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Disastrous overregulation of the obama biden administration. Under President Trump 70 regulatory actions have been taken for every one new regulation. This amounted to 50 billion and regulatory cost savings and it is important to note this deregulatory agenda lowers the cost for every american. The cost of these burdensome regulations fall disproportionately and benefit disproportionally lower income americans. This president took action to react these that harm low income committees and make sure lower income americans are taken care of. For example, the president s derogatory agenda will boost Household Income by 3100 annually. Since trumps rolling back of the obama biden can face standards a family will have access to cheaper cars. The President Health care do regular show will also save patients nearly 10 on Prescription Drug costs. These real wins for the American People will disappear with a reregulation agenda which is my President Trump will continue to pursue his historic deregulation activity. On another note we saw encouraging news yesterday on vaccines. Maternal is a vaccine candidate is showing promising signs and produce a positive neutral immune response among the 45 participation in the study and this is comparable to what we see in recovered patients. Bottom line is, so far we are seeing exactly what you would hope to see in a vaccine. They are expected, madonna vaccine is expected to reach phase three by july with 30000. On the therapeutic front i just want to note that very encouraging regeneron contract, for a 50 milliondollar contract for antibody cocktail and this is a bioengineered version of convalescent plasma. It is one of the several therapeutics available to treat covid. It can be used for prophylaxis and treatment and they say they could have up to 70300,000 vials of this by the end of the summer or early fall. Operation warp speed continues but we continue to see encouraging news on the therapeutic front of her that i will take your questions. Governor larry hogan said today President Trump has left the states to vent for themselves during this pandemic and accuse the president of not listening to medical experts. That is quite a takedown coming from a republican governor spirit yes, its striking his comments especially when you compare them to his past comments. This is revisionist history by Governor Hogan and it stands in contrast for what he said on march 19 where he praised the great communication of the president has had with governors and on march 19 he also said thank you, theres benjamins cooperation. What is so striking to me about writing that up at his Governor Hogan began with the dramatic april 18 is seen where south korea delivered tests but just the day prior he said something entirely different and in fact, thanked this president for the progress we have seen as federal and state coordination and went on to praise testing capabilities and said with regard to some of it the top needs the state including ventilators and testing capabilities. The 24 hours before this dramatic opening scene of his oped he literally was praising the president of the United States for delivering on testing. How do you explain that President Trump is trailing his opponent by double digits both nationally and in battleground states but the majority disapproving of the handling of Race Relations and coronavirus . That would be a question for the campaign when it comes to campaign polling. I would say we believe this president has great approval in this country. His historic Covid Response speaks for itself delivering on ventilators and testing. Therapeutics, 13 vaccine candidates, ten for example, this president s response has been historic and his support for this country reflect that but pertaining to campaign related polling i refer you there. We seen the president hold a range of Public Events this week but none of those events have been on the coronavirus. Why not . The president routinely focuses on the coronavirus and youll hear more about what were doing in the coming weeks. He is hard at work. We talked about covid everyday from this podium. The task force is hard work im glad you asked about covid in particular because i want to redo some of the things that we are doing which i think is most important and what we are sayi saying. I think the white house has engaged in travel, dr. Birx has gone down to louisiana, south carolina, alabama and she is in church today heading to sucker lena tomorrow and hhs has deployed 19 teams across country we identified, not where bc embers but identified where we might see an emergency and we send teams there to address it in advance so we are proactive. Dr. Birx routinely sends Realtime Data to governors and give them governors reports on remesdivir, texas, arizona, florida, 65 vials went to these four states we are also surging testing sites. We are taking steps each everyday. [inaudible question] white currently seen as the publix brits priority . The president focuses on elaborate just yesterday he held a big conference, if you will or oval office about ms 13. Covid is something we are focused on and is a top priority of this administration and it is why the task force meets and i mentioned to you were taking these steps but there are other things the president has to focus on, namely, democrat cities not controlling the streets. Namely, the mayor of chicago, people dying in her street city every weekend and the president sent her a letter saying you must secure your city. The president has been involved in operation legend, a young man who lost his life sending federal assistant to st. Louis and the city that has asked for our help and has shown up for the president focused on ms 13 who tragically maimed and killed those two young little girls and he is held their killer accountable, the leader of that reign. The president is focused on covid and focused on the violence and the streets and doing a lot of things at once and that is a great thing about the trump administration. But when it was last time he attended a Task Force Briefing . He is briefed each and every day. To the white house agree that its not helpful for people to wait seven days or longer to get the results of their coronavirus test . Is white house going to do anything to try to shorten those wait time so that people can get their results sooner . Weve done