Transcripts For CSPAN2 Fmr. 20240703 :

CSPAN2 Fmr. July 3, 2024

The subcommittee on oversight will come to order. Without objection the meeting record will remain open. Members may submit any materials they wish to be included. Thank you Ranking Member torres and members of the subcommittee for joining us in todays oversight hearing. Today we are focused on identifying the newer security years that continue to persist following debris in the United States capital on january 6, 2021. There are still many Unanswered Questions for former Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats spent millions of dollars on the select committee to investigate january 6 but the committee failed to investigate the Real Security failures. Today we are joined by chief son who was chief of the United States Capitol Police on that day. The Democrats Select Committee never invited him to testify during one of their prime time hearing despite him being the chief of police on january 6. Perhaps that is because the his test may not have fit their narrative. For months House Democrats championed the antidefund police narrative. They threatened to cut the Capitol Police budget this pluralization directly contributed to the failures that we witnessed that day. Let me be clear, i stand with lawenforcement, specifically Capitol Police officers and appreciate their dedication, bravery and surface. I hope my democratic colleagues do the same. We know serious structural failures within the Capitol Police Intelligence Department contributed to the terrible events of that day, this includes misplaced and misguided goals as well as failures that resulted in timely warnings not reaching the leadership. Instead of doing a comprehensive assessment of these intelligence failures, chief son was pushed out and the leadership silenced individuals who spoke about these failures. Retaliation against whistleblowers is unacceptable and this is why House Republicans are conducting this investigation. I look forward to hearing his view regarding the allegations that are not public. I also look for to hearing directly from chief son about Capitol Police including dayto day relations with the Capitol Police board as well as a speaker the house. His test money today will provide transparency, accountability and help to prevent anything like this from happening again. Finally, we will focus on the aftermath of january 6 and the ensuing witchhunt conducted by, of which i was unfortunately a target. Throughout nearly two years of work the select committee currently operated on hearsay to fit their narrative. On the final report in december of 22 it was a political weapon focus at attacking former President Trump and his supporters instead of how to prevent another incident. We must ask ourselves why the capital was ill prepared and what security changes are needed to secure adequate capital security. A question that the january 6 select committee failed to scrutinize. This was preventable and we must ensure nothing like this ever happens again. I now recognize the Ranking Member ms. Torres for the purpose of providing an opening statement. Thank you. Big protest on january 6th, b there and b while on december 1920 20 former president donald trump, the leader of the Republican Party sent those faithful fateful words to his supporters and they complied. Following that there was a 1000 increase in violent rhetoric against members of congress and Law Enforcement officers. In the weeks and months leading up to january 6th trump continue to incite arrest accused democrats of rigging the election and referring to it as the biggest scam in our nations history. On new years day he tweeted january 6, see you in dc periods on the morning of the attack, a republican member of Congress Told the crowd, today is the day that american patriots are taking down names and kicking. Our ancestor sacrifice blood, sweat, tears, fortunes and sometimes their lives. Are you willing to do the same . Rudy giuliani continued to incite the crowd by asking for a trial by combat. While donald trump told his supporters we are going to walk down and i will be there with you. The former president orchestrated a correct scheme to overturn the results of a free and fair election. When that did not work he is cited his supporters to violence. Updated via social media and directed by the former president the crowd marched to the capital armed with guns handcuffed and pepper sprayed. If they did not bring a weapon they found one. They viciously destroying property and arresting to hang Vice President pence. The former president bears full responsibility for bringing violence to the capital. I spoke with some of the heroic Capitol Police officers who were injured and beaten that day by the violent mob. They still face the enduring pain of that traumatic day. If not for the heroic actions of Law Enforcement officers, some of whom gave their lives to protect us, the former president and his supporters would have. Immediately Speaker Pelosi engaged with retired army general to conduct a complete security assessment of the capital to identify the facilities. In addition to the work of the task force the former chair of this committee instructed the u. S. Capitol police to halt all ongoing investigations and devote all resources to investigating the attack. House democrats and then directed the Government Accountability office to perform a governmentwide examination of the attack, including a comprehensive review of Agency Preparation and response. Still, after republicans refused to support legislation to create an independent commission the Bipartisan Select Committee, to investigate the january 6 attack took up this work. In addition to the many investigations that pass the funding bill, the institution with adequate resources to address our security needs. The law also established the howard c newman good center for wellness named in honor of a Capitol Police officer who tragically took his life following the attack to ensure that his partners on the floor have access to care as they continue to heal from the traumatic events of a violent insurrection. We are still reckoning with the fallout from january 6 collectively as a country and as individuals. The American Democratic experiment came dangerously close to ending, if it was not for the courageous actions of the capital and dc police. The person, the person responsible for directing violence at the capitol that day in order to undermine the peaceful transfer of power is the favorite to secure the republican nomination for president. Mr. Chairman, i ask for unanimous consent to enter the following from the congressional record dated, containing the minority leader Kevin Mccarthy for president comes impeachment excitement and examining the preparation report and response to the january 6 attack. The Capital Police Inspector Generals testimony from each hearing in a series of hearings convened by this Committee Examining the flash report testimony from a hearing from this committee in 2021 and title reporting Capitol Police and improving accountability for their Capitol Police board and a summary of task force 1 6 capital security review and an article dated september 6, 23 three entitled, has led to 700 years of prison without objection the time has expired. I recognize the full committee Ranking Member for five minutes for the purpose of an opening statement. