. R. Wittman this creates a structural deficit in what we have been doing to regain that. If you exempt personnel accounts, this turns out to be a 16 reduction and lit me tell you what it will result it. Housing benefits go out the ndow and wont be supporting their families. And what we are doing to help support them is going out the window. Suicide prevention and Family Support out the window. So much for supporting our men and women. Service members on base food support. So much for helping them through these challenging times and making sure their needs are met. Remember, what we do in investing our military is to build the ability of our military to deter our adversaries. When there is an imbalance, what happens . We find ourselves in conflict. Why would we want to send a a message to the world that we are going to weaken and not be able to defend ourselves and deter ours from perpetratingd the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry has all the gentlemans time the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from w. I. C. s time has expired. The gentleman from texas has two minutes. Mr. Thornberry the underlying bill as chairman smith pointed out is consistent with the twoyear budget agreement. Many of the sponsors of this amendment voted for that twoyear budget agreement, but this year they only want to cut in defense. As my colleagues have pointed out, some accounts are exempt and that meeps the real cut is not 10 but 16 . And that 16 cut would have severe effect on modernization, on the research we need to do to catch up in many cases with russia and china and especially on maintenance. This house has been a leader in restoring our readiness and maintaining our planes and ships and equipment. This takes us back the other way. In other words, this amendment may well cost lives. And as several of my colleagues have mentioned, while it exempt some accounts dealing with our people, other accounts are not exempt. So this amendment results in 260 million cuts in housing. 470 million dependent education programs, 184 million cut to economies sears and 900 million to cleanup and to the hanford site. But underneath it all, there is a fundamental flaw in this amendment. We can cut defense without consequences and we can hide our head under the covers and cut defense and assume the threats are going to go away, but they dont. Those who dont share our values will step into the void. The world will grow more dangerous and americans and america National Security will suffer as a result. Thats the fact. History proves time and time again, weakness begets aggression. Thats what this bill tries to avoid. I hope on a bipartisan basis, members will reject this amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 10 5. S previous question is offered. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i ask for the yapes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 1053, the the yeas and nays are ordered, pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. The speaker pro tempore it is now in order to consider amendment number 11, for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i have an amendment at the desk. The clerk amendment number 11 printed in house report 116457 offered by ms. Dean of pennsylvania. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 105 , the the gentlewoman from pennsylvania and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. Ms. Dean i thank all the members of the committee for their fine work in this proposed legislation. I rise today in support of my amendment, number 11 to h. R. 6395. This amendment would provide much needed assistance to roughly six million private and t loan borrowers borrowers to pay down their debt. This amendment would require private student loan servicers to modify the loan to lower the Monthly Payments by lowering the Interest Rate when the borrower resumes payment. His is a common sense. They will receive a lump sum payment and make sure that subsequent payments are affordable and sustainable. Private student loan borrowers did not receive any of the reprieve they were able to access through the student cares act. Isics million private student loan borrowers made payments during an unprecedented crisis hurting their Economic Health and our countrys, too. They are vulnerable. Prior to the pandemic, one in seven student loan borrowers were more than 90 days. Coifed 19 has exacerbated this. The number of private student borrowers unable to make payment obligations between january and april of this year increased by 36 . This amendment would rectify the problem we created and bring them much needed assistance. Importantly, this amendment will help our veterans to take out an average of 8,000 in private Student Loan Debt to attend forprofit schools each year. And 200,000 Service Members who owe billions of Student Loan Debt. While many were able to get relief, these were not. They are languishing under the burden of Student Loans. This is good for our borrowers and economy and our veterans. Support this amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from missouri seek recognition . I claim time in opposition and opposed to the amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. This amendment is an attempt by the democrats to rewrite private contracts and put private lenders out of business accomplishing the goals of socializing all Student Loan Debt. This amendment authorizes lower 45 billion to private Student Loans. It is not require that a student borrower have ar substantial need and students that have paid off their stupid loans. It picks winners and losers. The amendment directs treasury to provide up to 10,000 for every single borrower to be used for private education loans even if there is no demonstrated financial need. It wrongly assumes all private student loan borrowers have been impacted by covid19 and every member of congress and it is not mentioned that the federal government is the largest or umer leapeder, ohing guaranteeing, 1. 