Transcripts For CSPAN3 Twentieth-Century White Supremacist G

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Twentieth-Century White Supremacist Groups 20170904

Political movement. However, in light of some very important demographic and political trends, the movement could become more salient in upcoming years. Now, white separatism should be distinguished from this notion of white supremacy. Now, to be sure there are white separatists that are also White Supremacists, however, i think there is an important distinction because the term separatist denotes different longterm objectives than the term supremacist. Essentially separatists want to establish an exclusive ethnic or racial model state. By contrast supremacists seek to dominate other racial or ethnic groups. Now, supremacists might also be seg g segregationists, but within the same state. Examples would include the jim crow system of racial segregation, the American South or the system of apartheid in south africa. Now, there are some critics that claim white separatism is little more than a facade adopted by White Supremacists to make their goals seem more publicly acceptab acceptable. By claiming to be separatists, socalled White Nationalists can present their aspirations in a way not unlike other ethnic separatist movements around the world today such as Tibetan Independence movement. So by cloaking their aspirations in the verbiage of selfdetermination white separatists feel that their movement is seen as more legitimate. So let me give you some historical background on the white separatist movement. The 1960s was a time of great social upheaval in america. The vietnam war polarized the nation, it spawned a counterculture, the Civil Rights Movement reached its zenith. Eventually jim crow was dismantled in the south. There were vigilante groups such as the ku klux klan that resisted the Civil Rights Movement, but ultimately they failed. So urban rest, convulsed Many American cities during the 1960s. And there were some people in the White Supremacist Movement that thought the country might actually implode under the weight of racial strife. They thought it would be impossible for blacks and whites to occupy the same country in any kind of amicable way. Blacks were no longer accept the subordinate status. So in the 1960s there were some instances in which both white separatists and black separatists established a dialogue in the hope of coming to some sort of modus and creating separate racial states. On a number of occasions George Lincoln rockwell and members of his American Nazi Party met with representatives of the nation of islam, which was led by Elijah Mohamed at that time. Because whites were a large numerical majority in the country at thattime, the early white separatist assumed that the vast amount of territory in the United States would be reserved for the white population. Blacks would be given a relatively small territory, perhaps in the American South to build a socalled new africa. The status of other racial minorities because they were numerical numerically negligible so grew out of the failure of the larger White Supremacist Movement. For one thing, White Supremacists failed to establish anything resembling a Mass Movement in america. Now, in the 1960s, rockwell believed that trends such as race riots and rising crime would lead to mayhem. And thus create the favorable conditions for his party to take power. He even entertained the idea that his party could actually win National Power by elections by 1972. But rockwell fell to an assassins bullet in 1967, and with his departure some elements of the extreme right became disillusioned with his conservative approach. Furthermore, the immigration and nationality act of 1965 really ushered in a sea change in immigration policy in the United States. So as a consequence of that particular law, the population in america became more ethnically and racially diverse. Due primarily to widespread immigration from asia and latin america. So the white separatist movement in america really emerged around the 1970s. Around this time there were some white supremacist groups that began to reformulate their strategies. Instead of trying to take over the whole country, they believe that it would be more feasible to establish a relatively small separate white nation in which only likeminded whites would reside. Theres an obscure religious creed known as christian identity, that really became an important vehicle for white separatists. Christian identity is a religion that has its origins in something known as british israelism. That first gained popularity in the 19th century in england. The creed that people of northwestern europe are the true descendants of the tribes of israel. According to this narrative after a period of captivity under the syrians and later the babylonians, eventually settled in western europe. In the early 20th century this sect found its way to america and later met morphs into and leslie swift considered to be the most important single figure in the history of the Christian Identity Movement in north america. And in the 1960s he recruited someone by the name of richard brim butler into the creed. So in june of 1978 Richard Butler created the Aryan Nations to serve as kind of a political arm of a religious group that he had previously founded which was called the church of jesus christ christian. So it was really butler who first proposed the establishment of an exclusively white republic in the Pacific Northwest. And he called this the butler plan. To that end he created a compound in idaho which served as the headquarters of the Aryan Nations. So by the