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Legacy in living part of our history . A great chicken of the Roosevelt Legacy and of one of my favorite actors, Frances Perkins. Small family, committed family of roosevelts. I am a newbie in this world. I have been welcomed warmly. I appreciate that. But there are a few who have been more dedicated and more thoughtful in their writings about it. Please welcome chris bryson. [applause] thank you. We have all come to count on the new deal safety net to remain secure. Much that hadwhen seemed secure is coming unstuck, we need to remind yourselves of what that new deal legacy is, and how it came about in the first place. Understanding is history is crucial to preserving it. The impact of disregarding our history, the disease we are painfully aware has afflicted us at the highest levels, can seriously undermine the foundations of the new deal , as of other institutions that were created after circumstances that now threatened. We are fortunate to have the grandchildren of the leaders and pieced together the new deal in response to a disintegration of American Society, happening because of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Their grandparents, including franklin and eleanor roosevelt, henry a wallace, Frances Perkins, and Harry Hopkins, had a vision of what government do, too, indeed must meet the urgent needs of all americans. They had a vision. Theyg upon that vision, dramatically change the relationship between the American People and their government. And through that relationship, the way americans learned to deal with and help each other as fellow citizens. Today, these. Grandchildren, James Roosevelt junior, David Wallace douglas, common perkins, shawl, and jane hopkins, whose comments will reign because a family emergency prevents her from being with us. Describe thel contributions to create the new deal. Then we will ask them to help us shape a vision that can inform our future efforts to meet the needs of our country as it negotiates vast social, economic, and cultural challenges, both within our nation and within a World Society increasingly tightly built. The job is nothing, the new deal policies and programs, but to capture the vision of what our society is becoming and to begin to look at how our government, which is the instrument of all the people, how it can respond to the needs of all our people. This is what their grandparents did in the 1930s. We need to do this for the 20 20s. We had the opportunity today with a National Audience to capture the spirit of the new dealers and project that spirit forward beyond the immediate crises of our political present, to our future as a people and as a crucial player as a whole human family. David, tomlin and june through my hearing have framed in approach, we will turn to you for your questions and observations. You have brief biographical introductions to our speakers. Directly turn to them and have them say whatever is of moments to suggest their own careers as a way of leading to interpreting their grandparents. Let me first begin with the grandson of franklin and eleanor roosevelt, James Roosevelt junior. [applause] thank you. Let me begin by saying how appreciative we are of the work that chris does. Many of you in this room join him in that effort. It is very important. And also paul sperry. Just 8 wall paul spero. Just a word of thanks. [applause] 1945, about six months after my grandfather passed away. With the legacy of the new deal in place. Person, probably as we all do when we are young, some things had always been that way. In fact, only a dozen years before i was born, this is a country of desperation. Was probably true around the world. But focusing on this country, think about the level of unemployment. Millions of people unemployed. One third of potential workers unemployed. Think about the poverty that existed in this country. Inequalityocus on and there is real poverty there. But we should be at a point in the United States of america where one terrible event after another was prefaced by the word hoover overfill, hoover ,obile hooverville hoovermobile that was the situation in this country. My wifes family, i hear stories about relatives who lived for a week on oatmeal in those days. Not for breakfast, for every meal all week. That is the kind of poverty that existed in what we would today call middleclass family. An educator, aas phd, a brother who was a priest, and members of the Family Living on oatmeal. I think of the lack of opportunity for education. , who wasy own mother the valedictorian of a small Town High School where she grew up, going a few tens over to state teachers college, but then dropping out because her family could not afford to feed and shelter themselves and clothes themselves if she stayed in college. Switched, which ended up quite providentially, to a nursing career. Nursing school in those days provided a place to live and three meals a day. No pay, accept for a very small stipend. Eat allace to live and you got a professional education. Data being a nurse at the hospital that was part of the mayo clinic, and my father ended up being a patient there. That worked out ok, but it gives an idea of the decisions that families face, even if they had the ability and the intent of striving for education. The lack of infrastructure in this country we talk about our crumbling infrastructure have the reason we crumbling infrastructure, of course, is underfunding. But because a lot of infrastructure was built after the new deal was started, there were not the roads or even the electricity or means of communication that could help a country build it self out of the depression that it was in. And in those times, just a dozen years before, real racial tension in isolation. On the latercus events of the civil rights movement, we dont read much about that, but that was a real factor in the Great Depression as well. My grandfather, fdr, was not a politician of ideology. Newspaper columnists, like walter litman, thought he was shallow because he didnt talk about ideology. He was in the best sense of the word a populist. He focused on what would improve peoples lives, both in terms of the direct services, which i will talk about in a minute, but also regulation of the forces that had gotten them into this situation. Populist didn of not exploit or divide people. It was about focusing on the needs of americans. And what he saw was the need for andge the need for hope, the need for action. Paraphrase what he said what he focused on was to paraphrase him the country needs, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. Take a method and try it. If it fails, try another. But above all, try something. And what that really captured as the contrast between the prenew deal government, which was passive, totally relied on the market have you heard reliantely . Totally on the market, laissezfaire government. It failed. New deal counted that countered that failure with an activist government. Regulatedegree the greed of the private sector. Think of all of the programs are comprised the new deal. Ng bill,ely, the banki federal deposit insurance, so people could be secure with the money in banks, reading the risky activities of banks from the deposit activities with the glasssteagall act, the creation of the securities and Exchange Commission and the set of securities laws so that the Financial Sector actually operated with some transparency and reliability. The end of prohibition, which not only make people happier [laughter] but was aimed directly at doing away with a criminal conspiracy to evade a law that did not have broad support. We might see that going on again right now actually. They agricultural adjustment act to keep farmers in business. The civilian conservation corps, which was so important in providing jobs for younger men in those days to save money home to their families. My mothers brother was one of those core members. Surviving conservation Corps Members who had intended to be here, but due to transportation difficulties, wasnt. Look how that combined jobs and conservation. Brother going to conservation corps when she had to drop out of college. Not only did he receive a job in the selfesteem that that brought, the money to send to his family, he had no health care for the first time in his life. Unfortunately, for the first time in his life, he identified severe diabetes and he died of it. Had he had access to health care before that, he might have been treated even in those days, when we dont have the treatments that we have today. Corporation,s loan which help people restructure their mortgages to avoid foreclosure. Had a little bit of that in the great recession, but not enough. That was very important in the new deal. Relieferal emergency act, which provided cash to people who were in desperate situations. Cwa the the Public Works Administration and