Transcripts For CSPAN2 Congressional Staff Diversity Retent

CSPAN2 Congressional Staff Diversity Retention July 14, 2024

Author of three books about workplace topics. They testified at a hearing by the house modernization of congress committee. This is an hour and a half. The committee will come to order. Without objection the chairs authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time. This hearing is entitled cultivating diversity and improving contention among Congressional Staff. I recognize muscle fibers to give an opening statement. One of the ways in which we retain staff is by having it be 90 degrees in here. [laughing] my apologies to each of you. Well be distributing fans to the entire audience. Today were going to talk about whats really the backbone of this institution, and thats the Congressional Staff that is you. I think i speak for all of us on the dice and those yet to come, when i say we could do our jobs without the teams the people who work for us. Anytime i get a compliment since is nice job on this or that, my response is always, ive got a really good team and i feel lucky for that. They are dedicated Public Servant who here because they want to be meaningful work, and they often choose careers on the hill and it are District Offices despite the long hours and occasional lack of job security and since we work on a twoyear contract and lower pay, compared to what they could make in the executive branch or the private sector. We are as an institution very fortunate to attract such talented people and hardworking people. However, keeping them here is another story. Turnover rates for house staff are really high with most positions the member offices turning over every two years or less. That isnt always a bad thing because a lot of staff leave one jump on hill for a different job on the hill but even when taken into account all the movement between different jobs, the typical staffer leesville after four or five years, and we hear believe because after time the desire to good answer the public is outweighed by the need for a better worklife balance and the need to make more money come to afford housing and support the films and put kids through college. And that puts congress at a disadvantage compared that only to the private sector but also to the executive branch and that doesnt serve the interest of the American People. Congress needs to do more to not only attract the best talent but to keep the best talent and attract individuals represent the diverse backgrounds and views that exist across the country. How do we create an environment that makes staff want to stay here instead of heading for the offramp and make sure we have congress that looks like america . I thought it would be a good idea to bring at the point person handles Human Resources for housestaff so they could talk about what benefits are available and then i found that the person does not exist. There literally is not an h. R. Point of contact for housestaff. But were still going to talk about benefits today. Were going to look about Employee Benefits then look what congress can do better. We will also look at what congress can do to recruit and retain diverse staff to reflect america. The 116th congress is the most racially and ethnically Diverse Congress in history, and the Congressional Staff should represent the diversity of our constituent around the country. Im looking forward to hearing what recommendations and members are committee have from proven staff retention and fostering diversity and inclusion in house, and i thank you all for you. I will invite our vice chair to share her opening remarks. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Let me commend you for your leadership and for making staff of this institution that were going to discuss today a focus of this committee. Modernization doesnt just mean updating our technology and improving the legislative process. It also means insuring the peoples house in test and professionally develop a dynamic workforce that reflects those we represent and does that both not only in our committees and offices but also on the house floor as well. Those serving on this committee represent very unique districts. With northwest washington state, northwest georgia here represented, and our constituents have different backgrounds and unique experiences, and those who want a career in Public Service, are serving a different. I look forward to and from our expert Witnesses Today about how we can attract and retain a workforce comprised of different voices, different characteristics, experiences and skills in congress. With unemployment now in our nation at lowest rate in 51 years, im also also looking for to discussing how this institution can compete with the private sector. In hiring and retaining some of most talented persons in our country. That ultimately help us serve the American People better. Im glad we are having this conversation. Its building on work this committee has already done and we could have a conversation or to learn more about best practices from those that have been helping to change the narrative and set new trends to increasing opportunity nationwide. With that im happy to yield back. I know representative cleaver expressed issue in sharing opening remarks and im happy to recognize and for the purpose. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank the Ranking Member as well. I am extremely fascinated by the diversity of our nation, the heterogeneity, heterogeneity of the u. S. Population. I am frustrated by homogeneity in the upper ranks of our government, and to some degree even down to where we are now. And because i personally believe that there are at this moment in history only a few, you know, only a few people who would intentionally work toward exclusion, but that leaves people who are unconsciously excluding. And so thats the area that i think we can impact, and im looking forward to ways in which the panel can present that might help us deal in that realm. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield back. Thanks very much. With that i think we will, would anyone else have an opening . With that, we welcome the testimony of our three witnesses. First, dr. Alexander alonso is the society for Human Resource management chief knowledge officer. During his career dr. Alonso has worked with numerous subject Matter Experts worldwide with the aim of identifying performance standards, developing competency models, designing organizational assessments and conducting job analyses. Also serve as a columnist analyzing trends at workforce for the industrial psychologist and h. R. Magazine. Im a subscriber. Dr. Alonso received his doctorate in industrial organizational psychology from Florida International university. Next up, is a Laura Liswood . Is that right . Laura liswood is the author of the loudest duck him about the dives into the main aspects of diversity to ensure fair and low point of working his or her way of the letter should national recognize speaker, author and advisor and disc attribute leadership in the Womens Community for more than 20 years. Ms. Liswood is a secretarygeneral of the council of women World Leaders which is composed of women president s, prime ministers and heads of government, is the only organization in the world that dedicated to wince at the state and cover. Shields at mba from Harvard Business school, a j. D. From inverse of California School of law. And then doctor Kwasi Mitchell is principal in Deloitte Consulting and government and Public Service practice with over 15 years of experience. Today he served over 40 clients across the government and commercial practices that as a leader dr. Mitchell is passionate about mentoring and helping the next generation of diversity. He serves as diversity and inclusion lead for Deloitte Consulting and schip in recruiting Diverse Talent through deloittes first ever inclusion hiring blitz. He holds a phd in organic chemistry, is that right . In organic chemistry im sorry. [laughing] will will i really dont know what that means. Mba from Drexel University ba from kalamazoo college. Witnesses are reminded to oral testimony would be five minutes and without objection or written statements will be made part of the record and dr. Alonso junot recognized for five minutes. They could wait. Thank you. Good afternoon chairman kilmer, vice chair greats interest in which members. My name is Alexander Alonso service chief knowledge officer at society for Human Resource management. As a voice for all things work, workers in the workplace, were shaping the way for employers and employees thrive together by dancing workplace practices and maximizing human potential. As a chief knowledge officer for shrm, it is much up to examine and understand the issues faced by employees, employers and h. R. Professionals on a daily basis. I deeply appreciate congress leading by example and somehow it can reform and approve its own Employment Practices including benefits offerings. An important area we studied in congress most closely examine is the use of Strategic Benefits. H. R. Departments and organizations in the significant resources in design benefits packages to recruit new employees and retain their top talent. In shrms most recent survey 92 of the voice indicated benefits for a role in ensuring their overall job satisfaction. The results also showed a strong correlation between benefits and retention. This underscores the importance of organizations and their need to plan the Strategic Benefits to maximize return on investment and competitive advantage. This is especially true in congress. Congressional employees often face long hours, a high stress a vibrant lower paid under private sector counterparts. Under the circumstances benefits play a significant role in Employee Satisfaction and retention. A study by the Congressional Management Foundation in shrm fence and the 2 of congressional boys reported benefits influence their decisions to stay in the current positions. In todays labor market benefits offerings set organizations apart when recruiting and retaining top talent. While benefits offerings are important to Congressional Staff, they have just simply not kept up with the pace of privatesector benefits. Moreover, they have not met the needs of our diverse and modern workforce. Research shows the improvements in the landscape in the economic landscape and increasing diversity are driving organizations to refine their benefits programs. For example, there are five generations in the workforce with increasing racial and Ethnic Diversity across the country. This diversity shapes perspectives as far as workplace benefits, leading h. R. Professionals to restructure benefit offerings to appeal to a more Diverse Workforce. Congress should examine work and benefits as result. In a tight labor market Workforce Development has become a big driver in supporting employees who want to upscale and employers who seek to maintain global competitiveness. 