Transcripts For CSPAN2 Dr. 20240703 :

CSPAN2 Dr. July 3, 2024

Tv marks 25 years of shining a spotlight on leading nonfiction authors and their books was talked for more than 22000 authors nearly 900 cities and schools visited and 16000 alexa. To be provided viewers with 92000 hours on the latest literary discussions on history. Politics and biography. Watch tv every sunday on cspan2 online at book tv to org. Tv, 25 years of television for serious readers. Doctor ben carson,n, tonights lecture and his list of accomplishments so i will highlight and let him tell you his American Dream. For nearly 30 years doctor carson served as director di neurosurgery the john hopkins surgery. The youngest person when he was 33 years old, the youngest person in the hospitals history to do so. 1987, he successfully performed the first separation of twins conjoineds at the back of the head. His honors include president ial matter of freedom, the highest award granted to a civilian and hold 70 honorary degrees. Doctor carsonso and his wife are cofounders of carson fund recognizes young people of all backgrounds for exceptional academic and humanitarian accomplishments. Today they boarded 10000 and more than 8 million in scholarships. Special connection with doctor carson forged long ago. Elizabeth , undergraduate here when she was just a baby. Her parents brought her to see doctor carson after a diagnosis involving brain. Her parents wanted another opinion before getting surgery on such a child. They brought her to doctor ben carson. Doctor carson believed she did not need the surgery and the symptoms would eventually pass. He was right. A riskyd her avoid surgery and continued to see him until she was seven years old and now shes here with us tonight to listen to his wise words once again but enough from me. Lets give a warm but loud welcome to doctor ben carson. [cheering and applauding] thank you very much, i am delighted to be here. A beautiful setting, so serene. I hope you are enjoying it. Most of thees time people have a little disclaimer and say im on this board and take everything in. I have a disclaimer to make an honest i am not politically correct. [laughter] that doesnt mean i intentionally offend people that i have discovered so i dont twist myself into a pretzeln going to make sure i dont offend anybody but freedom of speech is an important component of who we are as a nation and an important part of the American Dream. At we notice your the only country with a dream, theres no 4 degrees or canadian dream. Were the only ones who actually have dream and the destination for so many people throughout the world. Its interesting we have so many people trying to denigrate our country and its caused many problems and is chemically racist country, its unfair to people. Ifif for so bad, why are people trying to get in here . Twenty got here, when they call their friends and say dont come here, its a horrible place . Obviously that was propaganda but our founders went through a lot of trouble to create the atmosphere we have in this country. At last, Continental Congress for the constitution and hope it was about to break apart because there were so many divergent opinions and a statesman, 81yearold Benjamin Franklin stood up in front of the assembly and said judgment, lets get down on our knees and seek wisdom from the lord and they knelt down and prayed and they got up and resolved their differences. The top we got our constitution. The constitution was so importanty because they study every single government system ever existed in the world and they were an eclectic and extract the good things and got rid of the bad things as they tried to put together the right environment for our nation and when benjamin b franklin walked out of the hall he was asked sir, what we have . A monarchy or republic . He said a republic if you can keep it. If you can keep it. We kept it for over 240 years. We are closer to losing it right now can we ever have and it is up to uss to preserve the American Dream and my American Dream was to be a pastor. I love medicine. Anything about medicine is all over that stuff i would gladly get shot just so i could smell. [laughter] maybe not a covid shot. [laughter] there was one problem and that is, youve got to become a doctor, you have to get good grades i was a terrible student. I wasas the one of the worst. I admired the smart kids though. There was one kid named steve. He was a kind of kid who would come up after and show you his a. [laughter] how can this kid who was the same age as i am, no so much, how is that possible . The other person who believed in me was my mother. She would always say benjamin, you are too smart to bring home grades like this. She was always encouraging, she didnt know what to do and she prayed p for wisdom. God gave her the wisdom at least in her opinion. I didnt think it was that wise. [laughter] turning off the tv. What kind of wisdom is that . [laughter] making us read books. In todaysul world it cos service. [laughter] we had to read the books and she didnt dictate what kind of books we had to read so we could read anything we want. I love nature, i read the animal books from the library and i would read the plant books and the books about rocks because we lived next to the Railroad Tracks and there were lots of rocks and i would collect rocks and bring them home and study them. Still only 15, still the dummy in the class. Ll everybodyto turn around. [laughter] mr. Jake, that is subsidy and. There was silence in the room. It sounded good. [laughter] nobody knew she would be laughing or impressed. It was formed after a volcanic eruption. Everybody was staring at me. They could not believe this. Perhaps the most amazed. It dawned on me at that moment that i was not done. I said arent you tired . Can youfr imagine what the impat would be. From that point on, i was always reading. I went from the bottom of the cross to the top of the cross. I remember going up to steve. [laughter] i said, steve, how you doing. He calls out his chest and say i got a 91. I got a 100. [laughter] next time if you need help, let ttme know. [laughter] that was probably a little obnoxious but it sure felt good saying it. Think about this. I had the same brain