the civil works administration, later on the Works Project Administration. Huge effects in, again, directly providing people jobs, which was so important, both for the income and the selfesteem that they created. And, of course, the great buildings and Arts Projects and produced. That they when you look at even today at post offices and libraries and roads and parks. Legislation,hts leading to the wagner act and the right to organize and so on. The National Recovery organization, which was found unconstitutional by the supreme court, but set out the process of finding a way for businesses to cooperate, to stay in business. And very important to me and the work i have had a chance to do in my life, the Social Security act, which was so important because a lot of it affects whole families. Yes, it provided for a decent retirement for older people, but it also meant that families could save to send kids to college, that families did not have to take care on their own members. Older family and is part of the Social Security act, beyond retirement, which is what we all think of and which later added disability therage, equally important, concept of unemployment compensation, when people lost jobs. And of minimum wage, also part of the Social Security act. The National Youth administration and directly at jobs for young people. The food, drug and cosmetic bill. If you talk about regulation that actually meant something valuable in peoples lives, there had not been agile regulation of dangerous or possibly effective but certified safe food and drug and cosmetics before that. Regulationt has become a dirty word. Is so much regulation important. I even think about you know, you take hoover my which claimed itself the end of regulations. Fortunately, cities like new york and states like massachusetts have runways to drivers,now for uber for fairness in ridehailing. And fairness for those employees as well. Federal housing administration, which we still have for fha loans, the u. S. Housing authority, which began for the firsttime federal construction of housing for the poor. And the fair labor standards act, which included limits on work hours and age of workers and so on. What is amazing to me is that nothing none of this existed deal. The new what is amazing is that much of it still does exist today. What is amazing to me today is that much of it is still under attack. And what is amazing is that much of it still needs expansion. For one example, Social Security benefits should be raised. That would do something to convince people under 40 that Social Security will be there for them, which, by the way, it will. It is actuarially sound. And then subsequently, the legacy of the new deal has finally fired health care access. And medicare and medicaid in the 60s and the Affordable Care act in our time. I could go on about that because that is my day job, but i wont. [laughter] and because my wife is tommy i just use all my time. Me i just is telling use all my time. But the new deal philosophy was the government should intervene to help americans. That is the basic principle. Then, as now, powerful forces preached that government was the problem. About 1980. Ced in asther it is conservatives it was called then, libertarians as it is called later, or altright, the goal is to lead people on their own. The spirit of the new dealers is to adapt to the needs of the people. This is the longterm battle and this is what the concept of the new deal and the role of government is about. [applause] and now, David Wallace henry a the grandson of guard wallace. It is good to be here again. Thank you to politic racing to kathy for helping make this possible today. For henry a wallace, my grandfather, the contribution begins with agriculture. He was secretary of agriculture during fdrs first two terms, and at a time when 40 of the country population lived on farms. Because of his background as an iowa farm editor, as a scientist, as the founder of what would become the nations largest feed corn company, and thanks to fdrs strong backing, edge hair a Henry Wallace and the new deal lifted the farm economy out of the depression, stabilizing prices by controlling excess production with government incentives. He and the new deal instituted soil and for stream restoration. Flawlessnesss department wallacess department of agriculture started food stamps. Injured, nos less front, by the late 18th woodys 1940s called him the best secretary of agriculture the country had ever have. Wallace was talking was writing about ecological sustainability back in the 1920s and 1930s. I attribute to him and his mother i attribute to him and mother, theean, my sustainability of water and soil. My wife and i will be married or to use. The first book i ever gave her when we were dating was the classic romantic volume titled topsoil and civilization. [laughter] second key contribution of Henry Wallace in in 1940, fdr declared he would not run for a third term without Henry Wallace. Wallaces predecessor had cleared the office not worth a bucket of warm spit. In thery wallace used office to head up a key warrelated boards and played a vital role in its and persuading latin american countries to come into the war on the allied side. To define the causes for the fighting of the war, including Economic Justice and freedom and to provide a vision of postwar global order without american domination or british imperialism. One speech of particular that history of the common man speech, an editor called for the american century, a theme i think donald trump has doubled down on. 1940s envisioned in the instead a century where no nation will have the godgiven right to exploit other nations or older nations will have the privilege to help younger nations get started on the path to industrialization. As a quick aside, wallaces words provided the basis for Aaron Coplands musical piece called fanfare for the common man. Global view, his concern for global poverty, that others have adequate substance system sustenance has influenced my own work to increase funding for povertyfocused foreign assistance. The third and last point to make about Henry Wallaces contribution to the new deal was after he left the vice presidency. Fdr appointed him secretary of commerce. But after being fired by truman in 1946 first speeches trying to slow the cold war and the arms russia, Henry Wallace, first as editor of the new republic and then on a run for president with the progressive party, try to speak out for such new deal policies as higher minimum wage, decent housing, improved health care, the rights for working people, and desegregation. As well as u. S. Commitment to the. Wallace refused to for segregated audiences in the jim crow south or to stay in segregated or to stay in allwhite accommodations. He and his supporters were rough up. Rough up. Wallace warren of a democracy defensiveanatically of freedom. Trying to avoid the militarization of the as it emerged from world war ii as the worlds most powerful nation, k wrote the destiny and salvation of the u. S. Is to serve the world, not to dominate it. I always admired my grandfathers willingness to take unpopular positions and bear the costs. What was it like, i wondered, to go from being one of the nations most popular political leaders in the new deal to getting vilified and pelted with eggs as you campaigned. Henry wallace showed similar strength of character later in life after he left politics. He carried on speaking and returning to scientific research, devising new strains of plants, he knew had led the way in hybridizing the nations corn, showed his grandchildren with less success how to have strawberries and gladiolus. [laughter] to hybridize strawberries and gladiolus. [laughter] when he died in november, 1965, johnsons and previously kennedys secretary of agriculture said no single individual has contributed more to the abundance we owe today than Henry Wallace. The clarity of his progressive vision influenced the country and his values, strength in all of his descendents. If there is a single word to describe what i feel for my maternal grandfather, it would be this gratitude. [applause] and now the grandson of francis whorely perkins. Thank you, chris. Be herely honored to today on Hallowed Ground for the new deal. I want to thank chris for inviting me to participate and kathy flynn and the board of the National New Deal preservation association, for all the work they have put in to make today come about. Just for full disclosure, i am not a new deal historian and my mother was not a focus of my brain. It wasnt until 1980 that i learned my grandmother was a very important person and had done a great deal in her amazing career. I didnt realize that she was in government, that it was sort of taken for granted and assumed the way we do have young people this is the way how things work. On her birthday in 1980, the new labor building in