2 trillion in student debt. The democrats eliminated the Family Education loan program where private lenders guaranteed federal loans to students and parents. Now the department of education is the only option in the student loan market. Private Student Loans make up less than 8 of all Student Loans and because private education loans are subject to strong underwriting standards, those loans are 3 compared to 18 in the federal loan program. I realize that the amendment is attempting to force regulateors to work with the borrowers, but private lenders are working with borrowers to make accommodations included by the federal financial regulations. When they took over the federal student loan market, costs skile rocketed. This is only making the crisis worse. Democrats continue to push their socialist wish list. If this program is such a big priority for democrats, you would think they would fund it but did fund it in the appropriations bill even though they added 250 billion of new emergency spending. And they are pandering to the students for Election Year gains. I would like to point out this amendment has no place in the ndaa and it should be focused on National Security and industrial base, troop levels and readiness and our men and women in uniform and not student debt. I ask to seek unanimous consent to insert. The first is july 15, 2020, from the Consumer Bankers Association requesting that the dean amendment not be made in order. And the second is document compiled by the Consumer Banker Association by the steps taken that customers as of june 30, 2020. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Luetkemeyer i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Dean thank you, mr. Speaker. This amendment is a valuable amendment to tackle what we knew before the pandemic was a problem. 1. 6 trillion in Student Loan Debt. 119 billion of that for private Student Loans and what we do know, while the default rate on private Student Loans is less, t amounts to 4 bill quon of defaulting private Student Loan Debt. That is not an incon sell conventional amount of money. This amount comes from me as a former professor, as a mother and grandmother. The burden of Student Loan Debt is too high. And now as a result of a pandemic, many borrowers are falling into did he linksy will hurt their Credit Rating for a long time to come. I proudly produce this amendment and i ask for support. I reserve the remainder. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from missouri. Mr. Luetkemeyer i recognize the gentlelady from North Carolina, ms. Foxx, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Foxx i rise today to discuss the flaws of this amendment as Ranking Member of the committee on education and labor, which has jurisdiction over the federal Student Loans. Roughly 92 of all outstanding Student Loans. Mr. Chairman, for opponents of Big Government succeeded in offering the most generous loan terms in the marketplace, but the private student loan marketplace hasnt made the same mistakes the federal government has. The private Student Loan Companies underwrite their investments. Their model fosters Student Success because that is the only way they as a business can succeed. It was stated earlier that students had to make payments on their loans in the past few months. Well, that is what they agreed to do. And what all borrowers agree to do, mr. Speaker. Thats the way it works. Mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to reject this amendment, which will complete the government takeover of the student loan industry and in the process fail to set students up for success. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from North Carolina yields back. The gentleman from missouri reserves. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Dean just for some final thoughts, mr. Speaker, i thank you for the time. I want to reiterate that this is a commonsense requirement that helps both the servicers and the borrowers, remember, the servicers will receive a lump sum payment and should therefore be able to make sure that the subsequent payments by borrowers are sustainable for borrowers. Forebearns is something that we built forbearance is something that we built into the cares act but not in any way for student loan borrowers. In this way, this is not without precedent. It is valuable to help student loan borrowers when through no fault of their own they are in a position, an economic position, of possible default. Ill close mindful of the great loss that we had over the weekend. I am mindful and prayerful and thankful for the role model and friend, our colleague, john lewis. How he fought for equity, for all people. How he fought to lift up others. I thank you and i urge members to support my amendment. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from missouri is recognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In closing i just remind my colleagues of the real purpose of this amendment is just to socialized entire student loan industry. Mr. Luetkemeyer rather than working to address the underlying causes of the student loan crisis, my colleagues believe the federal government should take over the entire program. This is the opposite what have we should be doing. We should be analyzing the reason of rising tuition, and the private sector should be held out as a model, not a scapegoat. With that, i urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 1053, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The gentleman from missouri, for what purpose mr. Luetkemeyer i be request the yeas and nays i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965 the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition . Madam speaker, pursuant to h. Res. 1053, i offer amendments en bloc. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will dess the amendments en bloc. The clerk en bloc number 1 consisting of amendments numbers , 2, 10, 10, 12, 14rks15, 16, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 7, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 43, 7, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 49, 50, 51, 7, 48, 59, 3, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 65, 66, 67, 3, 64, 75, 9, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83, 7, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 6, 87, 88, 89, 98, 99, 4, 95, 96, 97, 104, 105, 02, 103, 111, 07, 108, 109, 110, 116, 117, 14, 115, 122, 123, 20, 121, 128, 129, 26, 127, 134, 135, 32, 133, 141, 37, 138, 139, 140, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154, 51, 152, 159, 160, 57, 158, 165, 166, 63, 164, nd 407 printed in house report 11647b457 offered by mr. Smith of 116457 offered by mr. Smith of washington. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington, mr. Smith, and the gentleman from texas, mr. Thornberry, each will control 15 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. I am pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady from minnesota, ms. Craig. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Craig thank you, mr. Chairman, for yielding, and allowing me to speak on this en bloc amendment which includes my amendment to add 30 million to the Army Community Services Account to provide family assistance, victim advocacy, financial counseling, employment readiness and other similar support services. This program is so important and im grateful the amendment was included. Im also here to urge the inclusion of the Insulin Affordability Data Collection act in the final ndaa. Right now minnesotans are dying because of the reallife impact of the cost of insulin and other lifesaving prediction drufplgts i urge the inclusion of this bill drugs. I urge the inclusion of this bill which is already included in the senates version of ndaa. This issue, studying the rates of diet diabetic, kteoacidosis, which took the life of minnesotan alex smith two years ago after the high cost of insulin forced him to ration his doses. Thank you so much, madam speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry thank you, madam speaker. At this point im pleased to yield one minute to mr. Shimkus. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Shimkus thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i oppose the delgado amendment. Beware of a wolf in sheeps clothing. This is not a technical fix or a clarification of last years d. N. A. Aid in ndaa. There were no colloquies, report language or public statements rejecting t. R. I. Exemptions for pfas in connection with last years ndaa. With zero hearings on this topic, this amendment would greatly benefit from regular order, to appreciate its impact. Which would be going through the energy and commerce committee. T. R. I. Contains several reporting exemptions including an amount of chemical mixtures when the chemical is in an article and if the chemical is a cleaning substance or used for research. The delgado amendment would strip these exemptions. I urge its rejection and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from california and a member of the Armed Services committee, mr. Carbajal. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Cash cash thank you, chairman smith mr. Carbajal thank you, chairman smith. This important measure reauthorizes the coast guard and adopts important safety reforms for small passenger boats based on legislation i sponsored. Last september we tragically lost 34 lives when the conception dive boat caught on fire in the waters off Santa Cruz Island in my district. This is one of the worst maritime disasters in recent history. We have now learned that ntsb had previously made recommendations to the coast guard to improve Maritime Safety operations. This amendment would require implementation of some of those reforms to prevent tragedies like this from happening again. Im grateful to the coast guard and to local Law Enforcement for their help in search andres cue and to chair defazio and chair maloney for their support on this issue. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry madam speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Massie. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Massachusetts massachusetts i thank the gentleman from mr. Massa i thank the gentleman from texas. Madam massachusetts massachusetts i thank the gentleman from mr. Massie i thank the gentleman from texas. Rise basically a resident lobbyist for big tech vendors and a legion of 75 unaccountable career government bureaucrats. This new department is like a selflicking Ice Cream Cone paid for by the taxpayers and accountable to virtually no one. The president opposes this new position, as should anyone who believes that laws should be writ bin elected congressmen and carried out by an elected president. I urge a no vote on this amendment and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Gottheimer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Got got thank you, chairman spigget mr. Gottheimer thank you, chairen chairman smith. I rise in support of this package which includes four amendments ive introduced. The first requires the secretaries of defense and state to investigate the use of social media platforms by Foreign Terrorists and report to congress on the Homeland Security threats posed by the online radical zavings violent extremists. Last last week Facebook Accounts linked to isis are still on the platform, not to mention terrorist handles on fwitter twitter. My Second Amendment lookses out for our brave National Guard members on the front lines of covid19, including disasterstricken longterm care facilities by providing two weeks of housing to quarantine safely before returning to their families and communities. My third amendment ensures the secretary of defense publicly reports lead and copper testing of Drinking Water and k12 schools on military bases because parents and families deserve to know the facts. And, mr. Speaker, to ensure were standing up for our military families, madam speaker, my final amendments require an annual report to congress analyzing nationwide costs of living for members of the department of defense, particularly those in new jersey who have been whacked by the gutting of the salt deduction. Madam speaker, i urge support for this bipartisan amendment and i yield back. