Transcripts For CSPAN3 National History Day - Katherine John

CSPAN3 National History Day - Katherine Johnson A Quiet Triumph In A White... July 14, 2024

As long as theyre interested in it. And then they go out and they find they do research. And they find the resources to tell them the story but also try to figure out the significance of their topics in history. So theyre going into archives. Into museums. Into libraries. And theyre sifting through primary sources, secondary sources, and then theyre thinking critically about that and why their topic was important in history as related to an annual theme. And this year is theme is triumph of tragedy in history. And they present their findings in different formats. Of course one of the categories you see right behind me thats the exhibit category. And then theres also paper category. And theres dramatic performance. Documentary. Or website. So history day gives kids an opportunity to be creative in the way in which they present their information. So for performance category, like any other student at any other category, they first have to do the research. Good, Solid Research is the primary and secondary sources. Going into the museum, lets say its a civil rights topic. So theyre going to find someone to do an interview with. But basically, the research that historical quality, the information and the evidence, everyone has to do that. And then they have to think about that information in relationship to the theme. Triumph and tragedy in history. And determine why that topic is important, significant in history. What kind of change did it cause . Why should we care about this . And then finally, they present their information so they can choose any category and the students who choose performance, i think really have to want to be up in front of a lot of people. Its ten minutes. And when youre in front of judges, ten minutes is a long time. On the other hand, its a short amount of time if youve done massive amounts of research. And you want to tell everybody every single thing you know. And usually thats what they want to do. But they cant. And the reason that we have the time limit or like an exhibit thats a word limit is to help students be concise. To learn how to decide what information should be presented and what can they leave out. Catherine johnson was born in 1918 and grew up in aspiring to be a mathematician. Her father was a laborer and her mother stayed at home with the children. My father was the smartest man i knew. Educated only through the sixth grade. He could do numbers faster than you can bat your eyes. I had a very interesting childhood but education was the ply primary focus in my family. She entered high school when she was ten. She went to all black West Virginia State College at age 15 when she met professor ww clader. He was my mentor and he pushed me to pursue a career in research mathematics. He made me take all the courses in the college catalog. Sometimes i was the only one in the course. Catherine graduated with highest honors and took a job teaching at a predominantly black Public School in virginia. After a few years she left to enroll in a graduate math program. These were the years that catherine realized not only was her race a barrier but also her gender. The war created an opportunity for women to step into the work force and prove they could do the same work as men just as well if not better. But the tragic jim crow laws had racial tensions in the workplace and school systems. There was a shift in favor of african americans. Franklin d roosevelt gave back in a statement, 1941 freedom speech. He promised that men of every creed and every race. Wherever they lived in the world were entitled to freedom. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. She struggled to gain those rights and keep them. Our strength is our unity. He pledged to help overcome dictators in countries denying people of their freedom. He promised an end to discrimination. But action was slow to follow. In 1952. A news paper act caught the attention of my sister who were were living with. The ad read, women who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and do jobs previously filled by men should come to the memorial laboratory. And thats what i did. Years earlier, an ad like this would have been unthinkable for most employers who never would have considered a woman for a job that had always been performed by men. How tragic it was. That highly intelligent and qualified women did not have the opportunity to share their gifts and talents with the world. Having seen the paper, catherine and her husband went to hampden virginia to pursue the opportunity to work at langley. Catherine had to wait a year before she was hired as a human computer. Computers for women who solved difficult equations using remote adding machines and rulers. Nasa had many working for them. Whites and blacks. However, there was still segregation. In a small room, that was expected to fit 20 black workers or more. Can you imagine working long hours everyday. While the whites had spacious rooms sipping their good old cup of coffee. Not only that, but no matter how hard we worked, we were only paid 16,000 a year. While the men took home 26,000. Thats a 10,000dollar difference. After a few weeks working there. Dorothy vaughn, my supervisor, i never looked back. We had big data sheets. 