washington, d. C. Was renamed the Frances Perkins labor building. With much pomp and circumstance, including a visit from jimmy carter and hail to the chief being played, i was there with my grandmother as a 20 somethingyearold. Speakerse many comically my mother, which was a bit worrisome but we got through it. [laughter] only put down a few government officials, like the postmaster, for one. [laughter] i swallowed hard and luckily did not have a speaking role after hers. But the naming ceremony and all that was done to commemorate francis perkinss hundredth birthday was very moving and reminded me that my grandma was someone i needed to know much more about. This is the contributions that thegrandparents made, preamble i just went through is just fluff. But when my grandmother was invited by fdr to be hers be his secretary of labor, she was not sure that accepting the post would be the right choice, certainly not for her comfort and not for the comfort of her daughter nor for her husband, who were settled in new york city and living after blake there. And also living comfortably there. Also, did she want to bear the awkwardness of being the first woman serving in the executive cabinet . She really was a private person. Im sure she was really from this possibility and she wrote in her book that the night before she went to speak with fdr, she spent most of it crying in aorrying all night decision of what to do, i guess. That she heard the voice of her grandmother, who gave her many pearls of wisdom, that if a door is open for you, one should walk through and do ones best on the other side. So after this anguished night, no doubt pondering various ramifications, knowing that fdr wanted to see her the next day to talk about her role in his new government, my grandmother decided to shoot for the moon, as it were. She made a list of all the topics or issues she thought needed to be addressed up at the nation back on its economic feet while introducing muchneeded social reforms. She used the back of an envelope to the back of the list, tucked it in her purse, and headed to new york. Wheree heard about Deborah Gardner works at harold holter. The list of items in her purse included many elements which became known as the new deal. On the list, and i think this is an abbreviated list of we as was oldage pension. Unemployment compensation, workers compensation, a minimum wage, a 40hour work week, prohibition on child labor, aid to states on unemployment relief, and universal health care. Those programs are many that jim was describing. After she waited through the reporters who camped in the camped in the front hall, she and fdr settled in for a little chat. When he asked her about being secretary of labor, she told him have heridnt want to function in the capacity. She rode him the list on the envelope. He said Something Like i wont try to stop you. [laughter] giving his tacit approval and she accepted. Indeed, after 12 years and his 3. 2 terms in office, they got all the items done except universal health care, which remains on the unfinished agenda. So here is a wuote from my grandmother. The people are what matter to government and a government should aim to get all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life. Exactly when and where she said that, i am not quite sure, but i know she said that. Athought i would give you little background because it so happens, on august 10, 2017, a man named al southwick wrote in the worst or telegram, her hometown newspaper, about the amazing Frances Perkins. That is the title he used in the article. After a stint or two of teaching, ms. Perkins found wor. She campaigned for womens rights, better working conditions, shorter work weeks and more generous workers compensation. It included housing codes. One of the defining episodes of her life was the fire at the triangle with your ways factory. 148 workers, mostly women, died. To the nearby and solve the trapped girls leaping from the floor the top floor. One of her lifelong passions was to improve the lot of working women. Of1918, her years politician, she became expert in such matters as unemployment, payment laws. Al smith appointed her the chairman of the state industrial board in 1919. Governor franklin d. Roosevelt industrial commissioner in 1928, he inherited her from now smith as the chairman of six people. Very quickly, share was the chairperson why dont you be the commissioner, francis . And it was done. Then they worked together for four years. , he picked elected her as secretary of labor. She served for the next 12 years, the first woman cabinet number. Cabinet member. Workaholic. Odigious with Service Began at the Episcopal Church at 7 00 a. M. And that she was at her desk until 9 30 or 10 00 p. M. Theas a tumultuous time for secretary of labor. She had to do with labor titans, like john d lewis, harry bridges , at a time when more than 15 million americans were unemployed. Although many People Health to shape the new deal, her fingerprints are all over the meat ingredients, the National Recovery act, the Works Progress administration, and the Social Security administration. The reporter for the worchester telegram is indias his 19 in his 90s himself. , elsetes a weekly column southwick. Al southwick. Hit at a depression time when they began to expense. The Great Depression the hits and they begane to experiment with measures that can help the people of new york get through during hard times. In 1932, he elected and Frances Perkins were not devoid of what might help the nation, based on strategies they had thought of trying here in new york state, which can now be extrapolated and applied on a largescale with more authority nation. He the bold experimentation of programs and government initiatives that might help nation that became known as the new deal has roots in the collaboration between my grandmother as mission or of labor and fdr as governor of new york. To realize that these significant contributions to the new deals or come from an unlikely source a woman, the first of the u. S. Cabinet came from a family with humble roots from the great state of maine. Fdr died in 1945, Frances Perkins said this these social and Economic Reforms of the past 12 years will be regarded in the future as a turning point in our national life, turning from careless neglect of human values, and toward an order of useful and practical bonobos within a free, competitive and industrial economy. A Common Thread is the ongoing for greater social justice and Economic Security for all the people that she served. President obama would have put it that we are our brothers keeper, i think. She did not need credit either. She just had the gift of accurate vision to see what needed to be done and the combination of political instinct or emotional iq, their health or bring others around to her point of view and the willpower and strength of kit character of character to do all she could do all the time, not wasting any time. One source of her vision was for of her strength was to follow the teachings of the church to help her fellow man, Love Thy Neighbor and so one. Did sonition that she much for so many, the Episcopal Church recently named her a holy woman, which is synonymous with 2009. In she never proselytized, but when she wrote to her friend Felix Frankfurter, just as Felix Frankfurter left the office of she wrote labor, i came to washington to work for god, fdr, and the millions of the forgotten plane, common workingmen. Would you like me to say a few words in her voice . Her. L try to bring you to at the end of her speech on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of Social Security in 1960, she had given a nice 12minute speech. Im last words were thankful that we will go forward into the future a stronger nation because we have this basic rock of security under all of our people. Thank you. [applause] thank you, francis. [laughter] tricorner hat. [laughter] now i will give you Harry Hopkins through his daughter june, though, if you read the bio in the program, you will realize has been a serious historian of the hopkins career and has another book she is working on right now. One of Harry Hopkinss contemporaries described him as having that purity of st. Francis of assisi combined with a sharp shootingness of a racetrack scout. Another said that he had a knife like to death a mind like a razor and a sufficient vocabulary of partner profanity. The fact that he never Held Elected Office and yet we live in a lot of political power led some enemies to title him a rasputin. He was a room from iowa a ru franklinowa who became roosevelts best friend and a white house resident. Introducedwho hopkins to the president was Frances Perkins. Be may haveay been all of these things, but first and foremost, he was a public servant. He began in 1912 as a social worker in new york citys gritty i. He became gritty east side. He became heading