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Time is come to turn the page and open up a new chapter in the american story. Let us go forward, lets win this thing, lets transform america. America deserves a president who is as resilient as her people. 2020 is our time to change and makes the rules. One stage. This election is just too important, we cannot afford to get it wrong. There is no limit to what we can become in the next four years. Show up in november 2020. Seven democratic candidates. Together, have built a movement. We have a fantastic, diverse and wonderful country. We chose hope over fear. We are going to get it done. We will deliver a democracy, worthy of the name. We are here and we are strong. [applause] live from the Juilliard Center and charleston South Carolina, this is the cbs news democratic debate. Here are the seven candidates for the president ial nomination. [applause] [cheering] [applause] [cheering] [cheering] good evening and welcome. The democratic president ial primary here in South Carolina, the first primary in the south is just four days away. And super tuesday is just a week away. This is the biggest primary day of the year as voters in 14 states cast ballots. And many of them tells them not actually made up their mind. So this debate, when you think about it tonight, may be the last and best chance for the candidates to make their case to South Carolina and super tuesday voters. Cbs news is proud to bring in this debate along with our cosponsors. They are the Democratic National committee and the Congressional Black Caucus institute, a Nonpartisan Organization committed to educating voters and trading political leaders. We are also partnering tonight with twitter so you at home can participate as debate. How do you do that . Send us your questions for the candidates by using twitter to debates. Here are the rules for the next two hours. When you are asked a question you have a one minute and 15 seconds to answer in 45 seconds for followup. Lets begin. Senator sanders, we have not had a National Unemployment rate this low for this long and 50 years. Here in South Carolina, the Unemployment Rate is even lower. How will you convince voters that a democratic socialist can do better than President Trump with the economy . You are right, the economy is doing really great for people like mr. Bloomberg and other billionaires. In the last three years, billionaires in this country saw an 850. 000000000 increase in their wealth. But do you know what . For the ordinary americans, things are not so good. Last year, real wage increases for the average worker were less than 1 . Half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck. 87million americans have no Health Insurance or are underinsured. 45million people are struggling with student debt. 500,000 people tonight are sleeping out on the street, including 30,000 veterans. That is not an economy thats working for the American People. Thats an economy working for the 1 . We are going to create an economy for all, not just wealthy. Mayor bloomberg ill let you respond to that do you think senator sanders economy would be better for america than President Trump . I think Donald Trump Thanks he would be better if he was president. I dont think so. That an important things donald trump should be president of the United States and that is why russia is helping you get elected so. [inaudible] and that is what he is helping him. Let me tell mr. Peyton, i am not a good friend of president xi jinping of china. I think he is the most authoritarian leader. And let me tell mr. Pruden who interfered in the 2016 election, trying to bring americans against americans. Hey mr. Poon, if im president of the United States, trust me, you are not going to interfere in any more american elections. We dont russia once, its chaos. The way i see this is that bernie is winning right now because the Democratic Party is a progressive party, and progressive ideas are popular ideas. Even if there are a lot of people on the state you dont want to say so. But bernie and i agree on a lot of things, but i think i would make up better president than bernie. The reason for that is getting a Progressive Agenda enacted is going to be really hard. And it is going to take someone who digs into the details to make it happen. Bernie and i both wanted to help her rein in wall street. In 2008, we both got our chance. But i dug in, i thought the big banks, ive built coalitions, and i won. Bernie and i both want to see universal healthcare. But bernies plan does not explain how to get their comment doesnt show how we are going to get enough allies into it, and doesnt show enough about how we are going to pay for. I did again, i did the work, and then bernies team trashed me for it. We need a president who is going to dig in, do the hard work, and actually get it done. Progressives ha have one shot and we need to spend it with a leader who will get something done. Why would the russians want to be working on behalf of Bernie Sanders . I will tie with the russians want, they dont have a political party. They want chaos. And chaos is what is coming our way. If you think the last four years, has been chaotic, divisive, toxic, exhausting, imagine spending the better part of 2020 with the Bernie Sanders versus donald trump. Think about what that will be like for this country. And meanwhile, folks at home, from South Carolina to south bend, are trying to figure out what any of this means for us. Because it is right that there is a progressive majority, an american majority that wants to see real change. Once deceit wages go up and go up faster than the cost of health and saving for retirement. But also, theres a majority of the American People who i think right now, just want to be able to turn on booktv, see their president , and actually feel their Blood Pressure go down a little bit instead of up to the roof. Bernie sanders analysis is right. The difference is i dont like his solutions. I dont believe a government takeover of large parts of the economy makes any sense for working people or for families. I think that what we need to do is to present an alternative that includes a vibrant, competitive, private sector. But we all know, unchecked capitalism has failed. The answer is not for the government to take over the private sector though, the answer is for us to break the corporate stranglehold on our government and have the government work for the people again. Let me just finish, because we need to have an alternative to donald trump. I am talking about doubling the minimum wage, tatting taxes by 10 for everybody who makes less than 250,000, and creating over four and a half million good paying union jobs. Donald trump thanks he is competent as a steward of the american economy. We have to show that we can create a growing and prosperous economy for american working people. Mr. Perspire think your time is up. Vice President Biden . We talk about progressive talk about being progressive. Within walking distance is the mother emmanuel church. They were shot dead by white supremacist. Bernie voted five times against the brady bill, and waited, and waited, waiting period of 12 hours. I am not saying hes responsible for the nine deaths, but that man would not have been able to get that weapon if the waiting period would have been what i suggest until he is cleared. In addition to that, being progressive he thought barack obama, he said we should primary barack obama. Someone said, the president is weak in our administration is not up to it. Look folks, lets talk about progressive. Progressive is getting things done and thats what we got done. We got a lot done. Senator sanders, your response. Pete mentioned i am hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight. [laughter] and may be mentioned what the American People want. I will tell you, pete, what the American People want, and joe, what the American People want. They dont like candidates running to billionaires for huge amounts of money. Hes got people. [inaudible] what the American People want, by the way, and a lot of the issues will be talking tonight are issues i raised four years ago. Raising the minimum wage to a living wage, 15 bucks an hour. Making public colleges and universities tuition free, and finally doing what every other major country on earth does, guaranteeing healthcare for all people as a human rights through medicare for all, single pay healthcare. That is just not true now dont people believing something that is unsure about my campaign. The idea that most of my campaign is funded by billionaires mark justin charlson over 2000 people have contributed to my campaign. That means the dollars it come to my campaign, just from charlston, is more than his come from the 50 people you mention. Grassroots contributions are the lifeblood of my campaign. In fact they should not miss the opportunity, if youre watching right now you support my campaign. [cheering] go to pete for america. Com and chip in. After watching right now and you are a billionaire, i will raise your taxes. [laughter] but if youd like to defeat donald trump, please go to pete for america. Com and donate the legal maximum of 208,000. Billion. I want to bring us to another topic. We are in South Carolina, is the first primary with a significant black voting population. Your and numbers appear to be slipping with black voters. I wonder if you could respond why that is happening to you at this particular time . First of all, the latest poll i saw im still 15 points ahead. The latest poll. [cheering] but senator sanders is within striking distance of you. You are within the margin of error in this state. Look, i have earned the vote. I have worked like the devil to earn the vote of the africanamerican community. Not just here but for across the country. Ive been coming here for years and years, creating jobs here, making sure that the court that in ploys 111 people we put five in a Million Dollars in the Administration Just in this county. We created jobs for people, the people know me. My entire career has been wrapped up in dealing with civil rights and civil liberties. I dont expect anything, i plan to earn the vote. I am here to ask. Folks i intend to win South Carolina, and i will win the africanamerican vote here in South Carolina. [cheering] mr. Biden, will you continue if you do not win South Carolina . You said South Carolina will determine the outcome of this president ial race. If you dont win South Carolina we continue on . I will win South Carolina. Mayor bloomberg i would like to bring you into this conversation. I like to ask you about a question that impacts a black and brown community. You have apologized for stop and frisk repeatedly. What exactly are apologizing for . We let it get out of control, when we realize