Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives House De

CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives House Debate On 2021 Federal Spending July 12, 2024

The house returns in about 50 minutes to vote on amendments to a federal spending bill that would fund six Government Departments for fiscal year 2021. Until then, debate from the floor from earlier today. We begin with remarks from appropriations chair nita lowey. . Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, to House Resolution the bill h. R. Defense, commerce, water , science, energy, development, Financial Services government, homeland security, labor, health and education, ces, transportation, housing and rban development, appropriations act for fiscal ear 2021, and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 7617, a bill making appropriations for the department of defense for the 30,al year ending september 2021, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore resolution house 1067, an amendment in the nature consisting of the text of rules committee 11660, modified by the mendment printed in part a of house report 116461, is bill, as nd the amended, is considered as read. The bill, as amended, is debatable for 90 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority ember of the committee on appropriations. The gentlewoman from new york, the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. Cole, each will control 45 minutes. The hair recognizes gentlelady from new york. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i ask that all consent members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Lowey today we continue investing for the people with h. R. 7617. This mini bus combines six appropriation bills defense, commerce, justice, science, energy and Water Development, Financial Services, and general government, laborhhs, education, and transportation, housing, and urban development. The bill promotes economic recovery from the devastating covid19 pandemic. It provides more than 200 billion in emergency funding to rebuild our nations transportation, housing, and energy infrastructure. To expand broadband to unserved and underserved areas. And to rebuild the nations aged Public Health capacity and support state and local Health Agencies and Global Health activities. The bill prioritizes public 47 and safety with billion for lifesaving medical research at the National Institutes of health, and 50 million, an increase of 25 million above f. Y. 2020, for firearm injury and Mortality Prevention Research at the n. I. H. And c. D. C. , and it includes strong funding for numerous Public Health efforts, including initiatives to reduce h. I. V. Infections, address tobacco and ecigarette use, and ensure food safety. As we confront the twin crises of covid19 and systemic racism, the bill takes bold steps to build safer and stronger communities for all people. It provides strong funding to support Law Enforcement reform at the state and local level while catalyzing Economic Development in disadvantaged communities that is fundamental to a more just and equitable society. Among other priorities the bill invests in education and job training, expands access to safe, affordable, and fair housing. Supports Service Members and military families. And combats Climate Change and embraces a clean energy future. This package prioritizes the lives and lively hoods of the American People livelihoods of the American People and makes the strong investments needed to build a stronger future for every person. It is the product of months of thoughtful deliberation and input from members on both sides of the aisle. I am proud of the work we have completed under the incredibly difficult sirkstabses of the covid19 circumstances of the covid19 pandemic. Our incredibly talented appropriations subcommittee chairs will discuss more about what this package does for the people. I urge support for the bill. And i reserve the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. As the vice Ranking Member of the House Appropriations committee, mr. Speaker, i stand today in opposition to h. R. 76 17, the second set of fiscal year 2021 Appropriations Bills to be considered by the house. This mini bus of six bills includes the two largest, defense and laborhealth and Human Services and education, as well as the titles covering commerce, justice, science, energy and Water Development, Financial Services and general government, finally transportation, housing, and urban development. While i am always encouraged to see the process of funding government under way in congress, democrats, unfortunately, chose a deeply flawed approach in exercising this function for fiscal year 2021. Remember, nearly a year ago, mr. Speaker, Congress Passed and President Trump signed into law the bipartisan budget act of 2019, which set budgetary levels for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. This bipartisan and bicameral compromise was a result of a good faith negotiation between the president and congressional leaderships. Last year my friends on their side of the aisle actually kept that agreement and we had an orderly appropriations process, successful outcome. We had no government shutdowns, no longterm continuing resolutions. This year, however, despite this existing agreement, democrats on the House Appropriations committee chose to write bills that greatly exceed the spending limits allowed for fiscal year 2021. In fact, they did so through extensive use of a budget gimmick that designates certain funds as emergency. Without question, there are many worthwhile items and priorities in these six bills before us, mr. Speaker, but i remain concerned about the use of emergency designated funds as a work around and schemed to break the budget agreement between the two parties and the president. In fact, in this bill alone there is well over 200 billion of this socalled emergency spending. Clearly in violation of the budget agreement. 186 billion is included in infrastructure title without any bipartisan discussion or agreement. Another 24 billion is included to address the coronavirus, even though discussions and negotiations were under way on another supplemental, specifically for that purpose. These funds were added without any consultation with house republicans, with the senate, or with the president. And without that consultation, they have no chance of becoming law. Lets remember, mr. Speaker, some of the critical things these six appropriations titles are supposed to support each year. Our dedicated Service Members who put their lives on the line every day to defend and preserve our precious freedom. Our courageous Law Enforcement officers who keep our communities safe. Our hardworking Small Business owners and their workers who are seeking to achieve the american dream. Our vital researchers who are looking for lifesaving treatments and cures. Our ports and waterway that is are so critical to commerce. And finally, they support our Transit System upon which Many Americans depend daily. All these things are put at risk, mr. Speaker, unless democrats and republicans Work Together. Unfortunately, along