more than any country in the world on testing but there is no doubt about that. Fortytwo land tests was the next highest number was india at 12 million and they are very different types of tests in this country. Some take longer to process than others so we have surged testing to the states and encourage them to use it. They need to process those tests as quickly as possible. To follow up on that, its not just about the quantity of testing but also the quality of testing. Is the administration doing anything specifically to make all the tests out there return for results because a lot of Health Experts are worried that when people have to wait seven days or longer they are out there spreading the disease unknowingly. There are several different types of tests. Rapid response tests, other tests that take longer and dr. Birx and admiral are constantly out there advising on testing and how to process these tests ultimately we can give the states the supplies but theyve got to use them in the best way possible to get results as quickly as possible but rest assured our team is fully engaged from admiral to dr. Birx and others paid the admiral shared with me with 552 sites testing in america and 48 states and the district of columbia, 65 of the sites are located in counties with moderate to high social vulnerabilities and tuner one additional sites will be going live this week and that is on top of the 1300 federally qualified Health Centers that are out there testing as and the commercial testing sites. In an interview with cbs news President Trump said fewer white people are killed as an answer to why black people are still being killed by Police Officers. [inaudible question] black people are three times more likely than white people to die in a Police Encounter if the president wont even acknowledge that how can you fix the problem . The president has routinely acknowledged and stressed the absolute atrocity of the case of george floyd and his heart goes out to that family still. He was noting a fact that there were, when you look at unarmed killings with Police Interactions in this country that you had nine unarmed black individuals who are fatally shot in 19 unarmed white individuals and that is down from 38, 32 respectively in 2015. The number has come down since the Obama Administration and he was making that point but one point he wants to strongly make is this, black men and women who die of homicide are likely to die of homicide in a times greater in that of white individuals and hispanics combined and that is the rate combine. That is an extraordinary think we want to look at. Ive listed the names of the kids who died across the country and its on exit unacceptable or under this present he will take action and the derelict mayor of chicago should ask for federal because hes doing a poor job at securing her streets. [inaudible question] is the president considering travel bands for members of congress to enter the u. S. And is he concerned about escalation of potential. [inaudible question] i have no announcement on that front but rest assured we keep every option on the table with the guard to china. Did he rule out any options . He is not ruled out any options in regard to china. Does the white house have a reaction to the hacking of twitter last night and do you have any broader concerns or does the president have any broader concerns about using that platform to issue, not only his own opinion but official policy given its vulnerability to hack . Yes, i spoke with dansk vino out here, my team did, dan and his team have been in Constant Contact with twitter over the last 18 hours to keep twitter secure and the president s twitter feed, the president will remain on twitter but his account will be secure and not jeopardize during this attack. Followup, i didnt follow the data you were just referring to britt are you saying that the president did have data to back up his claim that more white people are killed by Police Officers than black people . Yes, i read out that data to you. I read out that data and you can go back to check. Two quick questions, [inaudible] has been charged with three loonies in a voter fraud case. Obviously the president campaigned for him in 2018 and. [inaudible question] this is the first time ive heard of that. Ive not spoken to the president of that but he does have real concerns about voter fraud and has mentioned several of those and there is yet more information that there is rampant voter fraud when you have mass mail in voting. In 2016 the president has noted about 1 of absentee ballots nationwide or thrown out and it could be much higher this year as many people vote by mail for the first time and that is one of the flaws with mass mail in voting but beyond that youve seen a number of reports out of new jersey and the u. S. Postal Service Vehicle that may have been carrying mail and ballots that was caught on fire and this was recent and also in the new jersey start ledger on june 22 and this is jargon, 500700 republicans received a balance with all democrat candidates and they were erroneous mail in ballots that have been voided and reissued and the slated candidates were all democrat from joe biden down to [inaudible] and these were supposed to be republican about, these are three recent examples and there are many more. When president made the initial [inaudible] to move the National Convention to charlotte he said it was because the North Carolina governor was in a shutdown mood and was fighting politics because he did not have an Indoor Seating for capacity. He also said the cost among carolinians would be all of the jobs and Economic Development for the cost of the convention would bring. All of that money and all that time and all of that cost to jobs and Economic Development to north carolinians would have the same results, convention in florida so what does the president have to say to north carolinians . The president loves north carolinians and they are well aware of that pit he wanted to be able to hold his convention inches why it was moved to jacksonville and for anything further i reviewed to the rnc. The president has talked about an executive order on immigration coming soon and is also talked about protections for dreamers and its been unclear though whether those protections and a path to citizenship the president talked about will be included in the executive order so i was hoping