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Mr. Speaker, this morning i had beakers meetings with colleagues and others following my duties i should have an audience of her majesty, the queen. I should then continue with my duties in this house. From the back benches where i will continue to be a member of parliaments. Bruce cadbury. I profoundly disagree with many decisions the Prime Minister has made and many of the things she has said but i recognize that thank you mr. Speaker i profoundly disagree with many of the decisions the Prime Minister has made in many of the things she says. I recognized that she does have a respect for Public Service and for the future of our country. How does she feel about handing over, to a man, who among many think is happy to demonize. Prepared to chuck our oil Public Servants under a bus and promises to sell our country out to donald trump and his friends. I am pleased to hand over, to an income being an Prime Minister who i worked with when he was in my cabinet. He was in my cabinet and who is committed, as a conservative who is a conservative manifesto in 2015. Delivering it Bright Future for this country. Thank you mr. Speaker, i rise to thank my friend for a Loyal Service over the last 3 years. 33 years of Public Service which is a record to be proud of. Also, thanking her for her personal support in helping me to get my private member bill. To help people to prevent people from helping to see agree with me, the prevention is far better than a care . First of all, can i say and thank you for all you have done. Also, crucially, we are seeing that act having an impact and that is so important for people who are benefiting from the work that he did. He has been doing a lot of work i agree that we do need to start enacting help that is why we have taken bold action on smoking and childhood obesity. I am proud of the history of the National Health service and a longterm plan focusing on prevention. Prevention and focusing on Mental Health and making sure we are trying to ensure that people do not get into situations where they are in ill health and the first place. Venting smoky and preventing obesity. Thank you. Today, marking the final day in office for the Prime Minister. I pay Public Service should always be recognized. It is an honor that brings with it huge responsibility and huge pressure. Both personally and im sure the Prime Minister would agree that it brings pressure on those closest to us. I hope, mr. Speaker she has a marginally more relaxing time on the back benches and, perhaps, like the chance or help me to impose the reckless plans of her successor. Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker. If i may continue . I am glad the Government Party is in such good heart today, mr. Speaker. For tomorrow they wont be. Mr. Speaker, and the last 3 years Child Poverty has gone up. Pension and poverty has gone up. Crime has gone up. Waiting time has gone up. School class sizes have gone up. Homelessness have gone up your Food Bank Use has gone up. Does the Prime Minister have any regrets about any of those things i just said . Is very good to see that they are in good heart, it is more than i can say for the neighborhood. Let me just say about my record over the last 3 years and how i measure my record. It is in the opportunity for every child to is now in a better school. It is in the comfort of every person who now has a job for the first time. Is in the hope of every disadvantaged young person now able to go to university and it is in the joy of every couple who can now move into their own home because, politics isnt about exchange nor about eloquent speeches or media headline. Politics is about the difference we make every day to the lives of people. They are our reason for being here and we should never forget its. Politics is about real like and about what people suffer in their Police Numbers are down and gp numbers are falling. In the 2017 conservative manifesto, no school would have its budget cut. They would protect tv licenses for over 75 and briefing. Which of these pledges is the Prime Minister most sorry has not been achieved. I am pleased to hear that you spent some time reading. Had you read it properly you would see we did make a pledge by 20 that 2022. I am pleased to say that in the last year we have seen it going down and particularly it going down in those areas where this government has been taking action. Id dont quite know where the figures are from but all i know is that i travel around this country just like other members of this house and i talked to people who have had a disaster in their lives. We are the fifth richest country in the world and it is surely wrong that anyone should end up sleeping on the streets of this country. We can and should do something about it. I have often disagreed with the Prime Minister and have a need criticisms of the policy however i recommend the childrens funeral fund, i am proud of all of the policies that have been improving peoples lives. Through the economy we now see more people in work in this country than ever before. I am proud of the fact that there are more children in schools and i am proud of the fact that the gaps between advantaged and disadvantage has been narrowed. I am proud of the fact that we had the biggest cash food in history in this National Health service. We will be there for people into the future. This is a conservative government. My government delivering the things that matter to people in their daytoday lives. The Prime Minister may have noticed that none of those things we mentioned were actually in the conservative Party Manifesto in 2017. Every one of them was a labor pledge. The Prime Ministers own red line ruled out any sensible compromise deal. Only after she had