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Live on every channel. Trying to figure out whats going on so it was live and entire room thousands turn at once and start booing at me screaming in person saying the things they were saying online but saying them to my face, and it was nerve wrecking, my phone again starts going off like crazy. Not just people on twirts but my colleagues and my bosses and my mom saying what in the world is happening . Because shes watching it on television are you safe are you okay shes concerned. But i put my put my phone off i put it down over here because i have a job to do hes making a major announcement. How do you keep doing that job when that kind of attention ive learned at this point because hes gone of a me so many times i learned at this point in order to defuse the situation is smile and you wave. So i did that i smited and i waved at this angry crowd and they got bore ed and turned around. How were you personally angry at donald trump . Himself or in the moment you let it go because you have a job to do. Especially on that night. You let it go. You have a job to do thats what i kept doing. Im not a part of the story let it go i was frustrated by it i didnt want to be a part of the story i did not want Chris Matthews to ask it two seconds later which he did it is true these are not stories told live on msnbc put them in volume before we go to speaking of doing her job, im i love the fact that you were oneofthe first people in america to know about the access Hollywood Tape. [laughter] the grab them by the tame. Much more interesting today than it was a year ago. A fascinating chapter in your story, and i love the journalistic process of having to get comment from the Trump Campaign. So when youre a journalist you finds something out o and go to the person who is who is relevant to what you found out you say what do you think about this . But its a little different. A slight slightly more direct booking plug yes this book is about the campaign but when you get from it is behind the scenes look pulled by curtain so see what it is like and what your lives are like and Campaign Like behind the scene and treat reporters what are things that they said that may have been appropriate or not. And then in these weird history making moments, what is it like to have to put Something Like that on television . And this was odd because this is a tape that was language that you cant put on tv. Of a if president ial candidate bragging it seems about being able to assault women. And they let you do it because youre a star and so i see the tape i exclaim loudly in executive office where im being shown it. Oh, my god did donald trump say you can grab them by the but i said the word in the moment. And my boss looks at me shes is like yes he did. We need the campaign to comment on it. Weern going to put it on tv right after you get that comment so get a comment write a script, and lets get it on television. And so i email hope and jason and email is picks and jason miller who were Communication Team on the the Trump Campaign and email word for word is in the book. And its Something Like you know, mr. Trump said that you can grab them by the and he also talked about f king a married woman with and word for word things did you have a comment [laughter] they did not respond. [laughter] but then i have to figure out how to put all of these rated r things into pg13 format for daytime cable news tv. And so i think i i said grab them by the p word sexual advances which is totally not fair to sexual advances. [laughter] yeah, and i mean its fascinating looking back the on it seems if anything was going to break this campaign this would the whole place went silent, dark Kellyanne Conway canceledded tv appearances at the time was unheard of. [laughter] but yeah test interesting to look back on it now especially considering what is happening in the mean to campaign, and how the president is weighing in on al franken talking about a tape that is ignoring fact that he has his own anyway questions [laughter] yes or there are microphones in the center and we can assist with questions to get right to yours. But we since we doapght have a lot of time the question not statements. [laughter] okay. First question is how would you rate the job that they gentleman had done. Were these tough enough . It could have tougher to be honest, and second question is, many of Donald Trumps most of Donald Trumps policy adversely Effect People who voted for him. Do you think that those people will maybe buy knicks so they shouldnt come to realization that they voted for someone that is doing them in. You know, i dont know. Youre right some of the policies that hes spoken about or enacted the deregulation or the rollback of regulation would potentially affect them in a negative way when it comes to u. S. Epa standards. The gutting of obamacare is going to affect a lot of people. This tax plan could potentially raise the taxes of the lower class and palace down the line that might happen, though, until the last election cycle for those roll backs to sees we dont have that full bill voted on yet so it could change. You know i dont know, i mean, it depends on job creation do people, do they have jobs is the job better than the jobs they have before . Do they want to continue giving him a four more years for another chance to try to push things through is this i dont know. Depends. I wanted to thank you for being here i admired your coverage and hope you keep at it and i wanted to ask how in the world u do you put up with these comments from the other side when you offer them to try to give a balance and you know its nonsense. How can you do any better how can therk do any better in the future . I have to reject the premise the other side is not we you have to think about reporters and journalists and its a good rear were not out to convince anybody how to vote its not our job to convince trump voters not to votes for him again and democrats to vote for democrats but its our job to give you all of the information that that is out there to fact check where we need to con tech churlize and give you everything you immediate to need to make the decision that you want to make. So when people dont have facts behind them i try to push back regardless of whether or not theyre a democrat or a republican its tough right now, though, because theres a lot of people have a lot of feel like they have a lot of license to just say fake news. When they decide they dont like something or theres a fact that they dont like and this is really problematic because it allows people to just decide that anything they dont want to hear they dont have to hear and they dont have to believe and that is going to o i think negatively affect all of us in the future. So my plea to all of you and thank you for asking this so i can give my plea is to do your best. To police your facebook feeds your twitter feeds whatever social media you use, and to be very critical when you look at certain articles and make sure that youre getting Accurate Information and you havent just reading the things that you want to hear. And that you do take a moment to hear other side as well and have conversations with people maybe they didnt vote the same way you did but better to o understand everyone and cotom place where we can talk again. And accept to share facts again so we can make better decisions or good decisions in the future. You dont disagree with with something is in your news youre doing it wrong it should be it shouldnt be comfortable. Thank you. Sometimes i watch daily press and meetings with sarah and i want to get up and strangle her so i would like to know how you guys [laughter] dont get up and strangle her. First of all thats illegal and thats one of the reasons so white house has been that is in a place where a press secretary will try to spin news in their favor. Thats just the way things are done. This is i think taking it to a third degree. There are times where [applause] questions arent answered or theyre just ill get back to you and never gets back to you and asking about donald trump or the republicans or shes denying things that he has said. So yeah, its extraordinarily extraordinary frustrating. I wonder how valuable those briefings are. Personally. Thank you. Were in the same boat then. [laughter] i think every time somebody spins its not great for anybody. I believe the no spin zone o is available hi. So im a journalist student and i read your book when it first kale out and you mention you never have a background in political journalism but stood in as a weather girl that help yods cover donald