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Stream live or anytime on demand at Election Night at cspan. Org election. One of President Trumps five Campaign Rallies on this final day of the president ial race took place earlier this afternoon near scranton, pennsylvania. This is an hour and 20 minutes. [proud to be an american playing] and i gladly stand up next to her and defend you today because theranos doubt doubt, i love no this land god bless the usa thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Ais does not look like secondplace finish. Joe had about 12 people and unable to fill up his circles. Thank you. [cheering and applause] four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years. Pennsylvania, we love pennsylvania. Thank you. [cheering and applause] thank you very much. Thank you very much. This is a nice, rowdy crowd isnt it . [cheering] only in pennsylvania. You know, we win pennsylvania, we win the whole deal. You know that. [cheering] just like last time. We want to have the same result as last time. Hello, scranton. Hello, pennsylvania. Thank you very much. [cheering and applause] tomorrow we are going to win the commonwealth of pennsylvania and we are going to win four more years in the white house. [cheering and applause] with your vote we will continue to cut your taxes, cut regulations, support our great police, support our magnificent military. [cheering] protect your Second Amendment, defend religious liberty, and ensure more products are proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase made in the usa. [chanting usa, usa] thank you. Thank you. They said no, pennsylvania has not been won by a republican for many years and then we won. And it wasnt even close when you get down to it. [laughter] thank you very much. [chanting] we love you, we love you, we love you, we love you, we love you. That is really nice. Do not make me cry. I will cry with that. [laughter] i will cry and they will say, the president broke down and cried in front of his fans. [laughter] i do not know. Maybe that would lift you up, right . Pick you up 10 points for crying. I still do not want to do it. Thank you very much. Thank you. Nobody has ever heard that chant before. Its never a chant anybody has ever heard. We like ronald reagan, who led people, but nobody has heard of that chant and we appreciate it. Next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. E will have the foundation under my leadership, our economy is growing at the fastest rate ever recorded. Last friday it was. 33. 1 the fastest. We created a record 11. 4 million jobs in the last five months while foreign nations are in a freefall and you see whats happening all over the world. We are creating an economic powerhouse unrivaled anywhere in the world. We went down less and we have gone up much more. Nobody close. A recent gallup poll found 67 56 of americans say they are better off today than they were four years ago. [cheering and applause] if biden, kamala you know kamala. [booing] you are supposed to go first, joe. It is the harris biden administration, he said that. Harris, and the radical left, and she is radical left. She is farther, i guess you could say bernie is a conservative by comparison, right . She is the most farleft. The radical left gained power and they will collapse our send pennsylvania into a steep depression. It is not going to happen. [cheering and applause] it is not going to happen. We are going to win. We have some big surprises. Ooo, look at the fake news. [booing] [chanting] biden will raise your taxes 4 trillion, massively increasing regulations. They are going to increase regulations. May be more important than tax cuts, we give the biggest in the history of our country and maybe more importantly we did regulation cuts which were also the biggest in the history of our country. Four years, eight years, it may be more. Shut down your economy, closed down manufacturing, sending jobs to overseas, destroying suburbs. And he will destroy suburbs. I say to the women of the suburbs, love me, women of the suburbs. [cheering and applause] i terminated the regulation. Dissolve your borders, terminate religious liberty, outlaw private health care. 180 million people, they will have socialized medicine. Somehow i do not see pennsylvania liking that much. Confiscate your guns. Your Second Amendment in big trouble. [booing] indoctrinate your children with antiamerican lies. I signed an executive order to teach our students proamerican values. [cheering and applause] biden vowed to abolish, extinguish, and eradicate american oil. Oil fracking and natural gas i say this because we give it extra time. This is pennsylvania. This is a state that is a wonderful state. I went to college here. Livelihood oryour your money is fracking. He spent over a year of saying he will not allow fracking. The first time he came into ,ennsylvania as the nominee which was a shock to everybody, all Elizabeth Pocahontas wanted to do is leave two days early and it would have been crazy bernie instead of sleepy joe. Have had a crazy guy instead of a sleepy guy. He came in and after going for one year he still cannot say it. He said, we will ban fracking. We will ban fracking. That is what he said many times. [booing] once he got the nomination, he came to pennsylvania. They said, you have to do something because he got a million jobs and it is a massive. Art of your wealth just remember this. They said you are going to have to do something because you have a million jobs and it is a massive part of your wealth. He walked in and he went from we will ban fracking to, of course we can have fracking. What is the problem . Remember this. That is right. I might not have that one video, but he immediately changed as the fake news where is hunter . [booing] where is hunter . Hunter is in a foreign country taking in 25 million today. He is in a country that is picking up 25 million. That is total corruption. He went out and started talking about fracking and he said, we will absolutely allow you, but not on government land. The press never held him accountable. They never held him accountable for all the corruption he is part of. Bidens plan to ban fracking is an economic death sentence for pennsylvania. Bidens Energy Shutdown will wipe out your jobs, decimate your towns, eliminate your factories, and send your state into a nightmare of crippling poverty. You have been there. You have the best three years you have ever been under President Trump. [cheering and applause] the best three years. Next year will be the best of all. Watch. You see it happening. If you look at housing, automobile