that i cut it by 95 . I have apologized and asked for forgiveness. I have met with black leaders to try to get an understanding of how i can better position myself and what i should have done and what i should do next time. And let me tell you i have been working very hard. We have improve the School Systems are black and brown students in new york city. We have increased the jobs that are available to them. We have increased the Housing Available to them. To put peoples fears and skepticism to rest, it continues to follow you. Thats because its in their interest to promote that. But if you talk to the people in new york city, i have over 100 black elected officials who have endorsed me. A lot of them are in the audience tonight. I have earned the respect of the people in new york city. I was the mayor of the largest, most popular city and the United States for 12 years. People will tell you, its a lot better city today. Its safer for everybody, the School System is better, the budget is under control, we have done the things that people in new york city need for all ethnicities to cheese. Married to mary youve certainly had your issues with the black community as well. Do you think the black cities implementation of stop and frisk was racist . Yes it was. It was about profiling people based on their race. The mayor even said that they disproportionately stopped white people too often and minorities too little. I am not here to score points. I come at this with a great deal of humility because we have had a lot of issues, especially when it comes to Racial Justice and policing in my own community. And i come to this with humility because im conscious of the fact that there are seven white people on the stage talking about Racial Justice. [applause] none of us have the experience, the lived experience of, for example walking down the street or in a mall and feeling eyes on us, regarding us as dangerous without knowing the first thing about us just because a color of our skin. None of us have the experience that black women have had that drives that Maternal Mortality gap that we are all rightly horrified by. Having going into a doctor and have less likely of your description of being in pain believe because we dont have the next best thing we can do is actually listen to those who do. Wait a second i know if i were black my success wouldve been a lot harder to achieve. I know a lot of black people, if they were white, it wouldve been a lot easier for them. That is just a fact of it got to do something about it rather than just demagogue about it. Senator klobuchar was the way the mayor implemented stop and frisk races . Yes, i think what we need to do instead of just reviewing everything from the past is talk about where we are going to go forward. Martin luther king once said that we are all tied in a single garment of destiny, and what affects one of us directly affects all of us indirectly. So when there is racism in the criminal Justice System, we need to fix it. To me that means a sentencing reform like the First Step Act and extending that to the states with their second step act. It means equal opportunity. Because if we dont pass representative clyburns bill out of South Carolina to invest in impoverished communities, we are never going to get to that single garment of destiny. We also need to do something about childcare, about making sure we increase the minimumwage, and finally, voting. While we are all sitting here debating, wisconsin has kicked hundreds of thousands of people off of their voting roles. Georges kicked a hundred thousand off. As president , i will give Voting Rights to be a reality for everyone. Senator warren im coming to you. I want to direct this question to you because mayor bloomberg has said he got in this race late because he doesnt believe any of you on stage can beat donald trump. You said mayor bloomberg is not the safest candidate, he is the riskiest candidate. What you mean by that . So i mean, lets think of it this way. We are here in charleston and you know is can be in charleston later this week . Donald trump. He will be here to raise money for his buddy senator Lindsey Graham, who funded Lindsey Grahams campaign for reelection lesson . It was mayor bloomberg. And thats not the only right wing senator that mayor bloomberg has funded. In 2016, he dumped 12 million into the Pennsylvania Senate race to help reelect an anti choice right wing we publican senator. I just want to say a woman challenger was terrific and she lost by a single point. In 2012, he scooped into try to defend another republican senator against a woman challenger, that was me. It didnt work, but he tried hard. [applause] i dont care how much money mayor bloomberg has, the core of the Democratic Party will never trust him. He has not earned their trust. I will, and the fact that he cannot earn the trust of the core of the Democratic Party means he is the riskiest candidate standing on the stage. So right senator warren thank you mayor bloomberg would you like to respond . So i have been training for this job since i stepped on the pile that was still smoldering on 911. I know what to do, i have shown i know how to run a country. I have run this city that is bigger than most countries in the world. I am the one choice that makes sense. I have the experience, i have the resources, and i have the record. All of those sideshows the senator wants to bring up have nothing to do with that. When people hired me to it run new york city, three times in an overwhelmingly democratic progressive city, they elected me again and again. I would like to respond. He called out by name and referred to what i talk about as a sideshow. You know, this is personal for me. When i was 20 years old, i got my first job as a special ed teacher. I loved that job. And by the end of the first year i was visibly pregnant. The principal wished me luck and gave my job to someone else. Pregnancy discrimination, you bet. But i was 21 years old, i did not have a union to protect me, i did not have federal law on my side. So i packed up my stuff and i went home. At least i didnt have a boss who said to me, kill it. The way that mayor bloomberg allegedly have said to one of his pregnant employees people want a chance to hear people want a chance to hear from the women who. [inaudible] for the record if she was a teacher in the new york city she would never have had that problem. We treated our teachers the right way and the unions will tell you exactly that. Let us have the women have an opportunity to speak. The bloomberg corporations and mayor bloomberg himself, have been accused of discrimination. They are bound by nondisclosure, so that they cannot speak. If he says there is nothing to hide here, then assign a blanket release and let those women tell their stories the way i could tell my story with out worry they will be sued by billionaire for. We have a number of issues to discuss i want to give the mayor an opportunity to respond because she has raised concern about women in your workplace. In the last debate you said some of the female employees may not have liked some of your jokes. Did they make your jokes wrong youre wrong to make the jokes . I was wrong to make the jokes. I dont member what they were, and if it bothered them i was wrong i apologize for that. What happened here is we went back 40 years and we could only find three cases were women said they were uncomfortable. Nobody accused me of anything other than making a comment or two. What the senator did suggest is that we release these women from a nondisclosure agreement. I did that two days later, and my company is said we will not use nondisclosure agreements ever again. The senator has got it. And i dont know what else she wants us to do. I am following exactly what she asked to do. And the trouble is, with the senator enough is never enough. I want to start focusing on some of these other things. We just cannot continue to relitigate this every time. We did what she asked, and thank you probably made the world better because of it. And by my company renouncing using these, we hopefully change the corporate landscape all across america. Senator warren that is a very serious charge leveled against the mayor. You said he told a woman to get an abortion what evidence you have that . Her own words. Mayor bloomberg can you respond to this . Never said it, period and end of story. I was accused of doing it, we couldnt figure out what she was talking about. Right now, i am sorry if she heard what she thought she heard or whatever happen. I didnt take any pleasure in that. What i asked the mayor to do was to a release of all people who have been discriminated against. We are doing that senator. We want to get to the issue of electability and the ideological difference within the Democratic Party. Senator sanders, cost of your agenda. Yesterday released information about how you will pay for your major proposals. But not all of your details are clear. You proposed more than 50 trillion in new spending. You said medicare for all. Over tenure. You could only explain how you could pay for about half of that. Can you do the math for the rest of us . How many hours you have . Thats the problem. Thats not the problem lets talk about medicare for all. Im sure you are familiar with the new study they came out from yale university. Published in lancet magazine, one of the prestigious medical journals in the world. You know what it said . It said medicare for all will lower healthcare costs in this country by 450 billion a year , and save 68000 lives of people who otherwise would have died. What we need to do is do what every other major country on earth does, guarantee healthcare to all people, not have thousands of separate insurance plans which are costing us 500 billion a year to administer. Our plan that we have laid out options all over the place. One of the options is 7. 