with the unworkable approach taken in writing this package of bills, there are many partisan policy provision that is must come out before it can become provisions that must come out before it can become law. Many are similar to the policies pushed through the house in recent months. Considering the committee has had more than 100 hearings and briefings to make important funding decisions, its disappointing that many of 2450es provisions these provisions seem to have been dictated from the top. A few examples, the bill jeopardizes our safety and security by allowing terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay to be brought to u. S. Soil. It also includes language that would prevent the United States from exercising the right to defend ourselves and our allies, such as israel. In a time when china is seeking to dominate the world order, this bill would undermine americas preeminence in Space Exploration and crede the opportunity to china to dominate the next frontier. This whinny bus plays into the dangerous narrative of defunding the police for failure to provide Adequate Funding for our federal Law Enforcement agencies. Moreover state and local Law Enforcement agencies are barred from receiving excess equipment from the department of defense. As the Ranking Member on the laborhhs Education Committee i am most familiar with the partisan provisions contained there. Indeed, the text of that bill includes a wide variety of harmful riders. First includes a partisan policy prescription that will tie the hands of the administration with respect to title x Family Planning programs. Most notably the riders would force the administration to resume grants awarded to controversial groups that provide abortions such as planned parenthood and it would prevent the administration from granting waivers to protect deeply held religious beliefs of institutions, organizations, and individuals that provide Vital Services to the funded in the bill. The laborhhs tight also includes riders that would under do the department of labors rule clarifying the joint employer standard. If this policy rider were enacted, it would cause chaos for thousands of businesses and millions of employees. Leaving them uncertain about nature of the employment relationship. Not to be outdone, this bill also includes riders, micromanaging, and secondguessing how hhs administers the daily and Children Program which will ensure individuals devogt their energies assisting such unaccompanied minors, will find themselves devoting their energy to becoming wrapped up in congressly mandated. The same can be said for the other five divisions of this package. Throughout this mini bus the democratic majority has inserted policy ride thats tight hands of the administration. They have limited the ability of the administration to reprogram funds even when necessary. They have inserted rider after rider aimed at preventing the president from spending money on barriers and security measures at the southern border. And they have removed countless bipartisan policy provision that is have been carried in previous years bills. When it comes to congress fundamental function of keeping the government opened and operating, good faith negotiation must be present at every stage. In this era of divided government that might be challenging, but we have proven time and time again that its certainly not impossible. We did it when we negotiated the 2019 budget agreement. We did it again when we moved through an orderly process for the 2020 fiscal year Appropriations Bills. And finally, we did it most recently on four separate occasions in dealing with the coronavirus. All this success was the product of bipartisan negotiation in divided government. In those negotiations neither side can dictate to the other or jam the other or failure will result. In the days ahead, mr. Speaker, we must Work Together on Appropriations Bills that reflect the bipartisan budget agreement and leave out controversial policy language. Until we do that, no appropriations bill bill will make it to the president s desk and we will run the risk later this year of either a longterm continuing resolution or even a government shutdown. For those reasons, mr. Speaker, i stand in opposition to the second mini bus package and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The lady is recognized. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i am pleased to yield five minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman from ohio, the chairwoman of the subcommittee on energy and Water Development, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from ohio is recognized for five minutes. Ms. Kaptur thank you, chairwoman lowey and Ranking Member granger and vice Ranking Member cole. Please let me add my thanks to you, chair lowey, for your years of honorable, dedicated, and affable service to this committee and to our nation. And for your recognition of the full potential of the energy and Water Division. Truly you will be missed. And without question you have made your mark. Across our nation and the world. You can draw great satisfaction from that. I also want to thank my brother, stephen, watching from a distance, without your strength and courage i would not be here today. This bill represents an overwhelming majority of our total discretionary appropriations and with its passage the houses completion of 10 Appropriations Bills. I extend congratulations to chairwoman lowey and of course Ranking Member kay granger for this fete in the middle of a feat in the middle of a global pandemic. I also have to thank the marvelous Committee Staff who made this possible. I wish to say that the energy and Water Division captures the american spirit of ingenuity and independence in our enterprising nation. Our bill lays the foundation for critical investments to combat Climate Change. It is poised to pass today as the most important funded Climate Change bill the 116th congress will pass. Truly this bill will sustain life in america and address global imperatives. Our bill upgrades and strengthens our Nations Energy and water infrastructure. It responsibly funds our Nations Nuclear deter rent deterrent. It rejects the administrations dangerous plan to restart Nuclear Explosive testing. The bill rejects the president s drastic and shortsighted proposed cuts that would harm americas leadership at home and abroad. Instead, it invests in important programs that keep our nation at the forefront of Global Energy innovation. It provides water, irrigation, and electricity for millions millions of americans. And these programs propel real Economic Growth and the jobs it. Go with let me briefly walk through the bill. Engineers rps of received 7. 6 billion, the funding, r of record increase of 1. 7 billion above the budget request. Bureau of reclamation eceives 1. 6 billion, an increase of 508 million above the request. The department of energy eceives 41 billion, an increase of 5. 1 billion above the request. And within the department of bill contains historic funding levels for key to our , critical future. First, Energy Efficiency and Energy Receives 2. 85 billion, 2. 