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Rolls out the red carpet for u. S. President donald trump but tense talks still lie ahead the two powers are at odds over trade and cracking down on north korea. I am a layla the rockets a pleasure to have you along in germany could be the first the e. U. Country to allow people to register as a third gender in the countrys top court ruled that present laws discriminate against intersex people and that official documents could either recognize a third gender or move gender entries all together now the government has also has until the end of twenty eighteen to draw up new regulations. Fine you can hardly believe it. The years of fighting for a third gender have finally been rewarded and. There are lots of places in society where theres a split between the sexes. So i have to ask myself again and again how do i define myself do i try to fit in or do i trust myself not to do so and how are people going to react and. Its an issue that directly affects van year and around one hundred sixty thousand other intersex people in germany people who were born with male and female features and whose gender cant be identified and thats where the problem starts so far its only been possible to enter a male or female on the birth register or leave it open. Finally has campaigned for a third category a third gender like into and diverse the court is open the door to that although theyve left the exact description open. As a basic personal rights also protect the Sexual Identity of those people who dont define themselves as male or female. The current law on civil status or infringes on the prohibition of discrimination. Just because its not possible to enter anything other than male or female would have viably he used the court has given lawmakers until the end of december twenty eighth seen to draft new rules. Although you who brought this case to court a constanza pled to is joining us right now the lawsuit was filed along with the Advocacy Group the third option mrs pledge what does your mean when mean for people like your client of on your who identify as nonbinary. First of all it means acceptance and not any longer being neglected by the law because as you said and. Previously it was only possible to register as mayor or female or neither one saw that means there was no positive agenda that could be righteous that and now its accepted by the has been accepted as a federal Constitutional Court that also people who. Dont fit into made off you made they have the right for a positive. Signify a and thats most important and in the ruling itself it says there is no obligation given by the constitution for binary construction of gender as it has been up to now ok now what will that change and what will change concretely for those who identify as nonbinary binary now change as a result of this the court ruling. Yes on that they have entry of their own and then all of what follows from the birth retros the line. Of thought and. There are so many occasions the sex has been given to all your sorties and now its clear that its not not in this. Take on air or something unheard of. Person has. Different from made off email and so they will be positive about that not being male or female all right so theres this positive reinforcement why is it important for to be identified and to have that option to be legally recognized as nonbinary. Because some many other legislation and orders and all kinds of legal norms require. An entry for sex and. Individuals who dont identify as mayor of he may. Just silenced. All out cost of whatever. Tom applies for they. Must be silenced and now they can. Stand up and. Say what they are without being really sure by law and administrative bodies and misplay would you say that the just your in here is taking the lead on this issue. Yeah definitely because its on and ministration. Of us hasnt turned. Taking the lead and the legislature four years ago when it introduced the possibility to leave the sex category open and the bass register was. I think. Also hesitant but maybe four years of quite a time and the discussions and the Political Agency has gone farther and but in these matters. We have it. When i go back over decades has quite often being the federal judicial federal Constitutional Court who has the also or o. T. For. The final interpretation of our front. Fundamental rights and now it has was that yes the claim for a positive. Significator in all of the thousand. Followers from some of the torsion all right cost us a flat there as a lawyer who brought fine yes case to the court thank you. All right now are to china where donald trump a has arrived for what according to his aides is the most crucial part of his a five country trip across asia chinese president xi jinping and his wife gave the u. S. President and first lady a lavish welcome starting with a private tour of the from britain city a compound in the center of beijing the two president s have a lot to talk about the u. S. Hopes china will ramp up economic pressure on north korea in an attempt to stop young mans Nuclear Ambitions more than a night at the opera President Trumps asia trip brings him to china where his key themes trade and north korea converge china is one of americas largest trading partners and north koreas major sponsor. Competing for Global Commerce but also partners in it part of trumps trip includes a signing ceremony for commercial deals between the two countries worth about nine billion dollars. Trade is tricky Business Trade imbalance is a big issue for trump he even said it got him elected one year ago and its really big with china. The u. S. A leader in services enjoys Service Trade surpluses with china and many other