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Explore our nations past. Cspan 3, created by americas Television Companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Up next on american artifacts. We traveled northeastern france to trust the steps of american soldiers during the spring and early summer of 1918. But first, a portion of the 1960 u. S. Army from that describes the military situation at the time. The germans rolled across the defenses on the aim river stretching from south to russ. In a drivein relentless force that drove panic into the french region. Three days the german tide had reached the river and was less than 40 miles from paris. They move the second and third u. S. Division into the area around Chateau Thierry who helped. Both divisions the Third Division in its battle for the mines crossing, world one of the most brilliant ages. One of its is the 30th in poultry and the proud designation. The Second Division, holding the road between chateau terry and paris began pushing the germans back. U. S. Marines, fighting with the Second Division reclaimed important ground in the fierce contest known to history now as the battle of delhi would. American history tv visited key monuments, battlefield and cemeteries in northeastern france with historic mitchelson iakopo some. We visit the chbteau gary monument about 60 miles from paris to learn why u. S. Forces were in the region and how they helped the french. Directly behind me is the Chateau Thierry monument. We were on top of hill to a four. That means it is 204 meters high. The significance of this monument is to honor the american troops who fought in the aisnemarne battle. It is one of the rivers and it was significant engage between the two rivers. From the middle of may to the middle of july 1918. The chateau monument is being restored taking place for the contribution of 2017 to 2018. On the opposite side of the monument where i am standing, our statues of two women. One american, one french who are Holding Hands in honor of their sons, brothers, uncles and fathers who risked their lives here in the aim arent and particular the Chateau Thierry. It was dedicated in 1937. It is one of three significant american monuments on the western front that has been established by the American Battle Monuments Commission and remains under their guidance. The monument itself, the top lists some of the villages that the americans liberated. Below that are the divisions, ten of them plus two course, the first in the third that would actively engaged in this area and that includes but belleau wood and directly in front of, me Chateau Thierry. The city of Chateau Thierry who had largely been untouched during the war including the september 19th 14th battle, however that would change on may 31st 1918 when german troops broke through the french, punditry to pass dreams and in hopes of crossing the river at Chateau Thierry and heading directly to paris. The french were in a panic and concern that they did not have enough troops to block the germans. They contacted and asked for us help. At this point, he had been fighting desperately to keep the americans as an independent unit hopefully to form his own independent first army at some point by the end of the summer. He recognized the peril of the situation and he offered the french two divisions were in the Training Area not far from paris. One was the Second Division, the other was the their division. An american division, at that time, was a little more than 27,000 officers and men. That was twice the size of the french and even the German Forces and the british forces. The Second Division head in the direction of belleau wood while the Third Division headed directly to Chateau Thierry. Leaning first on may 30th was the seventh machine gun battalion, a motorized unit attached to Third Division. They had left the area around moe, france. Headed on highways, it was packed with civilians who knew germans were in the facility and threaten parents. The roads were clogged and it was difficult for the troops to get to the Chateau Thierry area. Further troubling their efforts were the fact that they were driving forward trucks, not the detroit michigan variety but ones that had been made in england of lesser quality parts. They were described as flimsy with having horrible tires that along the trip, which took 22 hours to reach an area nearby here, tires would often go flat and the troops would have to stop and change the tires. Eventually they made it and the seventh machine gun was shifted along the river back of them are of Chateau Thierry. Where they helped the french including colonial troops to prevent the germans from crossing. The american monument on hill 204 can be seen from the city of Chateau Thierry in the river valley. We moved our camera into the city near the river to continue the story. Directly behind me is a monument in tribute to the Third Division, not only the First World War where they help to stop the germans from crossing the marne but the Third Division also penetrated this area during the second world war. After the normandy invasion and kept the germans from penetrating even further into the martin area. The graceful french place the monument to keep the well protected in memory of the americans who were in this area and both world wars. There were two bridges that crossed over one Chateau Thierry, really the only crossing points within five miles to get across the marne. The german sent some troops. They fought the americans hand to hand here in the town but the seventh machine gun battalion was able to get across the river on the south side, opposite from where i am standing and blocked further penetration from the germans. The