1 billion above the request. Rpae, receives 45 million, a record 445 million, a record amount that the president blunting o eliminate, americas future. Nd the office of science receives 1. 2 billion above the request. This bill also provides an the home or weatherization assistance program. T helps ensure that additional lowincome households have energyefficient and more livable and affordable futures communities across our nation. He National Nuclear Security Administration receives 18 billion, 1. 3 billion above nuclear within the Security Administration, the bill responsibly funds americas deterrent. And Nuclear Nonproliferation an ives 2. 24 billion, increase of 209 million above the request. Prohibits thebill diversion of essential army corps funds to be used for a wall. In addition to regular cues upations, the bill additional investment that will pur a jobrich robust economic recovery by modernizing our energy and water infrastructure, chair annot thank our more for her efforts to ensure this occurs. To uding 17 billion accelerate backlogged army corps of engineer projects across this nation. 3 billion to accelerate work on projects reclamation and 23. 5 billion for department f energy to modernize infrastructure and deploy technologies for our Nations Energy. Lean in sum, the energy and Government Departments<\/a> for fiscal year 2021. Until then, debate from the floor from earlier today. We begin with remarks from appropriations chair nita lowey. . Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, to House Resolution<\/a> the bill h. R. Defense, commerce, water , science, energy, development, Financial Services<\/a> government, homeland security, labor, health and education, ces, transportation, housing and rban development, appropriations act for fiscal ear 2021, and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of bill. The clerk Union Calendar<\/a> number 7617, a bill making appropriations for the department of defense for the 30,al year ending september 2021, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore resolution house 1067, an amendment in the nature consisting of the text of rules committee 11660, modified by the mendment printed in part a of house report 116461, is bill, as nd the amended, is considered as read. The bill, as amended, is debatable for 90 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority ember of the committee on appropriations. The gentlewoman from new york, the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. Cole, each will control 45 minutes. The hair recognizes gentlelady from new york. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i ask that all consent members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Lowey today we continue investing for the people with h. R. 7617. This mini bus combines six appropriation bills defense, commerce, justice, science, energy and Water Development<\/a>, Financial Services<\/a>, and general government, laborhhs, education, and transportation, housing, and urban development. The bill promotes economic recovery from the devastating covid19 pandemic. It provides more than 200 billion in emergency funding to rebuild our nations transportation, housing, and energy infrastructure. To expand broadband to unserved and underserved areas. And to rebuild the nations aged Public Health<\/a> capacity and support state and local Health Agencies<\/a> and Global Health<\/a> activities. The bill prioritizes public 47 and safety with billion for lifesaving medical research at the National Institutes<\/a> of health, and 50 million, an increase of 25 million above f. Y. 2020, for firearm injury and Mortality Prevention Research<\/a> at the n. I. H. And c. D. C. , and it includes strong funding for numerous Public Health<\/a> efforts, including initiatives to reduce h. I. V. Infections, address tobacco and ecigarette use, and ensure food safety. As we confront the twin crises of covid19 and systemic racism, the bill takes bold steps to build safer and stronger communities for all people. It provides strong funding to support Law Enforcement<\/a> reform at the state and local level while catalyzing Economic Development<\/a> in disadvantaged communities that is fundamental to a more just and equitable society. Among other priorities the bill invests in education and job training, expands access to safe, affordable, and fair housing. Supports Service Members<\/a> and military families. And combats Climate Change<\/a> and embraces a clean energy future. This package prioritizes the lives and lively hoods of the American People<\/a> livelihoods of the American People<\/a> and makes the strong investments needed to build a stronger future for every person. It is the product of months of thoughtful deliberation and input from members on both sides of the aisle. I am proud of the work we have completed under the incredibly difficult sirkstabses of the covid19 circumstances of the covid19 pandemic. Our incredibly talented appropriations subcommittee chairs will discuss more about what this package does for the people. I urge support for the bill. And i reserve the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. As the vice Ranking Member<\/a> of the House Appropriations<\/a> committee, mr. Speaker, i stand today in opposition to h. R. 76 17, the second set of fiscal year 2021 Appropriations Bills<\/a> to be considered by the house. This mini bus of six bills includes the two largest, defense and laborhealth and Human Services<\/a> and education, as well as the titles covering commerce, justice, science, energy and Water Development<\/a>, Financial Services<\/a> and general government, finally transportation, housing, and urban development. While i am always encouraged to see the process of funding government under way in congress, democrats, unfortunately, chose a deeply flawed approach in exercising this function for fiscal year 2021. Remember, nearly a year ago, mr. Speaker, Congress Passed<\/a> and President Trump<\/a> signed into law the bipartisan budget act of 2019, which set budgetary levels for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. This bipartisan and bicameral compromise was a result of a good faith negotiation between the president and congressional leaderships. Last year my friends on their side of the aisle actually kept that agreement and we had an orderly appropriations process, successful outcome. We had no government shutdowns, no longterm continuing resolutions. This year, however, despite this existing agreement, democrats on the House Appropriations<\/a> committee chose to write bills that greatly exceed the spending limits allowed for fiscal year 2021. In fact, they did so through extensive use of a budget gimmick that designates certain funds as emergency. Without question, there are many worthwhile items and priorities in these six bills before us, mr. Speaker, but i remain concerned about the use of emergency designated funds as a work around and schemed to break the budget agreement between the two parties and the president. In fact, in this bill alone there is well over 200 billion of this socalled emergency spending. Clearly in violation of the budget agreement. 