Transcripts For CSPAN3 Reel America The Road To The Wall - 1

CSPAN3 Reel America The Road To The Wall - 1962 November 5, 2017

Some ride. Some are wellshod, some are barefoot. Some are so young, they must be carried. Or so old. Of the hundreds of millions who take this road, some do so willingly. Others hope that the road leads to bread for the hungry, peace for the weary, land for the landless. Some protest openly. It does not matter. Some are born on the road. Many will die along the way. Havana, cuba, january, 1959. This road leads to this wall. Red china, september 1960. This road, this wall. Berlin, december 1961. This road, this wall. In the beginning, the road exists in the mind of a 19th century philosopher and scholar, karl marx, who maintained only through a system of communism can the worker and farmer avoid starvation and exportation. We declare openly, marx writes, that our ends can only be attained with the forcible seizure and overthrow of social conditions. Thus the road begins. Many who walk the road know its origins well. Many do not. Some must be taught by those who do not travel it. This is a oneway street. A signpost along the way does not describe the true desinations, and those who go, go all the way to the end. There are few exits. Dangerous escapes. This man is a resident of east berlin. His right to free passage to west berlin is guaranteed by international agreement. But on august 13, 1961, this right has been set aside. He swims the canal that at one point divides the zones. On reaching the western bank he takes his first few steps into freedom and is shot down from the communist side. To know why he was shot down across the artificial border by a man who bore no personal malice, we must look at the root. We must go back many miles and many years. Back from berlin, 1961, to havana 1959, to budapest 1956, coyocan 1940, 1921. St. Petersburg, czarist russia. Sunday, january 22, 1905. Under the czar, it is absolute power. The workers and peasants of st. Petersburg are not here to protest against the autocracy but to appeal to the autocrat. Under the leadership of a priest, they have come to present a petition to the czar. We, the working men and inhabitants of saint petersburg, come to thee, sire. James one quarter of a Million People stand before the winter palace, but the czar is in fact not there, nor is it his will the petition be received. Instead [gunfire] there is the czar, nicolas ii. My autocracy will be unchanged. Said the father gaspon. We no longer have a czar. Long live the fight for freedom. James the bearded young man is v. I. Ulyanov. Party name, lenin. The czar will never be a success. He does not even look the part, and he is busy. Busy with elaborate or ammonium that no longer had people. Busy with his family including his son who bleeds every time he cuts himself and is kept alive according to his mother, by the occult powers of grigory rasputin. He is a holy man. He says so himself. James world war i. It is pure hell 10 times over for the russians. For them, no glamour, no airplanes. Divisions without artillery, companies without rifles. The russian casualties exceed the total casualties of the germans. Defeat, disorganization. Lonely death. At home, starvation and poverty exceeding even previous russian experiences. Finally in march 1917, a demonstration in st. Petersburg starts from a simple demand for higher bread rations and gets out of hand. Includes a new demand. Transfer of power from the czar to elected power. Parliament. The czar tells his troops to mow down the demonstrators, but something goes wrong. The army joins the people. The people react. They put their faith in a young lawyer. The revolution belongs to the people. I propose to defend it against from any attack whether from the left or the right. James he arrests the czar and his family. Within the country without experience of selfgovernment, it is difficult to convince the hungry people there road leads to salvation. The war is unpopular. It becomes clear that they need to continue, the german generals rage for the return. Lenin had been exiled to switzerland. Leon trotsky arrives from canada. Summer 1917, trumsky becomes head of the provisional government and proclaims russia a republic. Universal suffrage, and elected constituent assembly. Freedom of speech. Equal rights for women. Lenin on the republic. A democratic republic, more free under war conditions than any other country in the world. James but in november, trotsky, leader of an army walker union, call for the destruction of the republic. Political questions are designed as a matter of fact they are designed by class war. James it is relatively bloody. They take railroad stations, telegraph lines, government officers, and declare themselves in business. This is the russian version, the storming of the winter palace. Opening the gate under fire. Never happened. In actual fact the attack on the winter palace, it was pointed out it was in range of a rebel cruiser. It makes a nice picture. The real violence comes later. On november 25, the election was held under to their amazement lost it, 31. They meet under trotskys red army. Refuses to turn over power to the soviet, but he leaves the building in disorder. A few hundred citizens gather outside to protest the dismissal of the assembly may have elected and are shot down by the red army. By class war. James citizens of the soviet union still vote. But not since november 17 has more than one name for office appeared on the ballot. The Assembly Never reconvenes. Power passes to the soviets which lenin controls and from there to the council of commissars where lenins power is absolute. This is dictatorship of the proletariat. The power won and maintained by violence. Power that is unrestricted by any law. Keep this well in mind. James lenin makes peace with the germans, and then civil war breaks out. Before it ends, the white russians rebel against the red. Allied troops fight to keep russia in the war. Czarists try to restore the monarchy. The czar and his family are executed. And the checya, the first of many soviet