early 1980s the compound had really become an important venue for right wing extremists. Butler held annual aryan congresses as the compound where likeminded people and the extreme right subculture would meet. Now, the Aryan Nations was not directly involved in terrorism, however, its compound was the focal point where the idea for creating a clandestine right wing terrorist group really crystallized. A group which came to be known as the silent brotherhood, sometimes referred to as the order, was formed there in the summer of 1983, right around the same time that federal marshals killed a tax protester by the name of boarden call in a confrontation in arkansas. Call belonged to an obscure right wing group called the posse. The group advocated an extreme form of localism, members of the group believed the county sheriff should be the highest level of political authority. So at the annual Aryan Nations congress, which was held in 1983, someone by the name of robert j. Matthews came up with the idea of creating an underground Resistance Group to avenge the death of call. So the group conducted a number campaign of terror in the Pacific Northwest that included things like armored car heist, bank robberies, bombings, even a few homicides. One armored car heist took in a whopping 3. 6 million, which at the time in 1984 set the record for the highest amount of money ever stolen in such a robbery. With that stolen money the group hoped to fund the white separatist movement in the United States. Finally, the fbi caught up with mathews at a place called calley island. Matthews hunkered down in a cabin. Refused to surrender. A fire fight ensued. Eventually the s. W. A. T. Team lost its patience and launched a pyrotechnic device. So the cabin burned to the ground and matthews was killed. All the other members were captured and most received long prison sentences. Strategically, the order did not really accomplish much. However, its campaign really crystalized the revolutionary orientation of the american extreme right. Now the u. S. Government was seen as the enemy. The extreme right began to take on more of a revolutionary posture. No longer did it seek to preserve the status quo. Rather, it sought to overthrow the u. S. Government which, it reasoned, was now under the heel of something known as zog which stands for Zionist Occupation government. The order was valorized in the culture. Tom metzger and his Organization White aryan resistance lionized the incarcerated members as prisoners of war. Readers of his newspaper were encouraged to write letters to them and show their support. The idea of separatism began to gain more popularity in the extreme right subculture. The order was inspired by a book called the turner diaries. It was published in 1978 and went on to become an underground best seller. According to some estimates it sold about 450,000 copies. You can probably find it in pdf. It has been translated in a number of languages including russia, spanish, french, german. It was written by the late William Pierce under the name andrew mcdonald. He was a former physics professor. Later he would go on to found and lead a knneo nazi organizatn called the national alliance. The turner diaries is the story of a race war that convulsions america in the late 1990s. In the story the protagonist, earl turner, is a member of a group called the organization. The organization fights the u. S. Government. In the novel, the government is controlled by a jewish conspiracy that seeks to destroy the white race. The story begins when a new law called the cohen act takes effect. Federal agents begin to round up peoples firearms. So that act serves as a catalyst for the rebellion. The organization commences attacks against the government. The story has a lot of violent episodes interspersed with audiological digressions. There is one particularly grisly episode where traders are hanged from lamp post es posts. For earls final mission he is inducted into the group and he is supposed to fly a crop duster plane laden with a Nuclear Weapon into the pentagon. So his mission succeeds,and in doing so, the organization creates this new order. So, out of all this destruction, a new order emerges. Its worth mentioning that not only would the turner diaries inspire a number of rightwing terrorists but the novel also established a genre of literature in the extreme right subculture. Over the years, numerous authors have expressed aspirations in novels which might be interpreted as blueprints for revolution. Now, besides the Aryan Nations, there was another white separatist group that operated in Northern Arkansas in the late 1970s. Another christian identity minister by the name of james ellison. He founded a community known as the covenant sword and arm of the lord. Csa for short. Over the years the group took on a paramilitary orientation. Ellison also attended the Aryan Nations congress of 1983. He expressed his anger over the death of gordon kahl. And ellison declared himself to be the white resistance leader of the american homeland. He provided sanctuary to some fugitive members of the order when authorities were pursuing them. The csa was linked to several episodes of terrorism including the fire bombing of a Jewish Community center in bloomington, beyond. Also, the bombing of a gay church in springfield, missouri. So once the authorities had implicated the csa in these offenses, the fbis elite antiterrorist unit, the Hostage Rescue Team, was deployed and surrounded the compound. It was the first time that the Hostage Rescue Team was deployed. After some negotiation ellison surrendered without incident. So the organization