trump better because you didnt have that background in that. But how do you feel that battle you know, swamp sort of affected the coverage of donald trump and why people accept his victory . [inaudible conversations] i worked for the Weather Channel i chased tornadoes. I was never allowed to do weather because i dont understand the meteorology but i covered news with the weather and before that a local News Reporter and foreign correspondent. I think that it was beneficial going to 016 because i was able to see with fresh eyes. The campaign and the support that he was getting and the enthusiasm he received was out all of the baggage of these are the way things have always been done and he cant possibly survive this because so and so didnt survive this. Its it was beneficial. I think that is partially what happened during 2016 and some of my most revered colleagues who are political people who do live in d. C. Have admit haded such saying you know part of the reason we didnt see donald trump coming is because we believed everything all of our hype. Everything that we had seen come before in washington with. And how important it is to get out there and on bonn the road and not just rely on pollses actually talk to people and see something smell something feel something, be inside those rallies and get a sense of the momentum and the movement. So thats also part of the reason why i didnt go to d. C. Myself there was a few things. He was one of them. But one of the other one was that i just think it is better to to talk about it from the outside. And to try and maintain the fresh eyes i had in 2016. So thank you. Thank you. Also congratulations on your wedding. Thank you. [applause] hl low im marsha and its a pleasure to meet you ive been watching you since you started and great to see you and evolved into a wonderful News Reporter. Thank you very much. Go back to sunday, november 6th. Okay. That morning on all of the news stations everyone was reporting that it was Hillary Hillarys to lose. She it was hillarys to lose and her percentage of her winning were across the board. 60, 70, 80 all the way up to one Agency Reporter said 98 . What happened . To watch nbc what happened . What happened . I think she wrote a book called what happened. [laughter] doesnt tell enough. The polls were wrong they were want totally wrong but they were just wrong enough to to lose or not lose the election but about miscall the election. I believe it was number six might have been the day before that james comey said the investigation the investigation through email was done. I was talking to a senior clinton aid who said that they felt that was worst thing that could have happened because it brought the email not the reopening which they didnt like either. But then the closing because instead of bringing closure to that, it brought it back up again. And it made people remember it because remember the access Hollywood Tape was really bad for trump and really, really, really bad for trump and the only thing that kind of got him out of that hole after 50 former and current republican lawmakers were saying i wouldnt vote for was reopening of the emails and what that did and im not saying that was the nail on coffin for clinton but what that did was it enabled moderate republicans or o republicans on fence or republicans who did not want to vote for donald trump saying im voting for hill because i cant vote for somebody who might be on federal investigation. Which is ironic. But we didnt know at time that donald trump was under invest because if fbi didnt inform anybody and theres questions about the double standard for there. So the polls were wrong just enough, and i think that theres a bunch and Clinton Family didnt go to michigan and probably should have gone to michigan and department make sure their blue wall was going to stand the combny investigation didnt help. What was going on with russia we still dont though. I think were still a bit away from figuring out exactly what happened on november th and why why donald trump ultimately won. But cant discount enthusiasm that he had people just loved him. Thank you. Thank you. Good things must come to an end im so sorry because this conversation is absolutely very engaging and inspiring. Thank you thank you katy. Thank you tony please buy the book. Please buy the book. [laughter] sorry about that. [applause] thank you very much. And booktv live coverage the miming book fair continues katy tur being interviewed by her husband who is with cbs. Thousand, what were o going to do in the next few minutes is were going to watch katy tur leave the stage and follow her over because all of the authors after theyre done speaking they go over and they sign their books. So we thought you might like to sew a portion of that and spend a few minutes watching katy tur sign her book. And after that con will be the author and after that katy tur will be joining us here on booktv set for a callin opportunity to have the chance to talk with her about her book, unbelievable, so katy tur is working her way off the set. And well be picking up with her in just a minute as she walks over to the book signing area. [silence] for me that november 2nd rally where he told me something was happening he was right something was happening. And you mean in the countries it is a big book fair and my husband came here with a book so i wanted to be able to say ive gone too, and because you get a lot of recognition and somebody trying to get curious about the book figuring out if they want to read it, and its good for miami because books are good for everybody. No matter where use live. No matter what theyre about. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] shot here. You have a become book review . Somebody have a book you have a book . I have your book on my desk. Excited it be. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [applause] [inaudible conversations]. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] chris you are watching katy tur sign her book, unbelievable. She will be joining us in about 45 minutes for a call in. You have a chance to talk with her as well. Doctor chapman hall here on the campus of Miamidade College. Msu here from peter goldstar father, his book, an american family. This is live coverage of the Miami Book Fair on booktv. Hello, good afternoon. Please take your seats ladies and gentlemen. We are ready to begin the last program that will take place in the Chapman Center for Miami Book Fair this evening. And of course, tomorrow we have an entire day here in the Chapman Center and throughout the fair. Good afternoon again, i would like to welcome you here to Miami Book Fair. It has been a truly outstanding day here at the fair. Hasnt it . Yes, it has. [applause] many of you may or may not know that i have been a fair here for many years. And every single year, that has gotten much better and much much more special. And that really is a testament to the great work and commitment of Miamidade College. And the community that comes together to bring this literary fair to our community and to those that visit us near and far. I say that with all sincerity because it would not be here. It would not be this caliber of a book fair if it were not for the thousands of individuals including our fair goers. Many thanks to you for making this book fair as special as it is. Without further ado, i would like to get on with the show. Please, you know the routine. Please silence your devices. Those that are coming in, please take a seat. And im going to bring on mr. Weisberg. He is a longtime civil rights attorney and he will make the formal introduction. Thank you, bob . Thank you. I have to say it is a real honor for me to make these introductions. Anchors the weekday evening newscast on jan atv, cbs news and miami also a Public Affairs show on south florida. She joins cbs4 as a morning anchor and became the main anchor along with rick in 2015. She was part of the team that won emmy for the coverage of the Pulse Night Club shooting attack and was nominated for her coverage from havana with president obama making an historic visit to cuba. Before joining cbs4 she worked in la and phoenix were she also received an emmy nomination. She graduated from Pepperdine University with journalism and sociology. And received a masters degree from university of california berkeley, graduate school of journalism. I suspect that most of you in this room, like me, were first introduced a little after 9 pm eastern time on july 28, 2016 when with his wife stand beside him, Muslim American citizens and parents of Us Army Captain that was tragically killed in iraq 2004 