manufacturing, you will have the best year next year unless somebody decides to come along and quadruple your taxes. Then you are going downhill. That is what he is going to do. A vote for biden is a vote to ban fracking, outlaw mining, explode energy costs, and totally destroy pennsylvania. You know that, right . It will destroy pennsylvania. It can happen very fast. Take a look at venezuela. Same ideology and this was unbelievably wealthy, rich country. One of the richest countries and now they do not have water, they do not have food, they do not have medicine. It is a very sad situation. It can happen here just much bigger. It can happen with these maniacs. It is one of those things. Joe biden is a globalist who spent 47 years outsourcing your jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing american blood and treasure on ridiculous, endless foreign wars most of you have never even heard of. He shuttered your steel mills. I got them open. [cheering] i tariffed china was dumping steel all over the place. You ask the heads of your Steel Companies. You would not have any Steel Companies right now. Annihilated your coal jobs for half a century. He was a cheerleader of nafta which is one of the worst trade deals made. We have a good one now, thank you. And chinas entry into the World Organization lifted china into, a great power a great economic power. Except they were going to catch us. 10 years china was going to catch us. Guess what . We were going so far ahead and frankly, if you have somebody smart, real smart indisposition, they will never catch you. They will never ever catch you. If you study the history, 10 years ago, 2019 they would catch and they wouldve caught you if i had not come along. We had the plague. We built the greatest economy in history and then we had the plague from china. We closed it down, we saved 2 million lives, we saved 2 million lives and nobody gets it. The projection was 2. 2 million modeled out. We saved 2 million lives. We understand the disease and that we opened it up. By the way, pennsylvania, get your stay open. [cheering and applause] your governor has to open your state, pennsylvania. Has to open your state. [chanting] get it open. Get it open, governor. Get it open and count the votes honestly, governor. Count them honestly. [cheering] there was a very good post last night. He had us winning everything. How was he going to do it, pennsylvania . He was on sean hannity. Have you ever heard of it . [cheering] they said how is he going to do it . He is going to win pennsylvania except the cheating. We have to leave 5 for the cheating. Can you believe it . The cheating that takes place in pennsylvania. The guy meant it. He predicted we would win the election. The question is, what about pennsylvania . You have to leave 5 for the cheating and what the Supreme Court gave you an extension, they made a very dangerous situation and i mean dangerous physically. They made a very they did a very bad thing for the state. They did a bad thing for this nation. You have to have a date. You cannot extend dates. The danger that could be caused by that extension, and especially when you know what goes on in philadelphia and has been going on for years, so governor, open your state and please do not cheat. [cheering and applause] we are all watching. We are watching you, governor. We have a lot of eyes on the governor and his friends. A couple of other governors out there. Pennsylvania lost half of its manufacturing jobs after [chanting] thank you. Pennsylvania lost half of your manufacturing jobs. Think of it. Joe biden is a corrupt politician who sold out to pennsylvania, to china, and also sold out for personal gain and family gain and wheres hunter . Is hunter in the crowd . Where is hunter . 2016 pennsylvania voted to fire the corrupt political establishment and you elected an outsider as your president who is finally putting america first. [cheering and applause] if i do not sound like a typical washington politician, it is because i am not a politician. [cheering and applause] probably why i am here. I do not always play by the rules of washington because i was elected to fight for you. Harder than anyone has ever fought. [cheering and applause] think of everything we have been through. Look, from before i can to office we will do that in a second. You are an enthusiastic bunch. [cheering and applause] you are something. First of all, first of all, you are known as a late voting state. That means you are smart. Howdoichangemyvote, did you see that . That was the number one thing. Did everybody see the debate . [cheering and applause] a lot of people is that the change the vote state . I do not think your governor would let you do that. We have some states that are changing the votes. It started with the debates and then they see the rallies. I will say this to the fake news. [cheering] in the history of our country, there is been anything like this. There has never been anything like this and this is at a pretty early part of the day. You shouldve seen last night in florida. It was amazing. Think of this. Before i even ran maybe before i announced they said, let us go in and do it. We were under investigation for three years and it turned out to be a phony hoax. It was a phony impeachment and based on the laptop from hell the impeachment should have never happened. In fact, it shouldve happened against the other side because it was the other said that she did. The other side dealt with russia. Then they say, President Trump, we dont know if we like his personality. President trump is too rough, to tough. If we did not have a certain type of personality, and we did not fight, we would not be here right now. [cheering and applause] we caught them spying on our camp trying to kick out a newly elected president. I fought like hell. They turned out to be the people that were corrupt. They spent 48 million. No collusion. They did not find any collusion. They had 18 angry democrat prosecutors. I have friends that say theres probably nobody and he is one of the smartest. Probably nobody that he knows that could have withstood that. We have 18 angry crooked democrats, bob mueller did not have a clue. All of this stuff. Think of it. We went through all that and then they say we dont like the way he acted. We were under see illegally. They committed treason, they tried to take out a duly elected president and we caught them. Say, i see it today, they say wouldnt it be nice [chanting] lock him up, lock him up. I see these guys on television and all the big tech stuff. They are the new boss in time in town. Gave the power to the big tech. But