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Were going to be talking about Public Diplomacy in the trump administration. At least i think someone who studies this extensively, not enough has been really coming forth about the senior official ain the bureau of public affair. She joined the state department of february 3rd, 2018 and a year later, she became, she was already assistant secretary, but took on the responsibilities of the undersecretary of state. So this is a very ambitious and interesting effort which has now created the bureau of Global Public affairs. Of which she is the head. She brings a a breath of global Strategic Communication experience. She was Global Corporate Communications President in new york. And she has previously in washington work ed for Newt Gingrich on his Communications Team and Communications Director for go pac. She holds aers degree in political management from George Washington university and degree in Political Science from ucla and one of the things that impressed me most was that she was team captain on the usa gymnastics team, which i think is fabulous. Thank you so much for being here on this rainy morning. Over to you. Thank you for the introduction. Were excited to have a conversation around Public Diplomacy and communicating American Values, Foreign Policy and really engaging the public in advancing the interests of the United States all across the world. Theres never been a more important time for Public Diplomacy. Public diplomacy today is more important than ever. Engaging people, engaging the public, individuals and citizens in American Values, in american Foreign Policy and the Critical Issues of our time is not only a nice to do, but a requirement for success. And theres a number of factors krinlting to this. The world is increasingly interconnected. Transparent. And so youve got a number of factors that are making Public Diplomacy core to how we succeed at the stiate department. The first is technology. We know theres a proliferation of channels. Platforms and new ways that were able to communicate with citizens from across the world so were enfwanlging and having conversations and reaching new audiences through these tools and channels. It presents enormous amounts of opportunity, but then you have Technology Driving new challenges and risks. If you read the acpd report the Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, the report in 2017 on can can Public Diplomacy survive the internet . Take a look at the trends to almost now three years ago that theyre highlighting. Chat bots. Artificial intelligence. The scale and speed of technology and the tools now to pump information into this ecosystem were all living in has dramatically changed and presents a lot of risks. You can use it as tools forfection and were seeing malign actors use it to spew disinformation into the world so theres a lot of risks and new opportunity that technology is bring iing to the way in which do Public Diplomacy. In parallel, you see more people having empowered voices. Social media allows people to have their voices heard, speak up. Their voices now are r more empowered through technology and these platforms. And communicate with people more important than ever to Public Diplomacy. With china, with russia, with the Islamic Republic of iran and there is more demand and you know, importance to the way in which we communicate American Values across the world more so than in any other time and engaging people in that message and in those stories to help advance the values of the United States thats really the heart of Public Diplomacy. So we know that diplomacy isnt just government to government conversations anymore. We have to engage with the public and people and what were doing. We just celebrated the 230th anniversary of the state department and we know that our missi mission has stayed the same, which is to advance american interests in every corner of the world. But how requires new thinking. Public di ploem is at the forefront. So a quick overview of how doing that, the state department into their areas of expertise, weve got thousands of Public Diplomacy officers engaging the americans and communicating t the every major media market and region where were engaging with the media and foreign audiences and because we know theres a lot of where it hasnt penetrated. Were engage digitally we have thousands of subscribers of the state department. Having real time conversations. Using those as really important listening tools to understand whats important to the audiences were trying to communicate with. Well talk about tech camps. Civil Society Leaders in countries to help them use digital and help them advance civic engagement. Transparency. Empowering more voices through social media. Were engaging in through the gec. Countering information from state and nonstate actors. Through eca, amid this dingital and technology change, not forgetting that human relationships and people to people ties and interaction are still at the core of how we do our job. Those human relationships amid this change are more important than ever. So matt will talk about that. I think one of the ways as was mentioned earlier that were really trying to modernize and advance how we do Public Diplomacy for 2019 and beyond is this merger that we just did to create the new bureau. The whole purpose and mission was to elevate and accelerate how were communicating