rectified millions of people around the world on the final day of the Democratic Convention when he passionately spoke of american ideals and values and offered to let donald trump pocket constitution. [applause] kazir was born in a family and they moved to the United States where they became american citizens and raised their sons. He holds a bachelors degree and an llm from harvard law school. His book, an american family, a memoir of hope and sacrifice, taking on a journey from pakistan through schooling in pakistan, the invention and after. It was a joy to read and i believe after you read it you would agree with me that it should be required reading throughout the United States and classes. As described in the book, after his speech at the Democratic National convention, they received hundreds of letters from inspired people throughout the us and the world offering condolences and thanking them for their strength and courage. I want to read a passage from one of those letters. It is quite the script. This came a week after the convention from a woman in oregon. It summarizes, you offer your condolences and write that you believe they must repent for speaking out. She thanks them for their courage and exercising rights guaranteed for all americans of the First Amendment of the constitution. And i think this really captures the essence of what his presence that night meant, to this woman as well as millions of people around the world. Reading this quote from the letter. It has been such a sight to behold and it made me very proud as an american. I am disabled and unable to jump by airplane. Ill never be able to see the statute of liberty at ellis island. That is okay because i seen the parent surpassing kazir testing i seen lady liberty. Thank you and help me welcoming them to the Miami Book Fair. [applause] welcome everyone. Thank you for being here. Welcome to miami. Such an honor. Thank you, very much. I first want to start with the most important aspect of this entire story which is your son. The honorable captain. I wanted to tell us what you want about and his legacy. He was the best of america. Two, we brought him two years old to this nation. This country. And the rest he learned. It was others extending for fairness. He was made right here, made of the diet of the goodness of this country. I did not know until recently i was at an event in washington dc. A lady approached me and she said you do not know me but your son was my commandant in iraq. He found out that i cry every day because i was so afraid. He made a point as long as he was there, he would come to me every evening before i went to bed and he would assure me im here to protect you. That is what we know of him. [applause] i pay tribute to if there veterans in the audience here or by the reach of my voice because of your service, your Family Service of all who are veterans, members of the armed forces, members of Law Enforcement and their families. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your Honorable Service to this nation for keeping this safe and keeping us free. We are grateful. He was a soldiers soldier. He took an oath to defend the constitution to protect those that were under his responsibility and he was so true to his word to the last moment of his life and we did not make him that and that is what the story is mattel in the book he was made right here. He was made in this country, he was made in this nation, he was the leader of thomas jefferson, meaning service technician, service to the country, standing up for fairness. That was his model and the rest is history. You all know him as much as your son as his hours. He belongs to america. He presented america so well, taught us even to your own pedal, he would stand up for fairness. And has left us with amazing light and grace that we continue to cherish even today. And we were blessed to have him for 27 years. And he left us with a candle from which others are lighting their candle of serving others and standing with others. He stood with them, he was, and fifth grade we received a call from his principal. Please come to the Principals Office and mrs. Khan rushed. She thought that something bad had happened. The principal had a boy and a girl and our son and his teacher in his office. And he saw the word look on mrs. Khan face. He said humayun saw how this boy was bullying this girl in the classroom. And humayun saw it the second day and the second day humayun that was fifth grade. So that is how we know him. [applause] there are critics who said ugly things about your appearance at the dnc. They say perhaps were politicizing your sons death. What would you say to that . Yes, we arepoliticizing. There comes a time in a persons life , knowing humayun was values come he will be proud of us. What we have done, why we have done, after that statement and you may read all of this in the book in great detail. After that bigoted statement i was woman is of no equal respect and judges are partial. Small children, of our neighborhood, our childrens children, our grandchildren classmates, our childrens friends and their children would approach to me you are a lawyer. Is this true if this person becomes president , will we be thrown out of here . We are afraid. And i would hug them and tell them no, we are a country of laws, we are a country of constitution, equal protection, equal dignity, rule of law. But nothing would hearten them, they would not eat well, they would not Pay Attention plumbin that you have to speak to them again. Because they refuse to go to school every morning. They have time he ate, they do not want to go to the school. And we asked them why you do not want to go to school. They say that our friends are telling us that when you go back from school, your parents would have been taken. You will never see them again. We dont want to go to school. This was happening our personal life. Then came the invitation to come and speak. We were reluctant. We did not want to go. We set for two days pondering, should we go or shouldnt we go . We are humble in private modest people. Nonpolitical. But that was on her mind when the invitation came and when that card came from middle school. Children wrote to us and placed in the mailbox because there was no stamp on the envelope and this is what the card said, one line that has taken us in the spirit of captain humayun khan. Care for others. Even to your own pedal, you must care, you must stand for fairness. It is that card, that one line that sent us that day. We had almost decided we will not go because of our wellwishers and other childrens i do not go, this is not your cup of tea. This is what that line said. Mr. Khan, would you make sure that maria is not thrown out of this country . We love her. She is our friend. And i read that card twice. We are people of faith, we have been trained for two days that some guidance shall come our way so we could decide so we do not regret she may have gone, should we have not gone. I brought that card immediately to my wife and she said, please call them. We will go. We will go on behalf of these children so when they see that, they will be heartened. They will be encouraged that someone is speaking on their behalf. So those who feel is that we are politicizing captain humayun khan, of course we are. We are politicizing for fairness, we are politicizing his life, his sacrifice for the wellbeing of our children. We are so prone if he was alive today, he would be standing right here. This is how we greeted one another, left side to left side. Because that is where your hearts are. And he would encourage us and so it is a tribute to his life. The proceeds of this book that we have published, their tuneup your one for our middle School Children and the other book, the proceeds of this book, both of these books are dedicated to the scholarship that we have set up in university of virginia. It is titled captain humayun khan Memorial Scholarship on needbased. The students will continue to benefit so the good life that he had lived, he blessed us for 27 years and his legacy, yes, we are politicizing, yes we are doing this so loudly, so clearly, so that others that are still walking middleoftheroad, would decide that this is the time for all of us to stand for fairness. [applause] mr. Khan you have a long relationship with the american prosecution. You write about studying it and admiring it when you are young in pakistan. Do you have it with you right now . Yes, i do [laughter] i will bring out [applause] i will bring out for the purpose that i carry this in a minute. But yes, my love affair with the United States constitution bill of