Transcripts For CSPAN Democratic National Convention Democra

CSPAN Democratic National Convention Democratic National Convention Day 1 July 12, 2024

Discussion on racial justice. Here is Actress Eva Longoria leading off the first day of the convention. Ms. Longoria good evening. And eva longoria guest on welcome to the 2020 Democratic National convention, uniting america. Every four years we come together to unite our democracy. This year we come to save it. It is going to take all of us, so tonight we stand together united by the values we cherish decency, respect, justice, and the opportunity to rise up. We always hear that line about this being the most important election of our lifetimes, but this year, it really is. The past few months have tested us all. We have lost more than 170,000 family members and friends to covid. This tragedy is compounded by the loss of jobs and income. But it is not just the past few months. The past four years have left us, as a nation, diminished and divided. And yet in the middle of the fear and sorrow and the uncertainty, people have come together. Because they know we are better than this. America is better than this. And so we choose to act, inspired by the three sacred words that breathed life into our nation. We the people. Ok. I am ready. Lets go. Are we ready . I think i learned this in middle school. Or fifth grade. Can i say this in spanish . Should i read just this line, or the whole thing . Justice. Strength. Liberty. Justice. Liberty. Liberty. Just as. Justice. We the people. We the people. Nosotros. We the people. We the people. We the people of the United States. Unidos. Stados in order to form. A more perfect union. Establish justice. Ensure domestic tranquility. Provide for the common defense. Promote the general welfare. And secure the blessings of liberty. To ourselves. And our prosperity. We do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of america. We the people. We the people. We the people. We the people. We the people. We the people of the United States. We the people call the 40th quadrennial Democratic National convention to order. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. , beautiful for spacious skies r amber waves of grain , say can you see . By the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars nighth the perilous oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air nightroof through the therehe flag was still o, say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and home of the brave . Hello. My name is reverend gabriel solero. Let us pray. Almighty god, we confess that our nation needs you and has always needed you. We pray for your blessing upon all of us, republicans, independence, and democrats. As we strive to form a more perfect union, we pray for your strength, guidance, and wisdom. Lord, we recognize that we are living in challenging times that call us to live up to the highest angels of our national character. As we confront the turbulent winds of a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, and civil discord, may your gracious hand lead us to the peaceful shores of love, justice, and civility. Help us, o lord, to be ever mindful of the most vulnerable among us, from our golden generation to our youngest children, from our immigrants to our veterans, from our Health Care Workers, to our school teachers. Give us a heart of compassion and grace. This nation, from miami to minneapolis, and from portland to el paso, ask you to shepherd us to a hopefilled vision that does justice. [speaking spanish and walks humbly before you. I pray this in the matchless name of jesus. Amen. Ms. Longoria welcome to our convention across america. We had hoped to gather in one place, but instead we figured out a safe and responsible way to come together to share our ideas and talk about the future of our country. That is the kind of leadership we need right now. That is the kind of leadership that joe biden and Kamala Harris will bring to the white house. So during the next four nights, we will gather safely from our homes to listen, to learn, to be inspired to act, to vote, and to build that more perfect union. I am honored to be with you this evening. I am here tonight as a ninth generation texan, as a daughter of a veteran and a teacher, as a mother, as a voter, and as a patriot. I share joe bidens belief that the story of america is one of ordinary people coming together to do extraordinary things, and at our best, our country rewards hard work. We celebrate diversity. We look out for each other and we lift one another up. So tonight, were going to begin with the simple kindness we have been extending to each other a lot lately. We are going to check in with folks around the country and ask, how are you doing . As many of you know, Small Businesses employ half of all u. S. Workers. Tonight, we have scott. Scott, you are a Small Business owner from swarthmore, pennsylvania. Small businesses have been hit so hard in this crisis. So many Small Businesses. How are you doing . How are you managing . Scott well, you know, its been rough. Rough is a nice word to say it. Ago,fe and i, 31 years began our business and, quite honestly, over all of these years, we faced some adversity and challenges. But to be honest, nothing like we are today. We have literally had to reinvent our business several times since the beginning of the year just to stay afloat. And we our revenue, for example, is off about 40 . We have half of the employees that we had precovid. And our customers are a little scared. Our employees are sometimes afraid to come to work because of the covid. And to be honest with you, i am and to be honest with you, i am just frustrated. I do not understand how we got here. We are the greatest nation in the world. And it just seems to me that maybe if we just came together on this one issue alone, maybe as americans, and being united, we can overcome it. Ms. Longoria yeah. Thank you for sharing your story. I am sure many Small Business owners feel the same way that you are feeling now. We wish you the best for your business, and of course, for your family. Now i would like to turn to