Transcripts For CSPAN3 Campaign 2020 Sen. Bernie Sanders At

CSPAN3 Campaign 2020 Sen. Bernie Sanders At Simpson College In Iowa July 13, 2024

applause thank you, thank you all very much for coming out this afternoon and let me think those who have already spoken, sylvia pallid reno, ally new sin and chris dickson, thank you very much for what you have said. What i want to do is for a little bit different than what i usually do because i want to involve you in the discussion, i dont want to give you a long speech element to three hours. Think laughs i want to touch on, theres so many issues but i want to touch on some of these essential issues and get your thoughts on. I want to start off with the issue of money in politics. If you run for president of the United States it is an expensive proposition. My concern right now it is that especially since Citizens United and what we have seen is a major corruption of our political process and the concept of democracy meaning one person, one vote. What most of us believe, and we were arguing about an issue people raise their hand a majority winds and everyone has the same thought. But increasingly in american politics that is not the case so you have a handful of billionaires who are literally spending hundreds of millions of dollars and all kinds of ways to get money and super pacs whatever, electing candidates who represent the wealthy and the powerful. That concerns me very much because that whole process undermines american democracy which is why you end up in congress with the Republican Leadership talking about tax breaks for billionaires and cuts to social security, you go out on this streets and nobody else believes in, that 5 of the American People with that is the ideology because that is what the money law interest to want, the first point i want to make is we have to deal with the impact of money and politics and that means to my mind overturning this Disastrous Supreme Court decision on Citizens United. A applause it also means public funding of elections anne. It also means working aggressively to and Voter Suppression quite applause what democracy is supposed to mean i guess that i am a candidate youre a candidate you get up there and you say this is what i believe and i want your support, not yes i cant get that part of this states supported or i can get people of colors support that is a cowardly undermining of a democracy and what its supposed to be about. So let me tell you when we are in the white house our feet would be that if youre 18 years of age you will vote and of discussion on. A and in applause that regard, i am enormously proud of, proud to tell you this that our campaign has rewritten the history box in terms of campaign finance. As of today we have received for our campaign some 4. 2 million contributions coming from 1. 2 million americans which is more than any candidate in the history of the United States of america in. applause so unlike some candidates we dont have and never will have a super pac. Unlike some candidates i will not spend my time going to wealthy peoples homes, raising large sums of money from a handful of millionaires anne. Our average contribution if you can believe it is 18 dollars. Law our major source of employment you contributes to our campaign or not wall street bankers, not ceos their teachers quick applause their workers at amazon, workers at target, but we are running a unique American History as a campaign of the working class by the working class and for the working class of this country law second issue i want you to think about. A lot a debate going on about health care in america in four years ago i came to iowa and i said i believe that health care is a human rights not a privilege in quote. That it is an International Embarrassment that we are the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to offer people while at the same time we are spending twice as much per person on health care, 11,000 dollars to every man woman in child twice as much as any major country on earth. My view and im glad that more and more people have accepted that view is that we need to move towards a medicare for all single payer program. applause what that Program Means is that there are no more premiums, there are no more copayments, there are no more deductibles. You all know it deductible is one of the craziest things over to my life, its as you have insurance but by the way you will have to spend the first five or 10,000 dollars out of your pocket, oh i dont have five or 10,000 dollars will fine you cant go to the doctor. Its a totally absurd proposition. We are also on the medicare for all going to eliminate fall out of pocket expenses. Make certain that no one pays more than 200 dollars a year for the Prescription Drugs that they need. applause now there has been a lot of discussion about how are you going to pay for medicare, health care is an expensive proposition, well the first question to ask is how are we paying for rain now. How do we pay for . First start we have 87 Million People that are uninsured or underinsured, not a very good situation when youre spending twice as much per capita as people of any other country. We have 30,000 people are dying, why are they dying in america . Because they dont go to the doctor when they should because they are under insured. Here is the most cruel thing it is extremely cruel and when we talk about 500,000 people a year going bankrupt for medically related debt in, no its not right that means, just think about it for a second, to think about the