with audiences around the world in real time to advance our policy and to advance our values. I was pleased to leave this alongside nicole, head of the International Information programs bureau. To create Global Public affairs. We increased resources to inform and measure and improve how were communicating in audiences and with audiences across the world. A lot of emphasis on content and different ways and creative ways that we can communicate with audiences across multiple platforms. Whether it be traditional and digital and emerging platforms and future focus on platform, that will be emerging. Whether its augmented reality, virtual reality, ai but how are we thinking about communicating in nothose platforms to make su were advancing american diplomacy. So seeing a lot of ways through the mergerer in dploebl pibl affair of how were deepening and enhancing our ability to communicate across the world. And you know, one of our greatest advantages and ill close with this, is that the United States amid all this change and technology, amid great power competition, has the best story to tell. Thats our competitive advantage. It is the values and founding values that make our country the most successful and prosperous country in the history of the world and american Foreign Policy today, our story is grounded in our founding principles and our fundamental values under the leadership of President Trump and secretary pompeo. Right. We know at the state department our first due tty is to the American People. To advance their interests, to protect their security and to defend their values. And in that pursuit, and if focus of the state department is to seek and find and create partnership and friendship and cooperation aalliances with with countries and strong sovereign independent nation. Who share our values, who choose independence and cooperation over global governance. Who respect the rights of their neighbors. Theyre people, their pride. Their patriotism. So at the state department, we are uniquely positioned because of our global footprint, because of the ways in which we communicate with people in ways all across the world, not just here at home. Had a great story to tell about the partnership, friendship and cooperation that we helped create with countries across the world that share our interests in order to achieve mutual gain. You can see this in the ministerial to advance religious freedom. The first was hosted last year at the state department. He did it again this year. Huge gathering. More than 100 countries r participated to help advance religious freedoms. Think about how we end religious persecution across the world. To defeat isis the United States as well as 80 plus countries coming together to think about how to stop the threat of isis everywhere across the world. You see anytime the new trade deal the president just signed with Prime Minister abe. In the usmca. The warsaw ministerial we participated in 2019 in february, you have countries coming together the to think about middle east peace and security. We now have several working groups. The United States will host one. So will south korea, bahrain and romania and poland. To talk about in partnership with multiple countries how were going to help peace and security in the United States and all across the world. Sorry, the middle east. You have them coming together to support the interim president. So this is americas story. Our Public Diplomacy mission. Were bringing the tools to bear in order to engage the public in the Critical Issues o our time. To communicate our interests to advance and protect them. Day in and day out so that we are serving the interests of f the United States and those of our fellow citizens. And so with that, ill turn it over to my colleagues here. Ill introduce first nicole chulick, shes a Senior Foreign Service officer. Spent much of her career in south asia before helping me to spearhead the e realignment of gpa. Then to matt lussenhop. Also a Senior Foreign Service officer who served much of his career in the middle east and most recent lly seved in bell g and morocco then well hear from Chris Dunnett to tell you about their work in countering influence operations from our global adversaries, particularly in the Digital Space w. That, over to nicole. Thank you, michelle. So as michelle just mentioned, there has never been a more exciting or important time to be engaged in Public Diplomacy and communication. In shaping how the United States communicates policy and values overseas and dmoesically. The Global Public affairs was created to strengthen communications at the department of state. Were now four months old. Let me tell you about its creation. The goal of the merger of the two bureaus at state, the bureau of International Information programs and bureau of Public Affairs was to effectively Shape Communications for the United States around the world. Our focus was to bring together the west best of both worlds of those two bureaus, focused on Strategic Communications. The merger isnt a new idea. That 20 Year Anniversary is tomorrow. So this merger of iip and pa is long overdue. And something that had been talked about for years. Public affairs was traditionally focused on communicating Foreign Policy to domestic and foreign audiences where as iip focused on context yulizing. They took the guidance and ran with with i. Created the structure and framework for the new