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Thank you very much for being here. This is a terrific crowd and the crowd we just spent a few minutes with in the overflow room is here and excited as well. Senator warren and i are here, number one, two thank you because i must tell you as they look back historically at this time of our country they will look back right now to advance of activism and an activism that is here tonight thats in the overflow room, that spread across the country and in activism that stopped the repeal of the worst piece of legislation that ive ever seen in all my time of government. [cheers and applause] senator warren and i both represent the United States people represent the commonwealth of massachusetts. But also represent marshfield and this region and in the course of the evening we will be talking not just about National Issues and interNational Issues, but also issues that affect our region disproportionally at that toe piece of legislation, the repeal of the Affordable Care act in our district alone wouldve had an Economic Impact over the next ten years affecting the biggest employer in my area, the hospital industry, 2. 1 billion in cuts. In cuts. That means cutting jobs and services and outofpock and if you are on medicare with Prescription Drug costs, wouldve been another 1100 out of your pocket. So tonight is the night for us to get the big picture, the international picture, the global picture but also the picture right here in our neighborhoods and our towns. And i want to really with a great deal of excitement talk about the person i came up with innocent side along with senator markey and that senator warren who is a terrific fighter who was there on [applause] who was up there on funding issues with us and in the biggest coastal district of the entire country is a bear on Environmental Issues for us as well. I want to say this. It also gives me great pleasure to say im introducing the person who was actually on the cover of Time Magazine [cheers and applause] and to lead us so well and he was a fighter for us every day and who was there in the healthcare issue. Lets get excited and welcome our senator, senator elizabeth warren. [cheers and applause] thank you. [applause] thank you. You guys are ready. Thats terrific. Thank you very much for the introduction, congressman keating. Hes out there working for you every day, for all of us. [applause] i could not ask for a better partner. So here we are. It is a beautiful, beautiful summer afternoon. The marshfield there is practically within walking distance, and all of you came to a junior high to be inside to talk policy. I love being from massachusetts, yes. [applause] thats my massachusetts crowd. So it all of you in here and all the people who dont have air conditioning over in the school cafeteria. Can we hear you . Are you cheering over there . I hear them out there. [laughing] the already hot. Weve got a few hundred people over there as well. I am so pleased you here with us tonight. So heres what were going to do. My main job here is to try to answer as many of your questions, take as many of your comments as i can pick and i think you all got numbers if you want to ask a question when you came in. We will do that in just a minute. I will set the and if anyone wants to take a picture, do a selfie, a little dance, okay . So if anybody wants to do that we would do that. What i wanted to do first just for a minute before we get started is, i just want to talk to a bit about whats going on in washington. [laughing] it really is. Its like things that would have been six months or a year like that was yesterday and now were onto its like dog years are going on or something now. But there is. Theres a lot going on, afghanistan, charlottesville, north korea just in the past couple of weeks. But one thing in particular i want to talk about just for a minute is about healthcare. Because it touches everyone of us. It touches everyone we love. Touches everyone we know. I just want remind everybody in this room where we were. Over in the house of representatives for the past couple of years with a republican majority, they just keep voting to repeal the Affordable Care act, 6 64 times, is that right, congressman . Right. In fact, i called the congressman one day so what are yall doing . He said which is over here refusing obamacare, you know . They just voted to repeal. Its important member that this happened. Also voted to repeal in the senate with republican majority president obama had to veto it. And then last november, we took a look at this after the election and said, my god, with republicans in control of the house and the senate, and with republicans in control of the white house, they are going to roll back Health Care Coverage and they are going to do it fast. But they didnt work. [applause] but they didnt. I want you to think about that for just a minute. Because first of all what you think about how important it is. How many people in here have private Health Insurance . A lot of folks have private Health Insurance. Most of the repeal effort would have raised your insurance by 20 . That was the best estimate on it, and that was in one year. And keep going from there. How many people in here know someone, know someone, a baby or someone who had a baby that was born with complex medical needs . May be needs breathing tubes . Maybe needs special therapist . Anybody else, special therapist . Anybody in here know someone who needs a care assistant to drop by, may be confined to a wheelchair . Thats how theyre able to live at home instead of having to be put in an institution. Anybody in here though somebody who lives in a nursing home . Maybe a manner who lives in a nursing home . Nanna. Thats the face of medicaid in america today. Thats the face of health care in america today. We are a country that has said we dont know whos going to have a baby that is suddenly going to run up 2 million in Health Care Bills before they are three weeks old. We dont know whos going to be in a terrible accident and have to get by with a wheelchair. We dont know whos going to end up in a nursing home and outlive all the assets that have tried to put away, the savings they tried to put away during their lifetimes. None of us knows exactly who that is. But heres what we do know. As a people we are all going to pitch in a little to help make that work. We are all going to pitch in a little so that everybody in this country has a shot at health care, a shot at being able to create a future for themselves, i shot at being able to live with dignity. Thats what we do together, and that is what the republicans put on the line. When they said were going to roll back health care. What was the replacement . The replacement was only 25 Million People will lose their Health Care Coverage. The replacement was the cause of your insurance will go up. They replacement was that there will be tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, and giant corporations, paid for on the backs of people who will lose their Health Care Coverage. Well, im telling you this. We didnt have the votes in the United States senate. We didnt have the votes in the house of representatives, but enough people in this country tweeted how many of you . Enough people in this country made phone calls, enough people sent emails, enough people showed up for protests and marches and said, as an american, i believe that health care is a basic human right and i will fight for basic human rights. And thats why we won. Thats why we won. [applause] yes. Yes. So im here tonight to say i draw two lessons from that. The first one i draw is that it matters when you speak out. It matters when you use her voice. It matters when you get engaged. And the second is a say i hear it. I hear it. Democracy is changing in this country. Democracy is no more picky since him at all and you hear from them years later. You get involved maybe during a president ial election, may be an election between. Democracy has become what we, what the grassroots to do every single day. Democracy has become a personal commitment, a commitment to yourself, a commitment to your family, a commitment to your community and a commitment to your country. And im here tonight to say just two words to you, thank you. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you. [applause] yes, thank you. So w were going to do this. And what were going to do now, jim, where are you . Gene is in you. Jim cantwell, come on out, representative cantwell. Here he is. My guy. [applause] jim cantwell. Jim is going to be our master of ceremonies tonight and is going to keep us going on the questions. So make it happen, explain how this works. How it works. For everyone who came, for so thank you again. We have over 1100 people came out tonight by the way. [applause] when i first came out, we simply pick three numbers. We like the folks to come denier to either side so you can get to one of the microphones. Please make sure you state your name and where youre from, ask you one question to the senator. Please just be just as with mitch and before you want to get to as many folks look at all the people here. We want to get as many question of the possibly can. Lets start the first three numbers. The first number is 149. Where is 149 . There will be stuffed animals. Where is 149 . The second number is 179. They are all just laying low at this point. 179 is moving back there. 177. Back to back. On those things stuck together . Come on, jim. Okay, come on down. Make it a good one. [laughing] this isnthis is in the powe. Thats right. Tim williams the marshfield. Good to see you. Im pfister of the marshfield coastal coalition. Many constituents are concern that many of the bills currently propose to reauthorize the Flood Program could remove the grandfathering provisions which currently provide an lower premium to those who did the right thing in the past years. Do you plan on preserving this critical part of the Program Going forward . Yes. [laughing] [applause] so let me say, and we say a bit more . Im talking to one of the Flood Control experts. We had been working, weve been working on this bill. You want to say a word about it . The billick and out of the house did not have it in it. We have been fighting for that line to move that forward and we have brought together to do that. Fought together did it. My voice has got a lot louder. But that as well as what the percentage increases, its very important. We also are doing some things that we learned from this district of mine and we have a provision in their in the house will will be able to make sure it would be a cost savings anywhere from ten50 by regionalizing, which jim cantwell has been very involved with, the Community Rating Service System and making sure that smaller communities can benefit from this. Theres a lot going on. We dont like on the house side what originally came out but we are forcing changes as we speak even before we get back. [applause] thats right. I would add to that we are about to do this in the senate, about