germans did make it into the north part of Chateau Thierry where they were engaged by the americans and the french. Meanwhile, the french had placed detonations under the two bridges and blew them up one on june 1st, the other on june 3rd preventing the germans from going in further and the americans were able to hold the germans back from further penetration. And after the battle, the Third Division earned the well deserved moniker, the rock of the marne. Our next stop with mitch, is about six miles from the town of Chateau Thierry in belleau wood, the forces on phil above the aim on cemetery. For we are standing right in the heart of belleau wood, renamed after the battle which ended on june 26, 1918. The brigade fly the french. The battle itself is iconic in murray corps history. There is no other world war i battlefield for the americans that is set up like a National Park service battlefield in the United States. In 1955, felix for de weldon dedicated this mom monument he designed. Its an archetype of a marine. He is looking tough with his shirt off. There were two regiments of marines that fought in this area, the fifth and sixth marines. They were part of the second was division. It was an army division. The marines probably had more experience than the army at the time of world war i. Marines have been deployed around the world in the caribbean. General the commander of the expedition forces, did not want the marines to be part of the enough. It took heavy lobbying by congress with help of the secretary of navy. Finally, he acquiesced and allowed to regiments. The fifth and sixth marines became part of the Second Division. They would make their stand here and suffer heavily over a month of fighting. During that period, they lost almost 10,000 wounded and killed about 1800 of those marines were killed. Lets take a look at some of the areas that show how the marines fought during that period of june 5th through june 26th of 1918. Now we are headed towards one of the three isolated german artillery pieces. The one that i am approaching is an 1896 model that could fire everything from high shrapnel, shrapnel and gas. These guns are what wreaked havoc on the american and french troops who were trying to break through the woods. You see these field guns which were really the workhorse of the german army throughout the western front and the germans war masters of the defense and they used these when they were attacked when the allies took the offense towards them and cause significant casualties. What we have here is the workhorse of the french army and the americans for that matter because this is the 75 millimeter ought to hillary peace. This gun and many others like it were used throughout the western front by the french. It had been used as early as 18 seventies and it was a valuable piece of machinery for the americans. It should be known that the americans did not have their own artillery but relied on the french to provide artillery pieces in this part of the western front. Not only the 75 but the 105 in the hundred and ten. Artillery was used heavily during the battle of belleau wood, fire deep into the woods, which forced the germans to scatter from their entrenched positions and allowed an opening, which the fifth and sixth marines took advantage of. The marines launched an offensive attack towards belleau wood. The americans are forced to go across hedges and heavy rose of weed, which is now full bloom in june. It will take another two weeks before the americans are able to penetrate to the south end of the woods and finally on june 24th a major thrust takes the marines through the woods, had to hand fighting on june 25th. The marines have penetrated deep into the woods but the germans have not fully retreated. By that evening and into the next day, the 26 marines have full control of the woods. Were sent to the Brigade Commander and the marines now have been victorious. By the 26, the marines have captured belleau wood and have prevented the germans from going any further in their offensive towards paris. The field pieces that we see here and the other markers throughout the woods were placed in honor of the marines. This was again their iconic battle. Certainly before world war ii when you know about the marines fighting in the pacific, the battle of bell would stood as the main marine corps battle for heroism. This was basically designed as a part to honor the marines who fought in this area. Standing behind me is one of the icon of the belleau wood battle. You will see the structure in many photographs, paintings and other depictions of this landmark battle for the marines. It was an actual private hunting preserve omitted by the count and countess of bellow. They would hunt wild boar and other animals. As you can see, there is a structure was heavily damaged and had been occupied by the germans and used as an observation and then american and french artillery had shattered it where it was no longer usable by the family after the war. Here you are looking at an artillery shareholder that has been fired by the americans or the french most likely using the 75 millimeter. To my right, is a deep crevasse which is a german trench that they had constructed in late may when they started occupying bell would. It is through these trenches where the germans were well defended, that the americans and with the french, had to fire the artillery and eventually move forward with machine gun rifles and hand to hand fighting to drive them deep within the woods. Along this path besides where the trench lines are and they artillery shells, the Marine Corps Historical Division had placed markers. The markers show the advance of the fifth and sixth marine regiments during