186 billion is included in infrastructure title without any bipartisan discussion or agreement. Another 24 billion is included to address the coronavirus, even though discussions and negotiations were under way on another supplemental, specifically for that purpose. These funds were added without any consultation with house republicans, with the senate, or with the president. And without that consultation, they have no chance of becoming law. Lets remember, mr. Speaker, some of the critical things these six appropriations titles are supposed to support each year. Our dedicated Service Members<\/a> who put their lives on the line every day to defend and preserve our precious freedom. Our courageous Law Enforcement<\/a> officers who keep our communities safe. Our hardworking Small Business<\/a> owners and their workers who are seeking to achieve the american dream. Our vital researchers who are looking for lifesaving treatments and cures. Our ports and waterway that is are so critical to commerce. And finally, they support our Transit System<\/a> upon which Many Americans<\/a> depend daily. All these things are put at risk, mr. Speaker, unless democrats and republicans Work Together<\/a>. Unfortunately, along with the unworkable approach taken in writing this package of bills, there are many partisan policy provision that is must come out before it can become provisions that must come out before it can become law. Many are similar to the policies pushed through the house in recent months. Considering the committee has had more than 100 hearings and briefings to make important funding decisions, its disappointing that many of 2450es provisions these provisions seem to have been dictated from the top. A few examples, the bill jeopardizes our safety and security by allowing terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay<\/a> to be brought to u. S. Soil. It also includes language that would prevent the United States<\/a> from exercising the right to defend ourselves and our allies, such as israel. In a time when china is seeking to dominate the world order, this bill would undermine americas preeminence in Space Exploration<\/a> and crede the opportunity to china to dominate the next frontier. This whinny bus plays into the dangerous narrative of defunding the police for failure to provide Adequate Funding<\/a> for our federal Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies. Moreover state and local Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies are barred from receiving excess equipment from the department of defense. As the Ranking Member<\/a> on the laborhhs Education Committee<\/a> i am most familiar with the partisan provisions contained there. Indeed, the text of that bill includes a wide variety of harmful riders. First includes a partisan policy prescription that will tie the hands of the administration with respect to title x Family Planning<\/a> programs. Most notably the riders would force the administration to resume grants awarded to controversial groups that provide abortions such as planned parenthood and it would prevent the administration from granting waivers to protect deeply held religious beliefs of institutions, organizations, and individuals that provide Vital Services<\/a> to the funded in the bill. The laborhhs tight also includes riders that would under do the department of labors rule clarifying the joint employer standard. If this policy rider were enacted, it would cause chaos for thousands of businesses and millions of employees. Leaving them uncertain about nature of the employment relationship. Not to be outdone, this bill also includes riders, micromanaging, and secondguessing how hhs administers the daily and Children Program<\/a> which will ensure individuals devogt their energies assisting such unaccompanied minors, will find themselves devoting their energy to becoming wrapped up in congressly mandated. The same can be said for the other five divisions of this package. Throughout this mini bus the democratic majority has inserted policy ride thats tight hands of the administration. They have limited the ability of the administration to reprogram funds even when necessary. They have inserted rider after rider aimed at preventing the president from spending money on barriers and security measures at the southern border. And they have removed countless bipartisan policy provision that is have been carried in previous years bills. When it comes to congress fundamental function of keeping the government opened and operating, good faith negotiation must be present at every stage. In this era of divided government that might be challenging, but we have proven time and time again that its certainly not impossible. We did it when we negotiated the 2019 budget agreement. We did it again when we moved through an orderly process for the 2020 fiscal year Appropriations Bills<\/a>. And finally, we did it most recently on four separate occasions in dealing with the coronavirus. All this success was the product of bipartisan negotiation in divided government. In those negotiations neither side can dictate to the other or jam the other or failure will result. In the days ahead, mr. Speaker, we must Work Together<\/a> on Appropriations Bills<\/a> that reflect the bipartisan budget agreement and leave out controversial policy language. Until we do that, no appropriations bill bill will make it to the president s desk and we will run the risk later this year of either a longterm continuing resolution or even a government shutdown. For those reasons, mr. Speaker, i stand in opposition to the second mini bus package and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The lady is recognized. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i am pleased to yield five minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman from ohio, the chairwoman of the subcommittee on energy and Water Development<\/a>, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from ohio is recognized for five minutes. Ms. Kaptur thank you, chairwoman lowey and Ranking Member<\/a> granger and vice Ranking Member<\/a> cole. Please let me add my thanks to you, chair lowey, for your years of honorable, dedicated, and affable service to this committee and to our nation. And for your recognition of the full potential of the energy and Water Division<\/a>. Truly you will be missed. And without question you have made your mark. Across our nation and the world. You can draw great satisfaction from that. I also want to thank my brother, stephen, watching from a distance, without your strength and courage i would not be here today. This bill represents an overwhelming majority of our total discretionary appropriations and with its passage the houses completion of 10 Appropriations Bills<\/a>. I extend congratulations to chairwoman lowey and of course Ranking Member<\/a> kay granger for this fete in the middle of a feat in the middle of a global pandemic. I also have to thank the marvelous Committee Staff<\/a> who made this possible. I wish to say that the energy and Water Division<\/a> captures the american spirit of ingenuity and independence in our enterprising nation. Our bill lays the foundation for critical investments to combat Climate Change<\/a>. It is poised to pass today as the most important funded Climate Change<\/a> bill the 116th congress will pass. Truly this bill will sustain life in america and address global imperatives. Our bill upgrades and strengthens our Nations Energy<\/a> and water infrastructure. It responsibly funds our Nations Nuclear<\/a> deter rent deterrent. It rejects the administrations dangerous plan to restart Nuclear Explosive<\/a> testing. The bill rejects the president s drastic and shortsighted proposed cuts that would harm americas leadership at home and abroad. Instead, it invests in important programs that keep our nation at the forefront of Global Energy<\/a> innovation. It provides water, irrigation, and electricity for millions millions of americans. And these programs propel real Economic Growth<\/a> and the jobs it. Go with let me briefly walk through the bill. Engineers rps of received 7. 