to take this up, is that theres as well just like in the house theres a proposal already on the table. Weve got a bipartisan amendment. It includes senator rubio and senator menendez, and two of the things were looking for in this amendment is to put a cap on increases so that annual increases are not go up as they can under current law by as much as 25 a year. We are trying to get a cap on that. The second thing were kind to do is get longterm stability into the program. Thats good for people who try to buy houses. Its good for people who are trying to sell houses. Its good for people who are trying to borrow money against their houses for banks that are doing mortgages on the house. What we are really looking for is longterm stability in this program. And the kind of reforms that will make the Program Sustainable over a long time. Because we all know theres going to be a lot of call in this program and we have to make sure it is financially stable so thanks very much for the question. Great question. Thank you, congressman. My name is james. My question is, a month ago trump instated a ban on transgenders in the military what im wondering is what are you doing in washington to help protect the rights of transgenders in this country . [applause] lets start with values. Right is right. It someone wants to serve in United States military and they are otherwise qualified, then we wanted to serve, gender identity does not matter. [applause] ive talked to our military leaders about this, and this is again one of these where we have to make clear the values of the United States people. I dont believe that when donald trump says he wants to prevent transgender people from serving in the military that he represents our values. Our values are about people who are patriotic, who are willing to put it all on the line for the american people, and what we should say to people who want to do that, whether they are transgender people or not, thank you very much. We respect your service and we want your service. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] ive organized with my house colleague a letter going right to President Trump telling how upset we are with this decision and urging him to change it. I can imagine, and i commend i come from a family event but i cant a better his transgender how they feel given the service they have to the country or how the people that are actively serving deal. Its really a disgrace and our delegation is there and we are strong both inhouse and is in and were doing everything we can to have our voices be heard to try and change what is a pernicious policy. We are there, good. [applause] i from hanover massachusetts and my question is, what are you doing in the senate to help prevent the 93 unnecessary gun deaths per day in this country . [applause] you know, i just spoke about this a couple weeks ago. I gave a speech about this and i said i think its time we stop tiptoeing around. There are sensible regulations that would help save lives. That the overwhelming majority of americans want. So lets start there, on sensible gun reform, and lets have it all across the country. Thats what i start on this one. [applause] weve got to speak out we cannot simply hold back on this issue any longer. We got so close a few years ago, and now weve reached the point, and ive watched this in the senate. One of the bills we push for in the center of the democratic side last year was that if you on a nofly list think about whos on a nofly list that if it was nofly, novi. You should not be able to buy a gun. [applause] if youre too dangerous to get on an airplane, youre too dangerous to go out and buy an assault weapon. We can start, we just need to start bringing this together with some sensible reforms. I understand that are hunters, there are people who, sportsman who use their guns. I grew up in a family with the guns. The first time i shot a gun i was probably eight or nine years old. I understand that. But that doesnt mean that we can continue as a country to have no regulations or so few regulations over the guns and you can purchase them. We just need some sensible reforms here, some sensible reforms that are supported by the overwhelming majority of americans. Thank you for your question and thank you for your participation. Thank you. [applause] and tonight is about democracy. What we need is a vote. Put it on the floor. Thats what you believe on those issues, let your voice be heard and be accountable for your position. But we as you know cant get a vote in the house even on the most basic issues. We had a sit in when we couldnt get anything to the poor can we decide to put ourselves to the floor. I brought the dunkin donuts. This senator came over from the senate and brought coffee and donuts to everyone. But we still can get a vote. Thats the basic issue. Regardless of how you stand on these issues, shouldnt it be a vote . Shouldnt be democracy . Because if we had that we will take our chances. Because i think commonsense prevails on these issues and i think will have a great chance of winning those issues. But if we cant, we cant even get to first base. The activism were saying i hope generates votes. Good. [applause] okay, jim, what if you got . Our next three members, number 44. We have number 122. And quickly, number 113. Somebody is out at the game now. [laughing] jim, youve got one job. [laughing] [applause] thank you. John haviland, marshfield mass. I am Vice President of the Massachusetts Fishermen Partnership as was president of the social fishermen