bureau and flusheded out the details. They worked with hr folks, budget folks. Lawyers, to make sure we were doing it all right. That we were getting the Human Resources and money piece right and developed the structure. My colleague will talk about the programs weve realigned because while focusing the bureau, we realized there are some places an programs that would be better housed in other part of the Public Diplomacy family. Integrated, agile and future proofed. Integrated. We integrated the two bureaus, taking the best of both worlds. Iip, story telling and communications, their ability to understand foreign audiences and working with posts to get insight on the ground and combine that with Public Affairs strategic approach. With Public Affairs connection, direct connection to Foreign Policy. So we brought the best of both worlds together. An example. In mid july as michelle had mentioned, secretary pompeo host ed the second ministerial to advance religious freedom in washington. The 2019 was the largest of its kind in the world. More than 11,000 Civil Society actors, religious leaders and more than 100 foreign dell dpagss that were part of the ministerial. Gpa, the bureau of Global Public affairs, was critical in shaping the narrative around this event. We used nor traditional tools, and swer views with the press as well as the flag ship social media platforms. And we captured key moments. Back to the idea of integration. One of the things michelle mentioned is the use of data and analytics to shape our message. To do that on the front end to make sure were reaching the audience we need to with the most effective message. But also to be able to do that on the back end. So how quick will they be able to deliver key messages to key audiences . How do we get the message out to make sure the truth is out there before the misinformation and disinformation . Last week, we were consumed with the u. N. General assembly, the president and secretary, and it was an excellent opportunity to highlight American Values as well as our engagement on the bilateral front. Our campaign produced a 40 increase in public interaction with content on our flag ship Digital Properties when compared to our 2018 messages around the u. N. General assembly. Pretty proud. Previous efforts were isolated and focused on key events and speeches rather than the narrative around the u. N. General assembly so the difference is that we looked a themes that we wanted to push. The narratives he wawe wanted t presenting through our interviews and through our social media platforms. And we tightly organized around that. And it worked. Future proofed. This isnt about moving boxes around on a chart or adding capacity that would only work in the shortterm. We were looking for a structure that would make sense five years, ten years down the line into the future and that means having written into our structure and the way we work a focus on explore iing new platforms, new technologies, best practices, not only the technology, but also the in person connections and relationship building. We try to create a bureau that would attract Diverse Talent and be relevant years to come. With three in mind, integrated, agile, future proofed and a focus on learning and development in the new bureau, we believe we will deliver on those Effective Communication tools that we will effectively communicate policy and American Values for many secretaries of state. Thank you. Hi. Im the assistant secretary at the bureau of Cultural Affairs at the state department. Pca. At eca, our focus is on that critical element of Public Diplomacy, people to people changes. As the assistant secretary was saying in an increasingly digital world, meaningful real world interaction are more important than ever so when malicious actors like china or russia try to split people apart through misinformation, our counter is to bring people back together to establish relationships that bridge divides and that build Human Networks of people in the yit and overseas where united in both thought and action. President Trumps National Security Strategy is clear. Create the networks of future and current political Civil Society and educational leaders who will extend the free and prosperous world. Id like to highlight three elements of how eca approaches its work in this field. First, our programs are effective because we create network of like minded alumni around the world. In fact, our assistant secretary, marie royce, is in thailand today for a meeting of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative program, bringing 150 youpg leyoung leads together to talk to them about the future. Shes there with them today. Second, a lot of programs are evergreen. Theyre flexible and adaptable. And finally, the third, Virtual Technology to leverage in an change, were streamlining operations with the merger and were improving programs through robust monitoring and evaluation. We move people to move ideas to move policy. Our programs are best thought of as an investment. Theyre an investment in people. People around the world who become key allies of the United States. And american citizens who through our programs, gain valuable experience. And skills that help them be more successful. He was from the country of georgia. As a student in texas, he got straight as. J the jazz band. Homecoming prince. Went back to georgia. Its one of the most prestigious and valued