countries however trade in goods easily wipes out these gains in two thousand and sixteen that left the u. S. In a three hundred ten billion dollar hole with china which trump is keen to climb out of. Two of the worlds most powerful leaders havent always seen eye to eye but there may be room for Common Ground trump is a business person you know i mean. You know the president president you know status but china is a business a state. So a businessman and a business state they would understand oh lets do business together. While they have very different leadership and speaking styles trump and she appear to be forging a relationship based on mutual business interests because everybody. Thats there is so much riding on this visit and that is here with me in the studio in asia specialist with the Bertelsmann Foundation a think tank here in germany good to have you with us topping the agenda of course is north korea and its Nuclear Program lets listen to what president alltime said before he headed to beijing and then well start our conversation the regime has interpreted americas past restraint as weakness. This would be a fatal miscalculation this is a very Different Administration than the United States has had in the past today i hope i speak not only for our countries. But for all civilized nations when i say to the north do not underestimate us and do not try. This of our sister very dire warning there that we heard a president a trump issue what exactly does he want to do. From one state to take the problem off his hands that from approach to north korea seems to be to let china solve it and then take credit for it and say i told china to do it and they solved it problem is its not going to work that way because does china have that type of leverage over pyongyang. It does not of course it has some of all big nations it has the most leverage most trade with north korea goes through china they have the closest contacts but the system in north korea is not only very suspicious of the u. S. Its also very suspicious of china so they have no real reason to give in and its not like china could be pushing around north korea and they would listen to them all right so if beijing basically cant just walk into kim your Morning Office and say this is what youve got to do what can be aging off for the u. S. President they can make sure that the sanctions will be implemented more straightforwardly than in the past thats been a problem they have been the sanctions for a long time against north korea and they were not really followed up by chinese customs they are most strict about that now but then theres a lot of discussion whether sanctions are really a way to change north korea this big doubts about it so i think the north korea problem is very far from being solved all right well and next to the other hot button issue trade us china trade is beijing prepared to make any concessions. In that area where it does have leverage. It will not because it has no reason to do so the u. S. Has no real instruments to force china to change its approach china has been very successful with this approach in the past and although there has been a lot of rhetoric in the u. S. The Trump Campaign was very much about china is stealing our jobs. Nothing really has happened and as long as the u. S. Doesnt have any real policies that would be really threatening to chinas core interests china has no intention to change its course and no reason really and how is china viewing this visit i mean they rolled out the red carpet hes going to be the first foreign leader since one nine hundred forty nine to dine in the historic forbidden city they clearly you think theyre calling it the state visit plus is this just a Charm Offensive or is this all that they can really offer him in terms of concessions when it comes to bilateral relations the chinese are putting on a very good show for donald trump they know that he needs this he needs the pictures at home the chinese side needs good pictures too that is really what this trip is about they want to demonstrate harmony they want to demonstrate that they can Work Together in a way these two leaders he and trump the only leaders that they respect and vice versa they are the two most powerful men in the world they know they are they know they they need to project back home that theyre at the same time working together and theyre not being totally bored by the other. But the show for the first day has been working very well has been working very well talk to us a little bit about the people in china what do they make of us president dollar trump theyve been much entertained by him they knew donald trump long before he was president as billionaire. They dont take him very seriously as a politician and donald trump is a great gift for Chinese State propaganda because he is the example that they need to demonstrate that democracy western style is going to lead to disaster and its nothing that china should copy and what better could they wish for than an example like donald trump that is very easy to communicate to the chinese audience like bernard brushes. Specialist with the british Men Foundation here in germany thank you for you thank you thank you. Thank you. For your Business News now commissioner muscovy she says Member States can and will do much more to fight tax havens top priority is creation of a blacklist to name and shame jurisdictions that cater to wealthy firms and individuals get the e. U. Has been working for two years on similar measures with limited success consensus remains a challenge especially among members with a lower tax rate of their own. Joining me now is the man him self he used commissioner for economic and Financial Affairs pia moscow we