rights, most importantly, declaration of independence started in 1972. Those who criticize that i, why am i so passionate about this . Why passion for this blessed document and the values. At that time when i read it first, when at whenever the declaration of independence i did not have the caliber of courage to think that one day i will be able to go and sit among the people that are born and raised under these values and the goodness that is enshrined in these documents. Twice in my life, why i am so passionate about the values of the constitution. The bill of rights, the dignities and the rule of law that is enshrined in our articles. Twice in my life, i have lived without any dignity. Under martial law. You can draw the conclusions, i will simply point out that twice i have lived under authoritarian dictators, military dictators in pakistan. Once when i was middle school student. Second, when i was law student. I could not get out my home unless the military dictator gave us the permission that you can come out of your house. I could not read the newspaper because newspapers were the enemy of the dictator. They were the enemy of the free press. The enemy of the authoritarian dictator. Shoot all of the reporters, if they do not behave, kill them and ive seen with my own eyes, how the press was mistreated. The fourth pillar of our democracy. I have seen how judges were declared incompetent, they do not decide places, i will decide, i have the dictator, the ruler. I will decide myself. These are the two traits of authoritarians. One, they do not like free press. Free press is their enemy. It is fake media. You draw the conclusions. Judges are partial. They are no good. We will see you in the court. When you go to the court, we will see in the court again. It is the traits that i grew up, when i read the declaration of independence first time, i was in awe, is a nation in this planet that declared their independence . What a independence they have. I also come from the background that you gain your independence by when the king or the ruler feels benevolent, he will declare you free. You will struggle for a and all but there had never been a nation most americans that read your documents, read your founding documents. You will come out of in awe of the founding values of this doctor p this country declared its independence. We are free. And declare the grievances, i read all words of the declaration in one standing. My feet were hurting. I took my shoes off and i read them. I did not understand the full impact of it then in the first reading. But i read it then, i read the articles that describe our rule of law. How the judicial system would work, how the judges will be appointed. The relation between the state and federal government. So that is how civilized people live . Then i read the best part of the constitution. The bill of rights. I still remain, i did this exercise a few years ago out of curiosity. I decided to read the most of this world constitution. The countries that have constitutions. There is no nation on this earth, and i implore you to do that exercise. Which declares in its constitution, the very First Amendment which says, the first five words i employ you to look at the spirit of what those five words. Congress shall make no laws. The congress is the supreme body of this nation, has the full authority to decide and declare whatever laws should be connected or rescinded. Federal of press it is so fundamental to the United States liberty. Its democracy, its rule of law. Freedom of religion, rather you practice or you dont practice any religion. But you shall not be discriminate based on that. It is those values that have made us hope for the rest of the world and it is for such reason are im so passionate. 168 is speaking engagements. [applause] 168 speaking engagements and i shall continue as long as it takes to demind entire nation of the goodness of this country of the values that are enshrined in our dmment and basic foundation of the democracy over rule of law. And i am so hard whnd i see the fear when i see the concern in the hearts and minds of communities throughout the nation because when theres so much concern when theres so much realization that we have with taken a wrong turn. That soon thereafter the immediately thereafter is correction. Im so hopeful. I [applause] i give you you will say give us an example i give you an example i come from virginia. From charlottesville, virginia. You saw the result. You saw the results last tuesday. We took the turn for the right and this nation will take the turn for the right. [applause] it is it is that that gives us hope for regardless of russian collaborator entered into the white house, we will correct. We will take a democracy back we will take dignity of our electoral system back, and this nation because it is founded on the goodness on the pluralism on giving every citizen of this nation equal dignity equal right. We will move forward with that instead of that founding spirit of this nation. Should we be concerned about or safety or security of borders, of the nation, yes. We all have responsible for our security. But unfair treatment of communities, that is a defeated mentality. Of this nation will never stand for that. Lets talk about then candidate trump who called for complete and shutdown of muslims in this country before we figure out what the hell is going on his words not mine. Lets talk about those words. A reporter called you the next day, and asked for your with reaction and your reaction was americans are good and decent people and this will never happen. Has your view changed . No, no. My stand and my belief is for the concern. Were concerned about our safety, yes, and im or for that really strong immigration. We dont have immigration policy. We have Immigration Law and ill explain in a second. The difference between policy and laws. But we must protect our borders. We must protect our nations. Those with mall intention and malice in mind and hardship should not be allowed to enter the United States but that doesnt mean that we begin to violate our constitution. We begin to issue exact orders in violation of the constitution. I believe in the statements and the declaration of the National Security advisors, those who have given their life and those who have spent all of their life protecting this nation. They all declared that such declarations do not protect us. Such declaration put our men and women servings over in harms way under danger, under risk therefore this kind of bigotry is of no value to this nation. It does not protect us. My faith is reaffirmed in the Constitutional Values of this country based on this. Will is a purpose of not to deciding such a policy decision based on the violation of the First Amendment. Freedom of religion. Freedom of faith, that no laws will be passed based on that. Im not only spoken against that but filed too brief on the Supreme Court as well that why it is harm powerful to our nation even for the Security Matters that such distinction, strict Security Policy yes, strict immigration policy, yes are. But violating the constitution marginalizing a community alienating a Community Gives room to those who have malice about our country to find to grow to become more powerful and this is what i said when i this is what i meant when i said we have Immigration Laws but we dont have immigration policy. This is the difference. This many immigration policy, and this nation never had immigration policy, this is what happens many immigration policy, we with take estimate how many people are retiring this year, next three, five, year, next 20 years who will be replacing them in the work force . So that the income to support their needs, their retirement is continuing. We do not have that. Question do not have rich sector will be needing how much men power. How many people will be needed to support technology. How many people will be need five year, ten year, 20 years from now in farming in agriculture. In industry, in manufacturing, in technology. We dont have that policy. That is why it is reported and consider this. That our 7 million mostly Young Americans unemployed in this nation, there are 6. 