martha: well, europe and the united states have been on pins and needles with talk of a possible christmas terror attack like the one that we saw last year. here's what we have today. breaking news coming from rome. bomb squads are on the scene at a subway station just outside of rome. the device that was found was reportedly in a grocery bag that was under a seat which brings, you know, a lot of emphasis to if you see something, say something phrase that we hear so much here this new york. and it was said to contain wires and some explosive powder. the area was cleared, security folks came in there and made the area safe. the subway trains, we're told, continue to operate at this hour. they say the discovery, though, was, quote, worrying, and be no doubt they're curious to see whether or not they see any other similar devices on any other trains in rome, so they're checking out all of that. we'll keep you posted on that