now i look at it. They are saying, tough administration. Chaos. They created the chaos. All we did was fight back and we fought back well and we caught them and they are all caught. Lets see what happens. It is treason. They spied on our campaign. That is a bigger event. I would rate biden second. His family and him took millions and millions of dollars from countries that he deals with. He became Vice President , his son did not have a job. He got thrown out of the military. He signs with burisma for 183,000 per month. And then he wanted 3 million upfront payments. What is your experience . What do you know about energy . Thats ok, we will put you on the board anyway. Then he gets three and a half Million Dollars from the mayor of moscows wife. Hunter, what did you do . You gave her some big advice, i guess. And then they go to china. He takes one point have millions of dollars a year to manage. Then, the big one, i guess he had to stop that one because they found the laptop from hell. The big one was a request to china to pay them 10 million per year for recommendation services, services. It is a payoff. You know what it is . It is a payoff. The big guy gets 10 . The big guy gets 10 . He is not a big guy. He is a little guy. The big guy gets 10 . There was another one where the big guy gets 50 . He wanted 10 million per year. This is actually a very big moment in the history of our country. Because we have freedom of the press. But we dont, we have suppression by the press. If anyone even mentions that story. That is the second biggest scandal in the history of our country. First is that they spied on my campaign. That is the biggest scandal. They have got everybody scared. You have a president who was not scared. I see it with twitter trending. I know what trending is better than anyone in the world. I have been trending my whole life. They take a story, they make it worse. Boring stuff. They will say, number one trending. Trump is number one trending. What trends is stuff that you dont want to talk about right now. Not having to do with me, either, by the way. Youve seen it all over the last two weeks is a horrible thing. The media is fake and corrupt. Big tech card controls the media and the politicians. You have a president that is willing to say it and its a very big event. And i tell you what. I give talker carlsen and sean hannity, all the people willing to talk about it. I give all of those people that it willing to talk of tremendous credit because people dont know how dangerous this is for our country. They want even think about it. A guy walks away with millions of dollars. He was Vice President. His son is like a human vacuum cleaner. He follows his father, he takes the scraps. But the scraps are hundreds of millions of dollars. We cant let this happen. We are putting a corrupt man up for possibly being elected. But here is the story. I dont think that is going to happen. I think we are going to have a tremendous day tomorrow. When he announces a speech in scranton, pennsylvania, he says, i was born in scranton. He doesnt say that his father left. There is nothing wrong with that. You know i went to college in pennsylvania but i dont make the biggest deal of it. He is, i am a man from scranton. He left at nine years old. That is ok. But this guy is a stone cold phony and honestly he is not equipped mentally to be your president. You know it, i know it, Everybody Knows it. I have foreign leaders calling, one of them says, i see that you are down a little bit in a poll, i said, can you believe this happens to me . He says, can you please move over here to the press. There is a lot of people here. And it is windy as hell and cold, and i dont care. Look at that flag. I have never seen a flag blow like that. That means it is windy as hell. Look at that. That thing is sideways. I dont know how many people here, but theres a lot of people. And it is windy as hell and it is cold but i couldnt care. Flag blow like a that. That means windy as hell. That thing is sideways. It is our American Flag and we love it. Be endorsedled to by the pittsburgh postgazette. Can you believe it . It is the first time i have ever really liked that paper. Once you get rid of the first one or two paragraphs, it was great. They said, you might not like his tone. You might not like the way again, im a nice guy. I have to fight. I have to fight i have to fight to protect me and protect you. Once i am not here, there is no one else to protect you. Everything is relative. They gave a beautiful editorial and i appreciate it. [crowd chanting we love you] pres. Trump you are going to make me cry with that, stop. The president broke down in tears as they screamed we love you. I dont think president xi in china wants to hear that. To the people of the postgazette, i would like to thank you. I will forgive you for your first one or two or three paragraphs. They said, however, he has done a great job. They said, but his personality aside. But i am telling you, the assault on this office has changed my personality. Joe biden is bought and paid for by big tech, big media, and powerful special interests. They own him, control him, and they know he will always do their bidding. When he raises 300 million like last month, i could raise much more than him i am president. I could call the wall street guys, the oil guys. I can blow his numbers apart. Give me two hours. How many commercials can you buy . We raised a lot of money. We raised enough money. Crooked hillary last time out raised us 41. I got criticized. I said the other day, even against hillary clinton, he did not raise that much money. They dont care if you won or not, they always have to find something. This is the president of the United States calling for the head of goldman sachs. Hello, is everything good . I would like 25 million within the next five minutes. Do you think he is going to say no . I would be the greatest. I chose not to do that. I chose not to do it. When you see he raised 300 million, his people are making deals all over the place. Every corrupt force in American Life that betrayed you and hurt you, they are supporting Sleepy Joe Biden. The failed establishment that supported disastrous foreign wars. The career politicians that are short your industries and decimated your factories. You have it worse than almost anyone else. New england was hit hard, too. They support biden. The lobbyists that killed our fellow citizens. Gave us illegal drugs. The gangs and crime, they support Sleepy Joe Biden. The farleft democrats have ruined our schools, depleted our inner cities, demeaned your sacred faith and values, they support joe biden. They want to defund the philadelphia police. You have great police. Have you seen that . [crowd chanting] pres. Trump they want to defund your police. I dont think it is a good idea. I dont think people should take it. You cant take it anymore, right . Every place we have gone into, half an hour, it was over. But they have to ask the federal government. They are embarrassed or afraid or think they will lose support. We were the ones that did the whole thing in seattle. We told them we are doing in the following morning. That night, they raised their hands, i think we will leave now. You look at what is going on in philadelphia. And they cant tell the police to stand back. They stand back and watch people walk out with washing machines, pushing a washing machine. It is a disgrace. The world watches that. They are all democratrun cities and states. New york, chicago. Unfortunately, pennsylvania. They thought it would hurt our numbers but then they saw 33. 