2 million vacancy in Technology Field that we cannot find enough trained peel to fill. That is why this disparity of income exist that these folks that are using that had to store the division that oh, immigrants are coming take them over to their job. Other nations from preparing poem for the future meaning theyre training their young men and women to take technology jobs, that is is why you see influx of people coming from outside the United States. Because we dont have any images promise. We have not prepared. We dont its not that we lack resources. It is that some of these divisive folks among our nation have found this fear of immigrants as easy target. Easy way to exploit the sentiments of the community and that is what theyre doing instead of advising that we should train our young generation for the next two year, three, five, ten year. So that we will fill all of the vacancies that exist even today as i said. 6. 2 million vacancies ask any Technology Expert of this country they will tell you that are not enough people trained in United States that will take those jobs. So that disparity exists that is being exploited by those who divide us based on that. That is not all the script. First world war second theyre not genius that they have come out with this economic disparity Division Something new they have nefnghted not at all First World War first war three elements one nationalism. Second economic well being third was fear of immigrants. Oh, these immigrants are coming, they will take over all of the jobs. Same script gave us First World War same script gave us Second World War and famous script is repeated now but this time this is 2017 we have so dependent we realize issue of economic well beings fear of grant is a divisive issue. We have become so interdependent that we should learn about this how to solve these problems, how to resolve them so that the nation is stronger. So that this nation remains beacon of hope for the rest of the world and remains strong based on our foundation under our ideal on our democracy. Look the brexit took place in europe, i was invited to speak there. I spoke to them much early on when there was only hints of foreign intervention in the brexit. Today now theyre had investigating the influence of that foreign intervention in brexit. Theyre regretting that that took place same thing in the United States. We have discoveredded how our system of elections how our city was align was attacked, its integrity was attacked. So these elements, we are becoming more aware. We are becoming more aware of that 7 people ask me in every gathering what is the solution. The solution is this as virginia shorterredded stand up speak for your values every american participate in our electoral process. If we did that [applause] if we did that our democracy will be stronger, those who look towards us with malice in their hearts towards us will be defeated. We will remain we just celebrated 430 years of our constitution we have 230 more years to go and more to go, and we all remain in support of our values. We are ben fish these dignities i write in the book that ask any person at the darkest corner of this earth who has never heard of america who has never heard of these values that are had enshrined in our founding documents meaning what meaning this do you want to have freedom to speak . The person will say, yes. Do you want to have freedom to practice your faith on not have any faith . They will say yes. Do you want to have freedom to protest our speak, they will say yes. Without realizing that we all are guaranteed those values. These values are worth fighting for, spending for, making sure that no one with the malice in their heart ever, ever lays a bad hand or bad eye towards it. It is that mission that i continue to speak in the captain, he gave his life and i repeat it because some people object to that. Thats why you were bringing his sacrifice to this conversation this political conversation. No, no. This is not political conversation. It is the conversation in defense of the values that are enshrined in our constitution in the three blessed documents. This is the story of the goodness of this nation that has made this Nation Beacon of hope. I site in the book this speech that i heard and i stood up when reagan reached the end of that speech where he says i have dreamed of this nation as a city on shining city on hill. That has walls around it. But that wall has doors in it. So anyone with courage, anyone with heart can enter those doors and become part of this blessed nation. So it is for that purpose that we continue to speak. I want to take it to a personal level [applause] mrp about your personal experience, obviously you knew that speaking at the dnc was going to expose you and your family in a way that you hadnt experienced before but then evolved into some sort of feud with then candidate trump. How has it changed your life and life of your family and was it all worth it . Yes, it was worth it to many many atimes miss, many atimes now that we have begin to consider that. There cools this is what we talk about had it been worth, we there are two choices. And again and agains its kept in many the life comes into play. He had the choice. He could have simply like and ordered his man to hit the ground. He could have hit the ground. But that qowld qowld have would have caused him to hit the wall and on other side of the wall there was score of american soldiers that had just had breakfast and were getting ready to go to work next morning. That morning that fateful morning he had that choig and could have ordered his command reverse tell him he could have ordered men that were protecting the base to shoot that cap. But he must have thought this may be an innocent person who lost his way. So he gave his life in protection of others. Care of others. It is in that spirit that we say that, we stood. We continue to speak regardless of attack. We have received thousands of wonderful mail heartening mail from all over the country people reminding us that thank you for reminding us of our constitution of our values over goodness. We are grateful for that. But there had been ugliness as well and discouraging email but look at the difference. And this is, this is where the strength of this stand and standing for fairness is so visible. Those who have written us ugly email this is how we recognize that moment we look at the envelope of that mail they do not write return address on. That speaks, that that one doesnt know from the other but theyre all displaying the same cowardness. They do not realize how it is so common because of the coward on the other hand, we have people that have showered their love and their care and their courage. We have a letter from the army nurse 26 pages she writes she served in Second World War in germany and on 26th pam she writes to us after telling us the whole story of her service in europe private Second World War and she said mr. , mrs. Concontinue to speak had had more people spoken before Second World War, we could have avoided astros uty that were committed in Second World War. We could have awarded committed against the jewish brother and sisters in Second World War continued to speak. It is that that letter means so much to me that i will continue to speak. [applause] theres so much more i want to ask you but i want to open it up to the audience. If there are questions from the audience members from mr. Con. Yes. First of all i would like to say that nobody would take away from your son sacrifice or grief that a family must feel when they lose a son. But once you put yourself out there as a political figure and as a critic of the at the time candidate trump, i think it opened you up like you cant say youre above krit si. At that point he had to right to defend himself. He had a right to say whatever he wanted to defend it himself. Okay, thats the first one but the second point was about the was about the second question all be respectful. The constitution listen, the constitution does not provide theres no constitutional right for people outside this country to enter the country. I hope you understand that. Theres no constitution so theres the constitution say this is the constitution what trump was saying is nothing contrary to the constitution. Everyone be respectful and let him finish. Is preaced this country, and if theres a group of people anyone in the world because of lnls extremism or whatever that poses a threat, he was saying lets suspend not ban but suspend, suspend, suspend unfilled suspend immigration until we have clear vetting anding strong vetting procedures in place. But that was not the way it was covered lets give him a chance to respond. Give him a chance to respond. Stop screaming i would be able to finish you people are rutted. You people are very is rude. Please giving its because you hate trump admits it. Let him finish. Can we let him answer the question . I i did not understand my brothers question. So i dont know what to say. Trying to interpret saying the president had a right to argue back and that he has a right to call for a suspension of a Certain Group of people who he believes are a threat to the United States i think that was what i got from this. Well hes the president entitled to his point of view so are we. We are equal under the constitution. We have equal right to criticize a candidate, and criticize the president. And we were exercising and we will continue to exercise our right to [applause] expression. And let the folks decide who is right whos wrong. So you know. Okay thank you next question. Theres no question thank you for being such a good human being and for inspiring all of us. [applause] and for standing up for immigrants and for the rule of law. There is a law in the books called temporary protected status at which like all law the executive is supposed to follow, and right now in the days before thanks give dhs has to decide whether its going to respect that law under which 50,000 haitians are protected because of the epidemic and Hurricane Matthew and the earthquake. So i approve we all should appreciate your reare minder of the values that were not a country that allows individuals to run over the law and executive has to obey it thanks to the reminders. Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] good evening mr. Con. I understand you have a fulfilled many dreams in your life coming to the United States, going to harvard. Is there any other dream you have yet to fulfill . Thank you. [laughter] [applause] my dream would be to see my nation become beacon eve remain buy con of hope for the rest of the world. There is a report in the media and International Media and all of that that instead of being number one on the prestige of the nations , we have sled to number six. Since last election, and i want to continue to see my nation become number one not because of it military power or its economic power, no, no because of its ideals because of its principles. Because of those principles being beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Thank you. [applause] plnch con, i believe theres a certain threat to our constitution which was expounded by the late Justice Scalia which is that you have to interpret everything in its originalist idea as if nobody else could have any idea or way to interpret the constitution. What do you think of scalias position . No, no i agree with with the late justices interpretation and its point of view. Its living document we should always remember this that all of the changes that are taking place in our country throughout the world we must continue to deal request them. There is legislative process. Theres constitutional process, to incorporate changes. Some time when that argument is presented, it is limited to certain provisions of bill of rights not all if we need to be strict and to spread our constitutional value and trying in our documents then that should be for all provisions of the constitution. Not only certain provisions of the constitution. So that is the only humble footnote i have. But i agree with Justice Scalia that constitution should be read under its provision of sense but then we are not living in 1776. 17 84. [applause] we should, we should be cognizant of that as well and that we move forward through 2017. But i agree with him. Thank you. Yes. You talk a lot about defending the constitution. I wonder what your position is in terms of the United States role in defending the universal declaration of rights, and the the values that that enshines that i think also reflect american values. Did you understand . Im sorry can you reare pete that one more time. Whats your position on how you see the u. S. Defending the universal declaration of human rights . Oh, yes, yes. I look sometimes e people begin to get this impression when i speak professionally about my country about its values about its goodness about its history that somehow im saying that this is the Perfect Place on planet earth. Not at all. This is not Perfect Place. So much to move forward with but this is the best place. Compare it with the rest of the world and you will come to this conclusion that theres no other nation as United States of america declaration of human rights, International Declaration of human rights. So much more needs to be done. We are falling behind because of the current circumstances were falling behind on those commitments that we have made to the rest of the world. We are absent from the table from the world table where we used to sit. We have absent now from there. That is putting us behind instead of moving forward, were retracting and that concerns me. But i but i agree that we have so much we have so much further to go to move our nation forward. So thank you so much may god bless you and your family for the sacrifice as next patriot of pakistan i can vouch what you said about the constitution. And that it is violated as a member of the community we have no right in pakistan to vote, and the parliament of pakistan has declared as nonmuslim which they have no right to do. And that is something i share with americans my friends many america that is constitution as youre saying is absolutely a say screed document this protects not only nawnl in the world but pakistan on the other hand has taken a spiral a nose dive since the declared is not nonmuslim. Soy agree with that 100 . But question so you is all that might be relevant to american audience is if theres given any opportunity and chance to speak to authorities in pakistan can you convince them to give equal rights, thank you so much. Let me dont go anywhere let me answer this questions i wish you would have read are the book i address that issue that none of us muslim to muslim, none of us has any right, any right to declare other person out of their claimed faith. Period we are all of equal dignity. This is between one person of faith and the faith that he or she practices. I have no right to declare somebody out of this faith or in this faith. I i condemn that muslims are committing throughout the world. I condemn that surveillances but i still do not give myself that right or theyre not muslims, im only im the one that is muslim not at all. That is not in my faith at all. I hope that has your question that you and i everyone is of equal dignity of equal respect of equal in our eye of our creator. This person was worshiping and it goes back to the presence of god. God hes not worshiping you, he is worshiping the idol. This is what god says and that is where comes to your question also. I notice but im answering this sincerity of prayer. Go after all those prayers. He is praying so sincerely even though he is praying to an idol so its a matter of divine decisions and all that we all have dignity and equal respect, equal character. Thank you, sir. [applause] first i wanted to thank you so much as a muslimamerican for all that you have done for the muslimamerican community in such a good way and it means a lot to me. My question is when exactly or what exactly a knott. Its not too complicated. When he made the decision to join the rotc program and then to take the commission we asked him what his motives are and he said look whenever i am with the members of the rotc they are so honorable. They are so committed they are so hardworking i feel that i am in elements with them. So you tell me as a grownup child of the person who says that i want to join the army or i want to join the armed forces these honorable goals and aims how could you refuse . How could you decline and how could you discourage them so we gave them aarp blessing but this is a statement to us. I feel i am in my element with this honor, with this dignity, with this service to others, service to our nation and to undergo circumstances. [applause] i would like to thank you mr. Mr. Con on behalf of Miami Book Fair in on behalf of Miamidade College and everyone here. Thank you for embracing us with your presence and with your inspiration. Thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] host booktvs live coverage of the Miami Book Fair continues. We have got one more this statement that we will be live all day tomorrow on sunday. Joining us on our booktv said at Miamidade College katy tur of nbc. Her book unbelievable, my front row seat to the greatest campaign in american history. Katy tur reading this book there doesnt seem to be much of a filter. Is that a Fair Assessment . Guest this was not coverage of the Political Campaign that i was following. Its not what happened in the donald trump orbit for every decision that has been made. This is the look about what its like as a journalist to be there and to see it up close to show america what we do for a living, the hardships we go