25 lines down. It was fascinating. Soon it was obvious that she was different than the other computers. I was denied. They said women dont usually come to these things. It was shocking hearing them say that to me. She fought back telling them. I need to be there. Yet still i was denied. I asked once more if theres a law that women cannot go into the briefings. Catherine used logic and her intellect. After a few months, they gave in. And she was allowed into an all male all white briefing room. Continuing her triumphant mission to desegregate and create a more Inclusive Work environment. She was the first woman in her branch to sign her name on a researched report. However, the fact that it was so hard for her to get equal treatment was tragic. If she wasnt so determined, her talent would have never been acknowledged. In 1967, the first satellite in space, between america and the soviet union. She said the russians had a vehicle riding around looking down on you. So nasa sent out to send somebody up to hook down too. The soviet union sent the first human in space. President john f. Kennedy said i believe that this nation should commit itself to the goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth. Wanting to have part in exploring the space frontier, and afraid of the soviet unions new military advantage, nasa began to work on reaching that goal. My team and i performed an analysis for the mission. 23 days after the orbit of earth. He became the First American to fly in space. In 1962. John glen orbited earth. Nasa has recent hi acquired this first ibm computer programmed to calculate the trajectory. But manufactured computers were known to make mistakes. Human computers were not needed as much. But they were hesitant in putting their lives in the hands of giant machines. They refused to get in the spacecraft unless catherine republican johnson checked the numbers. He says get the girl to check the numbers. If she says theyre good. Im ready to go. I worked through every unit of calculation. When i delivered the data sheetings the project mercury engineer, i had no doubt they were correct. I was so happy for the success of the orbital mission. I may not have been recognized at the time. But im so proud of me and my teams work. John will be long remembered for his time in space, his courage, and his service to all americans. Working on the Apollo Mission. He calculated the apollo 11 trajectory. The most important Apollo Mission catherine worked on was apollo 13. Three days after apollo 13 launched planning to hand on the moon. An air tank exploded. Putting the three astronauts on board in mortal terror. It took me a few hours to find a way to send the men home. The astronauts would have to fly around. And the moons gravity would shoot apollo 13 back to earth. The astronauts would have to use the limited amount at specific times. My calculations brought the men home safely. Catherines success didnt end there. In 2015, catherine was awarded a president ial medal of freedom from president barack obama. Mrs. Johnson, mathematical skills and persistent to acquire equal treatment in the workplaces laid the ground work for future women scientists and mathematicians. Nasa would never have been able to be right back their talent if she hadnt been so determined. America may have never had such triumphs which would have been a very tragic loss to the scientific community. As eloquently stated by mrs. Johnson, some students will drop out of the public eye and go away, but well always have science, engineering, technology, and math mathematics. A true reflection of Catherine Johnsons vision. To Work Together and have an equal chance to follow their dreams no mat matter the race. United in friendship. We stand together in aspiring scientists, actors, doctors, engineers, and our career possibilities are endless because of women who wouldnt let anyone tell them to stay in the kitchen. [ applause ]. This National History day performance of catherine johnson, a quiet triumph in a white mans world won second place over 500,000 students competed at the local level. Just 3,000 students advanced to the National Contest at the university of maryland. You can learn more about National History day at nhd. Org. Weeknights this month, were featuring American History tv programs as a preview of whats available every weekend on cspan 3. This week, we focus on our weekly lectures in history series. Which takes you into College Classrooms around the country. Tonight, a discussion on the American Revolution and how George Washington interact with fellow soldiers. How he viewed himself and how hes remembered today. American history tv airs at 8 00 p. M. Eastern and every weekend on cspan 3. Watch book tv for live coverage of the National Book festival. Saturday, starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Our coverage includes author interviews with Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg on her book my own words. David troyer the heart beat of wounded north korea. Sharon robinson, child of the dream. Rick atkinson, the british are coming. And he discussed his book super minds. The National Book festival Live Saturday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on book tv on cspan 2. In the wake of the recent shootings in el paso, texas, and dayton, ohio, the House Judiciary Committee will return early from the summer recess to mark up three gun violence prevention bills which include banning high capacity ammunition magazines, restricting firearms from those deemed by a court to be a risk to themselves. And preventing individuals convicted of misdemeanor hate crimes from purchasing a gun. Live coverage begins wednesday september 4th at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. And cspan. Org. If youre on the go, listen to live court and jury coverage using the free cspan app. The United States declared war on mexico, may 13th 1846. What became known as mr. Polks war resulted in more than 500,000 square miles of new u. S. Territory. Right now on American History tv, author joseph weilan talks about his book invading mexico. In which he chronicles james polks desire to acquire california through war. This is 50 minutes. Good evening, on behalf of the staff and the owners of books and music, i both welcome you and thank you for supporting your own independent bookstore. Were honored to have mr. Joseph weiland

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