1. The antiamerican radicals defaming our noble history, heritage, and heroes, they support joe biden. Antifa and the rioters, looters, marxists, they all support Sleepy Joe Biden. Joe biden has no clue. He is not calling the show. This election comes down to a simple choice. Do you want to be ruled by the corrupt Political Class or do you want to be ruled and governed by the American People . Which is what we are doing. A vote for biden is a vote to give control of government over the to the globalists, communists, socialists, want to censor, cancel, and punish you. If you want your children to be safe, if you want your values to be respected, if you want to be treated with honor, dignity, and respect, than i am asking you to go tomorrow and vote for trump tomorrow. [cheering and applause] [crowd chanting four more years] pres. Trump it is up to you, really. To get out. I will say it again and again. Pennsylvania, i have done very well. You have had your best years ever. Pennsylvania, it will be up to you. Such a big deal. Big state. And we are doing great in florida. Floridas been great. You notice they are not talking about florida anymore. Florida has been great. We are doing great in florida. So we get florida, we get pennsylvania, we are going to get north carolina. Great in north carolina. You saw the pole come out yesterday in iowa. Way ahead in iowa. We are way ahead in ohio except we get sometimes a fake poll. Were way ahead. We won ohio by eight points. They say we are further up than that now. Because we have everything i have talked about, we have done, and more. Weve done more than i talked about. I said four years ago, i am your voice, and we will make America Great again. Thats what were doing. Thats what were doing. For the last four years, the depraved swamp has tried everything to stop me because they know that i dont answer to them, i answer to you. And its true. Together. S this is a movement the likes of which this country, in a way, the world, probably, but this country has never seen. You know, this countrys never seen. You take some of the things that have happened over many, many years. A politician runs and comes in second in new hampshire, becomes famous for the rest of his life. We won everything this time. We won 100 of the states in the primary. We won 34 states against a crooked person. Right . A very crooked person. By the way, how crooked is hillary . She deleted 33,000 emails. What is happening with that . We won we won like nobody has ever won. Nobodys ever won like weve won. The likes of which nobody has ever seen anything like it. And just to get off that subject for a second, 2016, we had a campaign, nobody has ever seen anything like it. Can i be honest . There is much more enthusiasm for this campaign than there was four years ago. Because four years ago, i was a successful guy, i said we will cut your taxes, get rid of regulations, rebuild your military. Were gonna this and that and that and that. I did everything and more than everything. We will take care of our vets. We just got a 91 Approval Rating from the vets. On the v. A. , ok. But think of it. We did everything that we said we were going to do. But, there is much more. That was a record. There was never a Campaign Nobody has ever seen a Campaign Like that. That and brexit. Look at him. Nigel. I spotted nigel. Ah, nigel. But i actually did see a list. They said the victory of President Trump was number one. Brexit was number two. But it was a distant number two. Even nigel agrees with that. Nigel has been fantastic. What a voice. Great voice, great guy. Thank you, thank you. It is an honor to have you. Its an honor. They know nigel. Mr. Brexit. But, the level of enthusiasm. And i think you will see a great red wave tomorrow. [cheering and applause] pres. Trump and i think it is going to blow them away. We get florida, and we get pennsylvania, we are going to get new hampshire. Were going to get new hampshire. Saying, get new york. Can you believe that . The disadvantage we have. The disadvantage we have. Because i think in certain ways, you campaign differently. The disadvantage we have with the electoral college, you automatically lose, automatically i dont care if you bring back Abraham Lincoln and George Washington as his running mate. You lose new york, illinois, and california. Ok . Now you have three of the biggest, and the biggest. But you have three monster states that is an automatic loss. So youre starting off. Run. En you have to so we ran florida, then georgia. By the way, we are doing very well in georgia. We got georgia north carolina, we got pennsylvania. Important deal. We got pennsylvania. We got everything. Then we got wisconsin and michigan. Said, whoa. Remember, they would not give you the credit . We were two points short. We were at 98 of the vote tabulated and it stayed there for hours. If i lost every single vote. Right . And i still win. I said, why are they not calling pennsylvania . Do the honor. Then they called wisconsin, great state, and michigan, which had not been won in years and years. And they took the glamor. Will you please give yourself the glamor this time . Give yourself the glory, ok . And make sure your governor does not cheat. Ok . Because they are known for very bad things here. Here. Very bad things can you imagine the pollster 5 in you have to allow pennsylvania for cheating. Thats a terrible thing to say. Of course, everyone knows it is true. We have a lot of eyes watching. They never had eyes watching. We have a lot of powerful eyes watching them. They dont want that to happen. Together, we will defeat the corrupt establishment and we will dethrone the failed