Transcripts For CSPAN3 Campaign 2020 Joe Biden Campaigns In

CSPAN3 Campaign 2020 Joe Biden Campaigns In Wisconsin July 12, 2024

Threats where it was a completely unknown rider coming in through an unknown technique or vulnerability that really hadnt been discussed . I know theres sensitivities around how much you can say here, but we are going to have to leave this, but you can watch all of our programs at cspan. Org. Taking you live now to wisconsin, where joe biden is holding a campaign event. Live coverage on cspan3. Say in part of my city, your family done good. Long, long time, isnt it . God love you. Well, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to be here. I really do appreciate it. Today, unfortunately, america is going to have to speak to this quickly, going to reach a tragic milestone 200,000 deaths recorded as of today because of the coronavirus. 200,000. Deaths, all across this nation. And it means there are empty chairs and dining room tables and kitchen tables that weeks and months ago were filled with a loved one a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister and in many cases, the pain was made a lot worse because and ive had people tell me this and Close Friends of the family tell me, because they were unable to visit their parent or elderly grandparent in a nursing home before they passed away. I dont know how many stories ive heard about a from the nurses, saying they held up a cell phone to the patient on a ventilator in the bed about to pass, mr. Mayor, and thats all they could speak to. And so, the fact that people werent able to hold funeral services, where family and friends could pray together, remember the loved ones they lost and place them as they place them in the hands of god. And so many of the rituals we have come to help us cope with pain and loss, to help us honor the lives of those weve loved, to help us come to closure, just arent available in the middle of this pandemic. What worries me now is weve been living with this pandemic for so long, i worry were risking becoming numb to the toll that its taken on us and our country and communities like this. We cant let that happen. We cant lose the ability to feel the sorry and the loss and the anger for so many lives lost. We cant let the numbers become statistics or background noise, just a blur that we see on the nightly news 200 moms dead sons, daughters, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, coworkers who are no longer with us. And so many of them didnt have to lose their lives to this virus. Quite frankly, onif only the president had acted sooner. Back in may, Columbia University released a study that said that if the president had acted just one week sooner, we would have saved 36,000 lives. Today, the leading model being used to track the virus, one which the white house and many others rely on, that model says between now and the end of this year, while were waiting for a vaccine, between now and the end of the year, were going to lose up to 200,000 additional lives. It ranged from 178,000 to 200,000. And it points out, as well, that if we act, by doing what youre doing here in wisconsin, wearing mask and making minimum requirements to meet this, we could save over 115,000 of those lives. So, i hope to god well not learn the same lesson may have to learn the same bad lesson we learned the first nine months. Due to Donald Trumps lies and incompetence in the past six months, weve seen one of the gravest losses of American Life in history in history. But sadly, its not over. As awful as the past 180 days have been, the next 90 days could be twice as bad. Just pause and think about it. We could be looking at, as i said, between 178,000 and 200,000 lives lost. And all the president does is deliberately change the subject, which is essential infuriating. Once again, were being told that we can save lives, this time as many as 110,000 lives, if wed just take the simple steps, chief among them wearing masks. And still, the president refuses. In fact, we just watched him hold an indoor rally with thousands of people, many of whom werent wearing masks, despite the clear evidence that were putting every one of those peoples lives at risk. The president knew of these dangers back in february, and he hid it from the American People. You can actually hear his own voice recorded by Bob Woodwards interview with him, saying that he understood how bad it was. We hear him privately saying a this is a deadly virus, far more deadly than any flu, but thats not what he was saying to us publicly. Publicly, he told us that it was just like the flu. He knew it. Whats his explanation . He said he didnt want to see the American People panic. He didnt want to panic them. Trump panicked. The virus was too big for him. All his life, donald trump has been bailed out of any problem he faced. With this crisis, a real crisis, a crisis that required serious president ial leadership, he just wasnt up to it. He froze. He failed to act. He panicked. And americas paid the worst price of any nation in the world. Still, to support and understand what donald trump was saying and by the way, the American People dont panic. We dont panic. Understand what he was saying, because it crystallizes his whole world view. When donald trump said he didnt want to create a panic, he wasnt just talking about a health panic, he was focused on the stock market. Trump is worried that if he told the public the truth, there would be a panic in the financial markets, and that would hurt his chances of being reelected. Thats how donald trump views the world. He sees the world from park avenue. I see it from where i grew up, in a town like this, from scranton, pennsylvania, hardscrapper, hardworking town just like this and so many more across wisconsin. When i look at the world from park avenue, basically, all i can see is wall street. And you think wall street built this country. Well, let me tell you, you think that donald trump, as donald trump does, that handing out a 1. 