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Downtown Rifle's revitalization project recognized with two
Downtown Rifle's revitalization project recognized with two
Downtown Rifle's revitalization project recognized with two major awards for concrete work
A major construction project aimed at bolstering infrastructure and beautifying the downtown Rifle area recently captured two regional awards. In addition to the city, MSG Ready Mix and Martinez Western Constructors were also awards recipients....
Related Keywords
United States ,
Canada ,
Wyoming ,
American ,
Paul Martinez ,
Tommy Klein ,
Brian Prunty ,
Rayk Erku ,
American Concrete Pavement Association ,
American Concrete Institute ,
Rifle City Council On Nov ,
Rifle Public Works Director Brian Prunty ,
Martinez Western Constructors ,
President Katie Conrado ,
Rifle City Council ,
Concrete Award ,
Rocky Mountain ,
American Concrete ,
Third Street ,
Mayor Ed Green ,
City Manager Tommy Klein ,
Martinez Western Contractors ,