Political Class. We will drain the washington and we will save the american dream. Save the american dream. Choiceection is also a between a deadly biden lockdown or a safe vaccine that ends the and we build the greatest economic country that weve ever had. There will be nothing like it. We will mass distribute the vaccine. We have done such a great job with this whole thing. You look at europe, they are spiking. Theyre saying, look at the way germanys doing, look at the way look at spain, look at now italy, right . Patch. Ad a really rough they are all having a a lot of problems. They dont use those examples anymore. We have better numbers than all of them. You look at our numbers. Better. And its bigger and its and you dont get a lot of a lot of the numbers, you dont get. Believe it or not, there are some countries that dont give you an honest kick. You know that, right . It will quickly erad cat the will quickly eradicate the virus and wipe out the china for all. Nce and were rounding the corner. We have the vaccines coming very shortly. They did not want to give me the credit. They were saying, oh, dont like crazy. Me did you see that . They did not want us to have it before the election. Everybody knows, so we have the vaccine. It will be very quickly delivered by our military. Our military is ready to go logistically. Joe biden is promising to delay the vaccine. Into a prisonca state locking you in your home. But you are already locked in your homes. I hope that does not take away any of your incentive. You are already locked in your homes while letting farleft roam free. Isnt that something . You cant go to church. You cant take your family to dinner but you can let people riot down the middle of your beautiful shopping street, knocking the hell out of people, burning down your stores like in minneapolis. The hell out of the place until we sent in the national guard. That ended in 31 minutes. It was amazing when they started whacked. I hope they were not aiming. Did you see ali velcher, he went down. Ali. Is. Nt even who the hell he he does a good job shaving his head. Velche reand this is protest. Y and behind him, the entire city is burning. It is like berlin on his worst day. They dont report if you have a bad they dont even report it. I dont watch cnn, so i dont know about it. Did see the clips. Didnt ali velcher get hit in ourknee with tear gas from Great National guard . He went down. Im down, im down. What a group of people. Cnn. How dishonest is cnn . [jeering] pres. Trump but you know what, i think nbc is more dishonest than cnn. I think nbc and abc i think abc is terrible. Abc is absolute how about when they interview me and every question is a kill. They are going for the kill. Then they interview sleepy joe, and its like the most boring interviews. They dont ask him anything. They dont ask him whether or corrupt. Are you corrupt . Hey, sleepy joe, are you corrupt . I asked him that question and Chris Wallace of fox would not allow it. I said why . I dont think it is appropriate to ask right now. Chris wallace, you will never be mike. He tries hard but will never be mike. He does not have the talent. The biden lockdown will be no school, no graduations, no easter, noo thanksgiving, no christmas, no fourth of july and basically no youth. For american other than that, it is quite a wonderful thing. Ok. A vote for biden is a vote for lockdowns, layoffs and misery. Have a miserable time. You know what the fake news does not know, they are getting the highest ratings in the history of television. When trump is gone, they are all going bankrupt. Down. Ill go they are going to be calling, we want trump to run again. Want him to run again. News. Ke the new york times, the failing new york times, will of business. Imagine . An you yeah, four more years. [chanting] pres. Trump can you imagine these people, they are getting the highest ratings on television, they have taken over for the nfl. How about basketball . [crowd booing] pres. Trump i felt very badly for lebron. I felt very badly. Down 71 . Thats for the champion i did not watch one shot. I get bored. Back, forth, back, forth. Know why . When they dont respect our country, when they dont respect our flag, nobody wants to watch. Nobody. And the nfl is way down. And the nfl is way down. Youve got to stand for our flag. Youve got to be great to our flag and to our anthem. If you do not do that, we are not watching. [crowd chanting] pres. Trump what a crowd. Crowd hey, i have three more of these to do. Do you want me to stay with these all day . Yes. [cheering] pres. Trump yesterday, i did five. I actually did six because i did five. I got home at 2 00 in the miami. In i got home at 2 00 in the morning. And i said good, what time do we tomorrow . 8 00, sir, great, lets go. You know what it is . I am doing a run, a great marathon. One thing ill say, they say i believe you know, because sleepy joe will go out and talk for 10 minutes. He is very agitated. He is so angry. Hes got the shades on now. Bit should be a little larger. The aviators, are they called aviators . Aviators on and hes so angry and hes reading every word. He never goes off teleprompter. Because he gets lost. He cant go off teleprompter. Lost. S the anger, but it is not really anger, it is agitation. You know what that means, right . Is when youhappens lose it, you get very it can happen to all of us some day. But you cant let it happen to your president. I am sorry. He was so agitated this morning. Pouring off,ere the mask he kept on. Him. s nobody around the closest person is about 60 feet away. A reporter cant believe he got this good location that is supposed to be for vips. Now he has got lady gaga. Gaga. [crowd booing] pres. Trump i could tell you plenty of stories i could tell you stories about lady gaga. Stories. Lot of lady gaga. And jon bon jovi. Every time i see him, he kisses my ass. Oh, mr. President. He will get something out of it just like everybody is. You know what happens . By the way, we draw much bigger crowds than these people. Happens. Now what he will sing a song or two, then he will leave, the crowd will leave. And sleepy joes up there talking. That happened to hillary, too. They got beyonce, jayz. Right, jay z . He started using the fword. Do you remember, in front of this crowd. Was unbelievable. He was using the f word, f word. Crowdaughed and the laughed and hillarys standing on stage with an empty place and she was talking and she lost and would let me tell you something. When you look at these crowds we are getting, there has never been anything like it. This is just not the crowds. This is your ultimate poll. This