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Town hall in norfolk, virginia. And Live Saturday at 1 00 p. M. Eastern, senator Bernie Sanders at a bernies back rally in new york city. Watch on cspan any time on cspan. Org and listen wherever you are using the free cspan radio app. At our table this morning, congresswoman debbie lesko, republican of arizona, member of the Judiciary Committee. Twipt start with your rreactio to the last couple of days and recent testimony behind closed d doors of the impeachment inquiry. We learned yesterday that from former assistant secretary that there was concern from john bolton down the way the ukraine was being handled by Rudy Giuliani. John bolton the formerrenade na security adviser referring to him as a hand grenade. And that instructing the officialsls to go to white housy lawyers with what they were yes learning. Te you also have then testimony yesterday by an official who hao experience in ukraine saying he. Was told to lie lowow when he raised concerns about rudy ite u giuliani. Do youugu have concerns about w was happening at the white thee house . First of all, i want to say that there has been a pattern be my democratic colleagues to tryi to undermine the president of the United States. And thats been obvious in the Judiciary Committee since the beginning of this session. And so, of course, first for two years it was they were convinceo that theyll had proof that trum clueded with russia. O and that turned out to be not s true. To then theytr of wept obstruction of justice and now its this whistleblower r the complaint. The thingpr actua is that presi actually released the actual transcript of the call. There was no quid pro quo as they are alleging their tl was. The President Trump said there was no quid pro quo. The president of ukraine said there was none at all. And also the u. S. Envoy, kurt volker said there wasas none as well. Im concerned about the process that the democrats are ndoing. First of all, there is no evidence, no impeachable thing that weve seen. We have the actual transcripts. D the so it doesnthand really mar what a second hand story from a whistleblower says. Then you have this process. Theyre not going to have a repl vote. Like they have for clinton and there was a vote to authorize the actual impeachment inquiry that had a set of guidelines, due process procedures. Theyre not giving President Trump any of that. He cant bring his counsel in. I dont know. Im on the Judiciary Committee which is typically the committet that of an impeachment we go through. They moved it out of that i committee. They put itn inin an intelligen committee and other committees and they dont even open it up. To the public or other members. O in fact, there was another member from judiciary that tried to go into the hearing and got m booted out. I mean, this is really unfair to members of congress, dwoent kwe know what is going on. There is selective leaking by h the yodemocrats. The only things that youre hearing and what you just talked about are leaked by the democrats. I hostmean, this is really tras unconscienceable i think. The white house transcript was as is not memo n that memo, this is not a word for word nt transcript. Do you believe from the transcript that the president t asked a Foreign Government for help in the u. S. Elections . And if so, should that is es that appropriate for a president to do . No. T beli i dont believe he did. And i i read the transcript. I read the whistleblower was de complaint. I read the office of Legal Counsel opinion which said the Inspector General saidte that there was detected bias with o d whistleblower. I encourage you to read it. Its not that long. Krtranscript of the call. It starts out congratulating the president of ukraine. They had a parliamentary election. Congratulating him on that. Coun then it goes into basically talking about how other countries are not giving aid toe ukraine. And so thats what President Trump has been saying all alongm he was concerned that other countries were not giving as e t much aidhe to ukraine as the United States is. And then it goes on to talk about the corruption of ukraine. Talking about crowd strike whice is astig company that was suppo to investigate the 2016 election interference. He talked about biden once in do that whole t thing. I did not see anything did n impeachable otthere. I didnt see any quid pro quo. There was none. None and so i think, again, this is this is something the democrats have been doing since, well, since President Trump got elected. They dont like him. Going they want him to be gone. Elec and theyrete afraid hes goingo get reelected. Ho and this is what this impeachment thing is about. I want to have you respond to adam schiff, the house ideo c intelligence chair. Li heres what he had to say yesterday about how this inquiry is being conducted. Fundame i think people need to understand the fundamental difference between where we area today with the ukraine the wa investigation and how the Russian Investigation was conducted and how thein watergau investigation and how thected. Clinton investigation weree conducted. In each of those cases there pr were eitheros independent counss or special prosecutors doing the investigation, doing the initial investigative work and that was all done behind closed doors. E a and it was done behind closed i doors for a reason by the pr special counsel and that is there is a profound investigative not only interest but need to make sure that one witness does not have an an opportunity to read another witnesss testimony and