out assistance,viding through abandoned children, to the sick, to the marginalized. Crashed. The economy the decade of the Great Depression, the 1930s, was a time of anguish, when millions of American Workers and their families were suffering from undeserved poverty and its ancillary bills hunger, homelessness, and hopelessness. Theson, david giffin, is director of the homeless in new york city. Newly or governor Franklin Roosevelt was nominated in 1932, he promised a new deal for the American People. He won in a landslide. As long as he was inaugurated, promise. Ood on his in the first 100 days of his administration, he began the creation of the new deal. In 1933, 13 million workers have no jobs and no options. And now they turned to their president for help. With fdr in the white house, it was now up to the federal government to take action and pull the nation out of the economic morass. Social worker Harry Hopkins stepped in to help. In may of 1933, he became federal relief administrator and eventually a powerful washington insider. For over 12 years, he sat at the right hand of president frank when roosevelt,s first during the second world war. As a new dealer, hopkins ran programs that use federal money to rescue the unemployed, who had no means of support. The federal Emergency Relief Administration created government jobs in the form of relief. The civil Work Administration created 4 million jobs for unemployed workers over the 19331934. R of and from 1935 to 1942, the Works Project Administration not only provided government jobs, but also school lunches, subsidies for artists and students, and much more, bringing hope to millions of americans. For seven years, the wpa employed over 2 million workers each month. These men and women had the dignity of a job rather than having to suffer the humiliation of a handout . At the same time, hopkins worked with labor secretary Frances Perkins to create a safety net for the most vulnerable americans the Social Security act of 1935. Hopkins was a new dealer and proud of it. He fought bitter battles with the press, with conservatives, and with congress, in order to create and administer programs that many thought would never work. But not only did they work, they worked within a nation committed to democracy and capitalism. Hawkins had no toleration for bureaucratic red tape. And, yes, money flew out of his office. Song called him the arch angel of spending. And indeed was a whiz at money. G other peoples during his first day at work in the district of columbia, in april 1933, he spent 5 million creating jobs. Wereually, 3 billion distributed to states for work projects. It was more expansive than direct relief, the dole. He was adamant that americans should have the dignity of earning a wage. And if the private sector could not provide jobs, this than the government had to do. He did spend a lot of other peoples money. But he never enriched himself by cashing in on the position of power. In fact, when he died, he had virtually no personal assets. Duringrency that he used his year in Public Service was a combination of loyalty, honesty, and of course, his influence with his boss, president roosevelt. He answered to know other person. The members of the cabinet can tell you that. Or could have told you that. Hopkins received as the wartime advisor is somewhat substance doomed subsumed his role as the new dealer. But for the warriors, hopkins maintained the principle that he developed as a new dealer. The government has the constitutional responsibility to ensure the general welfare of all its citizens and humanitarian way with a democratic small deed and catalyst nation capitalist nation. The new deal was new because it transformed the relationship between the federal government and the American People. Hopkins ideas can be heard in a speech he gave to grinnell on what we call income inequality. 78 years later it still has resonance. The government is the last stronghold of democracy, and it deserves to be honored. Dont treat it as something to sneer at. Treated as something that belongs to you treat it as something that belongs to you. We have got to find a way in which every person in it shares in the National Income in such a way that poverty in america is abolished. End witheal did not the beginning of economic recovery for the beginning of hostilities in europe and japan. New dealers like hopkins just refocused their efforts to bring help to those suffering from totalitarianism. He liver never lost the assumptions that underwent his new deal work. Wrote,l 1941, hopkins can be order of hitler conclusively defeated by the new order of democracy, which is the new deal. Universally extended and applied. Representss continuity to the moral independence death underpinnings of the new deal. Underpinnings of the new deal. This is important to remember because we live in a global society. Hopkins legacy is of course longterm effects of the programs and policies he promulgated. And also in the physical monuments left by the wpa projects. Even more important are the ideas he left behind. The most basic of these is full employment must and can be obtained within the framework of our Traditional Democratic processes. Wrote6, john signed that that hopkins legacy was the idea Human Welfare is the first and final task of government. This was a new spirit of liberalism, the new deal introduced. Today we stand in the shadow of new dealers like Harry Hopkins, and their ideas are part of the national agenda. We live in an age of cynicism. About the motives of people with influence, when there is general distrust of government influence. We live in a raucous bipartisanship when government is at a standstill and civil discourse seems to be absent. If harry were alive today, he might be tempted to make use of some of his parlor profanity. But then he would get down to the root of the matter and say we need to instill in the minds a our brightest young people respect for what used to be called civic virtue. Selfless and honest Public Service within a democratic small deed government that serves all the people. This is what Harry Hopkins and all new dealers alike, and this could be our future hope as we go into the 21st century. In his eulogy of hopkins, steinbeck wrote during the roosevelt years, the idea people should come before profit started to take root in the minds of americans that had not before. Him, ideas do not die with he said. Ideas are not mortal but become stronger with the death of a man. Referring to roosevelt and hopkins who died within nine months of each other, he writes that to brave men stood for ideas worth liberating. You would remember their first rule that only fear is frightful. Or do we have to accept that in the highest legislative body of the government, there is uncertainty and confusion. But freedoms from hunger and fear are being mortgaged, but the right to security is being repudiated and prosperity is being accomplished. For hopkins, this is still signed that steinbeck speaking, for hopkins the government had taken the risk might the responsibility for the nations security and will never permit one third of its citizens to be all housed, youll closed ill housed, ill clothed, ill fit. The American People will remember. Before, policy pushed on roosevelt and perkins is was that the government would be the employer of the last resort. That was never adopted, but it was a recurrent theme to think about, and we still need to think about. Now let me turn to my [applause] Christopher Breiseth i warned our panelists beforehand that i thought it was in the spear hand in the occasion spirit of this occasion that we leap ahead to the 20 20s with the spirit of the 1930s, not to replicate the new deal, because that cannot be done. And in fact as pointed out, is so carefully in place. Threatened, but it is still there. We went through the recession in 2008, we saw how much people were protected and that our economy was protected because of new deal programs. But our world is different, and i would like each of you to difference and what the vision is that we can summon from this new deal past that we each have attempted to toiculate, to give guidance the people that are going to aspire Public Office over the next five to 10 years. Jim, lets start with you. James roosevelt i would focus on two things for the 20 20s, and 2020s, and the first is let me say overall, the themes of the new deal and looking at the particular, not just the programs under assault, but looking at the programs that need to be completed, it is health care right at the top of that. The preservation of the equitable Affordable Care act over the last four to six weeks is an immense achievement actually. It starts with the solidarity in the house and the senate are led by nancy pelosi and chuck that laid thehen foundation, the platform, for Three Bridges republicans to join them. Just courageous