5 payroll tax on employers, which will save them substantial sums of money. [inaudible] it does not add up. Just on 60 minutes this weekend, he said he was not going to rattle through the nichols and the dimes. Will let me tell you how many nickels and dimes we are talking about. Nearly 60 trillion. Due to how much that is for all of its programs . Three times the american economy, not the federal government, the entire american economy. The medicare for all plan alone, page eight clearly says that it will kick 149 million americans off their Current Health Care Insurance and four years. That is true. As one prominent democrat once said we should Pay Attention to where the voters of this country are, bernie, that prominent democrat was barack obama a few months ago. I think that is what we should do. They are not with you and spending nearly 60 trillion. What i think we should do is make things more affordable, nonprofit public option, make sure were paying for longterm care better, take on the pharmaceuticals like you and i have done together, and do something for america instead of a bunch of broken promises that sound good on bumper stickers. [applause] mr. Stier, mr. Stier. First of all. Let me go. Tom i think she is not met my plan not yours. I think we are talking about math and it doesnt take two hours to do the math. Lets talk about math. Heres the math. [inaudible] senators a Quick Response. [inaudible] listen to the moderator guys. Is it my turn . You have a name you are allowed to respond. What health and Human Services has said and analyzing healthcare costs, white yale recent study has said is that your program would cost some 50 trillion over a tenyear period. We would continue to pay in some cases ten times more for the same exact prescription drugs. What every steady out there, conservative or progressive says medicare for all will save money. This will cost about 45 billion not 60 trillion. [inaudible] senator sanders would like to bring mr. Stier in on this. Mr. Stier believes. This conversation shows a huge risk for the Democratic Party. We are looking at a party thats going to decide we are either going to support someone who is a democratic socialist or somebody who has a long history of being a republican. And let me say, i got into this race because i wanted to fight for economic justice, for Racial Justice, and to make sure we had Climate Justice for the American People. And i am scared. If we cannot pull this party together, if we go to one of those extremes, we take a terrible risk of reelecting donald trump. And i still have some time let me say this. That is a risk that will hurt the American People in a way that none of us on this stage should be willing to risk. Thank you lets keep this going mayor pete. Lets do math. Senator sanders one poinsettia be 40 trillion bennett was 30 bennett was 17 its an incredible shrinking price tag. At some point he said it was unknowable to see what the price tag was good to be. I was exactly what it adds up to. It adds up to former years of donald trump, Kevin Mccarthy as speaker of the house, and inability to get the senate into democratic hands. The times to stop acting like the presidency is the only office that matters. Not only is this a way to get donald trump reelected, we have a house to worried about. We got a senate to worry about. This is really important. If you want to keep the house and democratic hands, you might want to check with the people who actually turned to the house blew. Forty democrats, who are not running on your platform, they are running away from your platform is fast as they possibly can. I want to send those democrats back when they say they dont want to be and theres votes. [inaudible] vice President Biden please. I guess only way to do this is jump in and speak twice as long as she said. At the guy was a friend here he said you know what they will do . Look at they have done. You talk about concerns about race, while my good friends at the end of this platform, he in fact by a system that was a private prison system after he knew that in fact, what happened was they hogtied young men in prison here in this state. They in fact made sure that in georgia they did not have healthcare for the people who were being held. They werent in fact went on said after he knew that, he bought it. And then he said he was proud of his accomplishment. You talk about what we are talk about bernie. Bernie and fact is not past much of anything. The fact of the matter is. The fact is i am not out of time. You spoke overtime and im in a talk. Heres the deal the fact of the matter is, look at what is happening here. Look at what is happening here. We have to win the senate back. And by the way i went into all those races and 41 new democrats. The majority of them are supporting me for president. Mr. Mayor you are allowed to respond. I bought into Prison Companies i thought i could do a better job i investigated and i sold it. You knew anybody they had done that. Since then ive worked to end the use of private prisons in my own state. I have started a bank to support black ownership of businesses, women ownership of businesses, and latino owners of business because this industry is prejudice. I have worked tirelessly on this and you know i am right. You wrote the crime build that puts hundreds of thousands of young black and latinos in prison. Not true. Let me Say Something. I have worked for Racial Justice. That is an absolute unfair statement. Thank you, thank you mr. Speier. If we spend the next four months tearing our party apart, we are going to watch donald trump spend the next four years tearing our country apart. So my argument here, is we need to get back to what is happening right now. We have a clear choice of who is going to lead this party, and i am the only mullet in the New Hampshire debate when asked if we had a problem with the socialist leave the ticket that raised my hand. I like bernie, we came in together to the senate, but i dont think he is the best person to lead the ticket. And if you want to talk about getting things done and make a comparison, according to Vanderbilt University in tennessee, last congress, i was the most effective democrat in the u. S. Senate on 15 metrics. Bernie and elizabeth were in the bottom half. It matters, it matters if you can actually get things done. It is not just who talks the best, who is actually gets things done. Especially with the africanamerican community, there been a lot of broken promises. I think having someone that keeps their promises and follows through, and is going to get things done for the these people matters. Mayor bloomberg please see mick lets go on the record they talk about 40 democrats, 21 of those were people i spent 100 million to help elect. All of the new democrats that came in, put nancy pelosi in charge, and gave the congress the ability to control this president. I got them. Number two, when you talk about money just put this in perspective. The federal budget is foreign a half trillion dollars a year. We get three to half trillion dollars in revenue we lose a trillion dollars a year. Thats where the federal deficit, right now the debt is it at 20 trillion going up to 21. We just cannot afford some of the stuff people talk about. Let me finish, if you keep on going, we will elect bernie, bernie will lose to donald trump, and donald trump in the house and the senate and some of the statehouses will all go read, and then between gerrymandering and appointing judges for the next 20 or 30 years we are get a live with this catastrophe. I will allow senator sanders a Quick Response and senator warren. Mayor bloomberg has a solid and strong and enthusiastic support. Problem is there are billionaires. On the other hand, of the last 50 polls that have been done nationally, mr. Bloomberg, i beat to round 47 of those 50 times. If you look at battleground states like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, poling went up i beat trout. If you want to beat from, what you are going to need is an unprecedented, Grassroots Movement of black, and white, and latino, native american and asian people who are standing up and fighting for justice. And anybody in this room imagined moderate republicans going over in voting for him . If you do that you cannot win. That is the problem. The Progressive Agenda is popular, mayor bloomberg. And for everyone on the stage, we talk about how to build a future. That is what matters. I talk to people in lines every day tell me about the importance of getting real help on healthcare. Its why i also have a way to pay for healthcare that doesnt raise taxes on middleclass families. But it is so much more than that. As democrats, we need to speak to the future we can build together. We need to speak of the prosperity we can build together. How about a wealth tax in america . Because with a 2cent tax on just the top of one tenth of 1 , we have a chance to invest in universal childcare for every one of our babies, to really level the playing field. Put 50 billion in historically black colleges and universities, and start closing the racial wealth gap by canceling Student Loan Debt for 43 million americans. We need to talk about our aspirations, our hopes. This is a moment to choose hope over fear. This is our moment. Center thank you we have to take a quick break. We come back the democratic president ial debate continues only on cbs. [applause] i am gayle king with Norah Odonnell in charleston South Carolina are Cbs News College Bill Whitaker of 60 minutes, chief washington correspondent Major Garrett and moderator face the nation. We will begin with you vice President Biden for this part. Just across the street as you mentioned the top of the debate, is a church were nine people were shot and killed inside the mother and manual church. We all are member that day back in 2015. Every day in our country over 100 people in our country die from gun violence. You all have plans on the stage to address the gun crisis. But congress is not been able to pass a major Gun Legislation a court of a century. In those 25 years, we have had columbine, newtown, parkland, las vegas and we could go on and on. Vice President Biden, i would start with you, why should anyone have faith that you are the one who can get this done now . Because im the only one who ever got it done nationally. I beat the nra twice. I got assault weapons ban, i got magazines that could not hold more than ten rounds in them. I got them eliminated. Except we had a thing called elections with hanging chads in florida and is not reauthorized. In addition to that i passed the brady bill with waiting periods. I led that fight. But my friend on my right and others have in fact given to the gun manufacturers absolute immunity. Imagine if i stood here and said we give immunity to Drug Companies. We give immunity to Tobacco Companies . That causes carnage on our streets. 