cruelty and absurdity. You go into the Doctors Office and youre diagnosed with cancer or some other Serious Health issues, you have a lot on your mind, what kind of treatment do it get, what kind of medicine do we, care doctor or what hospital . Thats where youre wearing about how do i get well . Can i get . Well but at the same time you can have to worry oh my god im gonna end up with 100, thousand 200,000 dollar bill from the hospital, how many gonna pay that i have on this show in my think, oh im going bankrupt. It should not happening in america on. Now my opponents and on this issue i have a lot of opponents, like almost everyone in the establishment so we have the Health Care Industry they dont like this proposal, its a terrible proposal, but will disrupt the Health Care System wow who are the folks that are running those 32nd things telling how bad medicare is, they are the Insurance Company and the Drug Companies, they love the Current System for good reason. They made 100 billion and profits last year and you made 100 billion and profits its a pretty good system. There are ceos make enormous compensation packages and get enormous compensation packages. They are doing just fine meanwhile one out of five americans cannot afford the Prescription Drugs that doctors prescribe because we pay by far the highest prices for Prescription Drugs . Why is that well maybe it has nothing to do with the pharmaceutical industry spending four billion dollars in the last 20 years on lobbying and Campaign Contributions so today you have a situation where its not a congress that regulate the Drug Companies on. Now how do we pay for health care right now its a long story but all abbreviated and all say this if you are the average family in america right in the middle of our economy and you make about 60,000 dollars a year, you are paying 12,000 dollars a year for your health care and terms of premiums, payments, Prescription Drug costs and out of pocket expenses. That is 20 of your income so all those people that say oh bernie how are you going to pay for medicare for all, take a look at whats going on right now. Take a look at the millions and millions of working class families who are paying 15, or 20, 25 of their limited incomes for health care right now. What we are proposing is a much simpler proposal and im much fair proposal. What we are saying for comprehensive health care that includes dental care, hearing aids, eyeglasses and home health care. Earlier applause what we are proposing is a 4 income tax, out of pocket its gone 4 personal income tax exempting the first 29,000 dollars so that means that if you are that family that makes 60,000 you are paying 4 of 30 want 1000 roughly 1200 dollars a year for comprehensive health care, pretty good deal i would think y. So for all my critics who dont want to take on the Health Care Industry, you go tell your constituents that burners proposal will cost the average American Worker 1200 dollars a year, theres will cost 12,000 dollars a, year i think we got the better deal year. And the reason that we can do that is number one we eliminated the hundred billion and profiteering from the Drug Companies and the Insurance Companies and then second of all this system is so byzantine and complicated and crazy, we have thousands of separate Insurance Programs in america, you get 5000 dollar deductible, you are in this network, that network youre on medicare youre on medicaid you are trying to administer that system and its costing us 500 billion dollars a year and by the way doctors, and nurses are going nuts trying to deal with this as our patients anyone deal with an Insurance Company here . There you go trying to fight for the policy you thought you were in title to but youre paying for the other guy at the end hes not covered so our system and you know its not a radical idea, i didnt come up with this idea at the middle of the night what they do in canada, what they do all over the world you go to the doctor thats it, you dont take out your wallet, if you dont take out your credit card you are paid for your health care through a tax system as we are proposing, okay, that eliminates an enormous amount of administrative bureaucracy which ends up saving the system of many hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Furthermore we take on the greed and corruption of the pharmaceutical industry, all right. Ahmed applause a we are spending a couple of months ago, three four months ago i went to canada from detroit with people who are diabetic. We bought insulin of one tenth of the price. Same product same company one tenth of the price, why is that . The answer is this country Drug Companies can charge anything they want, to completely unregulated, every other country in the world says sorry we are going to charge the we want our country a reasonable price that is what we are going to do. Y four years ago came to iowa and i proposed something which at that point was seemingly very radical and that is in a changing world. In a changing economy a competitive Global Economy we should rethink Public Education in america means and that is that free public kids education from k through 12 is no longer good enough and we have to make public colleges and universities tuition free and that means that we have to make sure that every person in this country who wants a Higher Education. A private school and a Public School and a trade school cant leave School Without debt. And we do that but i expanding grants significantly. We do that about expanding the Work Study Program