either hide the truth or color the truth or know just how much they can give andnd how much they ca conceal. Im sure the president would like Nothing Better than to have witnesses have the advantage ofp what othersecia are saying. There are reasons why the nixonl clinton investigation dz their investigations in like manner. There is no specialco counselnd investigation going on of the president s misconduct visavis u kore ukraine. None. Congress has to do it. Arent there is none is because Barrs Justice Department said there is nothing to see here. And we dont even want to look. Because the fundamental attitude of the attorney general is the president is aboveot abo the la. The president is not above the law. It forces congress to do the spe initial investigative work that normally a special counsel would do. Your response . N, a first of all, its a little hardtw to believe anything adam schuff says. Im sorry. But for two years he said he had proof that trump colluded and h coordinated with russia. That turned out to be false. Then in a committee hearing, he totally makes up a false narrative of the call between trump and the ukrainian president , calls it a parody which was totally unconscienceable. Then he says on national tv thau his office didnt have any contact with the whistleblower. That turned out to be false. Its a little hard to believe he is unbiassed and will is a difference between an unbiassed special counsel and adam schiff who is totally bias. He h a special counsel would notas b leaking selective information. E he has the closed door meetingso but then the whole l staff just leaks what they want to leak. I mean, this is insanity. Ere there is no due process or no sets of rules. But lets go back to the point thatim there is no evidence, nothing there to impeach the president of the United States. Theyre December Prats to try to undermine President Trump and t. Its not going toto work. Were taking your questions and comments. Republicans 2027488001. Yachts, 2027488000. Oes and independent, 8002. Where in the constitution does it say thatat there has to be a full house vote to start an e impeachment inquiry . There isnd nothing in the it constitution. Tlaen is no law about it. Repubi but it is done under both republican and democratic leadership in the past with both nixon and clinton. Because american citizens let alone the president of the United States should have due process. The this is a total politicallyy biassed impeachment inquiry in r closed door meetings where democrats are selectively luence determining what theyre going toamer leakican to the press, t influence the media and to influence the American Public. This is so unfair. How it would make it more ora fair by holding that house vote . Definitely make it more fair because youd have a set of d procedures and guidelines that would give due process to the cs the United States. Ue pro they werece able to have the witnesses in the room. E the just general Due Process Rights of any United States citizen lea alone the president of the United States. Theyre not doing any of that. And then they have this meeting, this caucus meeting, the up democrats yesterday and they rse decided well, were not going t put it upbe for a vote. T, but this he dont want the vulnerable democrats on the record. They want to talk about impeachment. They dontt want an official es impeachment inquiry with a vote as has been done in the past. Well go to david who is in ash lyn, mississippi, er independent caller. Youre up first. Caller yes, maam. Thank you for taking my call. And id like to know where she r gets this us there was no collusion between russia. They met with russia like over 140 times. Everything the president has done has benefited russia from syria to all of this foreign policy. I just dont understand why doing an investigation where nobody can coordinate the responses is so outrageous. I just dont understand. That information from the Robert Mueller report. He was a special counsel. And he worked for two years, he hadd 2800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, 42 fbi officers spent over 25 million in taxpayer dollars and his conclusion was d therein was no conspiracy, he couldldrussia ordcoordination, in fact, no american citizen ome colluded with russia to of in influence the 2016ve election. I got it right from there aftern two years of investigation. I rea vincent in tulsa, okla republican. Rl yes. I really dont know the rule. But if there is something he i didnt do can pelosi be in i dn trouble too . i dont know that Speaker Pelosi can be in trouble. But basically i think its really unfair to the president of the United States or in fact any citizen if youre not going to have a vote on the floor of i the housenq of representatives proceed with an impeachment inquiry and then have these closed door meetings where there is noeen s classified informt ive beeniv told by members and then just selectively release to what you want released. I mean any american citizen should see this for awhat it s its biassed. Its political. Its meant to undermine President Trump and influence the 2020 election. They didnt like the democrats had a meltdown on Election Night in 2016 when President Trump won. They just cant accept that he was a duly elected president of the United States. This is some of them said they were iout going to start to impeach the guy. I mean this is so obvious to me. Its so biassed. Its so unfair. There is no evidence there. Thash n theyre not getting anything done for the American Public. Keith in alabama, was wond independent. Caller