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All fully fledged Nuclear Power after its latest Missile Launch will go to our correspondent in the seoul also coming up. Giving would be migrants hope at home if they see a future for themselves there perhaps it will not make the dangerous journey to europe that is at the heart of the summit between leaders of the e. U. And the African Union. And here in berlin the action moves today to the president ial palace says negotiations take place to form a new Coalition Government the german president will host talks between chancellor machall and the leader of the social democrats. Im brian thomas thanks so much for being with us United States has warned north koreas leaders that they will be destroyed should tensions over the countrys Weapons Program break out into war. North korean state media claiming this photo shows during a latest missile test launch two days ago observers saying it is north koreas most advanced Intercontinental Ballistic Missile to date and that this rocket can hit any city in the u. S. Including washington d. C. The trumpet ministrations also threatened new sanctions and its pressing china to cut off its oil supply to north korea americas ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley delivered this stern message to the north korean regime the dictator of north korea made a choice yesterday that brings the world closer to war not farther from it we have never sought war with north korea and still today we do not seek it if war does come it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday and if war comes make no mistake the north korean regime will be utterly destroying the nations of the for the very latest lets bring in Jason Strother joins us from the south korean capital seoul jason strong words from the u. S. Ambassador at the u. N. There are they likely to have any effect on john yang. Well you know weve seen ever since donald trump became president earlier this year that there has been a were a war of world words going on between pyongyang and the United States and he insults lobbed at the kim jong un regime by President Trump have been met by similar fiery rhetoric coming from north korea so im sure that in within the upcoming days if not hours we will hear some or some kind of response from pyongyang about whats been said at the u. N. Security council ok now President Trump has been calling on china to do all it can to isolate north korea what kind of leverage does beijing have right now. Well china certainly does have some leverage over north korea as nikki haley said today in new york much of north koreas crude imports come from china however there is perhaps a false belief that china has some sort of magic pill that will resolve the whole problem with north korea. Has shown many times that it will not do as beijing once it to do of course beijing has numerous times condemned north koreas provocations whether it be Missile Launches or Nuclear Tests but that has not deterred the kim jong un regime and at the end of the day china does not want a collapsing north korea it wouldnt want to see a south korea backed by American Forces on its border so theres a limit to how much china is willing to do ok well the u. S. Is warning that if china does not cut off its oil supplies to north korea that it might take matters into its own hands now what my washington be talking about what are its options right now. Well i think this is a game that the Trump Administration has been playing all along it always raises the stakes without being too explicit about what it might actually be talking about whether its trump saying that you know the u. S. Will handle north koreas recent i. C. B. M. Test. I think that the u. S. At least once to portray the notion that it could take preemptive military action in hopes of getting more movement here in the region and jason thanks so much for that from seoul. Now for some of the other stories making the news at this hour one of americas most famous morning t. V. News personalities has been fired for alleged Sexual Misconduct matt lauer host of the popular today show on n. B. C. Say meanwhile the prominent us public radio host Garrison Keillor has also been let go for alleged inappropriate behavior. Hundreds of Bosnian Croat held a vigil for the convicted workroom and all slobbered on all yok after he killed himself with poison at a u. N. Court in the hague he was instrumental in attempts to set up a state within what is now bosniaherzegovina and then removing muslims from the region a judge upheld his twenty year jail sentence for crimes he committed during the war in former yugoslavia. Police in pakistan say gunman have opened fire on worshippers outside a mosque in the capital islamabad they say three or four attackers on motorbikes shot at members of the Shia Community after evening prayers at least one person was killed a number of others were injured now addressing the root causes of the crises that create refugees and containing migration is the focus of a summit now underway in ivory Coast Capital abidjan more than eighty african and european leaders are on hand one of the Biggest Challenges i use unemployment on a continent with a rapidly growing population. Was younger a date these two can spell the beginning of a new life initially rachel had wanted to try his luck in europe but halfway into his journey into his ear he gave up and returned home to Ivory Coast International organization for migration gave him a smaller amount of start up money for his chicken farm. Shop in fisher de niro of his initiatives to stop young people leaving africa thats his message to the heads of government reason just a few kilometers away. But like to see them spending more money on young people there are so many unemployed young people many of them are highly qualified and have plans and ideas something has to change. The topic of migration is high on the agenda at the african and European Union summit german chancellor Angela Merkel said the issue is tied to the fight against people trafficking. In recent weeks there have been shocking reports from libya detailing how african migrants have been sold as slaves. At the