republicans republicansurageous to join them. We need universal access to health care and to Better Health care, truly successful, the Affordable Care act was intended to be a foundation for that. It never was intended to be 100 universal coverage yet. But it was intended to be a foundation. And there is lots going on that built on the foundation to even read in thursdays New York Times about an entrepreneurial care,for better primary and the site an example they cite an example in kansas. It was almost the entire front times. Thursdays the Affordable Care act is a basis of funding and regulation for those projects, let alone the Insurance Coverage that lets people get essential Health Benefits which were particularly attacked. Rather than reveal it entirely, lets repeal it entirely, lets remove the Health Benefits. We still have a vote coming up on outright repeal cholera according to mitch mcconnell. That will be the next vote. Before this scandalous tax isorm, that vote on taxes going to be something we have not talked about today. Duringas a wealth tax the roosevelt administration, structured in such a way that the highest bracket only applied to john d rockefeller, but nonetheless a tax that much more progressively than today dealt with income inequality. The vote that is going to be proposed in the Current Congress is intended to reverse that. It is intended to reduce corporate taxes to the lowest level in the world actually. And personal income taxes to a much lower level than today when already are personal income taxes in this country are lower than most of the world. Those are not comparable figures because we use insurance premiums to provide some of the benefits other countries provide to taxes. Nevertheless i think pleading a task that Frances Perkins set out on universal access and coverage for health care is part of the 2020s. I think restoring a fair tax system is part of the 2020s. I think as i mentioned earlier, raising Social Security benefits is part of the 2020s. We have let ourselves be duped focusing on the solvency of Social Security. Social security would be totally solid the next 100 years with only a 2 increase in the Social Security tax. Think andurity i also for that matter a number of other programs, particularly Social Security, is falsely andred by the press entitlement. It is actually an earned benefit, something everybody paid into as they do for other forms of insurance. Again, we accept false , it isals to say, well not a full Retirement Savings plan. It was never designed to be a full Retirement Savings plan. It was desired to be designed to be institution against old age. It has played that role magnificently and will continue to do that. Social security had 10 major sets of amendments since 1935 to meet the changing economy. Unfortunately because of what started in 1980 on the last major set of amendments was 1983, but the economy has changed drastically since then, but Social Security has been frozen in place. Similarly the Affordable Care act has been frozen in place since 2010, and the complex program in the public or private sector has many adjustments in the first few years of operation. We have much to do in those things that provide the basis for a decent life, fairness, and efficient functioning programs. [applause] Christopher Breiseth add to the vision. I think the values and legacies of the new deal that are in jeopardy but will triumph in the end because they are not just new deal value of the best of america values. Let me mention three in particular. My grandparents settled in south salem an hour here with a farm that is still in our family, and in my grandfathers library, there was a weird he had marked in pencil with stars a prayer he had marked in pencil with stars. God is made of one blood, all men to dwell on the face of the earth. Of one blood it is or should be selfevident. Henry wallace grounded in the judeochristian tradition believed in the godgiven inheritance of every human being. As Vice President , he articulated that creed during the new deal, not the least with the common man speech and lifted from the Death Threats of segregationists. It is painfully evident we have a president and many of his followers who feel free to disparage individuals, races, and religion. One former trump advisor noted hate is a more powerful motivator than love. Media outlets and conservative talk radio sometimes with a listening audience interfere with xenophobia, granting themselves the license to be boorish and on occasion openly bigoted while proudly wearing the mental mantle of politically incorrect. There is more that unites us than divides us. Willotion destination recover when we recognize labor leaders that support the dignity of all people, not just political leaders. The country needs Business Leaders to speak out as they indeed have in recent weeks. It will turn a corner when religious leaders without challenge White Supremacy and antisemitism. The new dealers have would have agreed with the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor through between classes, nor between political parties, but right through every human heart and through all human hearts. The second legacy, the second value apart from the dignity of every human being that is characteristic of Henry Wallace and the new deal should be mentioned because of it vulnerability these days and the impact it will make on our planet in the coming years. In trying to consolidate his power, President Trump discourages many institutions disparages many institutions of media, 23 intelligence agencies, judges, but centered in the crosshairs of the administration is the scientific community. You cannot trust science. It is not just denial of Climate Change but the rollback of epa protections for the public health. Henry wallace spoke to his critics and supporters, was less a politician than a scientist. The success wallace and others had in the new deal when agriculture was due to hard himnce littlewood distress more at how this administration has politicized science. Today the usda which wallace headed for three years, staff was instructed in the past month to avoid using the words Climate Change and use instead the phrase weather extremes. Instead of the official correspondence greenhouse gases, they should refer to increase nutrient use efficiency. In these orwellian phrases, wallace would have heard echoes of the Political Campaign in russia in the 1940s against sciencebased agriculture that ruined Russian Research and genetics in crop yields for decades. In this country, scientific integrity will win out. Climate change deniers will continue to be overtaken by facts. And hopefully as we have seen in the budget process this year, there are signs of a returned bipartisanship for decades that once characterized environmental protection. Good science was a hallmark of the new deal. The Silver Lining that will come out of this extremely politicized nation of science by the Current Administration will be a new supporters for science and a new generation of supporters for science. What could be in need of revival is u. S. Global leadership. What fdr identified in the four freedoms, he spoke of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom of fear. He said everywhere in the world these were the bedrock principles not only of American Security but the security of other nations. This would be achieved through American Leadership in other words, not just militarily but through diplomacy and development. The u. S. Foreign aid that emerged after the war, one half of 1 of the federal budget, allows the United States to do more than any nation to improve Global Standards for agriculture, education, to work with others. Oil, malaria, tb, aids. Now we see a retreat of u. S. Leadership in a variety of ways, particularly through an administration cut of 30 of foreign aid. Contributions to the United Nations are going to be slashed. This is part of an effort to shift funding to the pentagon. From once said during trump once said i am the most militaristic person there is. The pentagon does not support these cuts in the trinitarian and development aid. Lindsey graham, john mccain, the joint chiefs prefer the balanced approach articulated by new deal leaders and carried down in a bipartisan way by congress. There is a continuing role not only for the u. S. Private sector but for the u. S. Government in addressing the worlds sickness and hunger. It is extraordinary today let me say in conclusion that we are having to extol the value of human dignity, the integrity of silence, u. S. Global science, u. S. Global leadership for help. Every administration has valued these to some extent, and these values were honored in the extreme by the new deal. And they are being dishonored by the Current Administration, and the contrast is stark. These were embodied so well by Franklin Roosevelt, Henry Wallace. Revived in fact being