Exchange Programs that we have. We let them see the United States lead americans. They were able to address pri priorities like religious freedom. And advancing womens participation in the economy. Womens Global Development prosperity initiative, we hosted 18 Women Leaders from around the world who are here in the United States meeting with u. S. Companies, business incubators, financial institutions, government representatives, looking at ways to reduce legal, regulatory and culture barriers to womens full participation in the economy. The full Bright Program as well. The wellknown Academic Exchange program which sends thousands of students, scholars, professionals, from the united stat states, specific, regional priorities of the government. Hes part of the that we have north Korean Defector community and helps him attend university in the United States. He was homeless in north korea. Spent four years on the streets. He was abandoned by his parents. He faced starvation and terrible brutality. He escape d to china and made hs way to south korea and got an education. Well now hes currently a full brighter. At a university here in the district area. Still getting his ph. D. In conflict resolution. Again to support the white house Global Development and prosperity initiative. And this is one of the programs that incorporates a virtual element. It combines a platform of online tools and also in person interactions, so the goal of the program is to provide women with knowledge tools and networks they need to turn their ideas into successful businesses. Ivanka trump launched a program in colombia this summer. This week well will launching a program in chile at the asia pacific cooperation women in the economy forum. As assistant secretary mentioned, some programs that have been part of the iip bureau have been b folded into the eca bureau. A lot of thought went into that. We incorporated the office of american spaces which supports american spaces around the world. Cultural centers and so forth. That office is much more closely link ed with offices like fullbright, english language program, Global Education programs and i think we see grater efficiencies in that merger. Id also like to mention evaluation and monitoring. We have our own Division Within eca, the goal is to capture the longterm impact of eca programs as well as do rapid assessments op the effectiveness of programs. Using these tool, were constantly refining and improving our programs so those three, alumni, evergreen and efficient evaluation are three key factors of eca as we approach doing Public Diplomacy 21st century. With that, over to chris. Thanks, matt. The Global Engagement center is really focused on one of the key challenges of our time and thats to expose and counter state and nonstate sponsored prop gaganda. Specifically tharks propaganda thats targeted at undermining policies, stability and our interests around the world and not only those of the United States but also our allies and partners. I would say the gecs activities and its mission are closely linked to Public Diplomacy. We Work Together all the time, but go a bit beyond that in that we incorporate also elements like intelligence and some operational aspects as well. Its really under that think evolved their role really encountering extremist dialogue online and trying to thwart recruitment and misuse Information Space to inspire people to violent extreez israel m and we got the counter and state sponsored propaganda and generally manipulation of the information environment by our nation state competitors. The actors we are focused on iran, russia, north korea and china as primary state actors. And as we use the tools as matt talked abilit eed about, buildi networks over time, we look at how can we plug into those its really with other countries. The fundamental advantage we have over our adversaries that seek to misuse the Information Space is that we have partners and they dont. Generally. So the gec in many parts of the u. S. Government interagency work constantly with partner governments, really worldwide. Through a variety of formal and Informal Partnership arrangements. To expose pernicious disinformation and ultimate ly o deter our adversaries from trying to attack us with this means. I like to liken the purvey eorss of adversary yal disinformation to internet scammers. Ultimately, what theyre doing is throwing a bunch of staff us, trying to manipulate us into doing something thats not in our interest. As with email, spam and cyber attack, we cant stop our adversaries from doing what theyre doing. From throwing that stuff at us. We have to focus on shaping the environment in a way such as regardless of what the adversaries do. Theyre less likely to be successful. If you think about it, you know this really calls for a focus on you know, building awareness and defenses. People today are much less likely today to click on or believe the dcontent of some sketchy email and people have antivirus and malware tools that are installed. Thats increased awareness and defenses. Thats really what were looking at. Some of the ways the gec is delivering on this mission, first of all, we continue to execute on the coordinating efforts from isis and its affiliates. Alqaeda and other terrorists organizations. One example of how were involved in this and the partnership weve soak spoke b ben about is the gec helps to lead and support the coalitions