missed her own deadline to leave to the Prime Minister begin to shift position. By then, she knows i will have the authority to deliver. Her successor has no mandate at all. Does she have confidence that the honorable will succeed where she has not . I work tirelessly to get a good deal for the uk and i also worked hard to get that deal through parliament. I voted for the deal. What did the right honorable gentlemen do . He voted against the deal and he voted to make no deal more likely and when there was a prospect of reaching consensus across it, the right honorable gentlemen walked away. Every day, the only interest would be playing party politics. Frankly, he should be ashamed of himself we have had 3 years of negotiations and we now have the spectacle of a Prime Minister coming in looking for a deal that has been ruled out by the European Union or in the case of a no deal by the majority of this house. The next Prime Minister thought the isle of man was in the European Union and that the European Union made rules about capers but in fact it was made by the government that he was part of. He also said the uk could secure tariff free trade to article 24 of the general agreement on tariffs and trade despite the trade. The attorney general confirming that is not possible. At the start of 2018, is coming, dont worry. At the start of 2008 teen, mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has self set up a new unit to counter fake news. Charged with combating disinformation. How successful that she see that to happen . I have to say that i fear our success has not been what we wanted for the amount of fake information. May be, mr. Speaker, she can have a word with her successor on the way out. Let me could clued by welcoming some of the Prime Ministers notable uturns over the last couple years. The tax was scrapped. Plans to bring back schools were ditched. The withdrawal of the winter fuel payments. The pledge to bring back foxhunting was dropped and the plan to end universal school. The Prime Minister has dumped her own manifesto. Given that her successor has no mandate from the people, no mandate at which to move into office, doesnt she agree that the best thing that the right honorable member of oxbridge could do, later in the day when he takes office is to call eight general election and let the people decide their future . My first answer to the right honorable gentlemen is now. My first answer to the right honorable gentlemen is no. If he wants to talk about people ducking Manifesto Committee on commitments made during a general election campaign, remember what the honorable gentlemen set about student debt. After the election, what did he say during the general election. He was committed he is not committed to try and broken promise of the promise to the people of this country. But to the right honorable gentleman, this is the last time we will have this exchange across these dispatch boxes. I was going to say it is the strengthen of our britx democracy the Prime Minister have these exchanges across their dispatch boxes every week. Thats as it should be in our adversarial parliamentary democracy. But he and i are different people, and were very, very different politicians. I think we approach the issues we face in this country in different ways. I have spent all but one of my years in this house on the front bench trying to implement the policies i believe in. He has spent most of his time on the back benches campaigning what he believes in often against his own party. But what i think we both have in common is a commitment to our constituencies. I saw that after the terrorist attack in his constituency. Perhaps i could just finish my exchange with him by just saying this. As a party leader who has accepted when her time was up, perhaps the time is now for him to do the same. Dont be shy, mr. Davis. Assert yourself, man. We must hear from you. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I first met the honorable head when she went campaigning, the dark days of the late 1990s. Shes been a great friend of whales ever since then. And only recent her government has approved the end of the toll and a number of great issues to whales. Can i ask the right honorable member of the Prime Minister to encourage her successor to bring forward a bill to extend the general election franchise to all british citizens living overseas. Can i thank my honorable friend for his remarks and highlighting the work hes done in whales. And i would add to that there are over 95,000 people in whales who had a pay rise this year as a result of national wage. We saw ememployment rise by 160,000 since 2010. I know the concern about the franchise issues for overseas voters and im sure that is something that my successor will wish to look at, but can i also say to my honorable friend i discovered a new part of his past recently which is i believe i believe he was once i believe he was once the bodyguard to the legendary hollywood actress lauren bacall. I have to say mr. Speaker, i think his red face tells us all. Ian blackford. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Prime minister it is clear to see we have had our differences. However, with the Prime Minister standing down today the time for holding the Prime Minister to account has passed. Mr. Speaker, the loneliness of leadership can be stark. At times we be clashed at points of political difference. Equally we have stood together in what has been right to do so. Over the threat to the u. K. s National Security. The Prime Minister has made sure that opposition leaders would inform rightly at key moments in National Security. And in particular her chief of staff has always sought to make sure that i was kept informed of important developments. Prime minister, i wish you all the best for the future. As the Prime Minister departs, is she confident the office of Prime Minister can be upheld by her fragrant successor . Can i first of all thank the right honorable gentleman for his remarks . Hes absolutely right. He and i have had a difference of opinion on some key issues. But ive been grateful the snp has taken on issues of National Security when it has stood alongside the government when we have faced the actions of ournomy. Can i also say to the right honorable gentleman that i understand the point he has made about keeping opposition leaders in touch with things that have taken place. And i would also like to take this opportunity, mr. Speaker to pay tribute to gavin who was a first class member of his house, a first class minister and has been an absolutely first class chief of staff. In answer to right honorable gentlemans question, yes, i congratulate my right honorable friend the winning the conservative leadership election. We will take over as Prime Minister, and i look forward to a first class conservative government under his leadership delivering for the whole of the United Kingdom. Ian black ford. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister elect has no mandate in scotland. He has no mandate from the people. The government he is busy forming has no mandate in sc scotland. Mr. Speaker, scotland deserves better. Shows 60 of people in scotland are dismayed and disappointed by the new Prime Minister. Prime minister, we on these benches have tabled an early day motion with friends from parties across this house rejecting this house being shot down before november. Forming parliaments overwhelming message, can i invite the Prime Minister and one of her first actions as a back bench mp to sign our early day motion and join efforts to stop the suspension of parliament and of any circumstances . Can i say to the right honorable gentleman, as i said in answer to his first question i accepted that he and i do have differences on a number of issues. I think we both have a passion for delivering for the people of scotland. I want to do that. Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. He wants to take scotland out of the United Kingdom. And can i say to him what we do have in this government is a mandate from the people to form a government of this country. Thats how we run things in the parliamentary democracy that we have here in this country. We also have a mandate from the people to deliver on the result of 2016 referendum. And if hes so interested in delivering on mandates to the british people he should have voted for the deal and take us out of the eu. Ms. Pauline lathem. Thank you, mr. Speaker. An aspirational project running through my constituency which would create an offroad cycle way providing an alternative commuting route encouraging tourism, encouraging cycling amongst the young and improve the health of the local population. Does the Prime Minister agree with me that more funding should be available to support this and other similar projects . Well, can i recognize the importance of increasing cycling and walking. This is important for peoples health, important for the local government and provide a significant benefit to the local economy wells to health and the environment. So we have doubled our spending on cycling and walking in england, and our local cycling infrastructure plan enables authorities to take a strategic approach to planning improvements in their local cycling and walking and to integrate those into why the plans transport and economic development. Im sure this is an issue that will continue to be supported by conservatives in government. Mr. Speaker, in new castle the Prime Ministers departure invokes neither the despair nor yet the joy and she may take comfort from that. But ashley considers her choices. House of lords, dignified retirement, working with her successor. Can i ask her to bring dignity and choice to others . She is a waspy woman. Will she dedicate a Prime Minister retirement justice to all . Can i say to the honorable lady we have put 4 Million Pounds extra, but she references what im going to be doing in the future. I thought i already made that very clear. I will be continuing in this house as the member of parliament for maiden head. With a closed question, michael fabricant. Im sure my honorable friend will want to join me in saying how pleased i am with the growth weve seen, outputs increased 27 over five years, productivity increased at twice the National Rate last, and ploimtd h employment has increased since 2011. It shows what a local visible innovative leadership can do and how it can be key to building a fair economy. With the Prime Ministers active encouragement the mayor of the West Midlands was elected in may 2017, and she has supported him and the region ever since. Over 2 billion pounds, mr. Speaker, has been given to the region by the Prime Minister in the form of grants and guarantees for transport and so many other worthwhile projects. So on behalf of the people of the West Midlands may i thank her and may i also ask that she continues in parliament as a strong advocate for local devolution. Im very pleased he did and he has been delivering for the people of the West Midlands ever since his election. Can i also thank my honorable friend for highlighting the excellent work we have done for the West Midlands, government working with that authority shows the benefits. And i think this is very good example of what that innovative leadership, that visual leadership can do at a local level in improving the lives of people. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Outgoing american president s get to pardon anybody they want. If she could would she pardon her successor for sabotaging her premiership purely for his own personal ambition . Can i say to the honorable gentleman can i say to the honorable gentleman that my successor will continue to deliver the conservative policies that have improved the lives of people up and down this country since we were elected into a Coalition Government in 2010. There is a long list of improvements that have taken place in peoples lives, and i look forward. I look forward on the back benches to giving my full support to the next Prime Minister as he takes us forward delivering on brexit and continuing to deliver on those conservative policies. Can i thank my right honorable friend for the way in which shes conducted herself as a Prime Minister, for the dignified way in which she has approached the job and her responsibilities. Can i ask her to reflect on the fact that when we both first joined the government in 2010 for every 4 pounds the government was spending we were borrowing 1 pound. As she leaves office today, for every 34 pounds the government spends were borrowing 1. She has left an economy that is in a much more stable position than when it was inherited. To do that, she has had to make some very, very difficult choices and choices we may not have wanted to make but she got the economy on sound footing. Can i thank my right honorable friend for pointing out that fact for government borrowing and delivering that balanced approach and i would like to thank my right honorable friend the chancellor for the work he has done in delivering that. What does that mean . It means borrowing is at its lowest level for 17 years, wages growing at their fastest time in a decade, and debt falling. Thats what my gump has delivered, more jobs, healthier finances and an economy fit for the future. The Education Select Committee published a report on friday stating the government should urgently address underfunding in further education by increasing the amount 4,000 pounds per student to 4,760 pounds. Raising the rate will benefit my constituency as well as many other colleges which are also under severe financial pressure, some of which are going under . I say to the honorable lady actually i commissioned a review about post 18 funding in education. That was reviewed as being very clear more money needs to go into further education and more money into six forms. I want to see that happening. Indeed, i think just as my government has given a priority for National Health service in looking at funding for the future the next government should give a priority to education so that we can see that money going into the six forms and ensuring for every person theres an avenue for education and training that suits them and gives them the best opportunity for their future. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has always been a great champion of victims of Domestic Violence. As Prime Minister and as home secretary. And shes directed many, many millions of pounds during her time into improving those support services. But does she agree with me there is still much more work to be done in terms of prevention and Early Intervention and the ongoing skepticism that still greets many victims . Can i thank my honorable friend for raising an important issue and thank her for the work she did in practice prior to coming into this house for the victims of Domestic Violence. This is an important issue. Im proud of the Domestic Abuse bill thats been introduced in this house, and i look forward to the debates on that bill as it goes through its time in parliament. But my old friend is absolutely right. We do need to continue the focus and make sure were working on prevention and continue to raise awareness. We must ensure Domestic Violence is seen for what it is. These are criminal acts that are being perpetrated, and they should not be brushed inunder the carpet. People should not just say oh, its something that happens behind closed doors or a domestic. We need to take Domestic Violence very seriously. We need to ensure we take the appropriate action in relation to perpetrators but also victims are given support and they feel confident and able to come forward at the earliest opportunity to report what has happened to them. John mcnally. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My constituent our brave, experienced and decorated soldier with the u. K. Military, in january 2018 he was skilled while serving in iraq. 18 months later his family have still not had an answer as to how he came to his death. His death has not been fully investigated. And those driving the truck has not been brought to justice. Can the mp ensure there will be an investigation into the cause of his death . Obviously hes raised an issue of great concern and im sure it will be of concern to members across this house, and of course to the family of his constituent. Can i say to him i will ensure the minister of defense provides a response to him on this issue . Thank you, mr. Speaker. Could i thank my right honorable friend for her work in supporting and overseeing the Global Health program that the United Kingdom delivers overseas particularly vaccination and most notably polio eradication vaccination for which she has been recognized and which has safeguarded millions of childrens lives across the world. Does she agree with me the need to combat misinformation about vaccination is perhaps now as important as it ever has been, and would she in her memo to her successor just note the importance of this program and also the continuing need for a selfstanding department for International Development . Can i thank my right honorable friend for his reference to the work on polio enables me to congratulate and commend the work thats been done by my constituent with rotary international in their work