have a great weekend. >> thank you. you too. >> all right. i 'm in for launs o'donnell. to rally tonight in alabama, donald trump talked about how he can't seem to close the deal with republican senators on health care repeal and why trump voters won't be getting the wall they have been promised. >> john mccain has gone full maverick this afternoon. >> announcing moments ago he is a no on the graham/cassidy bill. >> saying the process is garbage. >> hopefully now stop stupid. >> knockout blow may not be far off. >> i obviously have very serious reservations about the bill. i do want to wait until i get the cbo analysis. >> basically her saying i'm waiting until they say it's a terrible bill before i vote against it. >> i think it's dead as a cucumber. dead as what? door nail. >> they finally get a president who will sign the legislation and they don't have the guts to vote for it.