say good evening thank you very much for coming in youve said that the e. U. Must seize the opportunity to make a credible blacklist of tax havens what counts as a tax haven. Attacks even is a country which fulfills three criteria the first country which does not respect the Global Standards of governance of the said to me what we call beds procedure from the u. E. C. Second a country would not have Automatic Exchange of information on the readings or all simply on my own personal goals and third country which as zero tax rate as far as corporate taxation is concerned about zero tax rate is a very high bog though and some would look to a u. Member at least for the moment no return as being the no now you know member state is a tax even if you look at those criteria then youve got to examine that as. The objective because it was a British Crown dependency with a zero percent youre talking about Something Different im talking about you if you talk about the u. K. Country you know well the u. K. Is not a tax even and the country on the country is very prominent. Fighting dogs for the tax evasion but there are some crown dependencies all the territories which are to see to do the crown or to the u. K. Which are screen that will take another example that drizzy which is the isle of man i have designed. For your wall so for jack the way the stacks to be out of man and i expect responses and if the responses are not satisfactory then we will have an estrangement procedure and this island is also cremated taking the easy route between good because really because. The u. K. Sounds like a fun geez sounds like an excuse in order to not be tough with mistakes like britain imo although not point five percent tax rate is i dont really love dont be upset with u. K. I learned as a country with a low tax rate but there is suffering on tax rates but its not zero its twelve point five and when its not respected which was the case with upul then we consider that it is a state aid thats what my colleague margaret this is decided so coming back to the blacklist if weve got those criteria and they are severe enough much more severe than the o. E. C. D. Quote syria. I have three messages first it must be delivered fast we must have this block list before the end of two thousand and seventeen it will be the First Time Ever that we have a european belgrade his second we need to have a credible blacklist of critical blacklist as more obviously than one territory or noncorporate jurisdictions all countries which are. Following those criteria is considered a tax even must be listed and food you cannot have a credible list if you dont have credible sanctions appropriate sanctions and thats what were working on yesterday that was the council in brussels we made Good Progress i think that with the parties paper scandal the ministers the governments few of that they need to deliver the commission is there push them to deliver the Public Opinion is there to push them to deliver the media here to what was the daily mirror that coming out of the mystic Commission President drunk or younger has been remarkably quiet over the last few days and i put it to you that the commission has zero credibility to handle this issue of tax avoidance because after all he the Commission President is accused of encouraging tax avoidance when there was a Prime Minister lesson that absolutely force this commission has done more on fighting tax fraud and tax evasion than all the commissions in the previous twenty years you know that you employ you dont think you have waited minutes its not due to the fact that this or that person ids here due to the fact that we are in a new window in the new area new period which is a period of transparency i have proposed that i am the tax commissioner and ive got full trust from could you i act in these names i have proposed eleven proposals directives among them six have been adopted which is not that easy if you consider what is the rule of unanimity inside the e. U. We have the best treating ever for a commission chose to commissioners my colleague not going to and myself who are really i think a team which is dedicated to find a text of massive tax avoidance you know you can all say that in two thousand and three he encouraged the amazon to put its tax base in knox and im talking about the president of the commission. And dr you are president of the commission and this commission we are i can say that quietly but very confidently the champions of fighting tax fraud and tax evasion we talked about this is a Commission Proposal i will mention two other proposals the one is the first one is that i think that the activity of those intermediaries legal advisers. Fiscal advisors or banks it must be made transparent to the next administration and this third one is that we have already established a country by country reporting this is one of the six directives i mentioned but between tax administrations i would like it to become public i think there is no a position between investment which we want to protect the value you want and arent yes because transparency if you want to see is the only way to tackle with those phenomena is if we can reach our goal but when you are addressing it when youre looking for how will this affect the average person in europe who is watching this right now if you do manage to get what you want and close these tax loopholes and blacklist these tax havens i think that what we are attending now with those parties papers which is a scandal but probably those practices are mostly legal but they are not moral this cannot be possible why because it exists only because it is even and certainly it is revealed if it is transparent if it is public it is not possible