through, the long days, the longer nights the interactions we have with the campaign the interactions we have with supporters has humorous lighthearted moments but also very dark moments because this was how he be filtered about what happened in 2016. He was so unbelievable. Host one of the things you say throughout the book is dont count him out and you are sensing something out there. Guest i dont think anyone should have to and thats why i dont think anyone should count him not to this day. Yes he still says outrageous things and hes played by negative headlines and scandals and for early investigations but donald trump enjoys the support like nobody else has. People like him not despite all of the many controversies but because of them. They have a feudalistic nature and themselves that donald trump represents and that was discounted very early on. We were discounting him Election Night november 8 even when the momentum was in his direction people were saying oh no the urban vote is going to come in and its going to kill us. Host katy tur in your book also you thank the Trump Supporters who were nice to you. You thank the Trump Officials who gave you access to information. Did you experience that and we all know the bad side. I dont think anyone should paint anybody with a broadbrush. There are Campaign Staffers and thats why i have a very Good Relationship with. There are some who i dont have a very Good Relationship with them thats normal for a reporter covering anybody. You dont always like the journalists that are covering you. They dont want they dont want to be fact checked. Our coverage is not always fawning and its not supposed to be fawning. Theres always going to be that push and pull. I had a lovely and positive interaction with donald Trump Supporters as well, people who helped me curl my hair in the bathroom and it was so surreal because at the same time there were so many supporters who were calling on, calling members of the media liars screaming at us at the top of their lungs in giving us the finger threatening our lives. I had Death Threats during the campaign because donald trump riled them up and told them what liars they were so they took out a lot of their anger on members of the press anger for the establishment and anger for the status quo. Aimed curve for congress in washington and the way things always were. They were able to take it out on news who were hemmed in and each one of these rallies. Host if you want to talk to katy tur about her book unbelievable 7488200 and the central timezone 202 7488201 if you live in the mountain and pacific timezones. You talk about the press and it really is guest its an area thats usually in the center of the rally cordoned off that come up to your waist. He would have them in the center of a basketball arena in grand Rapids Michigan with five or 6000 people surrounding us on all sides. They would be up against the wall with supporters on all sides of us in the belly of a world war ii battleship. We could come and go as they please when donald trump wasnt there but there were some reason which was never fully explained by the campaign. They would force us not to leave whenever donald trump was in the room. The secret service for reasons we still dont understand since the secret service is paid by the public they were following directions in the campaign. I think it was probably partially because donald trump didnt want supporters asking questions on the rope line but then there was also a theory that was positive after the campaign. We were there as part of the act, part of the show. Donald trump brought in members of the elite members of the establishment and when he turned on us he allowed everybody in the room to turn on us. To get their aggression and frustration out on what was wrong with politics in wrong with america and his minded in their minds. That he brought into show. Host two questions. Is the press a legitimate target and was there a legitimate argument that donald trump was making . Guest if you dont want to trust what they are saying but i dont think we are not a legitimate target because without journalists its just propaganda. Politics will tell you whatever they believe in whatever you should hear. Not maybe their own selfinterest but there interested they are preserving. I dont think you can trust what a politician says on face value. Its not the way that our democracy was set up and its not what our founders had envisioned with checks and balances on lawmakers on our politicians. You need to have a press for a healthy and functioning democracy. We are a cheap target, not a fair target, we are a cheap target for politicians who dont want to be held accountable. Did he say we are bunch of liars and . No. Host katy tur is our guest in the first call comes from will in carolina. You are on booktv. Give us your comment please. Caller yes, can you hear me . Host we are listening. Caller i have a question in regards to something she mentioned about the miami but deal earlier and it has to do with the difference between Fact Checking and building a context for those facts. The question is do you think it would a fair edit times the media contextualize facts that may or may not be true to the point that they either become false or true and that would be a valid criticism of the media the contextualization of facts or nonfacts rather than stating things to be factual or not. Heres the thing about facts. They are facts. Annapolis and apple and orange is an orange. Facts are facts. They are not suggestive so you cant contextualize a factor make it true or not true and im trying to understand your question but i think maybe what you are saying is to be swayed by the way in which we describe something. Thats not our intention. We tried to put donald trump in context for those who had come before him and for what most politicians had and also you can fact check it and say thats not true and maybe part of it was true in part it wasnt true into contextualize and donald trump is calling a federal judge unfair because hes mexican. The context there is he is a of mexican heritage and we should point that out in the context as this is a man who is presiding over the tribunal bursts of the base and their rulings that he doesnt like and donald trump has always things he doesnt like and trying to push back on the idea that the university was a fraud which was what prosecutors were saying about it it. The people who participated in it were saying about it and trying to get their money back pray thats just one example. Im curious for you to give me an example of where you thought we were tipping the scales one way or another. Host will willis gone unfortunately. We will talk to bob and Maple Springs new york. Bob, you are on to katy tur. Caller hello, im very glad to be on with her. My wife has read the book and im reading the book. We feel like we know you did we spend a lot of time with you and we feel youve been very honest in your book. Have you gotten any negative feedback from people the way you portray them in the book, things that they said are things that you attributed to them, any negative feed back . Surprisingly but now no i have not. I talked to a number of people who appear in the book or there is information reported in the book and ive so far gotten positive responses. I havent gotten anything negative although donald trump he did tweet about it today came out and basically he said its fascinating to see journalists who know nothing about me right a book. Thats been the most negative response ive gotten. Host have you seen have you seen him or talk to them since the election . Guest i have not since the election, no. Host why did you go to the white house . Isnt that the usual path . Guest i didnt go to the white house, there a number of reasons. First of all you do this a lot in this business where you have a lot of personal relationships and i blew up a relationship i had and i developed one here and it got serious and i wanted to get married. Host did you get very . Guest i did get married. Host three weeks ago. Congratulations. Guest thank you. Secondly i believe what would be beneficial to me during the campaign was that i was an outsider. Its not the washington swamp and not to say that its a swamp reporters who live there have a baggage about how washington works and what i was able to do on the campaign trail was take a look at it with a pair of fresh eyes and really judge engage without all of the rules of washington behind me. Especially going into 2020. Host the next call for katy tur is Ronald Wright here in hollywood, florida. Hi ronnell, go ahead. Caller my question is