the course of the battle to honor the sacrifice made during that almost monthlong battle in june of 1918. We are heading through the Second Division line on the battlefield and you can see how steep the hills are and how the troops of the Second Division including two regiments of marines had to fight their way up this hill while being raped by german machine gun fire. Of course these trees that are here now would not have been here at the time. They would have all, any foliage wouldve been completely decimated. This marker commemorates the capture of bell would on the finally it was american hands and this marker was put up to show the Second Division that reach this part of the line. I am standing and one of the abandoned german intrenches that have been raked by artillery fire. From june 26 one was belleau wood firmly in american hands, the ship Second Division troops stayed in this area and were able to have a line of sight across the valley which was occupied by the germans. And the americans used this to observe the german movements across the valley as they started to attack once again where they have been driven from early in june. But by july 18, 19, the americans have join them once again from Chateau Thierry and Chateau Thierry was now back in american enfranchise. By the end of july, the entire monsey ellen was removed. The time had now turn. The initiative had passed to allied hands where it would remain. Eight u. S. Divisions have participated in the successful offensive and their performance have met the commanders expectations and exceeded all others. But americans of british newspaper and a french dispatch reported that their victories had electrified the world. The dough boy had proved visibility as a fighter and was obvious to all that the constantly increasing American Forces would be the decisive factor in the war. As we head down the hill, we will see the cemetery which includes many of the more than 1800 marines that were killed during the battle. Meanwhile, there was a temporary cemetery up on this ridge outside and you could see what the cemetery look like from the faded for the graph. There were wooden crosses that were marked by dog tags. Each soldier in world war i, the first time dog ties were used, they were provided two of them. They were warned when the soldier was killed and buried one of the dog tags was kept around the other was now to the wooden cross for later identification. As we will learn and to go to the chapel, there are more than 1100 names of soldiers and marines who fought not just at belleau wood but at Chateau Thierry and other areas around the marne eye missing. We know who these individuals were, we know their units but we do not know what happened to them. We could only assume that they would kill them either buried and isolated graves that were not found or because of that heavy artillery shelling and were buried and never seen again. For the remnants of belleau wood battlefield are on a hill above the marne cemetery. The final resting place of almost 2300 americans who died in this region in 1918 and 1919. Mitchell visited the cemetery to talk fishing williams, a u. S. Air force veteran who was employed by the American Battles commission as superintendent of the cemetery i think its important for american visitors to realize that this is their taxpayer dollars at work, overseas to tell the story of what took place here of the americans of the fall. Now having said that this is about 40 ahead so you see here are approximately 40 of the lives lost in this geographical region. If you want its not the battle belleau wood of, here at marne the cemetery its the battle of belleau wood, yes, we are here on the battlefield were primarily u. S. Marine corps took over three weeks of very bloody combat in june of 1918 by the fact they were relieved by u. S. Army troops to continue to drop the fight, many of whom fell to fields just to my left here, beautiful french countryside as it was in 1918. So youve got a lot of stories here of u. S. Marine corps, u. S. Army. We have our navy medal of honor recipient. Very just behind the camera here so many stories to tell and we are just trying to find ways to make that connection with the visitor who was a very limited time at the sites. How about the Chateau Thierry memorial . Is that under your direction as well . So yes, this office here we manage out to the cemetery office. We manage the battlefield of belleau wood. About 200 acres approximately of the original a sleight of belleau wood. And yes, we usually call it the american monument but its on hill to hundred and four. It is actually a french american monument in the way commemorates. Its built and maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission, but if you take a detailed look at the villages, the names of the villages that are inscribed on the monument and also why it was built, its commemorating the french and the american soldiers who fought and died side by side and world war i. So its kind of a really interesting way to show this franco American History and shared languages all the way back to 1918. You mentioned about being on the belleau wood battlefield. Some of the battlefield is marked which is kind of unique for an American Battlefield in france. We are used to this in the United States through National Park Service Sites like gettysburg. Can you talk a little bit about, you know, why the battlefield is marked and its important for people to walk through it . We are always trying to find a way where we can walk into history, essentially, going back literally in the same footsteps is an example for the belleau wood battlefield. The marines, where they came into the field on the 6th of june 1918 to