basically disintegrated after that. Now, after the demise of the after the demise of the order and the csa, the white separatist movement languished for a while. But there was a highly charged incident in august of 1992 which brought renewed attention to the movement. A few years before, someone by the name of randy weaver, a reclusive white separatist, he lived with his family in the hills of idaho, he sold two sawedoff shotguns to a bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms informant, atf. On occasion weaver had visited the Aryan Nations compound. The atf essentially offered weaver a deal if he would agree to inform on the people in the crowned at the Aryan Nations. In exchange, he would receive a light penalty for his alleged offenses. For his part, though, weaver refused the offer. And that began a very protracted and very costly investigation. Finally, on august 21st, 1992, six u. S. Marshals drove out to ruby ridge to conduct reconnaissance of weavers property. During that incident a marshal shot and killed the familys pet dog. This set off an exchange of gunfire. Deputy marshal bill deegan was shot and killed by kevin harris. Kevin harris was a friend of the weavers and had been living on their property at that time. So, other marshals fired back, and sammy, randy weavers son, was killed. So once a federal agent was killed, automatically the fbi assumes responsibility of the situation. So, once again, the Hostage Rescue Team was deployed. The next day an fbi sniper shot and killed randys wife as she held her infant daughter. At their trial, randy weaver and kevin harris were acquitted of the most serious charges. Weaver was convicted of a minor weapons offense. The federal government eventually paid 3. 1 million to weavers children for damages related to that incident. Six months after the ruby ridge fiasco there was another federal siege in waco, texas. Although it really wasnt a rightwing group, those people in the extreme right subculture interpreted the raid against the Branch Davidians as a message from the federal government that it would have no compunks about repressing dissident groups. This galvanized the extreme right culture in america. There were now white separatists projects that began to emerge around this time. For example, the socalled neo confederates. They seek to secede from the union. This crystalized around the mid 1990s. In 1994 two brothers, james ron recalled and Walter Donald kennedy published a book in which they championed the socalled lost cause of the confederacy. Around the same time that the book was released, the league of the south was founded in tuscaloosa, alabama. The organization was founded and its led by dr. Michael hill, a former college professor. There is a multitude of organizations that compose the southern nationalist movement. The movement is far from monolithic. Some organizations are divided on particular issues, especially with respect to race. Essentially, there are two competing camps in the movement. One is racialist. And prefers a southern nation that is anglo celtic in character. The other is strictly territorial and favors, if you will, a diverse dixie in which southern culture can flourish without regard to race. A few years ago, gregory kay published four novels in his third revolution series. Tells the story of a Guerilla Movement in the south that secedes from the United States and establishes a new independent southern nation. Recent controversies surrounding the display of the confederate battle flag have had a polarizing effect in the south between its mostly white offenders who view the flag as part of their regional identity and africanamericans who view the flag as a blatant insult of past servitude. They see it as a symbol of past servitude. Now, on the other side of the country, Harold Covington has advocated for the creation of an allwhite homeland in the Pacific Northwest. His organization is called the northwest front. Covingtons career in radical politics has spanned over four decades. Originally he is from north carolina, but he has lived overseas including south africa, england, ireland. While he was in ireland, the provisional Republican Army left a very deep impression on him. He saw the ira as an exemplar of an underground revolutionary movement. Covingtons chief criticism of the american White Nationalist movement is that its goals have always been kind of illdefined and unrealistic. In a country thats estimated to be majority nonwhite by mid century covington argues its foolish to pursue a strategy seeking to return america to a white majority population. Instead, he argues that by concentrating the assets of the white separatist movement into a smaller area, then white separatists goals are more likely to be realized, have a greater likelihood of success. In 2003, he published a series of five novels based on a white insurgery in the Pacific Northwest. Set in the not too distant future, the novels extol the exploits of the northwest volunteer army, or the nva. And the scenario that covington depicts, america has been in long terminal decline, outsourcing and other harmful Economic Trends have decimated the white working class. To make matters worse, the u. S. Military was overstretched and bogged down in a series of endless small wars in the middle east. And all of that really put the federal government at a terrible fiscal predicament. So, seeing the window of opportunity, the northwest volunteer Army Launches a campaign to drive the federal government out of the Pacific Northwest and create a racially exclusive homeland for whites.

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