working group and its london based Communications Cell and we have a staff member that is part of f that. Exposure of add sayre yell operations. The gec convene, tech demos, national lab, groups from communities, present their technologies to a panel of experts to assess how they might be applied on this challenge of adversarial disinformation. Through this, gec has identified several technologies that were developed for other purposes, other things from the Insurance Industry to marketing and advertising that have great promise for helping us to detect and defend against this kind of digital manipulation. To adapt and test these technologies against real world disinformation challenges out in the field. We have something online, you can find it called the disinfo cloud. Where theres information b about these technologies, not all of the information is there for obvious reasons. They have a Research Team using the most sophisticated sign to help our government and our partners better understand predict and preempt foreign disinformation. Were developing partnerships to build resistance to disinformation by getting contact out there that can both compete and inoculate vulnerable audiences against disinformation. All of the academic resernl points to that we use the word counter. The human brain has a hard time sort of overcoming that and any of f us who have a mother who sends us stuff on social media knows that challenge. So inoculation is important. And the gec is funding numerous projects that were building the Technical Skills of Civil Society organizations, ngos and lowball independent media to shed light on the spread of disinformation because its really these local credible voices that are the most effe effective in their own communities. And finally, propaganda and disinformation, these are challenges as old as human society. This is not new. This is a soes owe culture problem thats accelerated and intensified and made more dangerous by todays communications technologies. Thats really why the gec getting after the problem by both technological and societal approaches. So be happy to take any of your questions. Well have 15 minutes here for q a. Those who would like to ask a question, please identify yourself by name and affiliation. So this man here in the front. Its heartening to see anytime the government organizes in a way to have a more coherent response. My question would be right now, there is a very powerful, almost a b strangle hold on our Information Space google, youtube, facebook and twitter. Aside from the legacy media. They control in a very large way what people find when they go online to find out about anything. I think its been fairly well documented. Theyre not particularly a menable to the policies of the trump administration. Consequently, when people go to find out what the state departments doing, what secretary pompeo has said and other things, the space is not level. The Playing Field is not level. Do you guys see a way to push for more transparency in the way they build their algorithms to ensure that theres a marketplace of ideas where the best ideas win and not one that in many ways by the views of those three Major Technology companies. We partner closely through the gec, but partner closely with social media companies, have those relationships to make sure that were doing things as effectively as possible in communicating with audiences around the world. You saw in President Trumps address at the u. N. General assembly, he called out this challenge about Tech Companies more broadly having a large amount of influence in the type of information they tha gets seen. So id say its an ongoing con ver sags. We certainly bring up the challenge for us to consider, but we work very closely in having that conversation with them. Hi, my name is angel. The question is today, we hear a aboutat people highlightscoulde the trageds tragedies physicaly towards asianpacific countries . Thank you so much. I will start off. With regard to uncertainty, the president has been clear, the secretary has been clear from day one about the values that we hold, our mission set in achieving american diplomacy across the world. As i mentioned earlier, it is focusing on american sovereignty, on partnering with strong sovereign and independent nations who share our values, whose values have always sovereignty. Those values have also included rule of law. Human indignity, religious freedom. Those have been h istoincredibl consistent. Not onlyegard in this administ, but throughout the course of americanry. So with regard to uncertainty and Public Diplomacy and the values that were advancing, those have remained quite c canged. Any comments on the asia pacific . I would say from the Global Engagement center, were working in asiaia pacific, not just respect the china. We look at the threat actors are doing worldwide. Say some things that are pri priorities that are helping societies there to maintain open access to you know crede bable information. Such as concentration as media ownership. P. Rt of manipulation of access, we see this access to information as o really an important part of peoples rights so were kind on helping societies there that we helped partnered with for many years and helped them to understand whats going on in their Information Space and how they might make sure theyre monitoring that. Of id add that the exchange ise a critical part of our engagement in