against polio. Can i also say to him, it is important that we do combat the disinformation about vaccinations and ensure that people are willing to have those vaccinations which will change their lives, which will ensure that they can lead healthy lives rather than succumbing to diseases and conditions that can have an impact on their lives. Can i also say im proud of the fact we have a department of International Development. Im proud of the fact weve legislated to be spent on Development Aid overseas. That is an important element of Global Britain and important to our standing in the world. Last friday i had the honor of witnessing the presentation of whos a constituent for the work she did. She played a Critical Role in defeating the most disgusting fascist ideology. So will the Prime Minister on her last day at the dispatch box join me in saying that all politicians should remember the common goals which United People like helen and they must never resort to nor fail to call out nationalistic rhetoric which paints as enemies, victimizes minorities or espouses racism and if they do they are neither fit to be a president nor a Prime Minister. Can i say to the right honorable gentleman as i have said on a number of occasions in the past it behooves all of us as politicians indeed all in public life to be careful about the language being used and ensure we give a very clear message theres no place in our society for racism or for hate crime and we should all act to ensure we deliver on those sentiments. Can i also say to him to thank helen for her work at bletchley park. They played an absolutely crucial parts for our ability to defeat fascism in the second world war, and we should be very proud of the work they did, and im grateful for the opportunity hes given for this house to celebrate it. Can i begin mr. Speaker by commending the Prime Minister in her term of office for her stamina and her courage, whatever our views on brexit and other issues and the support that she received from her husband, philip. For many of us our husbands, wives, partners are the unsung heroes. May i now ask her a specific question . Shes going to the palace this afternoon and we assume shes going to recommend the right honorable member for uxbridge succeeds her as Prime Minister. But can she tell the house one piece of real hard advice that she would like to give him on being Prime Minister . Mr. Speaker, can i say a number of my right honorable friends are suggesting that can i also say to him hes given me on opportunity for doing something which i suspect many on my side may not thank me for. Im taking a lead from you, mr. Speaker, in saying im very pleased to be able to see my husband in the gallery today. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I honestly disagree with the Prime Minister on many aspects of policy and work shes done over the last few years but it would be wrong not to commend the Prime Minister on the phenomenal work shes done on bringing forward the issue of modern slavery and Human Trafficking. And so can i congratulate her on that, but in doing that there are so many issues and many challenges with respect to this that face us. And can i just ask the Prime Minister last year as part of government policy we locked up 507 potential victims of modern slavery as immigration offenders. That cant be right and surely we need a change of Public Policy to treat them as a victims, not as criminals. Can i also thank the honorable gem frahis remarks and also thank him for the work he has done on this issue for modern slavery, too, because its one of which he and i have spoken a number of years and hes been a great champion of this issue as well. As he will note in the modern slavery act we passed in 2015 we did take action in relation to those individuals who could find themselves at the receiving end of criminal charges as a result but effectively because they had been forced to acts in that way because of modern slavery. And that was dealt with in that issue. We have been looking with how we deal with it, the referral mechanism, and it is important weve had a review of the independent slavery act and made a number of recommendations in improving the way victims are treatment and we will be taking most of those recommendations on boards. Speaker, and firth door the honorable gentlemans mention of modern day slavery i think its right to record my long honorable friend her commitment to Public Service has been outstanding. Her vision and determination to bring forward legislation against modern day slavery led the world. So i hope that my right honorable friend will continue her fight against slivery with us from the back benches so that we stamp out this evil scourge together. Can i say to my right honorable friend i look forward to joining her on the back benches and continuing to campaign on this issue, and i also would pay tribute to her for the work shes done on this issue, and shes right it is on absolute scourge. We must continue to fight it and must continue to raise awareness of it because theres too many peoplep today in this country, not trafficked into this country but british citizens who find themselves taken into effective slavery. We must raise awareness of this and constantly work to combat it and end it. The Prime Minister has often spoken about the need for an industrial strategy during her time in office, but will be closed by its asset stripping ending 163 years of engineering excellence and the jobs of 200 skilled workers. The scottish and u. K. Governments have failed to intervene since the closure was announced late last year while the were force has been left devastated. Its not too late for her to act now and stop the government from doing everything it can to find a way to save these jobs. Will