yeah. I was wondering about joe biden. He says the media investigated him. Would that be cnn and msnbc . I dont think cnn and msnbc would be investigating joe bidet because theyre more interested in investigating and saying esin negativet things about donald p trump itears appears. But, you know, i do think its legitimate. I mean, come on. When last night in the debate when joe biden said something te the effect of he never talked to his son about the 50,000 a month he was getting paid from some Ukrainian Company or anything about his ukrainian business, how many people really believe he never talked about r that . I mean, and he even said in an fo interview, hunter biden said, yeah, fit wasnt for his basically said if it wasnt for my dads name, i probably wouldnt have got any of these deals in ukraine or china. Uk so i think, you know, its worth investigating what went on in tt ukraine and what went on in china. I think itssi worth it since h is running, joe biden is runnins for president of the United States. The American Public has a right to know. Ruth in charleston, south o,o carolina. Head. Democratic caller. Youre on the air. Go ahead. Caller yes. Since shes talking about joe biden right now, why didnt President Trump get his people in the United States to investigate and not have an outside person to investigate . That didnt look right. Plus the other thing i want to say ishis about his foreign po. Look at the mess thats going on right now. It shows he doesnt know anything about foreign policy. Y. And i am sorry. There was a bipartisan meeting we had to talk about syria and the turkish incursions there werent too many option thats President Trump had. Ys we basically, what happened is ind turkey called up President Trump and said were invading. Theyve been trying to invade for years now. S we had 24 troops at the border between turkeyyr and syr. The only reason they were there was to try to vet out isis op 1, members. And so youre not going to stop 15,000 turkish troops with 24 people. And, in fact, the United States troops probably would have possibly been killed. Not also, 1,000 troops in the southern syria is not going to e stop 15,000. Now the alternative would be oo that President Trump puts in more troops which would risk more troop lives or they bomb with air bombs turkish troops which is a nato ally. So there is no good options hos there. And so i respect to disagree ed with you,ogan maam. There is reporting this morning that theky president of electronicy is telling s electroni electronicy turkey he will not meet with mike pence and mike p, pompeo who have been dispatched to try to resolve the situation when they travel to turkey inhea stead, theyll be meeting with turkish counterparts. When donald trump comes here, i will talk to him. Thats what the turkish president said. Sion well,i as i said, the information that i have received is that the turkish president. Called President Trump and said were invading. And the military person at a high level that i spoke with said theyve been wanting to do this for years. So they were going to do it no matter if we kept our troops ps there on theth border, those 24 troops or not. And so president trum Health Care Plan trump had had to make a decision. Am i going to risk the lives of the u. S. Troops there or what are we going do . I mean, because you dont have a lot of options. O 24 troops or even if you count f the thousands that were in other parts of syria, theyre not going to stop a turkish invasion. So then youthen y either have tg in more soldiers and risk theiro lives or youd have to do bombing of the turkish troops and thats a nato ally. Now turkey and our relationship, you know, theres a whole other discussion about their actions. And so i do support sanctions against turkey. Thats one thing we can do. Well see what the effects are on that. Okay. , inde george,pe bernie, california, independent. Like to caller yes. I would like to ask your representative up there, she keeps saying that donald trump is so innocent. I read the whole Mueller Report including the appendix which pl mentioned title 13 section 1351 where it is illegal to you dissuade people from testifying before congress. Hes done that day in and day out. How do you justify that . Ill wait for the answer. Let me add, we learned that the prpt, others have declined, refused to hand over documents that were subpoenaed by this house committee. So adding on to georges h question, is it appropriate fors the white house to not to not followthrough with subpoenas . H george, i disagree with you. I serve on the judiciary eaony i committee. I heard testimonymuel directly Robert Mueller. And so there was no obstruction of justice that happened. You may think its wrong. But nothing impeachable has happened there. And so in answer to your question, greta, when this is such an unfair process and the theres given nopr due process the president of the United Statesclin as has been done und republican and democrat leadership in the past, in the clinton and nixon impeachment, i dont blame the president for not wanting to turn over thingss to adam schiff who has lied gs multiple times and who has these closed door hearings and then, you know, theyre supposed to be closed door. S youre not supposed to say anything. And then his staff, like, tells the media just selective things. I mean, this is a really unfairi process. Du ande unless its fairwith the given due process to the president , i agree with him. Why should he participate in this unfair process . Well go to chris. Ller saratoga springs, new