take relatively small sector here but a very heavy cost. I have always found when i go back stateside as well to parks or National Parks is getting in touch with something that is physical. Walking in the footsteps of history. That is why i was pleased that in a very early 19 twenties american visitors actually found a value in preserving that site. If not for the american visitors who came over on these essential tours perhaps a battlefield would not be preserved as it is today. That is another kind of another sidebar history that actually had nothing at all to do with the American Battle Monuments Commission at the beginning but it was in fact needed to maintain as it is today. That was not down until the 19 thirties so, again the belleau wood memorial association, thank you to those who have since passed on who fundraise back in the states and can you over here with american money and purchase those words in order to preserve it. That did it to the abc . Very much like the cemeteries, yes, it was through the French Ministry and the American Government for maintenance in perpetuity. Now the ground that we are standing on, which is a cemetery, how many gray sites are there . So here are honored over 3000 men but there are 2289 burials. 1060 missing an action. So they could very well be buried in in fact we do have 251 unknown soldiers or sailors, airman, marines that are buried here so about 10 of the barriers are actually unknown. So their names are very likely on the wall here but they could be on another wall or tablet missing at one of the american cemeteries as well. I have seen another cemetery worse since the wall was constructed that some of those unknowns have actually been recovered. Is that the case here . There have been. There are a total of seven of the 1016 have been found and identified since the wall was completed in 1930. The chapel was completed in 1930 so if you go to the tablet what that means is that man or woman perhaps was found and identified. It does not mean they are necessarily buried at that site but they are buried somewhere. And how does an abmc differ from a National Cemetery like arlington . There are some sheer challenges when you talk about maintenance and the way we want to make connections with the visitor. So a lot of shared ideas and exchange that way. Having said that, one of the differences, all of the men and women who are honored or buried at the overseas sites, they fell while serving their country overseas, summer. So these are not specifically were some cemeteries because we have men and women who died of illnesses or accidents perhaps but again, that is the difference. We are back in the states at arlington or the National Military cemeteries that the Veterans Affairs managers, they do some great work but those in fact are eligible for spouses, for dependence of the veteran as well. This particular plot of land originally or a temporary cemetery . Yes, we are kind of sort of on the site of the temporary send material that actually bring the battlefield to bellow would. Here, actually behind the camera and hopefully we will get a shot on that was temporary cemetery 1764. There were over 2000 actual burial sites slash temporary cemeteries post world war one. Everything from an isolated burial to a temporary cemetery like 1764. There is a lot of history at labor battalions and building the sites out and then of course the repatriation of about 60 of american war dead from world war i back to the states at request. They were given a choice whether to accept their loved ones remains that final burial in a private cemetery or National Military cemetery or or. Right at the time of the battle they wouldve been buried they were attempted to bury the war dead out of this temporary cemetery they could. It was not always possible. But another interesting history which is why it almost did not exist at the end of the day. There was a big push to bring all of the fallen home and for multiple reasons, it was ultimately not the case for all the families were given a choice and that is what you see here today so this i could have easily been twice the size or it could not ever exist. Almost a cemetery dedicated . In fact the cemetery, just like the monument on hill 204 was not dedicated until 1937. There is a few reasons for that, one was they had to figure out how do they repetri all of these war dead . This was done in the early 1920. So essentially they needed to have a final number of how many burials there would be at a permanent site. At that point we have to find good architect, Landscape Architect and put plans together. A lot of thought went into how the cemetery site would be set up. As an example, this is one of world war i cemeteries. It is the only one, i believe, that actually has curvature in the plot. So each of the roses actually curb. So a lot of thought went into it with the type of trees perhaps another site would not have on that. That is why 1937, the site was morales completed by the mid 19 twenties. Then they built the buildings, the chapel, we talk to a 1930. Again, 1937 is because big American Legion delegation came over and that helped as well especially at the hill 204 monument. You know if general came to the dedication . He came to both. General came to the dedication here at the cemetery and also at the Monument Hill 204. This is particularly interesting to americans. But cause is the final advance of the enemy towards paris in may 1900 and was struck by the second and third american division. The second at belleau wood and the third at Chateau Thierry. The belleau wood and the Marne Campaign was significant for world war i, the american participation. How did the individual divisions or even regiments