person only who is holding americans hostage, including those 800,000 workers who are not being paid, including those millions who worry about tax refunds, worry about their forms, worry about their stocks, that one person who is mainta maintaining the shutdown because he wants $5.7 billion for his vanity project is donald trump. >> so what does he go from here on that, scott? >> he's in the bunker. he's in the bunker along with certain advisers like steven miller and i think they decided they're not going to come out. they're going to dig in and somehow hope that they'll have this wave of support from americans who will decide that all the damage is worth it if you have, quote, the wall. i think they're wrong. but until they come to that recognition, or until perhaps more importantly mitch mcconnell stops protecting him, and allows the senate to also pass a bill to reopen the government, they'll stay in that bunker for weeks and even months. >> we'll see what the effect that has on mitch mcconnell and the republicans who continue to