as leaders from all sectors of american life, political, business, religious find their voices to speak out unequivocally for human dignity, to protest the politicized ofion of politicization science. So doing, they are reminding a new generation of the importance not only of new deal values but did rock american bedrock american values. Thank you. [applause] Christopher Breiseth thank you, jim, for pointing out one of my pet peeves that the path that the press insist on putting Social Security with entitlements when it is not a benefit program or whatever the best way to call it. Earned benefit, thank you. Words fromul moving you, david. So i wanted to say there is a lot for us to consider on how to effectively carry the new deals advances and social reforms of our grandparents into this century and beyond. I think we could devote a two day workshop to that, maybe four or more. Jobs are evaporating into the stew of technology and being outsourced. The technology at the front is a worrisome one, i think. Created, but being many others are being taken over by the technological solution, being offered for a particular task. An Economic System or structure whereby people are paid not to work or in lieu of work done by machines that need to be created needs to be created it seems. This will be a challenge for social architects in the coming years. Unless we make radical changes soon, they must envision a plan for a time when all work is done by machines and humans are only consumers. Enjoying the fruits of the labors of the machines they build. Society will never achieve and all machine state an all machine state, but we can incrementally move towards that vanishing point and keep everybody happy and productive and fulfilled on the way. As the middle class has squeezed is squeezed more and more by variety of factors with Technology High on the list and accelerating in its ability to consume humans jobs, with the incompetence dispirited groep growing, gap if we cannot share our labors, we miss the consequences seen through history with too much wealth accumulates in the hands of two view. Too few. There will be consequences from a greedy you acquiring and holding the wealth few acquiring and holding the wealth. Boldly did,ealers starting with the depths of the Great Depression in 1983. The devastation gave rise to 42 ground. To fertile fdr had a relatively cooperative congress, and the vision for what needed to be done, this came after the economic boom of the roaring 1920s and the pendulum swing to the bus cycle of the great bust cycle of the Great Depression. We might make the case that the new deal and the years that followed represented a kind of moral boom as well. We are now in the grips of a moral bust cycle. With this pendulum swing to moral depravity, we may have an opportunity to reclaim the moral high ground that supports the range of new deal ideology we have lost of late. As we wait and prepare for it, this latest swing of the moral pendulum is a blessing in disguise that prevents an opportunity for us to work towards giving everyone what my grandmother called the best possible life. [applause] Christopher Breiseth thank you, all. We will now turn to the audience. If you would come to this microphone, i will start with a question from the web. We know mrs. Roosevelt was an extraordinary first lady and important part of her husbands administration. What was her role in implementing the new deal programs . Grandson . James roosevelt my grandfather who i had the privilege grandmother who i had the privilege of knowing when i grew up, she lived until i was a senior in high school, i would camp out here summers, she was famous for traveling constantly. I grew up in los angeles and our moderator did, she was with us for five times a year there. Yearr or five times a there. She played a very important role. My grandfather said she was his eyes and ears. It was easier for her to travel than it was for him, not just because, because of everything that goes with president ial travel, but because of his physical handicap which he obviously overcame. But nonetheless, she traveled much more effectively and would come back to the white house and tell him about the real human programshat new deal needed to meet. And i think she in that way inspired him to follow some of thecis life by giving him real human story. They definitely worked together. There is no question about that. She also advocated for particular things, including racial equality. And remember, yes, there was a relatively cooperative congress in terms of the democratic majority in 1934 and 1936. Majority washat the solid south. So there were pragmatic compromises that had to be made. For example, the exclusion of Domestic Workers and healthcare workers from Social Security. Why . Because in much of the country and almost totally in the south, those workers were africanamerican. And in order to get Southern Committee chairs, chairman, they would have said in those days to move legislation forward, and in order to get a majority vote these were not easy votes. Even though Social Security, and if early procedural vote in its early procedural vote did not get through it did, but not in the procedural vote, these were the compromises that had to be made of pragmatism to get the greater good. I think my grandmother argued with my grandfather over whether he should give away some of these points. Produced,k she together with offers others in the new deal we have talked about today, a more progressive result in would have occurred otherwise. She also of course spoke around the country. When i was a young child growing up in the los angeles area. Dayr newspaper column my ran six days a week in the los angeles daily news. I think i thought as a small child, as an early gradeschool child, that sort of everybody learned to read by reading with her grandmother was doing the previous day in the paper. And the dominant newspaper was the Los Angeles Times. More tabloid its counterpart was the los angeles mirror. There was a talk by a congresswoman, jacqueline clark, who must have some tremendous researchers on her staff, about a Los Angeles Times editorial that after she spoke in terms of racial equality during the new deal, the Los Angeles Times earried an editorial urging sh be prohibited from speaking in public ever again. I knew my parents had to read times every day because it was the dominant paper, but they always had things to say about it. Now i know why. Even my family. James roosevelt the chandler family, although they make a wonderful pavilion at the music center, was not a family of good wealth during the new deal. I think she played a very important advocate role inside and outside the new deal. [applause] one thing that really concerns me is there needs to be a demand on the part of the progressive educated electorates that are left right now. One slogan, obviously the new deal was a great slogan that helped fdr get elected, a Brighter Future for all americans. Another thing that occurs to me is there might be a mandatory twoyear service for either volunteer work or military or internships on the part of everyone graduating from high school. I am wondering what all of you folks think what we can do to create the type of progressive educated electorate that will get us leadership that we need that we lack right now and to unite Progressive Forces in this country. Christopher breiseth david, do you want to take a crack at that . David douglas one of the things that could be done i went to to family reunions this past year, one very liberal, the other very conservative. I think probably what would help in the very small way is that we should listen to the other points of communication from the other points of the fence we do not listen to generally. It is an educational process we oftentimes could use. We tend to insulate ourselves to have certain means of communication that agree with us. I would say progressives should listen 5, 10 minutes a day to fox and breitbart and sean hannity and rush limbaugh. And i think the conservative side of the community in the United States should seek out alternative means of communication increasingly. Just a small effort in the future. I do that when i am driving in the car in the middle of the day, i listen to some of those folks. It drives my wife and children nuts. Christopher breiseth Christopher Breiseth how about the volunteer and active service of young people . I was thinking of an answer to the question on, how can we build an electorate that my elected leaders we need, and building on what david was saying, i have been saying to myself now and not doing much about it that isnt quite it is quite impressive what the republicans have done with this re leg bungling p campaign. It is like there is a real shifting of opinion and engineering of Public Opinion to a point where it is almost, it should be illegal or something, but