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman, for calling this hearing. I want to think my colleague and Ranking Members of subcommittee and ms. Torres for her work. I want to thank chief sund for not only being here to offer testimony , but also for your service to the Capitol Police and to our country. I think, whenever we are talking about january 6, it is important that we have a fuller picture of what the house jordan did in the aftermath, particular for those who seem to have developed a case of collective amnesia. I do want to set the record straight. In the days and weeks following the violent mob attack and ransacking of the capital Capitol House members got to work. It started with a forward looking and comprehensive review of the capitol and , and that was spearheaded by general russell. This committee, i was not a member of the committee at the time, the committee then directed the United States Capitol Police Inspector General to set aside the ongoing work and prioritize a comprehensive nonpartisan review of the preparation in response to the attack. Currently the architect of the capitol Inspector General conducted similar assessments of the security. Upon issuing of each ig report, this Committee Held a series of public hearings, six in total, to review the findings and questioned the inspectors general. Reports had 100 recommendations to improve the operations of the Capitol Police, security of the capitol complex and protect the people within , which is of course our largest responsibility. The work did not stop there. While the committee and house ministration conducted its important work, a broader inquiry was necessary to fully investigate and understand the attack not just to hold those involved accountable, but to provide the American Public with answers to basic questions. Legislation was introduced to establish an outside independent commission to investigate and report on the facts and causes of the attack. The bill was developed with input from both parties and that bipartisan framework was reflected in the final text considered by the house. I recall, because he was a friend and colleague of mine, john capex, member of the House Republican caucus who helped to negotiate the deal did so and then inexplicably at the time minority leader mccarthy declared his opposition to the bill, the bill that was characterized by his own handpicked negotiator to represent john catco as a solid and fair agreement. It was pushed through the house on for a republican filibuster. With the prospect of the commission growing bleaker despite efforts to work collaboratively the house voted to a Bipartisan Select Committee to investigate the attack and it was constituted, again, at the last minute the minority leader withdrew his appointment to the committee. Although impossible to list the entirety of its work in the brief five minutes the select committee interviewed hundreds of subjects including participants and government officials who combed through thousands of hours of video with hundreds of thousands of pages of documents held 10 publicize hearings and had a report we did not end the investigation there, nor did we just investigate the attack itself. The laws provided increase security funding for the capitol complex to ensure officer struggling with physical and Emotional Trauma that they had access to the care that they need and deserve. We brought transparency to the Capitol Police board and we needed easy to get outside assistance in the event of an emergency. The Capitol Police were there for us and we wanted to be there for them. January 6 is one of the darkest stains on this countrys history. A armed and violent mob attempted to forcefully disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and subvert the will of the American People at the hands of an increasingly desperate former president. We also witnessed incredible bravery on that day by the Capitol Police that kept us safe and kept our beloved democratic experiment alive and i am forever grateful to the Capitol Police for that and with that i yield back. The chair may declare recess at any time. Without objection Opening Statements will be made part of the hearing record. If they are cemented by 5 00 p. M. Today. And raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god . Let the record show the answer is in the affirmative. I would like to introduce our witness. He served for over 25 years with the metropolitan Police Department and rose to the ranks of the elite special Operations Division overseeing some of the most critical units within the department. In 2017 he was selected as the assistant chief of police and on 2019 he was 18 months. In january 2023, he published a book about the institutional failings entitled courage under fire. Under siege and we appreciate you being here today and look forward to your testimony. We have read your written statement and it will appear in the full committee record. Limit your oral presentation to a brief summary unless i extend the time period and consultation. Please remember to turn on your microphone using the when you begin to speak, the light on the timer in front of you will turn green. After four minutes the mic will turn yellow. When the red light comes on i ask that you please wrap up as your five minutes have expired. I now recognize chief son for five minutes. Good afternoon members of the subcommittee. It is hard to believe its been almost three years since january 6 and we are still having hearings to identify what contributed to that day. There have been four congressional reports and they continue to support what many of us have suspected from the very beginning. January 6 was an intelligent failure. We rely on accurate intelligence to help us develop accurate plans. Accurate intelligence is an essential factor in the decisionmaking process of the Capitol Police. The Capitol Police board and the oversight committees. We now know significant intelligence existed that individuals were plotting to swarm the capital building, target lawmakers and officers and yet no units or agencies sounded the alarm. We were blindsided. Intelligence failed operations. The january 6 attack of the capital was preventable. If the intelligence had and accurately reported and the fbi had followed their policies and established practices, i wouldnt be sitting here today. There was a failure to connect the nine dots on 9 11 and again january 6. Im concerned if we do not identify and correct these issues we may fail again in the future. I did everything i could to defend and protect the u. S. Capital and members of Congress Prior to january sixth. On january 3rd i requested the assistance of the National Guard to support the perimeter and was denied by the two sergeant at arms over concern for politics and optics. Still concerned for the number of personnel i had on the perimeter i called the npd on the morning of january 6 and asked if they could stage additional personnel close to the capital on constitution avenue. Two hours later we were violently attacked at 12 53 p. M. I immediately followed up on the morning call and contacted chief carol at 12 55 p. M. And requested these resources. Npd was on the scene in minutes and was holding the line in delaying the breach of the building. It took 81 agonizing minutes for the mob to fight their way through Numerous Police lines before they were able to reach the capital. The decision to reach out to npd proved critical. Minutes after the attack began, i made my first call to at 12 58 p. M. To request approval to bring in the National Guard. Let me run it up the chain and i will get back to you was his response. It would be 71 minutes before that approval would finally come. Between 12 58 and when i finally received approval for the National Guard, i made 32 calls coordinating support for my officers including 11 frustrating cost of the sergeant at arms regarding my request to the National Guard. My calls resulted in hundreds of Police Officers from around the National Capital region and as far away as new jersey responding to assist. After i received approval to call in the National Guard i had to beg the pentagon officials to send us hope. I was denied assistance by Lieutenant General pi had siding concerns over optics of the National Guard on capitol hill. The d. C. National guar

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