Police Groups become active. The rest without charge, no trials, disappearance without charge, no trials, disappearance without explanation becomes routine. But lenin complains. There is still too little [indiscernible] not because we lack determination but because we do not know how to capture enough marauders. Capitalists. James however many they capture, they miss one. On august 30, 1918, dora kaplan takes a shot at lenin. Our marksmanship effective. He is slightly wounded. That night in moscow alone, 500 antileninists are executed on suspicion of being with ms. Kaplans effort. The signposts along the road read peace, freedom, and bread. Because they understood these can be theirs only when freedom is attained. On march 7, 1921, they are in the streets asking for freedom and bread. At 6 45 in the evening [gunshot] trotsky, commander of the red army who ordered the slaughter, gives the only explanation. It was necessary. James lenin and trotsky are firmly in power. The checya is abolished. In its place comes the old pu, political police. And there is the worker and peasant inspection group, who is one joseph. Party name, stalin. He disputes trotskys position as the second in command. In the struggle, stalin is the chief of the communist international. The city leader of moscow, who could make you a judge, or send you to siberia. Now with the civil war won, they get out of economic necessity, the issue new economic policy. Emphasis is placed on consumer goods, but the state maintains control of heavy industry. Private enterprise is permitted in limits. Two new words for american aid enter the russian vocabulary. Now the American Relief administration under Herbert Hoover is feeding 10 million russians. James but in march 1923, lenin suffers a stroke. The following january, he is dead. James stalin and the others force trotsky into exile, then stalin begins a new economic policy. In its place, three successive fiveyear plans that emphasize productive capacity, including heavy industry and power output. From 1928 to 1941, capacity rises 300 . Hydroelectric output is up 80 . Agricultural production lags and housing as well. If you are an average russian, this means more work, less to eat and less living space for family. If you dont work hard enough or if you complain, there are plenty of trains to siberia where many hydroelectric dams are being built. On the other hand, if you work hard, you might become a [indiscernible] all you have to do do is break the production record of a machine and get a medal and small wage increase. That is better than a quick trip to the reindeer country. The years of the great executions. How many people are permanently removed from circulation, nobody knows. The people who helped stalin seized power are quickly disposed of. To have been a friend of them is a crime, and for this and related activities, over half of the top communist leadership and thousands of lesser officials vanish as do most of the army officers. Very few are given trials. Some of the trials are remarkable. For example, some are convicted of conspiring with trotsky in 1936 in the Hotel Bristol in copenhagen. In actual fact, in 1936, the hotel was no longer in business. Next case. In 1938, this judge himself is purged with many purged judges in labor camps and the like. New mexico city, august 20. A young man comes calling on an attractive secretary. Paying her little heed, he plunges a mountain climbers axe into the mans skull. Elliott trotsky is dead. In the west meanwhile, another dictatorship arose. With infallible leader, secret police and cattle car that carried men and women to their grave or worse. [speaking german] this is the time of the popular front. All common courts of the fascist are welcome, and even at the pickets march, it is changing. On august 21, 1939, the germans undertake to divide the world. James on september 1, eight days after the nazi attack, they crossed the polish frontier, and and the world learns the meeting of the german word blitzkrieg. On september 17, the red army crosses poland. On october 5, [indiscernible] german and russian shake hands and shiver. The scum of the earth, i believe. The bloodiest workers, i presume. James germany gets more with the dismemberment of poland. Russian clears the way for cruisers. They get a naval base and vast amounts of war materials. French communists sabotaged the electrical system on the french fighter plane. With the fall of france, hitler decides the pact has served its purpose and ends it by invading the territory of the recent partner, russia. The turning point of the german invasion of russia comes at volgograd, which was then called stalingrad. Eastern poland, besarabia, northern sakhalin, portions of finland. Latvia, lithuania, and estonia are incorporated as soviet republics, and much of the native population is deported. There are zones of Russian Occupation pending final peace treaties and austria and north korea. The russians have the right to maintain garrisons in poland, hungary, and bulgaria. How did we get from here to there, to the present situation . With the iron curtain dividing europe and communist outposts through much of the world . What is the secret to their postwar expansion . What method to the use . The answer is, they use them all. Occupying troops remain after until political domination is achieved in poland, romania, and in hungary. Occupation want to continue influence and control with east germany and north korea. Along with the psychological warfare, trade agreements spread the soviet influence in africa and the middle east. When it is needed, it is used. The expulsion from the mainland of the Chinese National government is a military exercise complete with artillery, tanks, the infantry, and secret operations. Casualties and refugees. Seclusion is of course an important technique. Czechoslovakia, an established democracy. Communist deputies found the their desks as demonstrations reach riot proportions. On february 25, and formed the alternative is civil war and with the unmistakable invasion, the president accepts a communist