5 trillion tax giveaway, primarily for large corporations and wealthy qualifiers, is an economic plan. You think, like trump, that 15 an hour is too much for americas essential workers. You eliminate overtime pay for millions of American Workers. You try to take away health care from 20 million americans in the middle of this pandemic. Hes in court today trying to get that done. You try to take away protections for preexisting conditions for 130 million americans. You propose a plan that, in order to make it look good, youre going to get a little bump in your pay, because theyre not going to take out withholding for your Social Security. But guess what . The expert in Social Security says, if he does that, Social Security will be bankrupt by the middle of 2023. You might get that out of your paycheck, a little more in your paycheck, but guess what, go home and tell your mom and dad, say goodbye to Social Security theyve worked for their whole lives. You think being tough with china is a trade deal that opens the door to big banks to make money in china. Thats basically all we got out of it, a lot of Dairy Farmers and farmers and manufacturing went under. But guess what, starting a trade war that leads to a surge in farm bankruptcies and america throws American Manufacturing into a recession . But you know what happened. I didnt know this at first, but then i understand why he was so excited about it. Americas Bank Citibank they got to open up in beijing. They werent able to before. You scuttle a deal to lower Prescription Drug prices. He apparently had a deal, but he wanted the pharmaceutical companies, before they lowered the prices, to do something that they thought was unethical. He asked them to send out 100 checks with his name on it to Social Security to the elderly, saying that thats the down payment. They said, were not going to do that. They werent going to do it, so the deal fell apart. And now, some 30 million americans are on unemployment. Youd think the way to get the American Economy back on track is to give another gigantic multimillion dollar tax cut to the very wealthy . And heres what theyre doing. The tax rate all of you pay in here is going to be higher than billionaires who make their money on investments. This is not an exaggeration. He wants to lower, again, costing 30 billion of the treasury lower the Capital Gains tax to 15 . So, while someone who makes their monies off the market is paying the 15 rate, youre paying at a 24 , 26 , 28 , depending on your tax bracket rate. Its not right. Workers here pay close to twice that amount, close to 30 . The tax cut for the wealthy is going to cost billions of dollars a year, and whose hide does it come out of . It comes out of your hide. The simple truth is that donald trump ran for office saying he would represent the forgotten men and women in this country. And then once he got into office, he forgot us. Not only did he forget them, though, the trust the truth is that he never really respected us very much. Oh, he loves his rallies. The next time he holds one, look closely. Trump keeps his distance from anyone in the rally. The folks who come are packed in tight as they can be, risking disease, mostly without masks, but not trump. He safely keeps his distance. As a reporter, they showed a couple days ago, a reporter trying to come up or someone coming up, he said, no, no, youve got to keep your distance. I dont get close to these people. But hell let everybody else in the crowd risk their lives, but not him. And now we know what he really thinks of the people who come to his rallies, from someone who saw it up close and wrote about it, up close in the white house. The former employee said he calls his own supporters, quote, disgusting. He said, one of the benefits of this pandemic is he doesnt have to shake their hands. He doesnt have to shake their hands. Thats a good thing about the pandemic. For trump, these rallies are about entertainment, adoration, and not respect. But you dont kid yourself, this is a oneway street. Of all the things that trump has said and done, nothing is more offensive than the way hes spoken about many of you and the brave women and men who served our nation in uniform, those who have given their lives in service of this nation. Its been confirmed by every outlet that he referred to them as losers and suckers. Thats what trump calls those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice. Let me tell you something. My son, beau, served and volunteered to go to iraq for a year, won the bronze star, came home decorated, came home with stage four glioblastoma and died of cancer. He wasnt a loser. He wasnt a sucker. He was a patriot. And all those people with whom he served volunteered, were patriots as well. Just like your sons and daughters and many of you, your moms and dads. Frankly, ive dealt with guys like trump my whole life, guys from the neighborhood i come from who look down on us because we didnt have a lot of money or your parents didnt go to college, guys who think theyre better than you, guys who inherited everything theyve ever gotten in their life and squander it, guys who stretch and squeeze and stiff electricians and plumbers and contractors working on their hotels and casinos and golf courses, just to put a few more bucks in their pocket. Guys who do everything they can to avoid paying their taxes they owe because they figure the rest of us, the little people, we can pick up the tab for the country. Do you have any doubt that the reason we havent seen trumps tax returns is because we dont want to know what he paid . Weve only seen four trump tax returns in the last 48 years, and i dont think theres been any in the last, ever since hes been running for president. He had to turn some of them over to start a casino in new jersey. He had to show his taxes. And they showed that he paid zero. You know, he talks about the billion dollars that he paid zero, nothing. Thats a fact. And when he was asked about it, you know what he said . This is why i really dont like guys like this in my neighborhood. He said, it makes me smart. Or another way, im