she at least commit to doing that . I thank the honorable gentleman. I recognize the concern hes showing for his constituency and the worry and concern there is for those people who are employed in the business that he has referred to. Of course, whenever we see closures of factories, industrial sites the government does act to ensure support is available for those who do find themselves losing their jobs should that be the case. But can i also say to the honorable gentleman, he says that i talked to having a modern industrial strategy. We have a modern industrial strategy. Its essentially setting the back grnld and framework which will enable the economy of the United Kingdom to be the economy of the 21st century. Thank you, mr. Speaker. You are in no doubt mr. Speaker that i think the Prime Minister is a thoroughly good egg and it has been an absolute privilege to serve on the back benches with her. Mr. Speaker, this Prime Ministers commitment to Mental Health has been simply fantastic. It was fantastic when she was a home secretary and fantastic as Prime Minister. The stevenson pharma review into workplace Mental Health, the review into 1983 Mental Health act. Her commitment to reducing the tragedy of suicide and putting her Office Behind that and the introduction of places for safety for people experiencing a Mental Health crisis. Mr. Speaker, we have been filling the Prime Ministers diary up with future commitments as she offers the next chapter of her political life. But can she find space for a few more paragraphs on Mental Health . Can i thank my honorable friend had his question and intervention. And i also thank for the dignified way in which they conducted the conservative Party Leadership election. He has been an advocate for government doing more Mental Health, for his time during his time in this house, and he has championed the need for us to do more on Mental Health. I want to continue to ensure we have set the record enputting that into Mental Health and having those essential reviews. We now need to ensure we implement the proposals, that we take this forward because if we do so we will make a significant improvement in the lives of those people with Mental Health problems. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Professor john snowden at the hospital has just received a top nhs award for stem cell transplnitation for transpl transplantations. Will she now give an assurance as she steps down as Prime Minister but remains an mp that she wont follow support of any form of brexit which prevents johnson oden continuing to work with his eu colleagues on the board of the European Society which will continue to advance this treatment, the patients with myeloma, ms and leukemia . Can i say to the honorable gentleman that first of all i commend the individual that hes referred to for the work hes been doing. Im not aware of the particular organization hes referred to of which the consultant hes referred to a member. But can i just say to the honorable gentleman i do want to say a relationship between the United Kingdom and European Union in the future that enables our scientists, enables our academics to continue to work with those in the eu as well as around the world to do the pioneering work which the honorable gentleman has said from his own experience changing peoples lives and improving peoples lives for the better . Oh, yes, sir john hayes. Since then there were many tests that have endured some defeats and enjoyed many victories. As she reflects on her innings on the front bench will she count as amongst her greatest achievements the falling number of workers households which sucker her responsibility, secure family stability and nurture communal pride . Will she continue that work and in doing so unite the whole house in that mission . Can i thank my right honorable friend . Can i also thank my right honorable friend for the work we did together. He worked very hard to ensure what i believe is an extremely important and ninearing piece of legislation, the investigative powers act went through this house. And im very happy to welcome the fact that we now have that low number of workless households in this country. We all know the number of children brought up in a household where there is work is more likely to do better at school and more likely to succeed further in their own lives. Its an important aid to reduce and one i would have hoped would have been championed in this twhoel house. Completely with a final answer the Prime Minister gave to the heder of the opposition about his need to consider his future, and can i tell you this as well hold on, hold on. Its absolutely clear to me that the vast majority of mps agree with her too. Now, mr. Speaker, hundreds of people hundreds of people have come to my Community Meetings in the last few weeks worried about antisocial behavior. Theyre worried about car crime, burglaries, and theyre worried about violent crime, too. They want more police on the streets and they want more criminals locked up. So will she urge her successor to make sure West Midlands police gets all the support it needs to keep people in dudley safe . Well, can i can i first of all congratulate the honorable gentleman and his appointment to israel . Hes done a lot of work on antisemitism and should be congratulated for that work, too. And if i may we have been ensuring we have been putting more money into Police Forces. About a billion pounds extra is available to Police Forces this year, and many Police Forces around the country are recruiting more officers. Can i say in the theme the honorable gentleman started in his question it is therefore i would imagine to him and to others a great matter of sadness that his right honorable friend, the leader of the opposition took