dissociation. I eat your products. Thank you. Lots of it. Thats one over 90 90 ofl seafood consumed in the United States is imported. So that is something that should be addressed and were trying to address it as an industrywide goal. The point being is that we have in massachusetts captain ron whos in the fishing vessel justice and research in regards to be doing ground fisheries to get a more Accurate Survey of the biomass of groundfish. The assertion i represent was able to get a grant from the Massachusetts Environmental trust to work on vertical line break restraints with regard to try to coexist with the north atlantic wheel. My statement of question is hopefully people who represent massachusetts could give us some more support in a few areas, one of which is that the director of the National Marine Fisheries Service going to be replaced. With the Industry Input trying to do Collaborative Research with scientists, we would hope our representatives would help us be able to gain some import of who the next director is for the eastern regional massachusetts Fisheries Service . The answer is yes, we will do our best on this one. We know how important fishing is, not just to the economy of eastern massachusetts, but its the way of life. Its a part of massachusetts and a part of massachusetts heritage, and both of us are here as strong as we possibly can to support fishing industry. Im going to make a small point to the side. I am deeply proud of our fishermen, because our fishermen tried to work with the scientists to get the best possible information so that we can have sustainable oceans and sustainable fishing over time. Im just really proud of the work you do so just want to say thank you for all that you do. Thank you. [applause] they have been terrific partners, fishermen and the fishing industry have more at stake with sustainability than anyone else. Because thats their livelihood. We had a districtwide meeting yesterday in our office with all the stakeholders. Ive got to the input we have received has been tremendous i think its made a difference. Good. Whos next . Here we go. Im from marshfield, massachusetts. How are you tonight. As im doing pretty good actually. I just questioning evitable just type in in our federal government what are you both going to do at a state level to insulate and protect massachusetts and marshfield citizens . Here and fight for. When were fighting for health care, were building alliances of this we can all across this country because we need the votes in the United States senate. And when we do that we protect families rights right to massachusetts when we get up and fight for our values, thats the best way i know to make us strong, to make our voices heard and to protect us here in massachusetts. You know, in fact, im just going to take one part of that and say, i hear your point. Its scary about whats going on in washington. And i hope everyone hears this. Donald trump got elected promising that he is going to work for working people. And then he turned right around and before hes even sworn in, he puts in the team from Goldman Sachs to run the economy. Unbelievable. That got enough Goldman Sachs bankers now in the white house to open a Branch Office of Goldman Sachs. These are the guys writing tools. You want to guess who those rules are going to help . Use of the guys, lets rollback of regulation. Dont need those regulations. Gee, if we had few regulations over folks like Goldman Sachs, what could possibly go wrong in this economy, right . No one remembers what happened in 2008. And keep going from there. Its been the same thing with workers. The promise we are going to help workers, be there for workers. Donald trump was barely sworn in before republican carter says i know, lets change the law to make it easier for federal contractors to steal wages from their employers. The next week, i know, lets roll back the rules to protect employees from being exposed to silica and things that cause really, really horrible diseases. And one after another that they have rolled back protections for employees, put people in charge from betsy devos in the department of education. [booing] say no more. Here we are in a Public School. The building must shake to its foundation to hear that someone who doesnt believe in Public Education is now secretary of education. So yeah, im worried. Im worried about what happens to us here in massachusetts. Because in massachusetts we get it. Youve got to make this investment. You got to make those investments in education. Youve got to make those investments in infrastructure. Youve got to have some rules in place to have a level playing field. So Small Businesses at least get a shot at trying to grow and build something themselves. We need those kinds of rules in place, and right now donald trump and republicans are heading of you indicate in the opposite direction. Ill tell you this. Not only are we not giving up. The people of massachusetts are not getting at. We are not cowing. We are not backing down. [applause] we are not whining. We are fighting back, and that is our best defense, is to go on offense and say we will be out there every day to fight for our values, to fight for our future. Thats why were here. You bet. Thats what we are to do. [applause] i take in terms of the Public Safety said that because i think is important, i had the privilege of being the Ranking Member on Foreign Affairs on terrorism and on nonproliferation. We are concerned in our whole country including this region about those threats. Its