york. Republican. Hey, debbie. I agree with that last statement, but my question is when do you think schiff will be investigated for his libelist and slanderous statements. M i signed on to a censure of adam schiff, but i dont think anything is going to be done e because the house, the majoritye of thean members in the house ae democrats so thatlo means theyp inow charge. So Speaker Pelosi has the total power to do anything she wants r toma adam schiff including removing him from chairmanship,t but shes not goingru to do it t becausehe they want President Trump to bethey act out of offi whether they actually impeach pd him or not, they just want the narrative to go on and on and on with undermining the president n of the United States, and it iso really unfortunate because we d have a n lot of really importan things that americans want us to do, and none of this is getting done. We need to reduce health care c costs. We need tori addressss fixing the border crisis. I mean, i have six bills alone i that would help fix the border crisis, but inan judiciary we committee, chairman nadler who is a democrat will not hear any of them. Were not each going to talk about that. How about theimportan usmca . And this is very important to the United States and none of this is happening. All were talking about is undermining the president of the United States. I think c its a big waste of time. A i camere n to congress to get ts done. Were not getting anything doneg all were doing is talking aboue President Trump, lsimpeaching h and everything else. Its really, really unfortunate. It actually hurt the American Public, not only for things that are not getting done, but what do you think other countries think . You know, liz cheney said, hey this may have been a factor whye turkey decided to invade right now because all were talking about over here is impeachment. Its very sad. Memphis, tennessee, larry isa watching there. Our line for democrats. Tak welcome to thein conversation. Yes. Thank you for taking my call. Okay,y, my question is whether k trump is so innocent with everything, why is he blocking everything, okay . Republicans spent eight years blocking obama and right nowow they have all kinds all kind of things sitting on mitch mmcconnells desk which he won move anything unless donald a trump tells him. So whats the deal . Well, as far as bills that od are sitting on mcconnells deska thank god hes not hearing them because the few things that have gotten through are so liberal. M do yoube know that the democrats number one priority bill is called hr1 was taxpayer funding and public funding of congressional campaigns. I mean, who wants that . Ive never heard a voter say they wantnt to pay for peoples campaigns. Also, thatould a bill would automatically register everyone 16 years and older to vote and theres no t penalty if you wer not supposed to vote so illegals would be registered to vote. These are the types of liberal policies the democrats in the s house aretu pushing through and thank god there is a republicang majority stopping this stuff. We have a c border crisis and instead of actually addressing the border crisis, they actually passed another bill. Egal hr6 that passed under the house that basically gives every that os brought here as a child doesnt matter if theyre 60 years old, legal status and i special pathway to citizenship. The American People dont want this, and so, thank god, that the senate is blocking it and n. Thats whyhy elections are so important. Travis is watching in olympia, washington. Go ahead, travis. Thank you for cspan and thank you for taking my call. I believe the reason why it ion hasnt gone towi judiciary is because nadlers opinion with the clinton impeachment, he are basically wanted to guard come b everything for clinton and theyre afraid it will come back his comments will come again for this trump inquiry, and also the Judiciary Committee, you would have to do them in open session and they. Keep doing this behind closed doors and all these comments from other callers are saying that the represent thinks hes innocent and hes innocent. All shes saying is a fair and equal hearing or she just at wants it to be fair because it seems like across the United States everything is becomingas unfair. Illegal aliens are getting released after committing crimes. Its just getting crazy for me. Travis, congresswoman, we bl also heardic fromans adam schit night saying republicans are in the roomom and they are gettinga time to ask tore of questions of these people that are testifying. Wo ima wantn, to know about wha being said in the room. Ng im a congresswoman and i have every right to know whats b happening. My goodness sakes, if youll impeach the president of the United States, dont you think there should be a fair process and dont you think everyone te should know whats going on instead of thehe secret meeting. Ive been told theres no classified information and no reason why there should be closeddoorr meetings. So why are you doing it . The o why are you hiding it . Why have it out in the open forl everybody toly judge for e themselves . This is really unfair and lets get back to the beginning of it. Theres nothing there to impeach him on and so, sir, i just wanto to say to you,t yes. I agree with you. Its totally unfair. Iiit o do not know why speaker i pulled it out of Judiciary Committee where traditionally in the past impeachment has gone through Judiciary Committee. My guess is that she knows that the republicans in the Judiciary Committee, a bunch of lawyers are smart and can retort a lot of things and maybe