when i was at the bottom of the class that i had at the top of the class. What does that tell you about the importance of education . And what that does for a person. It is an area of severe concern in our nation right now. In 1831 when alexis came to our country to study they became fascinated. How could this nation already be competing at every level . He studied our government, our business atmosphere, our religion. He was blown away. He could find a mountain man in the middle of the forest. The guy could tell about the declaration of independence. And if you really wanted to be impressed, look up six grade exit exam from 150 years ago. See what you had to know to get a sixth grade certificate. I dont think most americans today could pass that test. You see, we are in the crossroads right now. It happens a lot when a nation becomes communist. They dumb down the population. Because people who are not wellversedd, you are ignorant, are much easier to control. You probably know some of those interviews. They ask people the simplest question. Like what countries border the United States. And they are like china . [laughter] you about the art they have no idea. And you need people to be that ignorant if you are going to say stupid stuff and expect them to accept it. I was watching a report today. A spokesman for the Defense Department was talking about the iranian swap will and how we gave them access to 6 billion in addition to swappingan prisoners. He said it was not a ransom. So, we give this money because they said if you give us this money we will let your people go that is not a ransom . Youve gotta be pretty stupid to believe that. Or something greater is completely under control. Some very dangerous terrorists are coming across. People are really stupid to accept that that is a situation that is under control. That you need people to be dumbeded down in order to be abe to control them. And you need them when you want them to go. That is why it is so vitally important that we begin to concentrate on education. It is. Not that serious. A lot j of the stuff going on in our country right now is just a coincidence. Nobody is trying to do anything. This is from the congressional record appended page eight, january 10, 1963. It is called current communist goals. In america. I could read all 45. Just a few to give you a flavor. Get control of the school. Transmissionur belt for socialim and current communist propaganda soft in the curriculum, get icontrol of teachers associatis , put the party line in textbooks. Controlling student newspapers. Number 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, gain control of key positions and radio tv and Motion Pictures twentyfour. Eliminate allve laws governing obscenity by calling them censorshipip and violation of fe speech and free press. Cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and diobscenity in books, magazines, Motion Pictures, radio and tv. The generosity and cross acuity as normal, natural and healthy. Infiltrate the churches and replace religion with social religion. Discredit the bible and emphasize the needs for intellectual maturity which does not need a religious crutch. Any religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principles of separation of church and state. Support any socialist movement to decentralize control over any part of the culture. Education, social agencies, welfare programs, Mental Health clinics, et cetera. Number 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Emphasize the need to raise children away from a negative influence of parents. Suppressed influences of parents sixty years ago, those people that think all of this stuff is of recent origin, recognize that this has been in the planning stage and execution stage for a long period of time. We, the American People are being manipulated. It is the reason your grandchildrens children will live under communism. And we wont have to fire one shot. All of those things are going on and it is imperative that we help the American People to see what is happening and how they are being played and how it is them who have actually won the cold war, and not us. That is the reason that we formed the institute. You know, after the previous administration, my plan was to retire. I had failed retirement the first time so i said im going to get it right this time. Play golf and do all the things i never got the chance to deal. It wasnt too many weeks after the 2020 election that i realized we were heading for a cliff. That we were heading for that place that ben franklin was talking about when he said if you cannt keep it. And, so, some very talented people joined me which is the think tank. Concentrate on the corner stone pillars that were fundamental to the record rise of this country. Our faith. Our faith which taught us how to relate to each other. Love yourgh neighbor. Not cancel your neighbor. Not hate the person that has a different yard sign then you deal. Learn the concept of liberty. Of freedom. Of being able to live the life you want to live without a bunch of mandates. Without a bunch of bureaucrats telling you what you have to do and when you have to do it. Community. That was such an important part of what made us into a rapidly growing and strong nation. Communities all over the country people from Different Countries who could barely communicate with each other because they spoke different languages. But, they understood the concept of community. Of the common good. What is good for the whole group not just for you and for your people. And that makes such a big difference in the growth of our nation. And, you know, the last one, life. From the womb to the tomb. As we have lost that respect for life, we have become more course in our relationships with each other. It is very important that we respect all life and that we care for all people. Not just the babies in the world but those harmless people that we see on the street. Most are suffering either from addiction or Mental Health illness. If you just take them off the street and put them in an apartment, that does not solve the problem. Many of those people end up back on the street. Housing second and housing third housing second diagnose the reason they are on