dollars. during that same time it has 306 billion dollar in program expenditures, it is going to be 134 billion dollar short. can we pay the interest on the debt? yeah, it is about 29 billion dollars. can we pay social security? you bet, 49 billion. we can pay medicare and medicaid, 50 billion. we can pay military, 2.9 billion dollars. we can pay for the bullets, gasoline and jet fuel and everything they need, 31.7 billion dollars many refinanceds due from irs, 3.9. we can pay a quarter of the unemployment checks that are going to be due that month. that exhausted the 172 billion dollars. at that point you can't pay for the fbi, national parks, faa, federal retirees, you name it. >> greta: karl, thank you. >> you bet. >> greta: donald trump calling his federal republicans terrible negotiators and el foldo. what provoked those words?