anymore you know all those people all those structures all those companies all those states which today named and shamed after the brothers paper if their activity would be immediately made public then they would be much much more careful thats why transparency is the massive destruction weapon against tax evasion against tax aggressive tax planning. And thats why this commission is so so strong on france broke the you could commission right and you mention the threat to the potential threat of sanctions what are we talking about here are we talking about fines directly for a few who try and squirrel away their money in tax havens of a role its ok because unless theres a significant legal threat theyre going to continue to say tax avoidance is a misdemeanor were not talking about firms were talking about the states when you have a blacklist of tax even if youre talking about the states or territories weve mentioned some of them getting to the ground but there are those states will be which will be listed and i hope that we will have a very. Strong list strong by pleased the sanctions must be linked to our own capacity to their own linkage with the union i would mention for example a well create deals or multilateral or Bilateral Agreements that we have got with them that can be suspended but the best thing should the strongest action is name and shame ok i really mean nobody nobody will like to be there and in one word are we now finally going to see significant change and cracking down on tax havens under your leadership in this case its not up to me to decide that you know the commission as a prominent role because we have the monopoly of the initiative and we have taken so many initiatives i mentioned three of them and believe me if they become decisions that would be different but but the ball is in the camp of the Member States its up to them to decide they have to decide they have to deliver. And to deliver believe the end of this year two thousand and seventeen is the year Pierre Moscovici thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us today. And more focus on the europe later on in the show as we look at what the e. U. Is doing to clean up quality flavor this summer so russia now in its young revolutionaries this next report that youre about to see as part of a detail you series looking at the one hundred one one hundredth anniversary of communist seizing power in russia St Petersburg russias former capital its where the revolution all began and the other use here a shadow when to see how that city is still a hub of antigovernment sentiments and he filed this report. In the. An october twenty seventeen this is the sound of anger heritance and petersburg russia second largest city has become a hotbed of protest as was the case one hundred years ago when lenin and his comrades orchestrated toba revolution and change the world. But what do todays protests mean are they a real fight more of a romantic idea how revolutionary are young russian intellectuals. Many of the young people here in St Petersburg could be called more down the revolutionaries theyre presenting the Digital Economy at the generation taking to the streets to demand political change and they even risk going to prison for their ideals. Like eighteen year old dimitri me action he supports opposition politicians alexina valma. Just when i feel like a revolutionary my goal is a change of power in russia. Action was arrested at an antigovernment demonstration several weeks ago he stands accused of injuring a policeman as he was trying to get away hes been put on trial for allegedly attacking a Government Official and faces jail time. I dont want to see violence of victims like in my down in ukraine i hope that we can change our system through democratic means but if the government doesnt listen to us then we may see radical protests in russia. With. The armed insurrection in one nine hundred seventeen ultimately so russia transformed into the soviet union. Yet even today many memories of the uprising still stand in St Petersburg so do tributes to the soviet state such as street names. Soviet sky can be found around the city a total of ten times. The victims of the revolution commemorated here. The shot that kicked off the revolution was fired from the washington aurora today its a sparsely visited museum. For. The soviet union is a closed chapter and its heroes are in history. Not impressed by the communist revolution the only see today is the concept of a peoples revolution of course im a bit scared life but im trying not to think about it we must be courageous that is the only way to achieve our goals. All be right back. How vulnerable is germany to a hacker attack. A rigorous test as applied to energy suppliers. Telecommunication companies. Completely networked completely vulnerable germany. D. W. Welcome to quadriga. If. There is music are you ready for the. Political issues visionary and she womens talk long w o smart women. Track smart talks like that we broke the record. Smart state fans cheer them in the next report youll find out just this way about. D. W. Made for minds. Your children like chocolate. You can live with your smartphone. To make troops the same. As we go about our daily life human rights from the mines to the wrong. Visible. To the twenty first century. Story december second g. W. Good to see you again on layla iraq and berlin youre watching the news as our main headline right now. Germany could become the first you country to allow people to be registered as a third gender of the countrys top court ruled that present laws discriminate against intersex people. U. S. President donald trump has arrived in china for whats being called their centerpiece of his first asian