marley dias, who is 15 years old from west orange, new jersey. She is a literary activist and author and the founder of 1000 black girl books. Of 1000 black girl books. So many young people are struggling with the changes due to covid. How are you doing . I am doing all right. I feel better every day, i feel more hopeful. I thought this would be a few weeks at first when i would not see my friends and i would just stick it out, but obviously as a grows longer, i want to focus on activism and still spreading in foreign important messages. Fun getting toso interact and meet new kids and promote the joy be confined in reading and learning. It is also super fun to see teenagers like me going on social media and talking about social issues and injustices that they care about, because sometimes you do not have that space in school. So i hope that one year from now we get to go back and be safe and greet protected and we will still have these conversations and still have a new possibility in a new world. Ms. Baston thank you so much. You are such an inspiration. I do not think i was doing half of what you are doing at 15, and i love seeing how brave and creative your generation is to creating change. So thank you so much for your work. Lets check in with rick. Rick, you are a farmer from pennsylvania. Your farm has been in your family for generations. What have the trade wars and the pandemic done to your familys life work . First of all, i would like to offer the trump family our condolences for his loss. Getting back to the business side of it, the trade wart was really stressful and a truly devastating effect on the farm. What people can relate to mostly is the soybean tariffs. And then compound the effects of the covid19 virus, nobody could have prevented that. It is a shame our leadership misinformed people like myself in the country on what was coming down the road. Is if theseoncern trends continue with this type of leadership, i will be the last generation of farmers. Ms. Longoria it is a scary thought. And i am sure a lot of farmers feel the same way. You know, i do not have the answers, but in past experiences if something does not work for you, it is time for a change. That is why i am supporting joe biden all the way. Ms. Longoria thank you so much. Rick, i could not agree with you more. We need meaningful change and leadership that will support family farms like yours, so we wish you the best. Thank you for sharing your story. Finally lets hear from michelle from my home state of texas. Michelle, you are a school nurse and mother in el paso. How are you preparing for the new school year . Hi, eva. Well, weve already started school, but it is a little challenging because every day something seems to change. We start one day one way and we have to change it the next day. Right now it is kind of sad to not see the kiddos, but i know that will change. We will have to adapt and persevere. But right now all i can think about is keeping my kiddos safe. Back in march we had them home and they were doing ok now they are wanting to take them back to school and it is a little scary with the uprise in covid cases. So i just want to say that i am committed to taking care of my family, my students, and all my staff in my school. I will do whatever it takes to ensure we are already to go back to school safe and healthy. And i know that i am optimistic to move forward with our life. And joe biden will be the one to take us there. I just want to say for everyone to please remember to wash your hands and wear your masks, because we are all in this together. Ms. Longoria thank you, i shall. Ice thank you, michelle. I think there is nothing more difficult than to see our children suffer. You are a great job of guiding them through this difficult time. And thank you for your work as a nurse. It is truly heroic. I really enjoyed talking to all of you. I think i have one last question. Do you believe that change is coming . Do you believe that better days are ahead . Yes. Yeah. Ms. Longoria thank you for taking the time to speak with us and sharing your thoughts. You are the we in we the people, and you are who this convention is about. In 1776, the declaration of independence, we hold these truthss to be selfevident. Basis fors are the american equality, decency. America did not live up to that promise or most of the people of the time. For people of color, for women. But we were born of an idea that every single solitary person given half a chance come in a matter where they are from, that there is not a single thing they cannot do if they work at it. We had hoped to have our convention in milwaukee, wisconsin this year. Of course we are not able to do that. But we will be hearing from several of wisconsins leaders, starting with congresswoman grennan congresswoman gwen moore. Hi. Moore its my honor to represent milwaukee in congress and to kick off the 2020 democratic convention. Oh, i sure wish you were all here in the city of milwaukee, which picks its name from the languages of the first people interpreted as good land and Gathering Place on the waters. This is a city where blood was shed for labor rights, where fugitive where it fugitive slave was freed from prison. Where womens right to vote was first ratified. But today, we gather virtually. However, we gather unified in spirit, unified in our values and purpose to heal divisions, and together, move the nation confidently into a prosperous, inclusive future. What better way to gather than all across america to nominate my beloved friend, joe biden, to be 46th president of the United States of america. With my vip vp nominee sister, Kamala Harris, by his side. Tonight, we are gathered to reclaim the soul of america. So if you are ready to come together america, text join to 30330. Thank you. I love you all. And god bless you. Come on up for the rising left the house this morning bells ringing filled the air wearing the cross of my calling on wheels of fire i come rolling down here come on up for the rising come on up lay your hands in mind come on up for the rising come on up for the rising tonight. La la la la la la la la la la lala la la, la