6 billion, the funding, r of record increase of 1. 7 billion above the budget request. Bureau of reclamation eceives 1. 6 billion, an increase of 508 million above the request. The department of energy eceives 41 billion, an increase of 5. 1 billion above the request. And within the department of bill contains historic funding levels for key to our , critical future. First, Energy Efficiency<\/a> and Energy Receives<\/a> 2. 85 billion, 2. 1 billion above the request. Rpae, receives 45 million, a record 445 million, a record amount that the president blunting o eliminate, americas future. Nd the office of science receives 1. 2 billion above the request. This bill also provides an the home or weatherization assistance program. T helps ensure that additional lowincome households have energyefficient and more livable and affordable futures communities across our nation. He National Nuclear<\/a> Security Administration<\/a> receives 18 billion, 1. 3 billion above nuclear within the Security Administration<\/a>, the bill responsibly funds americas deterrent. And Nuclear Nonproliferation<\/a> an ives 2. 24 billion, increase of 209 million above the request. Prohibits thebill diversion of essential army corps funds to be used for a wall. In addition to regular cues upations, the bill additional investment that will pur a jobrich robust economic recovery by modernizing our energy and water infrastructure, chair annot thank our more for her efforts to ensure this occurs. To uding 17 billion accelerate backlogged army corps of engineer projects across this nation. 3 billion to accelerate work on projects reclamation and 23. 5 billion for department f energy to modernize infrastructure and deploy technologies for our Nations Energy<\/a>. Lean in sum, the energy and Water Division<\/a> will help put america work. O it makes desperately needed investments in crumbling water across the re nation. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. 30 seconds. Kams. Kaptur it supports a robt nation program. Nonproliferation program. Thank mr. Sensenbrenner for his jamie, hip and thank marcel, my brain, mark, and ngie giancarlo on the other side. I want to thank all of our committee members, especially like chairman visclosky, chairman serrano, chairwoman lowey. The republican side, mr. Graves, all of whom are retiring, and theyll take with century of cumulative legislative knowledge that simply cannot be replaced. Contribution but also a great loss to our nation as you depart. May god bless you all. To support lleagues this bill and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the entlelady from new york reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield six minutes friend, the distinguished gentleman from alabama, mr. Aderholt, the anking member of the commerce, justice, and science subcommittee on appropriations. Aderholt thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is recognized. You, mr. Olt thank speaker. I rise this morning in opposition to h. R. 7617. Appreciate the efforts of the majority and producing the appropriations package that were considering on the floor today. His bill addresses many of the parties and concerns that members on both sides of the aisle have. There are a lot of things in we all agree on. Particularly in division b of he commerce, justice, science, and related agencies appropriations act. Nd i do want to thank chairman serrano for including the resources necessary to work oward completion of the space launch system. Or as its commonly called, the s. L. S. Less than 400 million for the block 1b space launch system. With its powerful exploration and the payload, it has strategic capability for the nited states and deep Space Exploration<\/a>. Nasa must increase the pace of s. L. S. Production to ensure that system is nch europa e for the mission, in addition to meeting needs. An exploration i also want to thank chairman course, as has been said, he will be retiring after this term. Him rtainly will miss around here in the House Chamber<\/a> and the capitol complex. Him, also, o thank for including 110 million for the nuclear thermal propulsion. Necessary to work toward the design of a flight demonstration by 2024. Addition to some key space priorities, the bill also ddresses issues impacting all of our communities. It increases funding for corps programs, others to deal with the opioid epidemic, as well as cases and ve cold eliminate the backlog of Sexual Assault<\/a> cases. The bill also rightly directs justice to nt of undertake novel approaches to ddressing online child exploitation. Exploitation, obscenity and human trafficking. Includes n, the bill strong funding for the agencies to ensure compliance with the agreements. Nd i am especially pleased it funds illum numb aluminum imports. Of upports the industries the future initiative with the new investments in quantityive science. On artificial intelligence. 5g research. Manufacturing. And finally, i want to thank hairman serrano and his staff for including 10 million for vortex southeast program. Tornados inf killer the southeastern part of the United States<\/a> is really overall tionate to the number of tornadoes across the number. Vortex southeast is doing better work to understand environmental factors and improve Weather Forecast<\/a> home regionns in my of the south and southeast. Owever, with all of this being said, the strong funding that is in some areas of this bill, makes the ly, it deficiencies in this bill even more glaring. We all saw for ourselves several weeks ago that witnessed the on u. S. Base launched of astronauts had been the first time in 10 years. The passion for the american renewed that time for era of Space Exploration<\/a>, and there was a recognition of value of u. S. Space supremacy. This bill that were debating today, rejects the moon mars art miss artimis mission. This bill caters to the radical demands of defunding so many of Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies across the board. None of the federal law this ement agencies in bill, including the f. B. I. , the u. S. , the d. E. A. , the marshal service, are fully funded in this legislation. Attorney general has made