tour trumps expected to push president xi jinping on trade imbalances and to increase pressure on north korea to curb its Nuclear Ambitions. In the United States democrats are celebrating victories in several closely watched state and local elections a year into Donald Trumps presidency the polls are being seen as a test of Voter Opinion Trumps Republican Party was dealt a major setback in the state of virginia where Democrat Ralph Northam has been elected Governor Northam and netted a decisive victory over republican ed gillespie who had attacked him on divisive issues ranging from a migration to gang crime and confederate statues well the democrats also won the race for governor in new jersey and scored well in local elections scattered across the nation. All right lets talk now to do that we use alexander phenomena she is our bird chief in washington where she joins us from good to see you alexandra these are big wins for the democrats in the trump era what does this mean for twenty. Yeah youre right it was a great night for the democrats and its clearly was a referendum on the presidency of donald trump particular in virginia when they were half of the voters said that that triumph was a very important factor in their Decision Making making and those voters send a clear signal a clear message to the white house that they are not happy with what is going on in washington so it was a great night for the democrats and it all gives them a sort of psychological boost it can help them recruiting candidates and fund raising for the midterm elections in twenty eighteen and i was in virginia last week and i have to say that i met very energized and highly motivated democrats there arent so theyre fired up where you saw them some attribute these wins to an anti trump wave would you say that the g. O. P. Is in danger of losing control of the white house or is it too early to start saying that well what we definitely can say is that these elections yesterday were warning signal a wake up call for the republicans and we can assume then some of them start now to think whether it is wise to be associated with President Trump and his rhetoric especially when they stand for reelection in a swing state many of them are worried that the republican majority in congress could be in jeopardy all right so a wake up call for the g. O. P. I wanted it was also a night of first. Yes indeed and one interesting story is the story of dannys rom and she is a she became the first openly transgender legislator ever elected in the United States she was elected in virginia and she made history by on sitting one of the longest serving and most conservative lawmaker and lawmakers there bob marshall who earlier this year had advocated for a bill that would require people to use a bathroom. That matches the gender listed on their birth certificate and the fact that she was elected is also some analysts say sending a message to donald trump and the white house as you might remember donald trump had a science directive an order trying to ban transgender people from military. Alexander phenomena reporting from washington thank you and its a year today since washington outsider donald trump defied the odds and was elected u. S. President in the twelve months since use of social media platform twitter for everything from attacking his political enemies to announcing new policies and our own elizabeth from d. W. Social media is here to cut through some of those remarkable moments liz its hard to imagine a President Trump without twitter. Absolutely lael and in fact he himself has acknowledged that he wouldnt have won last years election without twitter and without social media in general and even right now as president he is using twitter to connect with his base and hes using that through really ignore the traditional media and just directly set the news agenda lots of people find the tone that he strikes in his tweets questionable but trump has a very clear message to everybody criticizing him for the way he writes his tweets he says my use of social media is not president ial its modern day president ial and lay low we all know that trump loves attacking the media on twitter one of his favorite targets is c. N. N. And you might remember this back in july he tweeted this video showing him basically wrestling c. N. N. To the ground a lot of people criticize him for this saying he is encouraging violence against reporters but turn himself said that he posted this as a joke and people shouldnt take it to a seriously but in fact this thing it went viral and more than one Million People either retreated this video or it clicked like and of course listen a lot of the things that he tweets go viral and if they dont they get a lot of people talking. Absolutely almost all of his tweets are newsworthy sometimes that is unintentional let me just show you one good example here one day late at night u. S. Time when donald trump from the white house tweeted this he said despite the constant negative press coffee and then he just left it at that he left people scratching their heads wondering why do you meant by that asking themselves how to even pronounce that word and asking whether he had drank good to match or small something well others so this is a Business Opportunity they got creative with the word for example here creating t. Shirts and a logo with that word but then add on trump later deleted that tweet and up until today he hasnt told us the definition of that word and of course shock horror last week the president s twitter account was deactivated for a whole eleven minutes. We were all surprised we were wondering what was happening was he taking a break from twitter maybe it later turned out that actually