and other financial aid. Bottom line if you want to Higher Education in america you should be able to get it regardless of the income of your family and the other thing that we do and ill tell you in a minute how are going to pay for it. The other thing that we do is we cant soul all student debt in america anney. Now some of my critics say but is a very expensive idea it sounds great how are you gonna pay for it 11 years ago against my Vote Congress spelled out the crooks on wall street, two years ago trump and his friends gave a trillion dollars in tax breaks to the top 1 of large profitable corporations, what we are proposing to pay for free tuition and public colleges and universities a massive expansion in Work Study Programs, canceling all student dead and we pay for that through a modest tax on wall street. Last point i want to make before we open it up is an issue that worries me very much and it should worry every person in this room. Every person in this country. Every person in this world and that is that what the scientists are now telling us. The people who know the most about this they have underestimated the speed and severity and in which Climate Change is ravaging our country and the entire world. What they are telling us that it is possible by the end of the century if we do not get our act together that the planet earth will be five. Six seven degrees fahrenheit warmer than it is right now and what that means is almost unimaginable what that means is that rising sea levels will devour coastal communities in our country cities like miami, charleston, new york city will be underwater or partially under water, countries like bangladesh, vietnam, they will be underwater and what it means is when our forests are dried up we will have even more wildfires than we have seen with our own eyes in the last few, years you all know its going on in california and you may not know that australias burning as well right now. Last summer in europe thousands of people died because they had the hottest summer in recorded history, france, germany, uk and so forth, what we are looking at is extreme weather disturbances, massive rain falls putting houston underwater and resulting in a farmers not being able to have the time they need to grow the crop said they need, to ensure planting seasons because farmers were fine with their fields during mud and dropped it is not very productive if you want look at property but the United Nations is telling us that as a result of Climate Change we may be looking at hundreds of millions of people who are climate refugees and that means if you live in a community where there is no water that you can drink where you cant grow your crops youre going to have to pick up and move and we are talking about hundreds of Million People moving and youre talking about increased danger of International Conflict that is the reality. It is a very stat state of affairs that we have an ignorant person in the white house the not only doesnt recognize the reality of Climate Change, trump thinks its a hoax but in fact is exacerbating the problem by encouraging more fossil fuel production. So what we do . We do everything humanly possible to transform our Energy System and the worlds Energy System away from fossil fuels to Energy Efficiency and sustainability and in that regard im proud to tell you that we have introduced the most comprehensive farreaching Climate Change proposal ever introduced by any candidate for president in the history of this country. My critics say its a very expensive proposal. They are right it is we pay for it but its very expensive its a lot of money. But i want you to think about what the alternative is. What is the alternative to saving the planet. How much is too much to spend to make sure that our children, and grandchildren, and future generations live in a world that is healthy and habitable. Now our plan is based on the Green New Deal and what that means, we believe that as we transform our Energy System we can create up to 20 million paying jobs there is an enormous amount of work to be doney. Bottom line is that in terms of Climate Change we are going to have to be bold and we will have to be tough and we are going to have to tell the fossil fuel industry that their short term profits are not more important than the future of this planet and as president i intend to do that. But here is what makes a very difficult issue even more difficult. That is it is not an american issue, we can tomorrow to all the right things transforming our Energy Industries so that pakistan doesnt come on board and the world to be a very bad shape. So it i promise you that is president of the United States i will not be like trump denying the reality of Climate Change i will not be encouraging more fossil fuel i will be helping to lead the people of the world to stand up and fight for a planet that is healthy for their kids arent the message that i will take around the world and i cant guarantee you that it will exceed, the message that i will take is that maybe, just maybe and this is critical, that instead of spending 1. 8 trillion dollars every year on weapons of destruction decided to kill each other, maybe we should pull our resources and use that money to fight our common enemy which is Climate Change are new. All right let me throw it a question to you when you throw the question to me the impact of Climate Change is increasingly apparent. What i want to get you nervous about, im nervous already, my wife a

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