theme i know that in a highly emotional element to the issue so i think there is a common interest in stopping illegal migration and instead offering legal ways for people from africa to be educated and study in europe africa. Humanitarian critics say there are far too few legal possibilities for migrants but most n. G. O. S are excluded from discussions at the summit an alternative summit for n. G. O. S was cancelled by the ivory Coast Security Services Without reason khadijah khanate was one of the organizers she thinks the official summit is undemocratic. It him it will then you need Something Like this is good for the governments but not for the people here i really dont think that that concerns will be heard at the summit. Even these Young Artists are not allowed to cross the cordons they say the summit will do nothing to help them. Young people will continue to try their luck elsewhere as long as those in power and africa continue to ignore them. So can the summit make a real difference for Young Africans lets go straight to did have news max often he joins us now from abidjan max whats it looking like are there some concrete proposals for making life better at home. European Member States are pledging about forty four billion euro within the next years to help the situations in different african countries although many of the leaders insisted that they had to check very thorough lee what exactly they would invest and what they would try to help those african countries with it so thats one part and the second part especially the german chess i get america mentioned which is on the african side Good Governance for example medical said that the young generation thats getting stronger and stronger in the african countries would help would hold their governments accountable for Good Governance and for fighting corruption of course those are two names that weve heard over and over again in the last decades but participants here in the vigil insisted that this time its different its a real new start between the European Union and the African Union a max things are different on a lot of levels the world was shocked at the scenes of african refugees on sales slaves in libya and apparently theres a push on right now to address that. Bryan youre right about that there was an emergency meeting called by the french president that money remark all on the topic last night and apparently the plan of some of the european Member States now is to evacuate at least some of the migrants that are stuck in those terrible camps in libya the official Libyan Government is on board and wants a grant access to those camps and then some of the migrants would be flown back to their countries of origin others depending on their status might be flown to European Union countries or other countries in the world you can see the details and still not really need to be worked out but in the new way mccall said that this plan would be put into action within the next days or weeks so there is some urgency to do something about the situation on the european end on the african side ok briefly if you could max out what about the calls for a legal path for african migration as i getting any support there is a lot of support especially the germans are talking about legal migration for the sake of education in the European Union but the chancellor when we asked or said that this would might be open also for qualified workers or other workers again also in need to work out the details here but legal migration seems to be in the cards ok my software isnt abidjan at that summit thanks very much max. Pope francis has wrapped up his visit to myanmar without publicly addressing the crisis to avoid a diplomatic incident while in the buddhist majority country a Catholic Leader concluded his trip by celebrating a youth mass calling on his audience to embrace reconciliation and forgiveness the pontiff though drew criticism from human Rights Groups for not speaking out about the plight facing the countrys hinges they are Muslim Francis is now on his way to neighboring bangladesh where some six hundred thousand right have fled to escape a military crackdown in me and more. Our correspondent bussin heartache is covering the papal visit for us in conflict and you have to understand that many of the christians in this country come from ethnic areas areas that have experienced long years of civil war and some of them are still experiencing. Armed internal conflicts civil wars to the current day so that people felt it was really comforting to hear that now the one conflict of course that overshadowed this whole visit bryant was the conflict over the role hinge of the muslim rule hinge on minority in western me and maher and as you said the pope did not explicitly address that conflict he did not use the term did not call them by name and for sure that will leave a mark on his legacy because he of course has a reputation of speaking out bravely on behalf of the oppressed now he didnt do that here and many frankly were disappointed with that not only human Rights Groups but also and not least the road themselves and maybe there were injuries few g. s that the pope is set to meet on his next stop in bangladesh maybe theyll tell him that brian ok what is the expectation when the pope is in bangladesh is its also he will be bringing up the issue of the injuries now in bangladesh with that countrys leaders. Well one thing hes definitely not going to do brian is go to the refugee camps on the border with me and mar where more than six hundred twenty thousand refugees have crossed over from me and mar and now live there in dire conditions and have to survive there in dire in dire in a dire situation so hes not going to see that with his own eyes what he is apparently going to do is going to meet some of those who are refugees so that implicates that then he will also address that crisis but as unpredictable as this pope is brian i guess well just have to wait and see ok boss in her. From dawn following the papal visit in more of known his way to bangladesh thanks very much. Or here in berlin the pressure is on to form a new Coalition Government after weeks of failed negotiations to come up