150million people have been killed since 2007 when bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liabilities. More than all the wars including vietnam from that point on. Carnage on our streets. If i want to tell you, if i am elected, nra im coming for you and gun manufacturers im going to take you on. Im the only one whos done it. We have to dig in and talk about what its going to take to get something done. I have been in the senate. What i have seen, gun safety legislation introduced, get a majority, and then it doesnt pass because of the filibuster. Understand this, the filibuster is giving a veto to the gun industry. Gives a veto to the oil industry. Its going to give a veto to immigration. Until we are willing to dig in and say that if Mitch Mcconnell is going to do to the next democratic president , what he did to president obama, and that is tried to block every single thing he does. That we are willing to roll back the filibuster, go with the majority vote, and do what needs to be done for the American People. We need to stay on this topic. Understand this, many people on the stage do not support rolling back the filibuster. Until we are ready to do that we cannot be able to do a thing. I want to allow senator sanders to respond. Youve gone after the insurance company, youve taken on pharmaceutical companies and big tech. Why did you vote repeatedly to give gun manufacturers a pass . You know, joe has voted for terrible trade agreements. No no no no no. Joe voted for the war in iraq. My point was, i have cast thousands of votes, including bad votes. That was a bad vote. I have today a d minus voting record from the nra, 30 years ago i likely lost a race for the one seat for congress in vermont because 30 years ago i opposed i supported a ban on assault weapons, 30 years ago. Right now, my view is we need to expand gran background checks and the gun show loophole, and do it the American People once, not what the nra wants. [inaudible] [inaudible] i think they recognize me, thank you. I have a 6 million Person Organization around this country moms demand action in every town. We have put background checks in 20 states. So you can do it, its congress that cant seem to do it. And i dont know why we think theyre going to do it. The Vice President voted for a bill, and is supported the nra and certainly senator sanders supported the nra. But we can do this we just have to stop talking about it. The way we do it as having someone leading the ticket from a part of the country that we actually need the votes. So i have long supported the assault weapons ban. I am the author of the bill that close the boyfriend loophole that said domestic abusers cannot go out again ak47. I wrote. I wrote that bill so you did not write the bill i wrote that bill. Its out of the hands of people who abuse lets look at the fact check. Oh my goodness the only thing was that loophole is i couldnt get it covered. You in fact as a senator tried to get it covered and Mitch Mcconnell was holding it up on his desk right now working to lose it across the board. Okay if i could finish. I have the bill, anyone can check it out, to close the boyfriend loophole. Also to close a charleston loophole, universal background checks paid let me say how we win this. We have to win in the middle of the country. But everyone talks about waiting rural areas, suburban areas, im gluing up there with the receipts thats actually repeatedly while being for the assault weapon ban, one and republican congressional districts over and over again, including Michele Bachmanns district. Having someone that can lead the ticket, that can bring with her, is the way you get gun safety legislation. And i look over do they hurt uncle dick and the deer stand . They do not. Coming from a proud hunting state and still being able to pass this legislation. We want lots of people gone this topic never to judge. I am definitely want to get involved in that. I want to come back to the question about filibuster because this is not some longago bad vote Bernie Sanders took. This is a current bad position that Bernie Sander holds. We are in South Carolina, how are we going to deliver a revolution if you boarding supported rule change . We are in the state where strom thurmond, use the filibuster to block civil rights legislation repeatedly. No less, a senate traditional figure than harry reid has called for it to go. It has got to go because otherwise, washington will not deliver. I was in high school when the columbine shooting happened. I dont remember everyone in washington say never again. We will never let this happen again. And then a Second School shooting generation has now been produced. Shame on us if we allow there to be a third period and also, in terms of making the case i think it would not be a bad idea for somebody to illustrate, from the perspective a veteran, why the kinds of weaponry, anything remotely like what i trained on to be able to serve in a war zone, has no business being sold anyone near an american school, or church, or neighborhood. [applause] all right senator sanders please. 30 years ago, i supported a ban on assault weapons. Mike bloomberg has started a very good organization, moms demand actions, congratulations. They have credited me with gun since. Yes we did. Furthermore, as my view that the time is now, and joe made this point. At the end of the day, we need to rally the American People. Heres the good news because of all of these disgusting and horrific mass shootings, the American People now understand that we must be aggressive on guns safety. And not be dictated to by the nra. And i am proud i have a d minus voting record from the nra. If elected president will get worse than that. All right mr. Stier please. It isnt a question of the American People deciding we have too much gun violence. Everyone in america knows we have too much of gun violence. The problem we have is corporations have bought washington d. C. The gun manufacturers own the senate of the United States. So even though the 90 of americans want mandatory background checks on every gun purchase, we cant get it to the senate. So the question you have to ask yourself is how do we change the senate of the United States in a material way . There are two things. Thats why i am a for term limits of 12 euros for every congressperson and senator, to change who is in charge. To get rid of Mitch Mcconnell, Lindsey Graham and ted kruse. Senator sanders is right, we need to get a huge victory across the board. You need to go the grassroots, i built one of the biggest grassroots organizations the United States. The way to win at the grassroots is a tell the truth and organize thats what it can take in 2020. Your time is ups are. Whats time about education. South Carolina School score in the bottom half of the national assessment. Black students here consistently score worse than white students. Mayor bloomberg, a key element of your response to failing schools in newark city was a dramatic increase in public Charter Schools. As president , would you pursue that same strategy and seek to expand Charter Schools nationwide . Im not sure they are appropriate every place. I can only tell you that in new york they provided parents with an alternative to send students to them. We had the Charter Schools mixed in with the non charter Public Schools because our Charter Schools are Public Schools as well. They have helped each other, sausages and the other day, when he came into office zero new York City Schools where the top 25 of the state. When i left, 23 out of 25 were from new york city. We cut the gap between the rich and the poor. We have made an enormous difference in all of the options that parents have. I raise teacher salaries by 43 . I put an extra 5 billion into our School System. I value education, it is the only way to solve the poverty problem is to get people a good education. And rather than just talk about in new york, we actually did it. Senator warren . This is one thing where a president can make a big difference all by herself. And i will start with my secretary of education. My secretary of education will be someone who is taught in public school. My secretary of education will be someone who believes in Public Education. And my secretary of education will believe that public dollars should stay in Public Schools. One more thing, my secretary of education will believe that it is time to get rid of highstakes testing. We need to support our children. But look, we want to build the future in this country we build the future by investing in our children. Ive got a plan to put 800 billion new federal dollars into our Public Schools. We education is not free, we must invest in the future of our children. Senator sanders . Our campaign is about changing american priorities. Instead of giving tax breaks to billionaires, we are going to have highquality, universal childcare for every family in this country. Because the psychologists tell us, zero to four are the most important years in human development. We are going to triple funding to low income title i schools, because kids education should not depend upon the zip code in which they live. We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition free through a tax on wall street speculation. And we are going to move to make certain that no teacher in america earns less than 60000 a year. We want great teachers. The best thing we can do to support Public Education is to support public educators. Im a little biased because im married to one. I get an education about education every day i come home. I have seen how teachers are expected to dip into their own pockets to furnish their classrooms. Teachers are being expected to handle the Mental Health challenges that the students are facing because we dont have an adequate Mental Health system to support kids. And now, some politicians, because they are not willing to face the need for common sense gun laws are expecting teachers to somehow transform themselves into highly trained armed guards when theres a threat to the classroom. We have to show not only with compensation, but with support for the profession over all, our regard for those who are educating our kids. And yes, that means a secretary of education who will support teachers. It also means investment. Thank you. One way we can support our teachers is too. Good evening candace good evening. Senator warren, thats. Thats it my plan will do as we all know the political conversation is interactive because of our partner twitter, this debate is no did different. So i want to put a question from twitter to use senator klobuchar. This is from cayse pennington. How will your policies address Affordable Housing and midrange wage workers . Thank you this is one of the first signs of talked about housing, and i put forward an extensive policy. When i look at this and both of my job, local government, one sure way we can make sure kids get a good start as if they have a roof over their head and a stable place to live. The way you do that is first of all taking care of this section eight backlog of applicants. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people waiting. And i have found a way to pay for this in a way to make sure that people get off that list it into housing. Secondly, you create incentives for Affordable Housing to be built. And third, a way for people to pay for. I want to make clear given that South Carolina and the rural population as well as urban, this is not just an urban problem. Its a bigger than that. Its also a rural problem for we have housing deserts. And people want to have their business is located there, but they are not able to get housing. So for me its building a coalition, and i actually like to get these things done. The way you do it is by building a coalition between urban and rural so you can pass Affordable Housing. We need to talk about race though it is not enough to talk about housing. We can just talk up we want to . It is important to recognize the role the federal government plays. For decades and decades and discriminating against africanamericans having an opportunity to buy homes. That is redlining. And while mayor bloomberg was blaming the housing crash of 2008 on africanamericans and on latinos, in fact i was out there fighting for Consumer Agency to make sure people never get cheated again on their mortgages. We have i have a housing plan and what has specifically. Senator warren thank you. A deals with the effects of red lighting. We can no longer pretend that everything is race neutral. We have got to address race consciously. Whats happening in this country. Mayor bloomberg, please we want to ask about this and i want to give you a chance to respond in addition to what senator warren set on twitter she called her a liar and a borderline racist because what you said about redlining. Yes, im sorry but she is misinformed about redlining. I fought against you can look at the record. I is before 2008 and after. Redlining was not a problem with the Mortgage Market but it was a problem for the communitys where was done and we stop that. Let me also say, since i have the floor for a second, that i really am surprised that all of these, my fellow contestants appear i guess to be the right word for, given nobody pays attention to the clock. I am surprised they show up because i wouldve thought after i did such a good job and beating them last week thered be a little afraid to do that. [laughter] let me just say when youre talking about Affordable Housing, we created 175,000 units of Affordable Housing in new york city. And i listened to them that they are in congress and say they cannot get it done cannot get it done. But if you change Something Like the president they would know you have to learn how to work with both sides of the alanine you can get stuff done. I did it in new york city, i got the Republican State Senate to vote for gay marriage. Virtually before anyone else in this country. You can work across the isle you just have to know how to deal people. Mr. Bloomberg thank you very much. Biden black men are twice like is been employed five times to be incarcerated. Conditions that ripple across black families that have endured both democratic and republican administrations. How do you convince black voters that you can change years of iniquities . Two ways, i think my entire life ive been involved in the black community. I was a public defender and works in the projects. I came along in the first thing i did was chairman of the just dish a committee extended Voting Rights for 25 years. And i have been deeply involved. The first i did was doing with redlining in a county parade the way we do this is we have to create wealth. Thats why weve doubled the amount of money that is available for young entrepreneurs and black obstreperous doors are successful for anyone in the country. We go from 1. 5 to 3 billion taking 30 billion on the sidelines. Thats how you created. Secondly, i provide for the opportunity first firsttime homebuyers to be able to have a 15000 tax credit so they can get the mortgage at the first at the front end and be able to keep it. Thirdly, i go after those people who were involved in gentrification. Because what is happening is were moving people out of their neighborhoods that in ways make no sense. They are being bought out, we cannot find a place to live. Thirdly, id like to make in regard to housing we allow people look at right now if you live in a black neighborhood he had the same exact houses a guy across the street in a white neighborhood your house is valued significantly less than the same exact house. Weve got to deal. Thank you mr. Vice president. I love how you cut me off on time but im not going to quiet anymore. Mr. Steyer. Every single policy area the United States have a gigantic subject of race. We are tied my education, criminal justice, or talk about housing, we are talking about loans. I started a bank to basically correct the injustice in the Financial Services industry. Basically to make loans to black owned latino owned businesses prayed we have supported over 8000 Affordable Housing units. But more than that, i believe im the only person on the stage she believes in reparations for slavery. Something happened, we should have a formal commission on race to retell the story of the last 400 plus years in america of african americans. Of systematic, legal injustice, discrimination and cruelty, but also a 400 plus years of contribution in terms of building the United States of american leading the United States of america from a moral standpoint. Thank you mr. Steyer. [inaudible] [inaudible] s thank you center klobuchar, if you could honor the rules of the debate please center klobuchar like to change topics and ask you, rural areas have older, poor the nonrural communities and have to travel further for medical help than when they need it. Expanding coverage is going to be useless if there are no providers to go to. So how would you ensure there is Available Health care in rural areas . People are not always way, i know you are in South Carolina particularly Child Poverty in rural areas. So the answer is one size does not that all. One of the ways you do this right now we have something called critical access hospitals. They are designated for rural areas. I am the lead democrat on a bill to ask band that comments have other types of hospitals like Emergency Rooms and rural areas be covered. The other issues we do not have enough personnel. And so thats where he get to the education plan. I dont agree with some of my colleagues here about putting hardearned taxpayer money into rich kids going to college. What i think we need to do instead, as look at what our needs are in our economy. We are going to have a 1 million openings for Home Healthcare workers, particularly in rural areas that we dont know how to fill. We are going to have 100,000 openings for nursing assistants. We are not going to have a shortage in Sports Marketing degrees. We are going to have a shortage of plumbers and nurses. Supporting incentives in place for how we do loan payback, making one into your degrees free, and then of course creating loan payback programs for people to go especially medical students into rural areas. The final thing is comprehensive reform. I pass the bill that allowed doctors from other countries to study in our medical schools. And to serve in rural areas we need to expand that. black rural families inplace. Racine hospital closures right and left and we are seeing them in particular in states for medicaid was not expended. Something that is turning black and poor white families it is largely the result of racial voter suppression. All of these things are connected. Housing, wages, the ability to get anything meaningful done on criminal justice reform. All of these things will be harder to deal with as long as people are systematically excluded from political participation which is happening on everything from the purging of voter rolls, to the closing of voting locations. That harms everybody. Thank you. Part of the core of that 20th century voting . [applause]. Working with congressman of South Carolina said that we increase funding for the Community Health programs by 11 billion is part of the Affordable Care act, which now provides for 9 million americans access to primary health care, dental care, Mental Health counseling and lowcost prescription drugs in the bill. We also put 2 billion into a program which would provide debt forgiveness, for doctors and nurses, dentists. We have a major dental crisis in this country. To make sure they are practicing in underserved areas. The advantage of a medicare for all healthcare program, because its not driven by profits from the Drug Companies and the Insurance Companies we were allowed healthcare for all people in all parts of this country. Thank you. Next topic. Im sorry, were going to change topics. Gayle is mirrored in new york, he declared war on obesity. So if you become president , will you have this policy and the National Level as well. I think what is right for near cities not necessarily all right for other cities. Otherwise you would have a naked cowboy to the pre city. But i do think its a government job have good science and baseline to people website and says, how to take care of themselves. An extended life. We are a country where there are too many people that are obese. We should do something about that but just take a look at what happened with the smoking. We did ban smoking in new york city in public places, restaurants is in offices and that sort of thing and it says spread across america. Across europe and across latin america even into places in the middle east and into the far east. It is internet and numerous a number of lives. Just goes to show that if you have good public health, then you can do things and one of the big problems today as you read about the virus and what is really happening here, is the president fired the pandemic specialist in this country two years ago. Since nobody here could figure out what we should be doing. Come back and is defunded the Disease Control cdc, so we dont have the organization we need. This is a very serious thing. These in stock market is falling apart. We dont have a buddy there to respond. Speech of we will talk about that in our next segment. Our new yorkers leaving living longer because of your policy. Life expectancy in your city had grown by three years during our 12 years in office such that when i left, it was three years later than the national average. [applause]. Gayle vice President Biden please. One of the things i have to do, defense department, special operations to find out all the things we have to deal with, trying to make a safer. They came up with the internet, the whole idea of stealth technology. Im willing to do the same thing at the National Health pretty well going to focus at least 50 billion over the first five years on focusing on obesity, diabetes, alzheimers and cancer. Going to make that investment because no one else is willing to make that investment. We can in fact, find cures go make the investment. We can get that done they market people supported, and republicans will support. We have to focus on extended life, saving life and making people in a position that will live longer and more securely. [applause]. Gayle thank you. Senator colby char, senator sanders wants to legalizamyklob. Is a former