somebody at twitter on his last day at work had decided to shut down a President Trump count it is back online right now many people found it funny others were wondering about the security at twitter let me just show you one comment here this year says its shocking that some random twitter employee you could shut down the president s account what if they instead had tweeted fake a message is. Even without fake messages believe the president of the collins never fails to shock people with the tweets that he sends out regularly and of course were monitoring his account if theres anything interesting we will let you know so well be hearing from his various or english or did your view social media thank you so much. Youre watching the news we still have a lot more to tell you about here is whats ahead. East meets west the worlds most popular art you see this movie is opening a new location and if you havent heard where it is already you probably wont be a want to guess where it is. Birth first a new set of challenges could be set to hit european carmakers danielle thats right if you havent had your fill of e. U. Commission action on here with more a new set of challenges could be set to hit european carmakers the e. U. Commission is proposing another cut in vehicle emissions the political level of emissions for new cars in europe is ninety five grams of c o two per kilometer on average that means that some models can produce more than this as long as the others of the same brand are less polluting but many german car makers cannot even meet these targets their emissions are still well over the existing threshold toyota and p. S. A. T. Are in a better position at eighty nine and eighty seven grams per kilometer respectively they already come in below the current target good for them but the industry as a whole could do more thats why the e. U. Wants to extend reductions until twenty thirty and lower the allowed limits to sixty six grams of c o two per kilometer some in the e. U. Commission call plan ambitious maybe because they know germanys car industry will fight them tooth and nail Charlotte Charleston pil filed this report from brussels. Landed there and more. Reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions while still keeping the e. U. Karma competitive that the e. U. Commissions plan for the future of the european kind history this is not only good for the planet but also for our pockets. The Commission Wants a thirty percent reduction in Carbon Emissions from cars and vans by twenty thirty compared to twenty twenty one bombs they first want the Commission Says theyre designed to please both sides this proposals is ambitious but this is realistic that ambitious they are Cost Effective and vicious but not this optimism about many on tapi environmentalists were hoping for a quota on the number of clean energy because comic is how to produce and have been left angry by reports that the proposal was watered down to intervention from german condo b s this is a good early Christmas Present from president to the to the cut german car industry the targets which are being proposed are highly on ambitious but most importantly the proposed zero Emission Vehicle tall gates has been completely removed from the proposal off the direct lobbying by the german car industry this is a huge disappointment the proposal still needs the green light from the European Parliament and even Member States several of whom say europe needs to accelerate reforms if its car industry wants to stay competitive in a fast moving market. Now while car makers find it difficult to meet low and missions targets in lunch shipping looks set to embrace electric engines up until recently only small boats ran on batteries while bigger vessels were still powered by dirty diesel engines but thats changing and fast. At last he can take the wheel tossed im sure knows the new electoral fairy inside out he was the design teams project leader but the Maiden Voyage is still something special. Just disconnected from our land based power supply and now were reliant on the batteries. The ferries the electric motors come to life with barely a murmur there are four of them one on each corner of the ship as opposed to the traditional centrally mounted diesel engines. With you and he with us not to these films orders for motors mean the ship doesnt stick firmly to a given work or sells instead it veers around a bit when the road is applied. And. Thats not just a new sensation for the captain its very can carry up to forty five passengers and six cars card entirely by twenty four lithium polymer batteries they allow an annual saving of fourteen thousand liters of diesel. As long as the captain can get used to the electric sailing era. Im a if you want to conserve energy which is fundamental to running a ship like this youve got to be controlled and approach your birth as gently as possible not every captain can do that but then again not everyone is made for electric cars either. Demand for environmentally friendly ships is rising and not only interest regions but also in cities with poor air quality. Obviously theres no smell when youre on the port fairys in hamburg for instance you can smell oil you think youre in an engineering factory you dont have that on an electric ferry. Lynched hours on end to the market early on and theres already designed and built ten electric ships. Theyre built as lightly as possible because every kilo saved means less demand on the expensive batteries thats crucial to commercial viability. You know. Since i mean this is when we are using steel we have to minimize what it is far as possible Design Engineers couldnt just take a conventional approach instead they have to ensure a minimum