and now we'll get up to 20, 25 miles an hour. while on a superhighway we should go 70, 75 miles an hour. it will be better only because we've done so poorly before. bill: if we reached the bottom and we're bouncing back? >> sort of. bill: sort of, it is a slow climb back to where we were? >> unnecessarily slow, unnecessarily slow. bill: what are the policies then required to pick up that pace? >> one, stop trashing the u.s. dollar so we can be able to trust it again and get real interest rates for savers. stop the binge spending and start reforming the tax code which the republicans and the super-committee put out there. it's a first step in the right direction. and which this president won't do, suspend obamacare and start all over again. already now on obamacare we have 10,000 pages of new regulations. this is insane. bill: the super-committee has about 10 days to go. we're watching that deadline too. steve, we'll bring you back before the super-committee decides, okay?