you could clarify, will the path to citizenship and protections be a part of the executive order . I would state as the president announced hes working on an executor border to establish a meritbased immigration system that will be the intent of these get a border. The president has long said he would look for a legislative solution on the dreamers and work with congress to pursue that solution. It could include citizenship along with other Strong Border security and permanent meritbased reform so that is something he will work with congress on and the exam a mourner would pertain to the meritbased portion of that. Second question. On the schools that the president and Vice President talked about the new guidelines or new pages of documents for cdc coming out this week and is that still the plan . Will those come out this week and is there any chance that this is being rethought at this time . Cdc guidelines so i will leave it to cdc as to when those guidelines come out. They will what we would like to see schools open and that has been clear and we dont think our children should be locked up at home with devastating consequences and its safe for them to go to school as emphasized by many medical experts. The president is keen on scene schools reopen and its the only thing that is fair to americas children. Two quick questions for you. On wednesday the cdc director said quote, its all about putting on a Face Covering for the next four weeks or six weeks we could try this epidemic to the ground. Admiral has made several comments and cdc director called it a major defense britt and wondering if the president would consider [inaudible] the president has said he will wear a mask if he could not be appropriately social distance and he did wear a mask this weekend when he visited the hospital so he has shown that he will wear a mask and not only that but he would wear one if you was not socially distanced by his own actions but we leave it to localities to make the decision with regard to Face Coverings and the cdc guidelines are made the same today. They are recommended but not required. You were saying earlier the president is concerned about local officials were not taking action about the deaths in the cities and you said he was appalled by what happened to george floyd. In march 826 yearold Breonna Taylor was killed while sleeping in her home for the three officers involved in that case in kentucky had not been arrested or fired. Is the president monitoring that case or does he want to serve justice. I wont weigh into that except i refer you to the doj which takes federal action when necessary where the facts merit but our hearts grieve for Breanna Taylors family. Thank you. On that question in china. [inaudible question] thank you, i did see your question earlier and i brought it to the president and he said i love the people of india and i love the people of china and want to do Everything Possible to keep the peace for the peop people. Thank you. Question from the two events we saw recently that we would not have seen in the previous white house, the first was the Campaign Meeting in the room last month and then political speech in the rose garden. Could you talk about your understanding of what white house policy is for this white house as far as is there any place in the white house we think politics is inappropriate and where do you draw the line . We act in accordance with the hatch act. It is well status of the president and Vice President are not subject to the hatch act. It says that much in the hatch act. It applies to executive branch employees which is defined in the hatch act as employee meaning any individual other than the president and the Vice President. [inaudible conversations] what . It has everything to do with this. Go read the hatch act. Thats what youre alleging your real problem was the fact that the president gave a very good, powerful speech from the rose garden. You talked the School Districts were overseen more School Districts for example last night decided to go online only. What does the president say to parents who are not going okay, what will i do with my kids . The president has said unmistakably he wants schools to leftparenthesis i was just in the oval talking with him. He means open in full, kids been able to attend each and every day after school, the science should not stand in the way of it. Doctor scott atlas said and i thought this was a good quote, we can do this, every where else in westworld are doing it and we are the outliers here but the science is very clear on this that for instance, you look at the pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in north america that said the risk of Critical Illness from covid is far less then that of the seasonal flu britt the science is on our side. Let me encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science, open our schools and its very damaging to our children and there is a lack of reporting of abuse, mental oppression that is not addressed, so dial suicidal ideations in our schools are extremely important and essential and must reopen. Do you have. [inaudible question] the one thing i would say about that and it was announced earlier today is that we worked very closely with our allies to ensure that we would take measures to keep that Information Safe and we continue to do so and are aware of those activities. The cdc and the movement of data going straight from cdc to hhs now, understanding that hhs needs access to Real Time Data what is there also any concern whatsoever undergirding this decision regarding his cdc possible manipulation of data and there were some reports coming out of florida, certain states are coming out and saying midlevel cdc reports were not necessarily accurate and so with that, does not have any effect in this decision to extend this invitation to hhs . No, this decision and i talked extensively with secretary is our and with doctor burks and doctor redfield, the intent is we need to make sure there is daily data that is given to dr. Birx and others who are running. With a lot of our actions with remesdivir and identifying hotspots and i would point out and i want to send some confusion in the press that there are two methods of data collection. One is the National Healthcare Safety Network and that is the cdc system and this is where hospitals voluntarily report their data and about 81 of hospitals were