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bergman thank you, madam speaker. I rise in support of my amendment included in this enlock package. My amendment would create a cyberattack exception to the foreign sovereign immunities act. To remove the immunity of foreign states, including foreign officials, employees or agents, with regard to money, damages sought by a national United States for personal injury, harm to reputation or damage to the loss of property resulting from cyberattacks. The foreign sovereign immunities act was passed in the 1970s before anyone could fathom what our Technology Capabilities would be today. And under that law, if a Foreign National commits a cyberattack against the u. S. Citizen, our citizen has no Legal Recourse here in the u. S. To defend themselves. With this blanket immunity, our adversaries in north korea, russia, china, iran have a free hand to attack americans from the comfort of their own homes without consequence. For decades foreign governments have been using cyberattacks to influence politics and policy in our country. Now in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, were where this hacking activity ramp up against the medical institutions and vaccine development, we cant sit back and do nothing. Its time for congress to update its laws, to reflect modern technology and modern National Security threats. I yield. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady from new mexico, a member of the Armed Services committee, ms. Haaland. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Haaland thank you, mr. Chairman. Madam speaker, included in this onblock en bloc packing an are my amendments to protect indigenous communities in brazil and to remove negative perceptions and stereotypes about pregnant military members that lead to ill treatment that disadvantage their careers and wellbeing. In the 1950s my mother was forced from the navy because she was pregnant and though times have changed, active duty mothers are experiencing microaggressions and is in subtle forms of discrimination. With this amendment, the d. O. D. Must develop and implement policies to end pregnancy discrimination. This changes change is long overdue and will allow women searching serving in my district and across the country who deserve to have long, successful military careers. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on this en bloc and thank the chairman for his leadership and support and i yield. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Bost i thank about the legislation we have en bloc. And i want to thank chairman defazio and congresswoman bass. Cargo travel through our inland ports and waterways. Half a million america cab jobs depend on inland shipping and vital parts of nations abuilt to compete. These ports and terminals cant compete for grants and capital to prove their if he cantiveness and compete against large facilities. This puts them at a disadvantage. This will increase to critical federal funding for small ports and terminals. This will have a big impact on the economy and help local farmers, mipers, manufacturers and be more competitive. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith i yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Malinowski i rise in support of the amendment by mr. Deutch. This amendment is named for bop levin son, the longest held american hostage. I represent one of bobs daughters in congress. He was a 25year f. B. I. Veteran who disappeared on 2007. Other americans came home from iran and bob was left behind. After 13 years, his family learned this martha a determination was made that he was no longer alive. It was a heartwrenching moment for them and everyone who worked on their behalf. The amendment will ensure the families receive the support they need and the u. S. Government will have a hostage policy and the position for envoy for Foreign Affairs will codified in law and engages those in hostage taking. I thank the cosponsors for recognizing we have no higher National Security responsibility than the protection of america caps. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the the gentleman from ohio, mr. Gonzalez. Miss gonzalezcolon i rise in support of mr. Gonzalez . This is based off of my amendment that i introduced with mr. Heck. In recent decades, china has taken advantage like the world bank often in opposition to u. S. Interests. China is one of the largest economies and one of the largest creditors. Despite that, china still receives funding under the World Bank Program even though china has exceeded the National Income threshold. In other words, the United States contributions to the world bank finance infrastructure projects. This has to stop. This amendment would require the u. S. Director to pursue the graduation of china and until china graduates prioritize projects that promote the public good. This amendment requires the Treasury Department to report to the government that are also beneficiaries of International Financial institutions. I yield back. Mrs. Maloney this is one of the most pressing National Security problems. Shell companies are the vehicles of choice for criminals and terrorists. The United States is the worlds capital of anonymous shell companies. My bill would require companies to disclose their true Beneficial Owners to the enforcement network. This information would only be available to Law Enforcement and Financial Institutions so they can comply with no your customer rules that were strengthened after 9 11. I have been working on this bill over 10 years and would plug a huge hole. And it would be the single most important Anti Corruption reform in decades. I thank the chair lady as well as congressman cleaver and my partners. I urge a yes vote. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Bilirakis. Mr. Bilirakis i appreciate it very much. I rise in favor of my amendment which is included in the en bloc package. My amendment billsdz on the middle eastern act by taking steps to increase the United States rotational deployments to greece and with cyprus and israel. And increasing unstable region and with turkey making a decisive turn from the west, the United States needs to strengthen our bonds with our allies in the region. This amendment sends a strong message to deterrence to turkey as it attempts to undermipe the sovereignty of our friends. I urge passage and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. I yield one minute to the gentleman, mr. Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham i rise in support of my bipartisan amendment which would ensure the National Guard Service Members aiding in our response to covid19 have the care they have earned when they return home. Under current law, National Guard soldiers and airmen are entitled to six months of Transitional Health coverage. The Service Members activated in response to the coronavirus are not eligible. The support our National Guard act would expand this benefit to over 45,000 National Guard Service Members serving on the front lines. These brave men and women are ensureing our nation overcomes this unprecedented crisis and deserve our support. I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring our obligation to our National Guard and voting in support of this amendment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry i yield one minute to the the gentleman from arizona, mr. Gosar. Mr. Gosar i rise in support of my amendment. Currently the United States relies on china for 20 different Critical Minerals which includes rare earth minerals. The materials are used in modern technology, missile guidance and mine detections and radar, seasonor, just to name a few. Any interruption of Rare Earth Materials would impact manufacturing and overall combat readiness. As a producer of nearly 80 of the worlds Rare Earth Materials, china has done so with japan. My amendment would direct the under secretary of defense to issue guidance that ensures the elimination of the United States dependency of Rare Earth Materials by 205. This amendment was made in order last year and passed by voice but it was not included in the final conference report. I urge adoption. I ask to submit for the record an article from the Energy Secretary for the record. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith im pleased to one minute to the gentlelady from california, ms. Matsui. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Myths ms. Matsui i rise in support of this en bloc motion that has with representatives mccaul, stefanik to enforce technical leadership. As the Global Economy becomes more interconnected, the United States maintain the ability to produce the hardware that our economy depends on. Semiconductors are components of our fopes, medical devices and future of computing. This amendment authorizes 1. 2 billion for research and development to allow our industry to innovate and throive. I thank representative mccaul working with me and urge my colleagues to support this motion. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Thornberry im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from colorado, mr. Buck. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Buck i rise today in support of amendment 58, the National Defense authorization act and to Alert America to a serious National Security threat. The Chinese Communist party is ing ti kmp to kmp to collect data against our citizens. We must take action to protect our action and stop their efforts to undermine our National Security. That starts by passing my amendment to ban tik tmp o kmp devices. Entissued the clock is ticking. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith i reserve. Mr. Thornberry i have no further requests for this en bloc package and if the gentleman would like, im happy to yield back. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith i yield myself such time as i may consume. Madam speaker, i encourage my colleagues to support the en bloc package and the ndaa package and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore pusht to House Resolution 105 , the previous question is offered on the amendments en bloc. Those in favor say aye. Opposed no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The en bloc amendments are agreed to. The gentleman from kentucky. Mr. Massie i request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 1c, further consideration of h. R. Pursuant to close 12a of rule 1, the chair d congressional officials. Stay in touch with members of congress. Order your copy online today at cspanstore. Org. Watch our live daily unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house. President trump our countries are linked by trade and travel. On issues that matter to you. Part of our ongoing effort to focus on a mission. To save lives, meet the needs of our states, our health care workers. Along with briefings on the coronavirus pandemic. Supreme Court Oral Arguments and decisions. Thanks for cupping out that say hello, everybody. And the latest from campaign 2020. Your calls and comments welcome. Be a part of the conversation every day with our live callin program, toya washington. And if you missed any of our live on tuesday, july 28, watch live coverage on cspan, watch on cspan. Org or listen on the go with the cspan radio app. Earlier today, president nos commented on ongoing for an additional coronavirus pandemic economic aid package. Plans to bring back briefings to discuss response efforts and vaccine development. This is just under 20 minutes. President trump ok. Well, thank you very much. Whats goingto see on in our meetings so i figured, let you come in. Youll look and see. A lot of good things happening. E have tremendous progress on vaccines and therapeutics. Were getting reports, were tudying the reports very closely. I think people are going to be very pleasantly surprised whats and on the vaccine front the therapeutic front. Nd that is always the first topic. Secondarily but very importantly, were working and democrats with the on trying to get a plan that helps mall businesses, people, helps this country. And i think we made a lot of the ess on that and discussions are going

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