the street. Housing third tryer to fix it. That is where real compassion comes in. Economically more efficient because a lot of those people are functioning contributing individuals with the right kind of care. So let me add the little patriots program. Looking at the children. So important. You think about what the bible says. The marxist understood that, to. They wantedd a chief proponent. Give me your children to teach for four years and the seed that i so will never be uprooted yet that is why they are so anxious to get into our school and get to our young people early on. Think about it. Childrench. They are very curious. They are very suggestible. Arthat is why we have parents. To protect them. From people who would take advantage of that curiosity and that suggestibility. And now, we are in a situation where we have people that are saying parents should be less. They dont need to be told. Only the child who has an the way, then, by brain does not fully mature until you are in your 20s. Some people longer than that. [laughter] why would you take advantage of somebody whose brain has not fully matured. Suggesting thanks to them. Now, think about this. Mostly girls, you know, given thee opportunity, they try on their fathers toolbelt. Does that mean they want to be a boy . Nobody is looking, most boys will slip on their mothers high heels. Does that mean they want to be a girl . Of course not. At some point, we have to grasp intellectual sound minds and not let ourselves be swayed by these people. Unfortunately, we have a media that has lost contact with its mission. The press. The only Business Protected by the United States constitution, why . Because they were supposed to disseminate unbiased information to the people. So that the will of the people could be used to control the direction of the country. But, the press has forgotten that and now they have become advocates of their position. Taking advantage of the people. Not informing them, hiding things from them. Using propaganda tools. Influencing people who do not read for themselves. Who do not learn from themselves that is how we have gotten into ita very difficult situation. And then, also, the executive branch for america. And this is specifically designed for young people, collegeage so that they can learn how our government works. When a new president goes into washington, d. C. , he has faced with 4 million executive branch employees. Only 3000 of them are people he can change. Think about that. The vast majority of them are left leaning people from the d. C. Area. The executive branch for america has curriculums and Classes Online that will familiarize people with how washington works without the executive branch works with the things you need to know about how a bill is passed. How regulations are disarmed. So vitally important because most people when they go in as aids or representatives, they are like deer caught in the headlights. It takes them at least a year before they even realize what is going on. By that time, you know, the other side has made significant progress. The state that exists there knows how to slow down legislation that they dont like how to speed up legislation that they do like. And their numbers are so overwhelming it is very difficult to overcome. We haveix to be thinking about w we fix that. Completely free of charge. You can get certified in it. Just go to american cornerstone. Org. We have the executive branch for america. Some very interesting things in there like interviews of people who have run through their agencies. All conducted by j Sarah Huckabe sanders. She does a really good job. You get a chance to really see how these agencies work and how they affect the American People. Virtually everyone, all of the staff at american cornerstone are veterans of the executive branch should they share their expertise. When i went into government, i was a newbie. You learn particularly about how vicious the swamp is. I could not get my people certified by congress and most of the work in a federal agency is done by the assistant secretary. And the deputy secretary. An assistantav secretary for fie months. I did not have a deputy secretary for eight months. They would not okay my paper. Eventually, they did. I think the thinking was if we dont give him his people, they will quit. They dont know me. They think because im quiet and well mannered that i would give up easily. But i dont. It just makes me more determined once we got the right people, we were able to correct a lot that we heard about fiscal mismanagement and dollars disappearing. It was true. They had not had an audit for eight years. It was a federal law. Every agency is required to have an audit once a year. We could not do an audit because there were so many material effects. It was impossible to do one. We were able to get a senior power to put together a team. Probably the best run the agency in d. C. For now. That then allowed us to get a lot of things moving. Like the opportunity zones. All overrt the country or than 8800 opportunity zones. Places that were economically severely depressed. They incentivize businesses to come in and invest in those areas and it made a huge difference. Thats the way you rehabilitate places. The revision centers multiple places coming together under one roof to help people. I discovered there were many people that dont want people to be independent. We are going to have to cite that. We discovered 20,000 age out of foster care every year. A large number to end up on the streets good being trafficked during horrible situations. Some of these young people that experience i came and explained the situation to us. Our people were so touched. Within four months they put together a program. Able to give people not only a place to stay, but wraparound services. Can you imagine being 18. A place to stay without a system, youre not going far in most cases. We are able to get so many things accomplished once we got the fiscal house in order. I hope some of you, some of you young people will be encouraged to actually get involved in our governmental processes. At the state level or at the national level. So important for us if we are going t

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