important that we deal with soft power and diplomacy. They have cut so much from the state department that would prevent conflicts and wars that were in danger right now. We should be speaking in one voice that we should have a secretary of state saying one thing and the president of the United States sang another. Thats dangerous and upsets our security. I just came back just a while ago from korea and i know the dangers there. Im also on the Homeland Security committee and i know the dangers of some of the cuts that are being proposed. One of the most important grants we had to train and prepare for the terrible tragedy that was the Boston Marathon was i grant that has regional training for all the responders, the police, fire, medical responders, that was cut. Incredibly cut. So were fighting to restore that, and also on the first line of defense and Homeland Security, i was asked whats the most important issue of all the issues we have. And the answer is almost the same every time. Its your Frontline Police and fire and emergency responders. My dad was a police officer. My brother was a police officer. My niece is a police officer. I was the da. Its so important to the training and those grants available, and i worked so well in marshfield and all region with your local fire, please pick you got terrific people here, but they need help. When the training grants that counts can do for themselves or when have to be regionalized to make a safe, those grants should be there. They are being cut and were going to fight to restore those grants. [applause] lynn white, im from hanover, massachusetts. I served on a lot of committees. Right now im on the Emergency Preparedness committee of the town. Glad to see you work. [applause] my question isnt about that. Its a concern. Its about giving away the store. We are basically giving away the store of so may things, including things like privatizing the air traffic controllers. Thinking about privatizing military operations. Thinking about cutting back on our National Monuments and giving them to our corporations to be able to expedite and use. Mining interest on public lands. Its concerning to me that we dont have enough time to stop this. So let me start by saying, i agree with you i really worried about this. There are things that, theres no doubt about it, absolutely best done by the private sector. And the excitement, the change in the discipline they can bring, fantastic. But there are also things that are public. We hold our public lands in trust or we all have to breathe this error and drink this water. We have things that we need to own together. And that we have a moral responsibility to take care of together. Ultimately it is about what makes us richer. We make these investments together, and its what gives us an opportunity to build a future. I think that one of the biggest fights we have going on right now in washington is this notion that somehow, whatever it is that government does, business could do it better. The answer is for something that may be true, but for many, no. Government is not designed to make a profit. We are not here to make a profit. Let me give you actually an example of that right now. When the just infuriates me. One that just infuriates me. I mikita grew up in the family without much. My dad had a lot of different job. He ended up as a janitor. My mom ended up working minimumwage jobs at sears. My three older brothers all joined the military. The oldest one was career military. The second one worked construction, had a good union job. Thats why he has a penchant today, that works for unions, you bet. [applause] third one start his own small business, and when that failed he started another one, and when that failed he started another one. Today he is retired and lives on his Social Security and reminds me, we have a moral obligation to protect Social Security and medicare for people who worked hard all their lives. You bet. [applause] but for me, i knew what i wanted to be. From the time i was in second grade, what i wouldve wanted to be was a Public School teacher. Can we hear it for Public School teachers . [applause] you bet. But you dont get to the Public School teacher lets you can go to college, and by the time i was a senior in high school, my family did not have the money for a college application. Its a law and public in a story, i was a debate i got a scholarship scholarship but i got married, smart, at 19. Dropped out of school. Thought i lost my dream forever. I got a Second Chance because there was a commuter college nearby that cost 50 a semester. And thats how it is that that door open for me, and i got to be a Public School teacher. And once wonder open, another door open and another door opened. And i stand here today the daughter of a janitor who is a United States senator, because america invested in Public Education for a kid like me. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] i am grateful. You bet. But heres where the wheels have come off. My story cant be replicated today. Its not out there. That 50 option, that option you could pay for in a parttime waitressing job, its not out there today for our kids. Instead, and this is where i want to go back to your point, instead its all been turned on its head. [applause] we didnt talk about letting business takeover or run the government more like a business, ive got to say, the first thing i do is put my hand on my wallet and say wait just a minute. I want to understand what exactly you have in mind. If what you have in mind is that we are no longer a government, think about opportunities who otherwise wouldnt have those chances, if we are no longer government about building something for everyone, then we are no longer the america of opportunity. I am in this fight. I iran for the United States senate and im going to run again. Im with you on this. Thank you. You bet i am. [applause] this one matters. Im just warming up here. [laughter] number 209, 25, 109. Come on down. [applause] to make this too hard. [inaudible] my question is what is your favorite part of your job. Thank you. Let me tell you. I actually have lots of paper apart. Im a tell you one paper apart you might like. That is i never plan to run for public office. I wanted to be a schoolteacher. I ended up teaching in law school and doing a lot of research about what was happening and the more i studied , the more i saw working families were just taking one punch after another. I thought im just going to have to start fighting back. This was back in 2011. How old were you then. What year were you born . When you were four years old i was thinking about running for the United States senate and people call me that you should run, you should deftly run. People called and said if you run, i will help you and there were people who said youre terrific, your wonderful and they would say dont rot. They would say massachusetts is not ready to elect a woman to the United States senate. Thats what they said. So when i would hear people say that i would think okay, i think i better run. It was over a year campaigning, i iran around and met a lot of people in chicago hands, but every time i would shake hands and i would say my name is elizabeth and im running for the United States senate because thats what girls do. [applause] [applause] that is one of the best part of the job. Last two questions. Good evening. My name is al green. I am the director. Well i heard a rumble over there im director of the lgbt organization. The people we support our queer, mostly black and sometime muslim and their immigrants who have fled hatred and violence in the home country. With the president , his all right supporters and his gop enablers, creating an atmosphere where there are restrictions on minorities, queers and immigrants, what do you say to those of us who are just as scared here as we are in our own country. [applause] so i say al, look around. You are not alone. [applause] he is not alone. [applause] [applause] we are with you. Youre never going to be alone. Not here in massachusetts, not here in the United States of america. One more. 109. Anybody. Can i ask a question. Last one is 137. Make it a good one. Got a 137. Nobody wants to be the last one. Try another one. 142. Do we have a 142. Go ahead. 123. [applause] come on down. My name is bill. Im wondering if you could update us on your hearing aid legislation. You bet i can. [applause] all right. So bill, this was not a plan, we had never met before tonight. All right. So heres the deal. There are 48 Million People in this country who have hearing loss and only about one in six actually get a hearing aid to be able to deal with that loss. The principal reason for that is because of cost. Hearing aids cost thousands of dollars. Most people need to and theyre not covered by medicare or medicaid or most private insurance and a lot of people just dont have that kind of money. I want everybody to understand, its not just about you cant hear the Television Without blasting everybody else out of the room. Its about that you cant touch your family and you cant go to the Grocery Store because you cant hear what people are saying. Its dangerous to drive. Hearing loss is about isolation. Its about living by yourself. Theres a reason people with hearing loss tend have other medical problems. They dont go to the doctor. Hearing loss is serious. It is something we cant fix perfectly but we can do something about it. Why the heck to the cost thousands of dollars. Look at the electronics now. Ill tell you why they cost a lot of money, its not because of the hardware. The reason is because of a bunch of regulations. Regulations everywhere, who got it nicely regulated, the Six Industries that produce hearing aids. It means, to buy hearing aid in massachusetts or anyplace else you have to go and turn it over the hill around the first right into the spartan over this part until he got it all done and thats what makes the cost appear. The high profits on hearing aids that are sold but not nearly as many sold as people need. I thought i feel a little law coming on. What can we do about that. So, i got the Team Together and we sat down and we rode it out and it simply says hearing aids can be sold overthecounter. Hello. Same way you can buy glasses overthecounter, same way you can get your led pressure checked, you should just be able to buy hearing aids overthecounter. We need the fda to do some things about warnings to make sure and when you need to see a doctor, okay have a if we just sell them overthecounter. What the experts told me as if we do that the price is likely to go from thousands of dollars to hundreds of dollars. It will make a huge difference for a lot of people so, all right. So i feel little law coming on and i thought how do you get the law passed. You have a lot of good ideas in washington but not get them all the way through. So i thought i know what i need, i need a republican partner. I called chuck grassley. Hes a republican from iowa and i said chuck and he said what . I said lets do a bill on hearing aids