la la la la a la la. La, la lal anderes spirits above behind me faces gone black, eyes burning bright may their precious blood bind me lord as i stand before your fiery light la la la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la. Gardenou mary in the people have to know what we are. What we stand for. We choose hope over fear. Truth overlies. And yes, unity over division. Lift our heads up, open our hearts, and remember who we are. We are the United States of america. A single thing we cannot do if we do it together. Lalala la la la la la la la, lala la la la la la la la, lala la la la la la la la, lala la la the idea of us calling ourselves the United States of america feels like it is pretty wrong right now. I am one of many who voted for the current president , donald trump. I challenge you to think back to what made you think of voting for donald trump in 2016. I registered as a democrat for the first time in my life. I am doing that because i think this election is bigger than any political party. One in light of more than anything we need is a proven leader. Donald trumps rhetoric is divisive, it is dangerous. It is also really difficult to vote for someone who essentially has zero platform right now, apart from winning the election. Joe biden on the other hand has a very detailed plan. Things like unity, education, environment reservation, racial inequality, even health care. We have a chance right now to look ourselves in the mirror and vote for a proven leader with a history of caring about others and putting, truly putting allamericans first. Ms. Longoria our nation is facing a lot right now, and over the next four nights we are going to cover it all. But tonight we are going to talk about three specific crises we face. The pandemic, an economic downturn, and an ongoing systemic racial injustice. But we are not just going to focus on what is wrong, we are going to talk about how to make it right. When Peaceful Protesters were tear gassed across from the white house, our next speaker stood up, stood strong, and turned that place into the black lives matter plaza in their honor. Please welcome mayor muriel bowser. Mayor bowser hello. The story of our Nations Capital is the story of reckoning. It was here that john lewis and dr. King spoke on the steps of the lincoln memorial. It was here that millions of women and men flooded the streets for the womens march. It was here that just weeks ago, masks anddonned face safely and peacefully protested and yes of george floyd. While we were peacefully protesting, donald trump was plotting. He stood in front of one of our most treasured houses of worship and held a bible for a photo op. He spent he sent troops into our streets, sent tear gas into the air, and federal helicopters too. I knew if he did this to d. C. He would do it to your city or town, and that is when i said enough. Enough for every black and brown american who has experienced injustice. Enough for every american who believes in justice. I said enough for another reason too. I have a twoyearold daughter and i want her to grow up in an america where she is not scared to walk to the store, an america where she is safe behind the doors of a run home. An america where the president does not fan the flames of racism and looks out for all of us. So i created black lives matter plaza right behind me as a place where we can come together to say enough. And by coming together this november to elect joe biden and Kamala Harris, we will say next. Because we cannot just paint those words behind me. We cannot just say those words. We have to live those words. We have to undo the laws and systems that have codified racism for far too long. But we have to do something, too. Each and every one of us, challenge our own biases. If we see something, do something. Together, we can turn this reckoning into a reimagining of a nation, where we the people means all the people. There were a few people who stood on this very balcony as thousands of people peacefully protested in this city. What was our next Vice President , my sister, Kamala Harris. The others were members of George Floyds family, who i am honored to introduce now. My brother george was selfless. He always made sacrifices for his family, friends, and even complete strangers. George had a given spirit a giving spirit, a spirit that had shown up around reits of our nation and around the world. People of all races, all genders, all backgrounds, peacefully protesting in the name of love and unity. Its a fitting legacy for our brother, but george should be alive today. Breonna taylor should be a lot today. Armand arbery should be alive today. Stephan clark, taught anna jefferson, sandra bland, they should all be alive today. So it is up to us to carry on the fight for justice. Our actions will be there legacies. We will always find ourselves in what john lewis called good trouble. For the names and faces we will never see, those who cant mourn because their murders did not go viral, please join me in a moment of silence to honor george and the many other souls we lost to hate and injustice. And when this moment ends, lets make sure we never stop saying their names. Hoping for a life more sweeter instead im just a story repeating why do i fear with skin dark as night . Thosefeel peace with judging eyes i thought we moved on from the darker days did the words of the king disappear in the air like a butterfly . Hand you aould felony. cause you stole from me bechance to hoping for a life more sweeter instead im just a story repeating why do i fear with skin dark as night . Peace with those judging eyes the tears of my mother rain, rain over me my sisters and my brothers sing, sing over me and i wish i had another day but its just another day hoping for a life more sweeter instead im just a story repeating why do i fear with skin dark as night . Feel peace for those judging eyes the tears of my mother rain, rain over me brothers sing,my sing over me dayi wish i had another but its just another day hoping for a life more sweeter ms. Longoria thank you leon as writtenhose song w

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