not a sucker. Why should i pay when i can figure my way out . Zero. Wall streets a long way from scranton, pennsylvania, and here, but you get to see the world a little more clearly there. I grew up understanding, as i believe all of you did, that wall street didnt build this country. Hardworking people given half a chance in the middle class built this country, and unions built the middle class. Unions. Union labor, like the folks in this room. You know, ive learned a few simple lessons from my parents that ive never forgotten. One was from my mother. She used to say and this is the gods truth joey, remember, nobodys better than you, but everyones your equal. Nobodys better, but everyones your equal. Its pretty simple. Were all equal. The way i was raised. And we should be treated that way. I have to admit, i got my back up a little bit recently about something i saw and was on National Television about the race, some of the national and i dont think they meant anything about it, but i dont think they know how insulting it is. It was, you know, joe biden, if elected, will be only the first president who didnt go to an Ivy League School in a long time. Like, somehow, that meant i didnt belong. How could a guy who went to a state school be president . My reaction was the same its been my whole life, and i have to admit it. Ive said it i have to admit it, im not proud of it, but you know, you close the door on me, because you think im not good enough. Guess what . Like all you guys, im going to bust down that door. My guess is a lot of you feel the same way about a lot of slights youve had because of our standing, quote unquote. I say its about time that a state School President sat in the oval office, because you know what, if im sitting there, youre going to be sitting there, too. Another lesson i learned from my dad and my family heard this all the time. My dad lost a job when coal died up in scranton. We had to move. We had he had to go to my grandpa, his fatherinlaw, and say, can jean my mom can jean and the kids stay with you for about a year . Ill make it up to you. Ive got to move to delaware where theres a job. Im going to come home every weekend. Talk about pride. Well, he used to say, joey, remember, a jobs about a lot more than your paycheck. Its about your dignity. Its about respect. Its about your place in the community. Its about being able to look your kids in the eye and say, honey, its going to be all rig right. The dignity of work. What you do matters. You matter. Thats why i want to change the tax code. Instead of rewarding just the wealthy i dont want to punish anybody, but instead of rewarding just wealth in this country, its time to reward work. Under my plan, nobody making less than 4,000 bucks and i dont make it and you dont make it, i dont think, in this country will dont make it in t country wont see taxes go up. You make more, you pay more. Im not looking to punish anyone. I just think its about time the wealthiest and biggest corporations, most Profitable Companies begin to pay this fair share. Making zero, making 90 million and they pay no taxes at all. They pay zero. How can that be fair . The president talks all the time about how great the economy is. I dont know what you think but where i come from and a lot of places in the state its not great. In the middle of this pandemic now, billionaires in this country are seeing their wealth increase by 800 billion. Let me explain that again. All the billionaires in america during the pandemic, their network combined, according to studies, have increased by 800 billion. The rest of us, 30 Million People are unemployed, 20 million americans are at risk of losing their home because they cant find their rent payment. Seven plus million americans are working part time, who want to work fulltime. Evictions are on the rise. For a lot of families, the kids are at home, not in school. I believe its the working people of this country that need a tax break. Under my plan, they are going to get one, whether youre buying your first home, paying for Health Care Premiums or child care or caring for an aging parent, youre going to beably to afford it. Ive said it many times during this pandemic, we need to do more than just praise our essential workers, we need to pay them. We need to make Health Care Affordable for every american. My plan will lower Prescription Drug costs by 60 . Its going to make sure protections for preexisting conditions obama and i put in place and make it a lot more affordable to have that health care. We need to empower labor unions in this country. Fair labor standards act didnt say in the 30s you cant have labor unions, it said we should promote labor unions. Thats what it said. And i will. One more thing. Under my build back better plan, were not only going to build infrastructure with union, woers and prevailing wage, were going to do something else, were going to rebuild manufacturing in this country. Well do it by enforcing a real buy american plan. Look, the federal government has spent 600 billion a year in purchasing power that the federal government has every year from tax dollars and determines how its used. When im president of the United States, god willing, American Companies with American Workers building American Products using american supply chains are going to be the only ones who get the contracts. That means american aluminum for infrastructure, for developing more wind and solar and hydroelectric power. Electric vehicles will replace cars in the federal fleet. We have one of the largest fleets in the world, the federal government. Were going to shift them all to electric vehicles. Guess what . That means youre going to be providing much more lighter frames, more aluminum for automobiles that already if they are aluminum built they can reduce by 15 , even with a combustion engine. 1. 5 million new Affordable Homes and housing. Were going to build. This is going to require a lot of work, increased work at home. Were going to make sure that we t

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