prosecutor, is that a real estate promise. While it is realistic to want to legalize marijuana. I want to do that too. I also think you need to look back at peoples records and you may be cant do it on day one, i think you want to have a process that you go through. Because are too many people do things on the records that have stopped them from many jobs. Think a lot of where we also need to do, is to make sure that when we do this, that we have money for treatment. And so necessarily because of marijuana, it is because of things like opioids and the like. Thats what one of the first lens i put out, was for treatment because if you want to make the criminal Justice System works, you dont have repeat customers anyone help people to get off of drugs. The way you do that is with drug court, the way you do that by the way is with my proposal, currency boards, in the white house so that you dont have a president that they give pardons to his buddies and to whitecollar offenders. But that instead, innocent process that you use that is fair and is outside of the Justice Department and while giving their advice. Norah thank you. I like to hear your thoughts on it. Youve called marijuana and other addictive drug that theres not been research on trade. We should not make this a criminal thing if you have a small amount. The deal is, yes but for the average person know and you should expunge the records of those they got caught up in this before. Number two back do not going to take it away from states that have already done it. But number three, you should listen to the scientists in the doctors, they say go very slowly. Am not done enough research in the evidence so far is worrisome before we get all of our kids particular kids in their late teens, voice even more than girls, this may be damaging their brains and until we know the science, which is not physical to push ahead. So the cat is outside of the bag so the states they have it or not many be taken away. But decriminalize the position. Norah next. We have criminal Justice System today is not only broken, it is racist, more people in jail in any other country including china. One of the reasons for that. Is that horrific war on drugs. So it didnt believe that on day one, we will change the federal controlled substance act. If you can believe it, now weve replaced one with marijuana. Thats insane pretty were going to take marijuana out of that and effectively legalize marijuana in every state of the country were also going to do is move to expunge the records. Those people that were arrested for possession of marijuana. We will provide health to the africanamerican latino native Americans Communities to start businesses to sell Legal Marijuana rather than let a few corporations control the legalize marijuana market. Speech of thank you we have passed the halfway mark. We will get back to you. Cbs news democratic debate will continue right after the break. Cbs news. Campaigning for the role of commanderinchief or you will command one point 3m u. S. Troops. They responsible for protecting Americas National security. Also 53000 here in South Carolina. You sit senator warren, you said you wanted to bring home all the troops from the middle east and then you brought them back to say you want to bring home combat troops. How does that protect Americans National security. First job is to keep america safe. An important part of that is to have a Strong Military. All three of my brothers, served in the military and i understand, how much the military sacrifices and how much their family sacrifice and how much they are willing to put on the line. That means that we have a sacred responsibility to them and that is not to use our military, to solve problems that cannot be solved militarily. We are not winning in afghanistan. We are not winning in the middle east. What we need to do if we need to hear all of the tools in our toolbox. We need a Strong Military we also need strong state department. Those are our eyes and our ears on the ground. Our frontlines and diplomacy. We need a Strong Economy and work worldwide on that economy and we need strong alliances. We need to know the difference between our friends and between dictators who would do us harm and we need to be nicer to our friends than two dictators. We need not to cut, on our allies. We need an approach that keeps us safe. By using all of the tools in a measured way. Before would you pull all combat troops out of the middle east. I think we learned something from 911, people planned things overseas and execute them here. We have to be able to stop terrorism and theres no guarantee that you will be able to do it but we have to have some troops in places where tears congregate and do not do so is just irresponsible. We should not be finding words that we cannot win. We should go work only as a last result. No one argues that but this is a dangerous world if we have not learned that after 911 i dont know what will teach us what to do. We have to do something and i think with the budget that we, things that ive seen recently convince me that the military today, is better prepared than theyve been in an awful long time and that the money there are spending on the work weapons of meaning for the next work and at the last, the common mistake. Gayle mayor but mayor pete buttigieg. It brought me to combat training and there was to get ready to go to afghanistan where i saw, one of the things it can be said, just as sure as my body armor was the fact that the flank on my shoulder, represented the country that was known to keep its word. Our allies and our adversaries know it. The president has torn that to shreds so the first thing we have to do, is restore the credibility of the United States. Come back the second thing weve got to do, is make sure that we not only have the intelligence capabilities, i dont think we need to have Ground Troops anywhere tears can gather because terrace can gather anywhere in the world. But we do need intelligence capabilities and specialists on the ground freighted but what good is that if you have a president who wont listen to that. Right now some of the biggest threats that we face are not only things like Counter Terrorism but issues like Global Security and the coronavirus. They rely on the ability to listen to scientists. And to your own intelligence and coordinate with an International Community that discredits alienated it. A minute 15 is long time. Gayle please try to keep to the minute. Senator Amy Klobuchar, if you coming up here today, were going to get to your promise. Ive never broken a promise. Senator Amy Klobuchar, breaking news on cdc from the coronavirus. And so far theyre been 2700 deaths globally, and so far in this country there have been no debts but the cdc says this. Its not a matter of if the virus will be here, the question to you is this, which close the borders to americans who have been exposed to the coronavirus in order to prevent an outbreak here in this country. What we have to do is to make sure that we have treatment for those americans and that they are in a quarantined situation. We dont want to express people but we want to get them help. I would agree when mayor bloomberg said that this president has not invested like he shouldve been his budget. He tried to [applause] on the cdc. And on the International Organization that would coordinate with the rest of the world. He has not yet addressed the nation on this topic. I would do all of that but i want to take this out of politics right now. And talk to the American People because this is so serious. Im not going to get my website right now. I get the cdc website. It is cdc. Gov. Some people keep checking in and they follow the rules and they realize what they have to do they feel sick and they call their healthcare provider. Because many doctors are saying it is just a matter of time before we will start saying this here. And i think the answers as president , what would i do. I would better coordinate throughout my presidency to be ready for the next pandemic and to prepare for this one. Gayle thank you freighted. And i would support, because i know the vaccine is out there in, houston texas, and is in investing in education so we are ready to lead again in the world pretty. Gayle mr. Vice president. [applause]. We reached a turning point today cdc warning schools that they must prepare them but they might have to . Norah members of the Trump Administration saying we dont have enough medical staff if necessary. I would make sure that pandemic would not get to the United States. Save millions of lives. And what we did, we said that, i will set up the office and the presidency in the president s office on diseases that are pandemic diseases. We increase the cdc the budget. Wwe didnt, we stuffed it in the second thing i point out, what i would do immediately is restore the funding. He cut the funding for cdc. Take out the funding for an entire average. I would be in the phone and making it clear, we are going to need to be in your country. You have to be open. You have to be clear. You have to know what is going on. We have to be there with you. And insist on it. I could get that done. No one else here has ever dealt internationally. I am the only one that has. Norah senator sanders. In the white house today. We have a selfdescribed genius. Selfdescribed. In this great genius has told us that this coronavirus is going to end in two months. April is the magical day that this great scientist, we have in the white house, has determined, which i was getting, that is what he said. When we have to do. Whether or not, the issue of climate change, which is clearly a global crisis, requiring International Cooperation or Infectious Disease like coronavirus, requiring International Cooperation. We have to work and expand the World Health Organizations obviously we have to make sure the cdc, the nih are infectious departments are fully funded. This is a global problem and we got to work with the countries all over the world to solve it. Norah said that we will stay on the topic of foreign affairs. Mayor bloomberg, you said that he is responsible to his constituents, president xi. Would you allow chinese firms to build critical structures. No i do not. I think the Chinese Government has not been open. The freedom of press does not exist there. The human rights record is abominable and we should not make a fuss which we have been doing i suppose but no mistake about it, we have to deal with china if its ever going to solve the climate crisis. We have to deal with them because our economies are linked. Would not be able to sell or by, products that we need in terms of whether he is a dictator, a duster as the group of people. There is no question, is an enormous amount of power. But he does play this constituency. You can