cabinet. But the son of the countries greatest euro will not go along and does the countrys greatest hero will not go along. His body is discovered dead. Whether he was murdered or killed himself is not known to this day. Three months later, a constitution, sovietstyled, is adopted by parliament. The president refuses to sign it and is forced from office. Before the year is over james czechoslovakia, like its hero, is dead. And Eastern Europe . In the words of winston churchill, the adriatic, and iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line, lie all the capitals of the ancient states of central and Eastern Europe. Behind the iron curtain, it is easy to express discontent and difficult and dangerous not to. But human freedom dies. Uprising and strikes in east germany 1953 and poland 1956 are put down by local police, augmented by russian soldiers. In poland, concessions are made so that poland today though it is communist has a degree of freedom on heard of in the old iron curtain. They can criticize decisions if they do so discreetly. A political joke is allowed, but loud laughter is not recommended. You might disturb your neighbor, and he might be the law. Budapest, october 1956. These demonstrators are not anticommunist. Many of them are communists who feel that as hungarians they have the inalienable right to determine how hungarian communism is to be administered. October 24, local party bosses they have had enough, and by law and order their law and order, directly firing into the crowd. The crowd does not melt away, even with russian garrison troops in the police. The russians make a strategic withdrawal, leaving the Hungarian Police to be slaughtered by their own countrymen. In november, it was hungarian communists speaking to the prime minister, declaring hungary neutral between russia and the west. The russians hesitate, hungarians celebrate. Hesitation and celebration end soon. The entire russian army invades hungary and crushes the revolt. He visits under a flag of truce to discuss surrender terms. June 7, 1958, execution is announced. No flowers, please. For many cubans, the years before 1958 were hard. The cuban peasants rarely owned the land they worked hard to till. Life in cities was also bad. For most of the these cubans, the proletariat of marx, suffered almost as if unaware there was another way to live. When fidel castro was ready to come out of the mountains, his support was for the middle class. Ironically, it is the knowledge of the advance guard of the revolution, but when the pied piper calls for bread and peace, the poor are there. Many believe. Few doubt. The revolution is a success. Fidel castros brother, raul, is already a selfproclaimed communist. His close associate che guevara had participated in guatemala. But a few cubans, even in the middle class, believe fidel castro will ever turn communist. At first he promises free elections, acknowledges the traditions of the rights of citizen and establishment of the government. The elections never take place, and the government would become an instrument of coercion. The takeover is a success. Berlin, 1951. Reached the almost present. Russians built this wall . To are people not allowed move from place to place. Berlin, westeast germany was an assault on people who wanted to enjoy the finer things in life. Wanted to get away. From east to west. Prior to the construction of the east anyone wanting to see berlin, you could walk right over. The free passage of people between east and west berlin was the only gap in the iron curtain. Is solid. T and the wall remains. It stands in berlin today. It stand and will stand wherever the road to communism leads. Someday, according to its builders, it will surround not merely the world but the moon, stars, outer space and the universe. Soir objective is clear and is ours. World shall be free. Each man and each country to choose the road that suits and thats. To achieve our objective, we need to above all understand, each in a threat must be met. Exploitation of economic weakness with economic aid and cooperation. Dead,oice is not read or the choice life between with the and ignorant. Bravery and cowardice. Freedom and slavery. Announcer 50 years ago, the United States was at war with vietnam. Nationalve from the archives, by the backdrop of yinge helicopter fl veterans. At 1 00 p. M. , from washington dcs the in on Veterans Memorial chucking comments from hagel and the memorial designer. On the real america, the special report. Whether it is due to the enemys clever tactic, the air or the terrain. Isseems that the military have bogged down. Announcer benefits 00 on american art asked. We will tour the American Archives exhibit. Made our statement to the world if we had communist aggression in that part of the world in 1954. We said we would stand with them in the face of common danger. Announcer watches the vietnam war, 50 years later next weekend on American History tv. Announcer monday night on the communicators, a look at the congressional hearing this past week with attorneys from onebook, google and twitter russian sponsored ads and what effect they had on the election. Were joined by actually gold of oferature ashley gould politico. We know of fake accounts and google. N we do not know if there was coordination with the Trump Campaign or what effect it had on the election. Accountability in the law. You have john kennedy, asking about consumer data privacy. I think a lot of americans worry about that too. Ofle russia was the focus hearings, there is a wider set of concerns driving this. Announcer watch the communicators on cspan2. Behind me is Richard Franklin pettigrew. He came to view territory in he first came to the dakota territory in 1869 as a surveyor. Come with us to his home to learn more about his contribution to the city of sioux falls. We are in the pettigrew home and museum, the home of u. S. Senator Richard Franklin pettigrew who served in the u. S. Senate from 1889 until 1901. He lived in the home from 1911 until his death in 1926. In 19,

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