commemorate that continuing today . A little bit differently. Each of the individuals, we would say division, sometimes the regional size, they decided a different way to commemorate as far as building monuments or putting plaques in different places that can trace the path of where they advanced or perhaps were they even train before combat. A couple of examples here would be the Second Division boulders. There is just over 30 throughout france that you could trace with the Second Division of which the marines were half. You can trace i guess in another way their flood steps through france at different times. Sars a couple thats around the battlefield. On the flip side, the 26th division, they decided to build but one monument, and that happened to be the Village Church of appellate which was largely destroyed by the 26th division, ended up taking the village in 19 eight of july. They post word fundraised and rebuilt the Church Location just outside of the cemetery. So its not just the cemeteries to discover in these areas. Theres other sites of commemoration and memory that americans hundred years ago now built. So they are available, about the key to the Village Church or Second Division boulders. Whatever you find of interest but theres a lot of history here. Why dont you show us some of the grave markers that you are most familiar with. Sure. Right this way. I found the story thanks to a family visitor. I just happened to be working. It was the 11th of april. I remember it 2016. About a year and a half ago. If i had worked by his head stove on the 10th of april a day before this visit that were gonna talk about i would have been able to tell you that hes a member of the machine gun battalion. The yankee division. Thats the from the state of about. He died in november 18. I can tell you much more than that. I can tell you a whole lot more in a country of photo. Thanks to the family visit i happen to be working. It was a weekend and two ladies and a man came through the gate from the state of ohio, but in fact they came packing the story. She was the great, nice the great great, niece her daughter. What was really interesting is that they had kept his letters, dairy, photos in the family. They made high quality copies across and they meet his story alive, if not for that family also sharing with me perhaps history would be lost. So again the family, that is an important connection but now i can tell his story, a little bit about what he was thinking, what he was feeling, what he was doing. We can always get sweat a young soldier a Young Private from vermont. He just celebrated her his birthday, he only love to be 20 years old. You can guess what they were thinking. Thinking about going home. How miserable they were even if they agreed this is something that we have to fight for, a common cause with our french allies. Now i can tell you all of those things were true. He couldnt wait to come home. He kept talking about how i hope this is the final birthday have to celebrate away from home. As it were, he never got to use that return ticket he was provided. I know, i use his story as an example. Because he could have a some mueller story of the guy to the left and right, i just dont. No but i can tell you with his letter and his words. I can look just down, next to the farm, up to the ravine to the right. He wouldve fallen, some are up there. Just a short walk from here. You can literally walk ten or 15 minutes and be read in the area where he was killed. So he is one of those u. S. Dont boys. Not a marine, but it to a boy, who actually knew ella wood as well. Then a couple of weeks to prepare defenses, and then on the 18th of july off they went, on the big offensive to scale and 1918. Ultimately successful, but again he is one of many that fell in that area. Its important if you bring that up because many people who know something about bellow, would think that battle completely ended on july 26, and that was, it but in reality the fighting continued through a good part of july. Im happy to remind people that the marines who found untied they had a high casualty rate compared to the french on their side, but on the left the french were fighting in, tying another rate was the u. S. Army all of the same. Time we always refer to the beto below would, it was important battle. But on the right, the u. S. Army was. Fighting they could see each other. There was some mixing between the lines. I try to be fair and balanced. Its an important story to tell but its one of many stories here in the area. When i get a group of marines, especially these Young Marines who come over, they make me feel old napanee some pushing 40 myself in some of these guys, they are 19, 20 years old. I tried to tell a story that really fits for where they are in their military career. So right over this way. His name is walter cornell. I almost called him cornell in fact. He was a member of the sixth regiment and he was killed day two of the battle here in pillow would. But for me thats not really the interesting part of the story, thats the factual part of it. What is interesting to me that, cornell all of the young, brings it his company looked him for leadership. U. S. Marines, the all volunteer force, most had never seen combat before. Not this guy. This guy had been around the world literally fighting under the flag. He had been a china. Hes been all over the place. These little islands, as part of the marine corps in 1917. Again constable for ships and security, base side, all of that, Walter Coronel story for me and gardner cornell as he was known to the marines. This story for me was that he showed leadership in the first days of combat when the Young Marines were looking to someone for