or majority/minority districts that lean african-american, lean democrat, had to be redrawn. so now we have more influence districts. so those influence districts are those districts that at least 25% of african-american in other communities of color are within those districts and they have the opportunity to influence the outcome. now, it might not be a democrat that wins that election. but it might be more of a centrist republican. and not someone that is so far to the right, tea party freedom caucus that we literally can't have a conversation with them at all. so, again, i'm still very optimistic about 2018. i think that we're going end to up with a democratic governor, when we had a governor in the state of alabama who said that she believed these women, but she was going to choose to vote for roy moore. there is a target on kay ivy's back and we're going to run with it and make sure that a democrat is elected as governor of the great state of alabama. >> alabama democratic state