87 of employers report Offering Professional Development opportunities as a benefit and 14 organizations organizations say the increase their investment in a professional film and offerings over the last year. More than 90 90 of organizats offer paid leave of some type to their employees while 34 offer maternity leave, 30 offer maternity leave. Remote work continues to be one of the most popular benefits and as a result teleworking options of all types are on the rise. With heavy workloads, long unpredictable hours, and limited time for family and friends, alternative schedules could be an attractive option for Congressional Staff. A growing number of employers have begun to offer Student Loan Repayment benefits to their employees. Shrms survey shows repayment has doubled since 2018. Some congressional offices currently offer Student Loan Repayment, however, there is room for improvement. Shrm strong supports amply provided Education Systems include expanding the benefits of Student Loan Repayment. Education assistance is an important tool for employers to attract the best employees and build and educated Diverse Workforce especially in a situation or a work in front such as this we have the best of all talent. In addition to retirement plans and Health Care Coverage remain the cornerstones of employers provided benefits which i discussed further in my written testimony. While benefits offerings are critical to securing top talent, it is equally Important Congress address inclusion and diversity when discussing a modern workforce. The 116th congress is the most racially and ethnically diverse in American History as the chairman pointed out. Capitol hill staff should reflect a Diverse Workforce representing its constituents around the country. The employment process for capitol hill is vastly different than the private sector. Congress should explore the implementation of a centralized Talent Management system. While also keeping an eye toward effective people manager development as an important part of a great culture. Mr. Chairman, and vice chair grades, thank you again for allowing me to share my experience and transixteen unimportance of benefits as well as inclusion and diversity in the workplace. Congress can lead by example like a teaching the truth value of benefits and inclusion and diversity. What happens in washington, d. C. Will, in fact, impact other workplaces and we at shrm truly believe that creating better workplace policies leads to better workplaces, and in turn a better world. I welcome your questions. Thank you. Thanks very much. Ms. Liswood, you are now recognized for five minutes. Thank you you may have to hit the button. The only work through that three times with me. [laughing] thats all right. Thank you, chairman kilmer. You may have forgotten because the sweat that it. I forgot about in organic chemistry. Its all very challenging. You can restart her clock. I was doing shtick here. [laughing] and distinguished member of the committee, thank you very much for allowing me to testify. My name is Laura Liswood i think we know we sing and inclusion are keys to better decisionmaking, effective policy and innovation. We know also that homogeneity works only when problems are simple, communication is easy, and the environment is not changing. You must have heterogeneity if the problems are complex, thank you medication is not easy, and the environment is changing. You must have heterogeneity. And its about the number of people who are diverse on your staff. We know that, attacking those numbers and hiring and retaining and fancy, i did that just about that. Its not about what i call the noahs ark approach to diversity, which is if we could only get to a beach in the art, will have our diversity. But thats a problem. We do know the value of diversity and inclusion, creativity, different perspectives, expenses, backgrounds, talents, ideas, cognitive diversity. Think about your congressional baseball team. You dont want all catchers on your team. Diversity and inclusion also avoids the risk of homogeneous thinking. Also known as groupthink. It avoids the overreliance on dominant Group Members perspectives. It signals trust in institution for representing a reflection of america and connecting to community. Yes, it is about race and gender and also about socioeconomics, disability, sexual exportation, language, sports, religion, education background, family status, military status, language, nationality, and we could go on to diversity and inclusion are strategic tools to ensure better solutions. But what are some of the challenges . I mention noahs ark. The problem with that is that if the giraffe is looking at the zebra and is looking at mss your funny looking, how to do anything with that stupid short neck of yours . Thats a problem. Because with unconscious beliefs and perspectives and preferences and associations and roles and types about who people are. We also have the challenge of confirmation bias which is whatever it is i believe, i will sort the incoming information to confirm that which already believe. So, for example, we know from research if you have a nonanglo name you like to send out 50 more resumes to get the same response of some within anglo name. We also know if you send the same resume out with a female name and the mailman you get different responses for that. We also know, groups are soon be confident until sugar incompetent and nondominant groups are simply incompetent until they prove their confident. We know these things. We also have what i call the elephant and mouse theory about things, which is if youre the elephant in the room what you need to know about the mouse . Nemechek if youre the mouse what you need to know about the elephant . Everything. By and large dominant groups are not necessarily as in tune with nonviolent groups are with dominant groups. We also know like gravitational like unlike avoids not like. Organizations i have worked

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