is not the crowds of a secondplace finisher. Yesterday they said you know, some people here since nigel, hours, 48. E from 24 we have people if line three, four days. But willpress says, they vote . Wait a minute, theyre willing to wait four days, three days, days, one day in line. Will they vote . Will they stand an hour and vote . I think theyre going to vote. Who is going to vote . [cheering] and silence, as well anybody here whos going to vote for sleepy joe . Is there anybody here going to have the courage to put up their hand . But he was born in scranton. What a phony he is. He was born in scranton. Im a scranton boy. Did you see . Im tired of the smart people did you hear what he said . The smart people. But we want a smart person as president. He said it. He made a lot of bad moves yesterday. He was having a bad day, yesterday. Hes tired of smart people. Cant get too tired of it. Thats an amazing statement. If you want a vaccine to kill the virus, a job to support your and freedom to live your life, then go cast your ballot. You cast your ballot. We are changing things. You could what it used to be but be a little bit like this but it was never like this. Things change, i think, with big tech. I think it really changed. Biden personally ran the swine flu, right . H1n1, right . He cant remember that. N oneh one . No, no. H comes before n, remember it that way. He said, what was it called . Who was that governor from, i think it was utah . Mormon, what was his name . His name was romney. Oh, great. Hes another beauty. He failed horribly and he was the laughingstock of washington. So he ran the swine flu virus operation. Stock ofe laughing washington. Now with something much more done a greate have job on except with public relations. I would say if i had nigel handling my public relations, i would be much better. We have done a great job on this. You compare us to other places and you see. Bringing back the economy. Opening it up. Except in public relations. His own chief of staff says he was absolutely terrible. He didnt have a clue. He didnt know what he was doing. And he told us, right . That i was xenophobic because i closed it to china, which was highly and heavily infected. Then he runs and says i should have closed it easier. I said, how does he get out of that one . The press refuses to report it. The only way i can do that, look, ive got all the live television. All the lights. Only way, they cant keep it off only for one reason. I get very big ratings. If i didnt get big ratings, there would be no way of communicating. They are going to miss the ratings someday. Some day theyre going to miss them. Secretary of defense robert been said that biden has wrong on nearly every single major Foreign Policy and over the pastity four years. Biden. Ed with and he said he was wrong on like is. Ything and he he is. But you dont have to take my word for it. Acause this happens to be state that i love, a spent a fortune on building these screens. You have got two of them. Wow. Usually i bring one. Its a lot cheaper. Roll the video, please. Roll it. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] thats why im running. [indiscernible] [laughter] hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun and the kids used to reach in and pull [indiscernible] learned we have to do several things. One, we have to [indiscernible] wait until the cases before [indiscernible] need ting the Environmental Justice [indiscernible] got a lot of work to do. Im going to need your vote in november. We cannot let this weve never any crisis from the civil straight to the pandemic [indiscernible] we have never, let our democracy sit second fiddle, democracy at the health. E public [indiscernible] here comes the train. [indiscernible] anyway, im very willing to let the American Public judge my physical and mental physical fitness. L [indiscernible] all right, all right. We shouldnt be. We shouldnt be laughing. Dont let that happen to our country. By the way, that was just a small. We could keep you there all day watching that. We cant let that happen to our country. We are joined with some real warriors. Dan mauser. Mauser. Wheres dan . Where are you, dan . Dan, congressman . Where are you, congressman . Where is dan musor . Muser . Thanks, dan. Fred keller, g. T. Thompson. Thats good. The three of you, what worries been. Riors youve thank you very much. They were there at the beginning and they have been with me all the way. You have a couple of former members that we love, that we think are great. Lou barletta. Tom marino. Thank you very much, tom. Lou, thank you. Much. You very how are your elections going, by the way . Dan . How are you guys going . Are you doing good . We are going to win pennsylvania. Its a guarantee. Thats good. Youve got to vote for those guys. Thats a great, great group. Youre really, your districts are looking good . Do you need an extra tweet or anything . Huh . This group doesnt need anything. Also thank you, fellows, for coming. When are you going to rerun for lou . E tom and do you have anything youre thinking about . Look at them, they look healthy as can be. Congressional candidate jim beaudette. Thank you. And a woman who is doing an incredible job, Campaign Chair bertie comfort. Thank you. Hows it going . Were going to have a big victory tomorrow, i think . A big one . We better. Fast. Ire you so another great friend of mine, great guy. David irvin. David, thank you david. And somebody that i know very well, a tall young gentleman. Is eric trump and hes done great. [indiscernible] and i see Jared Kushner right over here. Middle east. Wow. Jared usually likes to stay on the plane and work. Hes working on middle east peace and doing a great job. You see what were doing . Thank you very much. For decades our politicians spent trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars, defending foreign borders, not defending our border. Now we are finally rebuilding protecting our nation. Areilding our cities and we bringing our jobs, our factories and our troops back home to the belong. Here they for 47 years joe biden viciously attacked black americans. He called young black men super predators all the time. To every black american, go tomorrow and vote for trump. This is your one and only chance to show Sleepy Joe Biden what you think of his decision to attack you, jail you, betray you, which is what he did. Im fighting for you and ive got criminal justice reform, prison reform, opportunity zones with tim scott, the senator from south carolina, who is great. And funding for historically black colleges and universities. Weve got them, the funding, the longterm funding. I say it all the time, i say it like this, with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln, a lot of people like me to leave the word possible out, there is no president that has done more for the black community than donald trump. Its true. And you are seeing that, by the way. You see whats going on in florida . The numbers are very high, like no one has seen before, with the black community and the hispanic american community. Oh, the hispanic american community, they are liking trump. For them. A lot they like me and i like them. Actually. Ave, they are voting for us a very big, the democrats are very worried. They say whats going on. Whats going on . You know whats going on . Ive done a good job, thats whats going on. I want to thank we have to see what the final numbers are, but i think i can say in advance the africanamerican community, hispanic american community. Its been incredible whats gone on in florida. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. You notice they are not talking about florida too much, right . Theyre not talking. We get florida, we get pennsylvania, you watch. Under my leadership we achieve the most secure border in u. S. History. You know, the wall. The wall is over 400 miles long. It will be finished, soon. They dont talk about that one anymore either, do they . Dont talk about it. When you have success, they never talk about it. You know whats happening. You know whats going on, right . Other countries are coming in studying what we are doing. All over the place theyre studying because what weve done been able to do. Joe biden has pledged open borders and Free Health Care for illegal aliens. No, not for you. No see, i delayed that a bit. E Free Health Care for illegal aliens. They want to give them more than they give us. And deadly sanctuary cities. We believe our cities should be sanctuaries for lawabiding americans. Not criminals. I passed a ban early on and it ultimately got approved by the United States Supreme Court. But i passed a ban because we want people coming into our country that could love us and come in through merit and all sorts of things. In we dont want people coming into our country that hate us, cant stand us and want to do harm to our citizens. Okay . So the ban was quite controversial, but its had a big impact. Its had a big impact. In and one of the reasons were going to win minnesota . Ilhan omar, ilhan omar. [crowd booing] although she loves our country very much. She loves our country very much, doesnt she . We invested 2. 5 trillion in the United States military. We have the finest military, the finest weaponry in the world, all made in the usa with the envy of russia and china and north korea. We have the best equipment in the world, rockets and missiles and submarines and everything that were building. Nobodys ever seen anything like it. 2. 5 trillion made in the usa. We also passed veterans, we passed for our veterans, va choice, after 44 years and va accountability. Okay. You va account thats where you say youre fired, get the hell out of here. Youre not treating our vets right. I told you we got the highest rating, the highest Approval Rating that has ever been given by our vets. 91 approval. That you91 approval. Who are the nine percent . Oh, theyll find somebody within the nine percent. Theyll be on television. You and you you we obliterated 100 of the isis caliphate. We obliterated 100 of the isis caliphate. We killed the leader of isis, albaghdadi. We eliminated the worlds top terrorists. Soleimani is dead. I recognized the capital of israel and open the American Embassy in jerusalem. I also recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. 52 years, they worked on it for 52 years. And instead of endless war, we are forging peace in the middle east. Good job hes doing. Good job a vote for me and the Republican Party is a vote for the american dream. And who was a very distinguished person within the Republican Party . The late great Abraham Lincoln. Please remember that. He was very president ial. Hes the only one i said, maybe i cant be that president ial, but he was very president ial when he wore the hat especially, right . Over the next four years, we will make america into the manufacturing superpower of the world. And we will end our reliance on china once and for all. Thats already happening. We will hire more police, increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement. And we will ban deadly sanctuary cities. Youve got them, youve got them. With gods help, we will defend the right to life, religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms. Your Second Amendment is gone if i dont get in. If i dont get in, your second and amendment, wave goodbye. And ill be sitting home and ill be saying, i told the people of pennsylvania, you and your trump bugle better vote for trump. No, your Second Amendment is under siege. Thats right. Youre happy with amy . Everyone loves amy. Thank you. You know we do. They dont talk about that enough. They say its the most important thing a president can do. So at the end of my first term, i will have approximately 300 federal judges, which is a big a big percentage of the judiciary and three great Supreme Court justices. Thats a lot. Many president s have gotten to choose. Hey, whatever happened to packing the court . This guys running, he never gave an answer. Maybe hes smarter than we think. Whatever happened . He never gave the answer. He never said. He said he was going to tell us. Were running. People are casting votes. You cannot elect somebody thats going to pack the court and hes going to pack the court. And he didnt give us a list of the radical left judges who wants to put on either. So he got away with it. So he got away with it. He just did because the press never pressed him. Right . See, theres a case. If that were me, i could never, ever get away. He got away with it because the fake news wouldnt press it. He never talked about packing the court and were voting right now. He shouldnt get a vote unless he tells you because he will destroy this country. Thats a big thing, packing the court. Can you imagine . But they never picked it up. We will maintain americas unrivaled military might and we will ensure peace through strength. We will end surprise medical billing, require price transparency, lower drug prices. You know we are doing favored nations. Were going to have the lowest prices anywhere in the world. The Drug Companies hate me so much, aiaiai. They are spending more money on ads than Sleepy Joe Biden. And we will always protect patients with preexisting conditions. America