of energy was required to move the vessel that meant thinner and different beam separation as far as was possible and that allowed us to save twenty percent in miles. The electric ferry still costs fifteen percent more than conventional diesel driven versions but the town of all the police tree it doesnt mind the cost it prefers clean air on the mosul river where the ferry goes into service in a few weeks time. Its the worlds biggest and most Popular Art Museum the name is synonymous with paris but today a new phase being opened far away from the french capital. In the United Arab Emirates wants to bring together east and west displaying art from around the world and what youre witnessing what youre seeing now is an ad for in the complex of fifty five buildings under one massive dome was more than a decade in the making and the result of intricate planning by renowned french architect. Well for more on this new landmark David Leavitts is here what was the story behind this the story behind it you know why its like why is there a. Word well one reason is money france is making about a billion euros off the theo almost half of that money is just to lease the name nouveau have to be for thirty years thats it after that theyre going to have to come up with another name or sign another we use i guess and part of the deal is that various museums in paris will loan hundreds of different works to move each year. During those thirty years whistlers famous portrait of his mother is there currently as is the van gogh we just saw and the new museum of course fits into a plan to position itself as the new Cultural Center and the persian gulf theyre off to a pretty good start id say lets take a closer look. The new nerve is located on a water lapped outpost its vast cosmic dun stands as the Structures Center pace. Is made up for the sky because mick because were wrestling is a random system like the star that seven i imagine is out with the light of truth. And and i imagine that was not a lot of lighting just was just a little bit too great a guy of a full range of flight. The dapples of light may seem random but theyre the result of years of careful testing the also helps modulator temperature and conditions inside the museum to protect the works from one of the harshest environments in the world the new live was born out of the two thousand and seven Intergovernmental Agreement between paris and abu dhabi the museum hopes to inspire Cross Cultural dialogue and exchange. Its definitely a center of peace as a sense of peace the center of acceptance its a center of tolerance its essential education i mean again going back to the words of his highness should have been side when he said this museum is a gift from me to the world and you know when youre in this museum were all connected were all one. Of abu dhabi is working in collaboration with thirteen leading french museums from which its learned some hoffer the pieces on display. Masterworks are here like those from Leonardo Da Vinci theyve got to go out and claude monet. Having more than six hundred works of art in fifty five buildings the new love is a village of art in the desert and one visitors will likely need more than one trip to appreciate all it has to offer. And french president im on your own my call is there tonight to open the museum and to kick off his first middle east tour what an accomplishment i mean its undeniably one of the most ambitious projects. Today but theres been also some controversy yeah well a decade ago when the plans were first being discussed there was an outcry in france people were saying that the duvel was selling its soul off to the highest bidder to this oil money and the last years the controversy is really been about human rights about working conditions in the u. A. E. Particularly for the people building the Museum Workers are not allowed to strike in the u. A. E. And two workers died in the process of building the museum now. The directors of the duvel have so theyve had serious talks with abu dhabi about the situation thats all that theyre saying about it right now. Controversies are very unfortunate indeed but you mentioned earlier that abu dhabi is trying to become this cultural hub in the persian gulf what else do they have planned it will the louvel is really just the beginning for in a humongous new cultural district on the edge of the weve got some images of it right here of the plans for it this is so idea island and its pretty spectacular plans for this is the new National Museum thats planned designed by a star there is the guggenheim planned by frank gehry very frank gehry indeed no opening date even projected for that one or for this building the Performing Arts Center designed by the late zaha hadid it looks pretty spectacular no clear opening date or construction date on that either if this comes up when it comes off if this comes off the will basically be a place that the art world can no longer afford to ignore weve got more on that and on the new louve on our web site at the d. W. Dot com slash culture david thank you so much thanks all right some us soccer news now and world champions germany are facing england in a friendly fixture on friday that match will provide coaching your humanness with a vital opportunity to test his squad for germans world cup in russia although injured defender tang has been ruled out of the game. Joachim loew has a clear vision for germanys world cup squad he wants his place to exhibit social skills teamwork and a strong mentality. Leipsic left back muscle howsomever has been called up for the first time while mario kurtz is finally back along with the one after both missed international g. T. S. For a year due to illness and injury. Isnt. He