thats not the case in the other committees, but really wed have to ask her. I dont know what their rationale is. S. I think its a bad move because i think that the people will see that these closeddoor, secret meetings, unfair, not a vote by the full house of representatives on approving the inquiry with the standard set of rules for due process that any american citizen should get is just not fair. T is its partisan. Parti i mean,sa its totally obvious me that its totally partisan. Well go to billy who is in beltsville, maryland. S independent. Yes. Thanks for taking my call. Thee first point is her respons just now that shes saying that the representatives that are iny the inquiry are not smart to th enough . I aboutmean, come on. What is she saying . Lets go back to the president. Y in 2016 during the president ial primaries, he was the one who publicly said for the russians u toe hack Hillary Clintons emails. So ifat, it democrats are talki about that and continue to talk about that its because of what the president himself said. Now here is another thing. She has selective memory about things. As soon as obama won the elections Mitch Mcconnelll mes,t publicly said he would oppose him and they blocked everythingn over 60 times the house, when the republicans had control of it, tried to overturn the health care the Affordable Care act. Next, the president himself went publicly when this inquiry startedea orten when they talke about it to publicly threaten in a real way about the on the whistleblower. So if they are doing things in the secret and to try to protecw these people because of how things have been done with the president billy,resswo i have to leave there because were running out of time. Congresswoman . Again, ithis is respectfull disagree with you. This is a serious subject. Ng tom youre trying to impeach the president of the United States. He has a and non right just lik other citizen to a fair, due process, but none of this is atr happening and then closeddoor meetings where the democrats are selectively determining what theyre going to leak to the ti media . I withmean, it just reeks of partisanship, and so, you know, i just have to disagree with you, sir. Debbie, lets go. Republican of arizona, member of the judiciary. We thank you for the conversation this morning. Thank you. We are live in davenport, iowa to hear from former Vice President and 2020 candidate joe biden. His Campaign Says hell lay out his vision for america including plans to rebuild the middle class. It comes after last nights president ial debate in ohio. 12 Democratic Candidates took place and the next one is in georgia. Expect this to start shortly. We say we can when they say we cant see what it it is and see what it aint with blood, sweat and tears and a new coat of paint were just a sinners choir singing a song for the saints whoa, oh, oh whoa, oh, oh, oh whoa, oh, oh, oh whoa, oh, oh the farmered in field of sugar cane the drunkard in his hammock driving out after the rain for the teacher in the classroom, kid kicking cans in the street soet for the captain and his b barbent down on bended knee they say we can and they say we cant see what it is see what it aint with blood, sweat and tears and a new coat of paint were just a sinners choir, singing a song for the saints whoa, oh, oh, oh whoa, oh, oh, oh whoa, oh, oh, oh just waiting here in davenport, iowa. Expecting joe biden shortly and well have more campaign 2020 coverage over the next few days live tomorrow night at 8 00 eastern on cspan. President bush will be speaking at a rally in dallas and then friday evening at six well hear from senator Elizabeth Warren holding a town hall meeting in norfolk, virginia. Senator Bernie Sanders campaigning on saturday at 1 00 eastern. Well have that also on cspan. Again, just waiting for Vice President joe biden to appear here in davenport. Whoa, oh, oh things are running just a bit behind schedule on davenport, iowa, live on cspan3 waiting to hear from former Vice President and 2020 democratic president ial candidate joe biden about his vision for america and plans to rebuild the middle class. While we continue to wait well show some of todays washington journal. A member of the Intelligence Committee and a democrat from connecticut and lets begin with the argument made by republicans about the impeachment inquiry was launched and here is the Senate Majority lead or the floor yesterday. Now Speaker Pelosi has finally crumbled and allowed her leftwing impeachment caucus, and i dont think any of us were expecting to witness a clinic in term was fairness or due process, but even by their own partisan standards, House Democrats have already found now ways to lower the bar. This is about the most consequential process the house of representatives could possibly engage in. Overruling American Voters and nullifying an election. Surely, any such process must be conducted with the utmost fairness and transparency. It must be held to the most exacting of standards, and yet House Democrats have wasted no time throwing fairness and precedent to the wind. Already, theyve denied their republican counterparts certain minority rights like equal subpoena power that republicans provided democrats during the clinton impeachment. Already theyve made clear that President Trumps counsel will not be allowed to participate in hearings, present evidence and cross examine witnesses, all important rights that republicans provided to president clinton. Congressman, your response . I guess i have two responses to that. Number one, process is what every republican on