reporting their data. We dont need a 1 of hospitals reporting data but we need 100 of hospitals reporting data because its critical that dr. Birx and others receive the daily admissions. Icu used and ppe numbers and when you are only getting 81 of Hospital Data that means youve got 90 of hospitals that were unaware of their needs so what has happened is we also have a second method of tracking this data and is the tele tracker database and hhs system and this was initially used for purposes of provider relief funding and we ask hospitals to tell us about their covid admission so we could identify possible hotspots and as it turns out this data ended up being more complete, more uptodate with information and so ensuring that hospitals are reporting it to the system where we are getting more complete data and what is the reason that hhs has had this transition where they have asked hospitals to transition reporting to the tele tracker system and its importance especially with remesdivir tester patient that we know exactly so we can search them. I did confirm that that this is an open source Data Available to the cdc. Secretary lazar said we insist they use it and no one confirm this, no one is taking access to the cdc and that data routinely is published so the ring people are fully informed. If i could follow up, there been some complaints particularly among independents modelers which is updated daily. [inaudible question] cdc database is the public data that has been out there and i dont it should be public and this is all about getting more data out there, not less data and ensuring that in particular are doctors get that daily data. One thing i would also like to point out for everyone, with regard to testing, youve done more than 42 lan tests as i noted in the second highest number is 12 million from india and we are leading the world in testing and its very a stark contrast so i want to put Additional Information out there and in 2009 under obama and biden they abruptly advised states to test h1n1 flu and stop counting individual cases so this president surged testing under the Obama Administration and stopped testing entirely and Vice President biden former chief of staff said this, it is purely a fortuity that h1n1 isnt one of the great mass casualty events in American History and had nothing to do with us giving anything right but this is former vp biden chief of staff. It just had to do with the lock. Contrary to that this president let the world in testing, let the world in ventilators, redistributing ventilators, therapeutics, 13 vaccine candidates, one going into phase three Clinical Trial and this response is been extraordinary and historic and we do not cause testing for the Obama Administration and that was a decision. Thank you. The president today will talk about how his administration has been rolling back regulation and over the past four years and helping americans rise out of poverty. Im sorry, i dont know what hes doing today. The president is supposed to be talking about his administration rolling back regulation and helping americans rise out of poverty. I dont know what hes doing good i will place on the. What he did this week in terms of what Richard Nixon and Richard Nixon put in place to protect our environment and therefore the good health of the American People and some of the shall we say polluters we are saluting it but it was the wrong thing to do. I dont know what specific danger to the environment about what americas families hes considering today but if it was anything like he has been doing i will say this hes done a lot of bad things but you cant tell whether its methane or mercury but what hes doing to the environment but once or twice a week terrible things that have an impact on health and wellbeing of the American People and the air our children read on the water they drink but what does he do but say ive had beans on my desk and thats what people cover and instead of the danger that he is proposing to our country and his administration and he has the henchmen of the polluters in his cabinet and always has and he is implementing an agenda that will rise up people from poverty by making them breathe powell air raid i dont get it. The u. S. House and Senate Return on monday to resume legislative business following their state work. Over the fourth of july holiday. The u. S. House considers the 2021 National Defense authorization act with both expected as 11 30 a. M. Eastern. The senate convenes at 3 00 p. M. And they resume debate on the nomination of the director of the office of management and budget. He has been serving in an acting capacity since january 2019. The senate limited debate and advanced his nomination on july 2 on a partyline vote of 4744. At 5 30 p. M. The senate will vote on confirmation for the vote nomination could watch live coverage of the house when they return on cspan, live coverage of the senate on cspan2. Tonight, special addition of book tv with a focus on healthcare. Starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern doctor matt emanuel special advisor on Health Policy in the Obama Administration shares his thought on which countries have the best healthcare in the world. Then healthcare ceo doctor vivian lee offers a plan for reforming the American Healthcare system. Later, we talk about patient care and safety. Enjoy book tv on cspan2. Book tv on cspan2 has top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Coming up this weekend, sunday and 9 00 p. M. Eastern on after words wired Magazine Editor discusses his book facebook, the inside story. He is interviewed by author and Financial Times Global Business columnist. At 10 00 p. M. Eastern former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich offers his thoughts on why President Trump should be reelected with his book, trump and the american future, solving the great problems of our time. Watch the tv on cspan2 this weekend. Education secretary betsy devos talked about some of the challenges and the Education System due to the covid19 pandemic. This event was hosted by the georgia Public Policy foundation. Im the president and ceo of the jordan policy foundation and on the behalf of our entire staff, we are america and joined us youve attended this event in the past, your will weather this year its different. We have had to adapt to so much in our

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