with one until the september election there was a coalition between chancellor merkels conservatives and the center left social democrats now it looks as if germany is in for more of the same from fatah steinmeyer a former social democrat himself and a minister in the last coalition is now president and hes looking to bridge the differences today and talks at the president ial palace the two get along well and respect each other and dilemma a foreign minister. If it were just up to the c. D. U. Chief and the former leader of the social democrats negotiations for the grand coalition would be rather straightforward but many s. P. D. Members are still reeling from the poor Election Results they now want the conservatives to pay a high price for a new edition of a grand coalition one of the core demands is that the state spend more money on social welfare programs. In a bid to combat old age poverty the s. P. D. Wants to increase state pensions using tax funds and they want to limit temporary work contracts something the conservative alliance is opposed to. Theres also disagreement when it comes to refugee policy the s. P. D. Wants to allow close relatives of refugees in germany to join them but so far the c. D. U. C. S. U. Has blocked this plan the social democrats in turn reject the demand by the conservatives for an upper limit on the number of refugees allowed into germany. The s. P. D. And the conservatives have few differences when it comes to foreign and e. U. Policy gabriele would like to remain foreign minister and even conservatives agree that sometimes abrasive has been an effective foreign minister the only difference is that the s. P. D. Sympathizes with the french president s ideas on reform such as a common European Finance policy the conservative alliance rejects many of my clients plans but say theyre still waiting to talk theres no guarantee that a new edition of the grand coalition will succeed but analysts say negotiations should not take as long as recent talks between the conservatives and two of the smaller parties after all yes of working together have led to a certain family arity. Was going to be a big one go hurts your talk about a german engineering giant siemens is setting the stage for the countrys biggest i. P. O. What twenty years yeah Something Like that and they chose frankfurt over new york for the listing of its health amirs its medical business which makes technical equipment for hospitals and doctors like m. R. I. Scanners or x. Ray machines in the last Quarter Health in the us was the largest of siemens nine divisions by revenue and its also the most profitable one as part of the i. P. O. Siemens is expected to sell a Minority Stake of up to twenty five percent the listing of the Stock Exchange is scheduled to take place in the first half of next year so thats cause i was off a National Correspondent here koku was standing by right there and frankly we dont know whats the difference between doing r. P. O. In frankfurt or in new york for example. You have an interesting question garrett and yeah investors are very happy that in the end it is going to be a mine hatten and not manhattan and we are hearing though from inside that it was kind of like a tough raise and also that the board member in charge of health in years was always more in favor of the new york Stock Exchange rather than frank for Stock Exchange also london for short time was in the discussion but because of brechts that they didnt want to even consider it at the end london frankfurt of course now was brek said getting more and more important also as a Stock Exchange and were also hearing that its very interesting in the case of demons because other Similar Companies such as. And medical kit medical care both listed in the blue chip index tax are also being traded here the ip old by the world will be organized by Goldman Sachs and the other company also because of breaks that shifting many off their employees and moving them from london here to Frankfurt Germany these are appear on investors excited about it what are you hearing will be kids. Yeah they are very excited and so excited about it we have to remember when dortch a telecom was also launching about twenty years ago what kind of hype that created in the investors are hoping that this is also going to be very similar now with the mens and of course we have to remember that in the last time siemens was creating mostly bad news here in germany we saw many people also going to the street demonstrating because now it even though their business is doing very well that they would be closing down some or shutting down some of their facilities mostly in east germany who are building those gas turbines that are not anymore running as good as they did before so this is now also good news for siemens and at the end also very good news for investors get hurt. In frankfurt thank you. Trade ministers from g twenty countries are gathering in berlin today to avert an all out trade war over still china is under fire for throwing cheap steel into World Markets to deal with its overproduction at home the u. S. Is imposed tariffs of foreign steel and the e. U. Said it would retaliate its all a bit of a mess and the german trade minister supers has warned that chance the chances for an agreement today are slim and as a result of this prices more and more steel makers are merging since germanys Just Announced it was to merge with indian rival tata Steel Workers in germany. After working seven Straight Days a slag operator gets four days off. Began his career at thirty eight years ago but now hes afraid hell lose his job. Theyre going to close the. Were fighting to keep our jobs. Thousand jobs here and another two thousand and more talking over four thousand jobs. Then you have to wonder who those four thousand will be. Has signed a letter of intent to merge that steel business with tata steel competition from the u. S. And china has made the market highly competitive. That joining forces will make them more formidable and allow them to become more specialized for instance with flat Steel Production aside shuttering plants in germany the Works Council feels undermined by plans to base the new entity