will add the first woman on the moon and the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on mars. Nasa. Nasa was like an abandoned place, and now its the hottest. Its the hottest place in the world for space. And that goes along with space force, doesnt it . We did space force. We never even talked about space force on the campaign, but we needed it. When i saw russia, when i saw china, we needed and we got it approved. We will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore Patriotic Education to our schools. We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history and always respect our great American Flag. And we will live by the timeless words of our national motto, in god we trust. [cheers] for years, you had a president who apologized for america. Now you have a president who is standing up for america and standing up for the great people of pennsylvania. I know you well. I know you well. Youre a rowdy bunch today, but thats okay. Its rowdy, but its rowdy with love. Its rowdy with love. [cheers] [indistinct chanting] tomorrow, you have the power with your vote to save america. We will never be a socialist nation. Thats what were talking about. Youre going to be a largescale version, very large scale, of venezuela. Thats what happens. It happens every single time. So get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get your coworkers. Even grab your boss by the tie and say, come on, boss, lets go. We got to vote. We got to vote. For generations, americas destiny was made, forged and won in places like bethlehem and bristol, easton and allentown, pittsburgh and scranton, right here in scranton. Our american ancestors gave their blood, sweat and tears to defend our country and to defend our freedom. We stand on the shoulders of american heroes who crossed the ocean, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up the great skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made america into the single greatest nation in the history of the world. And the best is yet to come. Tiers [cheers and applause] [chanting u. S. A. ] proud citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American People. With your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on , winning, winning, winning. [cheers] we are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. And together with the incredible people of pennsylvania, go out and vote tomorrow. [applause] we have made america powerful again. Our military has never been as even close to what it is right now. We have made america wealthy again. We have made america strong again. We have made america proud again. We have made america safe again. And we will make America Great again [cheers and applause] thank you, pennsylvania. Thank you, pennsylvania. [applause] young man, theres no need to feel down theres no need to feel unhappy , theres a place you can go i said young man, when you are short on your dough, you can willthere and you ar find many ways to have a good time its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. They have everything for young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feel young man, are you listening to me, i said young man, what is it you one o what is it you want to be . You can make real your dreamsbut youve got to know this one thing. No man, does it all by himself i said, young man, put your pride on the shelf and just go there, to the y. M. C. A. Im sure they can help you today its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. They have everything for young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. You can get yourself clean, it can have a good meal , you can do whatever you feel young man, i was was in your shoes young man, i was down with blues y. M. C. A no man cared if i was alive, someone came up to me and said young man take a walk , up the street theres a place there called the y. M. C. A. They can start you back on your way. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. They have everything for young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. Y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. Young man, young man, theres no need to feel down young man, young man, pick yourself off the ground y. M. C. A. Its fun to stay at the y. M. C. A. This being the last day before the election, seized and has several more Live Campaign events coming up. P. M. , democratic Vice President ial candidate Kamala Harris speaks to supporters in philadelphia. Eastern,t at 8 50 p. M. Joe and jill biden meet with voters in pittsburgh. And we wrap up the evening without trump rally in michigan, at 10 30 p. M. Eastern. All these events on cspan. Cspans washington journal. Every day we are taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. Coming up on election day, you talk about election day 2020 with political reporters and writers from around the country. We talk with a reporter from florida, a reporter from the battleground state of pennsylvania and another from georgia. The Des Moines Register reporter, and from the dallas morning news. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern on Tuesday Morning and be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages and tweets. Tomorrow is election day, november 3. Stay with us to learn who the voters select to lead the country as president and which congress. Ll control live coverage starts at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and continues through to washington journal at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. , sharee conversation your experiences as the results come in and hear from the candidates. Watch live at cspan. Org or listen live on the cspan radio app. Election night on cspan, your place for an unfiltered view of politics. Phone tolaptop or follow the results of the 20 20 election. Go to cspan. Org election for interactive tools giving you realtime voting results. In national map to track about president ial race. And the balance of power for the u. S. House and senate. Stream live or ondemand anytime on Election Night at cspan. Org election. Nomineeic president ial joe biden is also holding Campaign Events in multiple states today. He started this morning with Campaign Volunteers working in the suburbs of northwest pittsburgh. Got to make the world go round mr. Biden you all must be crazy. as my mother from scranton said, god love you. Thanks for being here. The one thing ive always been able to count on my whole career, unions. I know how to say union. [cheers] im working for those unions. Hey folks, its good to be back in beaver county

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