this is a game to prepare ourselves for the world cup weve seen that we have an incredibly wide range of players and of course every game against an opponent like england is important to the vision to hear germanys new kits was also on veiled this wake with space on the chest for a fifth stuff for a possible fifth world cup title. And staying with soccer and bar in munich striker robert levin tao ski has taken time out from training with well cut down colin to discuss life with the german champions and the star forward had some choice words for byrons hierarchy and former coach carlo and shalabi. Poland meet your acquiring a friendly on friday having already qualified for junes world cup. With the pressure of strike a robot live in dusky decided to cast a night back to club side by in munich and hail new coach youll find because. I think the coach will focus more on data on stabilizing the tame we knew we had a good team we had good players who could play football but something was not working now we can say that the puzzle has been put back together because they were. The byron man has been linked in the media with a move to real madrid the forward said he wanted the german champions to show more ambition in the transfer market with other european clubs splashing their cash. Around looking at recent transfers and how much some clubs pay for players if i want to fight for the best players they have to be more creative they have to come up with Something Else we should not delude ourselves a club needs to sign a top player every two or three years to refresh the tame to bring in some new blood and some new quality. And i want. My own bosses have been warned spend big to try to win the Champions League or your top striker wont be happy. Whats wrong next where pope francis has hit out at snap happy bishops priests and pilgrims telling them mass is the time for prayer not taking pictures off francis interrupted his weekly audience at st Peters Square to tell the crowd of thousands that the use of cell phones during the ceremony was a very ugly thing. It makes me very sad when i celebrate mass here in the. Or in the basilica. And i see so many cell phones held up not only by the faithful. But also by some priests and even bishops please. The priest says lift up your hearts you know. He does not say lift up your cell phones and take pictures no. No. And another italian city belling the nonstop going of tourists camera phones and has made a decisive move to reduce its visitor numbers letters says it will ban giant cruise ships from steaming past the lagoon citys Historic Center the controversial decision which comes after years of debate as an attempt to balance the venice is delicate ecosystem with the income generated by tourism. For tens of thousands of tourists a high point of a mediterranean cruise is going through the narrow canals of venice or lane anchor in view of the Piazza San Marco and the byzantine the celica the cruise industry has been expanding for years and the multi deck ships are bigger than ever the aim is to economize and pack more people on board at the same time. In this ancient city the trend has long been a source of anger and concern among locals especially conservationists theyve been lobbying against what they consider an invasive presence of giant cruise ships for years saying both the city status as a unesco World Heritage site and the ecology of a truly good are under threat. But now following a meeting between the transport ministry in rome and representatives from venice large cruise ships will be banned in venice its Historic City Center starting in twenty nineteen the ships will have to take a different route and dock elsewhere. Checked all possible routes and have come up with a realistic alternative. So the nations can expect somewhat calmer days in two years time but some of them actually dread this prominent voices in the Tourism Sector say those who depend on visitors fear for their livelihoods. Before i let you go want to remind you of our top story this hour. Could become the first new country to allow people to be registered as a third gender the countrys top all that present laws discriminate against intersex people. You can talk. How vulnerable is germany to a hacker attack. A rigorous test as applied to Energy Supply and hospitals telecommunication companies. Completely networked completely vulnerable back in germany. Fifty d. W. Health. And here is to long. Solidarity. They fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and foreigner grows. Life in an equal societies. The divide starting november fifteenth on d w. E tells us stirring stories. It makes us laugh. And cry. Tremble and smile. Magical images and emotions enough. To know the magazine every weekend on d w. Just listen this is the sound of time passing as forests the size of twenty five football fields are lost every minute adding to Greenhouse Gases but what is the sound of a train not for us the sound of biodiversity Tourism Community Development Reliable food and water. The United Nations Development Program is listening and working with communities to protect forests. As for the future we want if youre hearing what were hearing find out moral. Freedom of expression. A value that always has to be defended and new. All over the world. Are to a Freedom Freedom of art. A multimedia project about artists and their rights to express their views freely. D w dot com part of freedom. This is d w news a live from berlin tonight its a boy or a girl or neither nor a Landmark Court ruling means germany could become the first european country to offer a third gender on birth certificates its being called a small river

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