it is not. Of course we cannot do that because of free speech, but i do not think the left does much of that. We probably have had some thoughts of trying to do that, and havent been effective for whatever reason. Maybe we can try again and try to be more effective. It needs to be kept up. You cannot do it every so often. It needs to be a steady, ongoing stream of the way we want people to think and understand. [indiscernible] one is, actually i have been extremely heartened by something i think was totally unexpected, that msnbc has the highest ratings of any cable news network. Who would have imagined that, icier, year and a half ago . And a half ago . I dont always agree with the points of view, but there is some counterbalance going on. Secondly, you mentioned the idea of national service. About a month ago i had the opportunity to hear jd vance who wrote hillbilly elegy which continues on the bestseller list speak to a relatively conservative business professional folks. The one thing he said that got spontaneous applause was as he talked about i find his observations by the way very receptive perceptive. His conclusions i dont always fully agree with, but his observations of American Society at this point in our history i find very perceptive. What brought about spontaneous applause from this group was saying that americans need to get to know other parts of our society and that a mandatory Service Program seemed to be the only practical way to do that. I later heard after that a reaction to that comment from Donald Rumsfeld who said he was heosed to that because a, didnt think government should mandate anything, and b, that would only involve half of the population and it would only be men. But the reactionary is why either of those things would be true. I cant imagine. It needs to be very prominent in public debate. Before i ask my question, i want to note franklinton alone Franklin Delano roosevelt had the first vanity plates. Designed and from the polio clinic in georgia, which everyone should visit. I would note on our panel we have two vanitizers. Tomlin hasne, and one that says new deal perfect for the grandson of the other new deal. In the museum you cant see in the basement, everyone should visit it, you can see the hand car and the plate. My usable question i ask at all of these events, if you can ask Franklin Delano roosevelt one question, what would you ask, and what do you think his answer would be . Christopher breiseth why dont we start with you, mr. Roosevelt . James roosevelt all right. That is a tough one because there are so many things i would like to ask. Only one question. James roosevelt i never got the opportunity to do. I would ask him, what would you propose to give the American People hope today . There is as much need for hope today as there was in 1932. Those who areong in hillbilly elegy, the people left behind by american prosperity, or whether it is among those who have given up on seeking justice in our society, so i would ask him what would you propose to give the American People hope today . Christopher breiseth what do you think his answer would be . James roosevelt i would not be asking him if i knew the answer. Christopher breiseth you can speculate. [applause] Christopher Breiseth all right, chris, why dont you try both parts. I would not presume. I donther breiseth know. Which hisk him favorite pet is, and i think he might answer all of. Answer paula. [laughter] i would say one thing in terms of what jim just said. I had the extraordinary privilege of a session like this eriod withday p secretary wallace and secretary perkins back in 1963. Dayat the end of that two seminar, i asked a similar question. , david, whondfather had for some reason felt bruised by Franklin Roosevelt, and he was pushed aside for the vice presidency, said, fdrs coming to the presidency was providential. Good episcopalian, so that word was not used casually. He said he gave us hope. Next question. Thank you. And 1940s,s america benefited from wholesale on which changed the same way the whole way American Society worked and the quality of life. I would ask the panel to reflect on the question that was posed to each panelist earlier, how would the 2020s, the 20teens we are exiting now, and the 2020s see a new resurgence i maye , digress digress. The great hydroelectric resources not only made the quality of life greater, in terms of beneficial electrification, not only gave us the Industrial Resources needed to defeat the axis powers , but our agenda now sees the issues of water and energy, which are inextricably intertwined, sees the means of protecting and enhancing these resources somewhat diverge. We have no more big River Systems easily to dam. At the same time coming to the crux of my question, we could not have foretold, or so if i was born, the titanic struggle of the axis partners. Now we are in a struggle not against a politically political and material it and military threat with the extinction of human life on this planet as we know it. So with the panel with your broad knowledge, each of you address the specific expertise of at least two, reflect on the opportunity in the 2020s for us to have a new deal of the future of the planet. Christopher breiseth let me as a moderator through this to David Douglas throw this to David Douglas. Had i done justice in my introductions, you would be aware he is a Major International figure in the management of water, particularly water for populations of people who are denied access to clean water. And you may not, and he did not say this directly about his grandfather, but his grandfather funded the green revolution. Not only did he develop hybrid corn as a scientist, but he also used the fortune from the portlocko fund norman in the green revolution. So i think david is the person or that question. For that question. David douglas let me say a thing about norman portlock. My grandfather helped build the Rockefeller Foundation with the institute in new mexico where portlock did his groundbreaking work particularly on wheat for which he won the nobel prize. My grandfather went down to visit him, and they were both from iowa, which is foreign country. Corn country. My grandfather went out in the field. Norman portlock had met him once and he said, your grandfather came to see me when i was working. He said norman, how could a good eye was formed by farm boy be working on a second class crop like wheat . Just briefly on water, i think what we are seeing with water, i spent 35 years of my life just trying to get clearwater to poor clear water to people who have never in their life had a clean glass of water. It is the leading cause of death around the world. We have a pendulum in this country, which is why i highlighted foreign aid, for a small knot of money, to really help countries that are really from not having clean Drinking Water to find a way to bolster their health. We are working on an effort in d. C. Right now to help hospitals and Health Care Clinics around the world a better supply of water. 40 of the world Health Care Clinics, 40 , dont have access to water either in the institution itself or within 500 meters. Tanked in orked carried by donkeys or people get the river. You imagine these centers of health, which should be centers of health, our centers of infection. If the u. S. Can recover the leadership it had for years in a very bipartisan way foreign aid was led by george bush. Every republican president until now, every democratic president has made it part of the u. S. s call to help improve health around the world, knowing pathogens can get on planes across the border. That is really the kind of immigration that you do not want. And there is ways that the u. S. Can help improve health by clean water. I think the potential is strong. I would not be involved with it if i had not had i think the influence of Henry Wallace and held in my hand a sick daughter who lacked clean water. [applause] Christopher Breiseth we really overstretched our time, but i want to do one more question for the National Audience, then one gentleman standing here is having the last question. Did you ever hear your grandparents or later parents speak about what it was like with wallace and perkins when they were not at the center of power . Wallace off the ticket, perkins with the Truman Administration . She workedknow that for seven years as a Civil Service commission or with harry truman commissioner with harry truman. She had been trying to resign actually a few times from working with Franklin Roosevelt who she loved but also she was ready to take a break i think. He would not let her. He needed her. So she just didnt, she finished and was ready for a break. Also, i think one of the most fulfilling parts of her life may have been her last 10 years when she was invited to help found the School Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University in