the endo pacific region. I mentionedte a lot the young s asias leaders nicinitiative. We do a lot of work to encourage foreign students to come to the study. States and ally. China is the large ers center of students to the United States to study internationally, so theres i the human, people to people element is still critically important. Are folks in Mission China who are in country communicate h all thehe time on as many channelsr au asdi they can about american policy, American Values with a chinese audience and with otherr goes audiences across asia. That happens at the hub, at post and through in terron communications as well. Its the uncertainty that wl seems to be at the a heart of t confusion over many country, including allies as well as bout theres having people pointet within the state department to t talk about these policies at a t high level with a great deal o credibility. Thatat seems to be the problem n the uncertainty. This streamlining thats going on, its all well and good but if youre not focused on deal wg the uncertainty of policy. How can you really be that effective. I would ask what uncertaintya are yound talking about . Specific examples . We are, white house anddlast s department have been orea,. Ho theres been a lot of talk for the last several years in the policy community about how to o deal with north korea. Moving towards denuclearizationh the idea is that there should b. No efforts that would encourage north korea to keep their nuclear facile theties. The president has talk eed abou this is something every nation, dont worry about it. Most of the other people that are outside the government dont believe thats really in the longterm interest ofs, jap thed states. Ng to thats one area i follow. The whole thing with the trade with china. Ple abou even advancing the negotiation in any way. No, i would just say with your example about north korea, youre citing differencesminist what the administration is saying and outside of government. So not necessarily about our unity. White house and state department have been in lock step and unified in our message and then when it comes to china and, ng, trade, president has been very clear broadly about trade and the values of fairness and reciprocity. Thats what we are charged with communicating and thats making surereciprocar t of tfairness a. A part of the conversation, the values were talking about when it comes to american Foreign Policy. Government broadcast agencies how effective do you think pumping information to north h korea will be in getting American Values across . Can you rephrase . In how effectively w do you belg pumping information outside of north korea will be effective . Certainly we see a lot of challenges with sharing information with any closed community or society. As you mentioned, voice ofhe america and the usadm properties more broadly, theyre separate from the state department, butm we sit on the board. Certainly have a really valuable part to play in naking sure wereot tryingher ways. Ns a c t communities and other ways. As it remains a challenge. North koreas an example andhavy some other countries, gec tackles this challenge as well, wu you have to be creative in thinking about not only media channels, but you know, influencers, communities, the networks were creating through our people to people ties. Lets take a question from the front. A georgetown student and i would like to ask about how e this ragpa and state departmentn general advocate for public isl diplomacy at athome. Weve seen a rise sentiments. Thats a good question. As part of it was creatingonin to American People about the value overseanes and why we do it. The reasoning behind foreign policies and how we do that overseas. Outreach to the American People wewe partner with colleagues to get out broadly and spread the message about the state department and what we do. Id add that you know, one o important mandate for improving Cultural Affairs is to encourage americans to go overseas and eck appearance foreign cultures and places. Ink th we build up the importance of Foreign Relations and Foreign Policy. Yes . Had a question there. I want to thank you very much for beingngs here today and mak this overall presentation about the strategic direction. You for its great that we have. Everyone together. T and id and we have great representation so thank you for that. I wonder if theres a follow upi in terms of increasing awareness and access to participation. In many of these programs. Are there events scheduled perhaps back at your department that we should become aware of or begin to follow to be able te identify some of the talent that we have here to participate in many of these initiatives . A key element is to get American Communities and visi americansto involved. Ican vol through our International Leadership program would not work without american volunteers who are willing to provide hospitalities and willing to share their time and spend timeu with our participants. The same with a will the of ili youth exchanges. S. We could not do them if we didnt have host families who were willing to step up and hos, students. So i think we have a pretty ati robust presence on the internet websites and los of information on how americans can get involved in international exchange. Get involved in international exchange. So, i would encourage you to take a look at that. Rtment we also have the u. S. Dip lob ma