negotiate with him. Thats exactly what we have to do. Guessing that it is in his interest, and peoples interest to do what we want to do. Follow the rules in particularly, no stealing of intellectual property follow the rules in terms of the trade and the agreements that we have our reciprocal and go equally in both directions. Norah vice President Biden, same question to you. Would you allow chinese firms to build infrastructures. No i would not. This is the guy who does not have a democratic bone in his body. This is the guy has a million wages of reconstruction and concentration camps. You see what is happening right now in hong kong. And this is a guy who i was able to convince, she joined the International Agreement at the Paris Agreement because guess what, they need to be involved freighted you cant cooperate and you can dictate exactly what they are. When in fact they said going to set up a nofly zone. You cannot fly through our zone. He said what you expect me to do. I said we are going to fly right through it. With true b1 bomber through. They must play by the rules. Norah senator warren, same question. We have to be able to trust our president. Because there are a lot of the decisions that the president makes that you just cant follow every part of. And thats one of the reasons that we need to see any candidate taxes. We know that mayor bloomberg, is been doing business with china for a long time and is the only one on stage who has not released his taxes. He plans to release them after super tuesday. It is not enough to be able to say, just trust me on this. We have a president who said he was going to release his taxes after the election. And he has refused to do this. Norah mayor bloomberg would you like to respond. Ten or 12 weeks ago, weve been working on her tax returns i said they will be out. Them another couple of weeks to go. We are doing it as fast as we can. We have complied to every single requirement. It in my text route terms were out at 12 years in a row print and we will do that in the white house. Before thank you. I release my tax returns. It was easy easy to do. Foreign policy, ten years, i would Say Something about Foreign Policy. We keep acting as if we are in the 20th century of the 19th century. If you look at the biggest threats of the United States we are talking right now about coronavirus. They cannot be solved within the borders of the United States print were talking about climate change, which is a global problem we need u. S. Leadership for countries around the world. It in fact, mr. Trumps policy of us going it alone of america first, having no values, no alleys and no strategies is disastrous for us. The biggest threat to american right now in terms of our safety of our citizens is climate and is time for us to deal with this. Every single Foreign Policy issue is on the american leadership. Norah new topic. Senator sanders. Same thing. More people out of extreme poverty than any other country. You also have a track record of socialist governments in cuba and in nicaragua. And Americans Trust that is a democratic socialist president will not give authority terrence a free pass. I was really amazed at what mayor bloomberg just said a moment ago. He said the Chinese Government is responsible. But who is a pilot bureau. You have a real dictatorship there. Of course you do in cuba. Will i said, what about barack obama said in terms of cuba. The cuba made progress on education. Really. Barack obama made great progress on education and healthcare. Was barack obama. It occasionally, it might be a good idea to be honest about americans Foreign Policy. That includes the fact that america has overflown governments over the world and chile, guatemala, and i run. And hard dictatorship, whether it is chinese, where the humans, do something good to acknowledge that. If before thank you. Barack obama was in a town meeting he did not in any way suggest that there was anything positive about the cuban government. He acknowledged the deep did increase life expectancy. When i would condemn the dictatorship and condemned late condemn the people who ran that committee and he also make sure to make it clear, by the way, i called make sure i was prepared. The fact of the matter is, and fact is not did not, and has never embraced an authoritarian regime and does not now. This man said that. He did not condemn. And categorically untrue. Ive condemned whether it is the people in saudi arabia, that the United States government. Of any strike, is bad. But that is different than saying that some occasionally do things that are good. Norah someone. Pete buttigieg. Is a subject for the social order from the 1950s and Bernie Sanders with an essentially for the policies in the 1960s. This is not about the 70s or 80s. This is about the future. [applause]. Is about 2020. Theyre not going to survive or succeed is really not going to win by reliving the cold war. And were not going to rate when these critical house and senate races of people in this reasons have to explain why the nominee of the Democratic Party is telling people to look at the bright side of the castro regime. We can be a lot smarter about this. Norah senator sanders, your response. Do you see healthcare, for all is something radical communist idea. Minimum wage, billions of Affordable Housing. [inaudible]. Radical ideas. [inaudible]. Norah one at a time. [inaudible]. Norah Amy Klobuchar. Donald trump Worst Nightmare having someone that the people in the middle who are tired of the insults and the extremes in our politics, have someone to vote for. And i was going to comment on cuba policy because i actually lead the bill to lift the embargo. I went with oh barack obama when he went to cuba and i seen firsthand of the cuban people away in front of our or their leaders. They want to be entrepreneurs and the way that we embrace them and not the socialist regime is by opening up cuba and starting to boot do business with them. But to get at what we were just talking about, i just think we have a huge choice. Super tuesday states, one third of america it will vote do you want to have someone in charge of the ticket. Who wants to put forward 60 trillion in spending, three times the american economy. Then we do and think that we can get the rest of things done without having someone in so alienating them going to turn off the voters we need to bring. Norah allow the senator to respond. Hey amy. I believe its a matter of fact, but. [applause]. The point is the way we are going to beat trump which is what everybody appear once is we need a campaign of energy and excitement. We need to have the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States. We need to bring working people back into the Democratic Party. We need to get young people voting in a way they have never done before. That is what our campaign is about. [applause]. Norah next. It concluded russia interfered in our last president ial election. In the Obama Administration failed to respond forcibly. U. S. Intelligence says russias at it again. Is it proven, that russia has interfered in the 2020 elections. Would you as president lodge cyber attack. I would make them pay for it in the economic and they are engaged now. As i speak. And they are interfering in our elections. And they were, when in fact, the last election in 2016 against hillary. They were pretty crystal question. This man stood before the whole world and turn to the russian leader, and said, why gods name this man ever interfere in our elections. Give me a break. Seventeen Intelligence Agency said that he did. And when we get the information, we went to the committee in the senate thats responsible for knowing these issues and dealing with them. We went to Mitch Mcconnell as an join us in pointing out what is happening here. And he said no, we dont want no part of it. And that we did not have all of the information is that time until after the election was over. As of the idea of the Bipartisan Committee said that we couldve done more, theoretically that is true but the fact of the matter is we do not have the information. Until the end its a look, we in fact should be sanctioned on russia now for their interference. [applause]. Twentyfirst century warfare is cyber warfare. But we are having is an attack by hospital foreign power on our democracy right now. The question you have to ask is, where is the commanderinchief. And let me say this. This is no. With vice President Biden said, he didnt stay next to Vladimir Putin there is an attack on her election. And the president sided with the hospital foreign power. That is why i started the need to impeach. That is what we have to do. We have to oppose the president s sides with a hostile foreign power to commit cyber warfare against the United States of america. That is where we are. Where all of these patriotic republicans wave the flag and were actually under attack, they side with our enemies. It is outrageous. Thats why he shouldve been impeached. It they covered it up. [applause]. There is something wrong here. We are under attack and they are not doing a darn thing about it. It. Senator sanders, i have a question for you. Mayor bloomberg your preamble just a second. Smoke you would be the first americas jewish First American president. Platform, or bigotry. Would you you say to American Jews who might be concerned youre not from their perspective, supportive enough of israel specifically sir would you move the usmc back to toby. I am very proud of being jewish and i actually lived in israel for some months. But when i happen to believe, is that right now, sadly and tragically, israel, you have the reactionary racist who is now running at country. And i happen to believe. [applause]. I happen to believe that what are Foreign Policy is absolutely protecting the independence and the security of israel. But you cannot ignore the suffering of the palestinian people. We are about to have a policy reaches out to the palestinians and the americans. And the answer to your question, that will come within the context of bringing nations together in the mid east. Mayor bloomberg, which like to weigh in on that. Whether it is the persians, or the attorneys, the jews, the israel, palestinians, its only gone on for 40 or 50 years. Number one from you cannot move the embassy back. We should not have done it without getting something from the Israeli Government but it was done even have to leave it there. Number two, we only solution here is two state solution. Palestinians have to be accommodated. The real problem is you have two groups of people both who think that god gave them the same piece of land. It just split it up, leave the israel orders were they are try to push them to take back some of those extra, on the understandable. When they built these new communities. They