ithaca. She worked there for 10 years and five of those years, about the fifth year, she was invited by the man on the end of this atel to be a resident telluride house, which she was thrilled. Riding home from the dinner party where she had been invited to live a house with her colleague, who she worked with on the School Industrial labor and relations, she said, you know what they have done . These boys have invited me to live with them. I feel if you bride on her wedding night i feel like a bride on her wedding night. [laughter] briefly, we spent every summer with my grandfather over in south salem working in the fields up until noon. The afternoons were free. I dont remember him ever expressing any regret for leaving washington dc and the center of that political life. I think he had, there was a side of him that did not come through in the sporty newsreels, but he was in good humor. He learned about plants from George Washington carver. When carver was a young man in his 20s in iowa, he took my father under his wing and would talk about plants. And my father, i think every my father, my grandfather found hope i think in the same sense of gods creation. And every spring and every summer wondering what the new variety of plants would bring. I think the only regret was time, which affects us all as you all know. I think he had a sense he would live longer. He died when he was 77. Als gave him only two years to wind down his life. There was regret. He never wrote his autobiography , and that part of the story he was planning on telling later. Forhen he came to cornell the seminar, he did not want to talk about the new deal. He wanted to talk about strawberries. [laughter] i took him up to his room, and there was a guest room, this large variety. He said what do you see . I sent peasants. He said what do you see down below . I said strawberries. He said yes. [laughter] last question. Tacking the new deal programs , people are essentially attacking the basic ideal that government has an obligation to help people. If your grandparents were here today, how would they react to that . What would they say in answer to that . James roosevelt i will lead off. I think my grandparents, and i know from my grandmother, that Public Service was at the heart of what she thought all of us needed to do. And i will say, one reason why i nina did acousin better job on this panel then i did this year last year than i could do this year and my sister as well my grandmother assumed that the boys in the ,amily, sons and grandsons would pursue some form of Public Service. She took the girls, the young women, aside and told them they had an obligation to do that. That speaks to the times. That was not a given. She wanted to make clear they understood that needed to be a part of their lives. [applause] David Douglas i think, i think you are right in terms of attacking the new deal. That is what is at stake. There is the feeling now that is really the disciples of Robert Norquist who said i want to make government small enough so i can take it into the room and drown it in the bathtub. It is not really republican or democrat, traditional democrat or traditional republican in washington. There is an extremism that will play itself out. It is one of the reasons i want to emphasize the voices that are rising to the fore, it will really bring back it will not be republicans calling of the new deal, but they are new deal values. They are american values. I find hope in the recovery of business, people in this past you weeks, religious leaders finding their voices few weeks, religious leaders finding their voices. We are all part of government and cannot let values critical to us be set aside and politicized. I think there is something we all need this is really a call for all of us. We are about to see in about a week the secretary of the interior come down to reverse land designation for the protection of monuments around some of the key areas we protect the federal public land will be reduced in about a week from now. You realize every National Park has been set aside, has been fought for from the grand canyon on up. This is this and specifically in this area of land, what we will see in the next six months to a year or two years is this generations chance to protect federal lands. It is one small area that, it is our time. This is the battle our grandparents fought for. It is now our parents. It is now our time. [applause] yeah,opher breiseth great question. Tomlin coggeshall i think it will basically echo davids remarks on asking ourselves, what our grandparents what would they do . They would be appalled at what is going on and this dismantling of their work. What would they do to protect it and improve it, kerry it further for carry it further forward. That is our challenge for the 2020s and beyond is to find a way to revive it and get it more firmly implanted in society. My grandmother spoke with anne said that, she sounded, and she was, she was right. Social security is so firmly in our system that no politician, no Something Else could possibly threaten it. But when she said that, those words were true. Now my god, look how far the other side has come. They have moved ball. We have got to engage and fight back. [applause] to nt is there time for one more comment . No. Ok. I wanted to address your question about how our new deal programs could be put forward in the 20th century. Just plentiful, clean, as in noncarbon, affordable electricity. Electricity is more and more plentiful, and the price was down, we figure out how to make it more efficiently. It is not based off of fossil fuels at all. I am a fanatic about Climate Change and hydrogen as our next carrier of energy, but it is not a source of energy. I think nuclear, we have to revisit Nuclear Power and find ways to use it profitably and safely. Christopher breiseth i want to ask michael of the National Preservation board to make a presentation to each of our panelists. He is the rural historian of roosevelt, new jersey, one of the subsistence communities, one of 100 the created like the greenbelt in maryland and others. He is doing this, i would like to extend our thanks to all of you for what i think is potentially a very significant afternoon together, and may we go together into the 2020s on the wings of the 1930s. [applause] thank you very much. I would like to read the certificates that we present to each of our participants. First to James Roosevelt junior, national newhe Deal Preservation Association is grateful for your personal contribution to humanity and our organization. Both are likely based on the seeds planted in your dna by your new dealer ran father, grandfather who provided hope to all americans and led them out of the Great Depression in 1933 to 1945. Thank you for keeping his legacy alive. [applause] ok. Douglas, thankce you again from the National Preservation society, grateful for your contribution to our organization and probably based on your dna by Henry Wallace, the Vice President whose efforts and commitment from 1933 to 1945 are still serving us today. Thank you for keeping his legacy alive through your own efforts. [applause] to Tomlin Perkins caucus hall coggeshall, we are grateful for your division to humanity likely based on the seeds in your dna by your esteemed new dealer grandmother Frances Perkins whose commitment between 1933 and 1945 and years before that, service under governor roosevelt and emirates smith in new york, still serving us today. Thank you for keeping her legacy alive and your outstanding efforts. [applause] Tomlin Coggeshall thank you. And of course on behalf of june hopkins, national geo preservation, associate thankful for your Family Member Harry Hawkins through the new deal programs of 1933 and 1945. Values are hard work, let us out of the way of the Great Depression, and we thank you for your contributions by sharing his legacy with all of us and americans. [applause] the National Preservation association for bringing us all together. Yes. [applause] for those of you who dont know, there is going to be a performance air tonight at 7 00. Here tonight at 7 00. There is a presenter across the road. It will feature wallace and his sister. I believe the concert starts at 7 00. It will be a great show, playing the music of the new deal. Please one more round of applause for our panelists and moderator for a fantastic job. [applause] interested in American History tv . Visit our website. You can view our schedule, preview upcoming programs, and watch college lectures, museum tours, archival lectures, and more. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Each week, American History tvs american artifacts visits museums and historic places. Up next, we visit the old manse in concord, massachusetts, to learn about Ralph Waldo Emersons time in the home as well as other writers

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