capitol hill is talking about and the reason for that, of course, is that they dont want to engage and they dont have the courage to say what every american knows to be true which is that the president asking for his own Political Goals to be advanced by the machinery of the federal government, by the state Department Led by people like Rudy Giuliani and two individuals who are who were indicted last week, theyre not willing to say what Everybody Knows to be true which is that that is wrong. So thats why we get these process arguments and the thing, too, is hes wrong. Hes simply wrong in what he is saying. In other words, there is no rule in the constitution or in the house rules or anywhere else that says that an inquiry can only be launched by a vote on the house floor. He is also wrong that proper procedure is not being followed. Ive sad in on any number of these interviews and i will tell you. The, both sides and both sides lawyers have an opportunity to interview these witnesses. He is also wrong that the president s attorneys are not afforded an opportunity to present evidence. What hes talking about and he knows hes being dishonest. What hes trying about a trial in the senate and thats essential because a trial in the senate the president s supporters would have the opportunity to confront witnesses, to cross examine and do all of that stuff. What were doing in the house right now is more akin to a grand jury proceeding and grand jury proceedings do happen behind closed door xs theres a whole bunch of other reasons to see that happening and Mitch Mcconnell knows hes lying to the camera by saying the protections afford the in the senate trial are not a foshded in the house of representatives. The big point is were proceeding in this inquiry meeting the way we do all others with time equally divided on both sides. Everyone has an opportunity to ask question, sometimes theyre closed and sometimes theyre open, if this goes on the for trial if the senate, hell be sure thats what happens in the senate. So by not following the senate and by holding a full vote on the house floor, are you not giving the opposition of the Republican Party a legitimate argument that this is not fair . That this is not transparent . Youre not putting people on the record on launching an investigation . Well, were giving them an argument. Whether its a good argument or not its a very different question. The reasons in a couple of impeachment proceedings prior is because the house had to vote in order to grant speena power. Today under the rules committees have subpoena power. By the way, the minorities can ask for a subpoena. They need to persuade the majority to ask for the subpoena, but they can ask for a subpoena. So again, this is largely a smoke screen and who knows . Maybe at some point Speaker Pelosi decides to take this argument off the table because that vote would pass, no question. Now the republicans dont have their main thing to tuck about a and they have to answer the questions whether the president s behavior is impeachable or not. If we hold a vote this afternoon and it passes, which it would they have another one which is equally specious on whether this is conducted fairly. What about the argument that it is held behind closed doors and democrats say it has to be behind closed doors because its like an investigation. However, debbie lesko say, you want to do this behind closed doors and then staff or whoever is going out and leaking only what they want the media and the American People to know about what is being said behind closed doors. The same reason that grand jury proceedings as you point out and the way to think about this and you can talk to anyone who is a lawyer or did 20 minutes of law sool. These prosee things done ins trial, and ornt only do you not know you can coordinate testimony and its also done if in the fact finding stage, people people talk about other people. You need some protections, i dont disagree with my republican colleague. They shouldnt be happening. Its not a partisan thing, though. Ive now been on this committee for a long time and ive seen both parties go out and leak information that they think is helpful to their cause. But look, what the American People really need to understand is that these, the transcripts of these hearings, once theyve been skrubd of classified information and thats the other reason they have to happen behind closed doors, and once theyve been scrubbed of classified information and people who are not involved they will be released to the public. The American People will have the right to see what happens said in these hearings. Democratic caller from indiana. Yes. I have a comment and question. Thank you for taking my call. It seems a lot more serious mainly the republicans seem to not be doing what they need to do by speaking up and telling the truth. Ive been watching this for three years, and im very concerned our country is getting stepped on, and i really appreciate you being on, jim. Thank you for taking my call. Thanks, lizzy. I do step back every once in a while because youre talking about things just beyond this impeachment inquiry. I do step back every once in a while and remember the previous presidency and remember the way donald trump attacked hillary clinton, for the my crime, the deadly sin President Trump is absolutely clear to me and it should be absolutely clear to you that the leadership that we need in this country is Vice President joe biden. [ applause ] Vice President joe biden has earned our

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