a funny piece, funny because it's true. i've been talking about how smart jeb is and how competent jeb is. the last three days have just been really bad for beb jusheb bush. what's up? >> it goes right to his core brand. a guy who says what he means and mean what's says. every republican -- >> so let's tell everybody first of all the big blunders. go ahead. >> he's given three answers now on how he feels about the iraq are war. first time he said he misunderstood the question, he said of course i'd be for the war. second time he said i don't know. and then yesterday he said i'm not going to say because it would be disrespectful to those who lost their lives. i'm not sure at this point what his position is. >> but you say something -- and this is what is so con founding. you say it's a fraught question for republicans. ask me, somebody who assumed the