in the netherlands where they have no representation. There are a number of new developments never seen before. Other changes but this fifty fifty joint venture is entirely different. Colleagues are really worried because theres no way to know even a hint of what our future is going to look like. Horsed zimmerman whos three years away from retiring feels the best years are behind him his brother thomas who sits on the Workers Council the still hopeful the brothers have a different vision of to some crops a future. Cup of coffee. Like were being thrown under the bus im not hopeful well keep fighting. In the woods give action our union is strong. Has our backs. That makes us confident well have the opportunity to steer things in a positive direction for us. Is despite their differences the brothers are united in the hope that the blast furnaces and duisburg and other german factories will keep firing for a long time to come. Well ministers from the g twenty group of countries and the o. E. C. D. Are meeting in poland to balance today as weve heard a mycology on the chamber is covering that event hes in the studio with me each one of the terrorists the e. U. Is firing back it doesnt sound really nice does it mean that can this summit today really help avert a proper trade war well they will be meeting for a very short time today just for a couple of hours and these are trade ministers from the g. Twenty group of nations and of course the o. E. C. D. And what we do know though is that the u. S. Hasnt sent its highest level trade representatives so thats already kind of sending a message does it does i mean everybody china germany the e. U. Of course is and its highest trade represents if they are you commissioner Celia Malmstrom so obviously its kind of strange that the u. S. Will not be having the highest level person speaking on behalf of them and we all kind of wondering whether thats obviously a message but well hear that later today at the press conference and will be able to tell you whats going on so does the fact that the one of the main players in this game is not at the table doesnt mean that probably there wont be any. Anything really well they are the table but of course he sent his chief of staff so that says something is obviously i mean the chief of staff can always make some decisions you know on the fly so that could mean that maybe the u. S. Wont be either making any big moves or major announcements at this point or that they are obviously keen on going with what President Trump has already said which is potentially having punitive tariffs on cheaper steel from china or the e. U. So lets think a bit further when you know some some kind of trade war is developing work we expect from the Steel Industry in the coming months well in terms of what we can expect in europe especially we could expect more consolidation. Like we saw in that report has announced that they will be merging with tata steel which is from india so we will see if maybe fewer players in the euro can market and of course with the shrinking in terms of the number of players like i just said and of course. Companies also produce less still as a result of that and the e. U. Interestingly in brief if you can i mean its all based on steel isnt it yes it is this is the history of the e. U. The first Common Market at least the biggest Common Market in the world was founded to basically protect the steel and coal market and that was in one thousand fifty two and that was the european coal and Steel Community which today is the European Union so this is the core. Of the European Union supporters you better thank you very much. In the us the Republican Party is split about Donald Trumps plans to cut taxes to the tune of one point five trillion dollars over a decade now Senate Republicans have put forward new demands to cut the proposed tax rate even further from twenty two percent down to twenty percent the bill was passed in the house vote two weeks ago and the senate is set to vote on the measure the president from promoted to legislation in the event ensign charles missouri on wednesday saying the changes would come waste from the tax system critics say mainly the rich will benefit but the president does not agree with. Americas tax code is a total dysfunctional mess the Current System has cost our nation millions of american jobs trillions and trillions of dollars and billions of hours wasted on paperwork and compliance it is riddled with loopholes that let some special interests colluding myself and our furnace is going to cost me a fortune this thing believe me belief this is not good for me. Back to our guard we have time to remind our viewers that you can find out more about these and other stories our website dot com or follow us on twitter and Facebook News feeds there as well for now though from the entire team thanks so much for being with us. Enjoy the conflict zone a new president has taken the oath of office in zimbabwe but you see any different from the old one my guest here in london is nick by one of the u. K. Representative of the countrys ruling zanu p. F. Party with thirty five years of bloodshed on the house and the economy in ruins what business do they have continuing to govern. When cities are engulfed by the sea. And all that comes along. And costly protective measures would be in. Flux. Challenging our signature in forty five minutes on d. W. Every journey begins with the first step and every language but the first word published in the. Rico is in germany to learn german why not learn a simple online on your mobile and free shop for d w z e learning course because german made it easy. D w true diversity. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. On top of programming go in there you know. And with us our innovations magazine for. Every week and always looking to the future on d w dot com science and research for a. New president has taken the oath of office in zimbabwe but is he any different from the old one my guest here in london is nick by one of the u. K. Representative of the countrys ruling zanu p. F. With thirty five years of bloodshed on their hands mast

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