should not of done that. Fullback. Senator warren. We have to start with the values and what has to be injected here. Israels have a right to security in the palestinians have the right to be treated with selfdetermination. But its not up to us to determine with the terms of the two solutions are. We want to be a good ally. To everyone in the region. In the best way to do that is to encourage the parties to get to the negotiating table themselves. Donald trump, hes putting his thumb on the skill in just one side. Kellys the parties further away from working out their own solution here. We need to be invalid by supporting them to come to negotiate to find that. What was your position on the embassy. It is not ours to do we should of the parties determine what they need to do. Nora. Norah i want to to the issue of north korea. Because President Trump is working on this. Senator Amy Klobuchar would you meet with the chief. I would been on the way thats president has done. He literally things he can go over and bring a hot dish to the dictator next door and i think that everythings going to be fine. He has not done it. Not with our allies, he has literally just easily called summons and run off. That is no way to do it. As you can see, north korea is still launching missiles. They promised a christmas surprise and thankfully that never happened created and is not been able to invest the ball at all. What would i do, i would work with our allies in this been pointed out, this is with this president fails at all of the time. We should be negotiating arsenal back into the iran nuclear agreement. We should be working with russia, not only to stand up for the protection of our elections, and call Vladimir Putin out for what he is. A ruthless dictator. But that also at the same time we have this knowledge that we should be renegotiating the new treaty and the other negotiations that must happen. This president , just like to do tweets at 4 00 a. M. In his bathrobe. He gets out there and does not achieve the results that we need. I would meet with him but i would do it with our allies, i would have clear liberal. Norah mr. Vice president how would you do with north korea. You dont negotiate with the dictator. You dont know if hes going to do anything at all. You dont do that. Look what happened. He gave this dictator, a thug, legitimacy. Weekend sanctions around the world against holding or committing people not to trade. Oil, and parsley can do with providing missile technology. I was seven, has been weekend. I would be in beijing, only calling to and speaking with him i would be reassigning a relationship between japan and south korea and when make it clear to china, we are going continue to move closer to make sure that we can in fact, prevent china from north korea wanting missiles. And if we dont, my stopping. No no stops. Norah okay. [laughter]. [applause]. Gayle because you are a gentleman. This is question for mayor pete buttigieg. The city in syria is facing an unprecedented humanitarian isis. The syrian regime, and russia are targeting schools, bakeries, and hospitals. Would you as president to push back regime and Russian Forces to stop the killing of the civilians. Personal i would stand with them are being targeted as you said in a brutal fashion by dictatorship that has been simmering over 70 years. And this is one of the reasons weve got to change the balance of power in the region. The president has basically vanished from the stage. When it comes to even playing a role in the future there. Turkey, russia, iran, all have so much more. We dont have to be invading countries to be making a difference in working with our international partners, in order to deliver peace and support those are standing up for selfdetermination. Back to something. I promise you relates to something. Healthcare for everybody is in a radical idea. It is not which is fine for it. But very much in a different way. Completely eliminating all private insurance. Part of how you noted this is that no industrials country is on the far. We like to talk about denmark. But even in denmark, they have not abolished the possibility of private insurance. So this tonight and it goes further than what is acceptable in denmark, the country. Let alone imagining how that will fly in denmark, South Carolina. Norah thank you mayor. Senator warren, woman senator warren do to stop it. The mass murder. I think we have to provide to humanitarian relief, we need to work with our allies on this. But this is not a moment for military intervention. We have got to use our military only when we see a military problem that can be solved militarily. We can us in our military and mostly have a plan to get them out pretty for me, this is about working with our allies. In about standing with people who are under enormous pressure right now. This is recognizing put donald trump has put us in a terrible box around the world. But the solution is not to use her military, the solution is to use the other tools here. And you. Norah now we would like to get a little more, refund ask you when we come back from the break about the worst things. Will give you couple of minutes to gather your thoughts. Gayle we will be right back. Gayle welcome back. As the final debate before the primary and super tuesday, one week from today. Gal. Speech of one final question. First i would like you each to tell us the biggest misconception about you. Thats number one. Number two, South Carolina mother was this. While everything hope, so outside of politics, and no more than 45 seconds or so, what is your personal motto or belief, your favorite quote the references you. The biggest misconception enter motto. The biggest misconception about me as if somehow i am defined by success and money. In your mono. My motto everyday i write across and i had to remind myself to tell the truth and to do what is right no matter what. Thank you tom steyer. Amy klobuchar. The biggest misconception is that i am boring. Because i am not. Then i would say that my motto, is the words of one of my political mentors, paul who said they no longer is with us and he said, the politics is about improving peoples lives. And thats been my life from when my grandpa was a minor in the union politics, made those minds it safer. And when my dad needed treatment, it was there for him and his words, he was pursued by grace. And when my mom got divorced and did not have a job and she went back to teaching, and gave that Public Service got her through. And when her daughter was born,. Gayle answered the question. What was your motto. Politics was about improving peoples lives. Gayle got it. Joe biden prayed. Knocked down and get up and everybodys entitled to be treated with dignity no matter who they are. Also that everybody should be represented. No one is better than me and n i am no better than no one else. I am looking forward to make sure there is a black woman on the Supreme Court to make sure. [applause]. Is not a joke. I push very hard for that. You are defined by your courage, and loyal, i do what i say. Speech of what is the biggest misconception about you. I have more hair than i think i do. [laughter]. Gayle there is a way to fix that senator sanders. Misconception and hearing it here tonight. Radical ideas. They are not in one form or another, they exist in countries all over the world. Healthcare is a human we have the necessity, the moral imperative to address the threat of climate change. Other countries are doing that. We dont need no more people in general disproportionately africanamerican than any other country on earth. Not a radical idea. The motto, is the thing that moves me the most is from milt nelson modelo. Everything is impossible until it happens. That means if we have the guts to stand up, the special interests, who are doing phenomenally well if we could bring working people together, black and white and latino, we can create a nation. Norah gayle senator warren. [applause]. I suppose one misconception is that dont eat very much. In fact i eat all of the time. Because get teased about this. I never it was supposed to be on a stage like this. The misconception is that i thought i should be president of the United States i got into this because i am a fighter. My motto ties in directly to the spread is matthew 25 and that is inasmuch as ye have done one of these police ye have done it unto me. For me, this is about how we treat other people and how we lift them up. If that is why i am in this fight and that is why am running to be president and his wife will be an effective president. Is the not passionate i get the same kind of level something unflappable. I dont think you want a president who is flexible but is precisely because i am so passionate about the things that are going on in this country. That i consider it important to approach all of it with discipline. My disciplines are guided to the mottos i try to live i would many of which come from scripture. Whenever it was my interpretation of my religion on anybody, just as sure as im wearing this ring, i will never let that happen to anybody but i seek to live by the teachings for say if you would be a later, you must first be a servant. And of course, the teaching not unique to the christian tradition but a big part of it. Holds that we are to treat others as we would be treated. When i think about everything it say from racial and economic justice, to our stewardship of the claimant to the need to heal the sick and the need to heal this country, i seek for those teachings to order my steps as it goes through campaign and through life. Norah thank you. That i am 6 feet tall. [laughter]. And ive been praying for this job for a long time and when i get it, i will do something rather than just talk about it. [applause]. Gayle thank you senator. Before one more break. Gayle youre watching the democratic debate, right here in cbs. [applause]. Norah that concludes our debate, we want to thank the candidates and the moderators and you are watching at home tonight. Gayle this saturday, super tuesday is next tuesday. Cbs news will have special coverage. Norah and will continue in a moment here in cbsn here are streaming new service a bsn. And there will be more on this to be a station in first thing tomorrow, on cbs. Gayle going to new york ill be there. Norah i moral a donnell. Good night. I am Norah Odonnell. Good night. [inaudible]. [background sounds]. The South Carolina primary is saturday, join us to hear the candidates reaction from the results. Life coverage saturday evening on cspan, on demand at cspan. Org. Listen lead on his free cspan radio app. During this election season, the candidates beyond the talking points are only revealed over time. You cant be everywhere, there isnt cspan. 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