and he said, what . I said i wanted to go on hearing aids. He said tell me about it. We talk to it about it for about two minutes. He said count me in. Then i got georgia and New Hampshire and missouri, Susan Collins and maine and so we got a Bipartisan Group together before the industry even knew what we were up too. Kept it on theyre down low, kept it all quiet then we got the bill introduced in here comes the best part. There was a bill moving, im in the Health Education labor and pensions committee. There was a bill that had to move. It was about fda reauthorization its like a train coming to the station. Theres this train coming through the station and we had enough people who were interested and we just hooked our little car on the back of the train as it came through and said as long as were doing reauthorization, lets let him do this. So we made it through the committee, and by the way joe kennedy said ill take some of that. So we get the bill through. It passes the house unanimously but passes the senate and donald trump signed it into law is passed weekend. [applause] so can you get something done . You bet you can. So sometimes you can get something done in washington and we can get a good thing done. Are we caught up now. We are caught up. Thank you so much. Thank you so very much. The major couple here. I want to say a very big thank you to jim cantwell who helped organize this. [applause] a very big thank you to my partner congressman king, but most of all i want to say really big thank you to you. It is hard right now in washington. It is really hard. It is scary hard whats going on in washington. Donald trump promised to drain the swamp, and its getting worse than ever. We have a government that is working great for the rich and the powerful. We need a government that works for the rest of us are the only way that is going to happen, its not just from leadership are the people who get elected to the senate and house, but from all the people across this commonwealth and across this country who say im going to make this country work for me. We need you in this fight and we need you not just on the first day. How many went to the womens march, how many went to the rally for the immigrants, science march okay, good. And this past weekend, did you go down to boston. Good. Climate change. Thats right. We need to in these fights and i know its hard and i know, some people say but were getting tired and the answer is you didnt make this commitment because it was easy. You made a commitment because its right. And so, being here tonight, being part of this town hall is a way of saying we come together because we really do believe in government by the people and for the people and of the people. Thats why were here. Its a great privilege to represent massachusetts, a great privilege to represent you in the United States senate, but more than anything else, its a great privilege to fight alongside you, to build the future for our country for everybody to have a fighting chance. Thank you. [applause] [inaudible] later today, a form on the threat posed by north korea and what the International Response should be. Live coverage begins at 4 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan2. Online at cspan. Org, or on the free cspan radio app. President trump meets with the president of finland and live coverage of the joint News Conference from the white house at 4 20 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Tonight on the committee caters. Whats the framework on how we look at security. I think congress has bipartisan support on that, i think the Trump Administration is looking for folks as well. We visit the microsoft tech fair in washington d. C. To learn about tech issues facing congress. Fred humphries, Vice President of Government Affairs at microsoft and microsoft researcher share their thoughts. What services we provide. [inaudible] youre working with each one of them. Watch the communicators tonight at eastern on cspan2. Put tv recently visited the capitol hill to ask members of congress what they are reading the summer. Right now im reading a book called dreamland by sam. This is a book about the history , its a Nonfiction Book but its absolutely fascinating. We have an epidemic in our country right now where we have more death by Drug Overdose then we do by car accident. This book lays out the foundation for how we got there. Im not finished with it yet, but i do think it should be required reading. We need to create policy to deal with this Opioid Epidemic in our country. Book tv wants to know what you are reading. Send us your summer Summer Reading list booktv or instagram or posted to our facebook page, facebook. Com book tv. Put tv on cspan2. Television for serious readers. Food Network Channel host and author mark summers on the quality for people with disabilities and his challenges with obsessivecompulsive disorder known as ocd. Overcoming misperceptions. Other disabled people an equal opportunity advocates outline ways congress and businesses can advance the rights of the disabled. Hello and welcome. My name is jennifer and i am the founder and president of respectability, a Nonprofit Organization working to fight stigmas and real prejudice and to advance opportunities for people with disabilities. We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, and there are 57 million americans with disabilities. We are literally the largest Minority Group in america and one in every five people in

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