about the American Voters. As you travel around you think the American Voters are educated and often do they follow the issues . Is this a popularity contest now now . Im in my 60s and i can remember prior to an election people were more concerned with issues and they read stuff. The media was a positive thing but now it seems to be a public thing where i dont like this candidate so thats my concern. What is your assessment . Host think you ronnell. Guest thats a really good question. I think we as a country need to be more educated and the process of our politics and elections the process of journalism and our policies in the issues i think there can be a bit of tamil vision at times deciding you like somebody and you like the way they speak so you are not want to hear anything else and thats on both sides of the aisle. He you decide the other candidate is evil or a liar or all of the negative attributes for that person. I dont think we are as michiganbased as we could be an part of that just culture and part of that is the advent of television. They talk about when tv was invented when they first started airing debates and suddenly we saw people who were a little more so i think thats a failing. But you are right. During this campaign especially donald trump did not have a lot of policies. Talk about policies allowed in the talked about building a wall and supporting Illegal Immigrants and having a muslim ban. These were mostly having to do with immigration and it wasnt the nittygritty of getting things done. The fact that we didnt talk about it more certainty to our detriment. Host michael in nevada, hello michael. Caller hello and congratulations katy on your wedding. Guest thank you. Caller i would like to know how difficult was it for you to get access for sources through the campaign, the Trump Campaign people . I have seen that you were treated viciously with the rhetoric and i have got to commend you on your bravery. I was just curious about what it took to get interviewed for your sourcing. Was it really that tough on you and go ahead. Host thank you michael. Guest is always difficult to get to know a group of people to build sources but thats part of the job. What it is is its a series of relationships and Building Trust trust. Are you going to tell me the truth when i ask you questions and are you going to be honest if he really dealt no something basically it means we wont name you. You dont reveal sources. You are able to talk freely so thats a process that takes time and getting to know people. Its difficult for reporters to penetrate. This campaign was more difficult for all of us not just me. You learn who you can talk to and who you cant talk to and who you can trust even off the record. And when they dont give you access, that can be very illuminating in itself. You figure out why they dont want to talk about a certain thing or why they might shut down at a certain time or who they talk. You get a feel for it and you learn how to navigate. Host were without point that you were truly frightened in your life . Guest the most obvious answer to that question, i did a sitdown interview with donald trump and trump tower in july and it got really contentious. At this point and then somebody would tweet me, there was one man who was saying very aggressive things. Are you going to arizona . Im going to find you and im going to tell you what i think. When i was in arizona even early on and this was july i was really cautious about who was around and i was really on edge. The back of my neck was always up. Ive never experienced anything like that. He did get threatened as a reporter. Ive covered natural disasters and happy stories and human interest. Then it never worked with such fire in sensitive emotions so early on i got kind of but the muslim ban when he called he when he tweeted that i should be fired or reporting this and that room at that moment in time i felt served super nervous in the campaign felt nervous. One of the staffers arranged for secret service to walk me to my car. Host the next call for katy tur comes from a late era era allegra daly city california. Good afternoon, go ahead. Caller good afternoon. Katy tur act been watching you since the beginning of the campaign. I remember when Barbara Walters wanted to discuss politics. She was on nbc the today show. She was ambitious and she was going to do this and i started watching msnbc at the beginning of the campaign because of you and the other young women who were going around the country during the campaign. I worried about you, really. I worried that someone was going to abuse you. I went to the dash school later than donald trump and i got my mba. He came up to me once to function in new york and said i didnt know women could get their mba and i said mr. Trump, yes they can nowadays. Let me tell you in 1976 it was really tough. I wish once in a while you would have older women on your shows. We can explain to why there are men like donald trump and harvey weinstein, bill clinton. We admire you so very very much. I watch you every day and my father. Host allegra we are going to leave your comment. Thank you very much for calling in for katy tur. Guest thank you very much. Host was there abuse that was sexist and calling you out . Guest i will leave that to the individual to decide. He used different language for women than he did for men. He called me out a lot. But he called me out starting the very first day. I was at a rally early on and the continued throughout the campaign. It could be attributed to the fact that i was the correspondent i was the correspondent that he was recognized in the crowd of people. We had a lot of oneonone interaction. I had worked on nbc on the apprentice. He wanted coverage from us and he wasnt getting it and i was young. I have not covered politics. Im a small woman, i am 5 feet 2 inches and maybe he thought that he could either charm me into being friendlier or steamroll me and intimidate me. That doesnt work, not with me. Host gene in st. Louis, we have one minute left. Go ahead. Caller i wonder if anyone from your network, any exec it if approached the campaign or the candidate about his calling you out in public in the concerns it raised and if so what was the campaign or the candidates response. Guest the network did a number of times say we dont think this is appropriate. You are endangering a reporter. I had to have armed guards, bodyguards half of the campaign after january or so. All the other Trump Supporters as well no matter where we went. They werent happy about that. They thought it was inappropriate for a political journalist to be targeted for covering a Political Campaign. The campaigns response to them, i dont know because i wasnt privy to it but i will say i was talking to one of the staffers about the way he talked about reporters in general and he made sure he was putting reporters in or anybody in the press corps that might get hurt outside of a rally, inside of a rally for my decide to take it out on us or take it one step too far. I asked a staffer and the staffer said yeah and i said does he care in the staffer said no. Maybe he just didnt think he was as serious as we were. I dont know. Host katy tur do you ever hear from Brian Roberts . Guest the Contact Media . During the campaign . Host katy turs book is unbelievable my front row seat to the Craziest Campaign in american history. Where was the picture on the front of his taken . Its very interesting. Its in the trump hotel what was under construction. We just wanted to talk to him about whatever was happening at that moment. Honestly i think its around the time he was saying the families of terrorist should be targeted as well and be killed as well. I think im asking him about that in the photo. Host thanks for being our guest on booktv. That wraps up day one of the Miami Book Fair for this year. We will be back tomorrow for a full day beginning at 10 30 a. M. Eastern time to be able to talk with charlie sykes. You will hear from van jones and several other authors. This full schedule is available at opb. Org and. Org and you can follow us on social media as well. App of tv is our enough for twitter, facebook and instagram. [inaudible conversations] welcome to arlington vermont on booktv. Located on Lake Champlain about 45 minutes south of the canadian border. Its home to the university of vermont and its the states most populous city with about 42,000 residents. With the help of our Comcast Cable partners over the next hour we will feature the Literary Committee including author Willard Sterne Randall on the war of 1812

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