fighting gun crime one of his top priorities, and yet, none of initiatives received the requested increases. Even bipartisan requests to crime, alongnt gun with the request to increase the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking, child exploitation, crime at the federal level have been marginalized in this bill. He bill includes so many new nauthorized conditions on byrnej. A. G. And cops programs. These grants will be halted indefinitely. Have no doubt that our side of the aisle could have supported training tisan Police Reforms<\/a> and other policy initiatives had the majority not owed to the pressure of defunding some much so many of these programs. Terrible lso sets a precedent by proposing to use hardearned taxpayer dollars to people caught crossing the border illegally. Serve to, it will only urlt en further entice people to journey north. Econd amendment protections enjoyed historical bipartisan support will be hurt. Not limination of freedoms associated with criminal misuse of firearms is an unfortunate gun control of the gun control agenda with no criminalthe science of justice. In closing, i want to thank chairwoman lowey and chairman all their staff and all their hard work. Great have had great careers and well certainly miss them. Just in closing, i do want to minority to the taff, stephanie, darren, kristen, along with the majority staff, who they work very close bill, bob can i have 30 seconds . Mr. Cole i yield the gentleman additional 30 seconds. Mr. Aderholt also, the majority bob, jeff, trisha, fay, shannon, and b. J. I continue to be committed to working with the majority in as we proceed through the legislative process. I look forward to the debate today. ll have thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Rs. Lowey mr. Speaker, it is such an honor for me to yield to the gentleman from indiana, who is the hairman of the subcommittee on defense, mr. Visclosky. Thatisclosky has announced he s going to retire, but has committed so much of his his energy to a bill knowledgeres a lot of of detail. Its a very, very difficult but mr. Visclosky has mastered it. Hes the same time that focused on this very important of his remembers all constituents back home. Visclosky was. Riting notes and participating in the hearing, but it was clear every one he served of his constituents with being tion as well as chairman of this committee. Friend. Luck, my good health, my friend. Best you everything the on your retirement and more time friends. Ly and we will now hear from the tanding chair of the subcommittee of defense, mr. Visclosky. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from indiana is minutes. D for five mr. Visclosky i want to thank kindhairwoman for her very remarks. Also want to thank you, for your friendship over the years. Will mngs in my mention in my prepared remarks, your life of service to not only to your to this ncy, not only great nation, but to the people of the world given all of your foreign operations and, gain, having that broad, longterm view, dedicating your life to make sure that the world we leave is going to be better for our children and prosperity. Appreciate that as well, and as i have quipped, if youre not going to be back next year, im not going to be back next year. Unanimous consent to have my full remarks be entered into the record. All do want to thank my Ranking Member<\/a> and my friend, mr. Calvert, for his continued to being collegial, transparent, and bipartisan. Overstate the value of his friendship and the we have enjoyed over the years. He is a gentleman. Again, i would, appreciate and acknowledge of the work of the chairwoman, mrs. Lowey, who is also departing the house at the end of this year. You, nita, for dedicated your dedication to your life of service. The subCommittee Staff<\/a>. Articularly our clerks, becky and johnny, as well as walter, yawna ariana, kia, bill, david, matt, hayden, paul, shannon, and y, kyle, jamie, brian, nick. Hose in Ranking Member<\/a> calverts office as well, rebecca and william. Staff, joe and of the ow Friend Department<\/a> of defense, major. Their dedicated service, for their acumen and generosity of spirit. The bill continues to focus on the wellbeing and morale of in uniform as well as their families and d. O. D. Communities. Their the bill provides an additional 16 million for up 116 upgrades to childcare facilities and the report contains language irecting the military services to present innovative ideas to address the serious backlog of childcare. Provides 1. 49 billion for Environmental Restoration<\/a> which is 415 million above the request. We provide 327 million to address the ongoing epidemic of Sexual Assault<\/a> in the military and at the service academies, which is 49 million more than requested. Despite dire warnings, the departments budget for Sexual Assault<\/a> prevention and response remains stagnant. The department has got to do a much better job. Another area of deep concern for me is the departments lack of compliance with many congressionally directed reporting requirements. For example, last year the committee directed the department to submit a report on its contracts for Advertising Services<\/a> was socially and economically disadvantaged Small Business<\/a>es. The report was supposed to accompany the departments fiscal year 2021 budget submission in february. But it was transmitted to the committee on july 14, five months late, and the same day we marked up the bill. Regrettably, reporting deadlines are often missed, making it much more difficult for the committee to make timely decisions. The bill again contains several provisions to rein in the departments now habitual redirection of funding and contravention of congressional intent. One d. O. D. Official in a meeting earlier this year referred to these transfers of 10 billion as anomalies. I refer to them as habitual abuses. The sense of entitlement in these actions is galling and i hope that at some point the department will have the leadership in place who recognizes Congress Constitution<\/a> prerogative and restore trust to the appropriations process. With that, madam chairwoman, i yield back my time. And again profoundly thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield seven minutes to my very good friend, mr. Simpson from idaho, the Ranking Member<\/a> on energy and water subcommittee on appropriations. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from idaho is recognized for seven minutes. Mr. Simpson i thank my good friend from oklahoma for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in reluctant opposition to h. R. 7617, the six bill fiscal year 2021 appropriations package that includes the energy and Water Development<\/a> appropriations bill. I had hoped to be able to support the appropriations bill this year. Unfortunately, while the bill includes some bipartisan priorities, excessive spending and partisan riders mean i am unable to support the bill at this time. I am pleased that the bill continues the significant investments in our nations Water Resources<\/a> infrastructure, including Harbor Maintenance<\/a> activities. Unfortunately, the majority is choosing to ignore several opportunities to enhance water security in the droughtprone west. The bill cuts funding for water storage projects, blocks a critical water storage project in california, and unnecessarily delays the use of previously appropriated funds for other water storage projects. Republicans, in fact i think every republican from the california delegation, filed multiple amendments to correct these problems. But none of them were made in order. Even a simple amendment to highlight the importance of funding for water storage projects was left out of the rule. In fact, every other energy and water amendment that followed the same format was made in order and will be an en bloc amendments expected to be adopted. Yet the majority refused to allow the full house to even consider, to even debate these critical Western Water<\/a> storage issues. One bipartisan priority of great importance to me is the department of energys Nuclear Energy<\/a> program. While the bill addresses several priority activities within the program, overall funding for the program is not reflective of its importance to the nation and Global Energy<\/a> future. The Committee Report<\/a> repeatedly expresses the majoritys intent to address Climate Change<\/a>. We have heard that today several times. Yet Nuclear Energy<\/a>, a carbon free baseload source of power suffers one of the largest cuts from enacted levels in the entire bill. I am pleased to support mr. Webers amendment highlighting the importance of the versatile test reactor. This project will provide the capabilities that will help with the development of the next generation fast neutron reactors as we as well as benefit Materials Development<\/a> for todays reactors. Im hopeful moving forward we can Work Together<\/a> towards a stronger funding for the entire Nuclear Energy<\/a> program, including the v. T. R. Reactor. One of my concerns with the bill is the significant amount of emergency spending. Mandatory spending and other gimmicks that effectively undermine the defense and nondefense levels agreed to in last years bipartisan budget deal. The emergency spending provisions alone almost double the size of the energy and water bill. All without discussion, let alone buyin from house republicans. That is why i support mr. Perrys amendment to strike the emergency spending in the energy and water bill. If there is a demonstrated need for spending above and beyond the bipartisan caps, it should only occur as a result of bipartisan discussions on that issue, not as a partisan title to an annual appropriations bill. Even with all the additional spending, the bill shortchanges funding for the Nuclear Weapons<\/a> program by almost 2 billion. Currently much of our Nuclear Weapons<\/a> complex infrastructure is old, outdated, and some of it is literally falling apart. We must uphold our nations Strong Nuclear<\/a> deterrence posture, to do that we must adequately fund the activities necessary to maintain a safe, reliable, and effective Nuclear Weapons<\/a> stockpile. The bill includes numerous policy riders and authorizing provisions, most of which we know will be unacceptable to the administration and need to be addressed before a final bill is enacted. I believe one of the riders is intended to reaffirm current law with respect to the authority of the secretary of energy and i strongly support that intent. The house will consider an amendment to strike this language due to concerns that the text goes beyond the intent and would unintentionally disrupt the important work of the Nuclear Weapons<\/a> council. While i certainly understand the concerns, i am also concerned about recent efforts in the senate to undermine the authority of the secretary of energy. The secretary must continue to have full authority for appropriately balancing priorities across the entire department, including Nuclear Weapons<\/a> programs. Unless or until these Senate Efforts<\/a> are defeated, once and for all, i believe it would be better to improve the bill text to avoid unintended consequences rather than strike the language entirely. Finally, im disappointed the bill does not include any funding to advance Yucca Mountain<\/a> license application process and instead offers a false promise of interim storage as a solution to the Nuclear Waste<\/a> issue. Continuing the license process how we ensure authoritative scientific decision not a political decision on safety of the Yucca Mountain<\/a>. Over the past decades electric electricity customers across the country have paid roughly 43 billion, thats 43 billion, with incurred interest into the Nuclear Waste<\/a> fund for permanent disposal of Nuclear Waste<\/a>. Due to the political decision to halt advancement of a permanent repository, however, it is the taxpayers, not the ratepayers, but the taxpayers in all 435 congressional districts who currently are paying approximately 2. 2 million per day or more than 800 million per year to cover the cost of temporary onsite storage. It has been a long road with bipartisan support for continuing the Yucca Mountain<\/a> licensing process, and the energy and water bill should reflect that reality. Despite our disagreements over the issues, i have mentioned, i want to close by thanking chairwoman kaptur and the majority staff for their dedication and hard work in this bill. Ms. Kaptur has continued to cooperate cooperative tradition of this subcommittee even during this years unusual circumstances and i appreciate that development id also like to thank chairwoman lowey and Ranking Member<\/a> granger for their support. Lastly i would like to thank the staff on both sides of the aisle, particularly my staff in my office, sarah, who is on kind of semileave about ready to deliver another child. She does a great job. I look forward to working together as this bill moves forward in the legislative process to develop a final energy and water bill that reflects a balanced set of priorities. I thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i am delighted to yield five minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, the outstanding, passionate chair of the subcommittee on labor, health, and Human Services<\/a> and education, ms. Delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized for five minutes. Delauro mr. Chair, i rise to speak on a portion of the bill for labor, health and Human Services<\/a>, and education. And to start let me commend my dear friend, the chair of the full Appropriations Committee<\/a>, congresswoman nita lowey. A path breaker and change maker. Nita lowey has made this nation and the world a far better place because of the commitments that she has to the issues that come before this subcommittee. Quality education, after school programs, protections for working men and women, and under her leadership, appropriations preceded despite and in response to this virus, and the disparities that it has exposed. She is a force. She leaves a legacy of excellence, and innovation, and as i have said before, on a number of occasions, i will miss you my friend. Miss you in the halls. Miss you in committee, but our friendship carries on. I also want to say a thank you to Ranking Member<\/a> cole for his friendship, for his collaborative, gracious collaborative spirit in which we Work Together<\/a> on the laborhhs bill. Which we have for the last several years in producing a bill. And while we have differences of opinion on issues, there is no difference of opinion on the shared values that we have. In providing opportunity and creating opportunity for the people of this country. So i thank you very, very much. For 2021 the laborhhs bill includes 196. 