the labor party through voting against. Mr. Speaker, 31 people were killed in idlib yesterday, and many tens of thousands of people displaced again. I would like to thank the Prime Minister for her personal commitment to syria and for International Development more widely. And i would like her to join with me in reassuring the people of syria that all of us here will continue to remember them. Can i say to my honorable friend, first of all, i commend the work she did in setting up syria which has been raising funds for all people in syria and the commitment she has showed to the people of syria. We remain and the conservative government will remain committed to working for a political solution in syria which can provide the stability and security the people of syria deserve. Can i join in thanking the Prime Minister for her years in Public Services as home secretary and as a Prime Minister and a thoroughly decent and deadicated honorable way shes carried out all of her duties and the courteous and proper way shes had in her dealings with us as a party. And working together we have ensured there actually is a conservative and unionist government of the United Kingdom which will please many in this house and also please members by saying weve ensured theres no early general election. N now that the Prime Minister has more time on her hands with her dear husband philip i urge you to come to Northern Ireland and many walking opportunities there, she would have seen the wonderful open championship this weekend in royal port rush, a credit to Northern Ireland, a credit to the United Kingdom. The warm hospitality of the people of Northern Ireland show, and it is very open to her as well. Can i thank the right honorable gentleman and thank him for the discussions that weve had and the support hes continued to give to the conservative and unionist parties so that there is a conservative and unionist government in this country . Can i thank him for the warm welcome that hes given. Ive enjoyed my izhavets to Northern Ireland and id like to congratulate all those in northernirened in putting on the open championship in port rush, with a slight issue with the weather which may have favored those who came close to the top of the championship. But it was an excellent championship put on, and i think many, many people would have seen the delights and benefits of Northern Ireland when they attended that event. Jacob reese. Thank you, mr. Speaker. As someone whos not invariably seen eye to eye with the Prime Minister, may i thank her for her remarkable Public Service and for showing that highest of virtues, a sense of duty, and on top of that being willing to deal with people who must on occasions have been annoying to her with enormous courtesy. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of many people may have thank the Prime Minister . The honorable gentlemans voice carries. I was able to hear his question but i am at least as interested to hear the answer. Mr. Speaker, can i thank my honorable friend for his remarks and say to him that the point of this place is about debate and argument and about discussion, about the issues that we all believe and that matter to us all so passionately. And those debates and discussions are best held when they were held with respect and courtesy, and i thank my honorable friend for the courtesy hes shown to me in our discussions together, and i look forward to probably continuing those discussions when i join him on the flat benches. Thank you, mr. Speaker. When i think of girls growing up, it is inspiring for them to see women in position of power whether thats as first minister of scotland or as Prime Minister of our United Kingdom. Can i ask the Prime Minister what advice she has for women across the country on how to deal with those men who think they could do a better job but are not prepared to do the actual work . I think my advice to all women is actually be true to yourself, persevere, keep going and be true to the vision that you are working for. But can i congratulate the right honorable lady of her election as leader of her party. Im pleased also we have a member representing the scottish constituency whos the leader of a party. And it goes to show we are a United Kingdom and mps from four nations sit in this house on the basis of equality. Can i also say to the honorable lady i congratulate her on becoming the first woman i believe to lead the liberal party. And as i stand down im pleased to be able to hand the batten down to another female leader of a political party. As you look around the chamber i have to say we almost have a full set. Shes referred and my party has had two women leaders. The labor party now has a woman leader. The snp has a woman leader and do the wait for it, even the independent group change u. K. Or whatever theyre calling themselves this week are now onto their second woman leader. Theres only one party in this house letting us all down, the labor party. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Can i thank my right honorable friend for all she has done for women in parliament and in this country. From cofounding women to win to tackling Domestic Abuse and modern slavery. Will she urge her successor to build on her work and make britain the best place in the world to be a woman . Im very happy to urge that commitment for the future, but i thank my honorable friend for raising this particular issue, and im very pleased that under my government weve seen the gender pay gap at a record low, fema unemployment at a record high and a record percentage of women on executive boards. And were now seeing with our empowerment road map, were looking at how we can empower women in this country from school to retirement. I want women in this country to feel there are no limits to how far they can go and what they can do with their lives. We have disagreed on many things over the years but the Prime Minister knows that i have long respected her resilience, her commitment to public duty and her seriousness. And also her work on the National Security. And i can reassure her theres much to be done from the back benches, but she will also know that i said to her once that i believed she was not the kind of person who would take this country into a chaotic nodeal not least because of the advice shed had on the risks to our National Security. Im fearful about her successor, so can she reassure me that she really thinks in her heart that her successor will take those National Security warnings as seriously as she has, and if he doesnt in october, will she speak out . First of all i have every confidence that my successor will take all the oigs that he needs to look at in making these decisions and others across government as seriously as they need to be taken. But can i also say to her im sorry and i will say this, shes absolutely right that ive always said i believe its better for this country to lead with a good deal and i believe we negotiated a good deal. I voted three times in this house for a good deal. I spoke to the right honorable lady about this issue. If she was so concerned about the security aspect of no deal she should have voted for the deal. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister in every aspect of her public life has put her heart and soul into giving people the best chance in life. Without understandinga tistic people and their families which number 2. 8 million in the u. K. Are all at risk of being isolated and developing Mental Health problems. In thankling the Prime Minister for all the work shes done in furthering the issues surrounding Mental Health and removing the stigma, can i ask her after shes left the front bench to spend more meaningful time with her husband philip, if she will join the all partmentary group and become a champion and advocate for autitic people around the country. I think that act helped to raise the awareness issues and a much greater understanding of what we needed to in order to enable people with autism to lead fulfilling lives. There are many issues i want to take an interest in when im on the back benches. This is one along with the wider issue of Mental Health ill want to continue to look at, and i have committed to taking the autism training that the all party group has made available for parliament. Finally i call the motherinlaw of the house heriot harmon. Thank you mr. Speaker, its always a historic moment when the Prime Minister leaves Office Especially when the country faces such difficult times as we do ahead. But her departure marks another milestone because though were onto our 77th Prime Minister now, shes only the second woman ever to have held that office, and she put tackling Human Trafficking and the horrors of Domestic Violence as a priority at the heart of her government. And can i say in that respect her legacy is secure because everyone in this house backs that and we will all be committed to taking that forward. Even her harshest critics must recognize her integrity, her commitment to Public Service, her dedication to this country, and those are qualities that none of us should ever take for granted. But can i just offer her a word of sisterly advice, sometimes you just want to be a bit more careful when a man wants to hold your hand. I thank her for her service as our Prime Minister and i sincerely wish her all the very best in the future. Well, can i thank the right honorable lady for her question. And of course the right honorable lady joined this house in 1982 when there was a female Prime Minister, but very few women in this house. And she has played a very important role, and she can be proud of the role she played in ensuring more of the women came into this house as members of parliament and she started something which started to change the face of this house which has been very important. I of course came here in 1997 as one of only 13 conservative women. And indeed one labor member of parliament approached me. But im also proud. Im also proud to have played my part in getting more women mps in this house. And im sure amongst the women in this house today theres a future Prime Minister, maybe more than one. Later today as i said earlier i will return to the back benches, and it will be my first time in 21 years, so it will be quite a change from standing here at the dispatch box. Im told over the last three years ive answered over 4,500 questions, over 140 hours in this house. More than i might have expected, mr. Speaker. In the future i look forward to asking the questions. But we are as the right honorable lady has said living through extraordinary political times. This house of commons is rightly at the center of those events where and thats because of the vital link between every Single Member of this house and the communities, the commons that we represent. Thats the bedrock of our parliamentary democracy and of our liberty. And each one of us wherever we sit, whatever we stand for can take pride in that. And that duty to serve my constituents will remain my greatest motivation. [ applause ] following her appearance before the house of commons Outgoing British Prime Minister theresa may spoke on the change over of u. K. Leadership from 10 downing street, the Prime Ministers residence. Before going to buckham palace to tender her resignation to the queen and to recommend she ask boris johnson, the new conservative party leader, to form a government and become the u. K. s next Prime Minister. Her remarks are five minutes

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