direction. Looking for leadership. When it comes down to is he was a marine sniper. Longrange fire, very effective, he would come in every night with more not just on the stock of his rifle. He had actually been entered relatively severely on the 6th of june. He was shot on the side, and part of his youre got shut. Off he refused more than basic medical attention and then he got up the next morning on the 7th of june and he laid a box, bombarded his position because theyre taking heavy casualties, he was a spotlight burn. They never figured out exactly how he died, many of the young marine said if they cant get cornell the cant get. Us they all fought hard and his first few days of combat. As you can see he was awarded the dnc and the navy service cross. Hes one of the more awarded here in the cemetery. But he didnt last very long here in france. Just a few days here on combat. I talk a lot about new england or is because of the 26th division, the yankees, Division New England guard. I also like to remind people that its not just the u. S. Marine corps fighting in this area. Having said, that sometimes the remains that came from massachusetts. He was a new england. Our Second Lieutenant thomas ashley, young guy, in his mid twenties, he was actually killed pretty early in the battle for hill 142. He was a member of the regiment that took what is essentially the northern part of the battle field of belleau wood. He wouldnt have seen belleau would at least closeup because they didnt live long enough to get there. So its not just belleau wide, it was the marine corps, there was just in the first battle there in june. The gold star mother pilgrimages, do you know when they went to the cemetery . Before it was dedicated right . Yes. The gold star pilgrimages, a part of history that doesnt get all the play that i think it deserves. The u. S. Government for staff give the families of the fall in the choice, as we talked about, to bring their loved ones remains home. For those who chose not to bring them home but leave them overseas, they were provided the choice to come over in the early 19 thirties and visit their loved ones headstone, and visit the battle stone. These are things in paris, they did some Shopping Trips and other things that were not world war i, not a war related. So that was over four different. Summers 1930 to 1933. I dont know how many ultimately came to the site. But i have my numbers. Right 6690. Three i have that right. So just over 6500 women came over on the trip. Men were not eligible. It was often mothers who lost their son. Sometimes photos as. Well most of these guys dont have a chance to marry. But if they had a widow so the american superintendent at that point would have welcomed them in, and taken them around. If memory serves, me there was a threeweek voyage from door to door, on a cruise liner, with nice tablecloths and all of that. But it took a while to get here so thats where that three weeks wasnt really three weeks and country. They were very careful to separate the group set and a couple of different ways. We will talk about that. This would be group a for the year. Always done in the summer months so you would have a longer season, and hopefully better weather. Although in france you never know, even in the summer. They would have a military escort, a u. S. Military escort with them in the state to make the most comfortable as possible. Now interesting way, these are the segregated intersecting sites. There are black soldiers very next to white soldiers, very next to officers, all states, many of them first integration immigrants all of that. There were gold star groups of African American women. So they were still segregated during their pilgrimages as well. Its an interesting part of history that needs to be told. They were still provided the ability to come over but in fact they were still separated at that point. Sometimes when i talk about visit a photo of a woman visiting her son. I know nothing about her son except for whats on the headstone except it another way of making the connection that the information is out there. It did happen. She went to the same exact site. But i learned is that many of your visitors are actually french citizens. That is. True what is it about the cemetery to them that you think brings them here . There has always been a connection between the french and americans at least going back to 1918 that i know. Of of course you can always go back to 1976 as, well many people do that as well. What is interesting is to see the turnout at the first few memorial days here with the local community. Very high. All the school children. All the local officials who came out to honor the fallen. It hasnt changed. Last year we had over 2000 here and i know we are going to have more in 2018. So that is a link. Were talking 100 years on, and we still have great local Community Support. I say with visitors when they walk through the gate here, a lot of people are struck by how beautiful it is and how well maintained it is. All of that is true. A lot of work goes into it but theres a lot of work behind the scenes to make the site when it is today. We have multi generational visitors, sometimes employees who work and maintain the sites. Often their grandfather father worked for them in some of the sites. So theres a lot of ways of making the connection but i can tell you that the french have not forgotten what took place here to free them the first time around in 1918, and then of course as ive worked as well many world war ii cemeteries in france and elsewhere, the locals, it is pretty come into just see a great local Community Support for the sites. Man [noise]

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