5 billion in overall funding. Its an increase of 2. 4 billion above the 2020 enacted level. 20. 8 billion above the president s 2021 budget request. The bill supports some of our nations most critical programs from early head start, social security, c. D. C. , n. I. H. They touch individuals and families throughout their lives. And have to create help to create that opportunity to allow america to realize its values and promise. The laborh Committee Also<\/a> continues to be essential to our response to covid19. We are the center of this health and economic crisis. And to the serious racial and economic disparities that it has exposed. Since march we have appropriated 280 billion in emergency funding for education, for health, for working people throughout the pandemic. We add 300 billion more in the heroes bill, 197 billion in health. 100 billion in education. And 3. 1 billion in labor. And today we seek to build on those emergency and supplemental packages so that we can be making it safe for our economy to reopen. Our members recognize the importance of this bill. The subcommittee received more than 15,000 requests for todays bill and im proud to say that we were able to fill so many of them, either in total or in part. And that is from both sides of the aisle. Let me provide a brief overview. Together we are making investments for the nation for health, education, goodpaying safe and secure jobs, and to address the disparities that have been exposed by this virus. For health, 96 billion for programs at the u. S. Department of health and Human Services<\/a>. An increase of 1. 5 billion above 2020. Thats a 500 million increase for the n. I. H. , and 230 million in increase for the c. D. C. For families, children, and seniors we provide 150 million more for head start. 100 million more for childcare. 25 million more for preschool development grants. And 2525 million more for the lowincome Home Energy Assistance<\/a> program. For education, 716 million increase from 2020. That includes 254 million for title 1 education for the disadvantaged. 194 million more for idea state grants. Special education. 150 more for maximum pell grant. And 50 million pore for minority serving Higher Education<\/a> institutions. As the school year approaches, while the white house chooses to make that a political battle to threaten schools and teachers instead of beating them down, we are lifting them up to invest in them so they can meet the education and life challenges that face them. For working americans, this bill provides an increase for the department of labor, 254 million. 12. 7 billion in total. When unemployment remains at alarming high levels, we are investing in job opportunity and in Worker Protection<\/a> with 50 million more for Work Force Innovation<\/a> and opportunity grants. Job corps, 15 million for the increase in Worker Protection<\/a> programs. These are future planned future investments for our Public Health<\/a> agencies and emergency 24. 4 billion. For the c. D. C. 9 billion. N. I. H. 5 billion. For barter 4. 5 billion. For barreda, 4. 5 million. We are going to look at ensuring oversight on these dollars so that the scientists are in charge and not the politicians. We need to move boldly, swiftly to defeat the virus. The speaker pro tempore another minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognize is recognized for another minute. Ms. Delauro thank you. Thank you. Time for us to move boldly, swiftly. Lets defeat the virus and the Racial Disparities<\/a> it has exposed in health, education and the economy. He can and must do so we can and must do so by passing the bill before us and i urge my colleagues to invest in our constituents, invest in beating this virus and closing those gaps it has exposed. We need to vote yes on this bill. Let me just say, i will miss my colleagues, mr. Visclosky, mr. Serrano, its been an who an honor to serve with you. Nd to our staff in the majority, robin, jackie kilroy, lori, steven, phillip and my leddy, liz and kaitlin. And i want to say thank you to Ranking Member<\/a> granger and to Sholanda Young<\/a> and chris for all the help that you provided during this period of time much time. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentlelady from new york reserves. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield five minutes to my very good friend, the distinguished gentleman from corona, california, the Ranking Member<\/a> on the defense appropriations subcommittee, mr. Calvert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for five minutes. You may begin. Mr. Calvert mr. Speaker, i rise in reluctant opposition to the defense Appropriation Division<\/a> of the h. R. 7617. However, first i would like to thank the full committee chairwoman, nita lowey, for her dedicated leadership and years of service to the Appropriations Committee<\/a> and to this institution. I would also like to extend my deep gratitude to chairman visclosky, who has been a great partner on the committee and friend these many years. You will both be very much missed and i wish you all the happiness in your next chapter. Id also like to thank our full committee Ranking Member<\/a>, kay granger, for her leadership on this bill. Shes been a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform. The bill before us today provides funding for many key programs consistent with the National Defense<\/a> strategy, and is focused on Great Power Competition<\/a> with china and russia. The bill makes critical investments in fifth generation combat aircraft, ships, and additional virginia class submarine, while also providing the Combatant Commanders<\/a> the resources necessary to carry out pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 2. That the Senate Passed<\/a> 2638. That the Senate Passed<\/a> senate 4346. That the senate agreed to relative to the death of the honorable john lewis late a representative from the state of Georgia Senate<\/a> resolution 660. With best wishes, i am, signed sincerely, gloria j. Lett, deputy clerk. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 1c of rule 19, further consideration of h. R. 7619 will now resume. The clerk will report the title. The clerk Union Calendar<\/a> number 364, h. R. 7617, a bill making appropriations for the department of defense for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2021 and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the fun in the Unfinished Business<\/a> is the question on amendment 49 printed in house offered 66 116461 by the gentlewoman from new york. The clerk will redesignate the amendment. 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