disappointing to see the president of the united states going out of his way, bending over backwards not to mention the name of a bill that carries john mccain's name for a very specific reason. you would like to think, even if you have disagreements with john mccain or you resent the fact that he didn't vote to repeal the affordable care act that you would have the class for an american icon, an american hero, in his dying days, quite frankly, to at least pay tribute in this moment, but the president couldn't do that either. good morning. it is tuesday, august 14th. with us, we have contributor to time magazine, msnbc political analyst and former aide to the george w. bush white house, elise jordan. political writer for "the new york times" and political analyst, nicholas caposori, and heidi press heidi and michael steele. should we get into it here? >> i would like to talk to