sili center, more about publ diplomacy. A lot of great exhibits on the history of diplomacy and current conversations as well. I think you gave me a good he idea so maybe well follow up more specifically on some of those activities and initiatives. I mentioned the hol tech dem. Wi we hold those aboutut everyy other week at the we work location over near the white house so that theyre more easily accessible to our outside partners. So, if people have an interest in those. Thank you. Ur h wean had a question over her. Do you have a question . Hi. My name is david jackson. Opst im a formerate director of vom of america, but also had the opportunity to work in the Stat Department after that. One of the things i remember is i was very impressed by the e, t Public Diplomacy people at state at that time but also got the r impression that apd was sort ofa secondclass citizen in those days. And my question is, is this recent consolidation managed to finally give the attention and the focus on pd that was lacking in the past . Ill start and then ill turn it over to my Foreign Service colleagues. In my year h andalf a half at t state department, i have not witnessed that secondclass citizendi portrayalplom of publh diplomacy. To my point earlier, i think. Public diplomacy is more important than ever. It is integrated deeply with tho policy, we work hand in hand with the policy makers. This is the same thing thats happening across the private sector as well when you see dre marketingrs working hand in han with the business side, business drivers, csuite, and thats because the world is so interconnected and transparent. Anything, any action policywisk that wereing taking communicat something. So, you have Public Diplomacy at the center of that. Ive seen it rise if anything. I would agree with that. Really the integration of the strengths of iip and pa have elevated that functionality and that function. Are part its one of the things that excites me about the new bureau is that we do have a seat at the table and are part i of those conversations as michelle said. I mean, i if you just look at how people reflect the aders policy, we have public diplomaco officers in leadership positions around the department, lots of deputies now and chief submission. My counterpart in the bureau of European Affairs is the former pd officer and former ion taki ambassador. Sort of orkinge wastle a any v integration, its goa to take a while to get the fit right. But i think p at this point it working very, veryt smoothly. Asas a pd officer myself, i ust po certainly dont feel likein a secondclass citizen. Yeah, i guess i would just point to the National Security council has inaugurated a strategicommunica communicatiot policy Coordination Committee which is sort of the ultimate blessing that is either important or problematic. But it will take an important at solving problems in this case. N so, i think that there is increasing, certainly from the beginning of my career, thing increasing recognition that Public Diplomacy isnt somethingng separate but itss just part the tool kit toed advancing whatever policy interest were working on. Okay. I know that our panelists have to go back and take care of so important business. So, i think we will wrap up at s this point. I want to thank you all so very much for coming. This has been absolutely fabulous. And hope that we can continue ti dialogue. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [ applause ]rformed tional cwhir be with us later today when former cia director David Petraeus talks about nato and a number of other topics. This is hosted by Johns Hopkins international studies. It starts today at 4 45 eastern on cspan. Later Canadian Party leaders including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau take part in a debate in quebec ahead of the election. See live coverage of that at 7 00 p. M. Eastern also on cspan, online at c spaspan. Or with the cspan radio app. Tonight on the communicators, fcc commissioner Michael Oriley on the d. C. Federal appeals ruling that the agency can repeal Net Neutrality but cant break state laws. I think what youre going to see is a number of states have acted and do things i disagree with. Having 50 different states pull us in different directions, some with Net Neutrality, some with Net Neutrality in another way is not what the structure should be. Its not interstate commerce. Its why we have an interstate commerce clause, in my opinion. And its not something they have expertise in because theyre supposed to be governing intrusstate traffic. There is no intrastate traffic on the internet. The house will be in order. For 40 years, cspan has been providing america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and ub approximate lick policy events from washington, d. C. And around the country so you can make up your own mind. Created by cable in 1979, cspan is brought to you by your cable provider. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. And now a discussion on the Opioid Epidemic and Substance Abuse recovery efforts. This portion includes a panel on drug addiction research. Speakers include gentlemen memo adams along with medical experts. From the oxford house in washington, the segment is about 2 1 2 hours. Okay. Were about ready to begin the next session. Come get your seats. In the main ball room is the panel on addiction, whats n

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